CENTRAL’S NEWSLETTER—MAY, 2015 CRISIS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY NEEDS LIST CENTRAL’S MISSION STATEMENT 1333 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Central United Methodist Church seeks to be a family of Christians embracing God’s love and grace by reaching out to share our faith with all people. Monroe, NC 28110 704-225-0440 CENTRAL’S VISION STATEMENT At Central United Methodist Church, our vision is to see all people connected with God and each other, empowered as ministers and involved in service. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN’S NEWS AND MEETINGS! The United Methodist Women's Executive Board meeting will be held Monday May 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the church library (room 106). The Lessie Anne Circle will meet Tuesday May 5 at 10:00 a.m. in the church library (room 106). They will collect one more month for "House of Pearls" from the list previously provided. The program will be presented by Mary Engel. Visitors are welcome! The Faith, Hope & Charity Circle will meet Monday, May 11 at 1:30 p.m. in the hospitality room (room 121). The Ruth Circle will meet Monday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the hospitality room (room 121). The Ruth Circle will meet Friday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m. for a social meeting (away). The New Beginning Circle will meet Monday, May 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the hospitality room (room 121). They will host The House of Pearls for a special meal and a social evening that includes a presentation from their director. Reservations required and a sign-up sheet for covered dishes will be at the crossroads. The Grace & Mercy Circle will meet Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Dale Ann Plyler, 2511 Dellwood Drive, Monroe. UNITED METHODIST MEN'S BREAKFAST MEETING May 3, 2015 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center Our speaker for the May meeting will be Jim Rabon who will be telling us about Bee Keeping. We will have pancakes, bacon or sausage, juice and coffee... plus a LARGE pan of BISCUITS and HONEY! Thanks to all who contributed to our treasury. We have over $1,800. This will go a long way in helping needy members of our church and community. If you know of needs, please let Mike Shelton, Debbie Deese, or Mitchell Tyson know. Some churches have a group called a Go Ye Club. When needs are identified money is taken from the Go Ye Club kitty. Go Ye members contribute $1 per month. If you are interested in participating in this type of club, let Mitchell Tyson know. FOOD PANTRY Boxed Meals Canned Meats Canned Soups Canned Vegetables Peanut Butter and Jelly Cereal / Oatmeal Rice / Grits Sugar / Flour / Corn Meal Crackers Fruit Juices and Fruit Cups Paper Towels / Toilet Paper Spaghetti noodles and sauce / Macaroni / Pasta Cake and Cookie mixes / icing Snack items (Granola Bars, Energy Bars, etc.) MISCELLANEOUS Dishwashing Detergent Gift Cards (Food / Gas) Heavy duty paper bags or boxes (to carry food) Laundry Detergent / Softener PERSONAL CARE ITEMS Body Lotion Combs / Brushes Deodorant Disposable Razors Mouthwash Shampoo / Conditioner Soap / Body Wash Toothpaste / Tooth Brushes SUPPLIES FOR CAM OFFICE *Address labels, Boxes of Kleenex, *Computers and Computer Software, *Copiers, Copy Paper, Folders / 3 ring binders / hanging file folders, Paper and Binder Clips, Pens, Pencils, Printers, Staplers, Staples *Please call for specific needs. Central’s Service Choices CONTEMPORARY - 8:45 AM This service is for you if you enjoy a lively atmosphere in an informal and welcoming surrounding. It will be held in Central Hall. CHAPEL—8:50 AM This service provides a more informal approach to worship with less emphasis upon structure. You are invited to share these casual moments of praise, singing and proclamation together with family and friends. This service is held in the chapel. SANCTUARY—11:00 AM This is a formal worship service with printed order of worship, full choir, and traditional church music. This service is held in the sanctuary. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Sunday School or other activities contact: Mary Ann Burns at 704221-7672. FIRST TIME BREAD DELIVERY MINISTRY May 3...................... Nan Thomas May 10................... Maxine Wally May 17................. Susan McInnis May 24.................. Sandy Deskins May 31.................. Susan McInnis STEPHEN MINISTERS May 3 ......................... Joy Brown May 10.................. Shannon Neal May 17..............Chuck Anderson, ............................. Elsie Clements May 24.................... Sally Shough May 31................ Rose Ann Mull, ........................... Joanne Dawkins EVANGELISM VISITOR TEAM INFORMATION May 3 Tour: ................. Nancy Ratliff V. Booth: ........... Lloyd Ratliff May 10 Tour: ......... Carolyn Ferguson V. Booth: ........ Patsy Madden May 17 Tour ................ Bob Patterson V. Booth: ........ Lou Patterson May 24 Tour: ................. Nancy Ratliff V. Booth: ............ Lloyd Ratliff May 31 Tour: .............. Martha Rollins V. Booth: .......... Dallas Rollins MAY– 11:00 AM USHERS May 3 David Yeakley Sean Daly Bill Newton Matt Gustafson May 10 Arnold Bivens David Clements Jack Hargett Bob Bodnar May 17 Bruce Sanderson Steve Hill Ken Hill Joel Carpenter May 24 Frank Elliott Tim Ratliff John Hunt Tim Ratliff May 31 Koy Dawkins Jack Hargett Bob Curry Bill Mills STEWARDSHIP REPORT—April Budget Giving Monthly......................... $64,608 Actual ............................ $56,098 Difference ..................... ($8,510) Y.T.D Budget................ $274,584 Y.T.D Actual ................. $252,057 Difference .................... ($22,527) MAY EVENTS, 2015 May 1 Relay for Life at Sun Valley High School May 2,9,16,23,30 10:30 Praise Band rehearsals in Central Hal May 3 7:30 am –UMM’s Breakfast Meeting in FLC May 3,17,24 4:00 Youth Impact May 3 5:00 Potluck Dinner in Family Life Center May 3 6:30 Children’s Musical in Central Hall May 4 6:30 UMW Executive Board meeting in 106 May 5 10:00 Lessie Anne Circle in room 106 May 5 5:45 Stephen Ministry in room 106 May 5 5:45 Stephen Ministry Training in room 121 May 6,13,20,27 10:00 WCM Project Team in 106 May 6 4:30 Kidz Biz May 6,13,20,27 6:30 Youth Bible Study May 6 6:45 Communion Service in the Chapel May 6,13,20,27 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsals May 7,14,21,28 7:30 am Thursday Morning Men’s Group May 7,14,21,28 6:15 Handbell rehearsals May 11 1:30 Faith, Hope & Charity Circle in room 121 May 11 7:00 Ruth Circle meeting in room 121 May 11 6:30 Missions Team meeting in room 114 May 13 11:00 WCM Board meeting May 13 6:00 Children’s Leadership Team meeting May 13 6:30 Finance May 13 7:00 Central Squares May 14 Day Trip for Central Friends May 14 7:30 Trinity rehearsal May 17 CONFIRMATION SUNDAY May 17 5:00 Dinner/Cake Auction (sponsored by Relay for Life) May 18 7:00–9:00 New Beginning Circle in 121 May 19 6:30 Starnes Scholarship Committee meeting in room 106. ATTENDANCE– 2015 Contemporary-8:45 a.m. April 5 .............................. 225 April 12 ............................ 123 April 19 ............................ 124 April 26 ............................ 114 Chapel-8:50 a.m. April 5 ................................... April 12 .............................. 52 April 19 .............................. 58 April 26 .............................. 40 Traditional -11:00 a.m. April 5 ............................. 353 April 12 ............................ 111 April 19 ............................ 127 April 26 ............................ 111 Sunday School April 5 (150 adults) .......... 320 April 12 (117 adults) ........ 174 April 19 (107 adults) ........ 205 April 26 (92 adults) .......... 149 May 20 6:30 Grace & Mercy Circle meeting May 20 6:30 SPPRC meeting in room 106 May 22 7:00 Ruth Circle (social) May 24 NEW MEMBER SUNDAY May 25 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED (Memorial Day) May 27 6:30 Administrative Board meets in Central Hall May 28 6:30 Trinity rehearsal May 31 10:00—4:00 Central’s Lakeside Worship at Cane Creek Park MAY BIRTHDAYS May 1 - Carol Whelchel, Lisa Tompkins, Ana Vuksanaj, Mike Myers, Shane Wyatt, May 2 - Amanda Tripp, Nelson Williams, Kelley Presson, Matthew Smith, Eli Alvord, Skylar Kirk, May 3 - Mary Coon, Donald Howell, Keicia Ferguson, Carla Price, Debbie White, Jim Wolfe, Chris Crutchfield, Susannah Stegall, May 4 - Ken Haigler, Laura Shute, Annette Saunders, Elizabeth Seibel, Austin Kohler, May 5 - Becky Wolfe, Bill Helmuth, Sandi Summerlin, Jack Lewis, B.J. Millett, Jacob Hassell, May 6 - Geri Plyler, Tiffany McCrary, Nathan Paschal, May 7 - Jim Henderson, Deborah Miller, Sherri Barber, Jackson Parker, May 8 - Janis Griffin, Anita Doster, Benny Kirk, May 9 - Alex Helms, Rebecca Preston, May 10 -Wayne Kimlick, Anna Yelton, Donald Griffith, Susan Ridenhour, William Blanchard, May 11 - Emmett Russell, Dave Miles, Chris Hurt, Hope Mullis, Catie Atchley, Anna Marie Pressley, May 12 - Robert Greenwood, Judy Davis, Lynne Hall, May 13 - Mary Jane Elliott, Paul Hamilton, Zoe Mull, Carl Freund, Glen Callender, May 14 Molene Turner, Molly McCue, May 15 - Wayne Ward, Patricia Ross, Al Olsen, Elizabeth Etling, Catherine Evans, May 16 - Frank Pressley, Lisa Chavis, Lori Damon, May 17 - Barbara Pann, Charlene Plyler, Charlotte Bullard, May 18 - Jack Thompson, Steve Barnett, Jackie Steen, Brian Murray, Shannon Huntley, Levy Stegall, May 19 - Gerry Stiles, George Morgan, Jessica Febus, Parker Ollis, May 20 - Belinda Sisk, Chris Love, May 21 Allison Parkhurst, Hannah Helms, May 22 - Margie Jennette, Scott Pigg, Jennifer Davis, Maddy Michalik, Lauren Hendley, May 23 - Jim Coon, Doris English, Kristin Tarleton, Jacob Thomas, Abby Mills, Aiden Mathew, May 24 John Bonner, Arnold Bivens, Bonnie Johnson, Jaquilynne Kirk, May 25 Richard Tuttle, Debbe Steele, Annie Neese, May 26 - Nancy Henderson, Leigh Rains, Holly Weathersbee, May 27 - Tim McCue, Grant Marlow, Eric Hinson, May 28 - Libby Miller, Chuck Rohland, Matt Gustafson, Sam Kennedy, Lindsay Sidders, Sam Snead, May 29 - Deanna Metts, Dan Shive, Sherry Brantley, May 30 - Grace Medlin, Myra Sides, Wanda Hinson, May 31 - Julie Hendley, Mike Shelton, Lucinda Chapman, Chelsea Morris SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS FORMS! The SALLY SHIRLEY BIVENS SCHOLARSHIP application form is available now. You can go online at our web site: www.centralumcmonroe.org or come by the church office to pick one up. The deadline to have your application completed is Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 12:00 noon. This deadline will be honored. The KERMIT D. and JANIE R. STARNES SCHOLARSHIP application form is available now. You can go online at our web site: www.centralumcmonroe.org or come by the church office to pick one up. The deadline to have your application completed is Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 12:00 noon. This deadline will be honored. A NEEDS FOR PROCTORS INFANT BAPTISM Daemion Thomas Nophsker is placed on Central’s preparatory roll through the Sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, April 19, 2015. His parents names are Dylan and Tetiana Nophsker. The grandparents are Dawn Shinn and Thomas Nophsker. His Godparents are Ashley Shinn and Joshua Bugla. NEW MEMBER SUNDAY—May 24, 2015 Have you been thinking of joining Central? We’d love to have you! We’ll receive new members at all three services on Pentecost Sunday, May 24. Call Rev. Laura Hamrick at 704-289-3186 if you would like to join. MISSIONS TEAM MEETING The Missions Team will meet Monday, May 11 at 6:30 p.m. in room 114. They will be discussing Rock the Block in light of the work of the Good Things to God Things team. All are welcome! Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts is in need of End of Grade test proctors! A proctor is a person who aids in actively supervising students while they are testing, as well as passing out and collecting testing materials. The time frame of testing on all days is 7:45 a.m.12:00 p.m. The main testing dates are 5/21, 5/22, 5/27, 5/29, and 6/2. You must be an approved UCPS volunteer. If you are not yet an approved volunteer, you may apply online on the Union County Public Schools website. This process takes approximately two weeks. If you are willing to help on any day or all days please contact Kelly Stegall at 980-3284956. Please consider helping! Thanks! Jeffery Stout, Assistant Principal Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts (BHESA) MEMORIALS APPORTIONMENTS IN LOVING MEMORY OF JUDY SANDERSON from Wayne & Irene Ward BUDGET IN LOVING MEMORY OF BILL DESKINS from Sandy Deskins IN LOVING MEMORY OF BLACKIE WILLIANS from Matt & Nancy Gustafson IN LOVING MEMORY OF GREGORY FREEMAN from Julian & Jo Bell CAPITAL CAMPAIGN IN LOVING MEMORY OF JUDY SANDERSON from Carolyn Kindley MUSIC FUND IN LOVING MEMORY OF CLAUDE EUBANKS from Tom Eubanks and Family IN LOVING MEMORY OF HAROLD & GLADYS SHIRLEY from Tom Eubanks and Family IN LOVING MEMORY OF SALLY SHIRLEY BIVENS from Tom Eubanks and Family IN LOVING MEMORY OF SANDRA SHIRLEY EUBANKS from Tom Eubanks and Family IN LOVING MEMORY OF JUDY SANDERSON from Margaret Batchelor, Joyce Ingold, Melissa Ballard, Joel & Marlene Carpenter, Mary & Robert Davis and their daughters and their families, Lisa & Terry Houser and Laura & Randy Keiss, Bob & Nancy Smith, Mary Engel, David & Anne Tarnow, Steve Hill and Jeff & Debbie Gambino, Berryhill Realty Co., Glenda Moon, Doris English, Buddy & Martha Broome, Matt & Nancy Gustafson, Janis Murphy, Sara Stewart, Bill & Bette Sue Davis PRAYER GARDEN IN LOVING MEMORY OF C. FRANK GRIFFIN from Betsy Griffin SNACKS FOR KIDS IN LOVING MEMORY OF JUDY SANDERSON from Dixon & Elaine Hall HONORARIUMS APPORTIONMENTS IN LOVING HONOR OF JULIAN & JO BELL'S ANNIVERSARY by Wayne & Irene Ward IN LOVING HONOR OF WINT & MARY LOU HOLTZCLAW’S ANNIVERSARY by Wayne & Irene Ward BUDGET IN LOVING HONOR OF JULIAN & JO BELL’S ANNIVERSARY by Joyce Ingold MUSIC FUND IN LOVING HONOR OF CORINNE EUBANKS by Tom Eubanks and Family IN MEMORIAM Judith “Judy” Ellen Sanderson April 8, 2015 SYMPATHY We are saddened to announce the death of Judy Sanderson, one of Central’s faithful parishioners, and we extend our loving sympathy to Judy’s husband, Bruce Sanderson and Judy’s daughter and son-in-law, Judy and Billy Graves. May God’s presence minister with comfort to Bruce and to Judy and Billy and all family members during this difficult time. Our loving condolences are extended to Esther Ungerer upon the death of her brother, Jakie de wet of South Africa. We pray God’s presence will minister with peace and comfort to Esther and her family during their time of grief. Volunteers Needed for Contemporary Service The Central UMC Audio/Visual Department is looking for volunteers to assist in the operation of all sound, video and computer generated graphics at the 8:45 Contemporary Service. This will involve learning the set up and operation for all sound equipment involving the Praise Band and video projection for the children’s sermon. Computer operators will learn the Pro Presenter application and prepare song/liturgical slides/ and download videos for use at the beginning of the service. Techs will be needed to man and operate this technology during the service. Training will be provided. It is our goal to set up a rotation on a month to month basis. Tim Ratliff All those who are interested are encouraged to talk to Jim O’Dell, Rich Hill (Audio), or Rena McGee Helms (computer) for more information. SHARE BACK FOR MAY Share Back for May: Items for the Salkehatchie Mission Trip The workers at Salkehatchie will need re-energizing as they work. They eat the following snacks on the work site and then leave the leftovers for the homeowner: Bottled Water, Gatorade regular or powdered, Nuts, Cheese or Peanut Butter Crackers, Trail Mix, Granola and Protein Bars. Also they need: Bug spray or dryer sheets to repel mosquitoes and gnats, and sunscreen. NEEDED: TONS OF PRAYER FOR THIS TEAM OF WORKERS CENTRAL FRIENDS Central Friends is a social group of people from Central, age 60 or over, who meet on the second Thursday of each month with the exception of June, July and August for a potluck lunch at the church. We have an interesting program after the meal. This is a good time to socialize and get to know one another. The months of May and October have been reserved for trips. This year our May trip will be to Historic Badin. Badin was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. We will be accompanied by Rev. Laura Hamrick who is very familiar with this town and will help us see the historic sites and find a good place for lunch. We will travel by church bus leaving early in the morning of May 14 and returning home mid-afternoon. For this trip we will need reservations for lunch and the bus. Our October trip will be to Mallard Creek Presbyterian BBQ on the 4th Thursday. We will be having lunch at the Mallard Creek Church. We usually try to plan our trips to correspond with our 2 nd Thursday, but sometimes we have to deviate from our usual day and time. We will give more details later in September. Our committee consisting of myself, Doris English and Elaine Lord, one of our newest members, along with Rev. George Freeman and Rev. Laura Hamrick will be meeting soon to plan the rest of the year and maybe into next year. We will have speakers, musical groups, progressive lunch, game day, catered Christmas meal, trips to JAARS, Billy Graham Library, mountains in the Fall, etc. We would love to have you join us (we do have some of the best cooks in the church) if you are 60 or over, or have this particular Thursday free. Edie Anderson KIDZBIZ Calling all artists! We will display artwork by our children during the children’s choir spring program Sunday, May 3rd. Please bring your precious art to Mary Ann Burns by that morning. We will also have a wonderful covered-dish dinner, for a lovely family evening in the arts. Victoria Returns! We look forward to having Victoria, our wise little duck friend, in the contemporary service Sunday, May 3rd. Wednesday, May 6th will be our family fun day! Come to KidzClub and minikidzclub at 4:30 pm. We will offer a pizza dinner at 6:00 pm for donations. Please contact Emily Dilworth if you want your family to be included in this meal. Children’s choir practice is at 6:30, and a chapel communion service will be at 6:45 pm. Childcare will be available during the service. Our next Children’s Leadership Team meeting will be Wednesday, May 13th, at 6:00 pm, in room #109. For those of you who like to plan ahead, please put June 21st through the 25th on your calendars for Vacation Bible School! For current information on all children’s ministries activities, go to www.centralumcmonroe.org. Questions about children’s ministries? Contact Mary Ann Burns, 704-289-3186, maburns@carolina.rr.com. PRSRT STD NON-PROFIT PERMIT # 106 U.S. Postage Paid Monroe, N.C. 28110 Central United Methodist Church 801 S. Hayne St., Monroe, NC 28112 Church Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-5:00pm RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Church Office: 704-289-3186Fax: 704-289-3187 Weekday Ministries: 704-289-5244 Web Site: www.centralumcmonroe.org CHURCH STAFF: Rev. George M. Freeman, Senior Pastor E-mail: gfreeman@centralumcmonroe.org Phone: 980-239-1835 Rev. Laura Hamrick, Associate Pastor E-mail: lhamrick@centralumcmonroe.org Phone: 704-244-4705 Dr. Todd Matson, Counselor, Phone: 704-333-1730 Ext 407 Darren Gann, Director of Youth Ministries E-mail: dgann@centralumcmonroe.org Mary Ann Burns, Director of Children’s Ministries E-mail: maburns@carolina.rr.com James O’Dell, Director of Music/Organist E-mail: jaodell@carolina.rr.com Joy Brown, Pianist E-mail: joypianogirl@gmail.com Debbie Deese, Administrative Assistant E-mail: ddeese@carolina.rr.com Debbie Walters, Business Manager E-mail: debwalters@carolina.rr.com Sylvia Jenkins, Custodian We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation We thank God for: The Celebration Singers present a Children’s Musical WE BELIEVE - Sunday, May 3, 2015 Potluck Supper, 5:00 p.m. Family Life Center Program, 6:30 p.m. in Central Hall Dessert Reception—All are invited for a dessert reception immediately after the program in Central Hall. This year's program will be WE BELIEVE "THE PRICE IS RIGHT". You will enjoy lots of special songs throughout this competition as several adult church members work to earn "stars" for their crowns so they can compete for the ultimate final "showcase" prize. Be ready for some interesting challenges and play along to see how you would do in this "challenge".
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