ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN THE OIL EXTRACTION SYSTEM OF ECUADOR was obtained from Petroamazonas EP´s inventory. Electricity consumption in each oil block was calculated by fuel type (petrol, diesel and gas) and the generation technology used (thermal). The data utilized was from CELEC EP and PETROAMAZONAS EP. The energy payback rate was calculated from the audited oil production and energy consumption. EROI = Amount of energy delivered by a process / amount of energy used in the same process. *For the energy payback calculation, only use electricity energy consumption (This energy was 82% of total consumption). ** The unit of energy is the Joule. Methodology Public and private oil production information was obtained from the Agencia de Regulación y Control de Hidrocarburos ARCH . Electricity generation infrastructure Purchased diesel 23,9 PJ Electricity generation Oil extraction process Water Topping plant Characterizing the oil Ecuadorian extraction system and calculating the energy consumption in the oilfields and the fuel (oil, diesel and gas) used. Calculating the rate of energy return on each oilfield with the audited oil production and its consumption. Energy system grammar Gas Aims Oil 1,037 PJ Total production: 184,321,320 bls Private enterprise: 50,659,382 bls 28% Electricity generation (*GWH) Consumption (*PJ) 2,50 2,00 1,50 47,4 46,1 40,5 1,00 38,5 0,50 GAS *1 Petajoule:1x10 1 59 44 2 15 Oil blocks OIL 18 21 7 Eden 66 14 17 16-67 60 46 35,5 29,7 29,25 29,1 29,0 49 24,1 DIESEL 12,4 Electricity generation in the oil blocks responds to thermal systems that use different fuels like oil, diesel and gas. Crude oil is consumed directly in each block before posting and delivery to the State. Diesel that is produced in small refining plants built by each operating company (there are 3 topping plants) or diesel purchased to the public company EP Petroecuador is consumed. Gas obtained from the oil extraction after a treatment process is consumed. 23,1 22,7 18,7 16,3 15 Joule Gas (bls) (bls) ( *ft3) 1,481,497 4,488,733 738 2,943,324 2,206 234 39,1 33,0 30,7 56-11 Diesel In the oil system there is an energy component that is not accounted for in national inventories which is the consumption of energy in the extraction processes. In 1012, the total energy consumption of the 24 oil blocks in operation in 2012 was 44.6 PJ. This energy was used in different processes like 1) the separation of water and gas Associated With The extraction of crude oil 2) pumping systems for transportation 3) for suction of oil and water reinjection and 4) to supply electricity to the oil camps. The energy payback rate 3,00 58 Oil Conclusions 3,50 61 DIESEL "Total electricity generation was 3,178 GWH per year. It represented 362 MW of the installed capacity "The extraction system of oil has a total electricity generation power capacity installed of 1,012 MW. However usage was 362 MW (only using 36% of the total capacity) 4,00 57 OIL *1 Gigawatass per hour: 1x10 9 Watts per hour 1 Megawatts: 1x10 6 Watts Energy consumption by fuel type 65 469 Fuel consumption for electricity generation In 2012, 25 oil blocks were identified in operation; 12 blocks were operated by private companies, 12 public companies (EP Petroecuador and Petroamazonas EP) and 1 by a joint venture (Rio NAPO CEM Block 60 - Sacha). 64 10,98 PJ There are 212 MW for electric generation which worked as hybrid systems ( Gas / oil and diesel / oil). Total electricity generation power capacity installed in all oil blocks was 1,012 MW . Fuel 45 Oil *1 Megawatts: 1x10 á6 Watts *Joint ventures: 21,113,629 bls 11% *70% to Ecuador ( Petroamazonas EP) and 30% to Venezuela (PDVSA) 62 30,77 PJ 213 GAS 10 Diesel 6,86 PJ Oil transportation 118 - 2,94 PJ Total electricity generation power capacity (Megawatts *MW) National Oil production Public enterprise: 112,548,308 bls 61% Gas 21,1 18,1 15,1 14,5 11,4 Acknowledgements 6,0 10 62 45 64 65 57 61 58 56-11 1 59 44 2 15 18 21 7 Eden 66 14 The energy payback calculation to oilfield in Ecuador average was 29.25. There are oilfields with higher energy consumption and is due to several factors: the characteristics of the oil reservoirs, extraction infrastructure and technology, energy system and the formation water amount. 17 16-67 60 46 49 Total energy production in all oil blocks was 1,307.232 PJ and energy consumption of 44.6 PJ. The energy payback calculation averaged was 29.25. Alevgul H Sorman: Institute of Environmental Science & Technology (ICTA). Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Belen Liger: Centro de Prospectiva Estratégica CEPROEC. Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales. CEPROEC. Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales IAEN. Petroamazonas EP/ OGE Agencia de Regulación y Control de Hidrocarburos ARCH Author: Rony Parra | Av. Río Amazonas N37-271 y Villalengua | QUITO-ECUADOR | Telf. 254-1209 |
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