Brand and Visual Identity Guidelines APRIL 2015 AMERICAN LE I N CO L E UNIVERSITY GE OF MED IC of ANTIGUA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE INTRODUCTION We believe that tomorrow’s physicians need a global education. Despite the ongoing physician shortage, U.S. medical schools are not opening up more seats to meet the rising demand of patients in need of healthcare. The future lies in training physicians from diverse backgrounds who then practice in areas they’re needed most. We are here to provide this service. Our brand represents the students we want to educate: people who are compassionate, dedicated, driven, and have a global mindset. As a relatively young medical school, we have hit many milestones in a short period of time and in turn, earned an excellent international reputation as a leader in medical education. Our prestige derives from our approvals and accreditations and the success of our alumni. Keeping AUA’s brand consistent and cohesive is essential to the narrative we construct for our audience. This guide provides the visual and editorial aids to express all that distinguishes us. OUR NAME It is very important to maintain a sense of consistency when referring to the school, in order to crystallize AUA’s purpose in the minds of both new and familiar audiences. Consistency in referring to the school also helps to minimize confusion and differentiate AUA from peer and competitor institutions. Our institution’s name is: American University of Antigua College of Medicine Verbally, and in print, the only appropriate acronyms are: AUA or AUACOM It can also be referred to as: AUA College of Medicine, American University of Antigua, American University of Antigua COM These references should not be the primary or first mention in any document. They can be used verbally and in written pieces as a way to provide a sense of linguistic variety. NOT: • The American University of Antigua • AUA’s College of Medicine • American Univ. of Antigua • AUA Medical School • American University of Medicine • University of Antigua A SEAL U LE I C I N CO L E Our seal is simple – a caduceus at the center with a sun in the background. When discussing the College of Medicine, this is the logo to use. GE OF MED o LOGO AND USAGE The AUA logo exists in two orientations to accommodate most applications. This section also details tagline applications, specific affiliated group treatments, and buffer space allowances. Each logo should be treated as one unified graphic and should never be separated or distorted. The seal and type of the logo should never be broken apart and the proportions of the logo should remain consistent. The logo cannot be modified in any way; it is forbidden. Before beginning a design project, ensure that all assets are up-to-date. The space around the logo and school name should be equal to (or greater than) the height of the “A” in American. See the logo spacing diagram for more details. Primary logo: AMERICAN I N OF MED IC of ANTIGUA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Secondary logo: AMERICAN UNIVERSITY CO L LE GE OF MED IC I of ANTIGUA L LE E CO AMERICAN UNIVERSITY I N GE E LE N CO L E UNIVERSITY GE OF MED IC of ANTIGUA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Examples: AMERICAN E UNIVERSITY I N IC of ANTIGUA LE E L I N AMERICAN UNIVERSITY GE OF MED IC of ANTIGUA AMERICAN E UNIVERSITY I N IC of ANTIGUA L LE E UNIVERSITY I N AMERICAN C OC LL L IEN G IEC O ED A FL M SC I EI C NICNEE S D E PA RTM E N T COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CO F MED In developing marks that represent sub-brands and AUA-related entities, lead with the school’s brand marks and use complementary type treatments that support — rather than overshadow — the primary logos. CO F MED LOGOS: D E PA R T M E N T S / G R O U P S GE OF MED IC of ANTIGUA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE UGCEA T NE D I C I N E C OEL D LE O IFOM ENHANCEMENT D E PA RTM E N T COL of ANTIGUA E I N IC UNIVERSITY of ANTIGUA Secondary logo: CO L LE GE I E IC OF MED GE LE L E LE I N CO L GE OF MED IC LE GE OF MED E E N CO L I N IC of ANTIGUA GE OF MED E LE I N E N N I L UNIVERSITY IC E IC I of ANTIGUA O F MEDICINE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY C O L L E G E O F O ANTIGUA F MEDICINE of COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Minimum width: 1.25 in COLLEGE OF MEDICINE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Minimum width: 3.5 in L LE When to use the shield alone If the branding space is limited, or if AUA is written out CO LLEG near the logo, such as in social media platforms, then you may use the AUA shield alone. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY MEDICINE CO IC CO OF MED COLLEGE COLLEGE AMERICAN AMERICAN I CO GE IC UNIVERSITY LE OF MED E of ANTIGUA CO L GE N I LE IC L OF MED CO AMERICAN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY ANTIGUA of of ANTIGUA CAN SITY C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E AMERICAN GUA UNIVERSITY of ANTIGUA OF MED E OF MED GE LE L OF MED of ANTIGUA GE GE MEDICINE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE AMERICAN LE LE I N E N E N E IC I N CO L L N UNIVERSITY CO C Oto LL E GAUA E O“A”. F UNIVERSITY Spacing around logos should be equivalent one CO AMERICAN UNIVERSITY CO I E of ANTIGUA IC N COLLEGE OF MEDICINE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE I OF MED IC GE I IC OF MED LE OF MED GE CO L GE LE LE L CO L AMERICAN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY ANTIGUA of of ANTIGUA AMERICAN AMERICAN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Primary logo: UNIVERSITY AMERICAN L O G O A N D U S A G E : S I Z I N G A N D S PA C I N G GE OF MED IC of ANTIGUA COL LOGO AND USAGE: REVERSING The reversed logo may be placed over any AUA brand colors. I UNIVERSITY E I N GE OF MED IC of ANTIGUA I of ANTIGUA AMERICAN UNIVERSITY L LE GE OF MED IC I of ANTIGUA LE CI GE OF MED I of ANTIGUA AMERICAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CO LE OF MED CO L GE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE L L LE GE OF MED IC I of ANTIGUA L LE E of ANTIGUA AMERICAN CI E OF MED LE N E N GE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE L AMERICAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CO CI AMERICAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CO LE CO L AMERICAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE E AMERICAN UNIVERSITY CI N of ANTIGUA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE N I E IC N OF MED E GE N E LE N L CO GUA CO SITY UNIVERSITY CO CAN AMERICAN GE OF MED I of ANTIGUA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE COLLEG LOGO AND USAGE: DON’TS Do Not... ... Cut off parts of the logo. AMERICAN N CI GE I of ANTIGUA ... Move elements around. AMERICAN E LE I N CO L GE OF MED IC of ANTIGUA ... Place the logo on background that renders it illegible. LL EGE E OF M D CO MED E OF G E L L I ... Rotate the logo. C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N UNIVERSITY E L LE GE ICIN E AMERICAN UNIVERSITY L LE GE OF MED IC I of ANTIGUA COLLE ... Place the logo on a non-brand color. AMERICAN CO UNIVERSITY O C OF MED COLLEGE OF IC A NY R E M A V ERSIT MEDICINE UNI TIGUA of A N ... Alter the colors of the logo. CO CO LE E UNIVERSITY L ... Stretch the logo disproportionately. E of ANTIGUA E I CI N IC E OF MED IN GE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE C LE N CO L E UNIVERSITY N AMERICAN OF MED I of ANTIGUA AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ANTIGUA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ... Use older iterations of the AUA logo ? COLLEGE OF MEDICINE The AUA “Fun Logo” can only be used if given expressed permission by the Marketing Department. Please contact SPIRIT MARK These logos should be used for all merchandise related to AUA (i.e. t-shirts, bumper stickers, sweatshirts, etc.) This will replace the old “sun logo” that has been used on materials before. T Y P O G R A P H Y: W E B P R OX I M A N OVA Headlines • Call-outs • Titles • Calls to Action Proxima Nova is the result of a hybrid that combines modern proportions with a geometric appearance. In the last few years, Proxima Nova has become one of the most popular fonts, in use on thousands of applications around the world. ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 (Proxima should be used with at least 200pt tracking and in all-caps.) Museo Slab Subheads • Body copy Museo Slab is a font that incorporates traditional serif elements for increased legibility, while still presenting a simple, modern look. (Museo Slab should never be used in all-caps.) Note: We allow the use of Helvetica Neue or Arial when Museo Slab is not available. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 T Y P O G R A P H Y: P R I N T Lato Headlines • Titles The Lato typeface was created using classical proportions to give the letterforms familiar harmony and elegance. Note: We allow the use of Helvetica Neue or Arial when Lato is not available. Adobe Garamond Pro Subheads • Body copy Designers have used the Garamond typeface and its variations as a standard for four centuries because of their elegance, warmth, readability, and legibility. Adobe Garamond Pro is a careful, modern interpretation influenced by specimens of Garamond’s original type. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 T Y P O G R A P H Y: E X A M P L E S THIS IS A MEMO and I am the subject. The use of two distinct typefaces is preferred. Please follow the pairings set out in this section. Ma voluptatur acepeliqui am, elique adis sitatemporia is moluptas dolecest, anda qui quam eostiat repudaeped ut dolore natetur sitendam facepud iscipsant as nobitiam facepuditio. Parum sandae pero beatecaturem ipit et lam, cor solorem poritius, ut del et omnit vercid molorent. Adobe Garamond Pro CO As debis eatias estio. Ihitatur, seni doloratis rehenem. Hicta illam iur aut lant plignisque doluptatem nobit quias et di beaqui beatiore provita consedit dolorrore velis doloria ium dita AMERICAN UNIVERSITY que nim rehenis as dipsa cumqui opta quatem volo quas num. L LE E Consider the level of formality when selecting a typeface. Generally speaking, sans serif fonts (Arial) are less formal than serif fonts (Adobe Garamond Pro). Lato I N Do not mix type selections. GE OF MED IC of ANTIGUA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Tur arcid quatus qui beaquis dit a dollupta consero id que verspie nderum eum estrum rest quas ni tblaccumquas aut BASIC SCIENCES pore acest qui alis acitio cor sime volupture nesequi bustota tatecaboria int porporio berae exerum il molupta tionse. t The Building Blocks for Your Medical Career Proxima Nova BASIC SCIENCES CURRICULUM E D U C AT I O N ENHANCEMENT D E PA R T M E N T ACADEMIC FACILITIES A U.S. curriculum in the Caribbean Take your studies to the next level. Built around you LOREM IPSUM DOLOR Museo Slab Ma voluptatur acepeliqui am, elique adis sitatemporia is moluptas dolecest, anda qui quam eostiat repudaeped ut dolore natetur sitendam facepud iscipsant as nobitiam facepuditio. Parum sandae pero beatecaturem ipit et lam, cor solorem poritius, ut del et omnit vercid molorent. As debis eatias estio. Ihitatur, seni doloratis rehenem. Hicta illam iur aut lant plignisque doluptatem nobit quias et di beaqui beatiore provita consedit dolorrore velis doloria ium dita que nim rehenis as dipsa cumqui opta quatem volo quas num. A Very Important Subtitle Tur arcid quatus qui beaquis dit a dollupta consero id que verspie nderum eum estrum rest quas ni blaccumquas aut pore acest qui alis acitio cor sime volupture nesequi bustota tatecaboria int porporio berae exerum il molupta tionse. Tur arcid quatus qui beaquis dit a dollupta consero id que verspie nderum eum estrum rest quas ni blaccumquas aut pore. LETTERHEAD Top Margin: 2” AMERICAN Left Margin: 3/4” Adobe Garamond Pro LE I N CO L E UNIVERSITY GE OF MED IC of ANTIGUA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE February 18th, 2015 Mr. John Doe Acme, Inc. 123 Main St. Albuquerque, NM 07302 Dear John Doe: Ma voluptatur acepeliqui am, elique adis sitatemporia is moluptas dolecest, anda qui quam eostiat repudaeped ut dolore natetur sitendam facepud iscipsant as nobitiam facepuditio. Parum sandae pero beatecaturem ipit et lam, cor solorem poritius, ut del et omnit vercid molorent. Ma voluptatur acepeliqui am, elique adis sitatemporia is moluptas dolecest, anda qui quam Manipal Education Americas, LLC Representative for American University of Antigua 1 Battery Park Plaza, 33rd Floor, New York, NY 10004 1 (888) AUA-UMED | E M A I L + S I G N AT U R E To: Cc: Subject: Hello there! Dear John Doe: Arial, 12pt. Regular Ma voluptatur acepeliqui am, elique adis sitatemporia is moluptas dolecest, anda qui quam eostiat repudaeped ut dolore natetur sitendam facepud iscipsant as nobitiam facepuditio. Parum sandae pero beatecaturem ipit et lam, cor solorem poritius, ut del et omnit vercid molorent. Ma voluptatur acepeliqui am, elique adis sitatemporia is moluptas dolecest, anda qui quam. Thank you! At least 2 line breaks _______________________________ white background Include line Jane Smith Associate Director of Admissions ___________________________ p: (212) 661-8899, ext. 246 f: (646) 390-4947 If applicable No embedded images/graphics Johnny Appleseed Helpdesk Administrator Manipal Education Americas, LLC Representative for American University of Antigua College of Medicine American International College of Arts and Sciences - Antigua p: (212) 661-8899, ext. 321 f: (646) 390-4947 1 Battery Park Plaza, 33rd floor New York, NY 10004 Manipal Education Americas, LLC 1 Battery Park Plaza, 33rd Flr New York, NY 10004 At least 2 line breaks after signature Sample MEA-only signature C O L O R PA L E T T E We use color to convey our brand. AUA Blue — synonymous with the AUA brand — conveys both strength and wisdom. AUA Blue should be the dominant color for materials, with the primary color palette providing accents. These colors can have white text printed or displayed over them and meet accessibility standards. The secondary colors work on two levels. First, they clarify different types of information like categories and sections. Second, they represent the depth and breadth of our offerings. All use of color should meet accessibility standards. HEX #8C8C8C RGB: 140-140-140 CMYK: 0-0-0-45 HEX #AEAEAE RGB: 174-174-174 CMYK: 0-0-0-32 HEX #D1D1D1 RGB: 209-209-209 CMYK: 0-0-0-18 HEX #DDC300 RGB: 221-195-0 CMYK: 0-12-100-13 BARBUDA SUN HEX #618C07 RGB: 97-140-7 CMYK: 31-0-95-45 C LO S E S T A L L I G ATO R AUA BLUE HEX #07618C RGB: 7-97-140 CMYK: 95-31-0-45 HEX #3880A3 RGB: 56-128-163 CMYK: 66-22-0-36 #6AA0BA RGB: 106-160-186 CMYK: 43-14-0-27 HEX #9BBED1 RGB: 155-190-209 CMYK: 26-9-0-18 HEX #CDDFE8 RGB: 205-223-232 CMYK: 12-4-0-9 HEX #8C3207 RGB: 140-50-7 CMYK: 0-64-95-45 ANTIGUA CHERRY HEX #DD7600 RGB: 221-118-0 CMYK: 0-47-100-13 M A N G O TA N G O RESOURCES All Visual Identity files are available on the Public Drive (under Visual Identity) including: • Logos • Font installer files • General Letterhead • Letterheads by Department • Color swatch (for Adobe Creative Suite) • This manual
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