3-4 ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN: Low Organized Games LAYOUT(S) OF LEARNING ENVIRONMENT(S) THEME FOCUS: Low Organized Games ACTIVITY: Quidditch RATIONALE FOR TEACHING THIS LESSON: Students have an additional opportunity to practice their lacrosse skills and movement skills in a game based on the Harry Potter Game of Quidditch Equipment Needed Pop-Up Goals 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. 3. Participates regularly in physical activity. 4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. Pinnies Gator Skins/Playground Balls Foam Balls and/or Yarn Balls Lax Sticks Scarves and/or Bean Bags Task Cards Teaching Aids Audio System/Music White Board C r En ea de ted rs b R yE oa d d K El up em ie en c ta ry 1a. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. They will attain competency in a variety of physical activities and proficiency in a few select complex motor and sports activities. 1b. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance and body composition. 2. A Safe and Healthy Environment Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment. 3. Resource Management Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources. NASPE Content Standards (2004) Sc ho New York State Learning Standards ol All activities developmentally appropriate? This lesson helps students develop toward achieving the following grade level benchmarks: th NYS NASPE Grades 3-4 Benchmarks (By the end of 4 grade, a physically educated student should be able to do the following) 1A 1 Demonstrates mastery of the "fundamental oppositional throwing motion" and can demonstrate it in a variety of activities. Demonstrates an understanding of the components of health related fitness. 1 Is able to monitor and record heart rate as it relates to a target range. 2 1B Is able to understand the relationship between speed of movement and speed of heart rate. 3&4 Participate in physical activities that provide conditioning for fitness (NYS 1A). 2 5 6 3 Demonstrates an understanding of the purpose of rules and respectful behavior, by demonstrating independence and good use of time while practicing skills. Shows the ability to work constructively with others to accomplish a variety of tasks/goals. Shows respect for the safety of others involved in physical activities. Demonstrates the ability to challenge oneself to higher level of performance. Demonstrates the ability to modify activities in school to an area outside of school. OUTCOMES (Psychomotor, Cognitive, Affective): Through participation in this lesson, a student will be learning and/or reinforcing the following: Travel to avoid or catch an individual 75% of the time. Catch an object while moving 60% of the time. Support, lift, and control body weight in activity 80% of the time. Regularly active to improve skill and fitness 100% of the time. Select specialized equipment for activities 100% of the time. Enjoy feelings resulting from physical activity 100% of the time. Challenges self and/or others to high level 100% of the time. AREAS OF STUDY: THE CURRICULAR THREADS Personal Living Skills PERSONAL SELF-RELIANCE SOCIAL SKILLS MANAGEMENT SKILLS FOCUS Self-control Self-expression Self-accountability Courage FOCUS Respect for others Respect for individual differences Communication Collaboration Cooperation/Teamwork Competition Leadership/Followership Trust FOCUS Decision making Problem solving Honesty/Fairness Ethics Conflict resolution Diligence Perseverance Initiative PERSONAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS Cardiovascular Endurance None 2 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 10+ minutes Flexibility Up-body Midsection Low-body Muscle Strength & Endurance Skill Related Fitness Upper body Midsection Lower body Balance Coordination Agility React. Time Speed Power 3-4 ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON PLAN: Low Organized Games EPISODE 1: Introduction ACTIVITY: Warm-up & Lecture Students enter the gym and do a dynamic warm-up EPISODE 2: Fitness Episode ACTIVITY: TBA Fitness Activity as determined by Fitness Episode Chart and Class #. Promise Review Game of Quidditch, Give Harry Potter background EPISODE 3: Quidditch Rules ACTIVITY: Assign Roles Divide students into 4 houses (6 per house) who put on pinnies: Griffyndor (Red), Slytherin (Green), Hufflepuff (Yellow), and Ravenclaw (Blue). Time: <> 5 min. EPISODE 4: Quidditch Rules ACTIVITY: Directions All chasers try to score on the other 3 house goals. They MUST report to the scorekeeper (teacher) after each goal and they cannot score on the same house twice in a row. Chasers use the yarn ball "quaffles" (color doesn't matter to score, but each chaser will start with a ball of their house color) to score goals with their sticks. Keepers defend their house goal. All beaters use the gator skin "bludgers" (1 for each house color) to throw at the other players. Players hit with a bludger are frozen for 10 seconds. They must drop any quaffles or bludgers they have. C r En ea de ted rs b R yE oa d d K El up em ie en c ta ry Students are assigned to roles within each house: 1 - Keeper w/ stick 3 - Chasers w/ stick (extra students are placed here) 2 - Beaters (no sticks) 1 - Seeker (no sticks) Teaching style: A - Command ol Time: <> 10 min. Sc ho Teaching style: A - Command Students will rotate roles throught Teaching style: A - Command Time: <> 2 min. Seekers look for the 10 golden snitches (bean bags) that are hidden. If they find one, they run and whisper the location to the teacher (Keep secret). If they are the first to find a snitch, they get credit for the find. Teaching style: A - Command Time: <> 2 min. EPISODE 5: Quidditch ACTIVITY: Students Play Students play the game of Quidditch. EPISODE 6: Closure Review class activities and stretch ACTIVITY: Cool-Down Play two halves so that Beaters and Seekers get to use a stick and vice versa. Q: What did you do well today? What did you improve today? Preview next class Points: Each goal worth 10 points, each snitch worth 150 points. Finding a snitch does not end the game like it does in the books. Seekers will not know when all the snitches have been found. Students SHOULD NOT tell other players of the locations of the snitches because there may be time to play additional games. Teaching style: A - Command Time: <> 15 min. Teaching style: A - Command Time: Remaining ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES: Formative through Observation CONSIDERATION FOR DIFFERENTLY ABLED STUDENTS: Larger ball Self-Check Eliminate sticks Distance to partner TEACHING ADJUSTMENTS (Extensions, Refinements, Teaching Cues): Extensions: Change time limits, constrict boundaries, place obstacles (cones) Extension: Require a certain number of passes, require a certain number of touches by each player, require using a certain foot SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Collisions: Keep your head up! REFERENCES REFLECTIONS/NOTES FOR FUTURE CLASSES: Use Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills book for lesson ideas and modifications
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