Unit 169 Central Carolina Bridge Association 1st Qtr 2015 www.centralcarolinabridge.org WINSTON-SALEM SUMMER SECTIONAL JULY 24-26, 2015 Winston-Salem Fairgrounds 421 W. 27th Street, Winston-Salem NC 27105 Friday, July 24 — Single Sessions 10:00 am and 3:00 pm ACBL EDUCATION FOUNDATION DAY Regionally-rated games. More silver points at no extra cost! Stratified Open and 499er Pairs Saturday, July 25 — Single Sessions Stratified Open and 499er Pairs 10:00 am and 3:00 pm Sunday, July 26 — 2-Session Swiss Teams 10:00 am and TBA Stratified Open and 499er Swiss Teams Lunch included. Strats: Open Pairs: 0-1000 / 1000-2500 / 2500+ ( or Director’s discretion) 499er Pairs: 0-100 / 100-200 / 200-300 / 300-500 (or Director’s discretion) Open Swiss: by team average 499er Swiss: No one can have more than 500 masterpoints Chairman: Cindy Wright / 336-407-9842 cell / 336-766-7676 home Email: crwbridge @yahoo.com Partnership Chairman: Susan Wesley / 336-407-4600 cell 336-768-4864 home / Email: SusanBWesley@gmail.com Host Hotel: Courtyard by Marriott — 3111 University Parkway, Winston-Salem NC 27105. Call 336-727-1277 Frederick Bachl Mary Bland Terri Burnham Brent Elmore* William Elmore, Jr.* Jan Fish Judy Gilliam Susan Hauser Mary Hinkle Brenda Hutchins John Ide* Simone Liebling* Geneva McKay* Meredith Michener* Phoenix Putney Frank Salizzoni* Christina Schmidt Bruce Southard* Carolyn Wadsworth Richard Warren 1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP $29 new $39 regular $72 household $15 junior <age 26 $250 patron $350 household patron 3 YEAR MEMBERSHIP $111 regular $204 household Join online at ACBL.ORG or Call 800-264-2743 *Transferred Into Unit 169 June 4—7 5—7 8 –14 15—21 25—28 25—28 26—28 Knoxville TN Southern Pines NC Greenville SC STaC District 7 Raleigh NC Flat Rock NC Augusta GA Sectional Sectional Sectional Club Games Sectional Sectional Sectional July 10—12 16—19 17—19 24—26 31—Aug 2 Florence SC Durham NC Savannah GA Winston-Salem NC East Ridge (Chattanooga) TN Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional August 7—9 7—9 14—16 20—23 20-23 24—30 Hendersonville NC Macon GA Fayetteville NC Knoxville TN Columbia SC STaC District 7 Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional Club Games September 1—7 10—13 11—13 18—20 18—20 18—20 25—27 25—27 25—27 Atlanta GA Charlotte NC Wilmington NC Carthage NC Asheville NC Bluffton SC Southern Pines NC St. Simons GA Aiken GA Regional Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional I/N Sectional Sectional October 2—4 2—4 2—4 9—11 9—11 15—18 16—18 16—18 23—25 26—11/1 Tifton GA Morganton NC Crossville TN Morehead City NC Abingdon VA Raleigh NC Charleston SC Conyers (Atlanta) GA Southern Pines NC Charlotte NC Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional I/N Sectional I/N Regional November 5—8 6—8 11—15 12—15 13—15 20—22 Knoxville TN High Point NC Roswell (Atlanta) GA Hilton Head SC Durham NC Spartanburg SC Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional I/N Sectional December 14—20 28—1/3 STaC District 7 Myrtle Beach SC Club Games Regional Greensboro Cathedral of HIS Glory Church 4501 Lake Jeanette Road, Greensboro 27455 Winston-Salem Georgia Taylor Recreation Center 1471 W. Clemmonsville Road, Winston-Salem 27127 JANUARY 10 - Greensboro 24 - Winston-Salem FEBRUARY 7 - Greensboro 2-session “8 is Enough” starts at 10:00 am 21 - Winston-Salem MARCH 7 - Greensboro 13-15 - Salisbury Sectional 21 - Winston-Salem / BOD JULY 11 - Greensboro 18 - Winston-Salem 24-26 -W-S Sectional AUGUST 1 - Greensboro 29 - Winston-Salem / BOD SEPTEMBER 19 - Greensboro 26 - Winston-Salem OCTOBER 17 - Greensboro / BOD APRIL Charity Game 11 - Greensboro St. Jude Hospital ACBL Charity Game / Pro-Am 24 - Winston-Salem 25 - Winston-Salem Charity Game ACBL Charity Game Alzheimer’s Assoc. MAY 9 - Greensboro / BOD 15-17 - Greenboro Sectional 23 - Winston-Salem NOVEMBER 6-8 - High Point Sectional 14 - Greensboro 28 - Winston-Salem JUNE 6 - Greensboro / BOD World-Wide Bridge Contest 20 - Winston-Salem TBA - Longest Day DECEMBER 12 - Winston-Salem / BOD Holiday Party Free Play! Games begin at 1:00 pm (unless advised otherwise) Board of Directors’ Meeting (BOD) begins at 11:15 am (unless advised otherwise) Director: Cindy Wright Email: crwbridge@yahoo.com Phone: (336) 766-7676 (home) (336) 407-9842 (cell) UNIT GAME - JUNE 19 Georgia Taylor Rec Center Full text of the Alzheimer’s Association 2015 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report can be viewed at www.alz.org ACBL has designated only Sunday, June 21 and Monday, June 22 for their support of “The Longest Day.” Unit 169 has chosen to show our support of this great cause by having our June 20th Unit Game in WinstonSalem benefit the Alzheimer’s Association with a FREE entry fee for all who play. This will be a special charity game and will award more points. United States Statistics: 473,000 people age 65* will develop ALZ in 2015 Every 67 seconds, someone develops ALZ Almost 2/3 of Americans with ALZ are women 5.1 million people age 65+ will have ALZ in 2015* 7.1 million people age 65+ will have ALZ in 2025* 13.8 million people age 65+ will have ALZ in 2050* ALZ is the only cause of death in the top 10 that cannot be prevented, cured or slowed. 1 in 3 seniors will die with ALZ % change in selected causes of deaths (all ages) from 2000—2013: Breast Cancer Prostate Cancer Heart Disease Stroke HIV Alzheimer’s In lieu of an entry fee, we will be collecting donations and holding a special raffle that day to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Association. You do not need to donate or participate in the raffle in order to play. For every $25 donation, you will receive a ticket to win 10 free plays to a Unit game. ($50 = 2 tickets, $75 = 3 tickets, etc.) Donations are tax-deductible. Checks are preferred and should be made payable to “Alzheimer’s Association.” Your check is your receipt. Cash will also be accepted and we will provide a receipt. All monies will be sent directly to the Alzheimer’s Association. Everyone with a brain is at risk of Alzheimer's. Even you. Everyone can help to end this epidemic. Especially you. Down 2% Down 11% Down 14% Down 23% Down 52% UP 71% Alzheimer’s is the costliest disease to society. Total 2015 payments for caring for those with ALZ and other dementias are estimated at $226 billion, of which $153 billion is the cost to Medicare and Medicaid alone. Total payments for health care long-term care and hospice for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias are projected to increase to more than $1 trillion in 2050 (in current dollars). World-Wide Statistics: 47 million live with dementia $604 billion annual global cost 76 million will be living with dementia by 2030 *barring development of medical breakthroughs or cure DON’S CORNER by Don Gardner New Junior Masters (5 pts): Jerry Carter, Tim Henderson, Libby Noah, Virginia Sands, Judith Smith, Kay Snavely, Georgia Sorensen, Anna Steele In the classroom, this was known as the “magic hand.” You (South) and partner are playing in a regular club game and hold these hands: NORTH ♠ 72 ♥ AQ874 ♦ 754 ♣ K32 New Club Master (20 pts): Wanda Campbell, Annette Deleot, Sharon Hall, Wendell Putney New Sectional Master (50 pts): Cynthia Anderson, Frank Dickerson, Ramona Presson New Regional Master (100 pts): Eve Bacon, Penny Barham, Linda Lincoln, Marcia Maury, Eric Peffer SOUTH ♠ K5 ♥ K J 10 9 5 ♦ AQ3 ♣ AQ7 New Silver Life Masters (1000 pts): Tom May, Karen Abernethy, Roger Heimke, Cecily Murray New Gold Life Masters (2500 pts): Jacky Lee ********** You bid to a reasonable game in hearts with this bidding: S 1♥ 4♥ W 1♠ P N 2♠ P E P P The opening lead is the J♣ Schedule subject to change. Check with Directors for clubs not listed. Greensboro: Mon May 18 Grass Roots Game (999er) Wed PM May 20 Grass Roots Game (Open) Mon May 25 NO GAME (Memorial Day) Wed PM May 27 Grass Roots Team Game (Open) All extra points! The Grass Roots FUNd games are a great way to earn extra master points. The games receive a 70% sectional rating (black points), the extra dollar goes back to the District to support the qualifying participants for the North American Pairs and Grand National Teams compete at the NABCs. All Pairs games start at 6:30 pm; all Team games start at 6:00 pm. Winston-Salem: Fri May 22 Grass Roots Game Fri May 29 Team Game Fri July 3 NO GAME (4th of July holiday) Fri July 24 NO GAME (Winston-Salem Sectional) You are somewhat dismayed at the mirror images of the two hands as that usually is not a good sign. Indeed, you are in danger of losing two tricks in both spades and diamonds. Before planning the play, I want to give you several important clues: Clue #1: The over-caller, West, holds the A♠ (you know this.) Clue #2: The over-caller, West, holds the K♦ (You probably know this too.) And the most important clue of all: Clue #3: There is a 100% line of play available for your contract. Plan the play. The solution can be found elsewhere in the newsletter. An interesting hand came up at the recent Charlotte sectional. Your partner opens 1♥ and you hold: ♠A ♥- ♦AKJ9xx ♣AJ9xxx You bid 2♦ and partner rebids 2♥. You bid 3♣, partner repeats his hearts. Over 4♣, partner bids 5♣. Now what? At matchpoints, I would bid 5NT (grand slam force). This asks partner to bid 7 with 2 of the top 3 club honors. How would you like your chances when partner tables: ♠ 10 x ♥KQxxxxx ♦- ♣KQx Of the 30-35 East-West pairs in the Open, no one bid seven. In one section, only one pair bid six, getting an undeserved top board. In another section, only two pairs bid six. My partner and I were playing in a cramped room with nine or ten tables. Seven pairs bid slam, with only three making six! Kudos to the lucky North-Souths in the field who didn’t even have a slam bid against them. How would you and your partner bid these hands? ********** The ABCL Board of Directors approved the formation of a new Unit (253) in District 7 at their Spring Meeting in New Orleans. Unit 253 became effective April 1, 2015. Unit 253 was formed as the Duplicate Bridge Association of Atlanta. It consists of the six metro counties surrounding Atlanta, which are Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb, Cherokee and Forsyth. The governance of Unit 253 consists of the same people which previously was know as the Duplicate Bridge Association of Atlanta. Georgia Unit 114 consists of the remaining areas of Georgia that made up Georgia Unit 114. As of April 1, 2015 Unit 114 consists of 1,140 members and Unit 253 consists of 2,243 members. The leaders of the two organizations are committed to work out an amenable agreement as to the assets of GA Unit 114. 28 WINS FOR KEN ANDERSON The trophy came into being because Willie Holderness, who was an expert bridge player from Greensboro, had a brother who was Chairman of the Board of Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company. The Jefferson Trophy is awarded on the final day of the Greensboro Sectional tournament to the person(s) in Unit 169 who have played in all sessions of the 3-day event and have won the most masterpoints. The honored winner keeps the trophy in his/her possession until the next year’s Sxectional. The following have their names and dates inscribed on the cup and base: 1963 & 1964 Mrs. Ellen B. Allen 1965 Mrs. C.C. Swaringer 1966 Mrs. Ellen B. Allen 1967 Mrs. Ellen T. Lyon 1968 Mrs. Ellen B. Allen 1969 Nick Nickell 1970 Mrs. William Cason 1971 Randy Joyce 1972, 1973 & 1974 Ken Anderson 1975 Charles Wilkins 1976, 1977 & 1978 Ken Anderson 1979, 1980 & 1981 Jeff Sparks 1982, 1983 & 1984 Ken Anderson 1985 Hugh Hughes 1986 Jeff Sparks 1987, 1988 & 1989 Ken Anderson 1990 Sue Cooper 1991, 1992 & 1993 Ken Anderson 1994 Sue Cooper & Hugh Hughes 1995 Ken Anderson 1997 Sue Cooper & Hugh Hughes 1998 Ken Anderson 1999 & 2000 Sue Cooper & Hugh Hughes 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Ken Anderson & Bill Wisdom 2007 Peter C Boyd-Bowman & Mary Ann Young 2008 Sue Cooper 2009 Ken Anderson & Bill Wisdom 2010 Ken Anderson 2011 Peter J Boyd-Bowman & Kathy Coop 2012 Don Folger 2013 & 2014 Ken Anderson & Bill Wisdom 2015 YOUR NAME HERE! fairest team games around, so I’ll be running 7 board matches on a 30-point victory scale. All TBC team games will start at 6:00 pm to allow for full 7-board rounds. I will be experimenting with the format and possibilities as we go along, so please pass along any suggestions you might have. I know I’d like to run an “8-is-Enough” game soon, and I’d also like to experiment with a Bracketed Swiss if possible in order to give less experienced players a more competitive experience. The Triad Bridge Club will now be hosting the Monday night game in Greensboro at 6:30pm, held weekly at the Lewis Recreation Center. Triad Bridge Club’s March and April After many faithful years, Jennifer Ward is stepping down in her role as the Club Manger of the Dogwood Duplicate Club. Please thank her the next time you see her for her many years of valued service to the game of bridge in Greensboro and throughout the Triad. Cathy McLeod (March) Brenda Garzia & Roger Heimke (April) The game is a Limited 999er game (no players with 1000 or more MPs allowed). The game will be stratified, with strats of 0-99/100 -499/500-999. Monday, May 4th, will be the start of the Monday night game as a 999er game (restricted to players with less than 1000 MPs). My goal is to create a fun game that serves as a bridge between the novice and the Open environment. Have fun, ask questions, learn from your peers, and be enthusiastic . . . This is going to be a great game! As soon as I can get that game up and running a consistent 10+ tables, it is my sincerest desire to start running a two-section game, with an Open and a Limited field. Please help make this possible by coming as often as you can and encouraging your friends to come and play. Special Offer: **the first 10 TBC members that bring a new face to my Monday night game will receive a FREE PLAY** Also, I do strongly encourage mentoring. If you have over 1000 MPs and would like to mentor someone during the Monday game, I’ll give you a $2 discounted entry since you’ll be ineligible for MPs. It was a pleasure having the opportunity to expand the Triad Bridge Club to a new night in Greensboro. Your continued support of my games is appreciated. My most important asset is my wonderful cadre of Triad Bridge Club members and players. To that extent, I’d love to welcome the TCB’s newest members: Butter Birkas, Lisbeth Evans Simon Brigman, Fran Tewkesbury, Milton Goetz, Robert Butterfoss, Bruce Southard, Peter C. Boyd-Bowman, Jane Lawrence and Dianne Shope. The most successful metric I have as a club owner is happy players, and I’m tickled to have you all! We ran two team games this month, a Grand National Teams Qualifier that drew 9 tables and a Charity Teams that drew 10 tables. Overall, I think they both went over quite well, and I intend on making team games a regular part of the TBC calendar. I‘m very interested in running the funnest and Cathy really took the spirit of March’s mentoring month to heart by mentoring three non-life masters, won over 2 masterpoints, and even won the game on the 18th playing with Rich Peffer! Cathy will receive a Free Play and has my sincerest thanks for being as great mentor, not just to players but also directors. Roger had a great April, winning 1st in one Monday night Pairs game, both Team games, and getting 1st in the B strat in another Pairs game. Brenda had the best month among NLM players; she won 1st overall in two Wednesday Pairs games, was on the winning C-strat team for the Charity Pairs, and managed to all of that while playing with three different partners! Both players will receive a Free Play … congratulate them the next time you see them! Here are the full results for March and April: Mar 4 A B C Jon & Rich Rice Becky Bonomo & Judy Mendenhall Nancy Osborne & Wayne Sykes Mar 11 A, B Kathy Tomlinson & Joe Hoesl Mar 18 A B, C Cathy McLeod & Rich Peffer Judy Hellen & Marty Benjamin Mar 25 A, B C Tom May & Eric Lee Kathy Tomlinson & Joe Hoesl Apr 1 A, B, C Rich Peffer & Brenda Garzia Apr 6 A B C Steve Tyer & Bill Peobody Roger Heimke & Harold Hertzfeld Leslie Marchut & Eric Peffer Continued April 8 A, B Tom May, Roger Heimke, Bob Hale, Josh Hoffman C Marty Benjamin and the “3 Judies,” (Mendenhall, Gregory and Hellen) Apr 13 A Roger Heimke & Tom May B & C Eric & Rich Peffer Apr 15 A, B, C Brenda Garzia & Joe Hoesl Apr 20 A, B Laura Norman & Becky Bonomo C Rich Peffer & Joe Hoesl Apr 22 A, B, C Kathy Tomlinson & Joe Hoesl Apr 27 A Steve Tyer & Bill Peobody B Harold Hertzfeld & Leslie Marchut C Rich Peffer & Joe Hoesl Apr 29 A Tom May, Roger Heimke, Louise Garcia, Betty Kelley B Becky Bonomo, Jane Cochrane, Nina Harmon, Nancy Osborne C Kathy Tomlinson, Brenmda Garzia, Joe Hoesl, Eric Peffer If you have any questions, feel free to reach me by e-mail or phone (336.686.3680). I look forward to seeing you all more often at the Triad Bridge Club, and hopefully some of you now twice a week! ********** Georgia Taylor Recreation Center 1471 West Clemmonsville Rd, W-S Fridays at 1:00 pm Cindy Wright, Director CRWbridge@yahoo.com or 336-766-7676 There will be a team game on the fifth Friday of the month, May 29, so start forming your teams now! We will have two NAP qualifying games per month in June, July and August. There will not be a game on Friday, July 3 to observe the 4th of July holiday. We will also not have a game on Friday, July 24 during the Winston-Salem Sectional, which will be held the 24th-26th. There will be another team game on the fifth Friday in July, the 31st. Old Town Club 2875 Old Town Club Road Winston-Salem Tuesdays at 1:00 pm The Old Town Bridge Club, which meets every Tuesday at Old Town Club will relocate during the 15 weeks between Memorial Weekend and Labor Day Weekend. One of the most popular and useful aspects of the Central Carolina Bridge Association web-site is the Unit-169 membership roster. However, in this age of heightened privacy concerns, the Unit thought it should give all of its members the opportunity to opt out of the roster listing if they so desired. Therefore if you do not want to be included in the player listing, please send an e-mail to the Webmaster (pcboydbowman@triad.rr.com) and you will be removed from the roster. Due to limited parking when the Old Town Club swimming pool opens, we will hold our games at the South Fork Community Center at 4403 Country Club Road in Winston-Salem. There is parking on both sides of the building as well as a few handicap parking spaces directly behind the building. I will also be allowed to bring snacks!!!! Our last game at Old Town will be on May 19 and we will return on September 8. We won’t have tablecloths on the card tables at South Fork but please, please, please come to our summer games if you are going to be in town. PETER’S POINT by Peter J. Boyd-Bowman SIGNALING . . . Part Two of Three On the first board of an early round at a recent Swiss Teams, sitting West I picked up: ♠A108765 ♥J4 ♦932 ♣K6 My RHO opened a 15 to 17 NT in third seat. I considered competing but my poor spade suit and lack of extra shape really doesn’t merit a bid. North thought for a moment before bidding the usual 3NT—this ended the auction as it so often does. Smith is generally on only against no trump contracts. After the opening lead, the signal given is with the card played when the declarer leads to establish a suit. If a defender (either the opening leader or her partner) “liked” the opening lead, they play the lowest spot possible. If they didn’t like the opening lead, they play an unnecessarily high spot card. As with all signals, Smith can only be given if you can “afford” to give the signal (ie playing the signal card doesn’t jeopardize a useful spot card). To summarize, a low card in the first side suit declarer starts encourages a continuation of the originally led suit, and a high card discourages a continuation. With that in mind, take a look our earlier problem. Partner played the club nine, clearly her highest spot. If partner had the spade queen, she’d be encouraging a continuation. So the NT opener has the spade K and Q, the diamond A, and likely the A and Q of clubs from her play so far; that’s 15HCP. That leaves declarer no room to have honors in hearts, and the defense becomes clear—The full deal: ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ I had a normal looking spade lead, so I led a fourth best 7 and saw this dummy: ♠6 ♥Q93 ♦KQJ10 ♣J10742 3NT is a little aggressive but a normal enough action at IMPs. Dummy’s 6 brought partner’s jack and declarer’s king. Declarer now played ace and a diamond to the board, partner playing the 7 then the 4. Declarer called for the club jack, partner playing the 9 and declarer the 5. Your king wins the trick. What should you play now? Our problem is that we don’t know what spade position to cater to. If partner began with QJx and declarer Kx, then we want to continue with a low spade. But if partner began with Jx, a low spade would be disastrous, giving declarer a trick she wasn’t entitled to. One of my favorite carding agreements I’ve learned since becoming a Life Master is the Smith Echo, or rather the Reverse Smith Echo (like so many gadgets, earlier versions are discarded to give bridge authors new material to write on). ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 6 Q93 KQJ10 J10742 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ A108752 J4 932 K6 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ J4 AK102 7654 93 KQ3 8765 A8 AQ85 A spade continuation at trick five allows declarer to take 10 tricks; the heart jack switch allows the defense to take 9 tricks (a club, 3 hearts, and 5 spades) for a 5 trick set! Quite a difference. As with any bidding or carding agreement, make sure you and your partner are on the same page. This is little more difficult of a gadget and might not be best for newer players or partnerships. You also need to recognize the situations when the need for a count signal would supersede a Smith signal. Salisbury NC March 13-15, 2015 22 Total MPs Won 228 Players—208 Tables FRIDAY AFTERNOON OPEN PAIRS 1st A, B, C Rebecca Bonomo & Michael Williams 2nd A Bill Wisdom & Len Case 2nd B Debbie Monroe & Don Folger 2nd C Ruth Bowles & Loyd Hill 3rd A Debbie Monroe & Don Folger 3rd B Claudia Hale & Robert Hale 3rd C Trudi Boylan & Henry Harman FRIDAY AFTERNOON 499ER PAIRS 1st D, E Gerry Jackson & Ann Bennett 1st F Joe Garner & James Teubner 2nd D, E Miki Felsenburg & Simon Brigman 2nd F Toni Iossi & Betty Bills 3rd D, E Barbara Stewart & Eva Stokkebye 3rd F Pat Macon & Fern Albracht FRIDAY EVENING OPEN PAIRS 1st A Kay Joyce & Randy Joyce 1st B Brenda Chiott & Richard Chiott 1st C Nancy Osborne & Linford Snead 2nd A Brenda Chiott & Richard Chiott 2nd B Pat Featherston & Richard Brisbin 2nd C Anne Dick & Elizabeth Crockett 3rd A Pat Featherston & Richard Brisbin 3rd B Nina Harmon & Kathy Dwyer 3rd C Rebecca Bonomo & Michael Williams FRIDAY EVENING 499ER PAIRS 1st D, E Nancy Conison & Nancy Melvin 1st F Pat Macon & Fern Albracht 2nd D, E Bill Williams & Dan Pape 2nd F Joe Garner & James Teubner 3rd D, E Pat Macon & Fern Albracht 3rd F Georgia Sorensen & Wade Lowder SATURDAY MORNING OPEN PAIRS 1st A Bill Wisdom & Dan Fowler 1st B Peter Shwartz & Robert Birthisel 1st C Rebecca Santago & Beck Smith 2nd A Peter Shwartz & Robert Birthisel 2nd B Rebecca Santago & Becky Smith 2nd C Brenda Pace & Dick Brisbin 3rd A Cathy McLeod & Bill Peabody 3rd B Brenda Pace & Dick Brisbin 3rd C Dianne Shope & Michael Williams SATURDAY MORNING 499ER PAIRS 1st D, E Eric Peffer & Joe Hoesl 1st F Joan Fittz & Kenneth Fittz 2nd D, E Helen Pearch & Marjorie Buchta 2nd F Nancy Stanback & Betty Bills 3rd D, E Carol Elkins & Judy Gealy 3rd F Barbara Hayes & Sara Morrison SATURDAY AFTERNOON OPEN PAIRS 1st A Gretchen Smith & David Smith 1st B Robert Hale & Josh Hoffman 1st C Dianne Shope & Michael Williams 2nd A Ruth Short & Pat Featherston 2nd B Kathy Dwyer & Don Folger 2nd C Faye Bower & Robert Powell 3rd A Dorene Drum & Norris Drum 3rd B Dianne Shope & Michael Williams 3rd C Anne Sprock & John Boger SATURDAY AFTERNOON 499ER PAIRS 1st D, E Miki Felsenburg & Simon Brigman 1st F Sarah Morrison & Barbara Hayes 2nd D, E Nancy Lide & Susan Wesley 2nd F Judy Daniel & Jane Wilhelm 3rd D, E Sarah Morrison & Barbara Hayes 3rd F Fern Albracht & Pat Macon SUNDAY STRATIFIED SWISS TEAMS 1st A Sue Cooper, Jon Rice, Richard Rice, Len Case 2nd A Robert Hale, Josh Hoffman, Cathy McLeod, Bill Peabody 3rd A Morgie Duke, Audrey Shull, Jackie Key, Arnold Hoffman 1st B, C James Greeson, JoAnn Massey, Brenda Garzia Eric Peffer SUNDAY 499ER SWISS TEAMS 1st A, B Lance Taylor, Joan Fitz, Kenneth Fittz, Robert Butterfoss 2nd A Ruth Derrow, Kathy Schiele, Charles Buchta, Marjorie Buchta SOLUTION by Don Gardner Here is the full layout of the hand: NORTH ♠72 ♥AQ874 ♦754 ♣K32 MPs 30.85 28.24 23.59 21.68 20.00 19.07 19.02 16.89 16.21 15.53 13.62 13.49 13.22 13.06 12.73 12.38 11.55 11.30 10.95 10.45 8.86 8.69 8.67 8.52 8.21 7.95 Bill Wisdom Len Case* Cathy McLeod & Bill Peabody Dan Fowler Robert Hale Sue Cooper Patricia Featherston Michael Williams Gretchen Smith & David Smith* Josh Hoffman Ruth Short Dorene & Norris Drum* Kay & Randy Joyce* Robert Birthisel & Peter Shwarts* Rebecca Bonomo Cindy Wright & Ray Murphy Jon & Richard Rice Deborah Monroe Don Folger Eric Peffer Morgie Duke & Audrey Shull Richard Brisbin Joe Hoesl Brenda & Richard Chiott Jackie Key & Arnold Hoffmann Kathy Dwyer * member of another Unit ********** Which card is known by the nickname the Suicide King? WEST ♠ A Q 10 6 3 ♥6 ♦K96 ♣ J 10 9 4 EAST ♠J984 ♥32 ♦ J 10 8 2 ♣ 865 SOUTH ♠ K5 ♥ K J 10 9 5 ♦ AQ3 ♣AQ7 The play should go as follows: Trick 1—Win the club Trick 2 and 3—Draw trumps Trick 4 and 5—Play clubs Trick 6—Play the 2♠ (first key play). East will win and return the J♦ Trick 7—Win the ace … do not finesse (second key play) Trick 8—Play the K♠ (third key play) West is now endplayed. A return of a black suit will result in a rull-and-discard limiting your diamond losers to one. A return of a diamond will also limit your diamond losers to one. Pure magic, indeed! “When I take a 50-50 chance, I expect it to come off 8 or 9 times out of 10.” … Anonymous The King of Hearts is the only king with no mustache and is also typically shown with a sword behind his head, making him appear to be stabbing himself. This leads to the nickname “suicide king” TOTAL TABLES = 8,679 TOTAL NUMBER OF PLAYERS = 3,558 TOTAL MPs AWARDED = 56,946.69 NUMBER IN BRACKET IN LARGEST KO = 21 PLAYERS WINNING MPs = 3,475 PLAYERS WINNING GOLD POINTS = 2,332 NUMBER OF PLAYERS WINNING 100+ MPs = 34 NUMBER OF PLAYERS FROM DISTRICT 7 = 1,066 (3 times more than the next highest, District 10) MPs 42.02 Peter J Boyd-Bowman 3rd A—Rocky Top Mon Aft Side 1st A—Stratiflighted A/X Swiss 6th B—Elkmont Wed AM Side Series 11th A & 6th X—Fri Eve Side A/X Swiss 1st—Groundhog Day Zip KO Tied 7th X—Sunday A/X Swiss 41.06 Don Gardner 2nd—Mon & Tue KO 6 1st A—Sat AM Side Game 4th A—Newfound Gap Sat Aft Side 3rd A—Newfound Gap Sat/Sun Side 3rd—Newfound Gap Sat/Sun Finals 34.48 Jon Rice 1st A—Stratiflighted A/X Swiss 11th A—Sat Flight A Pairs Tied 7th X—Sunday A/X Swiss 33.61 Howard Hochman Tied 1st B—Tue Eve BAM 4th A & 2nd B—Tue Eve BAM 1st—Tue/Wed Mor CKO Bracket 3 1st—V Carcello Thu/Fri KO 12 33.24 Cathy McLeod 1st—M Buehler Wed/Thu KO 26.32 John Ide Tied 3rd—Fri/Sat KO 5 25.72 Jan Baisden 1st B & C—Stratiflighted BCD Swiss 2nd—Sunday B Swiss #5 22.40 Susan Wesley & Nancy Lide 3rd A—Mon Aft 300/200/100 2nd—Mon & Tue KO 17 4th A—Fri AM 299er Pairs 3rd—Sat Aft/Eve CKO 2 21.98 Kathy Dwyer & Ed Turner 2nd—Gene Roy Tue/Wed KO 3rd—Thur/Fri Mor CKO Bracket 4 21.00 Louise Wells & Leesa Goodson 5th A & 4th B—Mon Aft 300/200/100 Pairs 2nd—Gene Roy Tue/Wed KO 19.97 Marie Covington & Kaye Threat 2nd—Mon & Tue KO 17 1st—M Buehler Wed/Thu KO 4th C—Fri AM Elkmont AM Side Pair 18.28 Rebecca Bonomo & Nancy Osborne 3rd C—Tue Eve Side BAM Tied 3rd—Gene Roy Tue/Wed KO 1st—Sinks Morning KO 9 17.48 Robert Bridger 10th A & 5th X—Fri Eve Side A/X Swiss 16.74 Buzz Snead & Dave DeKraker 3rd C—Tue Eve Side BAM Tied 3rd—Gene Roy Tue/Wed KO 1st—Sinks Morning KO 9 16.08 Debbie Monroe Tied 3rd—Mon & Tue KO 12 Tied 3rd—Sinks Morning KO 6 14.98 14.41 Rebecca Santago & Mary Leger Tied 3rd—Mon & Tue KO 12 Tied 3rd—sinks Morning KO 6 Dan Fowler Tied 9th A—Mon Aft AX Swiss 12.96 10.28 9.00 8.37 8.31 7.55 7.31 7.13 5.91 5.00 4.42 4.42 4.03 3.70 3.41 2.93 2.67 2.48 2.25 .20 Shirley Jeffers & James Jeffers Tied 19/20—Mon Trillium 750/300 Gold Tied 16/17 A & 6/7B—Tue Dogwood 750/300 Gold 1st—Sunday B Swiss #12 Janet McCall 20th B—Rhododendren Gold Rush 6th A & 6th B—Fri Aft 299er Pairs 4th A & 4th B—Sat Eve 300/200/100 2nd—Grotto Falls Compact #8 Marcia Maury 6th B—Thurs AM 299er Pairs 4th A & 4th B—Sat Eve 300/200/100 2nd—Grotto Falls Compact #8 Simon Brigman 1st—Sat Eve 299er Swiss 3rd—Tue/Wed Mor CKO Bracket 7 Nina Harmon 20th B—Rhododendren Gold Rush 6th A & 6th B—Fri Aft 299er Pairs 2nd—Grotto Falls Compact #8 Bruce Southard 2nd A—Tues Aft Side Series Susan Shroyer 6th B—Thurs A 299er Pairs 2nd—Grotto Falls Compact #8 Kathy Coop Tied 1st C—Sat Eve Side BAM Tied 3rd—Fri/Sat KO 12 Gail Armour 3rd A—Tue Aft 5/20/50 Pairs 4th A—Tue Eve 50 Pairs 4th A, 3rd B, 3rd C—Wed Eve 299er Bracketed Pairs Tied 2nd—Thurs Aft 49er Pairs 3rd B—Fri Eve Bracketed Pairs Judy Gealy & Carol Elkins 22nd—Mon Trillium 750/300 Gold 15th B—Azalea Gold Rush Pairs Sandra Kroovand & Gwen Blackmer 5th A, 4th B & 2nd C—Mon Eve 300/200/100 Pairs 1st—Sat Eve 299er Swiss Jean Leggett & Kent Leggett 14th—Mt. LeConte Side Series Deborah Fowler Tied 11th—Sat Mid Flight Pairs Brenda Pace Robert Butterfoss 4th—Thur/Fri Mor CKO Bracket 8 Paula Hunt & Danette Parker Richard Moore & Frank Dickerson Miki Felsenburg 1st—Sat Eve 299er Swiss Pat Macon Jan Glover & Andra Cozart We hope you enjoy playing in our club and unit games and our sectional tournaments. We would appreciate your help before going home by picking up trash, collecting table guide cards, boards, pencils, bidding boxes, BridgeMates, collapsing and storing card tables, and stacking the chairs. THANK YOU! ********** Briddles A combination of bridge and riddles, Briddles were invented and created by Mr. Bob Chambers & are for your amusement. These pictures present clues, from which you must deduce the meaning. Solution is always a bridge-related phrase.
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