Inside May/June 2015 Volume 18 Number 3 Features 12 Form Follows Construction by Shana Angela Salaff 12 Using your scraps to play with new ideas may lead to discovering new forms. 17 Staying in Shape by Jim Wylder Have more success throwing globe shapes, and keeping your rims perfectly round, with this very simple homemade device. 22 Blended Influences by Paul Linhares 17 Learn to paddle tall, thrown cylinders into flattened bottle forms, giving you a blank canvas to explore surface decoration. 29 Tempting Transparency by Sasha Wardell Curious about bone china, but leery of its finicky nature? Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started. 35 Compose and Contain: Flower Rafts by Mark Johnson 22 Like both throwing and handbuilding? Combine the best of both worlds while making these creative vases for your spring flowers. 40 InFormed Pinching by Lilly Zuckerman Increase the variety of your pinch pots by brainstoming with simple clay sketches. 35 In the Studio 8 Center Justified by Simon Levin 29 10 Nobashigote Throwing Ribs by Naomi Tsukamoto Inspiration 44 In the Potter’s Kitchen Taco Night by Mark Cole 48 Pottery Illustrated Vintage Fiesta Ware by Robin Ouellette 40 On the Cover Sasha Wardell’s slip-cast bowls created with multiple layers of colored bone china. | May/June 2015 3 editor’s note Risk and Reward Years ago when I was learning to throw, my very first assignment was to throw five 6-inch-tall cylinders. I remember struggling so hard just to get to 4 inches. I was so worried I would fail at this thing I wanted to be so good at, that I overly stressed about the whole thing, and barely reached the requirement. A few days later, when the instructor was grading the assignment and all the pots were dry, I recall watching her hold a shrinkage ruler up to each pot. I was flushed with anger. Really? A shrinkage ruler? After all the effort I put into those precious pots! Years later, when I was teaching wheel throwing, it occurred to me what my problem was in that first class. I was too invested in the outcome. I was so serious about making the perfect object that I was missing out on how enjoyable the process of throwing actually was—no risk, no reward. Ceramics is all about process after all—the process of making and the process of using—little is about the preciousness of the object. So before I gave a similar assignment to my own students, I had them throw cylinders that they could not keep. Each finished piece had to be rewedged for another day’s throwing. We spent a few days with this exercise and I noticed everyone not only having more success, but also more fun. No one thought of their pots as precious, risks were taken, and little time was wasted worrying about results. Ironically, I recently needed to be reminded that a little humor in our lives (and the magazine) can also have its rewards. We’ve been known to get a tad too serious in the office trying to make sure everything is perfect. In this issue, we focus on those who love to throw pots on the wheel, and we also throw in a little humor just for fun—pun intended. Paul Linhares shows us how to throw and flatten bottles (pg. 22), Jim Wylder takes the mystery out of throwing globe-shaped pots (pg. 17), Mark Johnson introduces us to the flower raft (pg. 35), Shana Salaff constructs squared plates with altered rims (pg. 10), and Simon Levin gives us tips for throwing and trimming off the hump (pg. 22). We also explore bone china, pinched vessels, Fiesta ware, and taco trays for taco night. So put your shrinkage rulers away, lighten up, and throw with abandon. The risk usually pays off. My niece Alexis’ first wheel-thrown pot (thrown April 6th, 2015)—age five, zero anxiety, and thrilled to be elbow deep in mud. Holly Goring Editor Volume 18 • Number 3 Publisher Charles Spahr Editorial Editor Holly Goring Associate Editor Jessica Knapp Assistant Editor Forrest Sincoff Gard Editorial Support Jan Moloney Editorial Support Linda Stover Telephone: (614) 895-4213 Fax: (614) 891-8960 Print and Digital Design Melissa Bury Production Associate Erin Pfeifer Marketing Steve Hecker Circulation Manager Sandy Moening Advertising/Classifieds National Sales Director Mona Thiel Telephone: (614) 794-5834 Advertising Services Marianna Bracht Telephone: (614) 794-5826 Fax: (614) 891-8960 Subscriptions Customer Service: (800) 340-6532 Editorial and Advertising offices 600 N. Cleveland Ave., Suite 210 Westerville, OH 43082 USA Pottery Making Illustrated (ISSN 1096-830X) is published bimonthly by The American Ceramic Society, 600 N. Cleveland Ave., Suite 210, Westerville, OH 43082. 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