Parent Resources - Cedarhurst Unitarian Universalists

Parent Resources
UU Websites
Spiritual Parenting
The Natural Child Project
The Child-Friendly Initiative
Mothering Magazine
Coalitions for Marriage, Families and Couples Enrichment
Attachment Parenting
Unitarian Universalists Kids
“Raising UU Kids in a non UU world”,
 A Call to Character: A Family Treasury edited by Colin Greer and Herbert Kohl
 Brave New Families: Stories of Domestic Upheaval in Late Twentieth-Century America by Judith Stacey
 Children of 2010 by Valora Washington and J.D. Andrews
 Christianity and the Making of the Modern Family by Rosemary Ruether
 Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions by Starhawk, Diane Baker, and Anne Hill
 Everyday Blessings, The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting by Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn
 Family Ministry: A Comprehensive Guide by Diana R. Garland
 In the Shelter of Each Other: Rebuilding Our Families by Mary Pipher
 Helping Young People Flourish by Aletha J. Solter, Ph.D.
 How Children Learn by John Holt
 Our Children Are Watching by Susan Collins
 Protecting the Gift by Gavin Becker
 Shelter for the Spirit by Victoria Moran
 Small Wonder by Jean Grasson Fitzpatrick
 The Gift of Faith: Tending the Spiritual Lives of Children by Jeanne Nieuwejaar
 The Heart of Family, Searching America for New Traditions That Fulfill Us by Meg Cox
 The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents: Guiding Your Children to Success and Fulfillment by Deepak Chopra
 The Spiritual Life of Children by Robert Coles
 The War Against Parents by Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Cornel West
 The Way We Really Are Coming to Terms With America's Changing Families by Stephanie Coontz
 The Web of Life: Weaving the Values That Sustain Us by Richard Louv
 Ties That Stress: The New Family Imbalance by David Elkind
 Whole Parent, Whole Child by Polly Berends
Are We Having Fun Yet? The 16 Secrets of Happy Parenting by Kay Willis and Maryann Bucknam
The Aware Baby: A new approach to parenting by Aletha J. Solter, Ph.D.
Children Learn What They Live, Parenting to Inspire Values by Dorothy Law Nolte and Rachel Harris, Ph.D.
Crossing the Color Line: Race, Parenting and Culture by Maureen Reddy
Fathering: Strengthening Connection with Your Children No Matter Where You Are by Will Gennon
40 Ways to Raise a Nonracist Child by Barbara Mathias and Mary Ann French
Golden Rules, The Ten Ethical Values Parents Need to Teach Their Children by Wayne Dosick
Kids Are Worth It! by Barbara Colorosov
Mothering and Fathering: The Gender Differences in Child Rearing by Tine Thevenin
Natural Family Living: The Mothering Magazine Guide to Parenting by Peggy O'Mara
Our Babies, Ourselves, How Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent by Meredith Small
Parenting for High Self-Esteem (3 Cassette set) by Stephanie Marston
Parenting for Peace and Justice: Ten Years Later by Kathleen and James McGinnis
Tears and Tantrums by Aletha J. Solter, Ph.D.
10 Principles for Spiritual Parenting by Mimi Doe and Marsha Walch, Ph.D.
The Family Virtues Guide: Simple Ways to Bring Out the Best in Our Children and Ourselves by Linda
The Lesbian and Gay Parenting Handbook: Creating and Raising Our Families by April Martin
The Parent's Tao Te Ching, Ancient Advice for Modern Parents by William Martin
The Essence of Parenting by Anne Johnson and Vic Goodman
The Whole Parenting Guide: Strategies, Resources, and Inspiring Stories for Holistic Parenting and Family
Living by Alan Reder and Lam Kam Chuen
You Are Your Child's First Teacher by Rahima Baldwin
The Souls of Our Children: Lessons on Love and Guidance by Saundra Cartese
Family Education
Celebrating Families by Tirrell Kimball
Just Because I Am: A Child's Book of Affirmation (and Leader Guide) by Lauren Payne
Just Family Nights by Susan Vogt
Playwise: 365 Fun-Filled Activities for Building Character, Conscience and Emotional Intelligence of
Children by Denise and Mark Wesson
 Once Upon A Family: Read Aloud Stories and Activities that Nurture Healthy Kids by Jean Grasso
 Religious Education at Home: A Handbook for Parents compiled by the Church of the Larger Fellowship
 Seven Times the Sun: Guiding Your Child Through the Rhythms of the Day by Darian Shea
 Simple Pleasures for the Holidays by Susannah Seton
 Talk With Teens About Feelings, Family, Relationships, and the Future by Jean Peterson
 The Families Book: True Stories About Real Kids and People They Live With and Love by Arlene Erlbach
 The Intentional Family: How to Build Family Ties in Our Modern World by William Doherty
 The Kid's Guide to Social Action by Barbara Lewis
 The Kid's Guide to Service Projects by Barbara Lewis
 The Power of Play, Serious Lessons from Family Fun by Jonathan Adolph
 Touch Magic by Jane Yolen
 We Can Get Along: A Child's Book of Choices by Lauren Payne
 What Do You Stand For: A Kid's Guide to Building Character by Barbara Lewis
 Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
 Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
 Time-In: When Time-Out Doesn't Work by Jean Illsley Clarke
 Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kohn
Gender Issues
Real Boys, Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood by William Pollack, Ph.D.
Reviving Ophelia by Mary Pipher
The Courage to Raise Good Men by Olga Silverstein and Beth Rashbaun
The Essence of Parenting by Anne Johnson and Vic Goodman
The Wonder of Boys, What Parent, Mentors an Educators Can Do to Shape Boys into Exceptional Men by
Michael Gurian
Inclusive Families
 Families of Value: Gay and Lesbian Parents and Their Children Speak Out by Jane Drucker
 I'm Like You, You're Like Me. A Child's Book About Understanding and Celebrating Each Other (and
Leader Guide) by Cindy Gainer
 Interfaith Family Guidebook: Practical Advice for Jewish and Christian Partners by Joan Hawxhurst
 Raising the Rainbow Generation by Darlene and Derek Hopson
 Families: A Celebration of Diversity, Commitment and Love by Aylette Jenness
UU Publications & Resources
 Inward Springs
This is a bi-monthly periodical created to support UU adults in the spiritual education of the children in their
lives. The adults can be parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc. Some past issues have explored Images
of God, Priorities and Spiritual Health, Living with Loss, and Liberal Religious Family Values. An individual
subscription costs $15. Contact Unitarian Universalist District of Metropolitan New York (Inward Springs),
48 Old Colony Road, Hartsdale, NY 10530 OR:
HUUmans at Home
A bi-monthly newsletter created for UU homeschoolers and kindred spirits to share ideas. It provides a
directory of compatible homeschool and alternative learning support groups and contacts, as well as
information about regional gatherings, resources, curricula, and projects. One-year subscription is $12. Send
check to: Mary Marsh at PO Box 2472, Bellingham, WA 98262, or request a sample issue by emailing the
editor at: Or join the online discussion group by sending the following message to - type in the message "subscribe" followed by your name.
Parenting for Peace and Justice Network/Families Against Violence Advocacy Network
This is not a UU organization, but rather an interfaith group with the stated purpose of "creating circles of
peace to break the cycle of violence." It sponsors the "Family Pledge of Nonviolence," as well as Leadership
Training Workshops and publications on nonviolence. The website is For an individual or
family membership of $25 per year, you will receive the bi-monthly newsletter "Circles of Peace, Circles of
Justice," FAVAN Updates, and discounts on PPJ resources.
Seeds of Simplicity
A project of the Center for Religious, Ethic, and Social Policy at Cornell University, this nonprofit program
advocates a simplified lifestyle (the "voluntary simplicity movement"). It provides parenting resources and
learning materials which are free to members: tax-deductible membership is $25 a year, with no one turned
away for lack of funds. The goals are to help children learn to find happiness with fewer material goods, and
to reduce disproportionate consumption of earth's resources. Contact Carol Benson Holst at PO Box 9955,
Glendale, CA 91226, phone/fax (818) 247-4332.
Dovetail: A Newsletter By and For Jewish/Christian Families
Published bi-monthly by Dovetail Publishing, PO Box 19945, Kalamazoo, MI 49019, (616) 342-2900. A oneyear subscription is available for $24.
Alternative Family
The premier magazine for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender parents - and their children. Published by
AFM Publishing, PO Box 5650, River Forest, IL 60305-5650, (800) 256-8519. One-year bi-monthly
subscription is $24.
UU Kid's Book
A classic collection of puzzles, stories, games and songs for children 8-12. Available from UniUniques for
UUA Website
Be sure to check out this website for a lot of interesting pages such as: Family Page. UU Family Network, list
of UU Family curricula, social justice curricula, and the "Family Pledge of Nonviolence," which you can fill
out online.
UU & Me!
Magazine for UU kids ages 6-12. Has interesting articles and lots of fun activities for kids to do. One-year
subscription (4 issues) for $15.
Our Whole Lives
Information about the new UUA sexuality curriculum. UUA Bookstore. Contains recommended children's
books, books on parenting and family life, and other resources. Online and phone ordering available.
Cedarhurst Unitarian Universalists
PO Box 817
2912 Club House Road
Finksburg, Maryland 21048