AP CALCULUS AB FINAL PROJECT Real Life Applications of Calculus PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project can be done as an individual or as a group. You will choose your own topic, and it should be something from real world that requires technology to prepare and present the contents. I expect more ambitious project with a bigger group of people. Some project ideas are provided as examples, but your groups is more than welcome to come up with own topic. There are four requirements that you should think of when designing your project. 1) 2) 3) 4) Your project must use SOMETHING REAL: REAL DATA, or REAL VIDEO or a REAL IMAGES You must use some sort of CALCULUS that you did not know before taking this course You must use some sort of TECHNOLOGY (i.e. Desmos, Excel, Video Editing, Google Earth…) You need to find a way to PRESENT your findings to both me and your classmates. This project idea is heavily borrowed from Bowman Dickson of King’s Academy in Jordan. The link to the original material is provided: http://bowmandickson.com/2012/05/13/and-the-calculus-final-projects-begin/ SCHEDULE Due: May 13th, Wed (Section A) / May 14th, Thu (Section B) Group Forming and Topic Description Goal – Students will find their project group members and they will choose their topic. Document – Name of members and detailed description of the topic. Description needs to explain the goal of the project and how it will be achieved and presented. Due: May 21st, Thu (Section A and B) Outline of Tasks and Deciding Roles Goal – Each group will decide role and responsibility of its members, and create list of tasks to complete the project. Document – Task list and each member’s task assignment. Due: June 3rd, Wed (Section A) / June 4th, Thu (Section B) Completing the Project Goal – Three class periods will be provided as work days. Document – Completed project. Due: June 8th - 9th, Tue – Wed (Section A and B) Presentations Goal – Two class periods will be used as presentation days. SUBMISSION On top of documents laid out in the schedule, each group has to submit evidence of their in-class work by the end of each class meeting starting May 11th, Monday. Evidence can be anything from a phone photo of your team’s brainstorming work to short clips of audio or video. To submit your work, create a Google Drive folder for your team and then share it with Mr. Pak’s school account (ihpak@daltonschool.kr). If none of your team members know how to do this, make sure to learn from Mr. Pak. GRADING RUBRIC Completeness (60%): Your group’s finished project has to clear demonstrate four elements: it’s something real, using calculus, incorporates technology, and presented in organized manner. Timeliness (40%): Each document has to be submitted by its deadline. Each instance of delay will cause 5% deduction PER DAY. PROJECT IDEAS Graphing Stories Video Create videos for many different aspects of differential calculus (i.e. a constantly increasing position, a constant position, a constantly increasing velocity etc) in a story. You may do other quantities besides position vs. time, for instance, pain vs. time. Google Earth Land Project With the help of Google Earth, analyze maps of the world to answer an interesting question. For example: Find a few nice plots of land on Google Earth that you would like to own. Find their areas and think of some other things you would like to know about them. For example, how much does the land cost per acre, how many houses could you put on it, how much seed would you need to plant it? Compare the plots of land of various celebrities and find their area with various methods (Riemann Sums, modeling functions etc). Compare your answer with stated land areas. Answer an interesting question like “How much concrete does the city of Cheongna use?”, “How many miles of roads are there in Cheogna?” etc. Related Rates with Filling a Container Up (adapted from Sam Shah’s Math Blog - http://samjshah.com/2011/02/01/related-rates-see-em-in-action/) If you pour a liquid into a straight-sided glass at a constant rate, the water level will rise at a constant height. However, if you pour it into a container that does not have straight sides, the water level will rise at a varying rate depending on the shape of the container. Collect a few different containers (interesting flower vases, Gatorade bottles, various household glasses) and film yourself filling up the containers with a liquid. Then analyze the height of the liquid at any time t, and come up with a way to talk about dh/dt. Solids of Revolution Find the volume of interesting solids. Examples include Coke bottle, instruments like a tuba, or that sofa in the high school corridor. Real Data Function Modeling Using real data, analyze some sort of phenomenon in the same sort of way that we investigated the population growth and radioactive decay. Tell me something interesting about these phenomena in terms of functions, their derivatives and their integrals. Fit function to various sections of the curves that you create and discuss why different functions fit in different places. Some examples: Examine the spread of a real disease (malaria, AIDS etc) in a limited community and see how closely the spread of the disease fits with various models for something like this, Graph the record for a specific event in the sporting world (the 100 m dash in track, the 200 m freestyle in swimming, the Boston Marathon record) and fit functions to the data to try to determine a theoretical limit for the record (in addition to answering some of the questions above), Investigate the rate of oil consumption or production or anything else having to do with the looming Global Energy crisis, Investigate the life expectancies of a few different countries and try to model their life expectancy with a function, or Examine the earnings of certain movies and use your investigation to predict how much a movie that is currently in theaters will earn. Write and Answer a Calculus Letter (adapted from “Writing in Mathematics” by Dr. Annalisa Crannell) Write and answer a fake letter from a businessman, politician or scientist that poses a simple problem for which you need the use of Calculus to solve. The problem should be detailed and involved, and the answer should involve data (even if it is made up), graphs and functions. Here are examples of what I am talking about: https://edisk.fandm.edu/annalisa.crannell/writing_in_math/Myron%28calc-I%29/myron2.htm https://edisk.fandm.edu/annalisa.crannell/writing_in_math/Myron%28calc-I%29/myron1.htm https://edisk.fandm.edu/annalisa.crannell/writing_in_math/GOOF/goof1.htm Write a Calculus Song Write and record a song about a concept (or many concepts) in Calculus. It could be a song that explains something, a song that will help students in the future remember something, or anything else. Optimization Exploration Collect as many commercial containers of a specific type and analyze how efficiently they use materials compared to the optimal dimensions of an object with that shape. Rank your containers from most efficient to least efficient. In your investigation, include possible reasons as to why companies would design containers the way they do if they are not the most efficient shape. History of Calculus: The Calculus Wars, Leibniz vs. Newton Research the founding of modern day Calculus, or rather how two mathematicians independently came up with the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus connecting integral and differential calculus. Instead of writing a paper (that has been done thousands of times), come up with a creative way to present the information – a play, a dialogue, a debate, a court case. Visuals including the notation that they used at the time would be wonderful. Zeno’s Paradox An ancient Greek philosopher posed a bunch of really interesting questions that get at the heart of Calculus. One of them goes something like this: Everything that moves, must always go halfway to its destination before it gets there. Then it must go halfway again, and again and again. How does it ever make it? Another goes something like this: At any given moment in time, an object is still, so how does something move from one place to another? Complete some sort of demonstration of Zeno’s paradox to explore this deep question of philosophy in a creative way. For example, a student in the past told the story of someone trying to get out of a ticket for running a stop sign because they showed a picture that seemed to indicate that they were still at a moment when they were behind the stop sign. The cop and biker argued about this idea using the fundamentals of Calculus to see who was right. Design a Building Design a building using Calculus to help you figure out something about the building, whether that be the area of a curvy part, or calculating the optimal shape and size given certain constraints (like a greenhouse or something with solar panels). You can make a model of your building, construct a model on the computer, or draw up diagrams to display plans for your building. Make a Calculus Game Design and construct a game to help students either learn or practice a specific concept in Calculus. It should be interesting, creative, and durable enough to be used in future years. Possibilities include both physical game boards and some sort of computer or calculator based-game.
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