Holy Trinity Anglican Parish with St Stephen’s Methodist Church, Stratford St John’s Whangamomona, St Peter’s Purangi, and St James’ Matau Worship times: Sunday 10:00am Family Eucharist and Sunday School Wednesday 10.00 am Eucharist in the Lady Chapel May 2015 Pewsheet Receive the blessing of this prayer, reading it several times slowly, aloud if possible, perhaps choosing a phrase to memorize and return to throughout your day: I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. I pray that, according to the riches of God's glory, God may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through the Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. --Ephesians 3:14-19 Maureen Armstrong on behalf of the Ministry Team Coming Parish Events Every Wed 3 May Sun 5 May Tue 7 May Thur 10 May Sun 12 May Tue 14 May Thur 17 May Sun 19 21 24 26 28 29 31 May May May May May May May Tue Thur Sun Tue Thur Fri Sun 10.00am Eucharist Service 6.30 pm Prayer Meeting 10.00am Eucharist Service. 3.30pm-5.00pm Seasons 1 3.00pm-5.00pm Seasons 2 10.00am Service 3.30pm-5.00pm Seasons 1 3.00pm-5.00pm Seasons 2 10.00am Service 4.00pm Evensong service with Cathedral Choir 3.30-5.00pm Seasons 1 3.00-5.00pm Seasons 2 10.00am Eucharist Service 3.30-5.00pm Seasons 1 3.00-5.00 Seasons 2 Arxy Meeting 5.30pm H T Patronal Festival with Archbishop Philip followed by 125th Anniversary Lunch HOLY TRINITY AGM Held 26th April OFFICERS ELECTED. Deans Warden Mary Garlick Peoples Warden Maureen Armstrong Vestry Members Barry Hosking, Leith Martin, Aleata Fullerton, Mickie Mills, Cameron Fullerton, Synod Representatives Jane Gilbert, Mary Garlick Parish Rep on Regional Council, Fiona Martin. Bishop’s Rep on Regional Council Mary Garlick Electronic copies of AGM Reports are available. Please email Mickie at Stratford.ang@xtra.co.nz COMING EVENTS- ADVANCE NOTICE Holy Trinity Fitzroy will be celebrating 170 years on June 21 at 10.00am with Archbishop Philip. There will be a lunch to follow– koha $10.00 RSVP by 10th June to 06 758 3611 or email to holytrinitynp@xtra.co.nz DECONSECRATIONS OF MATAU AND WHANGAMOMONA CHURCHES June 11th Matau 10.30 Morning Whangamomona 1.30 Afternoon HOLY TRINITY 125TH CELEBRATION LUNCH. This will be held after the 10.00am service led by Archbishop Philip, on Sunday 31st May Bookings (essential) are still available – final numbers please by Sunday 24th to Mary Garlick. AAW—Ladies, we need to meet again this month so we can complete a survey from the AAW Diocesan Executive. We need your input! We will meet in the Church Lounge on Wednesday 13th May at 1.30pm. We will also make use of the lounge technology and go for a tour of the Central Cluster website. Afternoon tea is organised. Fiona. NB: Our next regular meeting will be on Tuesday 26th May at Inkpot Cafe. Training Sessions for sidespeople– a short session will be held on Sunday 24th May following the 10.00am service. All sidespeople please attend. Regional Dean/Priest-in-Charge: Rev ’ d Peter Barleyman 06 764 8112 People ’ s Warden: Church Office open Friday 10.00 am—2.00 pm at the Stratford Community House, Room 7, 52 Juliet St, P.O. Box 402, Stratford. Ph. Office 06—765 0913 ext. 1 Fax 765 0914 Office email: Stratford.ang@xtra.co.nz website www.centraltaranakianglican.org.nz Maureen Armstrong 06 762 8837 Dean ’ s Warden: Mary Garlick 06 765 7724 Parish Treasurer/Secretary: Mickie Mills 06 765 8268 SUNG EVENSONG With TARANAKI CATHEDRAL CHOIR At Holy Trinity Anglican Church Stratford On Sunday 17th May At 4.00pm Including music by Edward Bunnett, John Goss, George Frederic Handel, Christopher J. Luke and Henry Walford Davies with organ music by J.S. Bach. SE Come and join us for worship and enjoy the choir All welcome
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