The Pine Needle Press Volume 31 Issue 2 ! Pine Tree Quilt Guild February 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A newsletter of the Pine Tree Quilt Guild of Nevada County, having taken root in the fabric of the Grass Valley community since 1984. Published monthly except August. 11255 Banner Mine Way, Nevada City 95959 February President’s Message As we enter into the busy days ahead, let’s take a moment to reflect on why we belong to PTQG. “The purpose shall be to contribute to the growth of knowledge about quilting techniques, patterns, history and quiltmaking, by providing educational meetings, fun and fellowship. The Guild sponsors and supports charitable quilting activities, encourages quilt-making and collecting and promotes the appreciation and knowledge of quilts.” Our purpose clearly states what I receive from my involvement with the Guild. I learn something at every meeting and class, feel rewarded volunteering with Community Service, enjoy the camaraderie and cherish the friendships I have made at PTQG. Within my mini-group there is plenty of opportunity to laugh, get honest opinions to better a quilt, push me ahead when I am stuck on a project and offer emotional support when that is needed. To join Community Service come to Seventh Day Adventist Church on the third Thursday of every month; sew or pick up a quilt kit to assemble at home, for more info contact Marjorie McConnell 265-9787 or To take an informational and fun workshop (cost is still only $25) contact Kathleen Stanley 346-1415 or To join a mini-group contact Clairie Carter at 271-5986 or Scholarships are available for workshops and memberships, contact Anne Wilson 274-1290 if you have a need. I hope to see you at the next meeting, February 4, and learn about EQ 7. I’ve been trying to decide whether or not to purchase EQ7 and am really looking forward to this informational program and workshop to help me decide. Happy quilting, Anne Wilson President Have You Sent in Your Recipe Yet? Beat the February 20th Deadline! You may or may not know about the guild cookbook in the making. not a big fundraiser for the guild, more a joke that became an idea and, with the Board's approval, blossomed into a project. See last month’s newsletter for the format for recipe submissions. fact: fact: fact: not the "full monty" cookbook three categories - beverages, appetizers, desserts a quick reference for a tasty tidbit suitable for a brunch, luncheon, tea, mini-group meeting, happy hour, open house, or family dinner (soup, meatballs) fact: preferred, not mandatory, that a quilting tip, technique, anecdote (50 words or less), historical tidbit accompany your recipe fact: preferred submission via email, hard copy to marjorie acceptable fact: without member support the cookbook will not happen. may we count on you to email a recipe to lorna tiller, today? That is not lorna.1, it’s lorna.l.....(‘L’) fact: for less than $.02 per day, you may own a copy of this handy reference. your $10.00 guarantees your very own copy, autographed by the committee optional. see Kris Cook at February, March, or April meeting. questions? I would love to talk to you by email or phone, 265 9787 or ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Thanks.......Marjorie The Pine Needle Press! ! ! ! ! ! Page 2 Table of Contents 2014 Officers & Board Members 2014 February Program & Workshop Affiliates Anniversaries & Birthdays Board Mtg Minutes Community Service Cookbook Project 8 3 2-6 9 online 7 2 Drop in & Sew General Meeting Minutes Guild Meeting Dates Highlights of Guild Positions Holiday Challenge Skill Builders/Home Workshop March Mixer 7 online 2 5 6 7 2 Mystery Quilt Patchwork Star PTQG 2013 Financial Report President’s Message Quilt Shows & Events Research Project Share & Care 5 6 4 1 9 7 9 Guild Meeting Dates February 2014 Meeting General Meeting Location Grass Valley Charter School Day of the Month & Time 1st Tuesday at 6:30pm February 4th 225 S. Auburn, Grass Valley Speaker Workshop Seventh Day Adventist Church, GV Wednesday after General Mtg 5th PTQG Board Meeting Eskaton Village, 49er Room, GV 2nd Thursday, at 6:30pm 13th Newsletter Deadline 5pm Saturday after Board Mtg 15th Junior Quilters Salvation Army, Alta St. GV 2nd Saturday at 10:30 am 8th Community Service Seventh Day Adventist Church, GV 3rd Thursday, 9:30 am 20th Drop-In ‘n Quilt Seventh Day Adventist Church, GV 3rd Thursday, 9:30 am 20th Skill Builders/Home Workshop Seventh Day Adventist Church, GV 3rd Thursday, 9:30 am No mtg Quilt Show Committee Eskaton Village, 49er Room, GV 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm 20th Ben Franklin Crafts 598 Sutton Way, Grass Valley 273-1348 Craig & Andrea McGovern, owners Christine Barnes Designs 208 Hill St. Grass Valley 273-3970 Christine Barnes, owner Back By Popular Demand Last year's March Mixer was so well received that we are going to do it again! Our March Guild meeting will be a night of fun and fellowship, with a few surprises thrown in. Bring a friend and come to enjoy some interesting exhibits, delicious food, beautiful Challenge Quilts, and even a bit of entertainment. More details will be given at the February Guild meeting. Your Mixer Committee: Ruth Bertaccini Kate Grant The Pine Needle Press! ! ! ! ! ! Page 3 Quilt Show News.......... The Quilt Show is only 3 months away. Doesn’t seem like a lot of time to put together our 30th anniversary show! I know the committee chairs are working hard to organize their parts of the show. Hopefully you are working hard on those quilts you want entered into the show. We are asking our Charter members and Hall of Honor members to put quilts in for a special exhibit honoring our 30th anniversary. Don’t forget the items we need for the baskets and silent auction. This show is our biggest money maker for the Guild. With the profits from the Show, we can continue with our community service projects and give out scholarships to deserving students. So please help us by selling your Opportunity Quilt tickets and helping out in any way you can. There are many opportunities for volunteering between now, and especially, the weekend of the event. All volunteering is really appreciated! Barbara Ceresa Show Chair Help! Co-chair Needed for Set-Up/Take Down for the 2014 Quilt Show. Help!! I can’t be in two buildings at the same time!! 😱 Please call Ruth Bertaccini at 272-7423 February’s Speaker 432-9461 Deby’s Sierra Sewing 245 E. Main St. Grass Valley 274-7906 Deby Hendrickson, owner Fat Lady Singing 14392 Lake Wildwood Dr., Penn Valley 432-1646 Sally Monestier, owner McHenry “Skip” Norman We are looking to McHenry “Skip” Norman to educate us on the basics of Electric Quilt 7. In three years he has taught over 200 students across Northern California. Skip emphasizes ease of learning and guaranteed results in his presentation. His presentation will be at the meeting on February 4th. His workshop, Electric Quilt, ! ! ! The Basics will be on Wednesday, February 5th. This class will familiarize participants with the electric Quilt Application for the design and construction of any size quilt. Instruction will focus on how to use the software tools provided by the application to create and construct quilts of various sizes and designs. Students, at their option, can bring laptop running windows XP, Vista or later. For Apple/Mac users they must be running a Windows emulator: either Virtual PC or VMWare Fusion. Supply List and description of work, if any , to be completed prior to class: Laptop PC is required. Notebook and pencil are encouraged. If you wish to bring your laptop and have Skip install a limited edition of Electric Quilt 7, you must notify Skip no later that two weeks prior to class, and have your laptop available in the classroom at least one hour prior to class. The Pine Needle Press! ! ! ! ! ! Page 4 Pine Tree Quilt Guild Financial Report 2013 From the Editor: Hmmm, I have been reminded more than once that we highlight the Affiliates in the newsletter! It seems that once I had highlighted most of them, I somehow put it in the back of my mind amidst all the other clutter that’s there. I had meant to include the group from October on...however, I found a different story when I reviewed the year’s newsletter. I didn’t do what I thought I did! I am so sorry to all of you. Most especially, to Sandra Bruce and the staff at Howell’s Sewing and Vacuum in Auburn. Sandra is one of our generous and talented members who has created beautiful items for our guild. She is generous with her time and talent. Throughout this newsletter you will see each affiliate from 2013 highlighted with their name, address and phone number. There are nine of them from last year.... Please patronize their businesses. Thanks, ! ! Sue Miller Howel’s Sewing & Vacuum 13555 Bowman Rd. Auburn 885-9624 MaryLynn Matthews, owner Sandra Bruce Creative Long-Arm Quilting 116 W. Main St. 5B, Grass Valley 210-9748 or 477-1909 Sandra Bruce, owner Precision Quiltworks 18251 Starduster Dr. Nevada City 432-9595 John & Karla Rogers, owners The Pine Needle Press! ! “First in a series: ! ! ! ! Page 5 “Highlights of Guild Positions” Program Chair One of the important positions in the Guild is that of Program Chairperson. The by-laws state: “Program chairperson(s) shall make arrangements for Guild programs at general meetings and handle all necessary arrangements for workshops held by invited guest speakers/lecturers/teachers. “ Program chairs attend the Northern California Quilt Council (NCQC) in Pleasant Hill where the learn more about potential presenters for our programs. Most of our speakers are chosen through exposure at NCQC. The following article was submitted by Judy Vaughn and Lynda Lasich. Program Chair and Co-Chair, respectively. MEET THE TEACHERS NCQC meets in Pleasant Hill. Each meeting has a social hour when we interact with prospective teachers. Each of the 15 speakers is attending a table bordering the room. This set-up is much like a booth with quilts hanging in the back and alongside with brochures, flyers, and other contact information on the table. At the beginning of the meeting there is a short introduction by members of NCQC and announcements of the organization. Each speaker is called up to the stage, usually 5 or 6 at a time, and allowed 3 minutes to present their quilting focus. This can include numerous quilts of their making and/or a description of the workshops they provide. Handlers display the quilts of the speaker to facilitate the short time allowed. After the prospective speakers give their presentations, general announcements of guild shows and activities are solicited from those attending. At the conclusion of the meeting, there is again time to talk with the individual speakers. Speakers are chosen based on their skills in order to blend both traditional and art tastes. Like all other committees of PTQG, the Program Chairs work within the budget allowed and submit check requests when the speakers come to Grass Valley. The written check includes the IRS milage allowance and/or hotel accommodations. Approved and signed by two officers, this check for services is given to each speaker at the end of his/her stay in Nevada County.It is important to note that speakers want to provide a workshop to enhance their visit to our community and usually are not interested in just a speakership. It is also important to know that if each member of the Guild would take just one workshop per year (a bargain at $25), the Guild would benefit financially, off-setting the cost of programs and increasing our general fund. Mystery Quilt Last year's Mystery Quilt was a rousing success, so we are gonna do it again. It will be another one designed by Debbie Caffrey, uses four fabrics, and is eight clues long. To participate, it is a one time fee of $5.50. Deadline for this years mystery is February 23. Feel free to call me if you have any questions! Frances O’Brien 273-1972 Sugar Pine Quilt Shop 452-A South Auburn St., Grass Valley 272-6308 Bonnie Bechtol, owner The Pine Needle Press! ! ! ! ! ! Page 6 Patchwork Star for January 2014 Marilyn Engelking With sprightly step and enviable charm, Marilyn's versatility came to the fore. Specifically, if you can't hand quilt anymore, if those once-sturdy thumbs and digits don't cooperate like they used to, well, you simply adjust. Marilyn is happily learning to machine quilt with an older non-computerized Bernina 1300. Her steady progress is bearing fruit. She'll not be side-lined. With an amazing and impeccable nine stitches to the inch, large patchwork masterpieces have been fully hand-quilted. As a newbie in 1982, Marilyn learned to work on an old-fashioned large quilting frame side-by-side with fellow quilting bee ladies. She quipped: “You learn to work your thumb and fingers to quilt in any direction. In circles if necessary!” What an envious beginning, I say, for that flexibility has produced astonishing results. You'll see. Marilyn worked in a fabric store in the Camarillo/Oxnard area in the 1970's. Her small Guild there was essentially a mini-group. 1982 marked her transferrence to Grass Valley, discovering Heidi's Fabrics and our other Pine Tree Quilt Guild starters. A spontaneous amount of non-conventionalism has spurred at least two of Marilyn's successes. Simply folding a child-like chain of paper dolls can successfully space a quilting motif onto a specified border. Secondly, grocery store “Press 'n Seal” also marked with quilting designs can be used to lay and stick upon a desired area. It's bought in a roll next to the parchment paper. Paper piecing, often an anathema to many, is one of Marilyn's favorites. “Elmer's school glue with a metal nozzle tip or a garden variety glue stick works very well,” she grins radiantly. Often we quilters get hooked on hues. Marilyn has been tethered to Christmassy greens paired with royal purples. But, the times, they are a-changing. Women get to do that. . . . Always full of bounce and playfully non-plussed, Marilyn couldn't yet come up with her new favorite colors. Time will tell. As a co-leader for the Peace Lutheran Church's Thursday morning “Piecemakers”, Marilyn takes charge of sewing projects for DVSAC, Maternity Health Center and Shriner's Hospital. Quilts have, for years, been given to the needs of many. Marilyn also sings soprano for the esteemed 30-member Sunday choir, requiring practices every Thursday night. Afternoons may be devoted to a dutiful workout at Curves. These activities render her Grass Valley bound for all of Thursday each week. Driving the 30 minutes from LOP necessitates a commitment of gas and time. Likewise, a worthwhile commitment to Pine Tree Quilt Guild and favored mini buddies, the Busy Bees, makes Marilyn a vetted and clearly devoted fellow quilter for more than 40 years!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Jeanie Ferguson Patchwork Star Reporter Holiday Challenge Sun Forest Quilts 13745 Sun Forest Dr. Penn Valley 432-9461 Barbara Ceresa, owner It's that time of year! The annual Holiday Challenge will begin this February! To participate, all you need to do is bring three fabrics, at least one half yard each, in a brown grocery bag with your name inside. A mystery quilter will take those fabrics and make you a quilt in time for the holidays. In turn you get to make a quilt for someone else. That's it! That's all there is to it! I hope to see all your smiling faces at the February meeting! Feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns! Frances OBrien 273-1972 The Pine Needle Press! ! ! ! ! ! Page 7 Community Service and Drop In and Sew THANK YOU PINE TREE QUILT GUILD for your response to the Community Service Christmas WISH LIST— scrap batting, thread, plastic zipper bags, and fabric. All of the donations are finding their way into quilts and replenishing our supplies. I have received several “thank you” notes from the agencies we donated to in December – all the recipients were thrilled and the convalescent care residents were zipping around showing off their treasure to each other. CS and DIS resumes on Thursday, January 16, 2014 at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Grass Valley, 9:00 – 3:00; 2014 calendar dates below. We have a busy year ahead of us! Our January meeting will focus on “organization” – sorting fabrics by color, straightening the closet, and preparing quilt as you go kits. We have had two special requests for quilts. Dr. Sarah Woerner has asked for 20 baby quilts for Nicaragua (10 girl/10 boy by April), and the County Office of Education has asked for 12 teen quilts for foster youth by May. Some of you mentioned that your mini-group may do some of these. Please let me know if you are contributing to one of these requests. Several small and medium size quilts that were not quilted in 2013 are waiting for that finishing touch. This is a great opportunity to practice your free motion quilting or stitch in the ditch, sew from corner to corner, or meander. If you can help out, let me know – I will bring quilts to guild meeting, meet you, or you can work on one at Community Services. No need to bring supplies – we also have sewing machines, rulers and rotary cutters, fabric, and thread. Please join us for an hour or for the day – we have a project to fit your time constraints. Remember – chocolate, homemade cookies, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, and lots of fun and laughter are available. Do bring a lunch or a snack. If you cannot attend CS but would like to help, please contact me. 2014 Community Service Dates January 16 February 20 March 20 May 15 June TBA July 17 September 18 October 16 April 17 August 21 November 20 Thank you, December NO MEETING Marjorie McConnell Skill Builders/ Home Workshop In March Betty Maddox and Ina Githa will be teaching how to make an envelope quilt. Community Service kits will be available for learning Ina’s quick technique and tips. Check March’s newsletter for more details. Email Betty,, if you are interested in registering for the workshop. Research Project on Teen Parents Dr. Winters, Cal State Northridge, is conducting a research project on teen parents. She estimates data collection will take two to three years, interviewing 1,000 teen mothers. To encourage their participation she wants to raffle baby quilts each month. Community Service quilts may only be donated to recipients, they may not be sold or raffled. I have shared this policy with Dr. Winters and told her that I would make the announcement to guild members. If you would like to support this effort please contact Professor Loretta Winters, Sociology Department, CSU:Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8318. Thank you, ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Marjorie McConnell The Pine Needle Press ! ! ! ! ! ! Page 8 The Pine Needle Press! ! ! ! ! ! Page 9 Happy Birthday! Doris Demers Karle deProsse Jeanne Allgood Julie Berry Yvonne Leever Caryl Fairful Claire Casey Jeanie Ferguson Ardy Tobin Judy Moore Susan DeHaan Lois Goodwill Linda Reeve Elvira Kranz Julia Marvel Irmke Schoebel Christina Brodie 2/2 2/4 2/6 2/7 2/7 2/11 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/15 2/16 2/17 17 21 2/22 2/22 2/25 Happy Anniversary! Carol & Jack Gates Myrna & Loren Raglin Doris & Arthur Demers Donna & George Tilley Fran & Bill thomas Linda & Dennis Keels 2/2 2/3 2/10 2/10 2/10 2/14 Share and Care Do you know someone in the Guild who is under the weather and can use some cheering? Whether it is illness, surgery, or loss of a loved one, please let me know so an appropriate card can be sent. Thanks....... Carol Gates Share and Care Chairperson Quilt Shows And Events February 1-15, 2014 Sisters Quilting Collective “Our Stories in Quilts” The Brickhouse Gallery, 2837 36St. & Broadway Sacramento, CA 95817 February 7-9 Folsom Quilt Show “Walk on the Wild Side” $7 entry fee Children under 12 free March 22-23 Foothill Quilters’ Guild Quilt Show Gold Country Fairgrounds, Auburn, CA $7 entry fee 273-9359 Our next meeting is February 4th at 6:30PM. Grass Valley Charter School, Grass Valley _____________________________________________________________________________ PTQG Information The Pine Tree Quilt Guild of Nevada County Send address changes and corrections to: PTQG Computer Records P.O. Box 3133, Grass Valley, CA 95945 or contact Computer Records Ardy, 575-8433 Mail membership forms and dues to: PTQG Membership P.O.Box 3133 Grass Valley, CA 95945 Submit newsletter articles to: Sue Miller, PTQG Newsletter Editor 11255 Banner Mine Way Nevada City, CA 95959 530-271-2270 Newsletter Deadline: 5:00 p.m. the Saturday immediately following the PTQ Guild’s Board Meeting on the second Thursday of the month See our web page for membership forms and information:.
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