Andrea Meneghel Andrea Meneghel, CDR Associates, Program Manager, is a facilitator, mediator, dispute resolution professional and stakeholder engagement specialist who assists groups to engage in interest-based negotiation and collaborative problem solving. He designs and facilitates collaborative processes that often include multi-stakeholder groups seeking to build partnerships in order to address public policy and environmental issues. As a professional with CDR Associates, Meneghel is experienced in all facets of conflict management and prevention in order to move groups or people toward developing agreements. He displays strong networking and communication skills backed up by extensive cross-cultural experience. As a Program Manager with CDR Associates, Andrea Meneghel has extensive experience in building strong relationships with, and between, government agencies, private and public sector groups within his projects. He has designed and managed various participatory processes that have been multi-year projects involving large stakeholder groups as well as smaller, focused efforts for select clients. Andrea has facilitated large stakeholder meetings as well as led issue specific meetings. He recognizes the value in designing and implementing meaningful public participation and partnering processes that balance the unique needs of the stakeholders with the goals of the decision makers. Understanding of Environmental Regulatory Processes: Andrea is experienced and familiar with the National Environmental Policy Act and regulatory processes that often accompany infrastructure planning, impact analysis, project development and environmental review of regulatory requirements. Andrea has facilitated and led interagency and stakeholder deliberation processes focused on streamlining efforts across federal, state and local government agencies to make decisions and form agreements. He has a thorough understanding of the challenges and opportunities of incorporating environmental considerations and coordinating with stakeholders during NEPA studies or other regulatory processes. Project Management Experience: Having led several major projects, Andrea has successfully managed complex governmental contracts with large budgets, coordinated strategies amongst project team members, supervised development of deliverables and guaranteed the fulfillment of work plans. As a professional with CDR Associates, Andrea often serves as the project lead or as a central coordinator to manage major efforts. Professional Experience Denver Regional Council of Governments Sustainable Communities Initiative: As part of a U. S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development grant, CDR is convening and facilitating committees tasked to develop implementation strategies to plan for transit-oriented development along three future commuter rail corridors in the Denver area; RTD FasTracks’ East Corridor, Gold Line and Northwest Rail/U.S. 36 Bus Rapid Transit. The committees are comprised of staff from local government planning and public works departments, housing authorities, low income advocacy groups, economic development agencies, the Denver Regional Council of Governments and the Regional Transportation District of Denver. The overall goal is to achieve consensus on multi-jurisdictional planning efforts that integrate “last mile” 3050 Broadway, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80304; (303) 442-7367 mobility, housing solutions, economic investments, workforce development and planning around future infrastructure use. Boulder County Flood Recovery Public Meetings Public Engagement and Facilitation, 2013: CDR Associates worked with Boulder County to engage its citizens affected by historic flooding that dramatically impacted the county’s communities by causing considerable damage to private property and infrastructure. Andrea Meneghel, CDR Program Manager, led a team that facilitated seven creek-specific public meetings to obtain input for informing the decisions that needed to be made within the County, and through coordinated recovery efforts with other State and Federal agencies. Boulder County Public Improvement District for Subdivision Paving, Public Outreach, 2013: CDR Associates provided six months of public outreach and stakeholder engagement services to support Boulder County’s development of a proposed public improvement district that was placed on the ballot for financing the continued rehabilitation of all subdivision roads in unincorporated Boulder County. The CDR team worked directly with the lead County directors and Boulder County’s Public Information Officer to inform citizens and create opportunities for understanding the ideas and perspectives of property owners within the improvement district. CDR designed and created a public involvement process which communicated reliable information and provided multiple ways for residents to provide input that informed key decisions. Funding Scenarios for a Boulder County Public Improvement District to Address Subdivision Paving: Andrea Meneghel, CDR Associates Program Manager, worked directly with the lead County directors and facilitated a citizen based working group that considered numerous funding options and alternatives for creating a Public Improvement District to address the rehabilitation of all subdivision roads in unincorporated Boulder County. The Project Team continually refined funding alternatives and created several scenarios to be considered by the Subdivision Paving Working Group for finding the funding option that would appeal to the broadest range of property owners throughout the county. Funding scenarios were continually refined to determine the optimal structure for a subdivision paving program that is currently in place. A considerable challenge of this project was to create two funding scenarios; one if a Public Improvement District was passed by voters for a permanent revenue stream to be created, and another if it were to not pass and the Board of County Commissioners were to implement a Local Improvement District or special assessment under their jurisdictional authority. Lead Facilitator, CDOT Sustainability in Roadway Design and Construction Task Force, 2012 to Present: Andrea is the lead facilitator for a 15-person Task Force within the Colorado Department of Transportation responsible for recommending new environmentally sustainable activities/actions that can be implemented in the roadway design and construction process. This is a proactive effort to develop strategies for fostering innovation. Andrea has guided the group towards evaluating actions and developing an implementation plan. The Task Force is on pace to successfully recommend actions to be considered for implementation. CDOT State Highway 7 Planning and Environmental Linkage Study, 2011 to Present: Mr. Meneghel is the Public Involvement Project Manager and lead facilitator for a Colorado Department of Transportation study which is working with local government staff, elected officials, community groups and corridor stakeholder groups along a 20-mile portion of a State Highway. The study will develop a joint vision to address future development plans and regional needs for analyzing and advancing multimodal capacity improvements for environmental review. 3050 Broadway, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80304; (303) 442-7367 Public Outreach and Agency Coordination Lead, CDOT State Highway 7 Planning and Environmental Linkage Study: Andrea is leading the facilitation effort and public outreach for a Colorado Department of Transportation study which is working with local government staff, elected officials, local, state and federal regulatory agencies, property owners and the general public along a 20mile segment of a State Highway from Boulder to Brighton, CO. The study will develop a joint vision to address future development plans and regional needs for analyzing and advancing multimodal capacity improvements. CDOT SH 7 Planning and Environmental Linkage Study, Technical Working Group Facilitation and Agency Coordination, 2011 - 2013: CDR Associates led the facilitation effort and public outreach for a CDOT study that addressed future development plans and regional transportation needs for a 20mile segment of a State Highway from Boulder to Brighton, CO. CDR’s project manager, Andrea Meneghel, directly coordinated the activities of a technical working group made up of local government staff and agency representatives that was tasked with analyzing alternatives in order to make a recommendation for a joint vision that addressed future development plans and regional needs for multimodal capacity improvements for the State Highway. The recommendations made by the technical working group took into consideration the various policy directions of their respected jurisdictions and strongly considered input solicited through a parallel outreach process that presented alternatives to the public. Public Involvement Project Manager and Lead Facilitator, CDOT North I-25 Planning and Environmental Linkage Study: Andrea manages the public involvement process and is the lead facilitator for a study evaluating existing and future operating conditions of one of the most congested corridors in the Denver metropolitan area. Andrea facilitates a policy-oriented recommendation-making Executive Committee of elected officials as well as a Technical Advisory Committee tasked to develop and recommend a range of multimodal improvements to reduce congestion and improve operations and safety. City and County of Denver/City of Aurora Peoria Crossing: Mr. Meneghel is part of the public involvement team for a study jointly sponsored by the City and County of Denver, the City of Aurora and the Regional Transportation District (RTD) to determine how to make improvements to the Peoria Street crossing with the Union Pacific Railroad and the future RTD FasTracks East Rail Line. The project aims to improve safety and travel for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, while reducing impacts at the crossing through a new grade separation. This project requires a very coordinated effort between the two cities and RTD in order to deal with contentious community issues. A specific challenge included different design standard between the City of Denver and the City of Aurora and designing a bikeway on a bridge that provided connectivity to community services and a transit station within a limited right-of-way. Co-Facilitator, University of Wyoming Biodiversity Initiative Task Force: Andrea Meneghel and Mary Margaret Golten coordinated and facilitated a University of Wyoming task force responsible for conceptualizing, developing and establishing an interdisciplinary program in ecological biodiversity and conservation. The task force consisted of members from the university’s upper administration, heads of departments, program directors and other faculty. The task force reached consensus under the pressure of an impending deadline and successfully submitted a plan to the President of the University which became an important initiative that was presented to the State Legislature and key donors. As a result the Biodiversity Institute at the University of Wyoming became established. Co-Facilitator, Jefferson Parkway Negotiations, 2011: Andrea was part of a two-person team that responded to a request of the Governor’s Office and the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Transportation to design and mediate a series of meetings between the communities in the Northwest 3050 Broadway, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80304; (303) 442-7367 Denver area. The negotiations addressed issues related to the future traffic impacts of a controversial highway extension to complete a beltway in the region. The complex and sensitive negotiations resulted in a plan to address future transportation, community and environmental needs. Lead Facilitator, Colorado Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Re-Evaluation: Meneghel served as lead facilitator and developed the overall strategy to lead the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) through a series of 18 statewide partnering meetings with local government agencies to identify ways in which CDOT’s Local Agency Program can be administered for all stakeholders while complying with federal requirements and CDOT policy. The input gathered allowed a Local Agency Task Force to evaluate how to implement programmatic improvements to optimize allocation of resources, create procedural efficiencies to administer projects, and maintain a strong relationship between local government agencies and CDOT. Colorado Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Re-Evaluation: CDR Associates developed the overall strategy to lead the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through a series of 18 statewide partnering meetings with local government agencies to identify ways in which CDOT’s Local Agency Program could best be administered for the implementation of local projects that required CDOT oversight and compliance associated with the federal funding granted to the projects. Along with representatives from CDOT headquarters and the Federal Highway Administration, CDR met with elected officials, local agency staff, Metropolitan Planning Organizations and consultants to identify ways in which the Local Agency Program can best be administered while complying with federal requirements and CDOT policy for projects receiving federal funding. As a result of the meetings that CDR facilitated, the input gathered allowed a Local Agency Task Force to implement programmatic improvements to optimize allocation of funding, create procedural efficiencies to administer projects, and maintain a strong relationship between local government agencies, CDOT and FHWA. Public Involvement Project Manager, RTD FasTracks Northwest Rail Environmental Evaluation: Meneghel managed the stakeholder engagement and public involvement process for the Regional Transportation District of Denver’s FasTracks study to provide rail service from Denver to Longmont, CO along 41 miles of rail through five counties and seven municipalities. Meneghel served as the lead facilitator for meetings between RTD and a local governments team that provided input for project decisions. He facilitated communications between stakeholder groups and the decision makers, and led the public involvement effort which included developing communication strategies, designing public information, coordinating public workshops, presenting project recommendations to the public, and synthesizing all public input for the decision makers. Meneghel convened and facilitated numerous public meetings, conducted stakeholder outreach, and worked extensively with elected officials and community leaders to address such issues as commuter rail vehicle technology, station locations and design, and noise impacts and mitigations. RTD FasTracks Northwest Rail Environmental Evaluation, Public Involvement Process Management, 2007 - 2010: CDR Associates managed the stakeholder engagement and public involvement process for the Regional Transportation District of Denver’s FasTracks study to provide rail service from Denver to Longmont, CO along 41 miles of rail through five counties and seven municipalities. CDR facilitated meetings between RTD and a local governments team that provided input for project decisions. CDR was also responsible for coordinating communications between stakeholder groups and the decision makers, and leading the public involvement effort which included developing communication strategies, designing public information, coordinating public workshops, presenting project recommendations to the public, and synthesizing all public input for the decision makers. CDR’s 3050 Broadway, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80304; (303) 442-7367 team convened and facilitated numerous public meetings, conducted stakeholder outreach, and worked extensively with elected officials and community leaders. Public Involvement Project Manager, US 36 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS): Meneghel designed, managed and implemented the public involvement efforts and outreach strategies for the Colorado Department of Transportation and Regional Transportation District of Denver’s U.S. 36 Corridor EIS, which examined multi-modal transportation solutions for the 18-mile corridor between Boulder and Denver, Colorado. Meneghel facilitated the main policy and technical committee which represented various public stakeholder groups to make decisions and reach consensus. Meneghel was a core member of the project team, coordinating strategies, actions and communications between the project team, regulatory agencies, elected officials, jurisdiction staff members and the general public to address critical issues. This project included a full-scale public involvement and outreach plan which engaged a region of the Denver metropolitan area that crossed five counties and seven municipalities. US 36 Environmental Impact Statement, Preferred Alternative Committee Facilitation, 2008 – 2010: As part of the US 36 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which examined multi-modal transportation solutions for the 18-mile corridor between Boulder and Denver, CO, a CDR team facilitated the Preferred Alternative Committee (PAC) which consisted of agency representatives, elected officials and local government technical staff. The PAC was charged with considering alternatives for developing a joint recommendation to the lead federal agencies for identifying a supported and implementable solution for the US 36 EIS Preferred Alternative. The PAC process resulted in the successful resolution of the issues related to the US 36 EIS for the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation District of Denver. Through CDR’s facilitation of the PAC, options were considered and agreements were achieved that successfully identified strategies for implementing the corridor-wide Preferred Alternative. Instructor, Public Involvement in the Transportation Decision-Making Process: Meneghel instructs an interactive three-day training program for the Federal Highway Administration’s National Highway Institute to address both the philosophies of effective public involvement and the practical applications of techniques. These three-day training programs are for Federal Highway Administration and State Department of Transportation staff members who are tasked with delivering projects that impact or involve the public. The course features discussions with participants on the range of public involvement concepts and approaches in the planning, project development and construction phases and reinforces the concepts of early, continuous and proactive public involvement between Departments of Transportation and their stakeholders. Practical Conflict Management Skills for Environmental Issues, National Highway Institute, Federal Highway Administration: Mr. Meneghel instructs a course that is designed to teach basic conflict management skills, including interest-based negotiation, communication, facilitation skills and leadership behaviors in the context of transportation decision-making around environmental issues. The course demonstrates how to arrive at integrative decisions, make good use of limited time and resources, achieve streamlined processes, and make decisions that serve both the agencies and the public. Trainer, The Mediation Process, CDR Associates, 2011-Present: Andrea is one of CDR Associates’ professional trainers that delivers customized interactive week-long courses focused on presenting effective mediation and facilitation skills for addressing conflict. The skills taught in the course can be applied within organizations, between stakeholder groups or across a variety of issue areas or societies. . Colorado Department of Transportation, Mediation (Confidential), 2010: Meneghel conducted a mediation between parties that were struggling with effective communication, defining clear roles and 3050 Broadway, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80304; (303) 442-7367 responsibilities, and working effectively to meet organizational objectives and project deliveries. As a result of the mediation, the parties reached agreement on mutually beneficial operating practices and implementable steps for a way to work together in the future, and improve their teamwork, workplace dynamic and communications. Federal Leadership Forum (FLF) – Federal/State Consortium on Oil and Gas Activities on Federal Lands in the Rocky Mountain Region: Meneghel was part of a facilitation team for a multi-agency decision- making leadership body that was tasked to develop an agreement between three States and several federal government agencies to establish an air data warehouse that would coordinate data collection and modeling approaches and procedures for federal and state agencies involved in oil and natural gas permitting and regulation. Meneghel’s team assisted federal and state agencies to develop a coordinated approach to air data collection and modeling to facilitate more efficient and environmentally sensitive permitting and regulation of oil and gas facilities in a three-state region. The agency leaders reached agreement and signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the collaborative development of air monitoring and a data warehouse. Partners in this process include directors and staff of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, US Forest Service, and state officials from Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Mediation of Federal Reserved Water Rights and Issues Related to the Needs of a National Park: Meneghel was part of a team that mediated a settlement between the federal government and a range of diverse parties concerning quantification of federal reserved water rights for the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Western Colorado. Issues involved water quantities and stream flows to sustain the purposes of the park and protect the interests of other parties. Parties included the U.S. Department of Interior, Department of Justice, National Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Western Area Power Administration; The State of Colorado, Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Water Conservation Board, Division of Wildlife and Office of the Attorney General; the Colorado River Water Conservation District, the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District, the North Fork Conservancy District, the Uncompaghre Valley Water Users Association; the Cities and Counties of Gunnison, Delta and Montrose; and a variety of other nongovernmental parties including the Colorado River Energy Distributers (CREDA) and environmentalist groups from the National Parks Conservation Association, Trout Unlimited and other organizations. Bahrain National Consensus Dialogue, June 2011: In 2011, Bahrain experienced public protests and demonstrations in reaction to the country's government and the lack of public participation in inclusive processes, human rights violations and social and economic conditions. In response, the King of Bahrain convened a National Consensus Dialogue to engage representatives from political parties, civil society, the economic sector and expats in discussing and making recommendations to the monarchy for proposed changes in the country in the areas of politics, rights, economy and social services. CDR Associates consulted on the dialogue process and conducted a five-day seminar on Facilitation of Multiparty Dialogue Groups. The training program prepared 17 Bahraini nationals to facilitate a 300-person dialogue group and multiple 70-person working groups. The Dialogue presented its report to King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa at the end of July. In October, the monarchy began its responses to the recommendations. Mr. Meneghel was part of the CDR team and oversaw the preparation of the materials used to prepare the training participants to take on the task of facilitating the national dialogues. Ministry of Justice, Peoples’ Mediation Association and Committees of the Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region and the Asia Foundation. Mediation, Capacity Building for the Peoples’ Mediation Association and Committees, 2007: Mr. Meneghel led the research effort to prepare a CDR team for designing and implementing a culture and issue-specific mediation and a training-for-trainers 3050 Broadway, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80304; (303) 442-7367 capacity-building program to prepare mediator-trainers from multiple ethnic groups in this far-western region of China to address and resolve civil, commercial, land and interethnic conflicts. Local trainers engaged in a pilot project to prepare more than 1,000 mediators to handle cases throughout the region. United States Agency of International Development; Production, Finance and Improved Technologies Project; Zambia: As part of a USAID project to support advancing Zambian agribusiness, CDR Associates engaged in designing and presenting a mediation training program to build capacity for Zambian National Farmers Union (ZNFU) managers to pilot and launch a mediation service for farmers involved in commercial disputes. Andrea Meneghel led the research for the CDR team in order to thoroughly understand Zambian society and develop culturally appropriate content for the training program. Distinguished Speaker, Naropa University, Masters in Environmental Leadership Program: Andrea Meneghel has been invited to speak and hold interactive exercises with Master Degree students in a course focused providing theory and the practical application of conflict resolution and mediation skills within organizations or as applied to an environmental issue. Education Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey, CA, May 2006 Master of Arts International Policy Studies Specialization: International Conflict Resolution and Negotiations Select Coursework: International Politics, Mediation Training, Policy Analysis & Research Methods, International Law, Joint Fact Finding, Grant & Proposal Writing, International Negotiations, Managing Legislative & Media Relations, Global Energy Prospects, Conflict Resolution, Analysis of International Negotiations, International Economics Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, December 1998 Bachelor of Business Administration Major: Marketing Minor: General Business Select Coursework: Contemporary Economic Problems, Business Finance, Marketing Strategy, Environmental Economics, Legal Environment, International Marketing, Accounting, Business Communications, Marketing Research, Business Statistics, Strategic Management, Quantitative Marketing Applications Additional Training 2011 2010 2009 2007 2007 2006 2006 The Nimble Thinker: Problem Solving Concepts and Skills Training The Keystone Center Multi-Party Negotiations of Environmental Disputes U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution Instructor Development Course Federal Highway Administration/National Highway Institute Principles of Graphic Facilitation The Grove Mediation Skills Training for Public and Private Sector Issues CDR Associates Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Training Monterey College of Law, Mandell-Gisnet Center for Conflict Management Certified Mediation Training Santa Clara County Dispute Resolution Program 3050 Broadway, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80304; (303) 442-7367 Languages Fluent in Italian; Knowledgeable in Spanish and French Italian: Fluent Spanish: Knowledgeable French: Knowledgeable Years of Experience With CDR Associates: (Since 2006) Dispute Resolution: (Since 2004) Business Management: 5 Years Marketing: 5 Years PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS, Achievements and Other Recognitions Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Institute Instructor The Association for Conflict Resolution, Environmental and Public Policy Section, Mediation Practitioner United States of America Snowboard Association (USASA) certified head judge, International Ski Federation (FIS) certified head judge. Have head judged the following events: USASA Rocky Mountain Snowboard Series, USASA Copper Series, Winter Park King of the Groms, Burton Am Tour Produced a 75 page analysis of the multilateral negotiations establishing the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary which illustrates a large-scale stakeholder engagement process with an in-depth focus of the facilitation, mediation and negotiation components Intrawest Golf 2001 Employee of The Year Past member and volunteer for the following organizations o Global Majority o The Monterey Institute of International Studies Conflict Resolution Association o The Surfrider Foundation o Snowboard Outreach Society volunteer instructor o Save The Waves Coalition, volunteer grant writer o Dante Alighieri Society 3050 Broadway, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80304; (303) 442-7367
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