April 2, 2015 - Ingham County MSU Extension

Ingham County Michigan State University Extension
Weekly Happenings
Apr 3—4-H Office Closed—Good Friday
Apr 8—County-Wide Dog Practice—7:00 pm—Ingham County Fairgrounds
Apr 8—Monthly Horse Committee Meeting—7:00 pm—Hilliard
Apr 10—State 4-H Goat Expo Entries due in 4-H Office by 5:00 pm
Apr 10—State 4-H Poultry Clinic due in 4-H Office by 5:00 pm
Apr 14—Horse Quiz Bowl Practice—7:00 pm—Leslie High School, Rm 302
Apr 14—Shooting Sports Committee Meeting—7:00 pm—Hilliard
Apr 15—Horse Quiz Bowl Practice—7:00 pm—Leslie High School, Rm 302
Apr 15—County-Wide Dog Practice—7:00 pm—Ingham County Fairgrounds
Apr 15—Monthly 4-H Council Meeting—7:00 pm—Hilliard
Apr 15—Earl Threadgould Scholarship Applications Due
Apr 16—4-H Goat Council Meeting—6:30 pm—Hilliard
Apr 16—Horse Quiz Bowl Practice—7:00 pm—Leslie High School, Rm 302
Apr 17-18—4-H Equine Educational Expo—MSU Livestock Pavilion
Apr 18—Dairy Feeder Weigh-In/Tagging—9-11 am—Fairgrounds
Apr 18—Small Animal Day—9:00 am—1:00 pm—MSU Livestock Pavilion
Seeking Members for Ingham County STEM Committee
Education and outreach centered on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has been
gaining momentum. Recently there has been an even greater push with Michigan’s government emphasizing
STEM partnerships. What makes STEM education so important that it is becoming a movement, and gaining
attention from state and national leadership?
The call for greater STEM outreach is rooted in STEM literacy issues in the country and the ability to prepare
youth for future careers. The basic premise is that students are not being prepared adequately for science and
technology careers; leaving positions vacant and an unemployed workforce not qualified for the jobs available.
The estimated ratio of STEM openings to the number of unemployed individuals is almost 2-to-1 as noted by
changetheequation.org. Although this gap currently exists, it is believed it will only get worse for future
Even more relevant to youth outreach is the associated achievement gap. Not only are our youth being
under-prepared for careers in STEM fields, but youth from minority groups are at an even greater disadvantage.
Although the achievement gap applies to education across subjects, it is
relevant with STEM being a subset of the low academic performance
issues. The National Education Association provides resources for
addressing these issues in the classroom. Youth serving organizations can
help with this gap in out of school programming as well.
Ingham County 4-H is looking for 5 youth to participate on our STEM committee to
develop programming throughout Ingham County. If you would like to be involved
in the future of STEM in Ingham County, Please return the form located at the end
of the Cloverleaf by May 1, 2015. If you have questions, please contact the 4-H
Office at 676-7207.
2015 Fair Animal Weigh in & Tagging:
4-H Dairy Feeder: Saturday April 18, 2015 9am—11am Ingham
County Fair: Underneath Grand Stand
Superintendent: Jeff Graf 749-2978
4-H Sheep: Saturday, April 25, 2015 12pm—3pm,
Ingham County Fair; Underneath Grand Stand
Superintendent: Tom Sterle 589-5118
4-H Goat: Saturday, May 9, 2015 9am—12pm,
Ingham County Fair—Underneath Grand Stand
Superintendent: Jennifer Mogyoros 763-6951
Earl Threadgould Scholarship
Due April 15, 2015
Receive a $350 scholarship for college. To be eligible, you
must be accepted for full-time study at an accredited postsecondary college or other school. Please submit the form
from http://ce.ingham.org/4H/4HAwardsandScholarships.aspx
letter of acceptance, an essay on
"How 4-H Has Contributed to my Growth
and Development", and a letter of
recommendation/support from your
4-H leader.
4-H Rabbit: Tuesday, June 30, 2015: 6pm—8pm
Shirley Clark Pavilion
Superintendent: Penny Jezuit 699-2094
Ingham County Farm Bureau Scholarship
Due May 31, 2015
The Ingham County Farm Bureau sponsors one scholarship
each year. This scholarship is based on student need, college
grade point average, extra curricular and professional
activities, application and a personal interview. In order to be
eligible for the scholarship, the following criteria must be met:
Youth exhibitors will have the opportunity to complete their PQA
training requirements via an online training module. The module
will include a testing procedure for youth in the intermediate and
advance categories. Ingham County exhibitors wishing to
complete the requirement online must complete by June 15th .
Youth can take the course online and at the completion of the
course, beginners will receive a one year certification.
Intermediate and senior youth will be directed to an age
appropriate online exam. If youth chose to take the course
face-to-face with a Youth PQA Plus advisor, they need to ask
their advisor about taking the exam. The training module does
not have to be completed in 1-setting; however the test must be
completed once the youth has started it.
If you need your certification number, contact the 4-H Office. For
questions, please contact Mark McCorkle at 676-7303.
and click on the orange “Certify Online Now” button
n the middle of the page that will link them to the
registration page to get signed up for their
PQA Plus online training.
A 4-H member must
be certified in order
to show their pig at
the 2015 Fair.
The applicant ust be a regular or associate member of the
Ingham County Farm Bureau or the son/daughter of a
member. At least one full year of membership must be
The applicant must have reached junior status if enrolled in
a four-year degree program or must have completed two
semesters of an Agricultural Technology Program.
The applicant must be pursuing an agricultural or
agriculturally related
course of study.
The applicant must have
completed an application
by May 31, 2015.
The applicant should have
a copy of his/her transcript
and one letter of recommendation sent to: Ingham
County Farm Bureau.
For more information, visit:
National 4-H Council is gearing up for the
spring TSC Paper Clover Promotion to be
held April 22—May 3, 2015. Please
encourage your friends and family to visit
their local store during this time and
purchase a Paper Clover for $1 or $5.
4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Workshop
April 24—26, 2015
Kettunen Center
Registration due: April 15 (classes fill quickly)
Cost: $106.00
($20 scholarship available from 4-H Council
upon completion of request form)
This workshop offers a variety of training sessions including rifle,
shotgun, archery and hunting and wildlife which are
partial fulfillment of the requirements to be a MI 4-H
Shooting Sports Instructor. Join us and see all that the 4-H
shooting sports program has to offer! Learn how we foster
positive youth development through the shooting sports, and try
techniques that effectively help youth learn safe and proper use
of guns and archery equipment. You do NOT need to retake the
training unless you’ve been inactive for more than 3 years or your
certification has lapsed. Open to new and veteran adult
volunteers and youth ages 16 (as of Jan 1, 2015) and above.
For more information or to register, visit
Register Now—
2015 Exploration Days
4-H Workshops
April 24-25: Michigan 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor
Certification Workshop
Kettunen Center, Tustin
Other 4-H Events
April 11-16: National 4-H Conference
Washington, DC
April 17: State 4-H Horse Communications Contest
Contact Taylor Fabus (tenlenta@msu.edu)
Anthony Hall, MSU, East Lansing
April 17-18: 4-H Equine Educational Expo
MSU, East Lansing
April 18: Small Animals Day
Contact Carla McLachlan (mclachl2@msu.edu)
MSU Pavilion, East Lansing
April 25: 4-H Horse Pattern O Rama Warm Up Show
Contact Taylor Fabus (tenlenta@msu.edu)
MSU Pavilion, East Lansing
State 4-H Goat Expo
Anthony Hall, MSU, East Lansing
May 6-8: 2015 Michigan Envirothon State Competition
Fort Custer, Augusta
May 16: Michigan 4-H State Poultry Show (formerly 4-H
Poultry Palooza)
Eaton County Fairgrounds, Charlotte
June 24-26, 2015
For more information, visit http://4h.msue.msu.edu/events/
4-h_exploration_days. Registration began on March 17 and are
entered on a first come basis. Contact the 4-H Office to
get signed-up now!!!
May 30-31: Michigan 4-H Companion Animal Camp
Camp Tuhsmeheta, Greenville
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Ingham County Fair, Community Hall
Receive instruction for fair sign up, including choosing
the correct class and section for each project. Discuss
the completion and evaluation of poultry record books.
Review fair check in procedures and barn protocol for
the week of fair.
*Mandatory for all poultry project leaders. Poultry
exhibitors encouraged to attend. (If poultry leaders
cannot attend, please send one adult representative
from your club.)
Contact Hollie Dietz, 4-H Poultry Superintendent for
more information. Phone: 517-204-2604 or
email hndietz@yahoo.com
Entries due to
the 4-H Office by
April 10.
4-H Community Leaders
A Spring Leaders Packet was sent out this week, so please look for the
information in your mailboxes.
Aside from all the enrollment action, we wanted to bring your attention to some
upcoming events.
Volunteer Training – April 30th 6:30-8:30pm
Join Capacity Building work team representative, Christine Heverly, for an evening of fun
and equipping you as a Club/Project Leader with skills and strategies for engaging your
members in positive ways. More details to follow in the coming weeks.
4-H Backpack to Adventure…Let the Youth Global Leader Journey Begin! - May 2nd 9:00 am-2:00 pm
4-H Teens (13+) & Adult Volunteer Leaders, MSUE Staff, Teachers & School Staff, and interested parents are
Invited to participate in a 4-H Backpack to Adventure: Youth Leaders in a Global World workshop from 9am-2pm on
Saturday, May 2, 2015 at the Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds / Expo Center, 2900 Lake St., Kalamazoo, MI 49048.
4-H Backpack to Adventure: Youth Leaders in a Global World is a new Michigan curriculum to help young people aged
9-19 understand what it means to be a leader in a globalized, interconnected and rapidly changing world. At this
workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to explore five competencies for youth leaders in a global world: character,
citizenship, creativity, communication and culture. Experience the excitement of learning about many countries and
cultures through food, fun and fellowship with other 4-H adult and teen volunteer leaders. You’ll have a great time and
learn a lot!
The cost for this workshop is $15 per person and includes a copy of the 4-H Backpack to Adventure: Youth Leaders in
a Global World curriculum ($60 value!), lunch and door prizes.
Register for this workshop by contacting Kalamazoo County MSUE 4-H Program Coordinator, Veronica Bolhuis at
(269)383-8867 or bolhuisv@anr.msu.edu Additional Information: Kalamazoo County MSUE, 269-383-8830
Ingham County 4-H Club Leader Training – May 8th 6:30-8 pm
We will be having an Ingham County 4-H Club Leader Training on May 8th, 2015 from
6:30pm – 8pm at the Fairgrounds Community Building. Some of the topics discussed
will be 4-H Online reporting, Fair entries, and ShoWorks data entry and reporting.
Dinner will be provided from 6-6:30 prior to the training.
Fair packets will be available at this meeting. Please plan to attend or send a
representative from your club. Please RSVP to the 4-H Office by May 6.
Ingham County Michigan State University Extension 4-H Staff
Daniel Moffatt
Mark McCorkle
Lori Guy
4-H Program Coordinator
phone: 676-7293
4-H Program Coordinator
phone: 676-7303
Office Coordinator
phone: 676-7297
121 E. Maple St., P.O. Box 319 Mason, MI 48854
Phone: 517-676-7207 Fax: 517-676-7288
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin,
gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status.