Camdenton, Missouri Phone: 573-346-7218 Email: Lake Valley Golf Club Member Newsletter April 2015 Volume 12 Issue 4 April It’s that time of year when the calendar is getting busy. Therefore, the current month’s activities are listed below. Two months of calendar activities are located on the last two pages of this newsletter. 1st — Senior Scramble @ 9:00 AM Party Bridge @ 9:30 AM 19th—Highway Sign Fundraiser—Scramble, Spaghetti Dinner, and Silent Auction 4th — Sutton Spring Open 20th— Hand and Foot Lake Area Super Senior Tournament @ 9:30 AM 5th — Easter Brunch 10:00 AM-1:00 PM 6th — Hand and Foot 8th — Senior Scramble @ 9:00 AM Party Bridge @ 9:30 AM 22nd—Senior Scramble @ 9:00 AM Kiwanis Terrific Kids Scramble @ 1:00 PM Party Bridge @ 9:30 AM 23rd —Bunco-Dinner @ 6PM/Play starts @ 7PM 9th —Ladies Kick-Off 26th — MGA Kick-Off Breakfast and Scramble 10th—Suzie Sawyer Classis @ 1:00 PM 27th—Hand and Foot 13th—Hand and Foot 28th—Men’s Stag Night 15th —Senior Scramble @ 9:00 AM Party Bridge @ 9:30 AM Green Committee @ 5 PM Board of Directors @ 6 PM 29th—Senior Scramble @ 9:00 AM Party Bridge @ 9:30 AM 1 2015 Men’s Golf Associa on Event Schedule From Your Board of Directors Welcome to our new members, John & Mar Green‐ halgh, Bre & Naomi Eidson, Thomas & Nancy Allen, Bryon & Oekkyoing Rieper, and James & Nancy Gran‐ tham. The Pancake Flip was a huge success. The money the Social commi ee raised is to go towards the expense of our new highway sign. We have a picture of what it is supposed to look like in the Restaurant and in the Pro Shop. Be sure to take a look. Our next event to help raise money for the new high‐ way sign is our Spaghe Dinner and golf tournament on April 19th. If you would like to play in the tourna‐ ment call Dan or Andi in the Pro Shop and sign up. Be sure to watch the newsle er for all of our social and golf events coming up. Our next Board of Director’s Mee ng is Wednesday, th April 15 at 6 p.m. As usual, if you have any ques ons or concerns, call one of your board members Ken Hule , President Cole Glascock, Vice President Jim Ball Sharon Bevolo Kathy Gale Dale McElwee Bucky Scribner Steve Su on Omer West Kickoff Breakfast & Scramble – April 26 Monday Men’s League Begins – May 4 MGA Matchplay Tournament Begins – June 1 MGA Event – June 22 The “Dra ” Tournament – June 27‐28 MGA Event – July 27 Men’s League Playoffs & Fun Night – August 17 MGA Event – August 31 MGA Event – September 7 MGA Event – September 14 Fall Blow‐Out Event – October 4 MGA Cup Finals – October 25 Men’s Golf Associa on Kick‐Off Event Sunday, April 26th Breakfast Starts at 7:00 AM Shotgun Start at 8:30 AM This event will be an 18 hole 4‐man scramble with breakfast preceding the golf. The Kick‐Off event is open to any member of the Lake Valley Men’s Golf Associa on. Cost for Kick‐Off is $30 per person. If you have not already paid your 2015 MGA Dues, bring an addi onal $25. A sign‐up sheet is available in the Pro Shop, so be sure to get your name on it. Bag Storage and Locker Rental The club offers golf bag storage and locker rentals for both men and women. If anyone would like to take advantage of these handy services, just contact Dan or Andi and we can get you signed up. The MGA Monday Night Men’s League is scheduled to begin May 4th. It’s me to line up a partner and get signed up. Call or stop by the Pro Shop to sign‐up your team and be sure to designate whether you want the “Up” or “Down” division. 2 Lake Valley Highway Sign Fundraiser A fundraising golf tournament has been scheduled for April 19th to help raise funds to build a new Lake Valley highway frontage sign. This event will be an 18 hole 4‐ person flighted scramble. You can pick your own team or sign‐up individually and we will pair you up on a team. A spaghe dinner and silent auc on will follow golf. Cost for the tournament is $50 per member and $75 per non‐member. The dinner is included for all the golfers. Even if you don’t play golf, please come out for dinner and the auc on. Look for flyers and the sign‐up sheet in the Pro Shop. Party Bridge Lake Valley Party Bridge is on Wednesdays. Call Nancy Hanks at 346-5458 or Linda Martin at 346-5872 for more information. 2015LakeValley TournamentSchedule Men'sFourball—May15‐17 LakeValleyScholarshipScramble—May25 His&HersScramble—June5‐7 LadiesScramble—July10‐12 GolfBrawlattheLake—July24‐26 Men'sScramble—August7‐9 FallCouplesScramble—October16‐18 tosign‐upforthe2015events April’s Bunco will be Thursday, April 23rd. Dinner at 6:00 PM and Bunco at 7:00 PM. Call Priscilla to sign up. What’s Your Lucky Number? The lucky number this month is #1359. If this is your number, call Priscilla to claim your prize. Congratula ons to last month’s winner Jim Cooper. 3 Wednesday Morning Senior Scrambles Resume April 1st Please look for the first week’s sign‐up sheet during the last week in March. Play will begin at 9:00 each Wednesday in April. Mark your calendars and plan to a end the season opener. Remember that you can check the schedule and weekly results on our “Wednesday Senior Scramble” page of our website. Hello and Good Day! Spring is here and I hope everyone had a good winter. As we start the season we have aerified the greens, turned on and pressurized the irriga on system, con‐ nued on‐course clean up around certain areas of the course. In the coming weeks we will edge bunkers and con nue our daily maintenance. With spring me weather, our cart rules can change daily. Our Pro Shop staff will keep you inormed with signs in the pro shop and on the course. Please fix all ball marks and rake bunkers for all players behind you. Fill divots with sand provided. We look forward to see‐ ing you on the course. Thanks Sco Crowell Course Superintendent Sunday Couples League Lake Valley will again have a Sunday Couples League this year. Play will begin in early May and run throughout the summer. Be sure to sign‐up in the Pro Shop early, so we can get the divisions assigned and match schedule posted. This will again be a 9 hole handi‐ capped couples scramble format with weekly winners and an end of the season payoff for the high point ge ers. Men’s Stag Night Tuesday, April 28th The next Men’s Stag is Tuesday, April 28th. Chairman: Tom Duncan Bill Boillot Danny Onsto Ken Osborn Mike Otradovec Dan Righter O’Dean Stover The 2015 Lake Valley Scholarship Scramble This year’s LVCC Scholarship fund raising event is scheduled for Monday, May 25th. It’s me to line up your partners for this fun event that helps fund our annual scholar‐ ship that is given to a deserving Camdenton High School student. The format is a four person flighted scramble. Mark the date on your calendar and join the fun! Look for the flyer included in this month’s newsle er for more informa on. The 2015 Hole‐in‐One Club agreements are now available in the Pro Shop. Stop by to sign your form and join for the season. There is no cost for the club unless a Hole‐in‐One Club member scores a hole‐in‐one. The Ace maker will receive $5 from every person in the Hole‐in‐One Club at the me. This offers you a nice way to help pay for the bill if you get lucky. Ladies Golf Don’t forget to signup for the Ladies Kick‐Off Breakfast on Thursday, April 9th. Breakfast, Registra on and Mee ng at 8 a.m. with 9 hole Mixer Scramble to follow at 9:30 a.m. Sign up in locker room or in the bar. 4 Inside the Greenside Bar and Grill From Greenside Bar & Grill The grass is greening up are you ready to play some golf? Don’t for‐ get to visit us in Greenside Bar & Grill I would like to thank all the people who were able to a end the casino night event it was an enjoyable night. April Events th Easter Brunch 10am‐1pm April 5 Sunday Lake Valley Highway sign fund raiser, golf, dinner and silent April 19th Sunday auc on. Tee off 1:00 PM dinner & silent auc on 5:00 PM, Entertainment by Bryan Winters 4:00‐8:00 PM anyone not playing golf $10 per person ‐ golfers free dinner. May Events Mother’s Day Brunch Treat your mom like May 10th Sunday a queen with our fabulous brunch. 10:00 AM‐1:00 PM Create your special moments with us! With our banquet facility! Wedding Ceremony, Wedding Recep on Dinner, Bridal Shower, Bachelor Party, Rehearsal Dinner, Family Reun‐ ion, Class Reunion, Birthday Party, Fund Raiser, Baby Shower. John Fitzpatrick 5 A special thank you to John Fitzpatrick and the Greenside Bar and Grill staff for making our daughter‐in‐law’s baby shower such a successful event. The food and service were absolutely wonderful. Comments from the a endees were consistent— best baby shower they had ever a ended. Thank you very much from Audie and Cindy Leigh. CASINO NIGHT WAS A HIT!!!!! Thanks to everyone for a wonderful turnout and successful evening. A thank you to all who a ended. . A special thank you to all the deal‐ ers who volunteered their me and did an outstanding job‐Tim, Cole, and Ellen Glascock, Danny Onsto , Nick and Meghan Clevenger, John Bevolo, Doug Gale, Bob Derks, Jeff Langley, Bucky Scribner, Steve Su on, Omer West, Mickey Enboden, Mary Beth and Bob Callahan, Mike Mar n and Tony. Also, thanks to Gayla Derks and Larry Beal for a great job selling and redeeming chips all night long. Driving Range Packages Again this year Lake Valley will offer individual range passes for $100 and family passes for $175. These yearly passes are good for all the range balls you care to hit for 2015. If you like to prac ce or have decided that this is the year you are going to improve your game, this offer is for you! Contact Dan or Andi to get signed up for the year. Recipe of the Month from our Lake Valley Cookbook: (Cookbook can be purchased in the office.) Poppy Seed Chicken Casserole – Kelley Goins Rogers recipe on page 53 8 oz. Ritz crackers, crumbled 1 cup bu er, melted 1 T. poppy seeds 9 skinless boneless chicken breasts, cooked and diced 1 (10.75 Oz.) cans of cream of chicken soup 8 oz sour cream Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix cracker crumbs, bu er and poppy seeds. Layer 2/3 of crumb mixture in bo om of 9 x 13 glass dish. Combine the chicken, soup and sour cream. Mix well. Spoon mixture on top of crumb mixture. Sprinkle remaining crumb mixture over the top. Bake un‐ covered for 45 minutes. Meet Andrea Taylor I have been at Lake Valley since 2000. I played golf at Southwest Missouri State on a full ride scholarship where I also graduated in 1998. (Finally). I have grown up around golf with my grandfather and uncle both being PGA Professionals. I have enjoyed my time here at Lake Valley. I have met so many wonderful people; it’s pretty much my first home. When I have some free time I like to go camping, hiking and canoeing. Other than that my life is pretty boring. Stop by the pro shop and meet Andi! 8 SUTTONSPRINGOPEN2015 WHEN: Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 9:00am. WHAT: Four‐Person Scramble. Women are encouraged to par cipate. WHERE: Lake Valley Golf and Country Club COST: $30 for Lake Valley Members, $50 for Non‐Lake Valley Members. The skins game is included in your fees. You may make your own team or enter as an individual and we will place you on a team. Pay when you get to the course. ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL COSTS: 1) Be ng on your favorite team to win the event. ITINERY FOR GOLF EVENT: 7:45am Breakfast sandwiches will be available along with juice and coffee for those interested at Lake Valley. This is an addi onal fee and is not included in the tournament cost. 8:00am Be ng begins for your favorite teams. Everyone needs to be at the course for last minute instruc ons, paying of fees, etc. 9:00am Shotgun tee‐off. ITINERY FOR FRIDAY NIGHT APRIL 3RD: 5:30pm Begin arriving at Su on’s house for potluck dinner. Happy Half‐Hour. Everyone please bring a covered dish and beverages of your choice. Wives or Husbands or Girlfriends or Boyfriends of golf par cipants are welcome to a end. Su on will provide hamburgers and hotdogs and hopefully fish. 6:00pm Begin ea ng at the potluck dinner. 6:30pm Final pairings are revealed for everyone to “BITCH‐ABOUT”. Please fill out the bo om por on of this form and send to me at 1188 Sunny Slope Circle, Cam‐ denton, MO 65020 or e‐mail me your response by Friday, March 27, 2015. (ssu Name ___________________________________________________________ _____ I will be at the Friday Night Potluck Dinner. Number of People ________ _____ I will be playing golf in the tournament on Saturday. _____ I am entering a team. My addi onal team members are: 6 LAKE VALLEY HIGHWAY SIGN BENEFIT 4-PERSON SCRAMBLE Sunday, April 19th 1:00 PM Shotgun Start 18 Holes—Flighted Entry Fee: $50 per LVCC Member $75 per Non-Member Event proceeds go to the sign Fund Pick Your Own Team or Sign-Up as an Individual and be Paired Following the Golf Spaghetti Dinner (included for golers) and Silent Auction 7 EASTER SUNDAY BRUNCH Sunday, April 5th 10am – 1pm Reservations Suggested Featuring Omelet Chef Action Station, Scrambled Eggs, Breakfast Potatoes Hickory Smoked Bacon & Link Sausage Fluffy Buttermilk Biscuits, Country Sausage Gravy Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup, Fresh Sliced Fruit Garden Patch Salad Bar, Assorted Fresh Baked Breads Hand Carved Roast Top Round of Beef with Merlot Sauce Baked Pit Ham with Root Beer Glaze Grilled Caribbean Jerk Chicken with Tropical Salsa & Island Rice Pilaf Roasted Baby Red Potatoes, Vegetable Medley Cheese Cake Assorted Toppings, Chocolate Cake, Assorted Pies, Assorted Dessert Bars Open to the Public Adults $19.95 / Seniors $18.95 Children 6 – 12 yrs. old $9.00 5 and under free 367 C.C. Blair Drive Lake Road 54-79 Camdenton, MO For Reservations Call Greenside Bar at 346-7213 Ladies Invitational Golf Tournament at Lake Valley Golf Club Thursday, May 28, 2015 7:30 AM Registration Breakfast follows registration 9:00 AM Shot Gun Start Lunch follows tournament Special Events and Raffles Four Person Scramble Entry Fee $70/per player Fee Includes Breakfast, Lunch, and Prizes Flights will be determined by number of players Deadline for entries May 15, 2015 Player 1_____________________ Player 2______________________ Player 3_____________________ Player 4______________________ Return to Lake Valley Golf Club PO Box 317, Camdenton, MO 65020 Ques ons? Call 573‐346‐7218 1st Annual Suzie Sawyer Classic All proceeds benefit National Concerns of Police Survivors w Hole Games w Karaoke w Suzie’s Live Auction Co-Founder of C.O.P.S. & Executive Director Emeritus Date: Friday April 10, 2015 Where: Lake Valley Golf and Country Club Sign up as a 4-person team or Camdenton, MO we can find you a team! Format: 4-Person Scramble Please make checks payable to Time: 12:00 p.m. Registration Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) 1:00 p.m. Shot Gun Start and mail to: 6:00 p.m. Dinner/Karaoke/Live Auction National C.O.P.S. PO Box 3199 Entry Fee: $100 per player Camdenton, MO 65020 Includes golf, dinner, prizes and all the fun! If planning to attend the dinner only, the fee For questions, call is $20 per person. (573) 346-4911. 1st Annual Suzie Sawyer Classic Entry Form. Registration deadline April 1, 2015. Golfer Entry: Name __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Name __________________________________ q Pair me/us up with other players. I/We will be a sponsor: q $500 Hole Sponsor - q $1,000 Sponsor - q $5,000 Sponsor - (Your name and company logo featured at a hole.) (Your name and company logo on banner and six dinner guests.) (Your name and company logo on banner and two team entry.) Contact Name/Company ___________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________ City ______________________ State ______ Zip ________ Phone Number (_____) ______-_________ Email _____________________________________________ April 2015 Sunday Mar 29 April 2015 Su 5 12 19 26 Monday 30 Tuesday 31 Wednesday Apr 1 Mo 6 13 20 27 May 2015 Tu We Th Fr Sa 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 Thursday 2 Su 3 10 17 24 31 Mo 4 11 18 25 Tu We 5 12 19 26 Friday 3 Mar 29 - Apr 4 6 8 Hand and Foot 12 13 14 20 26 21 27 Apr 26 - May 2 MGA Kick-Off Breakfas Cindy Leigh 29 Men's Stag Night 1 2 9 16 23 30 Saturday 11 Suzie Sawyer Classic @ 17 18 24 25 May 1 2 Ladies Day 6:00pm Bunco Dinner @ 6 PM Play starts @ 7 PM 30 Senior Scramble @ 9 A 9:30am Party Bridge 7 14 21 28 Ladies Day 23 Kiwanis Terrific Kids Sc Senior Scramble @ 9 A 9:30am Party Bridge 28 Hand and Foot Ladies Kick-Off 16 22 Hand and Foot Lake Area Super Senio Apr 19 - 25 Hwy Sign Fundraiser 10 Senior Scramble @ 9 A 9:30am Party Bridge 5:00pm Green's Committee @ 5 PM 6:00pm Board of Director Meeting Apr 12 - 18 19 9 15 Hand and Foot Sa 1 8 15 22 29 Sutton Spring Open @ Senior Scramble @ 9 A 9:30am Party Bridge Apr 5 - 11 Easter Brunch 10:00 A 7 Fr 4 Senior Scramble @ 9 A 9:30am Party Bridge 5 6 13 20 27 Th Ladies Day 3/30/2015 6:29 PM May 2015 May 2015 Su 3 10 17 24 31 Sunday Monday 27 3 4 Tuesday Wednesday 4 11 18 25 Tu 5 12 19 26 We 6 13 20 27 June 2015 Th Fr Sa 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 Thursday 28 29 30 5 6 7 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 Friday Saturday May 1 2 8 9 4/26 - 5/1 Apr 26 Mo 5/3 - 8 Hand and Foot Men's League Play @ 5 10 11 Senior Scramble @ 8:3 9:30am Party Bridge 12 13 5/10 - 15 Hand and Foot Men's League Play @ 5 17 18 24 19 25 5/24 - 29 20 26 2 Men's Fourball Practice Men's Fourball 22 23 29 30 5 6 Ladies Day 28 Senior Scramble @ 8:3 9:30am Party Bridge 3 16 Ladies Invitational Golf 6:00pm Bunco Dinner @ 6 PM Play starts @ 7 PM 4 5/31 - 6/5 Jun 1 15 21 27 Men's Stag Night Gull-Ables Tournament Ladies Day Senior Scramble @ 8:3 9:30am Party Bridge 5:00pm Green's Committee @ 5 PM 6:00pm Board of Direc Hand and Foot LVCC Scholarship Scra Men's League Play @ 5 31 14 Senior Scramble @ 8:3 9:30am Party Bridge Hand and Foot Men's League Play @ 5 5/17 - 22 Men's Fourball Ladies Day Cindy Leigh 1 3/30/2015 6:30 PM
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