Summer Camp Information

Moeller Lacrosse Summer Camp
July 6-8 2015
Moeller Summer Lacrosse Camp
Grades 1-3
Time: 6-7:30pm
Cost: $75
Campers will learn the basics of throwing,
catching and playing lacrosse.
This camp is for those interested in learning
lacrosse for the first time or a beginner working
on basic fundamentals. The only equipment
needed is a stick.
Campers will be provided a stick if you do not
have one of your own. No other equipment is
Grades 4th-8th
Time: 6pm-8pm
Cost: $95
This camp is designed to improve the
individual player's skill set by position.
3 Different Schools
Goalie School
Dominate Defender School
Sniper School
Drills will combine positions as well
along with competitive games.
Moeller Lacrosse Summer Camp
Camp Information
Campers should be prepared to be inside or outside
Please bring your own lacrosse equipment (based on which camp they are attending), water bottle, cleats or gym shoes
Drop off and pick up for campers will be at the Gerry Faust Athletic Complex
Make checks payable to:
Moeller Lacrosse
Return this form to:
Moeller High School-Athletic Department
c/o Sean McGinnis
9001 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Questions, please contact Kim Hauck at 513-791-1680, ext.1100
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moeller Lacrosse Summer Camp Registration Form
Which Camp do you wish to attend (Please Circle one)
Defensive School (6-8pm)
Sniper School (6-8pm)
Goalie School (6-8pm)
Beginners Camp (6pm-7:30pm)
Grades 1st-3rd
Player’s Name_______________________________ Home Phone_________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
City_____________________ State____________ Zip Code_____________________
Cell Phone ______________________ Grade (entering fall 2015)____________________________
School Currently Attending_________________________________________________
E-Mail Address __________________________________________________________
May we contact you via e-mail? Yes______
I certify that my son has no injury that would limit his participation in camp. I hereby release and exonerate and discharge the camp and
their employees from any and all actions or causes of actions, known or unknown, from injuries incurred in camp. I, the above-signed parent/guardian, do hereby delegate to the
Moeller Lacrosse Camp, its employees or agents, the authority to seek, obtain, and approve any medical care and treatment for the above-named camper, which in their judgment is
necessary for the health and well-being of said camper during his attendance at the Moeller Lacrosse Camp. Further, I agree to hold the Moeller Lacrosse Camp, its employees or
agents, harmless for any liability arising out of any good-faith actions taken in seeking and obtaining medical care and treatment for the above-named camper. All costs incurred are the
responsibility of the parent/guardian. A photostat copy of this authorization shall be considered as valid and effective as the original.
Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________________ Date____________