Aged Care & ResidentFees W ithincreasinglifeexpectanciesand im provem entsinm edicaltechnology w ecanallexpect tohavelongerandm oreproductiveretirem ents.Butthereisstillahighchanceofneeding helpw ithdaily livingactivitiesandm edicalcare,especially atolderages. Accessingsupportservicesdoesnotalw aysm eanyou havetom oveoutofyourhom e.H elp tostay inyourhom elongerisavailablethroughhom ecareservicesbuttheseservicesdo notw orkforeveryone,especially thoselivingaloneorw ithhighcareneeds. S oforsom epeople,am oveintoresidentialagedcarem ay beabetteralternative.Careful planningahead oftim ecanm akeallthedifferenceand rem ovealotofthestressatthetim e w henadecisionneedstobem ade. W hatdoes care cost? T hecosttocareforsom eoneinaresidentialservicecanbeashighas$256 perday (around $94, 000 peryear)butthankfully thesecostsareheavily subsidised by thegovernm ent. T heFederalGovernm entspendsover$13 billionayearonagedcare. T hisisinadditionto costsincurred by careprovidersforbuildingand m aintainingthefacilitiesand feespaid by residents. W iththepercentageofAustralia’spopulationoverage85 settotripleoverthenextthirty yearsthepressureonfinancesisincreasingand therulesforfeeschangedon1 July 2014. W hatis the im pactofthe new rules? T herangeoffeesand calculationm ethodsm ay appearcom plex butfeescanbedivided into fourcategories.T hediagram below providesaquickoverview ofthefeestructurefor residentialagedcare. T heim portantthingstoknow aboutthenew rulesare: T hereisnolongeradistinctionbetw eenlow careandhighcaresothe accom m odationpaym entrulesapply toallsubsidisedresidentialcareplaces. T heaccom m odationpaym entisquoted asalum psum (called arefundable accom m odationdeposit– R AD)and anequivalentdaily fee(called thedaily accom m odationpaym ent– DAP ).You canchecktheratesat w w w .m O nceyou haveaccepted aplaceyou w illhave28 daystodecidew hichfeeoptionto pay. Ifyou pay thelum psum R AD itisfully refundablew henyou leavecareand repaym entisguaranteed by theFederalGovernm entprovidedyou havepaid the R AD toanapproved serviceprovider. Dependingonyourincom eand assetsyou m ay beasked topay am eans-testeddaily carefee.T hisreduceshow m uchthegovernm entpaysforyourcare. T hisfeeis capped overayearandyourlifetim e(bothindexed). Ifyou m oved intocarebefore1 July 2014,thesenew rulesdonotapply.T hepreviousrules continuetoapply unlessyou m ovefrom onefacility toanotherand choosetohavethenew rulesapply. Things toconsider Financialaspectsareonly oneconsiderationw henpreparingforyourcareyears.Itism ore im portanttofind therightcareserviceattherighttim e. Youravailableoptionsm ay depend onyourfam ily arrangem entsand yourhealth requirem ents.Butifyourfinancesarecarefully planned,you w illhavem orechoicesand greatercontroloverw hereand how you liveand receivecare. Advicefrom anadviserw hoisexperienced inaged careiskey.Advicecanhelpyou seethe biggerpictureand takeintoconsiderationyourfam ily needsandestateplanning considerationsasw ellasstrategiestogeneratesufficientcashflow ,includingaccessto governm entbenefitsand concessions. Ifyou thinkyourplansneed tobereview edoryou w ould likefurtherinform ationonaspects ofagedcare,contactustom akeanappointm enttoday. BrendaW ILL YourAged CareS pecialist P : 08 9381 8779 E: bw @ .au W : .au BrendaW ill& BoutiqueAdvisersP ty L td areAuthorised R epresentativesof H illrossFinancialS ervicesL im ited ABN 77 003 323 055,AFS L 232705 Disclaim er: T heinform ationinthisarticleisgeneralonly and doesnottakeintoaccountyourpersonal objectives,financialsituationand needs. You should readarelevantDisclosureDocum entbefore deciding toinvest. Beforem aking aninvestm entdecisionyou should consultafinancialadviser. T his inform ationhasbeengiveningood faithandhasbeenderived from sourcesbelieved tobeaccurate.
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