90 Minutes 28.04.2015 – 17:40 CENG 200 Midterm Exam A There are 40 questions (each 2.5 points) for a total of 100 points. Exam Type: All questions are multiple choice, no points will be lost for wrong answers. Do not forget to mark your student ID and exam type correctly to the answer sheet. Otherwise, your answers will not be graded. Assume that all necessary libraries were added properly (by using "include" statements). Default return type of the “main” function is “int”. Assume that the statement “return 0;” is added to programs if necessary. Name: Student ID: Section: 1) a**b*c is equivalent to: a) ab.c b) abc 7) What will be printed by the following segment? c) cb.a d) bc.a 1 a) (a**c)**b b) (a**b)**c c) (c**b)**a d) a**(c**b) e) a**(b**c) 3) Given the contents of the variables: a) 3.000 3.0 d) 3.000 *** What is the result of the following expression: .NOT.k.eqv.m.and.a>b 1 c) .f. d) .TRUE. e) .YES. write(*,10)57.388,55555 format(f5.2,/,i3) end b)57.39/ *** *** c)57.38 *** d) 57.388 555 e) 57.39 555 real x; integer y y=9.9; y=x print*,y; end b) 9 b) 14.0 c)10.0 e) 2.8 d)5.0 10) What will be printed by the following code? c) 9.0 d) 10 e) Unknown/Undefined i=1; j=5 if(j>6.and.i+1>0) then i=i+1; print*,"A"; else print*,"B"; end if if(j>0.or.i+1>0) then i=i+1; print*,"C"; else print*,"D"; end if print*,i end b) BC2 a=7/5 if(a-1/=0)then; print*,10*a else if(a==(a+1)/4)then; print*,2*a else; print*,5*a; end if; end a) 2.0 6) What is the output of the following program? a) B C 2 b) .3E+01 .30E+01 3 d) ****** ******* 3 9) What is the output of the following program? 5) What is the output produced by the following program? a) 10.0 c) ***** 3 isum=17; icount=5 x=isum/icount; write(*,1)x,x,isum/icount format(e6.3,1x,e7.2,1x,1i2) end a) .3E+1 .30+E1 3 c) ****** .30E+01 3 e) .3e+1 ******* 3 4) What is printed by the following program? a) 57.39 b) 3.000 3 e) 3.000 3.4 8) What is the output of the following program ? a=1.0, b=5.0, k=.true., m=.false. 10 isum=17; icount=5 x=isum/icount; write(*,1)x,isum/icount format(f5.3,1x,i2) e) ba.c 2) a**b**c is equivalent to: a) *T* b) .FALSE. Signature: c) A K=5/2 if(K)1,2,3 1 K=K+1; goto(1,2,3),K 2 K=K+2; goto(2,3),K 3 print*,K; end a) 2.5 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 4.5 11) What is the output of the following code? d) B C 3 e) A C 3 K=5/2 goto(1,2,3),K 1 K=K+1; if(K)1,2,3 2 K=K+2; if(K)1,2,3 3 print*,K; end a) 4.5 b) 2 c) 2.5 d) 3 e) 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 18) Which of the following if statements is doing the action that is verbally specified as: “if a is smaller than b then c is assigned the value of a, otherwise c is assigned the value of b” 12) What is the output of the following code? K=5/2 goto(1,2,3),K K=K+1; goto 4 K=K+1; goto 4 print*,K; end 4 1 2 3 a) 3.5 b) 3 c) 2 d) 2.5 a) if b) if c) if d) if e) if e) 4 13) What will be displayed by the following code? m=1; s=5 if(m<100)then s=s+m; m=m+50; go to 5 else print*,s,m; stop end if; end 5 a) 57.0 101 d) 56.0 b) 57.0 101 100 e) 56 19) What will be printed by the following statements? integer :: m=6,n=3,t=2,k real :: x=12.72,y=16.0,a,b,c,d a=y/n+m; b=m*n; k=x/m; c=m/n; d=n/t write(*,5)a,b,c,d,k 5 format(4f6.2,i3) c) 57 102 101 14) Assuming a,b,c are integer variables, consider the operation described in English as: “if a or b is less than c then print OK, otherwise print NO”. Which of the following Fortran Statements perform this operation? I. if((a.OR.b)<c)then II. Print*,"OK" Else Print*,"NO" endif III. If(a<c.or.b.LT.c)then print*,"OK" else print*,"NO" endif a) 11.33 18.00 b) 12.00 18.00 c) 11 18 d) 11 18 e) 12.00 18.00 a) OK OK c)8 a) FALSE d) 5 e)9 10 d) 45.26 17) What is the output of he following code? integer :: a=5,b=4,c=7,d d=1.5 print*,mod(c/(a+2),b*d) end a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 OK FAIL d) FAIL e) Compile-time Error FAIL d) 6 b) .TRUE. c) 4HTRUE d) 5HFALSE e) TRUE (22) How many times “TAKA TUKA” printed as an output of the following code? integer result a=4.5255; b=10.0 result=a*b print*,result end c) 45.0 b) FAIL c) OK i=10; j=0 if(i.EQ.20.OR.j-1/=0)then print*,4HTRUE else print*,5HFALSE end if end 16) What is the output of the following program? b) 45 2 1.5 2 1 2 21) What is the output of the following program? integer, parameter :: z=7+3 integer a a=z/2 print*,a; end a) 45.255 1.00 2.00 2 2 2.00 real :: a=1.0 if(3<2.OR.3<4.AND.5>6)then print*,'OK'; else; print*,'FAIL'; endif if(.NOT.5>6.AND.(a/=2.0))then print*,'OK'; else; print*,'FAIL'; endif end if(c.GT.(a,b))then print*,"OK" else print*,"NO" endif 15) What is the output of the following code? b)5.0 2.00 2.00 2.12 2.12 2.00 20) What is the output produced by the following program? a) Only I b) Only II c) Only III d) I and III e) II and III a) 8.0 (.not.(a.LT.b)) then; c=b; else; c=a (a < b)then; c==b; else; c==a (a <b )c=a, else c=b (a < b)then c=a; otherwise c=b (a < b)c=a; c=b e) 46 i=-5000 i=i+1 if(i.NE.0)then if(.NOT.mod(i,3).EQ.1)goto 10 print*,'TAKA TUKA' i=i+1 if(i>10)STOP goto 10 end if end a) 0 times b) 7 times c) 10 times d) 5000 times e) infinitely many times e) 8 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA a) 4 b) 4.0 c) 0.0 d) 0 e) Run-time Error 29) What is the output of the following Fortran Program? 23) What is the output of the following program? a) 1 2 3 d) 1 2 3 k=10; i=1 10 if(i>k)stop if(mod(i,2).eq.0)then k=k/3;else if(mod(i,3).eq.0)then k=k/2; else k=k*2 endif endif print*,i,k; i=i+1; goto 10 end 20 b) 1 20 c) 1 6 2 6 2 3 3 3 3 4 1 6.6 3.3 3 integer x; x=2 if(x.eq.3)then; y=1 if(x.le.3)y=2; else; y=3 print*,y; endif print*,y end a) 1.0 b) 3.0 1.0 20 6.66 3 c) 2.0 2.0 d) 3.0 2.0 e) 2.0 3.0 3.0 30) How many times “CEng200” is printed? index=0 10 index=index+1 if(index<5)then; goto 15 else; stop; end if print*,'CEng200' 15 if(index.LE.10)goto 10 End e) No output 24) What is printed by the following program? 11 51 21 41 61 a) aaa a) 0 times b) 10 times c) 5 times d) 4 times e) Infinitely many times x=3.0 if(x-4.0) 11,21,11 if(x-3) 41,51,41 print*,"a"; goto 61 print*,"aa"; goto 61 print*,"aaa" stop end b) aa c) a d) a aaa 31) What is the output of the following program if the input is 60? e) aa aaa 25) What is the content of the variable x after the execution of the following fragment? integer a; real x a=3.0 x=a/(a/4) a) 4 b) 0.0 c) 4.0 k=0; k=k+1 if(k<3)then read*,i if(mod(i,3).ne.0.and.mod(i,5).eq.0)then print*,"A"; else if(mod(i,3).ne.0.and.mod(i,2).eq.0)then print*,"B"; else print*,"C"; end if; end if; end if; end a) A d) Error e) 0 c) 4.0 d) 4 e) Run–time Error 27) What is the content of the variable x after the execution of the following fragment? integer a; real x a=3.0 x=a/(a/4.0) a) Run-time Error b) 0.0 c) 4 e) C A B a) A b) B c) C d) C e) C A B 33) What is the content of the integer variable M after the execution of the expression below? M = 7.0/2 + (5/2.0)!= 100 + 20/10**3 d) 0 e) 4.0 28) What is the content of the variable a after the execution of the following fragment? integer a; real x a=3.0 a=a/(a/4.0) print*,a end d) C k=0; k=k+1 if(k<3)then read*,i if(mod(i,3).ne.0.and.mod(i,5).eq.0)then print*,"A"; else if(mod(i,3).ne.0.or.mod(i,2).eq.0)then print*,"B"; else print*,"C"; end if; end if; end if; end integer a; real x a=3.0 x=a/a/4 b) 0.0 c) C 32) What is the output of the following program if the input is 60? 26) What is the content of the variable x after the execution of the following fragment? a) 0 b) B a) 6 b) 5 c) 6.0 d) 5.0 e) .FALSE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 34)What is the output of he following code? kk=25; ii=15 10 if(ii.GT.kk)stop if(mod(ii,2).EQ.0)then kk=kk/3 else; if (mod(ii,3).eq.0)then kk=kk/2 else; kk=kk*2 endif; endif print*,ii,kk ii=ii+2; goto 10 end a) 15 12.5 d)17 b) 15 12 24.0 e)15.0 c)17 38) Which of the following declarations are wrong and cause compile time errors? I. II. III. IV. a) Only IV d) I and III a) A c) C c) I,II,IV e) None of them 39) What is printed by the following program? a=3.0 if(a-4)100,200,100 if(a-3)400,500,400 print*,'A'; goto 600 print*,'B'; goto 600 print*,'C' stop; end b) B b) I and IV 24 12.0 implicit none real :: m=5 integer :: x=7.5 T=m*x K=m+x print*,m,x,T,K end 35) What will be printed by the following program? 100 500 200 400 600 integer :: a=1.0 real :: i=2 real :: c=3 character :: d='CEng200' d) AB e) AC a) 5 7.5 37.5 12.5 b) 5.0 7 35.0 12 c) 5 7.5 35.0 12 d) 5 7.5 35 12.0 e) Compile-Time error 36) What is the output of the following program? 40) Which code computes the kth partial sum of the continued fraction Sk=1+1/Sk-1 integer A , B A=1; B=2 a=2.5; b=3.2 x=A+b y=a+B z=B*(a+b) print*,x,y,z end a) 5.0 c) 4.0 e) 4 5.0 4.0 4 15.0 11.0 11 I) read*,k s=1; i=1 5 s=1+1/s if(i.le.k-1)goto 5 ... III) read*,k,s,i 5 s=1+1/s print*,s b) 4.2 4.5 11.4 d) 5 5 15 37) What is the output of the following program if the inputs are 75 and -34? a) Only I d) Only III read*,ix,iy if(ix>0)then if(iy>0)then print*,1 else print*,4; endif else if(ix<0)then if(iy>0) then print*,2 else print*,3 endif else print*,0 endif end a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4 b) I and II e) Only II II) read*,k s=1; i=1 5 s=1+1/s if(i.gt.k)goto 5 ... IV) s=1.0; read*,i 5 sk=1.0+1.0/sk-1 i=i+1 if(i<k) goto 5 ... c) Only IV
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