Reporting Guidelines for ENSC/GEO 410/OC 410 Internships

Reporting Guidelines for ENSC/GEO 410/OC 410 Internships
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
In addition to the Student Internship Evaluation Form, you are required to prepare a written report that
addresses the following topics and questions:
1. Describe the internship in terms a technically savvy non-expert could understand, including the context of the
project, the project objectives, and the overall mission of the organization where the work was performed;
2. Describe the training required, the specific technical skills learned (e.g., GIS, specialized tools or lab
equipment, etc.), and broad transferable skills learned (e.g., written communication, public speaking, problem
solving, analytical thinking, etc.);
3. Did you meet your learning objectives? If so, how? If not, why not? What could have or should have gone
4. How did this internship contribute to your academic progress and professional development?
The length and depth of the report roughly corresponds to the number of credits committed to the internship at
approximately 1 page per credit (2 pages minimum, 12 page maximum).
• Include a cover page with a title, your name, student ID#, the host organization, your supervisor's name, date,
and # of internship credits.
• Use 11 or 12 point font, 1.5 to double spaced, 1-inch margins all around, correct grammar, a professional
writing style, and consistent verb tense.
• Define all acronyms or technical/jargon terms and properly cite all references used in the report (pick one
standard citation format and use it consistently throughout, and DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!).
• Save the document as either a Word or PDF document, with the following file name format:
lastname_internshipreport_termyear.docx (or pdf) (e.g., "Dickson_internshipreport_Fall2012.docx") and
upload into the Canvas site for ENSC 410.
UP TO 4 CREDITS (2-4 page report):
This is considered a relatively short report and does not require any additional structure or section headings as
long as you address questions 1 through 4 above.
5 to 12 CREDITS (5 -12 page report):
This length report will require additional structure and organization to flow logically. You may use the following
section outline or a similar outline of your own design as long as the report is coherent and addresses the
questions above.
Introduction – Briefly describe the organization you worked for and provide some overarching context for the
work you performed (~½ - 1 page).
Project Description – Provide a detailed description of the work you performed, including project goals and
how it fit into the broader mission of the organization (~1-2 pages)
Training & Transferable Skills – Describe the skills you learned or further developed, how you were taught
those skills, and how they can be transferred to future work (~1-2 page)
Learning Objectives – Reiterate your learning objectives (i.e., what you planned to learn coming into this
internship). Did you meet those learning objectives? Why or why not? Did you learn something unexpected? If
you had to do over, how would you approach the internship differently? (~2-3 pages)
Conclusion – Tie it all together, describe how this internship has contributed to your overall professional
trajectory (~1 page)
References – Here is where you place your bibliography or works cited.
Figures, tables, and artwork – You are encouraged to include any illustrative figure, tables, or artwork to
describe your internship experience throughout your report. If the item is not of your own creation, then it
must be properly cited!
If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Cardinal-Lanier, the Experiential Learning coordinator for
CEOAS, at, or (541) 737-1274.