Caulfield & District Netball Page 1 Page 2 Association Newsletter Page 3 S I X T H E D I T I O N 2 0 1 5 M A Y 2 0 1 5 Committee Communication—Winter Season 2015 I N S I DE T H I S With the Winter 2015 season nearing a close, CDNA would like to thank all the teams on their participation throughout the season and congratulate those moving on to the finals series in a few weeks’ time. Please note the following important dates in competition and good luck to all teams in the last few games leading up to finals. I S SU E : Important Dates: Important Dates 1 Admin Corner: 1 Carpark, Building, Footwear Stranger 2 Danger 24th May: Dandenong Representative Squad Tournament 29th May: Final Round for Under 11s and medallion presentation ceremonies 30th May: Final Round for Under 13s – 25s 13th June: Elimination Finals 20th June: Grand Final Day 26th June: Final Week of NetSetGo 30th June: Entries for Summer Season close 17th July: Summer Season commences Rep Corner 2 NetSetGo! Corner 3 Umpires 3 Admin Corner Good Luck 3 Carpark: There has unfortunately been an issue with the car park this season as the council are using some of the space to temporarily house the portable units throughout the construction. Due to the restricted car spaces it can become quite difficult to find a spot throughout competition when it’s particularly busy so CDNA encourages seeking an alternate place to park your car to assist in the traffic control. Car parking can be found on East Boundary road, Crosbie Road (at the top of the park) and in the side streets surrounding the association all within easy walking distance of the courts. Building: The building is still under construction however there has been a great amount of work done over the last few weeks which is seeing the construction to have an expected completion later this year. Once the building is finished and we move in there will be an exciting new set up including fully functional canteen and indoor toilets and change rooms facilities. Footwear: The association would like to stress again how important appropriate netball footwear is for the players’ safety during matches. We’ve seen a number of injuries again this season which are caused by unsupportive footwear which can be avoided by ensuring netball specific runners are worn at all times. Nike free runs, converse and volleys are not suitable shoes for netball as they don’t provide sufficient ankle support nor do they have provide the stability required to make the changes of direction involved. P AGE Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 2 Stranger Danger The association cannot stress enough how important it is that children are under constant supervision both on and off the court. During team training we encourage you to ensure there is always an adult present particularly with young coaches who may require a little more help with ensuring every child is being supervised sufficiently. We have had a few issues reported regarding people attending the courts during training and competition who are not associated with any of the players or affiliates. Should at any time the coach or spectators and parents of a team see someone taking photographs or filming without permission please be sure to report it to the association during competition or contact 000 outside of hours. When contacting 000 try to give as much information as possible such as: A description of the appearance of the offender What they are wearing A rough age, height, weight and ethnicity Any distinctive features such as visible tattoos/piercings Which direction they are heading What you may have witnessed them doing Under no circumstances should you approach them if they appear to be at the courts for the wrong reasons, but rather consult with other teams regarding their activity and act accordingly. Should you contact 000 in any circumstance please ensure you advise the association of the situation and the outcome with as much further detail as you can provide so we can best look after our junior members. If you have any further queries or concerns please don't hesitate to contact the association. Rep Corner The representative teams have been playing weekly competition on Monday and Thursday nights at Waverley and have been having some great successes. The association wishes them luck in the tournament approaching this Sunday the 24th of May as they compete at Dandenong. CA ULFIELD & DIST RICT NETBA LL ASSOCIA TIO N P AGE 3 NetSetGo! Corner Page 1 Page 2 The term 2 program of NetSetGo has just completed their third week of the season, and the participants and coaches are having a blast working with one another. The net stream are working on their basic skill development and learning to work with one another in a play based session. The set streams are making a further development on their netball skills and working towards gaining a strong understanding of the game as they move towards under 11s competition. Their coaches are very proud of the progression they’ve made so far and are looking forward to continuing to help the girls develop their skills and gain a love for netball. If you or someone you know is interested in registering their daughter/son or is looking for some further information regarding NetSetGo in the term 3&4 program have them send an email to Page 3 Umpires CDNA would like to welcome and congratulate our 8 brand new umpires who joined the program during the Winter 2015 season. They’ve done an incredible job in developing their skills and we are very proud of their progress so far! The association would however like to remind spectators that whilst our umpires are doing a great job, they’re still in training and like the players sometimes they make mistakes. They’re doing their best and we expect they’re treated with respect and if you have any issues you find a supervisor on court, and not address the umpire directly. Should anyone be interested in joining the umpiring program at CDNA, please send an email to with their full name, date of birth, club/team (if applicable) and umpiring experience (if applicable). We are continuously receiving enthusiastic new umpires expressing their interest and do unfortunately have a waiting list for the program, so cannot guarantee when you will be invited to a training course, however we’re doing what we can to work through it and train as many new faces as possible each season. Good luck in the finals series! Thankyou to all the clubs, teams and participants for their participation this season and we hope to see you all back in July for the Summer Season commencing on the 17 th of July. Good luck to all teams competing in the finals series and enjoy the break! CA ULFIELD & DIST RICT NETBA LL ASSOCIA TIO N
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