University of Tikrit College of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department Microprocessor 8086 / 8086 By Abdulmuttalib A. Hussein Aldouri 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Main Structural Component of a Computer System The main elements associated with a computer system are as follows: 1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) 2. Main Memory 3. Secondary Storage Devices 4. Input and Output (I/O) Devices 5. Busses The Processor (CPU) The CPU or processor acts as the controller of all actions or services provided by the system. It is the Brain and the Heart of the Computer. The operations of a CPU can be reduced into the following : 1. Fetch the next instruction from memory. 2. Decode the instruction. 3. Execute the instruction. 4. Store the result of the instruction into main memory. 1 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI In general, the CPU has three main units: (See the figure below) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU): Performs arithmetic and logical operations. For example, it can add together two binary numbers either from memory or from some of the CPU registers. Control Unit: controls the action of the other computer components so that instructions are executed in the correct sequence. Registers - Temporary storage inside CPU. Registers can be read and written at high speed as they are inside the CPU. 2 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Memory The memory in a computer system is of two fundamental types: Main Memory: used to store information for immediate access by the CPU. Main Memory is also referred to as Primary Storage or Main Store. Closely connected to the processor. The contents are quickly and easily changed. Stores the programs that the processor is actively working with. Main memory includes: Random Access memory (RAM): for temporary storage. Read-only memory (ROM): for permanent storage. Secondary Storage Devices: devices provide permanent storage of large amounts of data. Secondary storage is also called: secondary memory, external memory. This storage may consist of magnetic tapes, magnetic disk, optical memory device. Connected to main memory through the bus and a controller. The contents are easily changed, but this is very slow compared main memory. Used for permanent storage of programs and data. Input/Output Devices Input/output devices provide an interface between the computer and the user. There is at least one input device (e.g. keyboard, mouse, measuring device such as a temperature sensor) and at least one output device (e.g. printer, screen, control device such as an actuator). Input and output devices like keyboards and printers, together with the external storage devices, are referred to as peripherals. System Bus There are three types of busses: 1. Address Buss: A unidirectional lines determine the size of memory addressable by the processor. 2. Data Bus : A bi-directional lines indicate the size of the data transferred between the processor and memory or I/O device. 3. Control Bus: consists of a set of control signals indicates the type of action taking place on the system bus. 3 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Evolution of Intel Microprocessor Intel (Integrate electronics) was the first corporation in manufacturing Microprocessors starting with 4004µP to Pentium µP. Processor vary in their speed, capacity of memory, register width, and address & data bus size, a brief description of various Intel processor is explained in the table below. Register Width (bit) Size of Address Bus Size of Data Bus µP Memory Size Clock Rate 4 12 4 4 Kbyte 0.2 MHz 4004 8 14 8 16 Kbyte 0.2 MHz 8008 8 16 8 64 Kbyte 2 MHz 8080 8 16 8 64 Kbyte 3 MHz 8085 16 20 16 1 Mbyte 5 MHz 8086 8 20 16 1 Mbyte 5 MHz 8088 ) ال تىجد عملياث الضزب والقسمت ويبدأ وجىد هاتيه العمليتيه4004-8085( في المعالجاث االربعت 8887µP لذلك يزبط معهinteger numbers لكنه يتعامل مع االعداد الصحيحت فقط8086µP في floating numbers الذي يتعامل مع االعداد الحقيقيت 16 28 16 1 Mbyte 6 MHz 80186 16 24 16 16 Mbyte 8 MHz 80286 floating numbers الذي يتعامل مع االعداد الحقيقيت88287µP يزبط معه 32 32 32 4 Gbyte 16 MHz 80386 floating numbers الذي يتعامل مع االعداد الحقيقيت88387µP يزبط معه 32 32 32 4 Gbyte + 8 Kbyte cache 50 MHz 80486 لكنهما يصنعان، floating numbers الذي يتعامل مع االعداد الحقيقيت88487µP يزبط معه قطعت واحدة 32 32 4 Gbyte + 8 Kbyte cache 100 MHz Pentium 64 64 Gbyte + 8K L1 cache Pentium 64 36 32 180M Hz +256K L2 cache Pro 64 Gbyte + 32K L1 cache 233 - 450 Pentium 64 36 32 +512K L2 cache MHz II 64 Gbyte + 32K L1 cache Pentium 64 36 32 1GHz +512K L2 cache III 64 Gbyte + 32K L1 cache Pentium 64 36 32 1.3 GHz +512K L2 cache IV 4 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Intel's 8086 Microprocessor The 8086µP is manufactured using High performance Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (HMOS) technology. It has approximately 29000 transistors and housed in a 40-pin package. Internal Architecture of 8086µP The architecture of 8086µP is shown in figure below . It has two separate functional units : Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and Execution Unit (EU). The 8086µP architecture employs parallel processing—i.e., both the units (BIU and EU) work at the same time. Parallel processing makes the fetch and execution of instructions independent operations. This results in efficient use of the system bus and higher performance for 8086µP systems. The BIU has segment registers, instruction pointer, address generation and bus control logic block, instruction queue. The main jobs performed by BIU are: 1. The BIU performs all bus operations such as instruction fetching, reading and writing operands for memory and calculating the addresses of the memory operands. 2. Input/output of data from/to input/output peripherals. The EU has general purpose registers, ALU, control unit, instruction register, flags (or status) register. The main jobs performed by the execution unit EU are: 1. Decoding/execution of instructions. 2. It accepts instructions from the instruction queue and data from the general purpose registers or memory. 3. EU tests the status of flags in the control register and updates them when executing instructions. 5 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Pipelining is a process that allows the CPU (Microprocessor) to fetch and execute instructions at the same time. Intel Co. implemented the concept of pipelining by splitting the internal architecture of the 8088/8086µP into two units that works simultaneously: Q: Explain the operations of instructions queue in BIU. Ans. The instruction queue is 6-bytes in length, operates on FIFO (first-in firstout) basis. It receives the instruction codes from memory. BIU fetches the instructions for the instructions queue from memory. 6 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Types of Buses in the 8086µP A bus is a number of wires organized to provide a means of communication among different elements in a microcomputer system. There are three types of buses: 1. Address Bus : A 20-bit unidirectional lines used hold the address of a memory location. The address bus allows the processor to access 1 Mbyte of memory (Memory size = 220 =1048576 bytes = 1 Mbyte). 2. Data Bus : A 16-bit bidirectional lines used for transferring data between the microprocessor and memory or the peripheral devices. 3. Control Bus : It contains lines that select the memory or I/O and cause them to perform a read or write operation. Internal Registers of 8086µP There are fourteen 16-bit registers. The different groups are: The data group (general purpose registers) consists of AX (accumulator), BX (base), CX (count) and DX (data). Pointer group consists of SP (Stack pointer), BP (Base pointer), IP (Instruction pointer). Index group consists of SI (Source Index), and DI (Destination index). Segment group consists of CS (Code Segment), DS (Data Segment) , SS(Stack Segment) and ES (Extra Segment),. 16-bit flags (status) register. Figure below shows the registers placed in the different groups. 7 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI General Purpose Data Registers Figure below shows the four data registers with their dedicated functions. 15 87 0 Pointers and Index Group The pointer registers are SP (Stack Pointer), BP (Base pointer) and IP (Instruction Pointer) while the index registers are SI (Source Index) and DI (Destination Index). All the five are 16-bit registers and are used to store offset (effective address) of memory locations relative to segment registers. Segment Registers : there are four segment registers, they are: 1. Code Segment (CS): The CS register is used for addressing a memory location in the Code Segment of the memory, where the executable program is stored. 2. Data Segment (DS): The DS contains most data used by program. Data are accessed in the Data Segment by an offset address or the content of other register that holds the offset address. 3. Stack Segment (SS): SS defines the area of memory used for the stack. 4. Extra Segment (ES): ES is additional data segment that is used by some of the string instructions to hold the destination data. 8 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI The Flags Register It is a 16-bit register, also called Program Status Word (PSW). Seven bits remain unused while the rest nine are used. Six are status flags and three are control flags. The control flags can be set/reset by the programmer. 1. DF (Direction Flag) : controls the direction of operation of string instructions. (DF=0 Ascending order DF=1 Descending order) 2. IF (Interrupt Flag): controls the interrupt operation in 8086µP. (IF=0 Disable interrupt IF=1 Enable interrupt) 3. TF (Trap Flag): controls the operation of the microprocessor. (TF=0 Normal operation TF=1 Single Step operation) The status flags are set/reset depending on the results of some arithmetic or logical operations during program execution. 1. CF (Carry Flag) is set (CF=1) if there is a carry out of the MSB position resulting from an addition operation or subtraction. 2. AF (Auxiliary Carry Flag) AF is set if there is a carry out of bit 3 resulting from an addition operation. 3. SF (Sign Flag) set to 1 when result is negative. When result is positive it is set to 0. 4. ZF (Zero Flag) is set (ZF=1) when result of an arithmetic or logical operation is zero. For non-zero result this flag is reset (ZF=0). 5. PF (Parity Flag) this flag is set to 1 when there is even number of one bits in result, and to 0 when there is odd number of one bits. 6. OF (Overflow Flag) set to 1 when there is a signed overflow. For example, when you multiply FFH by 11H (result is not one byte). 9 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Memory Organization 8086/8088µP, via its 20-bit address bus, can address 220 = 1,048,576 bytes or (1 Mbyte) of memory locations. Thus the memory space of 8086µP is 1,048,576 bytes or 524,288 words. The memory map of 8086µP as shown, where the whole memory space starting from 00000H to FFFFFH. The 8086µP operate in the Real mode memory addressing. Real mode operation allows the microprocessor to address only the first 1 Mbyte of memory. Even though the 8086 has a 1 Mbyte address space, not all this memory is active at one time. Actually, the 1 Mbytes of memory are partitioned into 64 Kbyte (65,536) segments. The 8086µP allows four memory segments. The figure shows these memory segments. 18 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Software Model of 8086µP What is important to the programmer is to know the various registers within the 8086µP and to understand their purpose, functions, operating capabilities, and limitations. The figure below illustrates the software architecture of the 8086µP. Physical Address Generation Logical address, segment address and physical address are explained as follows: The logical address, also known as the effective address or offset address is contained in the registers IP, BP, SP, BX, SI or DI. The 16-bit content of one of the four segment registers (CS, DS, ES, SS) is known as the base segment address. Offset and base segment address are combined to form a 20-bit physical address (also called real address) that is used to access the memory. 11 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI The 20-bit physical address is generated by combining the offset (residing in BX, BP, IP, SP, SI or DI) and the content of one of the segment registers CS, DS, ES or SS. The process of combination is as follows: The content of the segment register is internally appended with 0H (0000B) on its right most end to form a 20-bit memory address—this 20-bit address points to the start of the segment. The offset is then added to the above to get the physical address. Physical Address = Segment Register : Offset (Effective Address) = (Segment Register)0H + Offset (Effective Address) For example if (DS)=2000H and the Logical address is 1234H then the physical address is: PA = (2000)*10 + 1234H = 20000H + 1234H = 21234H 12 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Addressing Modes of 8086µP The general form of an Assembly language instruction is : Operation Destination(D) , reg. / mem. Source(S) reg. / mem. An instruction consists of an op-code and operands. The operand may reside in the accumulator, or in a general purpose register or in a memory location. Examples: MOV AX , BX ; copy the content of BX to AX. ADD AL , 12H ; add 12H to AL and store the result in AL. An addressing mode is a method of specifying an operand. The following are the different addressing modes of 8086µP: 1. Register Addressing Mode: The operands both are registers (8-bit or 16bit). Some examples are: MOV AX , BX ADD AL , BH 2. Immediate Addressing Mode: The source can be either 8-bit or 16-bit number and the destination is a register . Some examples are: MOV AL , 83H ADD BX , 1284H 3. Memory Addressing Mode: One of the operands is a memory location. The different memory addressing modes are: a) Direct Addressing Mode: The effective address of the specified memory location is given directly between [ ] brackets, for example: (DS)=1000H MOV AL , [3000H] { } { } Note: The default segment register is DS PA = (DS)0H + 3000H = 10000H + 3000H = 13000H 13 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI b) Register Indirect Addressing Mode: The effective address is located in any of the following registers : BP, BX , SI and DI. 𝑪𝑺 𝑩𝑿 [ ] 𝑷𝑨 {𝑫𝑺} {𝑩𝑷} 𝑺𝑰 𝑺𝑺 [ ] 𝑬𝑺 𝑫𝑰 For example if (SI)=2000H, and (DS)=1000H, then the instruction MOV BX , [SI] copies the word 2030H from locations 12000H and 12001H to BX. PA=(DS)0H + [2000H] = 10000H + 2000H = 12000H SI c) Register Relative Addressing Mode: The effective address can be found as follows: Based with displacement (Based-Relative) addressing mode. Indexed with displacement(Indexed-Relative) addressing mode. { } { } { } For example if (BP)=1000H , (SS)=0100H , (AL)=FFH and a displacement of 100H then the instruction MOV [BP+100H] , AL copies the content of AL into memory location 02100H. PA = (100)0H + [1000H + 100H] = 2100H Note: the diagram is left as a H.W for the student 14 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI d) Based-Indexed Addressing Mode : The effective address can be found as follows: [ ] { } { } { } For example if (BX) = 2000H , (DI) = 0030H and (DS) = 1000H then the instruction MOV CX , [BX + DI] load the register CX with 1040H form memory locations 12030H and 12031H. PA = 10000 + [2000H + 0030H] = 12030H 0030H e) Based-Indexed with Displacement Mode : The effective address can be found as follows: [ { } { } ] { } { } For example if (BP) = 0100H , (SI) = 0200H , (SS) = 2000H and a displacement of 10H then the instruction MOV AL , [BP+SI+10H] load the register AL with 50H form memory location 20310H. PA = (2000)0H + [0100H + 0200H + 10H] = 20310H 15 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI MOV AL , [BP + SI + 10H] BP SS (SS) x 10H The table below shows the operand that stores the effective address and the default segment register used to form the physical address Addressing Mode Operand [offset] Direct Register Indirect [BX] or [SI] or [DI] [BP] [BX + disp] Based Relative [BP + disp] Indexed Relative [SI + disp] [DI + disp] [BX + SI or DI + disp] Based-Indexed [BP + SI or DI + disp] Relative Default Segment DS DS SS DS SS DS DS DS SS Note: 1. CS : IP together determine the address of the first instruction to execute. In this way the first instruction in CS being execution, if the first instruction is two byte long, the processor increment IP by 2 to indicate the next instruction. 2. Segment override prefix means that we can use any segment register to form the physical address as follows: MOV AX , ES : [2000H] ADD SS : [BX+SI] , DX AND CS : [BP] , AL 16 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 17 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Unsigned and Signed Integer Numbers 1. Unsigned integer numbers: each type of integer can be either byte-wide or word-wide. This data type can be used to represent decimal numbers in the range 0 through 255. The unsigned word integer can be used to represent decimal numbers in the range 0 through 65535. 2. Signed integer numbers: each type of integer can be either byte-wide or word-wide. They are similar to unsigned integer numbers except the most significant bit MSB in signed integer data type is a sign bit. This data type represents decimal numbers in the range -128 to +127. The signed word integer represents decimal numbers in the range –32768 to +32767. Note: Negative integers are stored in 2's complement form. -1H = FFH (byte) , -2H = FEH (byte) -1H = FFFFH (word) , -2H = FFFEH (word) 18 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Instruction Set of 8086µP There are 117 basic instructions in the instruction set of 8086µP. The instruction set of 8086µP can be divided into the following groups : 1. Data Transfer Instructions 2. Arithmetic and Logic Instructions 3.Shift and Rotate Instructions 4. Flag Control Instructions 5. Compare Instructions 6. Jump Instructions 7. Loop Instructions 8. Stack Instructions 9.Strings Instructions 10. Subroutines Instructions Data Transfer Instructions The data transfer instructions include: 1. MOV (byte or word) Instruction. 3. XLAT (Translate byte) 5. LDS (Load register and DS) 2. XCHG (Exchange byte or word) 4. LEA (Load effective address ) 6. LES (Load register and ES) The MOV Instruction: The MOV instruction is used to transfer (copy) a byte or word of data from a source operand to a destination operand. The general form of MOV instruction is as shown below: The allowed operands for the source and destination are listed below: Examples : MOV AX , BX MOV AL , FFH MOV [BX] , CX MOV [SI] , FF87H MOV BH , [PB+DI] MOV DS , AX MOV AL , 'A' MOV [BX] , [SI] is not allowed, why? MOV DS , FA34H is not allowed, why? MOV DS , CS is not allowed, why? MOV CS, AX is not allowed, why? 19 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI The Exchange XCHG Instruction The XCHG (exchange) instruction exchanges the contents of a register a memory with the contents of any other register or memory. The general form of this instruction is as shown below: The allowed operands for the source and destination are listed below: Example (AX)=1000H and (BX)=2000H XCHG AX , BX After execution : (AX)=2000H and (BX)=1000H H.W. Repeat the example by using MOV instructions only. The XLAT Instruction This instruction used to simplify implementation of the lookup table operation. The general form of this instruction is as shown below: Ex: Assume (DS) = 1000H, (BX)=1000H, and (AL)=05H. Execution of XLAT replaces the contents of AL by the contents of memory location with physical address : PA = (DS)0 + (BX) + (AL) = 10000H + 1000H + 05H = 11005H Thus: (AL) = 6DH (the old byte 05H in AL is replaced by 6DH) AX BX 28 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Load-Effective Address (LEA, LDS, and LES) Instructions: These instructions load a segment and general purpose registers with an address directly from memory. The general forms of these instructions are as shown below: Mnemonic Meaning LEA Load effective address Format LEA Reg16 , EA LDS Load register and DS LDS Reg16 , EA LES Load register and ES LES Reg16 , EA Operation EA → (Reg16) [PA] → (Reg16) [PA+2] → (DS) [PA] → (Reg16) [PA+2] → (ES) Flags Affected None None None Ex: What does BX contain after executing: LEA BX , [SI+100H] (SI)=1000H Ans. The effective address EA=1000H + 100H = 1100H → (BX) = 1100H If Ex : If (SI)=1000H and (DS)=1000H , what do the registers BX and DS contain after execution LDS BX , [SI] instruction? Ans. PA = 10000H + 1000H = 11000H The execution of LDS BX , [SI] loads BX from addresses 11000H and 11001H and DS from addresses 11002H and 11003H. (BX) = 127AH and (DS) = 3000H BX SI Note : All data transfer instructions do not affect the status flags. 21 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Arithmetic and Logic Group The arithmetic group includes instructions for the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division as well as increment and decrement operations. Addition and Subtraction Instructions The allowed operands: Examples ADD AL , BL ADD AX , DI ADC DX , 1234H SUB AX , [BX] SBB [BX+DI] , CL INC AL DEC [DI] Ex: Write an ALP that subtracts 1234H existing in DX from the word beginning at memory location 64200. Ans. : MOV AX , 6000H MOV DS , AX MOV BX , 4200H MOV DX , 1234H SUB [BX] , DX HLT Ex: Write a piece of code to add two 32-bit numbers stored at 82000H and 84000H and store the result at 86000H. Ans. : MOV AX , 8000H MOV DS , AX MOV AX , [2000] MOV DX , [2002] ADD AX , [4000] ADC DX , [4002] MOV [6000] , AX MOV [6002] , DX HTL 22 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Multiplication and Division Instructions: The 8086µP has instructions for multiplication and division of binary, BCD numbers, and signed or unsigned integers. Multiplication and division are performed on bytes or on words. The allowed operand: Examples Source Ex: Write an ALP for dividing 1234H by 34H. Ans. MOV AX, 1234H MOV CL, 34H DIV CL HLT After Execution : (AX)= 2059H Quotient in AL = 59H and Remainder in AH = 20H. MUL BL DIV [SI] IMUL BX IDIV [DI+1000H] Ex : If (AL) = -1 and (BL) = -2 , what is the result of Executing : 1. MUL BL 2. IMUL BL Ans. The 2'complement of -1 = FFH The 2'complement of -2 = FEH 1. (AX) = FF*FE = FD02H 2. (AX) = -1H* -2H = 0002H 23 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI CBW(Convert Signed Byte to Word) & CWD(Convert Signed Word to Double Word) instructions: The division instruction can also be used to divide a sign 8-bit dividend in AL by an 8-bit divisor. For this purpose we use (CBW) instruction. When (CBW) instruction is executed the value of AX register is as shown below: AH=0 if the number is positive & AH=1 if the number is negative. Ex: What is the result of executing the following piece of code? MOV AL , A1H CBW CWD The first instruction loads AL with (AL)=A116=101000012 Executing the second instruction gives: (AH)=111111112 = FF16 (AX)=11111111101000012= FFA116 Executing the third instruction gives: (AX)=FFA116 (DX)=FFFF16 Ex: Write an ALP that divide a signed byte stored in 5600AH by the content of BL. Ans. MOV AX , 5000H MOV DS , AX MOV SI , 6000H MOV AL , [SI + 0AH] CBW IDIV BL MOV [SI + 0AH] , AX HLT 24 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex : Write an ALP to evaluate x(y + z) where x = 10H, y = 20H and z = 30H and store the result in a memory location 54000H. MOV AX , 5000H MOV DS , AX MOV AL , 20H MOV CL , 30H ADD AL , CL MOV CL , 10H MUL CL MOV SI , 4000H MOV [SI] , AX HLT Ex: Write an ALP to multiply the word 1234H by the double word 12345678H. Store the result in locations starting in 54000H. MOV AX , 1234H MOV BX , 5678H MOV CX , 1234H MUL BX MOV SI , AX MOV DI , DX MOV AX , 1234H MUL CX ADC AX , DI ADC DX , 0000H MOV BX , 5000H MOV DS , BX MOV [4000H], SI MOV [4002H],AX MOV [4004H],DX HLT 25 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Logical Instructions: This group includes AND, OR, XOR and NOT instructions. These instructions perform logic operations. They are used to clear , set, and complement certain bits in a register or a memory location. NOT Instruction gives the 1's complement of the operand (X = X) NEG Instruction gives the 2's complement of the operand (X=X+1) The allowed operands (AND, OR , XOR) NOT and NEG Examples AND AL , BL AND AX , [BX] OR [SI+1000] , CL XOR AX , AX NOT DL NOT [2000] Note: After executing AND , OR, or XOR instructions CF and OF are both 0. PF, SF, and ZF are updated . AF is undefined. Ex : Write an ALP to clear bits 0 to 5, set bits 6 to 10 and complement bits 11 to 15 in a memory location 34000H. Ans. MOV AX , 3000H MOV DS , AX AND [4000] , FFC0H OR [4000] , 07C0H XOR [4000] , F800H HLT 26 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Shift Instructions: Shift instructions can perform two basic types of shift operations: the logical shift and the arithmetic shift. Also, each of these operations can be performed to the right or to the left. They have the ability to shift the contents of either an internal register or a storage location in memory. SHL SHL SAL SAL D,1 D , CL D,1 D , CL Shift D (Reg. / Mem.) to left either by 1 bit or by number of bits stored in CL . SHR D , 1 SHR D , CL Shift D (Reg. / Mem.) to right either by 1 bit or by number of bits stored in CL . SAR D , 1 SAR D , CL Shift D (Reg. / Mem.) either by 1 bit or by number of bits stored in CL . 27 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex: If (AX)=1234H , then, executing: SHL AX , 1 (AX) = 2468H & (CF)=0 Ex: If (CL)=2 and (AX)= 1234AH. Then, executing: SAR AX , CL leads to: (AX)=048EH & (CF)=0 Rotate (ROL, ROR, RCL, and, RCR ) Instructions: Rotate instructions, are similar to the shift instructions. The operation of these instructions is described below. They have the ability to rotate the contents of either an internal register or a storage location in memory. ROL D , 1 ROL D , CL Rotate D (Reg./Mem.) left out of carry either by 1 bit or No. of bits stored in CL . ROR D , 1 ROR D , CL Rotate D (Reg./Mem.) right out of carry either by 1 bit or No. of bits stored in CL . RCL D , 1 RCL D , CL Rotate D (Reg./Mem.) left through carry either by 1 bit or No. of bits in CL . RCR D , 1 RCR D , CL The same operation of RCL but to the right. 28 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex : If (CL) =0416 and AX=1234A16. Determine the new contents of AX and the carry flag after executing the instructions: a) ROL AX, 1 b) ROR AX, CL Ans. a) (AX) = 2468H and (CF) = 0 b) (AX) = 4123H and (CF)=1 29 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Flags Control Instructions The flag control instruction affect the state of the flags directly, these instructions and their operation are listed below: LAHF instruction : Load (copy to) AH with the low byte the flag register. (AH) ← (Low byte of flag register) SAHF instruction : Store (copy) AH register to low byte of flag register. (Low byte of flag register) ← (AH) Ex: Write an ALP that complements the first byte of flags register. LAHF XOR AH , 0FFH SAHF HLT Compare CMP and TEST Instructions The following are the characteristics of CMP instruction: Can compare two 8-bit or two 16-bit numbers. Operands many reside in memory, a register in the CPU or be a part of an instruction. CMP is a subtraction method, it uses 2’s complement . Result of CMP is not saved in the destination operand. Results of comparison is reflected in the six status flags: CF, AF, OF, PF, SF and ZF. 38 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Examples CMP AX , BX CMP DL , CL CMP AL , [BX] CMP CX , 1234h CMP [SI+100H] , 1234H The TEST Instruction This instruction ANDs the contents of a source byte or word with the contents of specified destination word. Flags are updated but neither operand is changed. TEST instruction is often used to set flags before a condition jump instruction. Mnemonic TEST Meaning test Format TEST D , S 31 Operation (D) . (S) Flags Affected PF , ZF , SF 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Program Control Instructions Branch Instructions (Jump) There are two basic types of jump: The Intra-segment jump is a jump within the current code segment. It is achieved by only modifying the value of IP. The Inter-segment jump is a jump from one segment to another, both CS and IP values are to be modified. Unconditional and Conditional Jump Unconditional Jump (JMP) Specifies a new value of IP with an 8-bit immediate operand. Specifies a new value of IP with a 16-bit immediate operand. Specifies a new value of IP and A new segment. Specifies a new value of IP with the content of a 16-bit memory operand. Specifies a new value of IP with the content of a 16-bit Reg. operand. Specifies a new value of IP with the content of a 32-bit memory operand. Short-label , Near-label , Memptr16 or Regptr16 types of operands represent intra-segment jump. Far-label and Memptr32 represent inter-segment jump. 32 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Conditional Jump Cond. = ≠ > < ≥ ≤ Unsigned JE : Jump Equal JZ : Jump Zero JNZ : Jump Not Zero JNE : Jump Not Equal JA : Jump above JNBE : Jump if Non Below Nor Equal JB : Jump Below JNAE : Jump Non Above nor Equal JAE : Jump Above or Equal JNB : Jump Non Below JBE : Jump Below or Equal JNA : Jump Non Above Signed ZF = 1 ZF = 0 CF = 0 and ZF = 0 CF = 1 CF = 0 CF = 1 or ZF = 1 JE : Jump Equal JZ : Jump Zero JNZ : Jump Not Zero JNE : Jump Not Equal JG : Jump Greater 33 ZF = 0 ZF = 0 and SF = OF SF ≠ OF JL : Jump Less JGE : Jump Greater or Equal JLE : Jump Less or Equal JC : Jump if Carry JNC: Jump if No Carry JZ: Jump if Zero Zero JNZ: Jump if No Zero JPE : Jump if Parity Even Parity JPO: Jump if Parity Odd JS: Jump if Signed (if negative) Sign JNS: Jump if Not Signed (if positive) JO: Jump if Overflow Overflow JNO: Jump if Not Overflow Carry ZF = 1 CF=1 CF=0 ZF=1 ZF=0 PF=1 PF=0 SF = 1 SF = 0 OF = 1 OF = 0 SF = OF SF ≠ OF or ZF = 1 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex: Write a piece of code that transfers a block of 256 bytes stored at locations starting at 34000H to locations starting at 36000H. Ans. ← 360FF 340FF MOV AX , 3000H ← MOV DS , AX ← MOV BX , 0000H . MOV CX , 100H . NEXT: MOV AL , [BX + 4000H] . MOV [BX + 6000H] , AL . INC BX . ← DEC CX 36001 34001 ← 36000 34000 JNZ NEXT HLT Ex : Write an ALP that adds an array of integers of size 256 byte stored at locations starting at 54000H with another array starting at address 56000H, store the result at locations starting at 58000H. Ans. MOV AX , 5000H 540FF 560FF 580FF MOV DS , AX . . . . MOV BX , 0000H . . MOV CX , 100H . + . = NEXT: MOV AL , [BX + 4000H] . . ADD AL , [BX + 6000H] . . MOV [BX + 8000H] , AL . . INC BX 54001 56001 58001 DEC CX 54000 56000 58000 JNZ NEXT HLT Ex: Write an ALP to find the absolute subtraction of two arrays of size 1024 bytes starting at 82000H and 84000H respectively. Store the results at locations starting at 86000H. Ans. MOV AX , 8000H MOV DS , AX XOR SI , SI MOV CX , 400H NEXT: MOV AL , [SI + 2000H] CMP AL , [SI + 4000H] JB N1 SUB AL , [SI + 4000H] JMP N2 N1: MOV BL , [SI + 4000H] 34 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI XCHG AL , BL SUB AL , BL N2: MOV [SI + 6000H] , AL INC SI DEC CX JNZ NEXT HLT Ex: Write an ALP that counts the number of 1’s in a byte stored in 54000H and stores the result in 54001H Ans. XOR BL , BL ; clear BL to keep the number of 1s MOV CL , 8 ; rotate total of 8 times MOV AX , 5000H MOV DS , AX MOV SI , 4000H MOV AL , [SI] AGAIN: ROL AL,1 ; rotate it once JNC NEXT ; check for 1 INC BL ; if CF=1 then add one to count NEXT: DEC CL ; go through this 8 times JNZ AGAIN ; if not finished go back INC SI MOV [SI] , BL HLT Ex : Write a piece of code to find the number of negative integers in an array of size 1024 byte contain signed numbers stored at addresses starting at 21000H, store the result in a location 51000H. Ans. MOV AX , 2000H MOV DS , AX MOV CX , 400H MOV DL , 00H MOV SI , 0000H AGAIN: MOV AL , [SI+1000H] ROL AL , 1 JNC NEXT INC DX NEXT: INC SI DEC CX JNZ AGAIN MOV AX , 5000H MOV [1000H] , DX HLT 35 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex: Write an ALP to find the maximum byte of a block of 256 bytes starting at 53000H. Store the result at 56000H. MOV AX , 5000H MOV DS , AX MOV SI , 3000 H MOV CX , 0100 H MOV AH , 00 H NEXT: CMP AH , [SI] JAE PASS MOV AH, [SI] PASS: INC SI DEC CX JNZ NEXT MOV DI , 6000 MOV [DI] , AH HLT Ex : Write a program finds the factorial of 08H . Ans. MOV BX , 08 MOV AX , 0001 LOOP: MUL BX DEC BX JNZ LOOP HLT H.W : Write a piece of code to find the number of odd integers in an array of size 1024 byte stored at addresses starting at 21000H, store the result in location 51000H. Write a piece of code that exchanges a block of 256 bytes stored at locations starting at 34000H with another block starting at 36000H. By using XCHG instruction. By using MOV instruction. Write an ALP to find the 2’s complement of a block of 100 bytes starting at 53000H and store the result in Write an ALP to find the minimum value of a byte from a block of 256 bytes starting at 53000H. Store the result at 56000H. Write an ALP to find the sum of the following series: Sum=1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ………………………..+ 100 36 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Branch Program Structure IF – THEN – ELSE The High–level language IF–THEN–ELSE structure is expressed by the following assembly structure: CMP AX , BX JNE NEQUAL --- --; Next instruction if (AX) = (BX) .. NEQUAL: --- --; Next instruction if (AX) ≠ (BX) .. --- --- Loop Program Structures WHILE – LOOP A typical WHILE – LOOP shown in the following flow chart can be expressed by the following assembly structure: count= final; while (count !=0) { Loop program statements; --count; } ….. // next statement MOV CL , COUNT AGAIN: JZ NEXT --- ----- --... --- --DEC CL JMP AGAIN NEXT: --- --- ; Set loop repeat count ; Loop is complete if CL=0 (ZF=1) ; First instruction of the loop ; Second instruction of the loop ; last instruction of the loop ; Decrement repeat count by 1 ; Repeat from AGAIN ; First instruction executed after the loop is complete 37 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Loop Instructions There are three loop instructions. They can be used in place of certain conditional jump instructions. These instructions give the programmer a flexibility in writing programs in a simpler manner. The different loop instructions and the operations they perform are listed below: CX = CX - 1 NEXT CX ≠ 0 ? Yes No Ex: Write a piece of code that transfers a block of 256 bytes stored at locations starting at 34000H to locations starting at 36000H. Ans. MOV AX , 3000H MOV DS , AX MOV BX , 0000H MOV CX , 100H NEXT: MOV AL , [BX + 4000H] MOV [BX + 6000H] , AL INC BX LOOP NEXT HLT 38 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex: Write an ALP to find the maximum byte from a block of 256 bytes starting at 53000H. Ans. MOV AX , 5000H MOV DS , AX LEA SI , [3000H] MOV CX , 0100H MOV AH , 00H AGAIN: CMP AH , [SI] JAE NEXT MOV AH , [SI] NEXT: INC SI LOOPNE AGAIN MOV [SI] , AH HLT Ex : Write an ALP that counts the number of letters M in a string of size 256 bytes starts at 5F600H. MOV AX , 5000H MOV DS , AX LEA SI , [F600H] MOV CX , 100H MOV DL , 00H MOV AL , 4DH ; 4D is the ASCII code of the letter M AGAIN: CMP AL , [SI] JNE NEXT INC DL NEXT: INC SI LOOP AGAIN HLT Ex: Write an ALP to find the average of an array of size 256 bytes of unsigned integers starting at 6A000H. MOV AX , 6000H MOV DS , AX XOR BX , BX XOR AX , AX MOV CX , 100H H.W: Repeat the previous example AGAIN: ADD AL , [BX+2000H] if the array has signed integers ADC AH , 00H NEXT: INC BX LOOP AGAIN XOR DX , DX DIV BX HLT 39 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Stack Instructions The stack in the 8086/8088 µPs, like that in many microprocessors, is a region of memory that can store information temporarily ( )بصىرة مؤقتتduring the execution of the program. It is called a stack, because you "stack" things on it. The stack is a Last-In-First-Out, (LIFO) structure so the last thing stored in the stack is the first thing retrieved. The philosophy is that you retrieve ()يستزجع (pop) data in the opposite order of storing (push) it . In the 8086/8088µP, the stack pointer is SS:SP (physical address) , which is a 16 bit pointer into a 20 bit address space. In a POP operation, the data is retrieved (POPed) from that address (SS : SP). The SP register is incremented by 2. (Low byte of the operand) ← SS : SP (High byte of the operand) ← SS : (SP) + 1 (SP)← (SP) + 2 In a PUSH operation, the data of the source is stored (pushed) at address (SS : SP). The SP register is decremented 2. SS: (SP) – 1 ← (High byte of the operand) SS: (SP) – 2 ← (Low byte of the operand) (SP) ← (SP) – 2 POPF retrieves a word from the stack and places it into the flags register and increments the stack pointer SP by 2. (Low Byte of Flags Reg.) ← SS : SP (High Byte of Flags Reg.) ← SS : (SP) + 1 (SP) ← (SP) + 2 PUSHF pushes the contents of the flags register onto the stack at address (SS : SP) and decrements the stack pointer SP by 2. SS : (SP) – 1 ← (High Byte of Flags Reg.) SS : (SP) – 2 ← (Low Byte of Flags Reg.) (SP) ← (SP) – 2 48 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Note: PUSHF / POPF have no operands The figure below shows that if (SS) = 3000H , (SP) = 0042H, so the execution of POP CX loads CX by the word 4050H form the stack segment. The SP is incremented by 2. The figure below shows the Execution of PUSH CX if (SS) = 3000H , (SP) = 0034H and (CX)=2030H. This instruction copies the contents of CX in locations 30033H and 30032H in stack segment. The SP is decremented by 2. 41 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI String Instructions 1. MOVS ( MOVSB / MOVSW ) MOVES STRING BYTE OR STRING WORD: This instruction copies a byte or a word from location in the data segment to a location in the extra segment. The offset of the source in the data segment must be in the SI register. The offset of the destination in the extra segment must be in the DI register. For multiple-byte or multiple-word moves, the number of elements to be moved is put in the CX register(counter). If DF is 0, then SI and DI will incremented by 1 after a byte move and by 2 after a word move. If DF is 1, then SI and DI will be decremented by 1 after a byte move and by 2 after a word move. MOVS does not affect any flag. MOVSB DF=0 MOVSW DF=1 DF=0 DF=1 (ES:DI) ← (DS:SI) (ES:DI) ← (DS:SI) (ES:DI) ← (DS:SI) (ES:DI) ← (DS:SI) SI ← SI + 1 SI ← SI - 1 SI ← SI + 2 SI ← SI - 2 DI ← DI + 1 DI ← DI - 1 DI ← DI + 2 DI ← DI - 2 2. LODS ( LODSB / LODSW ) LOAD STRING BYTE INTO AL OR STRING WORD INTO AX :This instruction copies a byte or a word from a string location pointed to by SI to AL or to AX. If DF is 0, SI will be automatically incremented (by 1 for a byte string, and 2 for a word string) to point to the next element of the string. If DF is 1, SI will be automatically decremented (by 1 for a byte string, and 2 for a word string) to point to the previous element of the string. LODS does not affect any flag. LODSB DF=0 LODSW DF=1 DF=0 DF=1 (AL) ← (DS:SI) (AL) ← (DS:SI) (AX) ← (DS:SI) (AX) ← (DS:SI) SI ← SI + 1 SI ← SI - 1 SI ← SI + 2 SI ← SI - 2 3. STOS ( STOSB / STOSW ) STORE STRING BYTE OR STRING WORD: This instruction copies a byte from AL or a word from AX to a memory location in the extra segment pointed to by DI. If DF is 0, then DI will automatically incremented by 1 for a byte string and by 2 for a word string. If DI is 1, DI will be automatically decremented by 1 for a byte string and by 2 for a word string. STOS does not affect any flag. STOSB DF=0 STOSW DF=1 DF=0 DF=1 (ES:DI) ← (AL) (ES:DI) ← (AL) (ES:DI) ← (AX) (ES:DI) ← (AX) DI ← DI + 1 DI ← DI - 1 DI ← DI + 2 DI ← DI - 2 42 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 4. CMPS ( CMPSB / CMPSW ) COMPARE STRING BYTE OR STRING WORD : This instruction can be used to compare a byte / word in the source string with a byte / word in the destination string. SI stores the offset of the byte or word in the source string, and DI stores the offset of the byte or word in the destination string. The AF, CF, OF, PF, SF, and ZF flags are affected by the comparison, but the two operands are not affected. If DF is 1, then SI and DI will automatically be decremented by 1 for a byte string and by 2 for a word string. If DF is 0, then SI and DI will automatically be incremented by 1 for byte strings and by 2 for word strings. CMPSB CMPSW DF=0 DF=1 DF=0 DF=1 (DS:SI) - (ES:DI) SI ← SI + 1 DI ← DI + 1 (DS:SI) - (ES:DI) SI ← SI - 1 DI ← DI - 1 (DS:SI) - (ES:DI) SI ← SI + 2 DI ← DI + 2 (DS:SI) - (ES:DI) SI ← SI - 2 DI ← DI - 2 5. SCAS ( SCASB / SCASW ) SCAN A STRING BYTE OR A STRING WORD : This instruction compares a byte in AL or a word in AX with a byte or a word in Extra-segment , DI must contain the effective address. If DF is 0, then DI will be incremented by 1 for byte strings and by 2 for word strings. If DF is 0, then DI will be decremented by 1 for byte strings and by 2 for word strings. SCAS affects AF, CF, OF, PF, SF, and ZF, but it does not change either the operand in AL / AX or the operand in the string. SCASB SCASW DF=0 DF=1 DF=0 DF=1 (AL) - (ES:DI) DI ← DI + 1 (AL) - (ES:DI) DI ← DI - 1 (AX) - (ES:DI) DI ← DI + 2 (AX) - (ES:DI) DI ← DI - 2 The following table summarizes all the string instructions: 43 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex: Write a piece of code that transfers a block of 256 bytes stored at locations starting at 34000H to locations starting at 36000H. Ans. MOV AX , 3000H MOV DS , AX MOV ES , AX MOV SI , 4000H H.W : Repeat by using MOVSW MOV DI , 6000H MOV CX , 100H CLD NEXT: MOVSB LOOP NEXT HLT Ex: Write an ALP to initialize a block of memory starting at 8A000H with English alphabet (A to Z) using string instructions. Ans. MOV AX , 8000H MOV ES , AX MOV AL , 'A' MOV DI , A000H MOV CX , 18H CLD AGAIN: STOSB INC AL LOOP AGAIN HLT Ex: Write an ALP that scans the byte 05H in a block of memory of size 16 starting at 2A000H, if is found loads BL with 01H otherwise load BL with 00H. MOV AX, 2000H MOV ES, AX MOV AL, 05 MOV DI, 0A000H MOV CL, 10H MOV BL , 00H CLD AGAIN: SCASB LOOPNE AGAIN JNE END MOV BL , 01H END: HLT 44 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 6. REP & (REPE / REPZ) & (REPNE / REPNZ) REPEAT STRING INSTRUCTION UNTIL SPECIFIED CONDITIONS EXIST: REP (Repeat) is written before one of the string instructions. It will cause the CX register to be decremented and the string instruction to be repeated until CX = 0. The instruction REP MOVSB, for example, will continue to copy string bytes until the number of bytes into CX has been copied. REPE and REPZ (Repeat if Equal and Repeat if Zero) : They will cause the string instruction to be repeated as long as the compared bytes or words are equal (ZF = 1) and CX is not equal to zero. In other words, there are two conditions that will stop the repetition: CX = 0 or string bytes or words not equal. REPNE and REPNZ (Repeat if Not Equal and Repeat if Not Zero) respectively. They are often used with the Compare String instruction or with the Scan String instruction. They will cause the string instruction to be repeated as long as the compared bytes or words are not equal (ZF = 0) and CX is not yet counted down to zero. Ex: Write an ALP that loads a block of memory of size 256 starting at 7A000H with a value 55H by repeating the STOSB instruction. Ans. MOV AX, 7000H MOV ES, AX MOV DI, 0A000H H.W Repeat by using MOV instruction MOV AL, 55H MOV CX, 100H CLD REP STOSB HLT 45 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex : Two arrays of size 1Kbyte stored at 21000H and 52000H respectively. Write a piece of code to store 01H in AH if they are equal or 00H if they are not equal. Ans. MOV AX , 2000H MOV DS , AX MOV AX , 5000H MOV ES , AX MOV SI , 1000H H.W. : Repeat using CMPSW MOV DI , 2000H MOV AH , 00H CLD MOV CX , 400H REPE CMPSB JNE END MOV AH , 01H END: HLT Ex: Describe what happen as the following sequence of instruction is executed. Ans. CLD MOV AX , 5000H Ans. MOV DS , AX MOV AX , 5000H This program is used to transfer 32 bytes MOV ES , AX form locations starting at 52000H to MOV CX , 20H another locations starting at 54000H. MOV SI , 2000H MOV DI , 4000H REP MOVSB HLT 46 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Subroutines A subroutine is a special program that performs a certain task()مهمت او وظيفت معينت and is called for execution from any point in the main program. A subroutine is also known as a procedure. A return instruction must be included at the end of the subroutine to return execution to the main program. CALL Instruction (call a procedure) The CALL instruction is used to transfer execution to a subprogram or a procedure. There two basic type of calls : 1. near call is a call to a procedure, which is in the same code segment as the CALL instruction. When the 8086 executes a near CALL instruction, it decrements the stack pointer by 2 and copies the offset of the next instruction after the CALL into the stack. 2. far call is a call to a procedure, which is in a different segment. When the 8086 executes a far call, it decrements the SP by 2 and copies the content of the CS register to the stack. It then decrements the SP by 2 again and copies the offset of the instruction after the CALL instruction to the stack. A RET instruction at the end of the procedure will return execution to the next instruction after the CALL instruction by restoring the saved values IP (in the case of near call) or CS and IP (in the case of far call) from the stack. 47 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex: Write an ALP to calculate the combinations from the following formula, store the result in AX. Ans. MOV CL , n MOV CH , m CMP CL , CH JC STOP MOV BL , CL CALL FACT MOV SI , AX MOV BL , CH CALL FACT MOV DI , AX SUB CL , CH MOV BL , CL CALL FACT MUL DI MOV CX , AX MOV AX , SI XOR DX , DX DIV CX STOP: HLT ; n is positive integer less than or equal to 08H ; m is positive integer less than or equal to 08H ; Subroutine finds the factorial FACT: MOV AX , 0001H CMP BL , 00H JE END MOV BH , 00H AGAIN: MUL BX DEC BX JNZ AGAIN END: RET If n = 06H and m = 04H then after execution (AX) = 000FH If n = 08H and m = 04H then after execution (AX) = 0046H If n = 06H and m = 06H then after execution (AX) = 0001H 48 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex: Write an ALP to find the sum of the following series: Sum= 11 + 22 + 33 + 44 + 55 + 66 Ans. MOV BX ,0000H MOV SI , 0001H XOR DI , DI NEXT: CALL SUBR ADD BX , AX ADC DI , 0000H INC SI CMP SI , 0007H JNZ NEXT HLT ; Subroutine finds the power SUBR: MOV CX ,SI MOV AX , 0001H AGAIN: MUL SI DEC CX JNZ AGAIN RET 49 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Input / Output (IN / OUT) Instructions The IN instruction copies data from a port to the AL or AX register. If an 8bit is read, the data will go to AL. If a 16-bit is read, the data will go to AX. The IN instruction does not change any flag. The general form is : IN AL / AX , (input port) The OUT instruction copies a byte from AL or a word from AX to the specified port. The OUT instruction does not affect any flag. The general form is : OUT (output port) , AL / AX The IN / OUT instructions has two possible formats: Fixed (Direct) Port : the 8-bit address of a port is specified directly in the instruction. With this form 256 possible ports can be addressed. IN AL , 0C8H ; Input a byte from port 0C8H to AL OUT 34H , AX ; Output a word from AX to 34H port Variable (Indirect) Port : the port address is loaded into the DX register before the IN instruction is executed. Since DX is a 16-bit register, the port address can be any number between 0000H and FFFFH. Therefore, up to 65,536 ports are addressable in this mode. MOV DX , 0FF78H ; Initialize DX with a port address IN AX , DX ; Input a word from the port 0FF78H to AX OUT DX , AL ; Output a byte from AL to the port 0FF78H Note : The variable-port IN / OUT instructions has advantage that the port address can be computed or dynamically determined in the program. Suppose, for example, that an 8086-based computer needs to input data from 10 terminals, each having its own port address. Instead of having a separate procedure to input data from each port, you can write one generalized input procedure and simply pass the address of the desired port to the procedure in DX. 58 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex: Write a piece of code to send 55H to output port device which its address is F300H. MOV AL , 55H MOV DX , F300H OUT DX , AL Ex: Write a piece of code to input the contents of the byte-wide input port at A000H of the I/O address space into BL. MOV DX, 0A000h IN AL, DX MOV BL, AL Ex: Write a piece of code to read data from two byte-wide input ports at addresses AAH and A9H and output the data as a word to the word-wide output port at address B000H. IN AL, 0AAh MOV AH, AL IN AL, 0A9h MOV DX, 0B000h OUT DX, AX Ex: An array of size 1 Kbyte is stored at addresses starting at 72000H, write an ALP to send even parity bytes to port address 378H and odd parity bytes to port 478H. MOV AX , 7000H MOV DS , AX MOV CX , 400H XOR BX , BX AGAIN: MOV AL , [BX + 2000H] OR AL , 00H JP EVEN MOV DX , 478H OUT DX , AL JMP NEXT EVEN: MOV DX , 378H OUT DX , AL NEXT: INC BX DEC CX JNZ AGAIN HLT 51 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Miscellaneous Instructions HLT (HALT PROCESSING) The HLT instruction causes the 8086 to stop fetching and executing instructions. The 8086 will enter a halt state. The different ways to get the processor out of the halt state are with an interrupt signal on the INTR pin, an interrupt signal on the NMI pin, or a reset signal on the RESET input. NOP (PERFORM NO OPERATION) This instruction simply takes three clock cycles (3T) and increments the instruction pointer to point to the next instruction. The NOP instruction can be used to increase the delay of a delay loop. A NOP can also be used to hold a place in a program for an instruction that will be added later. NOP does not affect any flag. ESC (ESCAPE) This instruction is used to pass instructions to a coprocessor, such as the 8087 Math coprocessor, which shares the address and data bus with 8086. Instructions for the coprocessor are represented by a 6-bit code embedded in the ESC instruction. As the 8086 fetches instruction bytes, the coprocessor also fetches these bytes from the data bus and puts them in its queue. However, the coprocessor treats all the normal 8086 instructions as NOPs. When 8086 fetches an ESC instruction, the coprocessor decodes the instruction and carries out the action specified by the 6-bit code specified in the instruction. In most cases, the 8086 treats the ESC instruction as a NOP. INT – INT TYPE The term TYPE in the instruction format refers to a number between 0 and 255, which identify the interrupt. When an 8086 executes an INT instruction, it will 1. Decrement the stack pointer by 2 and push the flags on to the stack. 2. Decrement the stack pointer by 2 and push the content of CS onto the stack. 3. Decrement the stack pointer by 2 and push the offset of the next instruction after the INT number instruction on the stack. 52 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 4. Get a new value for IP from an absolute memory address of 4 times the type specified in the instruction. For an INT 8 instruction, for example, the new IP will be read from address 00020H. 5. Get a new for value for CS from an absolute memory address of 4 times the type specified in the instruction plus 2, for an INT 8 instruction, for example, the new value of CS will be read from address 00022H. 6. Reset both IF and TF. Other flags are not affected. WAIT – WAIT FOR SIGNAL OR INTERRUPT SIGNAL When this instruction is executed, the 8086 enters an idle state and is doing no processing. The 8086 will stay in this idle state until the 8086 TEST input pin is made low(TEST=0) or until an interrupt signal is received on the INTR or the NMI interrupt input pins. WAIT does not affect any flag. The WAIT instruction is used to synchronize the 8086 with external hardware such as the 8087 Math coprocessor. 53 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Converting Assembly Language Instructions to Machine Code The general instruction format for machine code is shown below : BYTE 1 Specification OPCODE field (6-bits) : Specifies the operation to be performed such as MOV , ADD , SUB …..etc. Register direction bit (D-bit): D = 1 : the register operand specified by REG in byte 2 is a destination operand. D = 0 : the register operand specified by REG in byte 2 is a source operand Data size bit (W-bit): Specifies whether the operation will be performed on 8-bit or 16-bit data. W = 1 : 16-bit data size W = 0 : 8-bit data size BYTE 2 Specification: byte 2 has three fields: Mode (MOD) field (2-bits) : Indicates whether the operand is in register or memory. MOD 00 01 10 11 Explanation Memory Mode no displacement Memory Mode 8-bit displacement Memory Mode 16-bit displacement Register Mode (no displacement) Register (REG) field (3-bit) : Identifies the register for the first operand Register/Memory (R/M) field (3-bit): Together with MOD field to specify the second operand. 54 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI REG 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 W=0 AL CL DL BL AH CH DH BH W=1 AX CX DX BX SP BP SI DI MOD = 11 Effective Address Calculation Reg. W=0 W=1 R/M MOD=00 MOD=01 MOD=10 000 AL AX 000 (BX)+(SI) (BX)+(SI)+D8 (BX)+(SI)+D16 001 CL CX 001 (BX)+(DI) (BX)+(DI)+D8 (BX)+(DI)+D16 010 DL DX 010 (BP)+(SI) (BP)+(SI)+D8 (BP)+(SI)+D16 011 BL BX 011 (BP)+(DI) (BP)+(DI)+D8 (BP)+(DI)+D16 100 AH SP 100 (SI) (SI)+D8 (SI)+D16 101 CH BP 101 (DI) (DI)+D8 (DI)+D16 110 DH SI 110 Direct Address (BP)+D8 (BP)+D16 111 BH DI 111 (BX) (BX)+D8 (BX)+D16 Ex : Encode the following instruction in machine code. Assume that the OPCODE for MOV instruction is 1000102. MOV BL , AL Ans. OPCODE = 100010 (for MOV), D = 0 (source), W = 0 (8-bit) this leads to : BYTE 1 = 100010002 = 8816 In byte 2 the source operand, specified by REG is AL , then: REG = 000, MOD = 11, R/M = 011 Therefore: BYTE 2 = 110000112 = C316 The machine code for the instruction is: MOV BL , AL = 88C3H Ex : Encode the following instruction in machine code. Assume that the OPCODE for ADD instruction is 0000002. ADD AX , [SI] Ans. OPCODE = 000000 (for ADD), D = 1 (destination), W = 1 (16-bit) this leads to BYTE 1 = 000000112 = 0316 55 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI In byte 2 the destination operand, specified by REG is AX , then: REG = 000, MOD = 00, R/M = 100 Therefore: BYTE 2 = 000001002 = 0416 The machine code for the instruction is: ADD AX, [SI] = 030416 Ex: Encode the following instruction in machine code. Assume that the OPCODE for XOR instruction is 0011002. XOR CL , [1234H] Ans. OPCODE = 001100 (for XOR), D = 1 (destination), W = 0 (8-bit) this leads to: BYTE 1 = 001100102 = 3216 In byte 2 the destination operand, specified by REG is CL , then: REG = 001 , MOD = 00, R/M = 110 Therefore: BYTE 2 = 000011102 = 0E16 BYTE 3 = 3416 and BYTE 4 = 1216 The machine code for the instruction is: XOR CL , [1234H] = 320E341216 Ex: Encode the following instruction in machine code. Assume that the OPCODE for ADD instruction is 0000002. ADD [BX+DI+1234H] , AX Ans. OPCODE = 000000 (for ADD) , D = 0 (source), W = 1 (16-bit) This leads to : BYTE 1 = 000000012 = 0116 In byte 2 the destination operand, specified by REG is AX, then : REG = 000 , MOD = 10 , R/M = 001 Therefore : BYTE 2 = 100000012 = 8116 BYTE 3 = 3416 and BYTE 4 = 1216 The machine code for the instruction is: ADD [BX+DI+1234H] , AX = 0181341216 Ex: Encode the following instruction in machine code MOV [BP+DI+1234H] , 0ABCDH Ans. This example does not follow the general format. The OPCODE of MOV (immediate to memory) is 1100011W, and W = 1 for word-size data, then: 56 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI BYTE 1 = 110001112 = C716 BYTE 2 = (MOD)000(R/M) = 100000112 = 8316 BYTE 3 = 3416 and BYTE 4 = 1216 BYTE 5 = CD16 and BYTE 6 = AB16 The machine code for the instruction is: MOV [BP+DI+1234H] , 0ABCDH = C7833412CDAB16 Instructions Involve a Segment Register (SR-field) Instructions that involve a segment register need a 2-bit field to encode which register is to be affected, this field is called the SR field. The four segment registers are encoded as shown in the following table. Segment Register ES CS SS DS SR 00 01 10 11 Ex: Encode the above instruction in machine code: MOV [BP+DI+1234H] , DS Ans. This example does not follow the general format. The OPCODE of MOV (Seg. Reg. to memory) is 100011002, and the instruction is: 10001100(MOD)0(SR)(R/M)(DISP) Then we find that for DS , the SR = 11 therefore, the instruction is coded as: MOV [BP+DI+1234H] , DS =100011001001101100110100000100102 =8C9B341216 Encoding a Complete Program in Machine Code The following steps have to be followed in encoding a complete assembly program: Identify the general machine code format. Evaluate the bit fields. Express the binary-code instruction in hexadecimal form To execute the program, the machine code of the program must be stored in the code segment of memory. The first byte of the program is stored at the lowest address. 57 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Ex: Encode the “block move” program and show how it would be stored in memory starting at address 20016. Ans. MOV AX , 2000H MOV DS , AX MOV SI , 100H MOV DI , 120H MOV CX , 10H NXTPT: MOV AH , [SI] MOV [DI] , AH INC SI INC DI DEC CX JNZ NXTPT HLT 58 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI The 8086/8088Microprocessor Architecture and Pin-configuration The 8086µP, announced in 1978, was the first 16-bit microprocessor introduced by Intel Corporation. The 8086 µP is internally a 16-bit µP and externally it has a 16-bit data bus. The 8086 µP is internally a 16-bit µP and externally it has a 8-bit data bus. It has the ability to address up to 1 Mbyte of memory via its 20-bit address bus. In addition, it can address up to 64K of byte-wide input/output ports. It is manufactured using high-performance metal-oxide semiconductor (HMOS) technology, and the circuitry on its chip is equivalent to approximately 29000 transistors. The 8086µP is housed in a 40-pin dual in-line package. The signals pinned out to each lead are shown in Figure below. The address bus lines A0 through A15 and data bus lines D0 through D15 are multiplexed. For this reason, they are labeled AD0 through AD15. By multiplexed we mean that the same physical pin carries an address bit at one time and the data bit at another time. 59 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Minimum-Mode and Maximum-Mode System The 8086µP and 8088µP microprocessors can be configured to work in either of two modes: 1. Minimum Mode: The 8086µP operates in minimum mode by connecting its pin to Vcc. ( ). In this mode, all the control signals are given out by the microprocessor chip. It is typically used for single microprocessor systems. 2. Maximum Mode: The 8086µP operates in minimum mode by connecting its pin to ground. ( ). In this mode, the processor derives the status signal S2, S1, S0 by another chip called bus controller. In the maximum mode, there may be more than one microprocessor in the system configuration. Minimum-Mode Interface Signals The minimum-mode signals can be divided into the following basic groups: Address/Data bus Status signals Control signals Interrupt signals Interface Signals 68 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Address/Data Bus: The address bus is 20 bits long and consists of signal lines A0 (LSB) through A19 (MSB). However, only address lines A0 through A15 are used when accessing I/O. The data bus lines are multiplexed with address lines. For this reason, they are denoted as AD0 through AD15. Data line D0 is the LSB. Status Signals: The four most significant address lines A16 through A19 of the 8086µP are multiplexed with status signals S3 through S6. These status bits are output on the bus at the same time that data are transferred over the other bus lines. Bit S4 and S3 together from a 2 bit binary code that identifies which of the 8086 internal segment registers are used to generate the physical address as shown in the table below. Status line S5 reflects the status of the IF. The last status bit S6 is always at the logic 0 level. Control Signals: When Address latch enable (ALE) is logic 1 it signals that a valid address is on the bus. This address can be latched in external circuitry on the 1-to-0 edge of the pulse at ALE. ̅̅̅ (memory/IO) tells external circuitry whether a memory or I/O transfer is taking place over the bus. Logic 1 signals a memory operation and logic 0 signals an I/O operation. ̅ (data transmit/receive) signals the direction of data transfer over the bus. Logic 1 indicates that the bus is in the transmit mode (i.e., data are either written into memory or to an I/O device). Logic 0 signals that 61 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI the bus is in the receive mode (i.e., reading data from memory or from an input port). The bank high enable (̅̅̅̅̅̅) signal is used as a memory enable signal for the most significant byte half of the data bus, D8 through D15. ̅̅̅̅̅ (write) is switched to logic 0 to signal external devices that valid output data are on the bus. ̅̅̅̅ (read) indicates that the MPU is performing a read of data off the bus. During read operations, one other control signal, ̅̅̅̅̅̅ (data enable), is also supplied. It enables external devices to supply data to the microprocessor. The READY signal can be used to insert wait states into the bus cycle so that it is extended by a number of clock periods. This signal is supplied by a slow memory or I/O subsystem to signal the MPU when it is ready to permit the data transfer to be completed. Interrupt Signals: Interrupt request (INTR) is an input to the 8086µP that can be used by an external device to signal that it needs to be serviced. Logic 1 at INTR represents an active interrupt request. When the MPU recognizes an interrupt request, it indicates this fact to external circuits with logic 0 at the interrupt acknowledge (INTA) output. On the 0-to-1 transition of non-maskable interrupt (NMI), control is passed to a non-maskable interrupt service routine at completion of execution of the current instruction. NMI is the interrupt request with highest priority and cannot be masked by software. The RESET input is used to provide a hardware reset for the MPU. Switching RESET to logic 0 initializes the internal registers of the MPU and initiates a reset service routine. DMA Interface Signals: The Direct Memory Access (DMA) interface of the 8086 minimum mode consist of the HOLD and HLDA signals. When an external device wants to take control of the system bus, it signals the MPU by switching HOLD to the logic level 1. When in the hold state, lines AD0 through AD15, A16/S3 through ̅̅̅ ̅ ̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅̅ A19/S6, ̅̅̅̅̅̅ are all put in the high-Z state. The MPU signals external devices that it is in this state by switching HLDA to 1. 62 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Maximum-Mode Interface The maximum-mode configuration is mainly used for implementing a multiprocessor/coprocessor system environment which means that multiple processor exist in the system and each processor execute its own program. 8086µP does not directly provide all the signals that are required to control the memory, I/O and interrupt interfaces. ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ are input to the external bus controller device (8288 Bus Controller) , the bus controller generates the timed command and control signals. 63 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI System Clock To synchronize the internal and external operations of the microprocessor a clock (CLK) input signal is used. The CLK can be generated by the 8284 clock generator IC. The 8086µP is manufactured in three speeds: 5 MHz, 8 MHz and 10 MHz For 8086µP, we connect either a 15-, 24- or 30-MHz crystal between inputs X1 and X2 inputs of the clock chip (see Fig. 8-11). The fundamental crystal frequency is divided by 3 within the 8284 to give either a 5-, 8- or 10-MHz clock signal, which is directly connected to the CLK input of the 8086µP. Bus Cycle and Time States A bus cycle defines the sequence of events when the MPU communicates with an external device, which starts with an address being output on the system bus followed by a read or write data transfer. Types of bus cycles: Memory Read Bus Cycle Memory Write Bus Cycle Input / Output Read Bus Cycle Input / Output Write Bus Cycle The bus cycle of the 8086µP microprocessor consists of at least four clock periods. These four time states are called T1, T2, T3 and T4. 64 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Two Basic Memory Operations The memory unit supports two fundamental operations: Read and Write. The read operation read a previously stored data and the write operation stores a value in memory, see the figure below. Memory Read and write Bus Cycles The following steps have to be followed in a typical read cycle: 1. Place the address of the location to be read on the address bus. 2. Activate the memory read control signal on the control bus. 3. Wait for the memory to retrieve the data from the address memory location. 4. Read the data from the data bus. 5. Drop the memory read control signal to terminate the read cycle. The following steps have to be followed in a typical read cycle: 1. Place the address of the location to be written on the address bus. 2. Place the data to be written on the data bus. 3. Activate the memory write control signal on the control bus. 4. Wait for the memory to store the data at the address location.. 5. Drop the memory write control signal to terminate the write cycle. 65 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Memory Read Bus Cycle Memory Write Bus Cycle 66 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Hardware Organization of the Memory Address Space The 8088µP's memory address space as shown in figure below is implemented as single 1 Mbyte memory bank. The 8086µP's 1 Mbyte memory address space as shown in figure below is implemented as two independent 512 Kbyte banks: Data bytes associated with an even address (00000, 00002, …. , FFFFE) reside in the low bank. Data bytes associated with an odd addresses (00001, 00003, ….. , FFFFF) reside in the high bank. Address bits A1 through A19 select the location that is to be accessed. They are applied to both banks in parallel. A0 (BLE) and bank high enable (BHE) are used as bank-select signals: A0 = 0 causes the low bank to be enabled. BHE = 0 causes the high bank to be enabled. Each of the memory banks provides half of the 8086µP's 16-bit data bus. The lower bank transfers bytes of data over data lines D0 through D7, while data transfers for a high bank use D8 through D15. The byte transfer operation and word transfer operation of the 8088µP is as illustrated in figure below. The byte transfer operation needs one bus cycle, while word transfer operation needs two bus cycles. 67 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Figure below shows how a byte transfer operation is performed to address X, an even-addressed storage location. A0 is set to logic 0 to enable the low bank of memory and BHE to logic 1 to disable the high bank. Data are transferred to or from the lower bank over data bus lines D0 - D7. Figure below shows how a byte transfer operation is performed to an odd addressed storage location such as X + 1. A0 is set to logic 1 and BHE to logic 0. This enables the high bank of memory and disables the low bank. Data are transferred over bus lines D8 through D15. D8 represents the LSB. 68 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Figure below illustrates how an aligned word (at even address X) is accessed. Both the high and low banks are accessed at the same time. Both A0 and BHE are set to 0. This 16-bit word is transferred over the complete data bus D0 through D15 in just one bus cycle. Figure below illustrates how a misaligned word (at address X + 1) is accessed. Two bus cycles are needed. During the first bus cycle, the byte of the word located at address X + 1 in the high bank is accessed over D8 through D15. Even though the data transfer uses data lines D8 through D15, to the processor it is the low byte of the addressed data word. In the second memory bus cycle, the even byte located at X + 2 in the low bank is accessed over bus lines D0 through D7. 69 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 78 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Input /Output Interface Input / Output (I/O) devices provide the means by which the computer system can interact with the outside world. Computers use I/O devices (also called peripheral devices) for two major purposes: 1- To communicate with the outside world and, 2- Store data. Devices that are used to communicate like, printer, keyboard, modem. Devices that are used to store data like disk drive. I/O devices are connected to the system bus through I/O controller (interface) – which acts as interface between the system bus and I/O devices.The 8086µP employs two different types of input/output (I/O): Isolated I/O and Memory-mapped I/O. These I/O methods differ in how I/O ports are mapped into the 8086's address spaces. Isolated Input/Output: The I/O devices are treated separate from memory. I/O ports are organized as bytes of data; the memory address space contains 1M consecutive byte addresses in the range 00000H, through FFFFFH; and the I/O address space contains 64K consecutive byte addresses in the range 0000H through FFFFH as shown in figure below. The way in which the microprocessor deals with input/output devices is similar to the way in which it deals with memory. The only difference is that just the 16 least significant lines of the bus, AD0 through AD15, are in use (because I/O addresses are 16 bit long), and throughout the bus cycles, the M/IO control signal is set to 0. 71 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Advantages of Isolated I/O Complete memory address space available for use by memory. I/O instructions maximizes the performance. Disadvantage of Isolated I/O All inputs/outputs must take place between an I/O port and accumulator register. Memory Mapped I/O The address space dedicated to I/O devices is a part of the memory. Addresses E0000H - E0FFFH → 4096 memory locations are assigned to I/O ports. E0000H, E0001H, and E0002H correspond to byte-wide ports 0,1, and 2. E0000H and E0001H correspond to word-wide port 0 at address E0000H. Advantages of memory mapped I/O I/O transfers can take place between I/O port and any of the registers. Disadvantage of memory mapped I/O Memory instructions perform slower. Part of the memory address space cannot be used to implement memory. 72 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Minimum -Mode Interface Maximum-Mode Interfaces Input /Output Bus Cycles All the timing signals in the I/O read and write bus cycles are identical to those already described in the memory read/write bus cycle except the M/IO. Input/output data transfers in the 8086 microcomputers can be either byte-wide or word-wide. Data transfers to byte-wide I/O ports always require one bus cycle. Word data transfers between the 8086 and I/O devices are accompanied by the code A0=0 and BHE= 0 and are performed over the complete data bus D0 through D15. 73 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Input Bus cycle Output Bus cycle 74 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Memory Unit: It is a collection of storage cells together with associated circuits needed to transfer information in and out of storage device. The memory stores binary information in groups of bits called bytes or words. The memory unit is mainly divided into two main parts: 1. Main Memory (Primary Memory) 2. Secondary storage devices (Magnetic Memory) Main Memory (Primary Memory) Main memory (Semiconductor Memory) is faster, compact and lighter. It consumes less power supply. It is static device i.e. there is no rotating part in it. Semiconductor memory is employed as the Main Memory or Primary Memory of the computer. It stores the program, which are currently needed by the CPU. The main memory is divided into: 1. RAM (Random Access Memory) 2. ROM (Read Only Memory) RAM (Random Access Memory) RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is called volatile memory because it does not retain the data stored in it when the system's power is turned off. RAM provides space for your computer to read and write data to be accessed by the CPU (central processing unit). RAM can be both read and written, hold the programs, operating system, and data required by the system. There are two main types of RAM: DRAM (Dynamic RAM) - each one-bit memory cell uses a capacitor for data storage and a transistor to access the cell. typically has access times of 50 to 70 nanoseconds(ns). DRAM is slower and less expensive than SRAM. Bit Select Data Out Data In DRAM Cell 75 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI SRAM (Static RAM) - one-bit memory cells use bistable latches (flipflop) for data storage. It is faster with a typical assess time of 10 nanoseconds. It is more expensive and can only store a quarter of the data that DRAM is able to in the same given area, however data will remain stored as long as power is on. Fast SRAM can be found in most CPU's called cache memory. Bit Select Data In D Write En Q Data Out RAM Cell ROM (Read Only Memory) ROM stands for Read-Only Memory. It refers to computer memory chips containing permanent or semi-permanent data. Unlike RAM, ROM is nonvolatile; even after you turn off your computer, the contents of ROM will remain. The types of ROM are: Programmable read only memory (PROM) - are programmed during manufacturing process. The contents of each memory cell is locked by a fuse (diodes). PROMs are used for permanent data storage. Erasable Programmable read only memory (EPROM) - there is a possibility to erase EPROM with ultra-violet light (about 20 minutes) what sets all bits in memory cells to 1. Programming requires higher voltage. Memory cells are built with floating gate transistors. Data can be stored in EPROMs for about 10 years. Electrically erasable read only memory (EEPROM) - erasing does not require ultra-violet light but higher voltage and can be applied not to the whole circuit but to each memory cell separately. 76 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Magnetic Memory The magnetic memory is cheaper than static memory. It is in the form of magnetic disks {hard disk (HD) , compact disk (CD) and floppy disk} . It is used as secondary memory or Auxiliary memory. The size is in G-Bytes but the speed is very low compared with main memory. Memory Unit Main Memory Secondary Memory RAM SRAM ROM DRAM HD EPROM PROM EEPROM 77 FD CD 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Memory and Memory Address Decoding A memory device can be viewed as a single column table as shown below. Table index (row number) refers to the address of the memory. Table entries refer to the memory contents or data. Each table entry is referred as a memory location. Both the memory address and the memory contents are binary numbers, expressed in most cases in Hex format. The size of a memory device is specified as the number of memory locations. For example a 1Kbyte x 8 memory device has 1024 memory locations, with a width of 8 bits. A memory device must have three types of lines or connections: Address, Data, and Enable & Control. Address Lines: The input lines that select a memory location within the memory device. Decoders are used, inside the memory chip, to select a specific location. The number of address pins on a memory chip specifies the number of memory locations. If a memory chip has 13 address pins (A0 - A12), then then the size is 213 = 23 x 210 = 8 Kbyte. If a memory chip has 4Kbytes, then it has N pins: 2N = 4 Kbyte = 212 → N = 12 address pins (A0 - A11) Data Connections: All memory devices have a set of data output pins (for ROM devices), or input/output pins (for RAM devices). 78 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Enable and Control Connections: All memory devices have at least one Chip Select CS or Chip Enable (CE) input, used to select or enable the memory device. If a device is not selected or enabled then no data can be read from, or written into it. The CS or CE input is usually controlled by the microprocessor through the higher address lines via an address decoding circuit. RAM chips have two control input signals that specify the type of memory operation: the Read (RD) and the Write (WR) signals. ROM chips can perform only memory read operations, thus there is only read (RD) signal. In most real ROM devices the Read signal is called the Output Enable (OE) signal. RAM ROM Address Decoding The physical address space, or memory map, of a microprocessor refers to the range of addresses of memory locations that can be accessed by the microprocessor. The size of the address space depends on the number of address lines of the microprocessor. At least two memory devices are required in a microprocessor system: one for the ROM and one for the RAM. In an 8088/8086 the high addresses in the memory map should always be occupied by a ROM, while the low addresses in the memory map should always be occupied by a RAM. Address decoding is required in order to enable the connection of more than one memory devices on the microprocessor. More than one memory devices can be used to expand (increase) the number of memory locations on the system. The following steps have to be followed to design a memory map: 1. Determine the number of memory chips required, by dividing the required memory size with the size of the memory devices to be used. 79 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 2. Connect the data lines of each memory chip in parallel on the data lines of the processor. 3. Connect the address lines of each memory chip in parallel with the low address lines of the processor. 4. Connect the CS lines of each memory device with the high address lines of the processor through an address decoding circuit.. 5. Connect together all WR and RD lines of each memory device. The following example is assumed that the processor has only 7 address lines (A0 – A6) , thus it can address 27=128 memory locations . The data lines are 4 (D0 – D3) The size of the RAM used in the system is 32 locations (4 chips of 8 locations), then 3 address lines (A0 – A2) are used to address the 8 locations of each RAM chip. There are 4 address lines (A3 – A6) used as chip select. The memory block occupied by the memory module depends on the connection of the address selection circuit (AND gate) that enables the decoder. Two address lines are used to control the address selection circuit, thus the circuit can be configured to occupy four different areas in the address space. 88 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 81 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Address Decoding Circuits Using Only NAND Gates A single NAND gate is used to decode each memory device. The inputs of the NAND gate can be connected on the address lines either directly, or through inverters, according to the required memory map. This method has the advantage that it adds a short time delay in the memory path. The disadvantage of this circuit is that too many gates (NAND and NOT) are needed for memory systems that have a few memory chips. This increases the cost of the system, adds to the complexity of the PCB board (too many chips and lines). The figure below shows a memory map of two memory chips. Lines A0 – A14 are connected to each chip and lines A15 – A19 are connected to NAND gates to generate the CS signal. Address Decoding Circuits Using decoders and a NAND Gate One or more line decoders such as the 74LS139 (2 x 4 decoder) or the 74LS138 (3 x 8 decoder) are used to decode(enable) one out of a number of memory device. The CS inputs of the decoders are enabled by a NAND gate, according to the required memory map. This decoding circuit has the disadvantage that it adds at least three gate delays in the memory path. The advantage of this circuit is that less gates (NAND, NOT and decoders) are needed for memory systems that have a number memory chips. The figure below shows a memory map of 8 memory chips. The decoding circuit has one decoder, one inverter and one NAND gate. 82 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Example: Show how a 128 Kbyte RAM module can be connected on an 8088µP using SRAM chips 32K x 8, occupying the address range starting from the address C0000H. Use the following address decoding circuits: 1. NAND gates 2. Line decoders Solution: Number of chips needed: 128K / 32K = 4 chips Number of address lines: 32K = 25 * 210 = 215 → 15 address lines (A0 - A14) Lines A15 – A19 are used to generate the CS signals The final address = the starting address + memory size - 1 RAM1 : final address=C0000H + 8000H - 1H=C7FFFH RAM2 : final address=C8000H + 8000H - 1H=CFFFFH RAM3 : final address=D0000H + 8000H - 1H=D7FFFH RAM4 : final address=D8000H + 8000H - 1H=DFFFFH 83 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 1. Using NAND gates ̅ In this case the lines A15 – A19 are connected to four NAND gates with control signal sent by the 8088µP to generate the CS signal as shown below. RAM4 RAM2 RAM3 RAM1 2. Using a line decoder and a NAND GATE In this case, the lines A15 and A16 are input to the decoder to select one of ̅ signal are connected to the four chips, while the lines A17 – A19 and a NAND gate to enable the decoder. RAM4 RAM3 RAM2 RAM1 H.W. Show how a 32Kbyte ROM module can be connected on an 8088 system using 2764 EPROM chips (8K x 8), occupying the address range starting from the address E0000H. Use the following address decoding circuits: 1. NAND gates 2. A line decoder and a NAND gate 84 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI Example: Design an 8K x 8 RAM module using 2K x 8 RAM chips. The module should be connected on an 8-bit processor with a 16-bit address bus, and occupy the address range starting from the address A000. Show the circuit and the memory map. Solution: Number of memory devices needed = 8K / 2K = 4 Decoder needed = 2 x 4 Number of address lines on each 2K x 8 memory chip = 11 2m = 2K = 21 x 210 = 211 → (A0 - A10) Two address lines are needed for the decoder → (A11 , A12) Number of address lines needed for the address selection circuit = 16 - 11 - 2 = 3 → (A13, A14 , A15) 85 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 86 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI 16-bit Microprocessors Memory Interfacing (8086µP) To design memory interface circuit with the 8086µP, bank selection is accomplished in two ways: 1. Separate decoders are used for each bank of the memory. 2. Separate write signal is generated to select a write signal to each bank of the memory. 1. 16-bit Memory Interfacing Using Separate Bank Decoders The figure below shows a memory map with 16-bit microprocessor (8086µP). Four memory chips of 32k x 8 are used, two of them represent the low bank and the other represent the high bank. The first decoder (left side) is enabled when A0 is zero, thus it is enable with even addresses. Thus the data lines of the memory devices decoded by this decoder must be connected on the processor’s data lines D0 - D7. The second decoder (right side) is enabled when ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ is zero, thus it is enable with odd addresses. Thus the data lines of the memory devices decoded by this decoder must be connected on the processor’s data lines D8 - D15. 2. 16-bit Memory Interfacing Using Separate Write Signals In this method the decoder always enables both banks. On a memory read operation, the data from both banks is loaded on the data bus. The microprocessor selects internally the appropriate bank, according to the instruction being executed. On a memory write operation, only the ̅̅̅̅̅ signal of 87 8086/8088MP INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI the appropriate bank is enabled, thus data is copied only in the appropriate memory chip. By providing separate write signals, we require one decoder to select a 16-bit wide memory. The signal ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ is activated only when ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ and ̅̅̅̅̅ both are activated, thus it is used with memory chips from odd memory bank. The signal ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ is activated only when A0 and ̅̅̅̅̅ both are activated, thus it is used with memory chip from even memory bank. Note: It is not necessary to generate separate read signals for two memory banks. Read memory signal always put 16-bit data on the data bus, but the CPU reads data according to 8-bit read operation or 16-bit read operation. Example: Design an 8086µP based system 128Kbyte memory (64 Kbyte EPROM and 64 Kbyte RAM. Draw the complete schematic of the design indicating the address map. Assume the starting Address of the EPROM is 30000H and for the RAM is 00000H. Solution: The design can be achieved by using two 32Kbyte EPROMs (one for odd bank and another for the even bank ) and two 32Kbyte RAMs (one for odd bank and another for the even bank). Each RAM and EPROM chip needs 15 address lines A1 – A15 because 32Kbyte=25 * 210 = 215 A0 and ̅̅̅̅̅̅ are used to select even and odd memory banks respectively. The memory map is as shown in the table below : 88 8086/8088MP ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ A19A18A17A16 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI A15A14A13A12 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 A11 A10 A9 A8 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 A7 A6 A5 A4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 A3 A2 A 1 A0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Address Memory 30000H 3FFFEH 30001H 3FFFFH 00000H 0FFFEH 00001H 0FFFFH Even(Low) EPROM1 Odd(High) EPROM2 Even(Low) RAM1 Odd(High) RAM2 The schematic diagram is as shown below. RAM1 EPROM2 RAM2 EPROM1 Example: Design an 8086µP based system 128Kbyte memory (64 Kbyte EPROM and 64 Kbyte RAM). Draw the complete schematic of the design indicating the address map. Assume the starting Address of the EPROM is F0000H and for the RAM is C0000H. Solution: Each RAM and EPROM chip needs 15 address lines A1 – A15 because 32Kbyte=25 * 210 = 215 A0 and ̅̅̅̅̅̅ are used to select even and odd memory banks respectively. The memory map is as shown in the table below : ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ A19A18A17A16 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 A15A14A13A12 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 A11 A10 A9 A8 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 A7 A6 A5 A4 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 89 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 A3 A2 A 1 A0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Address Memory F0000H FFFFEH F0001H FFFFFH C0000H CFFFEH C0001H CFFFFH Even EPROM1 Odd EPROM2 Even RAM1 Odd RAM2 INSTRUCTOR: ABDULMUTTALIB A. H. ALDOURI ̅̅̅̅ E D7 – D0 A14 – A0 EPROM1 ̅̅̅ CS ̅̅̅̅ E D7 – D0 A14 – A0 ̅̅̅̅ E ̅̅̅̅̅ 𝑊𝑅 D7 – D0 A14 – A0 RAM1 EPROM2 ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ CS CS ̅̅̅̅ E ̅̅̅̅̅ 𝑊𝑅 D7 – D0 A14 – A0 RAM2 ̅̅̅ CS 8086/8088MP Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Decoder E 𝐌 ̅̅̅ 𝐈𝐎 ̅̅̅̅ 𝐑𝐃 ̅̅̅̅̅ 𝐖𝐑 ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ 𝑩𝑯𝑬 8086µP A19 – A0 D15 – D0 A B H.W: Design an 8086µP based system 256Kbyte memory (128 Kbyte EPROM and 128 Kbyte RAM), the size of the RAM and EPROM chips is 32 Kbyte. Draw the complete schematic of the design indicating the address map. Assume the starting Address of the EPROM is F0000H and for the RAM is 30000H. 98
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