The Family Enterprise Day Saturday 13 June 2015 – Amphi

The Family Enterprise Day
Saturday 13 June 2015 – Amphi TBC
Professionalising The Family Business
How to build a solid framework for responsible owners ensuring sustainable business and family
The Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise invites you to spend a full day on INSEAD’s campus to
explore and refine your understanding of “professionalising the family business”.
Family businesses throughout the world need to adopt more formal processes and structure as they mature to
be able to ensure sustainability of both business and family relationships.
The Family Enterprise Day will explore the keys to guarantee that family issues do not hinder the business
and its growth. A panel of experts will explain how structure and discipline can help the family business to
adapt faster, innovate earlier and become far more professional in the way they run operations ensuring
smooth transition and long term survival.
The event is by invitation only and exclusively for family business members and INSEAD students, FBN
Members or parties who are directly involved in specific family enterprises to create an atmosphere of trust
and confidentiality.
Should you be from a service-provision company and interested in family firms, please feel free to contact us at to register for our next “Ideas on Family Enterprise” Days, where all family-business
related professionals are welcome.
We thank you for your understanding of our restricted participation policy regarding the peer-to-peer event
of the Family Enterprise Day format. And we welcome all registered participants for what promises to be a
wonderful and impactful day of learning and exchange!