4th Annual Feathered Horse Spring Classic Gypsy, Friesian, Drum Horse Show April 13-15, 2012 Shelbyville, TN - Calsonic Indoor Arena Halter Saturday 8:30 AM - Indoor Arena 1. Gypsy Weanlings All Sexes 2. Gypsy Yearlings Fillies 3. Gypsy Mares 2 – 3 yrs 4. Gypsy Mares 4 yrs & over Champion & Reserve Champion Gypsy Mares 5. Friesian Weanling & Yearlings All Sexes 6. Friesian Mares 2–3 yrs 7. Friesian Mares 4 & over Champion & Reserve Champion Friesian Mares 8. Gypsy Yearling Geldings 9. Gypsy Gelding 2-3 yrs 10. Gypsy Gelding 4 yrs & over Champion & Reserve Champion Gypsy Gelding 11. Friesian Gelding 2–3 12. Friesian Gelding 4 & over Champion & Reserve Champion Friesian Gelding 13. Drum Fillies & Colts 2 yrs old & under 14. Drum Mares 3 & over 15. Drum Geldings 3 & over 16. Drum Stallions 3 & Over Champion & Reserve Champion Drum 17. Friesian Stallions 2-3 yrs 18. Friesian Stallions 4 yrs & over Champion & Reserve Champion Friesian Stallions 19. Gypsy Yearling Colts 20. Gypsy Stallions 2-3 yrs 21. Gypsy Stallions 4 yrs & over Champion & Reserve Champion Gypsy Stallion SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP Gypsy & Friesian --BREAK-- 22. Grooming & Conditioning - Open 23. Gypsy Color Solid or Blagdon - Open 24. Gypsy Color Patterned or Solid Amateur & Youth 25. Drum Color Solid & Pattern 26. Gypsy Color Patterned - Open 27. Friesian Baroque In-Hand 28. Youth Halter 29. Gypsy Amateur Halter 30. Gypsy Bred by Owner 31. North American Bred Gypsy 32. Gypsy Get of Sire 33. Youth Showmanship 34. Gypsy Showmanship 35. Drum Showmanship 36. Gypsy Amateur Showmanship 37. Gypsy Produce of Dam 38. Friesian Sport Horse-In Hand 39. Gypsy Dressage Suitability In-Hand 40. Friesian Dressage Suitability In-Hand 41. Ground Driving in Harness - Open -- BREAK -- Driving - Indoor Arena 42. Carriage Pleasure Driving Turn-Out – Single 43. Carriage Pleasure Driving Working – Single 44. Ladies Carriage Pleasure Driving 45. Reinsmanship Driving 46. Freestyle Carriage Driving 47. Show Pleasure Driving 48. Fine Harness 49. Drum Liberty 50. Gypsy Liberty 51. Friesian Liberty Sunday Dressage 8:00 am - Covered Arena 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Dressage Intro Test A Dressage Intro Test B Dressage Intro Test C Dressage Training Test 1 Dressage Training Test 2 Dressage Pick-A-Test Sunday 8:30 - 10 am Indoor Arena 58. Ground Obstacles In-Hand Jr Horse (5 & under) - OPEN 59. Ground Obstacles In-Hand Sr Horse (6 & over) - OPEN 60. Youth Ground Obstacles In-Hand 61. Gypsy Amateur Ground Obstacles In-Hand Sunday 10 am Under Saddle - Indoor Arena 62. Trail WT-WJ - Gypsy 63. Trail WT-WJ – Drum & Friesian 64. Youth Trail WT-WJ 65. Gypsy Amateur Trail WT-WJ HORSES 4 SALE Exhibitions 66. Walk Equitation – Open 67. Old Gezzers Pleasure Riding WT/WJ (Riders 50 & over) 68. Youth Rider English Pleasure Hunt Seat WT 69. Gypsy Amateur Rider English Pleasure Hunt Seat WT 70. Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat WT 71. Drum Horse English Pleasure Hunt Seat WT 72. Friesian Hunt Seat Equitation WT 73. Youth Rider English Equitation WT 74. Gypsy Amateur Rider English Equitation WT 75. Friesian Favorite Gait 76. Gypsy Favorite Gait 77. Youth Rider Favorite Gait 78. Drum Favorite Gait 79. Freestyle Riding 80. English Pleasure Saddle Seat WT - Open 81. Country English Pleasure Saddle Seat WT - Open 82. Country English Pleasure Saddle Seat Open WTC – Open 83. Saddle Seat Equitation WT – Open 84. Gypsy English Pleasure Hunt Seat WT 85. Gypsy English Pleasure Hunt Seat WTC 86. Dressage Suitability Under Saddle - Open -- BREAK – 87. Green Reiner #1 (Pattern TBA) 88. Green Reiner #2 (Pattern TBA) 89. Gypsy Amateur Rider Western Equitation WJ 90. Youth Rider Western Equitation WJ 91. Drum Western Pleasure WJ 92. Friesian Western Seat Equitation WJ 93. Friesian Western Pleasure WJ 94. Gypsy Amateur Rider Western Pleasure WJ 95. Youth Rider Western Pleasure 96. Gypsy Western Pleasure WJ 97. Gypsy Western Pleasure WJL -- BREAK – 98. Cross Rails - Open 99. Friesian Costume 100. Gypsy Costume 101. Drum Costume 102. Youth Costume Class See you at the Exhibitor Buffet at 5:30 pm come as you are! Do not forget to Order Your Buffet Tickets! Please Read Carefully before emailing me All Classes 1st through 6th Place Ribbon GYPSY Grand & Reserve Champion Halter: Stallion, Mare, Gelding Grand & Reserve Champion Performance SUPREME & OVERALL HIGHPOINT GYPSY DRESSAGE Grand & Reserve Grand Champion DRIVING Grand & Reserve Grand Champion DRUM Grand & Reserve Champion Halter Highpoint Performance OVERALL HIGHPOINT DRUM AMATUER Grand & Reserve Grand Champion FRIESIAN HORSES Grand & Reserve Halter: Stallion, Mare, Gelding Grand & Reserve Champion Performance Friesian SUPREME & OVERALL HIGHPOINT FRIESIAN YOUTH Grand & Reserve Grand Champion ALL Youth must Wear Certified Helmet HORSES for SALE EXHIBITION: $25 per Horse – Provide a speaker on your behalf or Provide SCRIPT for Announcer Typed 12 pt Font. EXHIBITOR Italian Buffet: Saturday starting at 5:30 pm $12 per Ticket. For Exhibitors, their Friends, Family, and Local Guests. Purchase Tickets by March 31st 2012. Late Ticket purchase will be $15 by April 8th. (Food Final order is 5 days prior to show) FEES $25 Halter & In-Hand $16 Under Saddle Classes $35 Dressage Tests $13 Office Fee per Entry Form (One Horse per Entry Form) $3 Post Entry per class $5 Post Entry per Stall after the deadline. $75 Stall Friday 12 noon – Sunday End of Show. $25 Horse 4 Sale Exhibition RV Hook Up (see below #1 for details) $25 Early Arrival Fee Per Stall (Arrival on Thursday April 12th @ Noon NO STALL SWICHING – Checks payable to GAIL SHRINE Arrive anytime after 12 noon Friday, April. 13th to settled in your Stalls. Show Web Site: www.FeatheredHorseClassic.com Email: info@FeatheredHorseClassic.com Show Manager (904) 424-6595 cell/text To keep the show organized and running smoothly please adhere to deadlines & guidelines Under Tennessee Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated, title 44, Chapter 20. WARNING: 1. RV. HOOK UPS: Must be arranged with and fees paid directly to the www.CalsonicArena.com, and can be done upon arrival. (931) 684-5915 2. Shavings can be purchased at the Facility in the Security Office and are delivered to your Stalls. 3. Hotel & Directions: See Show Web Site – www.FeatheredHorseClassic.com 4. Show management reserves the Right to Cancel or Combine any Classes as deemed Necessary. 5. Decision of the Judge is Final. Respect to all Show Officials, Management and Volunteers is expected. 6. Proper Show Ring Attire is to be worn. 7. Gypsy, Drum & Friesian Horses must be registered in a Registry of the owner’s choice, prior to the show. 8. Stall & Class Fees Must be Paid by March 31st 2012 Deadline – Open checks accepted. You can add classes day of show. 9. No Refunds for Stalls, Classes, Office Fee, Vendor Space, Advertising or Dinner Tickets, etc .. 10. Show Rules on the web site for Gypsy & Drum …. Rules for Friesians are the USEF FR Section, Dressage follows USDF Rules. If You Ride WT/WJ Classes You Can Not Cross Over to WTC/WJL Classes Halter & Performance Judge: Kristina Hendrick Wilson , Oklahoma Dressage Judge: Megan Hilley, Nashville, TN Show Management: Gail Shrine Events, Round Rock, TX Secretary: Gail Shrine, Round Rock, TX Ring Steward: Julie Steinmetz-Usoff, Jacksonville, FL Paddock Master: Kenny Clark, Gainesville, FL Announcer: TBA Farrier: Kenny Clark - On Site PRE- ENTRY FORM Feathered Horse Spring Classic - Shelbyville,TN CHECK Payable to: Gail Shrine Mail to: Gail Shrine Events PO Box 5163, Round Rock, TX 786835163 HORSES NAME: ____________________________ Class Sponsor _______________ X $25 CI RCLE BREED : G YPSY D RU M FRI ESI AN OWNERS NAME: _____________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________________ ST: _____ ZIP: ____________ PHONE:_______________________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________ Web Site:_________________________________________ COPY of Registration & Coggins Test MUST BE ATTACHED. ( ) Check this Box indicating you have attached CLASS # CLASS NAME Halter/In-Hand Class ___________ X $25 (& Horse 4 Sale) Dressage Test ________________ X $35 $ $ Performance Class _____________ X $16 Italian Buffet ______ X $12 Sat. 5:30 pm Stall (Duration of show Fri thru Sun) ____________________________ X $75 Early Stall arrival Thursday @.12 noon ___ X $25 Office Fee $13 Per Entry (1 Horse Per Entry Form) PAYMENT RECEIVED Check # _______ (OFFICE USE ONLY) BALANCE DUE Check # ________ (OFFICE USE ONLY) HANDLER/RIDER/DRIVER $ $ 13.00 $ $ FARM NAME Under Tennessee Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated, title 44, Chapter 20. (SIGN & PRINT Name Below Signature to acknowledge) WARNING: OWNER____________________ RIDER:___________________________ TRAINER:____________________________ PARENT Signature if YOUTH EXHIBITOR_________________________________ YOUTH Must Wear a Certified Helmet _____ (Initial) Stalls are not assigned or held without Payment. Stall & Class Payment MUST be RECEIVED by Mar 31st 2012
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