Installation of Needle Felt (Patterned) and Broadloom Carpets Gibbon Group T: +61 7 3881 1777 F: +61 7 3881 1716 Ind dex word be eforeha and 1. A w 1.1. Reliable instructions s and recom mmendations 1.1.1. Inspection of the mateerials delive ered 2. Pre eparing g the su ubfloorss 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. Inspectin ng and prep paring floor surfaces Cement bonded su ubfloors Bitumen bonded su ubfloors Computer subfloors s Anhydrite subfloors s Extreme ely smooth and a dense ffloors Subfloorrs with an existing e hard d covering Wooden n floors 2.8.1. General preparations Floors on n which a previous p covvering was adhered 3. Fittting De esso bro oadloom m carpe et 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. Prelimina ary remarks s 3.1.1. Inspecting the floor 3.1.2. Site condittions for fittiing 3.1.3. Preparatorry steps beffore installin ng carpet sttrips Adhering g or stretching 3.2.1. Tufted con ntract qualit ies 3.2.2. Woven con ntract qualitties Fitting diirection Seam po ositioning Cutting Cutting of o the seam ms 3.6.1. Backing ed dges 3.6.2. Butt joining g 3.6.3. Cutting the e sides Adhering g After app plication of the adhesivve Streching carpet on nto underlayy and spike ed strips Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 3.10. Remova able installattion 3.11. Patterne ed carpet 3.11.1. Pattern shiifting (run o ut) 3.11.2. Pattern shiift between pieces from m the same e productionn 3.11.3. Bowing 3.11.4. Measuring up 3.11.5. Laying pattterned conttract carpetts 3.12. Wheelch hair resistan nt adhering 3.13. Adhering g carpet witth underfloo or heating 3.14. Adhering g carpet witth low electtrical resista ance values s 4. Fittting De esso carpet on n stairs 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. General Carpet pile p direction n Old stairrs with worn n treads New wooden stairs s Old hard d stone, tiled d and conccrete stairs New con ncrete stairs s finished w with a ceme ent coating Adhering g carpet on stairs Carpetin ng stairs using the strettching meth hod 5. Ne eedle fe elt carpe et 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. Influentia al factors off contract eenvironmentt Subfloorr Cutting Special requiremen r ts with pattterned need dle felt Adhering g Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au Insstalllation n off Ne eed dle e Fe elt (Pa atterne ed) / Bro oad dloom m Carp C petts 1. A w word be eforeha and The g greatest posssible care has s been given to manufactu uring Desso carpet c and caarpet tiles. Yo ou can be rest a assured that on o leaving the factory the carpet and carpet c tiles fu ully meet all thhe specifications descrribed in the re elevant produ uct documenntation fully. Desso D carpet and carpet ttiles howeverr only really come e to life in the interior. It is therefore of g great importa ance that the instructions below are followed very carefu ully. Only then can you be e assured of aan optimum result. 1.1.. Reliab ble instru uctions an nd recom mmendatio ons The in nstructions and a recomme endations conncerning the handling and d fitting of Dessso carpet and carpet tiles a are based on extensive tests carried ouut in our labo oratory and ye ears of practtical experience. Although Desso guarantee g the e accuracy off their advice, no responsibility whatsoeever can be taken t for work,, instructions and/or desc criptions supp plied by any third t party. Sh hould you haave any questtions in that respe ect the Techn nical Services s Departmentt at Desso wo ould be pleased to assist yyou. Carpet is s our trade, and there really is virtually noth hing in that arrea for which we will be un nable to offerr you an apprropriate solution. 1..1.1. Insp pection of the materia als delivered d Dessso stresses th hat you shou ld always insspect the carp pet delivered to you beforre commencing fittin ng. Every ord der is handled d by Desso with w the greateest possible care. Inspe ections are however alwaays carried ou ut under cond ditions that arre different to o those unde er which the carpet c is to b be fitted. It is therefore t to your y own advvantage to en nsure that a thoro ough inspection is made. NOTE E: Make sure that the qualitty, colour, patttern, etc. corrrespond exacttly with your order. o Alwa ays register any complaint b before comme encing cutting or fitting. Onlyy then will we e be able to accept and proces ss any complaaint further. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 2. Pre eparing g the su ubfloorss 2.1.. Inspe ecting and d prepari ng floor surfaces s When n fitting carpe et the subfloo or always dem mands specia al attention. The T subfloor q quite literally forms the base on which the e carpet has to display its qualities and d characteristtics. Aspectss such as dam mp, leveln ness and com mpression strength are exttremely impo ortant in that respect. r Requuirements difffer with the type o of subfloor in nvolved. The various v typess concerned are described d separately below. In general it can be sa aid that the su ubfloor must comply with the relevant standards, as a mentioned d in the appen ndix, which includ des several In nternational Standards. S Note: if in your case e a subfloor is s involved thatt is not discus ssed here, please contact thhe Technical Services S d. We will then n be able to advise a you with h respect to flloor conditions in relation Deparrtment at Desso beforehand to the e application options o for Des sso contract ccarpet. F Fig A. Suspend ded, well venttilated subfloo or Fig B. Su uspended, unvventilated sub bfloor Fig C . Unsuspende ed subfloor Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 2.2.. Ceme ent bonde ed subflo oors Alwayys check a ce ement bonde ed subfloor fo or damp p. With the sttandard CM-m measuremennt the damp contentt should neve er exceed 3% %. Using g the alternatiive protimete er measuremeent metho od the damp p content sho ould never excee ed 5%. Furthermore, the subfloor s shouuld also b be continuously dry. Chec ck the ation under the floor and in the outer ventila walls.. As a rule the ere should be e 5cm2 ventila ation per m2 of floor surfa ace. A susspended cem ment-bonded subfloor dem mands a good isolation lay yer. The subffloor should also a be clean n, flat, solid an nd free from grease. There re should be no cracks, lo oose flaky areeas or irregula arities prese ent. In case th he subfloor is s granular, ro ough or uneve en it will require levelling. P Porous and/o or granular subflo oors should first f be prepa ared using an acrylic or po olyurethane based b primer.. If applicable e an acrylic based d primer is prreferable, butt that form off preparation is the least environmenta e ally friendly. The instru uctions for the e product concerned sho uld therefore e be followed extremely caarefully. Sand d off any irregu ularities and le evel using a waterproof w ceement based d or latex leve elling compouund. Sand wh herever necesssary when dry. d 2.3.. Bitum men bond ded subflo oors Level bitumen bon nded subfloors and bitum men insulation n layers using cement baseed waterproo of levelling material. Sand wh herever neces ssary when d dry. When levelling a cast asphalt a floor any abrasive e sand used shoulld be remove ed beforehand d. 2.4.. Comp puter sub bfloors Comp puter subfloo ors usually co onsist of heigh htened floor elements e mea asuring 60 x 60cm m, which are fastened f on separate s jackks. The in ndividual floo or elements can be made of wood d, anhydrite, concrete c or metal. m The jaccks have to be fixated and well-glu ued to guara antee the con nduction of person-chargee. Conssidering this conduction, c itt is a good id ea to glu ue every 40m m2 of 1.25 meter of copperr band to the subflo oor, making sure s that this copper band is ad dequately earrthed. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au Both with carpet tiles t and carp pets a conduccting type of glue or tackifier should bee used. The copper c band should be in nstalled traverrsely underneeath the carp pet material. Computer C su bfloors have to comply with sseveral requirrements. Diffe erences in heeight between n the panels may not exceeed 1 mm. Also A the room between the e panels mayy not exceed 1 mm. Furthermore, the floor f elementts should nevver wobble or cre eak. 2.5.. Anhyd drite subffloors Anhyd drite floors will w require san nding and vaacuum cleanin ng before com mmencing thhe fitting of th he carpet. Prior application of o a primer or adhesion layyer, whether or not in com mbination withh any levelling g, may also be ne ecessary. In case c of any doubt d we reco ommend con ntacting the Technical T Serrvices Departtment at Desso o for further 00information 0 n. 2.6.. Extrem mely smo ooth and dense flo oors (e.g. Granito tiles or Terrazzzo) Levelling is also offten necessary on smoothh and dense floors, espec cially if there aare any rough h spots on the su urface. Tiled floors often require r levellinng. First ensu ure that a goo od adhesion surface existts by applyying a primer before levelling. In case aany 'sagging' occurs along g the joins orr seams, leve elling will have to be repeate ed. Sand wherever necesssary, when dry d and hard.. 2.7.. Subflo oors with h an existting hard covering g In casse the subfloor has alread dy been finishhed with a ha ard covering such s as linoleeum, PVC or suchlike, the fo ollowing precautions shou uld be taken. Check wheth her all of the existing coveering is still firrmly attach hed to the flo oor surface. Iff any areas aare damaged they will have e to be repairred first! Deg grease the entire e floor and allow it to dry thoroughly. A Apply an adhe esive layer forr the benefit oof the adhesiive bed. If repairr is not entire ely possible th hroughout thee existing covvering should d be removed d completely. Note: if you have re emoved the ex xisting coverin ng as a result of irreparable damage, befoore proceedin ng any furthe er read the rem marks in the se ection entitled d 'Floors on which w a previou us covering w was adhered'. The T instructions describ bed in that sec ction should b be followed ve ery carefully. 2.8.. Wood den floors s Wood den floors in particular, de espite being ffitted with a hardboard h finishing layer, ccan neverthe eless cause the fo ormation of im mpressions in n the carpet o over the courrse of time. That also appllies to the ha ardboard itself a as a consequ uence of the natural workking of the underlying wood. The best ssolution for th his problem is a subfloor consttructed from e.g. plywood d, hardboard or MDF. In that manner ssufficient solid dity can be obtain ned to prevent any impres ssions of the underlying floor from form ming. In gen neral it can be b said that a wooden floo or never posssesses absolu ute solidity byy definition, all a the more reaso on for paying the utmost attention a to thhe finishing la ayer. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 2..8.1. Gen neral preparations First check the flo oor ventilationn and take an ny measures considered nnecessary. As A a rule 5 2 2 cm per m of floo or surface is ssufficient. Following that, check the flooor for loose boards b etc. and replace or na ail them into p position as ne ecessary. Ma ake the floor d dust-free. Note: you should make m a clear d distinction bettween old and d new woodenn floors. Old floors ally always req quire levelling,, as the floorb boards become warped and d sag in the co ourse of virtua time. Level the floo or using cemeent based, elas stic, waterproof levelling meedium. New wooden w floorss should not be b levelled as the wood has s not yet seaso oned. With thee seasoning of o the wood the le evelling mediu um would bec ome loose and break up. Once e the necessary distinction between old and a new wood den floors as d described abo ove has been n made, prepa are with hardbo oard or chipboard. This sho ould be perforrmed on the basis b of the applicable descrip ption below. Afterr you have made the alreaady mentione ed distinction between new w and old wo ooden subflloor, you app ply a levelling layer from fo or instance ply ywood, hardb board or MDF, following the supplier's s insttructions. 2.9.. Floorss on whic ch a prevvious covering was s adhered d All flo oors on which h some form of covering w was previously adhered re equire a thoroough inspectiion. Once the old covering has h been rem moved the sub bfloor will alm most certainly show signs oof damage. Furthermore, som me old adhesivve will also innevitably be le eft remaining. Always rem move any old adhesive a first, tthoroughly re emove all dirt and dust from m the floor an nd apply a prrimer or adheesive layer and allow it to dry th horoughly. Th he floor shoulld then be levvelled and sa anded wherev ver necessaryy. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 3. Fittting De esso bro oadloom m carpe et 3.1.. Prelim minary rem marks Beforre commencing the fitting of Desso co ontract carpett please pay attention to tthe following general remarks. 3..1.1. Insp pecting the floor A de etailed inspec ction of the flo oor and mate erials is essen ntial. The need d to inspect the t floor for damp, ventilation, etc. has alreeady been diiscussed exte ensively. Pleaase refer to th he relevant passsages in the first part of chhapter 2. 3..1.2. Site e conditions s for fitting In co old and damp p periods the carpet must be allowed to t acclimatisee for at least 24 hours in in which it iss to be laid. Only the surroundings s O then may y a start be m made with fitting. Furth hermore, whe en fitting Dessso contract carpet c a minimum workingg temperaturre of 15°C is essential. Hum midity, especia ally when adhhering, may also a be an inffluencing facttor and therefore has to be ta aken into acc count. Follow w the instructio ons of the ma anufacturer oof the adhesivve. For room ms with floor heating h systeems, the onlyy technique applied is full aadhesion. Th he heating temp perature need ds to be reduuced 24 hourrs before insta alling; 48 houurs after insta allation is completed, the heating system m can be turn ned up slowly y. During winntertime, the floor f temp perature has to be reduceed to a level between b 15° and 18°C. 3..1.3. Prep paratory steps before e installing carpet c strip ps The following f preparations alw ways have to be done befo ore installing sheets of floorcovering: • First step is the planning and lay out of F o the strips. There is no aabsolute rule. The n number of se eams should be reduced to t a minimum m. In areas w with heavy and d directed t traffic, traffic flow should b be along rath her than acros ss the seamss. Joints are always a f fitted on top of each othe r, never next to each othe er. Exception here is the in nstallation w carpet grippers, with g wheere sheets are e joined exactly next to eaach other by sewing s or g gluing. • Second step S p: fitting and ttrimming of the floorcoverring. Pay atteention to the squareness s a the overlapping of thee edges durin and ng cutting to achieve invissible seams. Also A pay a attention to extra e materiall to cover doo or openings. The above m mentioned ste eps are just v very general rules. In the nnext paragrap phs we will deal more speecifically with the d different tech hniques of insstalling carpett strips. • Second step S p: fitting and ttrimming of the floorcoverring. Pay atteention to the squareness s a the overlapping of thee edges durin and ng cutting to achieve invissible seams. Also A pay a attention to extra e materiall to cover doo or openings. The above m mentioned ste eps are just Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au vvery general rules. In the nnext paragrap phs we will deal more speecifically with the d different tech hniques of insstalling carpett strips. 3.2.. Adhering or sttretching When n adhering orr stretching Desso D carpet a clear distinction should be made bettween tufted and woven carpe ets. 3..2.1. Tuftted contrac ct qualities All tu ufted project qualities from m Desso can be adhered to t a good su bfloor withou ut any prob blem. Tufted qualities q are g generally not suitable for stretching. s 3..2.2. Wovven contrac ct qualitiess On a sound subfloor woven q qualities can be b both adhe ered and strettched. It is su uggested (for a more luxurio ous installatio on) that wherrever possible e woven quallities be fitted d over an unde erlay. This is ideal as far ass wear resistance and durability are cooncerned. Ho owever this will in ncrease rollin ng resistance and reduce wheelchair re esistance. Thhe heavy conttract grade woolllen qualities with a densee pile can also o be adhered d directly if req quired. Note: woven carpe ets behave diffferent under tension t compa ared to tufted d carpets with a simple m or jute backin ng, due to thee different prod duction proce ess. They havee a better elas sticity, which foam allow ws the use of a knee kicker aand elongation in length dirrection (produuction direction n). Tufted carpe ets which are more rigid req quire a power stretcher. Pane els of softboarrd are not resillient and cann not serve as a replacement of an underlay. They only have a levelling fun nction for the subfloor and always have to be provided d with an adeq quate presssure-layer like e water resistaant hardboard (Masonite) on n which the caarpet can be adhered. a 3.3.. Fitting g directio on Beforre the carpet is cut the co orrect fitting d direction shou uld be determ mined. We reccommend se electing this in suc ch a manner that the carp pet is viewed in the direction of the pile e when enteri ng the room: the carpet then a appears at itss best. You may m of coursee also choosse a different direction wheen the practic cal argum ments outweiigh any purely aesthetic reeasons. Our remarks rega arding the dirrection of fittin ng should thereffore only be viewed v as a suggestion s inn relation to aesthetic a aspe ects. Wherevver possible th he sections of carrpet should be b fitted at rig ght-angles in relation to th he windows, which w will minnimise the vis sibility of any sseams. Ensurre, wherever possible, thaat the direction of fitting is the same eveerywhere ove er an entire floor o of a building. Pay particula ar attention to o L-shaped corridors c etc. In corridors aand relativelyy long areas it is usually prefera able to lay the e carpet leng gthwise. Ensu ure that no se eams are locaated near enttrances. With patterned ca arpet the direc ction of fitting g also has to take the patttern into accoount in relatio on to the walls,, floor connec ctions or furn niture. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 3.4.. Seam m position ning It is a always importtant to prepare floor layout and seam position p before orderring a carpet. Desso can then t take tthat into acco ount when prreparing the ro oll lengths, esspecially in th he case of spe ecial producttions. Please pay speciial attention to patterned carpets. c Note the repeat le ength of the pattern p provid ded in the offficial product speciifications. See e for further details d the paragraph dea aling specifica ally with patterned carpetss. With piece dyed qualitties one shou uld make sure e that the se ections of ca arpet be laid contin nuously along g the outer edges of the ca arpet breadth h, i.e. that no o fitting sectio ons have to be b cut out of the t centre off the width for fitting again nst the outer edges e of full section s widthhs. When pro oviding a seam m plan it is alsso necessaryy to provide a fittin ng sequence that can be taken into acccount for the e sequence of o productionn rolls. 3.5.. Cuttin ng Once e the fitting direction has been b determinned a start can be made on cutting thhe carpet. Alw ways mainttain an oversiize of ± 5 cm per section. Lay the secttions out in th he same direcction next to each other. Pay p particular atte ention to the pile direction . All pile musst face in the same directioon. Ensure to o make allowa ance for patttern repeat where w approp riate. With woven carpet the t marking tthread on the e back can serve e as a useful aid. a Always keep k the markking thread on o the same side. s For felt and tufted ca arpet pay attenttion to the direction of the e arrow or maarks on the back: b these must m always fa face in the sa ame directtion. 3.6.. Cuttin ng of the seams To ac chieve an opttimum end re esult a clear d distinction mu ust be made between carrpet where the edges of sectio ons can be la aid edge to ed dge, and carrpet on which h the edges have h to be cuut. 3..6.1. Bac cking edges s Backking edges us sually are fouund with wove en carpets. These T backingg edges will first f have to be re emoved by cutting them o off with a kniffe to enable a correct patttern joint to be b realised. On deep d pile carp pets it is reco ommend to cut c these strip ps off from thhe back of the e carpet. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 3..6.2. Buttt joining Proc ceed as follow ws for carpet that has to be b laid seam to seam. Layy the first sec ction to size and place it along g the wall or sskirting allow wing a slight upward overlaap along the length. Lay the other o sections s next to and d overlapping g each other, cut the seam ms, fold half the carpet backk and glue the em as descri bed in the pa aragraph 'Adh hering'. Afterr rolling press s the seams firmlyy together us sing a knee sttretcher or se eam stretcher, and in suchh a manner that t seams close e together an nd the pile staands straight up. 3..6.3. Cuttting the sid des On carpet c where the sides req quire cutting go g to work as follows: Layy the first sec ction to size and place it along g the wall or sskirting allow wing a slight upward overlaap along the length. Lay the second s and any a other secction as required, allowing the edges too overlap by ± 5 cm. Once e the carpet sections s are lying adjacen nt to one ano other, check tthe carpet ag gain thoro oughly before e gluing. Cut the first half of o the longitu udinal seam aand the follow wing seams to sizze. Always cu ut along a steeel rule or straight edge. Itt is recommeended that the edges be cut from the back k of carpet w with a deep pile. Note: Never cut the carpet that lies in the adh hesive. Otherw wise adhesive is also remov ved from a partic cularly critical adhesive locaation when the offcut is rem moved! 3.7.. Adhering Fold tthe last sectio on laid back halfway along g its length. Make M a marking line on the subfloor alo ongside the l ast section but b one, also length hwise, and th hen fold it half back. Repeeat the process up to the first ssection laid. Smear S the floo or with the reecommended d adhesive. Workk from the cen ntre of a secttional length aand start with h the last folded d section. Sp pread the adh hesive up to aapproximatelly 25 cm awayy from the ma arking line. Us se a notched d adhesive sp preader. File new n notches in the spreader whenever w neccessary. In ge eneral applic cable: Notch depth: 2 mm m tooth distannce 2.4 mm, tooth width 2 mm m. Note: Always read the instruction ns supplied w with the adhesiive with respe ect to the type of adhesive spreader s requ ired, the corre ect type of adhessive and the quantity to be used. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 3.8.. After applicatio on of the e adhesive Once e the adhesive e has been applied a roll thee carpet out into the adhe esive bed. Thhe carpet can n then be rolled d with a roller, both across s the width annd in the leng gth. Proceed in exactly thee same mann ner for the follow wing sections. Never allow w adhesive staains to dry, re emove them immediately with the solvvent recom mmended byy the adhesive e supplier. Ro oll out any bliister, bubbles s, etc. beforee the adhesive e bonds. It is imp portant not to o delay this operation. Afteer that the ca arpet should be trimmed aall around. Note: Ensure that the pile on the joints is stand ding straight up u and that tufts have not b been pinched into the seam. That is achie eved by laying g the seams off previously ad dhered sections accurately and pressing them firmly togeth her. 3.9.. Stretc ching carrpet onto underlay y and spiked stripss Stretc ching with the e carpet gripper method iis the oldest used installattion techniquue (although grippers g have improved a lot), but can only o be used for specific types t of floor covering, maainly woven floor f coverring and carp pets with a wo oven second dary backing. The carpet gripper g methood has advan ntages to the otther fitting tec chniques like e: • • • • B Better walking g comfort imp proved therm mal and acousstic isolation R Removal and replacementt (eventually: re-use) can easily e be done L Lifetime of the e floorcoverin ng can be enhhanced by ussing an underlay C Certain prepa arations for levvelling the suubfloor usuallyy may be om mitted Thhe stretching g technique is s more time cconsuming th han gluing, duue to the preparation requ uired. It may nnot be seen as a a means to o hide an imp perfect subfloor. Uneven ssubfloors have to be leevelled out to avoid that ex xcessive highh spots would d show thhrough the ca arpet. So, treat the subflooor as describ bed in the firrst part of thiss chapter. On n cement bouund floors rep pair all crracks etc. Tre eat wooden floors f as desccribed in the paragraph 'W Wooden Floors'. Fo or wooden flo oors use spik ked strips fitteed with nails and fit thhem with the spikes facing g the skirting board around the entire peerimeter of th he room. To fit f spiked strip ps to concrette floors usse steel nails or adhesive. In the latter case use a neoprene n or ep poxy adhesivve and work following f the instructions supplied s w with the adhessive. Always use u an adhessive on hard subfloors s or if the subfloor becomes damaged as a result of nailing. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au Check this beforehand. If the 'adhesive method' is being used we recommend cutting the spiked strips into lengths of ± 12 to 15 cm to enable a better bearing surface to be created. In this manner material tension along the length of the strips can be avoided. The same applies when fitting spiked strips around a column or pillar. When applying the stretching method for heavy qualities in large areas, a wide spiked strip or a double row of standard spiked strips is required. The strips should be kept free from the skirting at a distance of 2/3 the thickness of the carpet to allow sufficient space for finishing. The underlay should be laid within the strips applied, and stapled along the seams and edges on wooden floors. The underlay should however first be stretched slightly and any excess underlay removed. On hard subfloors a small strip of the underlay should be glued along the edges and seams to prevent it from slipping or sliding. The carpet can be rolled out allowing a slight overlap along the skirting. If multiple sections are being laid, once laid out, the seams have to be joined together using seaming tape. Lay the seaming tape underneath the seam and on the underlay. Ensure that the back and pile of the carpet fit together well. Check the temperature adjustment on the seam welder and position it at the beginning of a seam. The carpet edges should fall on both sides of the seam weld with the handgrip emerging between them. Once the welder begins to glide easily, slide it slowly forwards and press the carpet behind it into the adhesive bed using the flat of the hand. The carpet backs should meet perfectly and the pile should be standing straight up. Gibbon Group T: +61 7 3881 1777 F: +61 7 3881 1716 Note: Do not exert any pressure with your knees. Allow the seam to cool. Bulging can be prevented by covering the seam with a strip of carpet of hardboard. Note: Do not apply any pressure on the seams. The wall to which the carpet is attached before stretching, has to be chosen in function of the highest tension to be used lengthwise. Begin stretching the carpet from a corner. Stretch the carpet onto the spikes using your knee tensioner and a hammer. The claws of your knee tensioner should grip into the backing of the carpet. Now use the power stretcher to stretch the carpet fully. Place the tailpiece in the corner in which you started, and stretch the carpet towards the opposite corner. Note: Place a piece of carpet between the tailpiece and wall to prevent damage to the wall. Stretch the carpet following the examples and sequences provided. Make sure when stretching that the carpet is free in the length from the starting position towards the wall to which you are working. Be careful of any seams, ensuring they remain straight and parallel to the walls. If possible always stretch away from the seams and place the head of the power stretcher in the middle of the seam being stretched over its length. Use a palette knife or a special carpet bolster to drive the carpet in behind the spiked strips, so that it hooks onto the strips when the tension being applied is released. Gibbon Group T: +61 7 3881 1777 F: +61 7 3881 1716 Afterr making a full check, cut the carpet annd use the ca arpet bolstter to work th he carpet in between b the sspiked strip, wall or skirti ng. After the carpet has been b stretcheed over the whole w room, the eedges are trim mmed and pu ushed down into the gap between wall aand carpet gripper. g Use strong s profiled d edging trim ms on areas wherre the carpet ends and a different d floorr surface beg gins. A profilled edging trim will help prevent p damaage and unravvelled edgees. 3.10 0. Remo ovable ins stallation The p purpose of this type of installation is to o leave the su ubfloor intact after removinng the floor covering. The d difference with the glued down d fitting iss the type of adhesive use ed: a self-adhhesive memb brane or an adhessive that doe es not produc ce a permaneent bond, the e so called 're elease type ad adhesive'. The e prepa aration of the e subfloor, especially cleanning and dustting, is essen ntial for obtainning good res sults. During removal, th he splitting ha as to occur b between glue and carpet backing, b and not between n primary and ssecondary ba or coverings with SBR-foam backing aare not resisttant to the acking! In many cases, floo ammo onium substa ances in the release type adhesive, an nd should nott be used in rrelease systems. 3.11 1. Pattered carpe et Fitting g patterned carpet c require es a great deeal more atten ntion and time than plain ccarpet. A goo od section plan tthat takes co orrect matchin ng and patterrn repeat length into acco ount is an esssential compo onent of fitting g patterned ca arpet. 3..11.1. Patttern shifting g (run out) Sligh ht pattern shiffting should aalways be tak ken into acco ount. Pattern shifts can no ot only occu ur during the production p process, but also a as a resu ult of shrinkaage under cha anging atmo ospheric cond ditions (e.g. d during transp port). Any patttern shift, how wever small, will have to be corrected whe en fitting. Thee extent to wh hich any pattern shift is vissible in practtice is greattly dependen nt on the sizee of the area, the pattern and a the colouur, and the co orrections required when fittting. The app plication of strraight stripes across the w width of the carpet is not recommended, as a even with g good correction a slight shift virtually aalways remain ns visible. The Desso projec ct group can supply you with w supplemental informaation in this re espect. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 3..11.2. Patttern shift be etween pie eces from the same production A pa attern shift ma ay occur withhin one produ uction. Patterrn repeat lenggth between =0 cm and <10 cm maximum m deviation 2 2% of the pattern repeat. Pattern P repeaat length betw ween =10c cm and <100 0 cm maximuum deviation 1% of the pa attern repeat. Pattern repe eat length =100 0cm as quote ed by manufaacturer. Patttern Shift ½ Patttern Shift Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 3..11.3. Bow wing Z-bo owing is defin ned as the deeviation from squareness. The edges oof the strip se ections do not liie in one line.. See drawing g. In this case e a maximum m deviation off 4 cm is perm mitted. S-bo owing is defin ned as the bo owing in relation to a straig ght line on thhe strip sectio on. A maxiimum deviatio on of 4 cm iss also applica able in this ca ase. 3.11.4. Mea asuring up Whe en multiple se ections are beeing laid toge ether extra me etres will alwaays be requirred when applyying a carpett with a patteern, and the undersizes u will be distributted over seve eral rolls. Both h the pattern repeat lengthh and the patttern repeat width w are of im mportance when w calcu ulating the nu umber of mettres required. Information regarding thee pattern rep peat length and width w can be e found in thee product spe ecifications. Consult C the D Desso Group or Desso Tech hnical Service es if necessarry. As a gene eral guideline it applies thaat: floor length + cutting losse es (minimum 10 cm) + on e extra repea at length = se ection length.. This length should be state ed when orde ering. It is thee responsibilitty of the carp pet fitter to suubmit a correc ct section plan for patterned d carpet that takes the ab bove into account. Note: Inn certain area as you shou uld also take the t repeat w width into acco ount for the correct c quanttity of carpet!! In some case es an extra se ection length may be requ uired. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 3..11.5. Layiing patterned contrac ct carpets Lay out o the first section s fully w with an overla ap on the skirting or other edges or obstacles. If a long or large repe eat has been chosen, you u will have to take t the distrribution of the e pattern at the beginning b and d at the end o of the section n in relation to o the walls, d doors, etc. intto account. The second section can now be laid in suc ch a manner that the seam m pattern alo ong the seam ms of both se ections matchhes. When laying 'on the repeat' r you hhave to begin n at the d to the rightt. Any pattern centre and work to t the left and n or repeat shhift in woven carpet can be corrected with h the knee strretcher and/o or power stre etcher. For ad dhering the carpet, pleasse refer to the e paragraph 'Adhering', and a for seams s that do or d do not require cutting, pleasse refer to the e paragraph 'Cutting to size'. Note: When fitting, first lay out aall sections ne ext to one another to ensuree correct matc ching of the patte ern. Any possible pattern sh hift or straighte ening in relatio on to walls etcc. can then be e easily corre ected. 3.12 2. Whee elchair res sistant ad dhering The 'w wheelchair re esistant' qualities must of course also be adhered to t the subflooor in an effective 'whee elchair resista ant'- manner. A subfloor o only qualifies as wheelcha air resistant if it complies with w a comp pression resisstance of at le east 250 kg p per cm2. Note tthat for use on n carpets a wheel chair alw ways must be provided p with wheels accorrding certain speciffications (see the Appendix x with Internatiional Standard ds) i.e. 'hard' wheels w (type H H) with the ma andatory measurements: dia ameter 50 mm and width 20 0 mm. 'Soft' wheels w (type W) W of existing cchairs thereforre have to be rep placed. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au he fitting method and qua antity of adhessive required d please refer to the instrucctions supplied by the For th adhessive manufac cturer. Always s ensure thatt the notchess on the adhe esive spreadeer being used d are in good condition! 3.13 3. Adhering carp pet with underfloorr heating The u underfloor heating must ha ave been in o operation for at least 10 days before thhe carpet is la aid to ensurre that any re esidual moistu ure has comp pletely evapo orated. The ca arpet can of course be laid loose, but th hat is not recommended for f large areaas, as corruga ations or shrinkage may ooccur. If the carpet c is being g stretched th he use of und derlay is recom mmended. When n using underrlay the heat permeability resistance of the underlay y and carpet should be ad dded together. The colle ective value may m not exceeed a value of o 0.17m2/K/W W. When glu ing the carpe et with a dispe ersion adhesivve the floor te emperature m may never be e any higher th han 200 ºC. IIn this connection follow the in nstructions su upplied by the e adhesive m manufacturer and ensure the adhesive being used is s in fact suitab ble for applica ation on a flo oor with undeerfloor heating g. In sho ort the follow wing values are applicable: • • • F Floor Temperatture: Max. 20º / Min. 10 ºC R Room Tempera ature: Max. 25º / Min. 15 ºC R Relative Humidity: Max. 75% / Min. 55% After gluing the ca arpet, the und derfloor heati ng temperatu ure may not be b raised for 48 hours. Th he heating temperature can then t be gradu ually increaseed up to the normal n opera ating temperaature. 3.14 4. Adhering carp pet with lo ow electrical resistance va lues In are eas that acco ommodate mainframes annd precision electronic e equ uipment, strinngent antistatic requirrements are applicable. a If Desso contraact carpet wiith low electrical resistancce values is be eing fitted it mightt be necessa ary to adhere the carpet ussing a condu uctive adhesiv ve. In exceptiional cases th he applic cation of a so o-called 'copper band' is recommende ed. In conside eration of thee highly dema anding conditions in computer centres s and similar locations, De esso can also o produce coontract carpe ets with a reduc ced electrical resistance. Several S Dessso products possess p this property p as sstandard. Please refer to the product speciffications for the t various q ualities or consult the Des sso project g roup. Note:: On insulating floors we recommend ffitting the sub bfloor with a conducting c ccopper strip of o ± 1.25 m 2 per 40 m or per ro oom. This so-called 'copp per band' sho ould be well earthed. e For ffurther advice e please consu ult the Techn nical Services Departmentt at Desso. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 4. Ne eedle fe elt (patte erned) carpet 4.1.. Influe ential factors of co ontract en nvironment The p properties of needle felt ca arpets are - likke with any other o textile floor covering influenced by b factors of the en nvironment, such s as temp perature and humidity. Th hese have to be taken intoo account during the installation processs. Before the e installation tthe needle fe elt carpet has to be stored d in a dry and d warm room. It is recomm mended to let the carpet aacclimatize in n the room att least 1 hourr, but preferably 24 hourss. 4.2.. Subflo oor When n installing ne eedle felt carp pets the cond ditions of the subfloor sho ould be the saame as with other o textile floor c coverings, su uch as broadloom and carrpet tiles. This means thatt the subfloorr has to be evven, sturdy, free o of cracks and d dry. Dense surfaces, likee for instance e PVC, have to t be made a little bit abso orbing accorrding to the applicable a no orms (see the appendix). In n situations with w a floor heeating system m the temperature has to t be reduced d before instaallation, in the e same mann ner as describ bed in the ch hapters aboutt broadloom carpets and carpet tiles. A After the insttallation the te emperature hhas to be gra adually turned up. For floo ors with old adhesive a see the referring paragraphs in second chhapter. 4.3.. Cuttin ng Cuttin ng of needle felt carpets should s take p place before adhering. a The e carpet has to be rolled out o with an overla ap of 3 to 5 cm. c Net one has h to cut thee seams in one o movemen nt along an stteel ruler with h a sharp 'hookked' knife. Note: Laying the orriginal edges of o the carpet aagainst one an nther is not a professional p innstallation me ethod! 4.4.. Speciial require ements w with patte erned nee edle felt It is in nherent to pa atterned need dle felt qualitiees that there is a chance of o line markinng on the sea ams. This is dependent of the design and the colour. Fo or optimum re esults the following is abssolutely neces ssary: • • • • D Dense, absolutely straight sea ams U Usage of seam clasps or a kicker with doub ble head until the t glue has dried E Environmental conditions c sho ould be as speecified in the no orm VOB DIN 18365 (see thee Appendix with in nternational no orms) B Butt joining for an optimized over-all o floor ap ppearance. Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au 4.5.. Adhering The te emperature of o the subfloo or is not allow wed to drop below b 15 ºC, while the relaative humidityy may not be more than 75% % (50 to 60% % RH is ideal).. The carpet should s be ad dhered preferrably with a fa ast drying and h hardening disspersion glue, using a notcched adhesivve spreader with w a notch d depth of 2.7 mm and a tooth width of 2.9 mm. When all a is cut and tightly fitting and the seam ms have beeen completelyy closed by use o of seam clips,, the whole flo oor should b e thoroughly rolled with a roller after aabout 20 minu utes, depending on the instructions of the tackifieer manufactu urer. Note: Thoroughly ro olling the seam ms is especiallly of the utmo ost importance! Gibbon Grou up T: +6 61 7 3881 177 77 F: +6 61 7 3881 1716 d desso@gibbon au www.gibbon au
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