W I LLI A MSON COUNTY Sunday, March 22, 2015 Section B Needing to vent ONCE YOU POP, YOU CAN’T STOP Ministry helps people open up By MICHAEL FREEMAN Sometimes, people just need to vent. Whether they’re grieving over the loss of a loved one or stressing out over a move, ministers with Stephen Ministries are there to listen. “It’s a wonderful service and ministry,” said Clara Yeck, a Stephen minister with San Gabriel Presbyterian in Georgetown. “We’re not there to proselytize. We’re there to provide comfort.” A network of nearly a dozen churches, including San Gabriel Presbyterian, First Baptist, Faith Lutheran, First Presbyterian, St John’s United Methodist, Grace Episcopal, First United Methodist, Crestview Baptist, Wellspring United Methodist, Christ Lutheran and the Church of the Nazarene, has teamed up to provide ministers to the community. “That says a lot about Georgetown,” said Margie Fuhr, a Stephen minister at First United Methodist in Georgetown. “It clearly reflects the personality of this town.” Ms. Fuhr became a minister three years ago. Life experiences, like adjusting to a blended family through a second marriage and coping with the death of her husband, helped her learn how to be more empathetic to others. Many Stephen ministers have similar backgrounds and felt the calling to help others through life’s adjustments. “The program is to meet those who are hurting,” Ms. Yeck said. Continued on 5B Photos by Michael Freeman C.J. Bedair holds out a decorative cake pop she made. The Georgetown resident started her business, Sugar Mommy’s Cake Pops, three years ago after making the decadent desserts for her daughter’s birthday party. Below, some of her chocolaty creations sit on a plate. Sweet deal Lo Anne Mayer Author By MICHAEL FREEMAN Diabetic G’town woman starts dessert business By MICHAEL FREEMAN C .J. Bedair never thought she’d be making hundreds of cake pops every week. “It kind of started on accident,” the Georgetown native said. Three years ago, Ms. Bedair was trying to think of a party favor for her daughter Luka’s first birthday party. She didn’t want to hand out toys that parents would end up having to repeatedly pick up. Even though she didn’t know how to make them, she decided to create cake pops, bite-sized balls of moist cake dipped in chocolate and skewered on a stick. “Cake is happiness,” Ms. Bedair said. “Everybody likes it.” One gentleman at the party definitely liked it. After sampling her work, he ordered 300 cake pops for an event at an Omni Hotel two days after the party. In the course of a couple of days, Ms. Bedair had to go from being a cake pop novice to serving the desserts at a corporate affair. She and Continued on 5B Author finds way to deal with grief C.J. Bedair smiles while holding a cake pop. She and her husband converted a bedroom in their house into a cake pop workshop. Lo Anne Mayer felt helpless. Her mother, Lois, was lying on her nursing home bed, shaking in fear. Lois was raised on the belief of a “getcha God,” a God who would mercilessly condemn and punish. And now, as death approached the 86-year-old, that God was coming for her. Lo Anne tried to comfort her. “I couldn’t help my mother,” she said. “She couldn’t hear what I was saying.” Suddenly, Lois sat up, the lines in her face disappeared and she said, “Oh, oh, oh!” Then, she lay down and peacefully passed away. Lois’s death in 2004 stuck with Lo Anne, not only because of the way it happened, but also because the two had a contentious relationship. She felt distant, and now that her mother was gone, there would be no way to grow close. Until she began journaling. Ms. Mayer, a New Jersey native who lives in Sun City during the winter, will be talking about her new book, Celestial Conversations, on March 29 at the Georgetown Public Library, 402 West Eighth Street, at 2 p.m. The book chronicles her journey through journaling after her mother’s death. A little over two weeks after Lois’s passing, Lo Anne wrote a letter from the heart, expressing her pain, confusion and wish to have Continued on 5B The Sunday Sun, March 22, 2015 The Collector Life Member American Numismatic Assoc. LM#1581 Life Member Texas Numismatic Assoc. LM#071 AUTHORIZED DEALER AUTHORIZED DEALER BUYS: SELLS: Gold & Silver Coins Bullion Jewelry Flatware Old U.S. Currency Gold & Silver Bullion Rare Coins Antiquities Fossils 512-864-7787 109 E. 8th Street, Georgetown www.TheCollectorRareCoins.com Our generation caring for theirs... e The Park Place Care Center Location is NOW HIRING • Admissions • Director of Nursing Coordinator • Staffing Coordinator • Certified Nurse Aide • RN/LVN • Cook AA/EEO/M/F/D/V APPLY ONLINE: www.seniorcarecentersltc.com Click on Careers on the top tab. Select Career Opportunities on the left menu. 121 FM 971, Georgetown • 512-868-6200 G’town business takes the cake Continued from 1B her husband stayed up until 3 a.m. the next day, trying to perfect the recipe. To accept a check, she had to quickly form a business, settling on the name “Sugar Mommy’s” after her husband, Casey, joked she would be his “Sugar Mommy.” Casey and Luka are chief taste-testers of the business, which Ms. Bedair runs out of their Georgetown home. Ms. Bedair has Type 1 diabetes. She was diagnosed when she was a senior at Georgetown High School. Since she adhered to a healthy diet and was athletic, playing softball, having diabetes wasn’t a major life adjustment. She wears an insulin pump, so she can have sweets in moderation. But the Bedairs aren’t big on dessert. When she works with chocolate and gets it on her fingers, she usually doesn’t lick it off; she wipes it off on a towel. And she works with a lot of chocolate. Ms. Bedair uses the tastiest ingredients she can get, opt- Your “Off-Site” Personnel Department! Have you considered outsourcing your Payroll, Personnel/ Human Resources & Benefits functions to a PEO (“Professional Employer Organization”) as a more cost-effective and efficient method of operating your business? Please call or e-mail us for a confidential no-obligation proposal so you can start focusing your time and resources on doing what you do best.......building and managing a successful and enjoyable business! Telephone: 1-512-846-2277 E-Mail: pmgcsd@offsitepersonnel.com Photo courtesy of C.J. Bedair Sugar Mommy’s Cake Pops serves dessert trays for small parties and dessert tables, like the casino-themed one above, for larger affairs. ing to use chocolate and candy pieces for her creative cake pops rather than fondant. “I don’t want to compromise flavor for looks, so I try to figure it out,” she said. “I put forth 110 percent on every single job. It’s important to me. They are fresh. I don’t freeze anything.” Her cake pops come in a variety of flavors, like chocolate merlot, chocolate coconut pecan and peanut butter pretzel. Each order is custom-made and can fit with the theme of the event. She’s made s’mores on a stick, Rice Krispies treats that look like paintbrushes and chocolate-covered cookies that look like poker chips. She taught herself how to make everything. She never took a cooking class; she studied graphic design. So, everything she’s learned has been through trial-and-error and online searches. “It’s time-consuming, but it’s not rocket science,” she said. Most of Ms. Bedair’s business has been via word-ofmouth advertising. She continues to work full-time as a graphic theater production artist while her husband owns a moving company, so the couple can make ends meet and have health insurance. Many times, she comes home, puts her daughter to bed, and starts making cake pops until midnight. “She’s the whole reason why I do this,” Ms. Bedair said, looking at Luka. Ms. Bedair is hoping to expand her business, but more importantly, she wants to be an example for her daughter of what working hard and doing what you love looks like. To order cake pops and other desserts, visit www. facebook.com/SugarMommys or email sugar_mommys@ yahoo.com. A dozen cake pops cost between $22 to $30 a dozen, depending on the decorations involved. society@wilcosun.com New book encourages resources for grief Continued from 1B PMG 5B questions about their relationship answered. Lo Anne then prayed and meditated. Three days later, she wrote again. But this time, she wrote exactly what was in her mind as the words came to her. And when she reflected on what she wrote, it was evident to Lo Anne that it was a letter from her mother, asking for forgiveness and expressing thanks for the opportunity to talk. “The best healing for me was these transpersonal let- ters,” Lo Anne said. “It’s been a continuous blessing.” For years, Ms. Mayer wrote to her mother, and her mother wrote through her, offering advice and comfort. One of the biggest comforts her mother gave came a year after her death when Lo Anne’s daughter Cyndi suddenly died. “She is fine,” the journal entry read. “She is surrounded by lovelight. Show that now for all to see.” At the advice of her grief counselor, Ms. Mayer decided to compile the journal entries into a book to show people it’s okay to ask for help and talk about their grief. “It happens to everybody, but nobody talks about it,” Lo Anne said. “There is such an epidemic of grief. On the grief path, you need many tools. Grief is a process; it’s not an event. It takes time.” Ms. Mayer also teamed up with Daniela Norris and Uma Girish to create the International Grief Council. The ladies host events in New Jersey to talk about their stories and encourage others not to bottle up their grief. All of them have written books. “I list every single thing that helped me,” Ms. Mayer said. “Everything I did is in this book. It’s a small book with a big mission. Grief is everywhere, and people are in need of compassion. The biggest gift is knowing resources are out there.” Ms. Mayer’s book is available on Amazon.com for less than $11. society@wilcosun.com Successfully providing PEO Services to employers throughout Texas since 1989 Stephen Ministry offers venue to talk ARE YOU 18-56? university of mary hardin-baylor Continued from 1B INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN A STUDY? The Human Performance Lab at UMHB is seeking healthy men and women, ages 18-56 to participate in a 12 week supplement study. $150 will be given to participants who complete the study. If interested, please contact us at 254-295-5571 or email humanperformancelab@umhb.edu Legal Notices OFFICIAL NOTICE To the Licensed, Non-profit/ Private Schools located with- in the boundaries of the Georgetown Independent School District: Required consultation will be conducted to determine eli- gible services with federal grants and entitlements for the 2015-16 school year. Of- ficials of Private/Non-profit schools within the boundaries of GISD are invited to attend a PNP meeting at 1 p.m. on April 1, 2015, 1313 Williams Drive, Georgetown, TX. For more information, contact Dr. Brenda Albright, Director of Federal Programs, 512-9435000, Ext. 6031. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamen- tary were issued for the Es- tate of DAVID LANE, De- ceased, on March 19, 2015, in Docket No. 15-0129-CP4, pending in County Court at Law No. Four of Williamson County, Texas, to KATH- LEEN M. LANE, as Indepen- dent Executrix. The residence of the Inde- pendent Executrix is in Wil- liamson County, Texas, and her mailing address is 309 Oscar Street, Taylor, TX 76574. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. Dated: March 19, 2015. STUMP & STUMP BY: WREN M. STUMP State Bar No. 24088486 803 Main Street Phone: (512) 863-5594 Fax: (512) 863-9350 Email: stumplaw@aol.com “We’re not going to condemn them for what they say; we’re not going to try to fix anything. We help them along the way.” Every minister goes through at least 50 hours of training and attends seminars and interviews before they start meeting one-on-one with adults who need emotional and spiritual support. Sessions usually last an hour once a week, and can be at a church or a public place, like a coffee shop. Men are paired with men, and women The non-profit organization reached across Christian denominations to recruit pastors and laypeople to be there for their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Since the organization was founded, 600,000 ministers have been trained around the world. Georgetown churches, like First United Methodist, can have several dozen ministers in the congregation. They typically meet with one or two people at a time, and commit up to two years to be available for people to talk about their struggles in grief, relationships, finances, illnesses or spiritual crises. “The church pastors have so much to do,” Ms. Fuhr said. “What a great way to allow the congregation to minister to each other, and that’s really what it’s about. It’s the hands and feet of Christ working. It’s what Christ calls us to do: take care of each other.” If you want to speak to a Stephen minister, visit a church office of one of the aforementioned congregations, and they will work to pair you up with a minister. society@wilcosun.com COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON THE STATE OF TEXAS Parks Department of Wil- http://bids.georgetown.org TO ALL PERSONS INTER- liamson County will be COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON INVITATION TO BID ESTED IN THE ESTATE OF publicly opened and read Sealed bids will be received CITATION BY JOHN WILLIAM HAW-aloud in the Williamson by the City of Georgetown in PUBLICATION-DIVORCE THORNE, DECEASED, County Purchasing De- the Georgetown Municipal 15-0823-FC3 Cause No. 15-0057-CP4, in partment, 901 South Austin Complex, Purchasing De- TO: Virginia Granado County Court at Law #4 of Avenue, Georgetown, Tex- partment, at 300-1 Industrial Address Unknown Williamson County, 405 Mar- as Tuesday March 31, 2015 Avenue, Georgetown, Texas and to all whom it may con- tin Luther King Street, at 2:00PM. Bids must be re- 78626 on Wednesday, April cern, CITATION BY Georgetown, Texas 78626. ceived on or before Tues- 1, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. and im- GREETING: PUBLICATION ALLISON CROW, Applicant day, March 31 2:00PM. The mediately thereafter publicly YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. THE STATE OF TEXAS in the above numbered and Time-Date Stamp Clock lo- opened and read, for con- YOU MAY EMPLOY AN AT- COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON TO ALL PERSONS INTER- entitled estate, filed on the cated at the Williamson structing the following pro- TORNEY. IF YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY DO NOT FILE A ESTED IN THE ESTATE OF 16th day of March, 2015 an County Purchasing De- ject: WRITTEN ANSWER WITH CHARLES RAVENSCROFT, APPLICATION FOR INDE- partment will serve as the 2015 Street Rehabilitation PENDENT ADMINISTRA- THE CLERK WHO ISSUED official clock for the pur- DECEASED, Cause No. 15Project - Surface THIS CITATION BY 10:00 0208-CP4, in County Court at TION AND DETERMINA- pose of verifying the date Treatment: Chip Seal A.M. ON THE MONDAY Law #4 of Williamson County, TION OF HEIRSHIP of the and time of receipt of pro- Bid # 201529 said estate and requests that posals. 405 Martin Luther King To obtain information on the NEXT FOLLOWING THE EX- the said Court determine who OF TWENTY Detailed specifications may Street, Georgetown, Texas bid and to register for the bid PIRATION are the heirs and only heirs of be obtained by contacting list, go to DAYS AFTER YOU WERE 78626. SERVED THIS CITATION JANET LEE BIRMINGHAM, the said JOHN WILLIAM the Assistant Purchasing http://bids.georgetown.org AND PETITION, A DEFAULT Applicant in the above num- HAWTHORNE, DECEASED, Agent at 901 South Austin City of Georgetown and their respective shares JUDGMENT FOR THE RE- Avenue, Georgetown, TX bered and entitled estate, Notice of Public Meeting LIEF DEMANDED IN THE 78626, email at filed on the 6th day of and interest in such estate. Notice is hereby given that March, 2015 an APPLICA- Said application may be purchase@wilco.org, or by the City of Georgetown will PETITION MAY BE TAKEN heard at 10:00 o’clock a.m. AGAINST YOU. visiting the Williamson TION FOR DETERMINA- hold its regular public meet- TION OF HEIRSHIP of the on or after the first Monday County Procurement web- ing of the Planning and Zon- The ORIGINAL PETITION FOR DIVORCE of AMADOR said estate and requests that next after the expiration of site. ing Commission on April 7, CARRASCO GRANADO, Pe- http://www.wilcothe said Court determine who ten days from the date of 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at its reg- publication of this citation, at titioner, was filed in the said online.org/ebids/ are the heirs and only heirs of ular meeting place in the the said CHARLES RAVEN- the Williamson County Jus- The Williamson County Council Chambers, 101 East Court of Williamson County, SCROFT, DECEASED, and tice Center in Georgetown, Commissioner’s Court re- 7th Street, Georgetown, Tex- Texas, on this the 18th day of March, 2015, against VIR- serves the right to accept their respective shares and Williamson County, Texas. All persons interested in said the lowest and best propo- as and the Regular Public GINIA GRANADO, Respon- interest in such estate. meeting of City Council on dent, numbered 15-0823-FC3 estate are hereby cited to ap- sal as deemed by the Said application may be April 14, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. heard at 10:00 o’clock a.m. pear before said Honorable Court, or reject any and/or at its regular meeting place in and entitled: IN THE MATTER OF THE NOTICE OF INTENT TO on or after the first Monday Court on or before above all proposals. mentioned time and place by Any proposal may be with- the Council Chambers, 101 MARRIAGE OF AMADOR INTRODUCE LEGISLATION next after the expiration of East 7th Street, Georgetown, CARRASCO filing a written answer con- GRANADO drawn prior to the above This is to give notice of intent ten days from the date of such application scheduled time for the Texas, to consider the fol- AND VIRGINIA GRANADO to introduce in the 84th Leg- publication of this citation, at testing lowing proposed items: The suit requests THAT THE opening of the proposal or islature, Regular Session, a the Williamson County Jus- should they desire to do so. Public hearing and possible bill to be entitled an Act relat- tice Center in Georgetown, If this citation is not served authorized postponement action on a rezoning of 33.77 COURT GRANT RELIEF RE- within 90 days after the date QUESTED IN PETITION. thereof. Any proposal re- ing to the creation of the Williamson County, Texas. acres located in the Joseph Vineyard Municipal Manage- All persons interested in said of its issuance, it shall be re- ceived after the time and Fish Survey Abstract No. The Court has the authority in this suit to enter any judg- date specified shall not be ment District No. 1, a con- estate are hereby cited to ap- turned unserved. 232, and David Wright Sur- ment or decree dissolving the servation and reclamation pear before said Honorable Issued and given under my accepted. vey Abstract No. 13, located marriage and providing for hand and seal of office at Issued by order of the Wil- district operating under Arti- Court on or before above at 410 Shell Road, to be cle XVI, Section 59 and Arti- mentioned time and place by Georgetown, Texas, this the liamson County Commis- known as Gardens at Verde the division of property which will be binding on you. sioner’s Court on March cle III, Section 52 of the Tex- filing a written answer con- 17th day of March, 2015. Vista, from Local Commercial ISSUED Nancy E. Rister AND GIVEN 10, 2015. as Constitution, Chapters 49 testing such application (C-1), High Density Multi- UNDER MY HAND AND Williamson County Clerk Dan A. Gattis, County and 54, Texas Water Code should they desire to do so. family (MF-2) and Office (OF) SEAL of said Court at office, Judge and Chapters 372, 375, 377, If this citation is not served 405 MLK Street, Box 14 Districts, to Low Density Mul- on this the 18th day of March, 381 and 383, Texas Local within 90 days after the date Georgetown, Texas 78626 INVITATION TO BID tifamily (MF-1) District. REZ 2015. By: /s/ D. Huffman, Deputy Government Code, providing of its issuance, it shall be re- Sealed bids will be received 2014-005 Carolyn Horner, LISA DAVID, Applicant’s Attorney: authority to levy an ad valo- turned unserved. by the City of Georgetown in AICP. DISTRICT CLERK rem tax, levy special assess- Issued and given under my Jeffrey P. Bates the Georgetown Municipal As a member of the general Williamson County, Texas ments, levy a sales tax, levy hand and seal of office at 101 S. First Street Complex, Purchasing De- public you are invited to be P.O. Box 24, Lufkin, TX 75901 a hotel occupancy tax and is- Georgetown, Texas, this the partment, at 300-1 Industrial present at such meeting if 405 M.L.K. Street sue bonds to allow the Dis- 10th day of March, 2015. PUBLIC NOTICE Avenue, Georgetown, Texas you desire to discuss the pro- Georgetown, Texas 78627trict to acquire, construct, fi- Nancy E. Rister WILLIAMSON COUNTY 78626 on Wednesday, April posed change or advisability 0024 nance and operate water, Williamson County Clerk INVITATION FOR 1, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. and im- of any other change. /s/ Jennifer Sims wastewater, drainage, road 405 MLK Street, Box 14 PROPOSALS mediately thereafter publicly A copy of the planning report Jennifer Sims, Deputy and other authorized im- Georgetown, Texas 78626 Williamson County opened and read, for con- related to these items will be ADDRESS OF ATTORNEY provements and provide By: /s/ C. Dawson, Deputy Commissioner’s Court structing the following pro- available at the Planning De- FOR PETITIONER: funds for tourism, visitor, rec- Applicant’s Attorney: invites the submission of ject: partment located at 300 In- Amador Carrasco Granado reational and economic de- Nancy Young Hart sealed proposals for: 2015 Street Rehabilitation dustrial Avenue, no later than 3103 Live Oak Street velopment purposes for 550 Fannin St., 15RFP114 Project - Hot In Place the Friday prior to the meet- Round Rock, TX 78681 630.899 Acres in the unin- Sixth Floor, Suite 600 RESERVATION SYSTEM Recycling (HIPR) ing described above. For fur- Kevin Stofle, Constable corporated area of William- Beaumont, TX 77701 FOR PARKS FOR Bid # 201530 ther information, call the Williamson County, Pct. 3 son County, Texas, including WILLIAMSON COUNTY To obtain information on the CITATION BY Planning Department office at lands within the David B. Ber- Sealed Proposals for a bid and to register for the bid PUBLICATION 512-930-3575. ry Survey, Abstract No. 104, Reservation System for the list, go to THE STATE OF TEXAS Continued on 8B and documents may be ob- by default, and your wages, tained from the RRISD Pur- money, and property may be chasing Dept, 16255 Great taken without further warning Oaks Dr. Ste 200, Round from the court. Rock, TX 78681, (512) 464- There are other legal re- 6950 or at quirements. You may want to www.roundrockisd.org. call an attorney right away. If Vendors are encouraged to you do not know an attorney, register in the District’s you may want to call an at- eROC Electronic Procure- torney referral service. If you ment Program online at http:// cannot afford an attorney, www.roundrockisd.org/in- you may be eligible for free dex.aspx?page=2348 for fu- legal services from a non- ture bid opportunities. profit legal services program. You can locate these non- SUMMONS profit groups at the California CIVIL CASE Legal Services Web site NUMBER BC 554465 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online TYLER G. HOWELL YOU ARE BEING SUED, as Self-Help Center an individual defendant, ( w w w . c o u r t i n f o . c a . g o v / selfhelp), or by contacting BY PLAINTIFFS: PETER W. WILKE, LOR- you local court or county bar NOTE: The RAINE DEVON WILKE, association. Court has a statutory lien for HUSBAND AND WIFE The name and address of waived fees and costs of any or arbitration the Court is: Los Angeles settlement award of at least $10,000 or County Superior Court Stanley Mosk Courthouse, more in a civil case. The 111 North Hill Street, Los An- court’s lien must be paid be- fore the court will dismiss the geles, CA 90012 The name, address and case. Also note: this Sum- telephone number of plain- mons is not provided in Span- tiff’s attorney, or plaintiff ish - plaintiff knows the de- fendant personally and is without an attorney, is: Peter J. Wilke, 8117 W Man- aware that he speaks, writes chester Ave, Suite 700, Playa and reads English. del Rey, CA 90293; (323) 397-5380 Date: August 13, 2014; Sherri R. Carter, Clerk, by M. Soto, Deputy NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your be- ing heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the in- formation below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written re- sponse at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written re- sponse must be in proper le- gal form if you want the court PUBLIC NOTICE to hear your case. There may The Round Rock ISD will be be a court form that you can accepting sealed bids for: use for your response. You Co-Location Data Center can find these court forms Services -Bid# PE15-116 - and more information at the Opens 2:00 pm, April 9, 2015 California Courts Online SelfAccident Body & Repair - Help Center Light & Medium Duty Vehi- ( w w w . c o u r t i n f o . c a . g o v / cles -Bid # PE15-105 - Opens selfhelp), your county law li- 2:00 pm, April 7, 2015 brary, or the courthouse near- Medeco Locks-Installation, est you. If you cannot pay the Part, Supplies -Bid# PE15- filing fee, ask the court clerk 103 - Opens 2:00 pm, April 7, for a fee waiver form. If you 2015 do not file your response on Solicitation will be opened at, time, you may lose the case are paired with women. The weekly confidential talks can last a few months or a couple of years, depending on how long the person seeking help needs. The ministers are there to be an impartial friend people can confide in. The ministers, however, are not qualified therapists. If the talks reveal a more serious issue, the ministers back off and suggest more qualified people to talk to. “We’re very aware of our own limitations,” Ms. Fuhr said. Stephen Ministries began in 1975 in St. Louis, Missouri. Joseph Tom Survey, Abstract No. 615, James H. Tom Sur- vey, Abstract No. 615 and the Joe M. Maines Survey, Ab- stract No. 2610, Williamson County, Texas recorded in County Records, Williamson County, Texas.
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