April News - Centennial Elementary School

Centennial Elementary 2015
April Newsletter
10290 Neighbors Parkway • Firestone • Colorado • 80504 • 720 652-8240
It’s hard to believe that Spring Break is almost here and that we only have seven
weeks of school left!
There will be a Professional Learning Community Late Start Day on Wednesday,
April 1st. Busses will run two and a half hours later than normal. Students should not
arrive at school before 11:25 a.m. Students that will be attending the Community
Schools’ Bingo games, should arrive at 9:30 a.m.. The deadline for Bingo games
will be Tuesday March 31st. Teachers will be working on next years class lists and
staffing for next year. We will be putting together class lists for move up day on May
Spring break will be April 6th-10th.
Our PTO will have its next meeting on Tuesday, April 14th at 6:00 p.m.
Make sure you attend the St. Vrain Valley School District Art Show from April 13th through April 20th at
the Boulder County Fairgrounds in Longmont. Please join me and our art teacher, Tambrie Valdez, at the
artist open house on Thursday, April 16th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Our Family Fun Night Carnival will be Friday, May 1st. One of the favorite activities of the evening are
the Silent Auction Baskets. If you can help donate items for the auction baskets, here is the link to Sign Up
Genius http://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0e45a5ab28a31-themed. We appreciate all the donations to
make these baskets possible. Please sign up for your donation and have them to the school office by
Friday, April 17th. Looking forward to seeing all of you for a night of fun!
Our Talent Show will be May 6th at 6:30 p.m. Please check Friday folders for more information.
Our Field Day will be held on Friday, May 15th. The times for field day are: 9:20 – 11:20 for A.M. kindergarten, and Mrs. Ryan/Kundrat’s kindergarten, as well as 3rd and 4th grade. Our afternoon Field Day will be
from 1:30 – 3:30 for P.M kindergarten and Mrs. Couch’s kindergarten, as well as 1st and 2nd grade. Your
child’s class will be divided into two teams. If he/she is on the green team, they are to wear either a green
or black shirt. If he/she is on the grey team, they are to wear either a grey or white shirt. The students will
compete against their own classmates. And of course, they will want to wear their tennis shoes. We will
attempt to arrange for the Firestone Fire Dept. to come spray down the kids if the weather is warm, but you
never know about this crazy Colorado weather. So you might want to send a dry set of clothes with your
child just in case. You all are welcome to join us, watch as your child participates, and enjoy the great
weather we are going to have on Friday (just being optimistic). If the weather doesn’t cooperate, the make
up day will be the following Friday. Our 5th graders are going to help run the field day, so don’t worry, we
won’t put you to work. If you would like to help out, please let me know. I hope to see you there.
Dr. Jirik
Shirley Jirik - Principal
Laura Anna– Dean of Students
Coleen Campbell - Secretary
Tracy Yeagle - Attendance Clerk
Linsey Fox - Health Clerk
Ty Griffin- Counselor
Website - http://centenniales.stvrain.k12.co.us/
Email - last name_first name@svvsd.org
fax - 720 652-8255
ATTENDANCE 720 652-8240 or
Email: yeagle_theresa@svvsd.org
Please know that it is necessary to notify the school office of any absences; it is a courtesy to inform your child’s teacher.
If your student is tardy or is leaving early, you are required to sign them in or phone the office for the time to be excused.
We are concerned about the number of tardies and absences that we are seeing here at Centennial. When children are
absent or tardy they miss valuable instruction time and can fall behind. Three tardies equal one half day of absence.
Colorado State law states that any child who has more than 4 days of absence in a month or 10
days of absences in a school year is considered “Habitually Truant”.
Interventions for absences may include administrative conferences resulting in an attendance
contract or judicial proceedings may be initiated.
Because we believe that regular attendance is a cornerstone to a successful education, we encourage you to have your child attend every day if they are able and to have them here on time.
April 1
PLC Late Start (P.M. Kinder attends at 12:55)
April 6-10
Spring Break
April 14
PTO Meeting at 6:00
April 20
1st Grade Field Trip
April 22
2nd Grade Field Trip
May 1
Family Fun Night (6:00-8:30)
May 4
5th Grade Field Day
May 6
PLC Late Start
May 6
Centennial 5th Annual Talent Show
May 14
Kindergarten Field Trip
May 15
All School Field Day
May 20
Move Up Day
May 21
Last Day of School for students
Centennial Elementary School
May 1st, 2015
Come join us for an evening of fun, food, auction baskets, and a 50/50 split ticket pick.
Some of the games this year are:
Pop toss
Dessert Walk
Photo Booth
Inflatable Slide and Obstacle Course
Presale tickets are now on sale through April 17th. Game, food and auction basket tickets are all $1. By ordering early you can get 25 game/food tickets for $15. Please turn
in the bottom portion to the office or to your child’s teacher with money included. Tickets will be held in will call on Family Fun Night. Food/game/auction tickets will be $1
each the night of.
What is a 50/50 split ticket? Tickets are $5.00 a piece. All funds collected from the
50/50 tickets will be counted at the end of the night. Two winners will be drawn, each
for 50% of the pot. One will be a staff member to use towards their classroom, the other will be a Centennial family that purchased the winning 50/50 ticket.
Child’s name:________________________Teacher’s Name:________________
Game tickets(25bundle)#of__________x $15 total________________________
Auction basket tickets # of _______________X$1 each total ________________
50/50 split tickets $5.00 each #of each_______X $5each total_______________
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We (Centennial Elementary and Usborne Books) are providing an exciting reading-incentive
program, REACH FOR THE STARS!! The goal is to motivate our children to read, keep them
reading, and then reward them with books that grab their attention! This is not a traditional
fundraiser. Your child/student benefits with reading and with books given to them (100% of their
pledges will be given back to them in the books of their choice). Your child’s classroom benefits by
having children motivated to read and by receiving free books (an additional 25% of the total
pledges will be given to the child’s teacher in free Usborne books).
Your child will be rewarded with books for participating. Participation in this program involves:
* Collecting pledges from friends, neighbors, and relatives supporting their reading activity
* Reading (or being read to) over the coming two week period
* At the end of the reading period, the pledges will be collected and turned in to your child’s
* At that time, we will hold a Book Store in the Library. Your child is invited to come to the
store and choose books totaling 100% of their pledge money! They may donate a portion of
their pledge money to their teacher if they wish.
Please help your child in this program by reading to your child and by helping them collect their
pledges. Your child will have the privilege of choosing new books to take home! Please contact
Beth Colvin at 720-652-8240 ext. 24413 or by e-mail at colvin_beth@svvsd.org with any questions.
Important Program Dates:
April 13th-17th = Reading Program Presentation during Library time
April 17th = Packets come home
April 17th – May 3rd = Read & collect pledges
May 4th-6th = Turn in pledges and forms to teacher
May 7th-13th = Book Store for all! RFTS participants come and choose their books.
Non-participants may purchase books at the Book Store.
Let’s make your child a lifelong reader and learner!
Centennial Elementary Talent Show!
Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30pm
Practice Dates
Thursday, April 23
3:40 - 4:30
Tuesday, April 28
340 - 4:30
Practice #1
Thursday, April 30
3:40 - 4:30
Practice #2
Tuesday, May 5
3:40 – 5:30
Dress Rehearsal
Wednesday, May 6
All School Performance
Wednesday, May 6
6:30 PM
Husky Club News
Before and after school care registration for the 2015-2016 school year will begin the week of April 20th. Registration will be
done online and details can be found on our Centennial Elementary website after the 20 th. As always, please contact Lindsay Adams at
(720) 652-8240 with any questions.
Spring Break care is being offered at nearby Legacy Elementary School. Please go to their website at:
www.legacycommunityschool.org for more information and to register.
If you are in need of summer child care, please contact Lindsay Adams in the office for nearby options. Legacy Elementary Lion’s Den Summer Camp is full for this summer, but there are other SVVSD summer camp options in the Longmont and Erie area. Call
for more information!
Enrichment News
The April/May catalog went home in Friday folders on March 20 th. If you did not receive one, have your child come to
the office to pick one up. We have a variety of exciting classes including Science Matters, Just for Girls Club, Spring Running Club,
Guitar Club and more!
Please register early as classes will begin the week we return from Spring Break (Monday, April 13 th!). Contact
Lydia Wiley at (720) 652-8240 Ext. 24436 with questions.
After School Movie
Join us on Friday, May 8th for our last after school movie, “Night at the Museum, Secret of the Tomb”, rated PG. Our March after school movie was a huge success, however, we must stick to our registration deadline this
time and ask that all registrations be received no later than the end of the day, Wednesday, May 6th. Thank
you for your help with this!
For questions or additional information regarding child care or enrichment programs,
please call Lindsay Adams at (720) 652-8240
April PBIS News
Congratulations to the following TRACK winners for the month of March!
Keep up the good behavior Centennial Students!
Mrs. Couch: Elijah Martinez
Mrs. Ryan/Kundrat: Maddie Smallwood
Ms. Ridgley (A.M.): Cole Waters
Ms. Ridgley (P.M.): Eduardo Vieyra
Mrs. Pratt: Kinsley Steele
Mrs. Spendlow: Carly Evans
Ms. Hagen: Brissa Mendez-Olivas
Mrs. Schilz/Aiken: Trevor Miller
Mrs. Petersen: Leister Bowling
Ms. Braunagel: Adan Folkers
Ms. Colton: Jill Hamlin
Mrs. Talbott: Dominic Manke
Mrs. Dufour: Makayla Miller
Mrs. Everett: Brooklyn Chavis
Mrs. Norris: Karina Garcia
Mrs. Rickauer: Maegan Locher
Ms. Wilson: Tyler Sorensen
Mr. King: Lexi Bendfelt
Mrs. Schafer: Rylee Lorimer
Mrs. Nelson: Christian Stephenson
Mrs. Gedeon: Mason McClellan
Mrs. Mitchell: Elijah Higgins
Mrs. Spong: Preston King
Mr. Johnson: Jolie Simpson
Husky Club: Braden Foster
Trust Respect Attitude Cooperation Keeping Safe