bulletin AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY emerging ceramics & glass technology MArch 2015 Case study — Applying lateral thinking to process development and optimization of specialty kiln furniture Trends in ceramic engineering education • Stuff Matters book review • Ceramics Expo coming to Cleveland • Florida meeting highlights • contents March 2015 • Vol. 94 No. 2 feature articles Letter to the editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Refractories—Engineered, high-performance ‘silent partners’ . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Eileen De Guire Refractory technology—often hidden from view—advances materials science, and has done so for 8,000 years. Case study—Applying lateral thinking to process development and optimization of specialty kiln furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Roel van Loo A German company manufactures tall, large-area saggars for a severe firing application by adapting an undersized press and pulling a vacuum. Current state and future opportunities for ceramic education in the United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Steve Freiman and Lynnette D. Madsen The Interagency Coordinating Committee on Ceramic Research and Development outlines challenges and opportunities for the future of ceramic education. cover story Case study—Applying lateral thinking to process development and optimization of specialty kiln furniture Credit: iStock – page 28 Book review: Stuff Matters: Exploring the marvelous materials that shape our man-made world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 April Gocha Author Mark Miodownik writes an entertaining account of the importance of materials by connecting stuff to its recognizable place in the world. meetings Ceramics Expo 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 GOMD-DGG 2015: Glass & Optical Materials Division Annual Meeting and Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft Annual Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 11th CMCEE: International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Meeting highlights: 39th Int’l Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, and ACerS Electronic Materials and Applications 2015 . . . 46 Deciphering the Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Elise Poerschke For science’s sake: My selfie with Bill Nye Credit: Steve Jacobs; Union College (NSF Award No. 1206631) departments News & Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 resources American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org Current state and future opportunities for ceramic education in the United States – page 34 columns New Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classified Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Display Advertising Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . feature ACerS Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50 51 52 55 Ceramics in Energy . . . . . . . . . 13 Ceramics in Environment . . . . . . 17 Research Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1 contents AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY bulletin March 2015 • Vol. 94 No. 2 Editorial and Production Eileen De Guire, Editor ph: 614-794-5828 fx: 614-794-5815 edeguire@ceramics.org April Gocha, Associate Editor Jessica McMathis, Associate Editor Russell Jordan, Contributing Editor Tess Speakman, Graphic Designer Editorial Advisory Board Connect with ACerS online! http://bit.ly/acerstwitter http://bit.ly/acerslink Finn Giuliani, Chair, Imperial College London G. Scott Glaesemann, Corning Incorporated John McCloy, Washington State University C. Scott Nordahl, Raytheon Company Fei Peng, Clemson University Rafael Salomão, University of São Paulo Eileen De Guire, Staff Liaison, The American Ceramic Society http://bit.ly/acersgplus http://bit.ly/acersfb http://bit.ly/acersrss In your hand and on the go! Customer Service/Circulation ph: 866-721-3322 fx: 240-396-5637 customerservice@ceramics.org There are now three great ways to read all of the good stuff inside this month’s issue of the Bulletin! Advertising Sales National Sales Mona Thiel, National Sales Director mthiel@ceramics.org ph: 614-794-5834 fx: 614-794-5822 On-the-go option #1: Download the app from the Google Play store (Android tablet and smartphones) or the App Store (iOS tablets only). Europe Richard Rozelaar media@alaincharles.com ph: 44-(0)-20-7834-7676 fx: 44-(0)-20-7973-0076 Equally mobile option #2: Download a PDF copy of this month’s issue at ceramics.org and save it to your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. Executive Staff Charles Spahr, Executive Director and Publisher cspahr@ceramics.org Teresa Black, Director of Finance and Operations tblack@ceramics.org Eileen De Guire, Director of Communications & Marketing edeguire@ceramics.org Marcus Fish, Development Director Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation mfish@ceramics.org Sue LaBute, Human Resources Manager & Exec. Assistant slabute@ceramics.org Mark Mecklenborg, Director of Membership, Meetings & Technical Publications mmecklenborg@ceramics.org Officers Kathleen Richardson, President Mrityunjay Singh, President-Elect David Green, Past President Daniel Lease, Treasurer Charles Spahr, Secretary Board of Directors Michael Alexander, Director 2014–2017 Keith Bowman, Director 2012–2015 Geoff Brennecka, Director 2014–2017 Elizabeth Dickey, Director 2012–2015 John Halloran, Director 2013–2016 Vijay Jain, Director 2011–2015 Edgar Lara-Curzio, Director 2013–2016 Hua-Tay (H.T.) Lin, Director 2014–2017 Tatsuki Ohji, Director 2013–2016 David Johnson Jr., Parliamentarian Optimized for laptop/desktop option #3: From your laptop or desktop, flip through the pages of this month’s electronic edition at ceramics.org. Credit: John Karakatsanis Want more ceramics and glass news throughout the month? Subscribe to our e-newsletter, Ceramic Tech Today, and receive the latest ceramics, glass, and Society news in your inbox each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Sign up at http://bit.ly/acersctt. Top Tweets Have you connected with @acersnews on Twitter? Here are some top posts: Relive ICACC’15 ICACC 2015 Daytona Beach scrapbook http://bit.ly/1EU9Lmo So sensitive Silica saves the day and may protect sensitive teeth better than Sensodyne http://bit.ly/1yDBjdL Glass in space Glass cockpit aboard NASA’s Orion spacecraft sets the course for future space travel http://bit.ly/132UXV6 American Ceramic Society Bulletin covers news and activities of the Society and its members, includes items of interest to the ceramics community, and provides the most current information concerning all aspects of ceramic technology, including R&D, manufacturing, engineering, and marketing. American Ceramic Society Bulletin (ISSN No. 0002-7812). ©2014. Printed in the United States of America. ACerS Bulletin is published monthly, except for February, July, and November, as a “dual-media” magazine in print and electronic formats (www.ceramicbulletin.org). Editorial and Subscription Offices: 600 North Cleveland Avenue, Suite 210, Westerville, OH 43082-6920. Subscription included with The American Ceramic Society membership. Nonmember print subscription rates, including online access: United States and Canada, 1 year $135; international, 1 year $150.* Rates include shipping charges. International Remail Service is standard outside of the United States and Canada. *International nonmembers also may elect to receive an electronic-only, email delivery subscription for $100. Single issues, January–October/November: member $6 per issue; nonmember $15 per issue. December issue (ceramicSOURCE): member $20, nonmember $40. Postage/handling for single issues: United States and Canada, $3 per item; United States and Canada Expedited (UPS 2nd day air), $8 per item; International Standard, $6 per item. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 600 North Cleveland Avenue, Suite 210, Westerville, OH 43082-6920. Periodical postage paid at Westerville, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Allow six weeks for address changes. ACSBA7, Vol. 94, No. 2, pp 1–56. All feature articles are covered in Current Contents. 2 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 letter to the editor Huge opportunity beckons As a young chemical engineer, I was very excited about the conversion of reactants under the appropriate environment—perhaps with the use of a catalyst—into useful products. Such reactions are usually written A + B ➞ C. As an older, and hopefully wiser, materials scientist/engineer, I tend to look at how this simple equation might be applied to more global issues. A case in point is energy generation and use in the United States. In a recent issue of American Ceramic Society Bulletin (Vol. 93, No. 5, p. 5), the “News & Trends” section featured a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory flowchart. It shows all sources of energy production and their end use in 2013. I had seen similar charts before. However, in this case, one figure impressed me: Of the approximately 97.4 Quads of energy produced, 59.0 Quads—more than 60%—were rejected, mostly as waste heat! The electricity generation and transportation sectors had exceedingly large fractions of rejected energy, each more than 60%. The same issue of the Bulletin featured articles about thermionics and other devices that could transform waste heat into electricity. Thus, I would like to suggest a simple new equation: rejected energy + conversion devices ➞ energy savings. Converting just 1%–10% of rejected energy into electricity would generate 0.6 to 5.9 Quads—a significant amount of energy. This concept creates a huge challenge for the ceramic community, which includes universities, manufacturers, and the government. We need to move forward with prototype devices that can be tested in the field for electricity generation and transportation sectors noted above. We should not wait for low-cost or more efficient devices to come along. They will in time. As John Deutch of MIT strongly pointed out, the enemy of good is best. The time is ripe for a major commitment. Are we, as a ceramic community, up for the challenge? Sincerely, David Stahl, Ph.D. (F-ACerS) (Stahl is retired from Areva and several postretirement positions.—Ed.) We teach. You learn. Increase your materials know-how with ACerS. Use our exclusive learning series to expand your knowledge base, brush up on a favorite topic, or increase your expertise. DVD courses · Bioceramics: Advances and Challenges for Affordable Healthcare · Sintering of Ceramics · Surface Chemistry and Characterization of Bioactive Glasses · Understanding Why Ceramics Fail and Designing for Safety · ACerS-GMIC’s Glass Melting Furnaces and Glass Melting Furnace Air Emissions Onsite short courses · Mechanical Properties of Ceramics and Glass · Nucleation, Growth and Crystallization in Glasses Online tools · ACerS-NIST Phase Equilibria Diagrams database · American Ceramic Society Bulletin archive ceramics.org/learning American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 3 news & trends During a trip to China late last year, President Barack Obama met with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss numerous issues, including climate change. China, the world’s top carbon dioxide emitter, relies heavily on fossil fuels and produces almost a third of all global carbon emissions, or 7.2 tons per person. For comparison, the entire European Union accounts for about 10% and the United States for 16%. But there are signs that China is making steps toward a more permanent pollution solution. The two leaders emerged from their November talks to announce that both countries were committing to reaching “ambitious” climate pollution targets— with the U.S. set to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 26%–28% less than 2005 levels by 2025 and China pledging to increase its use of zero-emission sources to 20% by 2030. China also agreed—for the first time—to limit its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 as Credit: The Official White House Tumblr; CC BY 3.0 US Aggressive climate pollution plan part of China’s ‘energy revolution’ President Barack Obama discusses his climate pollution targets during talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. part of a broader plan to address issues of economics and air pollution, a call Xi has referred to as an “energy revolution.” Obama declared the climate change announcement “a major milestone in the U.S.–China relationship. It shows what’s possible when we work together on an urgent global challenge.” New research from the Academy of Finland and the Chinese Academy of Business news CoorsTek finalizes acquisition of Covalent Materials Corporation (coorstek.com)… Trulite acquires AGC’s US fabrication assets (trulite.com)…Andres Lopez named president of glass containers and COO of O-I (o-i.com)…Linde, Sandia partnership looks to expand hydrogen fueling network (linde.com)…AFRL equipped for White House Materials Genome Initiative plan (afrl.af.mil)… NSG’s Pilkington loses challenge to $445M EU cartel fine (pilkington.com)… Alcoa buying Tital to help expand aerospace unit (alcoa.com)…MC Industrial to construct Boeing composite facility 4 expansion (mcindustrial.com)…Corning to acquire TR Manufacturing (corning. com)…RAK Ceramics to exit Sudan business, boost UAE capacity (rakceramics. com)…Futura Ceramics invests $2M in new kiln (futuraceramics.com)…PPG Industries to provide Gulfstream windows, assemblies (ppg.com)…Purdue, GE to collaborate on advanced manufacturing (ge.com)…Imerys Ceramics announces price increase for ball clay and kaolin products (imerys.com)…Oxane Materials’ ceramic proppant plant closes (oxanematerials.com) n Social Sciences shows that although China may be serious about its efforts to mitigate climate change, it demands more energy than ever before. According to Jari Kaivo-oja, research director of the Finland Futures Research Centre, “From a global perspective, we’re seeing that China is channeling investments into renewable energy. While the growth in renewable energy capacity has been fast, the demand for energy has grown even faster, forcing China to further increase its coal power capacity.” China’s growing economy, in part, means more coal, and more coal means more emissions. Improvements in manufacturing and policy will not be enough, Kaivo-oja says, to curb the increased demand resulting from a continued shift in consumer preferences and “rapid rise in affluence”—or to meet those 2030 targets. “Our research shows that the ongoing structural change visible in the Chinese economy will curb the growth in carbon emissions by only 25% in comparison to the current economy, which is largely dependent on heavy industry,” he says. “At present, the www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 RETSCH - New High Energy Ball Mill Emax The Emax is an entirely new type of ball mill for high energy milling. The unique combination of high friction and impact results in extremely fine particles within the shortest amount of time. The high energy input is a result of an unrivaled speed of 2000 min-1 and the optimized jar design. Thanks to the revolutionary cooling system with water, the high energy input is effectively used for the grinding process without overheating the sample. Due to the special grinding jar geometry, the sample is thoroughly mixed which results in a narrow particle size distribution. Science for Solids www.retsch.com/emax zz CARBOLITE - New Compact Modular Tube Furnaces The new 1200 °C E-series of tube furnaces from CARBOLITE offer an extensive range of compact split and non-split tube furnaces for laboratory use. The furnaces are available with heated lengths of 150, 300, 450 and 600 mm and a maximum tube diameter of 60 mm. The split tube furnaces are hinged, allowing them to be opened to reduce the cool-down time. In combination with the fast heat up rates, this results in a high sample throughput. The three-zone models ensures a longer uniform zone compared with a single zone furnace. An easy to use angle adjustment option on the vertical furnaces also allows horizontal and multi-angle configurations. www.carbolite.com/eha CARBOLITE GERO Chamber Furnaces for High Temperature and Vacuum Applications The HTK range of Carbolite Gero high temperature furnaces consists of metallic furnaces made of Molybdenum and Tungsten. Laboratory & Industrial Furnaces & Ovens up to 3,000 °C and for vacuum and other modified atmospheres Metallic furnaces have no fibre insulation, permitting the greatest possible purity of the process atmospheres or the best possible final vacuum. The sophisticated designs are employed for specimens requiring treatment in carbon-free atmospheres. They find application in the lighting industry, metal powder injection molding, tempering of sapphires, heat treatment of metals, sintering of pellets in the nuclear industry, manufacture of radar tubes, metallization of ceramic components, high vacuum brazing etc. www.carbolite-gero.com/htk Elemental Analyzers for C, H, N, O, S Laboratory Mills, Grinders & Sieve Shakers SCIENCE FOR SOLIDS The VERDER SCIENTIFIC Division of the VERDER Group sets standards in scientific equipment for quality control, research and development of solid matter. It unites the leading manufacturing companies CARBOLITE, CARBOLITE-GERO, ELTRA, RETSCH and RETSCH TECHNOLOGY. www.verder-scientific.com Optical Particle Analyzers from 0.3 nm to 30 mm 1-866-473-8724 www.verder-scientific.com news & trends plans for the development of the country’s energy system won’t help China cap its emissions by 2030.” Whether or not China can meet its emission reduction goals, the country will have plenty of opportunities to at least attempt to reach the admittedly aggressive targets. “China is a country still in the midst of a wave of urbanization,” says Kaivooja. “The infrastructure solutions in new urban areas and the consumer habits of a developing and increasingly well-to-do middle class are two issues that can significantly influence future developments. China has made huge investments in sustainable cities and in sustainable development exercises, which are all very positive signals from the viewpoint of sustainable energy and climate policy.” n Glass cockpit aboard NASA’s Orion spacecraft sets course for future space travel NASA’s Orion spacecraft recently completed its first unmanned space journey. Although the trip lasted only four and a half hours while completing two earth orbits, it was an important mile- stone for eventually delivering humans far into deep space—whether to an asteroid, Mars, or elsewhere. Regardless of where it will go, NASA decked out Orion with the latest technology. The spacecraft resembles the iconic cone-shaped Apollo craft, but carries new and improved technology. Orion, when ready for its human passengers, will be equipped with a glass cockpit control system, according to NASA. The system consists of panels of screens for controlling the craft, rather than the former extensive array of knobs, buttons, and levers. Efforts like the Materials Genome Initiative and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia program have been part of the plan to get advanced materials and technologies from lab to market more quickly. Now, advanced manufacturing and advanced composites stand to be lighter, faster, and stronger more quickly, thanks to an infusion of cash and commitments from government and investors. The White House recently announced a new $259-million public–private partnership in the creation of the Department of Energy’s Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), which will be led by and headquartered at the University of Tennessee. According to a DOE press release, IACMI “will focus on making advanced composites less expensive and less energy-intensive to manufacture, while also making the composites easier to recycle.” The institute represents commitments from its partners ($189 million) and the DOE ($70 million), which together form a consortium of 122 manufacturers, universities, and national labs. “This has brought together unprec- 6 Credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Advanced composites receive $259-million investment to cut time from concept to prototype Projects like Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s 3-D printed car prove that advanced composites have the power to change U.S. manufacturing. edented commitment from state governments, industries, and research institutions to develop the workforce, create jobs, and increase global manufacturing competitiveness in advanced polymer composites,” IACMI CEO Craig Blue says in a UT news release. One of those manufacturers is Local Motors, who—together with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Cincinnati Incorporated, and the Association for Manufacturing Technology—built the world’s first 3-D printed car. Using the same Big Area Additive Manufacturing machine that helped print Local Motors’ Strati, a six-person ORNL team has taken its own 3-D printed offering—a “‘plug-n-play’ laboratory on wheels” that pays homage to the classic Shelby Cobra design—from concept to car in just six weeks. The ORNL car, made of 20% carbonfiber material, will “allow research and development of integrated components to be tested and enhanced in real time, improving the use of sustainable, digital manufacturing solutions in the automotive industry,” according to ORNL. It also demonstrates, says the DOE, the type of collaborative work that will accelerate the process from concept to prototype and boost American manufacturing. n www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Some manual controls will be present, but the glass cockpit design eliminates the vast majority. The glass cockpit reduces weight by removing wires and switches and provides flexibility to the cockpit and control panel. On reentry to earth, the craft will hurtle back through the atmosphere at 24,545 mph. Orion’s elaborate thermal protection system, fabricated by Lockheed Martin, protects it from blistering temperatures that may reach up to 6,000°F. The entire base of the craft is covered in a composite heat shield wrapped in an ablative material called Avcoat—deposited in 320,000 cells in a fiberglass-phenolic honeycomb skin—that is designed to burn off to prevent heat build-up. In addition, the craft’s backshell is covered in 970 high-tech black AETB-8 tiles. “Made of a low-density, high-purity silica fiber made rigid by ceramic bonding, the tiles will be called upon to protect the sides of Orion from temperatures up to 3,150°F (1,732°C) on this test,” NASA says. Although the recent test flight did not reach speeds and temperatures as high as the craft will experience during a longer mission, the test was an important step in evaluating the system. Lockheed Martin engineers are currently sampling the heat shield to assess how it held up during its inaugural space foray. The module—once in space—will be powered completely by UltraFlex solar arrays, the collected energy of which can be stored in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The two arrays on board consist of accordion-style-folded solar panels, each about 19-ft wide, that are made of high-efficiency, heat- and radiation-resistant gallium arsenide solar cells. Each panel can provide 6,000 W of power, “enough to power about six three-bedroom homes,” NASA says. n Credit: ReelNASA; YouTube Astronauts aboard the Orion spacecraft will (eventually) control space travel through the craft’s glass cockpit. Customized Sankey diagrams visually highlight Customized Sankey diagrams visually highlight heat inputs and losses in dryers and kilns. heat inputs and losses in dryers and kilns. Experts American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org Technical consulting on product quality and process energy conservation is a priority service at Harrop. Each year, dozens of clients engage us for in-plant training, technical analysis and unbiased advice on best practices for their kiln and dryer operations. Here’s what we offer: • Diagnosis and solutions to product quality problems • Complete process energy audits to measure thermal efficiency and recommend both operational and capital improvements • The most experienced and qualified Tech Services staff of any kiln supplier in the U.S. • In-house 10,000 sq. ft. testing lab and pilot plant to characterize raw materials and develop optimized drying and firing cycles. For expert help, look no further than Harrop. Call us at 614-231-3621 to discuss your special requirements. Fire our imagination www.harropusa.com 7 acers spotlight Society and Division news St. Louis Section/RCD Annual Symposium: March 24–26 ACerS St. Louis Section and the Refractory Ceramics Division (RCD) will hold their 51st annual symposium, March 25–26. “Refractories as Engineered Ceramics” is the theme for this year’s meeting at the Hilton St. Louis Airport Hotel in St. Louis, Mo. A kickoff event and a meeting of the ASTM International C-8 Committee on Refractories will be held on March 24. Organizers for the event include Mike Alexander, Riverside Refractories, and Matthew Lambert, Allied Mineral Products. A discounted block of rooms ($104 per single/double per night) has been reserved at the Hilton. When booking your accommodations, please refer to Group Code SAC. All reservations must be received before the March 2 deadline. For more information, contact Patty Smith at 573-341-6265 or psmith@mst.edu. Tabletop Expo Exhibitors include Almatis, AluChem, Alteo-Alumina, The American Ceramic Society, BassTech International, Calucem, Inc., China Mineral Procurement LLC, Christy Minerals, Cilas Particle Size, DIFK GmbH, Germany, Elkem Silicon Materials, Great Lake Minerals, IMERYS Refractory Minerals, Kercher Industries, Kerneos, Inc., Kyanite Mining Corp., LAEIS GmbH, Orton Ceramic Foundation, Possehl Erzkontor N.A., RED Industrial Products, Refractory Minerals, TAM Ceramics, Washington Mills and ZIRCAR Ceramics Inc. Planje Award The 2015 Theodore J. Planje–St. Louis Refractories Award will be presented to Victor C. Pandolfelli, Federal Pandolfelli University of São Carlos, Brazil. An ACerS Fellow and member of the Refractory Division, Pandolfelli is full professor in the university's materials engineering department and coordinates the Alcoa Laboratory located there. Allen Award The 2014 Alfred W. Allen Award winners Eric Sako, Mariana Braulio, and Pandolfelli, all with the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, and Enno Zinngrebe and Sieger van der Laan, with the Ceramics Research Centre, The Netherlands, will present their paper “In-depth microstructural evolution analyses of cement-bonded spinel refractory castables: Novel insights regarding spinel and CA6 formation.” The paper was published in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95 [5] 1732–40 (2012). What's new in ancient glass research? Explore glass's past and present during this one-day workshop hosted by ACerS Art, Archaeology, and Conservation Science Division in conjunction with the American Institute for Conservation. Register before April 10 to save. Visit ceramics.org to secure your spot. May 17, 2015 | 8:30 a.m. – 5:20 p.m. Hyatt Regency Miami Schedule at-a-glance March 24, 2015 5 p.m. Take me out to the Ballpark Village St. Louis March 25, 2015 7:15 a.m. Registration and coffee 8 a.m. Welcome and introductions St. Louis Section Chair Roger Smith, Bucher Emhart Glass Refractory Ceramics Division Chair Ben Markel, Resco Products Program Coordinators Mike Alexander, Riverside Refractories Matthew Lambert, Allied Mineral Products 8:15 a.m. Morning technical sessions • New forefront measuring techniques for characterizing engineered refractories • Thoughts on additive manufacturing for refractory application abstract • A potential shortcut to quantitative mineralogy • Physical properties of a refractory castable with various alumina aggregates • Carbon-bonded refractory composites • Tailoring composite properties through engineered ceramics 11:45 a.m. Luncheon banquet 1 p.m. Afternoon sessions Presentation of the T.J. Planje St. Louis Refractories Award to Victor C. Pandolfelli, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil • Castables for industrial applications— Still room for improvement • Novel deflocculation system for silica- fume-containing castables with enhanced robustness to raw-material variations • Micro-gel-bonded castables—A bond with potentials • ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA): Annual report of student activities 4:45 p.m. RCD annual members meeting 5 p.m. Closing remarks 5 p.m. Exposition and cocktail hour 7 p.m. Dinner buffet Speaker: Marcus Fish, ACerS Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation March 26, 2015 6:30 a.m. Refractory Ceramics Division breakfast meeting 8 a.m. Morning technical sessions • 2014 Alfred W. Allen Award winners: In-depth microstructural evolution analy ses of cement-bonded spinel refractory castables: Novel insights regarding spinel and CA6 formation • Protecting metallic anchors and vessel from alkali corrosion by innovative refractory paints • Maximize energy savings by selecting the right insulating firebricks • Improvement of refractory castables with an innovative calcium aluminate binder system • An alternative advanced alumina for advanced refractory ceramics 12 p.m. Questions and discussion 12:30 p.m. St. Louis Section officer business meeting and lunch Credit: Vlasta2; Flickr; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 8 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Electronics Division awards top papers, posters winners at EMA’15 For members-only discounts, including savings of up to 34% on shipping, join now at ceramics.org Congratulations to the winners of the best student oral presentations and best student posters during the 2015 ACerS Electronic Materials and Applications meeting in Orlando, Fla. Best Student Oral Presentations • First place: Christina Rost, North Carolina State University, “Entropy driven oxides: Configurationally disordered solid solutions and their structure-property” • Second place: Edward Sachet, North Carolina State University, “Extreme electron mobility in cadmium oxide through defect equilibrium engineering” • Third place: Jon Mackey, University of Akron, “Analytic thermoelectric couple modeling: Variable material properties and transient operation” Credit: 401K 2012; Flickr; CC BY-SA 2.0 ACerS members save more. THE BROADEST MINERAL PORTFOLIO F OR H IG H PERFO RMANCE REFRACT O RIE S Best Student Posters • First place: Gye Hyun Kim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Effect of surface energy anisotropy on Rayleigh-like solid-state dewetting and nanowire stability” • Second place: Youngho Jin, Georgia Institute of Technology, “Microstructure and electrical properties in PMMA/ATO conductive composites with phasesegregated microstructures” • Third place: Jun-Young Cho, Seoul National University, “The effect of nanostructure on the thermoelectric properties of bulk copper selenide” In memoriam Neil O'Brien John F. Rainear Donald C. Schell Some detailed obituaries also can be found on the ACerS website, www.ceramics.org/in-memoriam. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org www.imerys-refractoryminerals.com 9 acers spotlight Students and outreach Scholarship and award opportunities for students Refractories scholarship Deadline: March 13, 2015 The Refractories Institute will once again award a limited number of $5,000 college scholarships to highachieving students who are pursuing an undergraduate or advanced degree in ceramic engineering, material science, or similar discipline in North America. For more information, visit www.refractoriesinstitute.org. GEMS Awards Deadline: March 16, 2015 Sponsored by ACerS Basic Science Division, the annual Graduate Excellence in Materials Science (GEMS) Awards recognize the outstanding achievements of up to 10 graduate students in materials science and engineering. The award is open to all graduate students who are making an oral presentation in any symposium or session at MS&T’15. Tie makes for a nailbiter of a competition at ICACC’15 Congratulations to the winners of the ICACC’15 shot glass competition, sponsored by Schott. The team of Bert Conings, Hasselt University, Belgium; Danny Vanpoucke, Ghent University, Belgium; and Chenxin Jin, Dalhousie University, Canada, tied with Stephen Sehr, University of California, Santa Barbara (pictured above, from left) for top honors. For more photos from the competition and the meeting, visit www.bit.ly/acersflickr. 2015 Future City Competition showcases engineers of tomorrow The Future City Competition is a national program sponsored by the engineering community to promote interest in technology and engineering in middle-school students through hands-on, real-world applications. ACerS took part in the Ohio Region competition on Saturday, January 17, at Columbus State Community College’s Center for Workforce Development, in Columbus. ACerS members and volunteer judges Dana Goski, Allied Mineral Products, Derek Miller, Ohio State University, and Dave Lankard, Lankard Materials Lab, helped determine the winner for Best Use of Ceramics. First place was awarded to a team from Heritage Middle School (pictured above with judges), Westerville, Ohio, and honorable mention was awarded to Lakewood Middle School, Hebron, Ohio. Du-Co Ceramics Scholarship Deadline: April 1, 2015 See details on page 11. Alfred R. Cooper Scholars Award Deadline: May 15, 2015 See details on page 11. Lewis C. Hoffman Scholarship Deadline: May 15, 2015 See details on page 11. 10 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Awards and recognition Deadlines for upcoming nominations April 1, 2015 Du-Co Ceramics Scholarship Award This $3,000 scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student pursing a degree in ceramics or materials science. Du-Co Ceramics Young Professional Award This $1,500 honorarium is awarded to a young professional member of ACerS who demonstrates exceptional leadership and service to ACerS. May 15, 2015 Glass and Optical Materials Division’s Alfred R. Cooper Scholars Award This $500 award encourages and recognizes undergraduate students who have demonstrated excellence in research, engineering, or study in glass science or technology. May 15, 2015 (cont.) Electronics Division’s Edward C. Henry Award This award is given annually to an outstanding paper reporting original work in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society or the Bulletin during the previous calendar year on a subject related to electronic ceramics. Electronics Division’s Lewis C. Hoffman Scholarship The purpose of this $2,000 tuition award is to encourage academic interest and excellence among undergraduate students in the area of ceramics/materials science and engineering. The 2015 essay topic is "Electroceramics for telecommunications." Additional information and nomination forms for these awards can be found at ceramics.org/awards, or by contacting Marcia Stout at mstout@ceramics.org. Will your idea be the one that pops? Harper helps companies custom engineer thermal processes for the production of advanced ceramics. Let us help take your kernel of an idea from the lab to full commercialization. harperintl.com American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 11 ACerS around the world Ceramics down under: A report from CAMS2014 The Australian Ceramic Society and Materials Australia held the third biennial conference of the Combined Australian Materials Societies (CAMS2014) at the Charles Perkins Centre at Sydney University last November. Nearly 300 papers and posters were presented at the combined conference. Plenary speakers included Zi-Kui Liu, professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Pennsylvania and winner of The American Ceramic Society’s Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award; Zhiwei Shan, director of Hysitron Applied Research Centre, China (HARCC) and deputy dean, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University; and Peter Hodgson, ARC Laureate Fellow and director, Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University. Roughly 40% of the presentations were ceramics-related, focusing on concrete and cement (including geopolymers), photocatalysis and sunlight harvesting, piezo- and ferroelectric materials, and nuclear fuels and wasteforms. Planning already has begun for CAMS2016, and is expected to take place in the Melbourne area in late 2016. First ICG Winter School in Shenzhen, China brings together global glass research community This past December, 32 students from academia and industry gathered with 13 lecturers at Shenzhen University (China) for the first four-day International Commission on Glass Winter School for Research Students in Glass Science, sponsored by the Chinese Ceramic Society. The teaching staff included the core team that runs the ICG Montpellier Summer School each year (Klaus Bange, Reinhard Conradt, Bernard Hehlen, John Parker, Akira Takada, and Rene Vacher) as well as lecturers from local universities. The aim of the program—coordinated in part by Peng Shou, president of the International Commission on Glass, and event host Jianrong Qiu—was to stimulate cross-fertilization between the two ICG Schools and create a model for future success. For more information, visit www. icglass.org. Bowman honored by Australian Ceramic Society The Australian Ceramic Society presented Richard Bowman with its 2014 biennial award for his research contributions to the global ceramicBowman tile industry. Bowman, who heads the consulting company Intertile Research, is a former principal research scientist at CSIRO and has done extensive research in characterizing tile, understanding tile system behavior, developing new slip-resistant paradigms, and improving environmental basis for falls prevention. Bowman is a member of ACerS Whitewares Division. International Journal of Applied Glass Science marks fifth year of publication Congratulations to the editors, authors, reviewers, and editorial staff of the International Journal of Applied Glass Science, who in December 2014 celebrated the journal’s fifth year of publication. Coedited by L. David Pye and Mario Affatigato, IJAGS, which ranks 5th of 26 in impact ratings in the category of ceramics and glass, has published more than 200 articles, including special issues on glass and photonics, corrosion of glass, glass and nanotechnology, and glass armor. Another special issue on glass and light is slated for September 2015. For more member news, visit www.ceramics.org/knowledge-center/acers-blog. 12 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 ceramics in energy clear flat-panel displays and ultrathin HDTVs. They also could find a home in the displays of more mobile digital devices. “Because of their increased electron mobility, compounds like IGZO can provide brighter displays with higher resolution,” says John Wager of OSU’s School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. They also help to improve the energy efficiency of devices. Because IGZO transistors use less standby power, they do not need to be charged as often— meaning that phones that require weekly, not daily, charging could be a real possibility, say researchers. “Amorphous oxide semiconductor implementation appears on the verge of exploding,” Wager says. “If the current trend continues, in the next five years most people will likely own some device with these materials in them. This is a breathtaking pace.” n Credit: Oregon State University Imagine a world in which you could incorporate any type of consumer electronic device—digital calendars, computer displays, GPS systems, and roomdarkening shades—into any type of glass surface (think mirrors, windows, and windshields). That world is just within reach, thanks to the work of researchers at Oregon State University. In 2002, an OSU team developed “transparent” transistors that it hoped would “shake up the field of consumer electronics.” Now—more than a decade later—those amorphous oxide semiconductor materials are poised to make a splash not just for their transparency but also for their clear ability to improve current electronics offerings on the market. According to an OSU news release, the “first and most important of the semiconductors”—based on indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO)—are being incorporated into extra-crisp and John Wager shows off a transparent semiconductor. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org Credit: Fan Lab; Stanford See-through semiconductors set to ‘shake up’ consumer electronics industry A new mirror material reflects incoming sunlight and banishes infrared radiation into space to keep buildings cool. Multilayered oxide mirror heats up space to help cool buildings Stanford University researchers have developed a new material that they hope will someday heat up space and cool down rooftops. The multilayered material—which the scientists describe as a “one-two punch”—works by reflecting visible and infrared light away from buildings and into space. The cooling strategy may someday make buildings much more energy efficient by reducing unwanted heat and, thus, decreasing energy needs. Those energy needs are staggering: Cooling requirements were estimated a couple of years ago to total 1 trillion kW∙h/year, a significant fraction of the approximately 144 trillion kW∙h/year of total worldwide energy use (as estimated in 2008). The Stanford scientists think their new material may be able to ease that energy consumption and cost, through a process they call photonic radiative cooling. That material, just 1.8-μm thick, is composed of seven layers of silicon dioxide and halfnium oxide overlaid onto a thin silver film. “These layers are not a uniform thickness, but are instead engi- 13 ceramics in energy neered to create a new material,” according to a Stanford press release. The material’s structure is devised to radiate infrared light at a particular frequency that pushes that energy directly into space, rather than warming the air around the building. It uses space as a heat sink, rather than allowing that heat to be absorbed into the atmosphere. “Think about it like having a window into space,” lead researcher and electrical engineering professor Shanhui Fan says in the release. But that is not all—the material also functions as a mirror, reflecting up to 97% of sunlight. “Together, the radiation and reflection make the photonic radiative cooler nearly 9 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the surrounding air during the day,” the release states. The paper, published in Nature, is “Passive radiative cooling below ambient air temperature under direct sunlight” (DOI: 10.1038/nature13883). n Building stronger, taller towers of clean energy with high-strength concrete technology Credit: Bob Elbert; Iowa State University If Iowa State University researchers have their way, towering wind turbines are about to get stronger and taller—thanks to high-strength concrete technology and a $1-million investment from the Department of Energy. Iowa State’s Sri Sritharan is researching a high-strength concrete technology that has the potential to revolutionize wind energy. 14 The DOE awarded the Iowa State team, lead by civil, construction, and environmental engineering professor Sri Sritharan, an 18-month grant to improve the team’s Hexcrete concept developed during earlier work on reinforcing the concrete towers. According to an Iowa State news release, Hexcrete “uses precast and easily transportable components to build hexagon-shaped towers from concrete panels connected to concrete columns.” “I think this will revolutionize wind energy,” says Sritharan, who also heads the university’s Wind Energy Initiative. “We won’t need to transport these big tubular towers on the highways and we’ll harvest energy where it’s needed.” Sritharan says that the concrete-for-steel substitution would provide additional benefits, including allowing towers taller than steel’s 80-m limit. Winds at 100 m elevations and higher are faster and steadier. Concrete towers also reduce production time, expand wind energy’s geographic footprint, and cut costs. Concrete towers can produce wind energy at a lower cost, and specifically reduce the costs associated with transporting the towers. During testing last year, the full-size segments and connections successfully handled the load the taller towers would require—even under “extreme conditions.” The additional monies will fund further research into the manufacturing process needed to create these taller concrete towers, which Sritharan believes could greatly impact not just the energy industry, but the entire U.S. economy. According to his project summary, “If used for the entire height, the Hexcrete concept will eliminate transportation challenges and engage a well-established U.S.-based precast concrete industry in the wind tower business, thereby greatly reducing reliance on foreign steel and increasing the job market in the U.S.” n www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Easy to Choose. Easy to Use. Simultaneous Thermal Analysis Electric cars powered by supercapacitor-packed body panels could become roadway reality within five years Although not nearly as energy dense as lithium-ion batteries, these supercapacitors have advanced acceleration capabilities and would provide an additional and quicker boost than what is capable with conventional batteries, say researchers. “Supercapacitors are presently combined with standard lithium-ion batteries to power electric cars, with a substantial weight reduction and increase in performance,” says QUT postdoc research fellow Jinzhang Liu. “In the future, it is hoped the supercapacitor will be developed to store more energy than a lithium-ion battery, while retaining the ability to release its energy up to 10 times faster—meaning the car could be entirely powered by the supercapacitors in its body panels.” Liu reports that one full charge could create enough power to propel the car up to 500 km, which he says is in line with the power of conventional cars, or double what an electric vehicle can provide. The electrodes, made from exfoliated Credit: Queensland University of Technology A team at Queensland University of Technology and Rice University has developed a high-capacity film thin enough to place in panels, roofs, doors, and floors of automobiles. The super strong electrolyte–electrode sandwich also can provide enough power to recharge an electric vehicle battery in minutes. According to a QUT release, the work, published in the Journal of Power Sources and Nanotechnology, means that supercapacitor-powered cars could become a roadway reality before 2020. “Vehicles need an extra energy spurt for acceleration, and this is where supercapacitors come in. They hold a limited amount of charge, but they are able to deliver it very quickly, making them the perfect complement to mass-storage batteries,” says QUT’s Marco Notarianni. “Supercapacitors offer a high-power output in a short time, meaning a faster acceleration rate of the car and a charging time of just a few minutes, compared with several hours for a standard electric car battery.” Nunzio Motta is part of a team that is developing a thin, yet strong, supercapacitor film that can be placed in the panels of a car door. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org the H at o TZSC E e rati N manc r 100% o f r -pe 8 price 1171 best om/n .c h c s .netz www STA 449 F5 Jupiter® – The New Standard for TGA-DSC Measurements Universal: For applications up to 1600°C. Easy-Access: Sample holder can be reached from above; furnace hoist rotates. Time-Saving: TGA-BeFlat® baseline correction considerably lessens measuring effort. STA 449 F5 Jupiter® NETZSCH Instruments North America, LLC 129 Middlesex Turnpike Burlington, MA 01803-3305, USA Tel.: (+1) 781 272 5353 nib-sales@netzsch.com 15 graphene films mixed with carbon nanotube clusters, are costeffective, so the price of this power is relatively low. According to Nunzio Motta, professor at QUT, it also is a more earthfriendly way to provide high-power density. “The price of lithium-ion batteries cannot decrease a lot because the price of lithium remains high,” he says. “This technique does not rely on metals and other toxic materials either, so it is environmentally friendly if it needs to be disposed of.” Although these lightweight, yet high-strength, capacitors could dramatically impact the auto industry, researchers say that they also could find a home in other battery-powered devices—devices where a quick charge would be desirable and in demand—such as a faster-charging smartphone. The papers are “High-performance all-carbon thin-film supercapacitors” (DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.10.104) and “Graphene-based supercapacitor with carbon nanotube film as highly efficient current collector” (DOI: 10.1088/09574484/25/43/435405). n Bifunctional, self-tinting smart window doubles as rechargeable battery Researchers at Nanyang Technological University have developed a self-tinting smart window that brightens and darkens on its own and without an external power source. This smart window doubles as a recharageble battery, requires no electricity, and can store enough energy to power low-power electronics, such as LEDs. Cool blue in daylight and clear at night, the tint-shifting window also reduces light pen- VERSION 4.0 PHASE EQUILIBRIA DIAGRAMS FOR CERAMIC SYSTEMS Version 4.0 contains 25,000 phase diagrams, 637 new figures and 1,000 new diagrams. ORDER TODAY ceramics.org/phase 16 Credit: Nanyang Technological University ceramics in energy A team of researchers from Nanyang Technological University, led by Sun Xiaowei (center), have developed a self-tinting smart window. etration by close to 50%. The work of the NTU team, led by Sun Xiaowei, professor at the university’s School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, is published in Nature Communications. “Our new smart electrochromic window is bifunctional; it is also a transparent battery,” says Sun in an NTU news release. “It charges up and turns blue when there is oxygen present in the electrolyte—in other words, it breathes.” To create their bifunctional battery–window, Sun and colleagues placed liquid electrolyte between two indium tin oxidecoated sheets of glass connected by electrical cables. On one of the two sheets, they added Prussian blue, and to the other, a strip of aluminum foil. According to the release, “When the electrical circuit between them is broken, a chemical reaction starts between Prussian blue and the dissolved oxygen in the electrolyte, turning the glass blue. To turn off the blue tint, the electrical circuit is closed to discharge the battery, turning the Prussian blue into a colorless Prussian white.” Because it is energy independent and adjusts on its own, Sun and team believe that their smart window could provide “significant” cooling and lighting savings for homeowners and businesses. “Our technology is very attractive as a zero-sum consumption smart window,” says Sun. “Buildings owners and even common households can reap energy savings right from the outset and over the long term. Developers who are looking at constructing environmentally friendly green buildings will find our technology attractive for their building plans.” The paper is “A bi-functional device for self-powered electrochromic window and self-rechargeable transparent battery applications,” (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5921). n www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 ceramics in the environment Stronger, greener cement-like material curbs carbon emissions through diffusion Accidents happen—as do “whoops” that become “eurekas.” One such whoops-to-wow moment occurred in the lab of former University of Arizona Ph.D. student David Stone. That accident was Ferrock—an eco-friendly substitute for Portland cement that, according to a Tech Launch Arizona article, is “significantly stronger.” The manufacture of Portland cement accounts for 5% of total global carbon emissions. Although more of it is being recycled (some 140 million tons of concrete are recycled each year in the United States, according to the Construction & Demolition Recycling Association), that does not stop researchers from seeking ways to make the material more green. Ferrock is being developed in collaboration with Tech Launch Arizona. The “cement-like” material is “environmentally superior, sustainable, and stronger than conventional cement,” according to a Tech Launch article. It also is carbon negative. Rather than releasing carbon, the material traps carbon, diffusing and absorbing the element into itself. The iron in Ferrock mixes with carbon, creating iron carbonate and becoming part of the material’s makeup. “It has taken years to get just a basic understanding of the chemistry involved,” says Stone in the article. “But this shouldn’t be surprising since scientists are still trying to figure out Portland cement and they’ve had 200 years. I am into this for the long haul. Time is on our side since, in this era of global warming, unsustainable processes like cement manufacture will have to give way to greener alternatives.” Stone, in collaboration with Tech Launch, licensed the technology from the University of Arizona and will commercialize the invention with startup company Iron Shell LLC. “The formation of Iron Shell promises to be very exciting,” says Tech Launch Arizona’s Doug Hockstad. “The technology stands to impact the world in a variety of ways, including both reduction of carbon dioxide production and sequestration of other carbon dioxide production as well as recycling of waste products, such as steel waste and, in some cases, recycled glass. For all that, this represents an amazing engineering achievement that has the potential to create a great, positive impact on the environment.” n ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS FOR POWDER COMPACTION Gasbarre | PTX-Pentronix | Simac HIGH SPEED, MECHANICAL, AND HYDRAULIC POWDER COMPACTION PRESSES FOR UNPRECEDENTED ACCURACY, REPEATABILITY, AND PRODUCTIVITY Credit: University of Arizona; YouTube MONOSTATIC AND DENSOMATIC ISOSTATIC PRESSES David Stone working with Ferrock, an environmentally friendly cement alternative. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org FEATURING DRY BAG PRESSING 814.371.3015 www.gasbarre.com 17 ceramics in the environment Greener de-icers and smarter snowplows could equal less bucks for state budgets Although roadway salt shortages have resulted in 10%–30% price increases for the commodity this winter, the cost of not using road salt is even higher, according to the Salt Institute. Following a one-day snowstorm, state economies can experience up to $700 million in losses from impassable roads. To combat the cost of road salt—as well as its impact on the environment—one Washington State University researcher is busy cooking up greener ice-melting materials that use fewer chemicals. Xianming Shi’s studies in “road ecology” at the university’s Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates—the nation’s only center devoted to the impacts of environmentally friendly snow and ice control on our roads, wildlife, and streams—have shown that combatting winter requires a great deal of “highly technical” science. His smart snowplow comes with sensors that enable plows to use less salt. “Ordinary snowplows have at least one sensor to measure pavement temperature,” Shi says in a WSU release. “Smart snowplows not only read temperature but also residual salt from previous applications, the presence of ice, and the amount of friction on the road. All of these readings help operators apply less salt. In the past, it was all done visually. By the time you can see salt on the road, it’s way too much and is going into the vegetation and groundwater.” In addition, his Maintenance Decision Support System, open-source software funded by the Federal Highway Administration, provides insight about road and weather conditions, salt supplies, and suggested application rates. Shi also is at work improving beet and tomato juice de-icers, which are less corrosive but not as effective as their chemical counterparts, and on a de-icerresistant concrete made with nanometer- and micrometer-sized particles that, according to the release, “doesn’t break down as quickly in the presence of salt and chemicals, thereby extending the life of roads and sidewalks.” Both have the potential to further assist government in making winter roadways safer and greener. “To their credit, state and county agencies are doing a very difficult balancing act,” says Shi. “They have to look at safety first and sustainability second. On top of that, they have budget constraints. So I think research is crucial to help them out.” n Credit: Jillian C. York; Flickr CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Floating project uses recycled concrete and 3-D printing for sustainable housing State budgets could benefit from smarter snowplows that require less salt use. 18 Sweden already is known as one of the most eco-friendly countries in the world, and its eco-conscious inhabitants continue to stay ahead of the curve. An experimental studio of Swiss architectural firm Belatchew Arkitekter, called Belatchew Labs, has unveiled a new project that envisions floating housing complexes that are sustainable, save land, and provide living space to young adults. Called SwimCity, the project proposes to use recycled concrete to reduce the often-heavy carbon footprint of construction. Combined with 3-D printed techniques to fashion the structures, SwimCity is not just sustainable, but cost effective and efficient to build, too. SwimCity proposes building with recycled concrete crushed into 40% coarse and 25% fine aggregates, combined with 10% recycled cement—from fly ash, dross, and microsilica—and 15% water. The recycled concrete would be www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Credit: Belatchew Arkitekter An aerial view of the SwimCity project—a floating housing development that incorporates recycled concrete and 3-D printing for sustainable construction and living. 3-D-printed into the desired structures to maintain the project’s efficiency and sustainability. Because the housing would float on water, those structures’ possibilities are almost endless. The press release depicts simple hillside-encased structures floating on the water in snowflake-arranged designs, but those are just one possible configuration. “The technological development in 3-D-printed concrete has come very far. With SwimCity we show how the new technology makes it possible for us to create unique buildings which today’s prefab industry is not capable of,” Rahel Belatchew Lerdell, CEO and founder of Belatchew Arkitekter, says in a SwimCity press release. In addition to sustainable materials and building techniques, the project’s aqueous location also is a nod to its eco-consciousness. “Besides that water is an unused building ground, it is also a potential energy source that can be used for energy in various ways, such as wave power and water–water heat pumps,” according to the release. Energy systems based on buoys connected to linear generators are estimated to be able to deliver 24 TW∙h each year from the Baltic Sea’s waves, according to Belatchew. n ! W E N Alumina ♦ Fused Quartz ♦ Zirconia ♦ Sapphire Crucibles ♦ Furnace Tubes ♦ Thermocouple Insulators Rods ♦ Plates & Disks ♦ Quartz Cuvettes Alumina & Sapphire Sample Pans for Thermal Analysis Custom Components ADVAlue TeChnology 3470 S. Dodge Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85713 Tel: 520-514-1100 ♦ Fax: 520-747-4024 sales@advaluetech.com ♦ www.advaluetech.com 24-hour Shipment of Many In-stock Standard Sizes Custom Fabrication for Special Requests American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 19 research briefs Ancient concrete structures, such as the Pantheon and Coliseum in Rome, stand strong and tall despite a couple thousand years of wear. Moreover, Roman concrete’s strength and durability is much more environmentally friendly than the ubiquitous Portland cement used today. Portland cement production requires heating a limestone–clay mixture to 1,450°C, which releases a lot of carbon in the process—enough to account for 7% of global carbon emissions. Roman construction instead used large chunks of rock (45%–55% by volume) bound together by a mortar composed of 85% by volume volcanic ash mixed with water and lime, a formulation that requires much lower production temperatures and, thus, lower carbon emissions. A previous study led by University of California, Berkeley, volcanologist and scientist Marie Jackson already found that Roman concrete’s binder contains aluminum and has less silicon in comparison with the calcium, silicate, and hydrate mixtures of modern concrete binders. That aluminum content, in the form of aluminum tobermorite, a rare hydrothermal mineral, bestowed the old concrete with higher stiffness, the researchers thought. A new study led by Jackson confirms that unique aluminum-containing crystals that form in Roman concrete are behind the material’s robust strength and durability. The results, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, are particularly interesting to efforts to make modern concrete more durable and more sustainable. “If we can find ways to incorporate a substantial volumetric component of volcanic rock in the production of specialty concretes, we could greatly reduce the carbon emissions associated with their production and also improve their durability and mechanical resistance 20 Credit: Roy Kaltschmidt; Berkeley Lab Unique crystals prevent crack propagation, make ancient Roman concrete strong Ancient Roman concrete consists of coarse chunks of volcanic tuff and brick bound together by a volcanic ash-lime mortar that resists microcracking, a key to its longevity and endurance. over time,” Jackson says in a Lawrence Berkeley National Lab press release. To get a better look into concrete’s structure, the team examined its mortar using synchrotron X-rays. The scientists used Berkeley Lab’s synchrotron, the Advanced Light Source, beamline 12.3.2 to X-ray 0.3-mm-thick slices of Roman mortar. “We obtained X-ray diffractograms for many different points within a given cementitious microstructure,” Jackson says in the release. “This enabled us to detect changes in mineral assemblages that gave precise indications of chemical processes active over very small areas.” The team put together analyses of a reproduction and an actual sample of the ancient concrete, in an effort to understand what was happening within the concrete. “Through observing the mineralogical changes that took place in the curing of the mortar over a period of 180 days and comparing the results to 1,900-year-old samples of the original, the team discovered that a crystalline binding hydrate prevents microcracks from propa- gating,” according to the release. During curing, Roman concrete’s calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate binder got stronger and tougher thanks to the growth of platy strätlingite crystals in between the volcanic material and the mortar. “The mortar resists microcracking through in-situ crystallization of platy strätlingite, a durable calcium aluminosilicate mineral that reinforces interfacial zones and the cementitious matrix,” Jackson says in the release. “The dense intergrowths of the platy crystals obstruct crack propagation and preserve cohesion at the micron scale, which in turn enables the concrete to maintain its chemical resilience and structural integrity in a seismically active environment at the millennial scale.” These same structures are not present in Portland cement, which instead has high porosity at those interfaces that allows cracks to form and propagate. The paper is “Mechanical resilience and cementitious processes in Imperial Roman architectural mortar” (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1417456111). n www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Using additive manufacturing—a.k.a. 3-D printing—researchers at Princeton University printed LED lights directly into a hard contact lens to show that active electronics of varied materials can be printed into complex shapes. Although the contact lens may look real, the engineers created the device solely as a proof of principle. “This shows that we can use 3-D printing to create complex electronics, including semiconductors,” says Michael McAlpine, mechanical and aerospace engineering professor and senior author of the new research, in a Princeton press release about the work. “We were able to 3-D print an entire device, in this case an LED.” The researchers used additive manufacturing to print cube-shaped LEDs into a hard plastic contact lens, using quantum dots as the “ink.” The device incorporated five materials: “(1) emissive semiconducting inorganic nanoparticles, (2) an elastomeric Princeton University professor Michael McAlpine holds a contact lens 3-D matrix, (3) organic polymers as charge transport layprinted with LED lights. ers, (4) solid and liquid metal leads, and (5) a UVadhesive transparent substrate layer,” according to the paper’s abstract, published in Nano Letters. Part of the novelty is that the team printed complex elecStarbar and Moly-D elements tronics from diverse materials, which can be a challenge are made in the U.S.A. because of varying properties of each material. with a focus on providing “The materials were often mechanically, chemically, or thermally incompatible—for example, using heat to shape one the highest quality heating elements material could inadvertently destroy another material in close and service to the global market. proximity,” states the press release. “The team had to find ways to handle these incompatibilities and also had to develop new methods to print electronics, rather than use the techniques commonly used in the electronics industry.” According to Yong Lin Kong, lead author and mechanical and aerospace engineering graduate student, “For example, it is not trivial to pattern a thin and uniform coating of nanoparticles and polymers without the involvement of conventional microfabrication techniques, yet the thickness and uniformity of the printed films are two of the critical parameters that determine the performance and yield of the printed active device.” The scientists do not envision 3-D-printed electronics taking the place of conventional manufacturing techniques—which primarily use lithography, a technique that is fast, efficient, and reliable. However, 3-D printing could be used in the future to create I2R -- 50 years of service and reliability complex and customized electronics for particular applications, I Squared R Element Co., Inc. such as custom-fitted medical devices. Akron, NY Phone: (716)542-5511 “Trying to print a cellphone is probably not the way to go,” Fax: (716)542-2100 McAlpine says in the release. “It is customization that gives the power to 3-D printing.” Email: sales@isquaredrelement.com The paper is “3-D printed quantum dot light-emitting www.isquaredrelement.com diodes” (DOI: 10.1021/nl5033292). n American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org Credit: Frank Wojciechowski; Princeton 3-D printing active electronics for eyes that emit LED light beams 21 research briefs A recent discovery in Israel shows that olive oil likely was a part of human diets and daily routines as early as the sixth century B.C. During the 2011–2013 dig at Ein Zippori in northern Israel, a team from the Israel Antiquities Authority unearthed ancient clay pots that contained residue of equally ancient—some 8,000 years ancient—olive oil. Their findings, published in the Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, support earlier research into the domestication of the olive tree, and researchers believe that olive oil was an important part of diet and possibly was used in primitive lighting. According to Ianir Milevski and Nimrod Getzov, who oversaw the excavation team, “This is the earliest evidence of the use of olive oil in the country and perhaps the entire Mediterranean basin.” Credit: Israel Antiquities Authority Ancient Israeli pottery contains 8,000-year-old olive oil residue Samples from ancient pottery uncovered in Galilee contain traces of the world’s oldest olive oil. ceramics.org/clay2015 2015 STRUCTURAL CLAY PRODUCTS DIVISION MEETING in conjunction with NBRC Meeting May 4 – 6 | Denver West Marriott | Colorado, USA Learn from plant tours and invited speaker presentations, and network with suppliers at the mixer. Register by April 3 to save on this industry event. sign up now! 22 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 With the assistance of Dvory Namdar from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, they tested the organic remains contained in about two dozen of the early Chalcolithic-era pottery. Samples revealed the remains to be olive oil that had resided in the ancient vessels, two of which date back to 5800 B.C. Further, in comparing the oil to “modern” year-old oil, they found a “strong resemblance … indicating a particularly high level of preservation of the ancient material, which had survived close to its original composition for almost 8,000 years.” The paper is “Olive oil storage during the fifth and sixth millennia B.C. at Ein Zippori, Northern Israel” (DOI:10.1080 /07929978.2014.960733). n New research published in Science shows how a couple of University of California, Los Angeles researchers have devised a patterned surface that resembles a bed of nails and is superrepellent against all liquid assaults—a true superomniphobic surface. “There are numerous superhydrophobic surfaces. Recently some groups reported superoleophobic surfaces that can superrepel oils and many solvents, but fluorinated solvents, like 3M FC-72, have been out of reach,” says coauthor C.J. Kim in an email. “We broke this final barrier, so our surface superrepels ‘all’ available liquids at standard conditions—thus superomniphobic.” Most superhydrophobic and superoleophobic surfaces are created by patterning surfaces with microstructures or by applying a polymer coating. Kim adds, “All existing superrepellent surfaces were based on maximizing the liquid repellent property of a hydrophobic material by microstructuring its surface. This approach worked down to superoleophobic surfaces. However, extreme liquids like FC-72 perfectly wet the most hydrophobic material, so we concluded the existing approach wouldn’t work.” “We set out to create surface microstructures that would superrepel FC-72 purely by their geometric effect—regardless of the chemical property of the material. First, we analyzed to quantitatively predict what kind of microstructures would successfully superrepel FC-72. Second, we developed fabrication to obtain such microstructures.” Kim and colleague Leo Liu etched patterns of nails onto the surface of silica, a “completely wettable material,” using photolithography and reactive-ion etching. The duo found that the trick was not to fabricate simple structures that resemble nails or nailheads, but to add an overhanging lip to the edge of the nailheads. The lip prevents liquid from seeping into the space below the nailheads, keeping the material’s surface from getting wet. The team showed that its novel structures worked brilliantly to keep 14 liquids at bay on silica’s surface. They also American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org Credit: T. Liu, C.-J. Kim; UCLA Nano-nails give surfaces superrepellent superpowers against all liquids Micrograph of the nailhead-patterned surface shows high uniformity for repelling liquids. 23 research briefs showed that the pattern worked for metals and polymers, too. Because the supersurface requires no coatings or layers on top of the material, it is also stable against temperatures, weather, and time periods—the sur- face is limited only by the material of which it is composed. According to the paper’s abstract, the superomniphobic silica surface is stable at temperatures above 1,000°C. “Without the need to apply a abstracts due March 31 6 hydrophobic material coating, which is almost always a polymer, now one can make extremely repellent surfaces using the most durable materials,” Kim says. “Also, since the change of material surface properties does not affect this ‘mechanical’ surface, there is a good possibility one can develop surfaces that overcome biofouling, too.” The paper is “Turning a surface superrepellent even to completely wetting liquids” (DOI: 10.1126/ science.1254787). n TH ADVANCES IN CEMENT-BASED MATERIALS July 20 – 22, 2015 Kansas State University Manhattan, Kan., USA reach your audience with ceramicSOURCE Present your work in cements chemistry, materials characterization, lifecycle modeling, smart materials, rheology, and more at Cements 2015. update your listing ceramicsource.org ceramics.org/cements2015 24 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 GERMAN GERMAN ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SINCE SINCE 1860 1860 Refractories— Engineered, high-performance ‘silent partners’ By Eileen De Guire T hose who say the refractory industry is old are right. The oldest known furnace was built with sun-dried bricks in Yarim-Tepe, Iraq, around 6000 B.C.1 In a sense, too, the history of the ages—Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age—is a history of refractory technology. Stone Age era civilizations used kilns to fuse and anneal glass, fire brick, smelt ore, and make rudimentary cement and gypsum. Civilizations that discovered the metallurgy that gave name to the Bronze Age and Iron Age gained technological advantages over neighboring civilizations, usually through improved weaponry that allowed them to claim resources. The Industrial Revolution exploded out of advances in ironmaking technology and steam power. Larger blast furnaces operated at higher temperatures, and invention of the rolling mill expedited metal forming for making machinery for manufacturing. However, none of these metallurgical advances would be possible without prior seminal advances in furnace building and the refractories within. Refractories—the “silent partners” of manufacturing—make possible anything made of metal, glass, or ceramic. They are essential to petrochemical and chemical processing. Hidden from view, advances in refractory engineering tend to be known only to those in the field. However, every advance in refractory technology goes straight to the bottom line, especially 26 in the steel industry, which consumes 65%–75% of global refractory production (see infographic, p. 27). Steelmaking requires a wide range of refractory products, each designed for specific functions. A basic oxygen furnace (BOF), for example, is built with about 10 refractory brick types to achieve uniform wear in the furnace. Other elements of the steelmaking process, such as the tundish, ladle, and continuous caster, call for specialized refractory slide gates, purge plugs, lances, and more. Material savings translate to cost savings in manufacturing. For example, improved design and installation reduced refractory usage in steelmaking from 60 kg/ton in 1950 to 15 kg/ton in 2014—a 75% reduction in materials.2 Refractory service life affects the bottom line, too. In the decade from 1986 to 1996, LTV-Inland Steel (now defunct and absorbed into ArcelorMittal) in the United States increased BOF converter lining heats from 2,000 to more than 48,000. Baosteel in China and Tata Steel in India also increased BOF lining service lifetimes, although not as dramatically. These advances are critical because unplanned downtime in a steel plant is costly—up to $1,000 per minute.2 In the industries they enable, refractories of the future will be expected to do more than handle heat, optimize energy usage, and minimize environment impact. Controlling nanoscale features of the refractories will improve rigidity, toughness, thermal shock resistance, and corrosion resistance. And incorporating silica nanoparticles into castable refractory formulations will enhance flow, resulting in a denser refractory.3 Future refractories may be bendable and self-healing, or may work to reduce inclusions and other defects in molten metals.2 A recent report presented a refractory research roadmap with a 10-year horizon that addresses materials testing, processing, preparation, and synthesis to advance strategic goals, such as energy and resource efficiency, while balancing economic and material property requirements.4 The roadmap identified key areas for research, including alternative raw materials, refractory recycling, near-net shaping, rapid prototyping, surface engineering, bioinspired materials, and modeling and simulation studies. Advancing refractory technology will require accurate hightemperature property data and high-temperature testing instruments—always a challenge. As it has for millennia, refractories will continue to serve as “silent partners” to the metal, glass, ceramic, and chemical industries. However, the partners know that this silence is “golden” and speaks to their bottom lines in technical, environmental, safety, and economical terms. References “Technology of Monolithic Refractories, Revised,” Plibrico, Tokyo, Japan, 1999. 1 C.E. Semler, “The advancement of refractories technology never stops,” refractories WORLDFORUM, 6 [4] 27–35 (2014). 2 R. Salamão, A.D.M. Souze, L. Fernandes, and C.C. Arruda, “Advances in nanotechnology for refractories: When very small meets hot, heavy, and large,” Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 92 [7] 22–27 (2013). 3 A. Geigenmüller, H. Spindler, K. Lenk, and C.G. Aneziris, “Future research in refractories: A roadmap approach,” refractories 4 WORLDFORUM, 6 [3] 68–74 (2014).n www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 27 bulletin cover story Figure 1. Hydraulic press Alpha 1500 with 1,500-ton pressing force and filling height of 120 mm. Credit: Alpha Ceramics, Aachen S Case study— Applying lateral thinking to process development and optimization of specialty kiln furniture By Roel van Loo A German company manufactures tall, large-area saggars for a severe firing application by adapting an undersized press and pulling a vacuum. 28 ituated in the westernmost city of Germany, Alpha Ceramics GmbH in Aachen (ACA) offers a broad range of services for the ceramic industry and related sectors such as glass, refractory, concrete, powder metallurgy, and environmental technology. ACA, a subsidiary of Laeis GmbH (see sidebar), provides testing capacity for new customers as well as in-house process development and optimization. State-of-theart production scale machinery and equipment for material preparation, shaping, and thermal treatment are available on site. ACA offers its R&D and testing services to third parties, and the equipment is also available for direct toll productions. This possibility allows international customers to have newly developed products manufactured at ACA for a limited time, for example to test market acceptance or to bridge a time gap until a production plant comes online. Products that are required only in small lots and for which a separate production plant would not be economical can be supplied recurrently on call order. Emphasis of development activities at ACA focuses on applications. Through regular interaction with universities and other R&D institutions, however, new basic research developments also are integrated continuously. In addition, proprietary niche products are developed and directly marketed, especially various types of kiln furniture ranging from cordierite stacking aids to highly sophisticated mullite–corundum pusher plates for rapidfiring purposes. The following case studies show how ACA developed unique adaptations to produce specialty refractories for extreme environments. Resources—Equipment and skills ACA is equipped with superior technical equipment. The center owns an industrial spray dryer with an evaporation capacity of 180 L/h. It can spray-dry materials such as alumina, zirconia, AlTiO5, raw material for sputtering targets, and tile bodies. Crushing and grinding machines include wet ball mills, and a pearl mill. Onsite intensive mixers of various sizes (5-, 40-, and www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Capsule summary Challenge The approach Key point The available press was not suited to form A custom-built, three-step, pneumatically driven Economic production of new products with shapes with the high sides and large areas the mold allowed proper compaction of powders. unusual designs and exacting specifications customer required. Careful powder preparation combined with can be accomplished by working creatively with vacuum pressing eliminated structural defects available resources and paying attention to fun- and delamination. damental principles of ceramic manufacturing. ACA has onsite laboratory equipment for material characterization and for checking basic properties of green and fired products. Detailed investigations, such as scanning electron microscopy and X-ray analysis, are conducted with analytical equipment at the Technical University of Aachen. Installations are operated by skilled technical staff with scientific know-how, broad industrial expertise, and comprehensive knowledge based on successful developments during the past 15 years. Developments have served worldwide customers solving process- and machinery-related tasks. body, shaping under vacuum conditions, and firing at moderately high temperatures (all under appropriate quality control); and culminating with final product delivery to the customer. ACA received an inquiry to produce refractory saggars with dimensions of 425 mm 330 mm and a maximum height of 82 mm for use in a severe firing atmosphere demanding extraordinary resistance to corrosion and thermal shock. Products with a height greater than 50 mm normally must be made on press-type HPF to have enough filling height. However, press HPF 630 was occupied for other production. Also, it does not provide enough pressing force for such a large area. Therefore attention turned to whether the Alpha 1500/120 press could be used for this purpose and how to adapt the production process accordingly. This press is a modified version of an original tile press with an extended filling depth of 120 mm for producing advanced ceramics. 150-L useful volume) mix and prepare materials. As a subsidiary of Laeis, ACA has access to a range of sophisticated uniaxial hydraulic presses featuring modern control techniques and reliable hydraulic components. Three modified production Laeis presses are installed onsite, all with the ability to press under vacuum: • Alpha 800 (800-ton pressing force with filling height of 80 mm); • Alpha 1500 (1,500-ton pressing force with filling height of 120 mm) (Figure 1); and • HPF 630 (630-ton pressing force with filling height of 600 mm). A large variety of molds for those presses offer the ability to evaluate optimum pressing parameters for all types of products. A range of equipment for thermal treatment, such as drying and firing of silicate ceramic and oxide ceramic products, whether shaped during customer’s trials or customer-supplied green products includes: • Laboratory dryers and kilns; • Large-volume chamber dryer with climate control; • Chamber kilns capable of temperatures to ~1,700°C; and • Combination roller dryer/roller kiln for drying and firing products at moderately high temperatures (~1,400°C) in a relatively short time. Case study—Saggar for severe firing environment The following “design-to-production process” example shows how a customerrelated development project reaches maturity—starting with design of the shaping mold; followed by selecting a proper body formulation, preparing the Alpha Ceramics in Aachen, Germany (ACA) is a member of TEAM by Sacmi, an alliance of Sacmi (Imola, Italy) companies that supplies cutting-edge technology for advanced ceramics production. TEAM by Sacmi combines the innovative skill and technology of Sacmi, Riedhammer (Nuremberg, Germany), Sama (Weissenstadt, Germany), Laeis (Wecker, Luxembourg), and ACA. ACA was founded in 1999 and serves as the R&D and technology center for Laeis, a manufacturer of hydraulic high-performance presses. Credit: Alpha Ceramics, Aachen About Alpha Ceramics GmbH Figure 2. Mold for pressing saggars with more than 120 mm filling height in the Alpha 1500 press. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 29 Case study—Applying lateral thinking to process development and optimization of . . . ponents, eliminating heterogeneity in the spray-dried powder caused by segregation. The slurry was injected under pressure into a spray dryer at 300°C using two-fluid (pneumatic) atomization. This technique uses compressed air to assist atomization, creating many droplets that quickly achieve a spherical shape because of surface tension. The large surface area-to-volume ratio of the droplets allows rapid water evaporation. Finished spray-dried granules have excellent flow properties, which ensures uniform filling of a press mold for shaping. Various spray-drying parameters, such as water content of the slurry, viscosity, pumping pressure, as well as nozzle type and diameter, can decisively influence granule properties.3,4 Shaping Uniaxial pressing of powder, granulates, and ceramic body formulations is the most common shaping technology for many areas of the ceramic industry.5,6 To avoid texture heterogeneity or, in the worst case, delamination from entrapped air, standard pressing procedures often include several de-airing steps. Consequently, some air can leak through the edge gap between mold and die. Residual air, however, will accumulate in areas of the part that are compressed last. In the particular case of shaping a saggar, these areas are contact points (edges) between the wall and bottom surface. If compression pressure of the Credit: Alpha Ceramics, Aachen Body composition and preparation The raw material selected for refractory saggars was ACA composition Alphoxit 82 RH (see Table 1).1 The material is a mullite–corundum composite based on very pure and contamination-free raw materials. Oxides, such as K2O, Na2O, CaO, MgO, Fe2O3, and TiO2 negatively influence the refractoriness of mullite–corundum mineral mixtures.2 These oxides can affect mullite crystal structure, cause release of SiO2, and create low-melting eutectics. The material used consists of two fundamental phases: a coarse frame-building tabular alumina phase, and a fine mullite bonding matrix of sintered mullite, kaolin clay (with good conversion to mullite during sintering), and reactive alumina to adjust the Figure 3. Electrically heated top-hat kiln fires at temstoichiometric ratio between peratures up to 1,700°C. Al2O3 and free SiO2 to maximize mullite (3Al2O3∙2SiO2) content. Mold design Minimizing the coefficient of therThe maximum filling depth of the mal expansion of the bonding matrix, Alpha 1500/120 press is limited to 120 increasing three-point bend strength, mm—an important consideration for and decreasing Young's modulus of the design and construction of the press coarse building phase optimized thermal mold. A typical compaction ratio of shock resistance. Optimizing particle refractory material is approximately size distribution achieved the latter two 2:1, and one can calculate that this is properties, resulting in a higher density insufficient for a saggar with maximum material. These optimizations yielded a height of more than 80 mm. Gaining refractory material with excellent thermal the needed filling depth required invenshock resistance at service temperatures tive construction of the pressing mold up to 1,450°C and high resistance against (Figure 2). The mold frame is held in chemical, thermal, and oxidizing influencpressing position with pneumatically es, making the material especially suitable driven "claws" and an equally driven for firing electrical ceramics, corrosive mandrel, which can be moved manually powders, and structural ceramics. after pressing. Thus, shaping of saggars After optimizing formulation, the with the required dimensions became ceramic body composition must be possible in this press. prepared properly. Spray drying is used This technology also can be adapted widely to convert separate raw material and used for other saggar geometries or powders or mixtures into a free-flowing comparable products in the same way. granulate of uniform bulk density. A At present the mold is filled manually. water-based suspension was prepared of An automatic filling process, which will the above raw material formulation. ACA require a completely different approach, developed a proprietary procedure to is under investigation. avoid sedimentation of individual com30 Table 1. Datasheet for Alphoxit 82* Composition* Constituent Weight % Al2O383.1 SiO215.6 Fe2O30.2 MgO + CaO 0.1 K2O + Na2O0.6 Mechanical and thermal properties Property Value Apparent density 2,600 kg/m3 Open porosity 27 vol% Three-point bend strength (room temperature) 30 MPa Young’s modulus 16 GPa Coefficient of thermal expansion (1,400°C) 5.8 x 10–6/K *Average values only. Not for design. www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Thermal treatment Substantial internal investigations have been conducted during the past several years on rapid-firing of kiln furniture. As a result, firing cycles have been decreased substantially, resulting in reduced energy consumption. This is especially important for products with a wall thickness up to 15 mm. Figure 3 shows the electrically heated top-hat kiln used to fire mullite–corundum saggars. To optimize this firing process, ACA performed in-house differential thermal analyses. Thermographs showed several endothermic and exothermic reactions between 450°C and 1,200°C during heat-up of kaolinite. The main miner- alogical transformation—thermal decomposition of kaolinite followed by reaction with alumina to form mullite (3Al2O3∙2SiO2)—occurs during firing of saggars in an electrically heated kiln.8 Optimizing the kiln firing cycle made it possible to customize the microstructure of the bonding phase of the refractory material with regard to the special requirements for the application. Quality control Refractories, and especially kiln furniture, continuously experience Figure 4. Mullite–corundum saggar (425 x 330 mm 330 mm x 82 mm). thermal stress from heating up and seeking alternatives to available prodcooling down over a long period of ucts, with the goal of manufacturing a time. To determine thermal shock resistance (TSR)—which is the maximum toler- 100%-fused MgO setter plate or disk for sintering electronic components. When able temperature difference the component can withstand— modulus of rupture, firing electronic components, it is most important to avoid chemical interaction thermal conductivity, and bend strength between the component and supporting are measured on a specimen cut from a kiln furniture. This study resulted in a sample saggar (Figure 4). Fired density, new MgO material with suitable electriopen porosity, and water absorption are cal and refractory properties for producdetermined using Archimedes method to tion to support electronic components detect heterogeneity in the body or difduring sintering. Production trials have ferences in density between the wall and shown that these MgO setter plates and bottom of saggars. Such differences can disks perform excellently, particularly cause cracks during usage and shorten for firing electrical insulators at high saggar lifetime. temperatures (up to 1,600°C). Insulator Quality control tests showed that this quality is increased because there is no new shaping technique does not harm diffusion into the setter plates and vice the mechanical and thermal properties. versa. Another advantage of MgO setter In particular, density differences were plates is that the supporting kiln furnireduced to a minimum. Initial runs in ture lasts remarkably longer. the customer’s production under very severe kiln conditions look promising— Pusher plates saggar lifetime is already longer than A new kiln concept developed by those obtained from other suppliers. TEAM by Sacmi member Riedhammer Saggars also show improved resistance required a new formulation for pusher against chemical, thermal, and oxidizing plates based on a mullite–corundum influences caused by the aggressive kiln refractory material. Production of atmosphere. This last benefit is a result of 390 mm 460 mm 41 mm pusher body formulation optimization over the plates with an extremely good TSR past years. will begin in the near future for firing Specialty kiln furniture design Detailed investigations for other applications in recent years have led to other new products, many of which have been raised to industrial application. Some of these developments are described below. MgO substrates ACA started a ceramic body development study in response to customers American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org Credit: Alpha Ceramics, Aachen entrapped air exceeds the green strength of the saggar, it will burst or crack after load release. In principle, there are two approaches to avoid texture damage caused by compacted air inclusion. • Properly select an organic binder system to increase green strength of the pressed body to a sufficient level beyond compression pressure of the entrapped air; and • Decrease the internal pressure caused by entrapped air to a level below the green strength of the pressed part, simply by reducing the amount of air inside the mold. To avoid damage and lamination during production of the saggars described above, ACA chose the second option. This was realized with so-called vacuum pressing technology, where the mold is sealed and evacuated to a certain level (typically less than 100 mbar) before compacting the powder. ACA already optimized this technology in cooperation with Laeis for a variety of applications.7 The mold cavity was evacuated within seconds to a residual air pressure less than 20 mbar. Doing so required minimizing the volume to be evacuated, which was achieved with a custom sealing technique. Cutting out de-airing strokes keeps cycle times constant or shortens them compared to conventional shaping technology. This new vacuum device thus enhanced product quality while maintaining output performance at a comparable level. advanced ceramic filter elements for the automotive industry. The firing regime calls for high loading density and exact temperature and atmosphere control in strict compliance with process requirements. The thermal processing plant for this application is extremely complex, requiring sophisticated components and solutions that extend to the kiln furniture used. 31 Figure 5. Vacuum pressing eliminates structural defects in cordierite stacking aids with large height variations. Cordierite stacking aids A special application required complex-shaped stacking aids (Figure 5) with extreme height variations within a single piece. Normally this type of product is slip-cast to avoid density differences within the product. Shaping by hydraulic pressing was not an option because dry pressing does not allow such differences in thickness, and pressing of semiwet plasticized refractory mixtures often results in macroscopic structural defects or layer formation caused by entrapped air (or both). Such structural defects can be eliminated completely with vacuum pressing. The combination of preparation of bodies with exactly defined plasticity and pressing under vacuum conditions allows homogeneous compaction and shaping of complex products with extreme dimensional differences in pressing direction. Additionally, failures, such as cracks and out-of-specification dimensions, which can be caused by relatively high shrinkage in the slip-casting process, are reduced to a minimum when using this semi-wet pressing technology. Transparent spinel ceramics One established process route for producing polycrystalline transparent spinel plates includes material preparation, uniaxial prepressing, cold isostatic pressing (CIP), binder removal, and hot isostatic pressing (HIP). When larger sizes are required, CIP can bottleneck the process chain. ACA and Laeis worked with the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (Dresden, Germany) to optimize the uniaxial hydraulic pressing step and to avoid CIP completely. Optimization of the pressing regime in combination with vacuum pressing technology allowed pro32 duction of spinel plates with green densities close to those obtained by CIP. Large plates with dimensions of 300 mm 400 mm and thickness of 12–15 mm were pressed, even though pressing force was limited to 120 MPa because of the size of the available press. After standard thermal treatment (including HIP), the plates were transparent (Figure 6). Transmittance values Figure 6. Transparent spinel plate (220 x 300 mm x were practically the same as 4 mm). samples that were subjected ket to produce such refractory saggars to additional CIP for comparison. This with a relatively inexpensive hydraulic feasibility study proved the possibility press, compared with alternative refracof producing large, crack-free, transpartory press types. Investment costs hereby ent spinel plates without expensive and are remarkably reduced without any time-consuming redensification by CIP. particular concessions regarding perforFurther optimization work is necessary, mance and product quality. however, and ACA currently is seeking partners to produce large-sized transparAbout the author ent spinel plates. Roel van Loo is production manager Summary and outlook at Alpha Ceramics GmbH, Aachen, Economic and ecological requireGermany. Contact van Loo at vanLoo@ ments often trigger a reconsideration alpha-ceramics.de. of established process chains for the ceramic industry. At the same time, References 1 development of new products, especially Alpha Ceramics Aachen: Material Data Sheet advanced ceramics, needs feasible new Alphoxit RH (www.alpha-ceramics.de). 2 process technologies. ACA’s case studC.Y. Chen, G.S. Lan, and W.H. Tuan, ies show that creative and innovative “Preparation of mullite by the reaction sintering of kaolinite and alumina,” J. Eur. Ceram. approaches to adapting equipment, combined with proper body formulation Soc., 20, 2519–25 (2000). and powder preparation, can lead to suc- 3S.L. Lukasiewicz, “Spray-drying ceramic powders,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 72 [4] 617-24 (1989). cessful establishment of new products 4 in production scale. Typically, projects F.V. Shaw, “Spray drying: A traditional process for advanced applications,” Am. Ceram. resulted in less costly production techSoc. Bull., 69 [9] 1484–88 (1990). niques or better quality products. The 5 saggar case study in particular proves A. Kaiser and R. Lutz, “Uniaxial hydraulic that lateral thinking can spark new ideas pressing as shaping technology for advanced ceramic products of larger size,” Interceram, 60 and broaden horizons, thus overcoming [3] 230-34 (2011). alleged restrictions or even “impossibili6 A. Kaiser, “Hydraulic pressing of advanced ties” in certain manufacturing technoloceramics,” cfi/Ber. DKG, 84 [6] E27–E32 gies. For example, by adapting a mold rig (2007). and using vacuum pressing, saggars with 7 R. Kremer and A. Kaiser, “Fast-acting vacuum a height of up to 80 mm and a densificadevice—Guaranteed quality for pressed refraction factor of two were shaped using a tories,” Interceram, Refractories Manual, 28–33 press that originally had only 120 mm (2003). filling depth, which would not be possi8 S.M. Johnson, “Mullitization of kaolinite and ble in the conventional way. This opens Al2O3–SiO2 mixtures”; M.S. thesis prepared the opportunity for new manufacturers for the U.S. Department of Energy under and those already established in the mar- Contract No. W-7405-ENG-48 (1979). n www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Credit: Alpha Ceramics, Aachen Credit: Alpha Ceramics, Aachen Case study—Applying lateral thinking to process development and optimization of . . . Picture credits: © WienTourismus – Claudio Alessandri (1)/Peter Rigaud (2)/Lois Lammerhuber (3)/Claudio Alessandri (4) PARTNERSHIP IN MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY 14th Biennial Worldwide Congress UNITECR UNIT 2015 Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories REGISTRATION NOW OPEN VIENNA · AUSTRIA SEPTEMBER 15–18 www.unitecr2015.org Topics Industrial Refractory Applications Raw Materials and Recycling Advances in Manufacturing, Control and Installation Tests, Testing Equipment and Standardization Innovation in Materials and Technology Basic Science in Refractories Refractory Engineering – Design, Modeling and Simulation Environment and Sustainability Education Economic and Political Challenges – in conjunction with the 58th International Colloquium on Refractories – Contact: unitecr@ecref.eu American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 33 By Steve Freiman and Lynnette D. Madsen Current state and future opportunities for ceramic education in the United States Orton Hall on Ohio State University’s campus in Columbus, Ohio. The historic building was named after Edward Orton Sr., geologist and father of Edward Orton Jr., one of ACerS' original founders. Credit: Zagrev; Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0 S everal challenges—as well as opportunities—face ceramic engineering education today. Although concerns regarding the state of undergraduate ceramic education in the United States are not new,1–3 the 2014 meeting of the Interagency Coordinating Committee on Ceramic Research and Development (ICCCRD) recently reviewed the status and future of ceramic engineering education. This committee, which has existed for approximately 40 years, consists of representatives from government agencies that have ceramics programs.4 At its 2014 meeting, in addition to government agency representatives, ICCCRD invited speakers from Alfred University, Pennsylvania State University, The American Ceramic Society, American Society for Engineering Education, United States Advanced Ceramics Association, and National Science Foundation to provide their unique perspectives on the state of ceramic education in the U.S. History of ceramic science and engineering programs In 1982, the ceramic honorary society Keramos published a book by William Kriegel,1 a portion 34 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Capsule summary of which he devotes to the history of ceramic education. Ceramic engineering as a formal discipline began in 1894 with the creation of the Ceramic Engineering Department at The Ohio State University by Edward Orton Jr. Four years later, Orton led the founding of The American Ceramic Society. Many other universities followed Ohio State’s lead and created ceramic engineering departments: Alfred University (1900), Rutgers University (1902), University of Illinois (1905), Iowa State University (1906), and University of Washington (1918). The 1920s saw significant expansion in the number of departments: University of Saskatchewan (1921); Georgia Institute of Technology (1923); West Virginia University, North Carolina State University, and Pennsylvania State University (1924); University of Toronto (1925); Louisiana State University, Missouri School of Mines, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (graduate students only) (1926); and University of Alabama and Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1928). Kriegel also traces changes in the number of ceramic engineering programs. Beginning in the mid to late 1960s, many ceramics departments began to merge with other departments (e.g., metallurgy) to become materials science and engineering departments.3 Subsequent curriculum additions reflected the growing technological importance of semiconductors, polymers, and, much later, biomaterials. Today, only two universities—Alfred and Missouri University of Science and Technology—continue to offer ceramic engineering degrees.5 Kriegel suggests that the lack of an adequate definition of ceramics contributed to the decrease in ceramic programs, because it failed to make the field distinctive from other disciplines. He noted that, in the 1940s, federal agencies avoided use of the term ceramics, because it was not well understood by nonexperts. Others—including ceramists—have made similar observations.2 accepted concept of ceramics? •Are we educating students using the best curricula and pedagogical methods? •Are we attracting a diverse set of students to the field? •Are the number of graduates in balance with available jobs? background Definition and image of ceramics To the general public, ceramics represent objects of art or utility made from clay, such as tableware. Similarly, glasses refer to eyewear, windows, bottles, or stemware. Often, even individuals familiar with technology do not recognize the numerous applications for ceramics—as primary constituents of vital components in multilayer capacitors, microwave components, highpurity silica fibers, engine components, artificial hips, and many other applications. ICCCRD meeting attendees made and reiterated the point that because of their many unique optical, thermal, and electronic properties, ceramics are often a hidden but crucial material. An attempt was made at the first International Congress on Ceramics in Toronto, Canada, in 2006, to broaden the definition of ceramics by using the phrase “any inorganic nonmetal.”6 This definition goes a long way toward including materials beyond oxides, nitrides, carbides, and borides—which are well accepted as ceramics—to embrace also chalcogenides (such as sulfides, selenides, and tellurides), optical materials at all wavelengths (such as ZnS and ZnSe), and forms of carbon (such as graphite, diamond, and carbon nanotubes). By this definition, many materials that are Major point The Interagency Coordinating Committee on Ceramic Research and Development reviewed the status and future of ceramic education at its spring 2014 meeting. For the most part, ceramic-specific education programs have been integrated into materials science and engineering departments. FUTURE CHALLENGES •Arrive at a workable definition of ceramics that encompasses new materials. •Disseminate effective new teaching practices and continue to evolve curricula. •Attract and retain talent by engaging underrepresented groups. •Ensure that empolyment pathways are fully explored. attributed to nanotechnology, optical materials or photonics, and electronics are indeed ceramics. Pedagogy and curricula During the ICCCRD meeting, Linda Jones, then vice president and head of Alfred University’s ceramics program, discussed the distinction between ceramic science and ceramic engineering. Jones argued that ceramic engineering involves the design of a material or a process, while ceramic science encom- The ICCCRD discussion focused on the status of ceramic education and the following questions: •Can we define and expand the Credit: ACerS Issues in ceramic education today Material Advantage undergraduate student speakers at MS&T14 in Pittsburgh, Pa. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 35 Current state and future opportunities for ceramic education in the United States students’ education.7 Computational science and engineering remains a growing part of the materials world. For example, the computation-driven Materials Genome Initiative has potential to greatly expand research into the rapid development of new materials. Faber also noted that the National Academy of Engineering suggested that, by 2020, “the B.S. degree will effectively become the engineer-in-training degree and the M.S. degree the professional degree.”8,9 the access and advancement of women. Neither our academic institutions nor our nation can afford such underuse of precious human capital in science and engineering.”13 Table 1. Gender bias in materials engineering Materials engineering degrees granted, 2011 Women Engagement and diversity White and Asian men have historically dominated the field of ceramics (materials science and engineering and related areas in physics and chemistry). For example, The American Ceramic Society elected only one female president during its first 100 years (1899–1999).10 However, during the past 16 years, the Society has elected four additional women as presidents. Overall, the trend of engaging more women in the science and engineering side of ceramics is slowly changing. But a deficit of all underrepresented groups, including minorities and people with disabilities, still persists in ceramics as well as in most science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.11 To excel, these fields must attract top talent regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, etc. Women remain underrepresented in materials engineering programs at all levels and in professorial positions (Table 1).12 According to the National Academies “Beyond Bias and Barriers Report,” “it is not lack of talent, but unintentional biases and outmoded institutional structures that are hindering Credit: Texas A&M (NSF Award No. 0846504) passes fundamental material physics and chemistry. Jones commented on the decline of courses in many specialties within the ceramics field, such as fractography and glass science. In part, this reduction reflects retirement of professors in these fields, with little attempt made to replace their expertise. When an individual with a particular specialization retires, the institution must decide whether to replace her or his expertise. With the growth of new topics, such as energy materials and nanotechnology, it is not surprising that some traditional areas of ceramic research are no longer a primary focus. Gary Messing, head of the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Pennsylvania State University, touched on this topic in his presentation. He presented examples of materials science and engineering options that include ceramics and electronic or photonic materials—many of which are ceramics as well. Messing also noted that a graduate program’s rank is based on the quality and extent of its research rather than on undergraduate teaching, leading to an emphasis on cutting-edge topics. Some fields that seem more relevant today simply have caught the attention of media, giving the appearance of more promise for careers (e.g., computer science and nanotechnology). In addition, degrees now require fewer course hours, leading to a reduction either in number of courses taught or time spent on each topic. Several years ago, Katharine Faber, materials science professor at California Institute of Technology, pointed out that modern teaching techniques, such as “Materials by Design,” could also enhance Texas A&M materials science and engineering professor Haiyan Wang supervises graduate student Joon Hwan Lee. 36 Bachelor 28% Master's 27% Ph.D. 24% Engineering employment in academia, 2010 Women Assistant professor 32% Associate and full professor 10% Although women tend to be touted as masters of teamwork, the generality is infrequently connected to engineering careers. There also seems to be a lack of appreciation for engineering’s contributions to society. For example, some view healthcare as a more “giving” or altruistic field. Additionally, the lack of widespread understanding of what ceramics are and how they contribute to engineering solutions to society’s grand challenges naturally begets a failure to appreciate careers in ceramic science and engineering. Exciting careers with above-average U.S. salaries are available to ceramic scientists and engineers, but young people embarking in higher education seem not to have discovered the profession's opportunities. Concurrently, the cost of education continues to increase, and debts incurred by some bachelor degree graduates can seem daunting.14 ACerS executive director Charlie Spahr reported that the Society recently formed the Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation, one aim of which will be to support scholarships and internships in ceramic and glass science and engineering. The CGIF mission is to ensure that industry is able to attract and train the highestquality talent possible by increasing awareness of the field and facilitating the choice with experiences such as internships. Employment The presence of lucrative employment opportunities is a primary driving force for enrollment in any university discipline. The ceramics community continues to debate the need for additional ceramic engineers in the workforce. Lynnette Madsen, program director of Ceramics www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 One million more STEM professionals needed by 2022 *Excerpt from 2012 President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) "Report on Education"17 at the National Science Foundation, raised the issue of whether the number of new ceramic science and engineering graduates is sufficient to meet workforce needs.15 However, when discussing job shortages, one must ask whether salary structures reflect the need for a particular expertise. In this respect, there is insufficient data to suggest that the need for ceramic engineers is great enough for salary structure to differ significantly from that of other engineers. Is there a shortage of ceramic engineers and glass scientists in terms of the needs within U.S. companies? A recent article published by Corning Incorporated claims that “students with expertise in glass families that are industrially relevant (particularly silicate glasses and glass-ceramics) are more likely to be hired into a position in industry and also require less on the job technical training after being hired.”16 Government reports project a shortfall of STEM professionals (see sidebar above),17 but other reports suggest that there is no shortage of scientists and engineers in the U.S. workforce.18 Douglas Freitag, technical director of the U.S. Advanced Ceramic Association, said that its member companies have difficulty finding job candidates with the requisite expertise to apply to polymerand ceramic-matrix composites. According to Freitag, there is no known ceramic composite training programs. Also, export control issues restrict hiring to U.S. citizens, further limiting the job pool. Norman Fortenberry, executive director of the American Society of Engineering Education, also stressed this point. Credit: Steve Jacobs; Union College (NSF Award No. 1206631) “Economic projections point to a need for approximately 1 million more STEM professionals than the U.S. will produce at the current rate over the next decade if the country is to retain its historical preeminence in science and technology. To meet this goal, the U.S. will need to increase the number of students who receive undergraduate STEM degrees by about 34% annually over current rates.” Mechanical engineering student Lauren Brown presents aerogel research at the Union College Charles P. Steinmetz Symposium. Future opportunities Although this section moves beyond the discussion at the ICCCRD meeting and suggests avenues to consider, it addresses primarily the issues raised already. The following is not comprehensive in its treatment of education as a whole, because other sources exist for those purposes. For example, recent National Academy reports provide many excellent insights into improving engineering education at the undergraduate level.19,20 Image of ceramics One of the primary recommendations for growth of ceramic science and engineering is to better define and accept what is ceramic. As mentioned previously, a possible definition that encompasses most of the materials of interest is “any inorganic nonmetal.” Students and the public need to be better informed about the significance of ceramic materials and their importance in technology, perhaps through press releases, books, videos, and even museums. Pedagogy and curricula To provide the best possible education to ceramic science and engineering undergraduates, educators should fully explore and adopt state-of-the-art teaching methods. Educators should also focus on a broad spectrum of ceramic technologies and properties—nanotechnology, glass and optics, and electronic materials as well as the fundamental aspects of the materials, such as phase equilibria and mechanical properties. A recent education report to U.S. President Barack Obama (see sidebar below)17 ties together issues of diversity and teaching, and the report also endorses using evidence-based teaching methodologies to effectively reach more students.20 At present, the field of ceramics may suffer from too few faculty members at any given institution and, consequently, few students being taught or trained in the field. Courses team-taught by several experts in a particular aspect of ceramic science, regardless of location, are one way to make use of the best expertise available. Naturally, increased funding of ceramic material research would increase the number of graduate students in this area. Individuals entering graduate programs frequently make decisions on specialties based Evidence-based teaching reaches students “Better teaching methods are needed by university faculty to make courses more inspiring, provide more help to students facing mathematical challenges, and to create an atmosphere of a community of STEM learners. Traditional teaching methods have trained many STEM professionals, including most of the current STEM workforce. But a large and growing body of research indicates that STEM education can be substantially improved through a diversification of teaching methods. These data show that evidence-based teaching methods are more effective in reaching all students especially the ‘underrepresented majority’—the women and members of minority groups who now constitute approximately 70% of college students while being underrepresented among students who receive undergraduate STEM degrees (approximately 45%). This underrepresented majority is a large potential source of STEM professionals.” *Excerpt from 2012 President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) "Report on Education"17 American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 37 Current state and future opportunities for ceramic education in the United States on the availability of resources for tuition and research. NSF has a supplemental program to encourage minority graduate students, but it is undersubscribed. gration rules or limits access to some technical fields. Diversity, accessibility, and attraction Programs to attract and retain more women, minorities, and other underrepresented groups into material science, and ceramics in particular, should be expanded. On the professional level, for example, companies and academic institutions may need to find creative solutions for accommodating young couples seeking paired positions. Already, some funding agencies, such as NSF, have established mechanisms for “stopping the clock” for a year to care for a newborn. Universities, funding agencies, and companies may find policies that meaningfully address work–life balance will help them recruit the best talent possible. In addition, underrepresented groups need opportunities to assume leadership roles and be recognized for their successes. Undergraduate scholarships can help guide a student’s decision of a college major. Ceramic science and engineering would benefit from increased funding for this purpose. Industries interested in hiring individuals with a background in ceramics and glass could help sponsor as well as provide financial support to students in ceramic science and engineering. Evolving ceramic science and engineering education continues to be highly relevant to the innovation of new materials. Many universities have incorporated required courses on mathematics, engineering, chemistry, and physics of these materials into materials science and engineering (or related areas) curricula. Consequently, there are fewer courses in clay technology, ceramic and glass processing, and glass technology. Building a vibrant ceramic engineering profession depends on attracting the best talent possible and instilling in them a passion for this class of materials. Underrepresented groups have a key role in strengthening the ceramic community and contributing to its vitality and growth. Economic factors, such as cost of education, availability of research funds, and job opportunities, play a major role in the health of this community across the entire education spectrum—from when a student selects a major to when a new professor begins a career. Employment Employment opportunities and research funding are major factors in a student’s selection of an undergraduate major or a graduate degree. If companies are experiencing a shortage of qualified candidates for ceramic jobs, offering cooperative education programs and internships would help more students discover and enter this field. Increased availability of research funding, either through industry or government, would increase graduate student numbers. Developing a better path forward for international students who come to the U.S. for their education also is a priority so that these highly skilled workers can use their expertise in the U.S. workforce. Ultimately, the fate of career opportunities for noncitizen students lies in the political realm, which determines immi38 Final thoughts About the authors Steve Freiman is president at Freiman Consulting. Lynnette D. Madsen is program director, Ceramics, at the National Science Foundation. Contact Lynnette Madsen at lmadsen@nsf.gov. Acknowledgments Steve Freiman would like to thank Lewis Sloter and OASD (R&E) for ICCCRD support. Disclaimer Any opinion, finding, recommendation, or conclusion expressed in this material are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF, the Department of Defense, or other agencies of the federal government. References W.W. Kriegel, Keramos, a biographical history. Keramos, American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio, 1982. 1 D.W. Readey, Ceramic engineering education. MRS Proceedings, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1985. 2 3 D.W. Readey, “The response of ceramic engineering education to the changing role of ceramics in industry and society”; pp. 343–78 in Ceramics and Civilization, Vol. V. The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio, 1990. S. Freiman, L.D. Madsen, and J.W. McCauley, “Advances in ceramics through governmentsupported research,” Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 88 [1] 27–31 (2009). 4 C. Semler, “Refractories—The world’s most important but least known products.” Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., 93 [2] 38 (2014). 5 S.W. Freiman, Global Roadmap for Ceramic and Glass Technology, Ch. 1-11; pp. 1–18. Wiley New York, 2007. 6 7 K.T. Faber; pp. 117–26 in Global Roadmap for Ceramic and Glass Technology. Wiley, New York, 2007. 8 National Research Council, “Promising practices in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education,” Washington, D.C., 2011. National Research Council, “Educating engineers: Preparing 21st century leaders in the context of new modes of learning: Summary of a forum,” Washington, D.C., 2013. 9 The American Ceramic Society: 100 years. The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, Ohio, 1998. 10 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, “Education indicators in focus,” 2012. http://www.oecd.org/education/skillsbeyond-school/49986459.pdf 11 National Science Board, “Science and engineering indicators 2014.” http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/seind14/ accessed January 20, 2015. 12 13 Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, and National Academy of Engineering, Beyond bias and barriers: Fulfilling the potential of women in academic science and engineering. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2007. http://projectonstudentdebt.org/state_by_statedata.php 14 L.D. Madsen, “Workforce development: Challenges and opportunities for ceramic science and engineering.” Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., 10 [3] 379–83 (2013). 15 16 J.C. Mauro, C.S. Philip, D.J. Vaughn, and M.S. Pambianchi, “Glass science in the United States: Current status and future directions.” Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci., 5 [1] 2–15 (2014). “Engage to excel: Producing one million additional college graduates with degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.” PCAST (President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology), Washington, D.C., February 2012. 17 M.S. Teitelbaum, “The myth of the science and engineering shortage.” The Atlantic, March 19, 2014. (www.theatlantic.com) 18 19 National Research Council, “Promising practices in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education,” Washington, D.C., 2011. 20 National Research Council, “Preparing 21st century leaders in the context of new modes of learning,” Washington, D.C., 2013. n www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 More than ever, we need engineers with a knowledge of ceramics . . . Materials professionals use ceramics and glass to pioneer energy solutions, advance medicine, improve the environment, support manufacturing innovations, and make life better. While ceramic and glass technologies are growing in importance, there are significant talent and training shortfalls facing the ceramic and glass industry. The mission of the CGIF is to ensure that industry is able to attract and train the highest quality talent available to Mission work with engineered systems and products that utilize ceramic and glass materials. What will the Foundation deliver? • Global Internship Database • University – Industry Network • Student Outreach • Scholarships • Continuing Education and Training • Advocacy How can you support the Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation? Your financial support will help the CGIF to: · Create awareness of the critical work done by ceramic and glass professionals worldwide. · Attract qualified students to our field and help them thrive. · Fill the ‘talent pipeline’ industry needs. · Support continued professional development for those in the workforce. The American Ceramic Society has committed an initial $1,000,000 matching grant to the CGIF. Every dollar you donate, up to $1 million, will double in value by ACerS’ matching grant. Also, The American Ceramic Society is providing all overhead and administrative services. Every dollar of your donation—plus a dollar from the matching grant—will provide scholarships and programming. For more information or to make a gift to the CGIF please contact: Marcus Fish | 614-794-5863 | mfish@ceramics.org foundation.ceramics.org April 28 – 30, 2015 Cleveland, Ohio register for a free pass now at www.ceramicsexpousa.com the manufacturing tradeshow for advanced ceramic and glass materials and technologies Ceramics Expo brings together the latest industry solutions and services to support every part of the ceramics supply chain. Register for your free pass now and meet over 150+ exhibitors, source new technology and network with your industry peers. Exhibition space at Ceramics Expo selling fast Join the companies already exhibiting: 40 Limit exhi ed optiobit rema ns in www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 @ Attend the free of charge two track conference focusing on four high impact, innovative areas of research, development and application. Transportation applications Energy generation, storage and delivery Sustainability in manufacturing Specialty ceramic and glass manufacturing register now to guarantee your place at www.ceramicsexpousa.com American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 41 2015 ACerS GOMD–DGG Joint 50 1 $ e v a s Annual Meeting to R w o n r e t s i eg ceramics.org/gomd-dgg Join the Glass and Optical Materials Division and the Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft in Miami for the GOMD-DGG 2015 Joint Annual Meeting. Sessions headed by technical leaders from industry, labs, and academia will cover the latest advances in glass science and technology, amorphous solids, and optical materials. The poster session will highlight latebreaking research and includes the annual student poster contest. Make your plans for GOMD-DGG 2015 today! Technical Program S1: Energy and Environmental Aspects Conference Sponsors Session 1: Flat Glasses, Fibers, Foams, and Enamels Session 2: Active Glassy Materials Session 3: Thin-Film Technologies S2: Glasses in Health Care S3: Fundamentals of the Glassy State Session 1: Glass Formation and Structural Relaxation Session 2: Nucleation, Growth, and Crystallization in Glasses Session 3: Structural Characterization of Glasses Session 4: Computer Simulations and Modeling Session 5: Mechanical Properties of Glasses Session 6: Non-Oxide and Metallic Glasses Session 7: Glass Under Extreme Conditions AM ERICA N E L EMEN T S S4: Optical and Electronic Materials and Devices Session 1: Amorphous Semiconductors: Materials and Devices Session 2: Optical Fibers Session 3: Optical Materials for Components and Devices Session 4: Glass-Ceramics and Optical Ceramics Award Sponsors S5: Glass Technology and Crosscutting Topics Session 1: Challenges in Glass Manufacturing Session 2: Transparent Protective Systems Session 3: Liquid Synthesis and Sol-Gel-Derived Materials Session 4: Waste Immobilization—Waste Form Development: Processing and Performance 42 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 may 17 – 21 Hilton Miami Downtown Short Course: Nucleation, Growth and Schedule Crystallization in Glasses May 16 – 17, 2015 | 1 – 5 p.m.; 8 a.m. – Noon Sunday, May 17, 2015 Welcome reception 6 – 8 p.m. Monday, May 18, 2015 Plenary and concurrent sessions Instructor: Edgar Zanotto, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Lunch provided Noon – 1:30 p.m. Poster session 6:30 – 9 p.m. Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Plenary and concurrent sessions 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Kreidl Award Lecture Noon – 1 p.m. Lunch on own Noon – 1:30 p.m. Glass and glass-ceramic researchers and manufacturers must avoid—or control—crystallization in glass. Zanotto—a leading expert in the field—will teach a short course on the intricate nucleation and crystal growth processes that control crystallization in glasses and how they impact novel glass production and glass-ceramic innovations. Scheduled the weekend before the conference, the short course segues directly into the GOMD–DGG 2015 conference. Conference banquet 7 – 10 p.m. Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Concurrent sessions 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday, May 17, 2015 | 8:30 a.m. – 5:20 p.m. Lunch on own Noon – 1:30 p.m. Thursday, May 21, 2015 Concurrent sessions 8 a.m. – Noon Organizers: Glenn Gates, The Walters Art Museum; Pamela Vandiver, University of Arizona; John McCloy, Washington State University Workshop: What’s New in Ancient Glass Research Modern characterization tools shed light on historical glass production methods and materials. ACerS Art, Archaeology and Conservation Science Division’s one-day workshop, in conjunction with the American Institute for Conservation, addresses crystal growth in Chinese black glazed teawares, Egyptian core vessel replication, and much more. One lucky participant will get hands-on practice with core vessel analysis. Hilton Miami Downtown Hotel 1601 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33132 Rates $164 – Single/Double $132 – Student Reserve your room online at ceramics.org/gomd-dgg or by phone at 1-305-374-0000 by April 17, 2015 to secure the conference rate. Program Chairs: Gang Chen Ohio University, USA cheng3@ohio.edu Steve W. Martin Iowa State University, USA swmartin@iastate.edu American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org Reinhard Conradt RWTH Aachen University, Germany conradt@ghi.rwth-aachen.de 43 REGISTER NOW TO SAVE $150! 11th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications June 14 – 19, 2015 Hyatt Regency Vancouver, BC, Canada Ceramic technologies for sustainable development The 11th CMCEE identifies key challenges and opportunities for ceramic technologies to create sustainable development. A global event, 11th CMCEE promotes ceramic research for energy and environmental applications. The conference opens with the plenary session, Technological Innovations and Sustainable Development, followed by 32 symposia covering wide-ranging topics. Engage in discussions on a global scale and make lasting relationships during the networking events. Register now to take part! Plenary Speakers ceramics.org/11cmcee Dan Arvizu 44 Director and chief executive, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; president, Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC Title: Maximizing the potential of renewable energy Arthur “Chip” Bottone President and CEO, FuelCell Energy Inc.; managing director, FuelCell Energy Solutions GmbH Title: TBA Sanjay M. Correa Vice president, CMC Program, GE Aviation Title: CMC applications in turbine engines: Science at scale Richard Metzler Managing director, Rauschert GmbH Title: Energy efficient manufacturing: What can be done in the technical ceramics industry and which technical ceramic products can help other industries “Ceramic materials and technologies play a key role in solving major energy and environmental challenges facing the global community.” —Singh www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Technical Program Five technical tracks, 32 symposia Hyatt Regency Vancouver 655 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 2R7 604-683-1234 – Ceramics for Energy Conversion, Storage, and Distribution Systems Single/Double: CA$220 – Ceramics for Energy Conservation and Efficiency Triple: CA$255 – Ceramics for Environmental Systems Quad: CA$290 Student: CA$165 – Crosscutting Materials Technologies – Honorary Symposia If you need assistance with travel planning or have questions about the destination, contact Greg Phelps at gphelps@ceramics.org. Schedule Sunday – June 14, 2015 Welcome reception 5 – 7 p.m. Organizers Monday – June 15, 2015 Plenary session Lunch Concurrent sessions 9:30 a.m. – Noon Noon – 1:30 p.m. 1:30 – 5 p.m. Tuesday – June 16, 2015 Concurrent sessions Lunch on own Poster session and reception 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Noon – 1:30 p.m. 5 – 7:30 p.m. Wednesday – June 17, 2015 Concurrent sessions Free afternoon and evening 8:30 a.m. – Noon Noon Thursday – June 18, 2015 Concurrent sessions Lunch on own Conference dinner 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Noon – 1:30 p.m. 7 – 9 p.m. Friday – June 19, 2015 Concurrent sessions 8:30 a.m. – Noon Mrityunjay Singh Chair Ohio Aerospace Institute, USA Tatsuki Ohji Cochair AIST, Japan Alexander Michaelis Cochair Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany Sponsors K FK FURUYA METAL Co., Ltd. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 45 Engineering Ceramics Division Meeting (Credit for all photos: ACerS.) Record-breaking 1,100 attend 39th ICACC in Daytona Beach, Fla. “ This year’s conference was a great success and was very well received,” says Michael Halbig, chair of the Engineering Ceramics Division. “It has become the premier international conference on advanced ceramics and composites in the world, with strong participation from students and young professionals as well as scientists and engineers from all corners of the globe.” The conference opened with the Mueller Award Lecture by David Clarke (Harvard University) on the topic of thermal barrier coatings for gas-turbine engines. Sanjay Mathur (University of Cologne, Germany) followed with the Bridge Builder Award Lecture and showed how nanomaterial functionality derives from chemical processing pathways. In the first plenary talk, Cato Laurencin (University of Connecticut) described his cross-disciplinary research at the intersection of materials science and biology. This new field, known as regenerative engineering, uses materials—including ceramics—to regenerate bone, muscle, cartilage, and tendons. The session ended with a plenary talk by Kazushige Ohno of Ibiden Co. (Japan) on advances in diesel particulate filters. Diesel soot, he says, is the second largest contributor to global warming after CO2 emissions. There was more than the technical program for attendees. Vendors presented their products and services in the exposition hall, where poster sessions, tasty receptions, and the annual Schott Glass drop competition also were held. Always looking to the future, organizers planned plenty of events for students and young professionals, such as the Global Young Investigators Forum, Young Professionals Network reception, and a mentoring workshop. The growing number of presentations and activities at ICACC bear witness to the impact of the event on the field of engineered ceramics and glass. The event brings a significant amount of business to Daytona Beach and Volusia County every year, too. 1 Plenary speakers (left–right): David Clarke, Sanjay Mathur, Cato Laurencin, and Kazushige Ohno. 2 Program organizer, Soshu Kirihara from Osaka University, Japan, opens the conference and welcomes attendees to ICACC’15. 3 Presidential trio (left–right): Marina Pascucci, president 2010–2011; Katherine Faber, president 2006–2007; and Kathleen Richardson, president 2014–2015. 4 Andrew Gyekenyesi (left), ECD vice chair and treasurer, and Michael Halbig (right), ECD chair, at the opening reception. 5 Building a drinking straw cage for the Schott Glass drop competition demanded focused attention. The effort paid off, and this team tied for first place. 6 Typical technical session. 46 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 The numbers tell the story of this year’s ICACC, organized by the Engineering Ceramics Division: • 39th convening of ICACC; • 10th year in Daytona Beach; • 1,100 attendees—a record high; • 190 students; • 44 expo vendors; • 40 countries represented; • Two second-generation presenters; • One fire alarm; and • $1.5 M impact on Florida’s Volusia County and Daytona Beach economies. Next year marks the 40th anniversary of ICACC. Organizers and ECD leaders are planning a gala jubilee celebration for ICACC’16 that promises to be a fitting reminiscence and springboard into the future. n 7 A fire alarm provided an impromptu networking session. 8 A customer consults with Thermal Wave Imaging’s Alan Nusbaum. 9 Networking during a break. 10 Marissa Reigel, chair of the Young Professionals Network, outlines YPN opportunities at the reception for students and young professionals. Award lecture. The lecture tied fundamental thermodynamic principles to engineering of nanoscale particles. Salem, son of Jonathan Salem, presented results from summer internships. 11 Ricardo Castro from the University of California, Davis, gave the Global Young Investigator 12 Dileep Singh (foreground) looks on as a student presents his work at the poster session. 13 “Second generation” ICACC presenters. Shirley Zhu, daughter of Dongming Zhu, and Anton American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 47 (Credit for all photos: ACerS.) Conference shines the Florida sun on Electronic Materials and Applications T he sixth Electronic Materials and Applications conference in Orlando, Fla., January 21–23, delivered on its promise to address emerging needs, opportunities, and key challenges in the field of electronic materials and applications. The Electronics Division and Basic Science Division collaborate on the meeting, which also serves as their Division meetings. “ EMA 2015 brought together about 300 students, scientists, and engineers for excellent technical presentations, events, and networking,” says Shen Dillon of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dillon, Geoff Brennecka of Colorado School of Mines, and Timothy Haugan of the U.S. Air Force Research Lab organized the meeting. Brennecka adds, “Once again, EMA brought professionals from around the globe to share their latest advances and insights.” Attendees hailed from more than 20 countries and delivered 250-plus presentations detailing the latest electronic materials and applications data, providing rich fodder for discussions. 1 In addition to the great science, the scenery was inviting, too. 2 Networking and discussion spilled into the lobby between session breaks. 3 Christina Rost delivering her first-prize-winning student presentation. 4 ACerS president Kathleen Richardson (middle left) and executive director Charlie Spahr (middle right) with international attendees Paramjyot Jha (left) and Manish Kumar (right). 5 Networking with friends and colleagues during EMA’s packed three days. 6 Students sparked interest in their research during the poster session. 7 Taking a chance in between sessions to carry the dialogue into the warm Florida air. 48 Plenary talks by Kent Budd of 3M, Greg Rohrer of Carnegie Mellon University, and Hiroshi Funakubo of Tokyo Insitute of Technology drew full audiences to their seats each morning of the conference. The talks supplied a daily momentum that continued through presentations in 11 conference symposia, spanning topics from ceramic composites to computational design to LEDs and photovoltaics. Student poster and oral presentations highlighted diverse work being done by young scientists, and the conference continued to support and recognize that work. “This year EMA selected and highlighted Young Professional Network speakers in nearly every symposia and provided them with registration support,” Haugan says. “The conference continues to emphasize student participation—approximately 20% attendees are usually students.” The last day of the conference wrapped up with a special—and unique—session. Speakers Ian Reaney of the University of Sheffield and Brennecka shared their familiarities with failure in the laboratory, detailing stories that elicited laughs and nods of relatability from across the audience. As Reaney put it, “It’s not if, but when, you get things wrong.” It is ultimately how you move forward from those wrongs that can make it all right. n www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 April Gocha book review Associate editor Stuff Matters: Exploring the marvelous materials that shape our man-made world by Mark Miodownik Mark Miodownik has one sincere message: Stuff really matters. Miodownik, a science communicator and materials science and engineering professor at University College London, echoes that message through his passion for materials in the book Stuff Matters. The book is not an entirely technical nor comprehensive history, dissection, or explanation of materials, but rather an entertaining meander through the everyday world, exploring materials along the way. Stuff Matters is a good introduction to, or reminder of, the world of materials science by connecting stuff to its recognizable place in the world. “The material world is not just a display of our technology and culture, it is part of us,” Miodownik reflects in the book. “We invented it, we made it, and, in turn, it makes us who we are.” By directly connecting materials to our lives, the book becomes a compelling champion for the wonder and importance of materials. It removes the abstraction, instead inserting an emotional, personal connection to materials. Miodownik uses a simple—yet carefully articulated—photograph of himself sitting on the rooftop of his flat to illustrate the wonders of 10 materials present in the photograph. Miodownik writes in the book’s introduction, “For each [material] I try to uncover the desire that brought it into being, I decode the materials science Mark Miodownik, author of Stuff Matters, examining stuff. behind it, I marvel at our technological prowess in being able to make it, but most of all I try to express why it matters.” Those 10 materials, each with a descriptor that doubles as chapter title, are steel (indominatable), paper (trusted), concrete (fundamental), chocolate (delicious), foam (marvelous), plastic (imaginative), glass (invisible), graphite (unbreakable), porcelain (refined), and a biomedical implant (immortal). Miodownik continues in the introduction, “Each new chapter presents not just a different material but a different way of looking at it—some take a primarily historical perspective, others a more personal one; some are conspicuously dramatic, others more coolly scientific; some emphasize a material’s cultural life, others its astonishing technical abilities.” Without being abstract, Miodownik explores the microscopic and macroscop- American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org ic world of materials science to explain why each material is unique—and special. To aid these explanations, the book is dotted with hand-drawn figures and diagrams, making the science accessible, the concepts clear, and the story overall entertaining. In the end, Miodownik philosophizes about chocolate, reminisces with paper, and awes over ceramics. His enthusiasm and awe shine through the prose, making the book a light and easy read. Although the book meanders a bit, this style also plays into its informality—the reader almost feels as if she is sitting on the rooftop with Miodownik, letting him babble excitedly about each material around him. Stuff Matters is an entertaining introduction to the utility of materials for anyone unfamiliar with materials science. For those more familiar, it is easy and entertaining, a good reminder of the field’s broad purpose, and an inspiration for how to effectively talk about materials science to nonexperts. n 49 new products Static mixer R Air chiller system T A Instrument’s ACS-3 air chiller system is a gas flow cooling system equipped with a three-stage cascading compressor design that enables testing to temperatures as low as –100°C. The chiller helps eliminate or reduce liquid nitrogen usage and offers a return on investment estimated between two to three years. TA Instruments (New Castle, Del.) www.tainstruments.com 302-427-4000 Microspectrophotometer C raic Technologies’ 20/30 Perfect Vision microspectrophotometer acquires Raman spectra, with multiple laser wavelengths, in addition to UV-visible-NIR absorbance, reflectance, fluorescence, and emission microspectra. The equipment can acquire images of microscopic samples in the UV, visible, and NIR regions from the same area using proprietary optical aperturing technology. Craic Technologies Inc. (San Dimas, Calif.) www.microspectra.com 1-877-UV-CRAIC A D eltech’s new horizontal tube design furnaces are true benchtop units. They are lighter in weight and more compact, requiring a smaller footprint. A top plug provides access to the furnace interior. Furnaces are available in process lengths up to 305 mm and will accommodate tubes up to 76 mm O.D. Deltech Inc. (Denver, Colo.) www.deltechfurnaces.com 303-433-5939 50 Charles Ross & Son Co. (Hauppauge, N.Y.) www.mixers.com 1-800-243-ROSS Tube sleeve Piezo nanopositioner Tube furnace oss’s LPD and LLPD static mixers promote composition and temperature uniformity by increasing turbulence while keeping pressure loss low. LPD mixers have a series of semielliptical plates set 90 degrees to each other, while LLPD mixers have plates at 120 degrees for lower pressure drops. During turbulent flow, the plates enhance random motion of molecules and formation of eddies. erotech’s QNP-L series linear piezo nanopositioning stages give nanometer-level performance in a compact, highstiffness package for applications ranging from microscopy to optics alignment. Stages are guided by precision flexures optimized using finite-element analysis for high process throughput and fast closedloop response. Stages offer closed-loop feedback using a capacitive sensor design that yields subnanometer positioning resolution and high linearity. Aerotech Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) www.aerotech.com 412-963-7470 W ells Lamont’s cut-resistant tube sleeve provides ANSI Level 4 cut resistance and flame resistance. The two-ply sleeves are made from Kevlar and other highperformance materials to provide superior comfort and protection. Sleeves are reusable and are made to withstand multiple launderings. They are available in multiple sizes with or without a thumb hole. Wells Lamont Industrial (Niles, Ill.) www.wellslamontindustrial.com 1-800-247-3295 www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 resources Calendar of events March 2015 21–23 Deco ‘15: New Discoveries in 17–21 ACerS GOMD–DGG Joint Annual Meeting – Miami, Fla.; www. ceramics.org September 2015 15–18 UNITECR 2015 – Hofburg 24–26 ACerS St. Louis Section and 23–26 ITSC 2015: Int’l Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition – Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, Calif.; www.asminternational.org/web/ itsc-2015/home 20–23 Int’l Commission on Glass Annual Meeting – Centara Grand at CentralWorld, Bangkok, Thailand; www.icglass.org Decorating– Columbus, Ohio; www.sgcd.org Refractory Ceramics Division Joint Meeting – St. Louis, Mo.; www.ceramics.org April 2015 12–17 UHTCIII: Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics – Materials for Extreme Environment Applications III – Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia; www.engconf.org 16 2015 Toledo Glass and Ceramic Award Dinner and Presentation – Toledo Club, Toledo, Ohio 20–23 Int’l Conference and Exhibition on Ceramic Interconnect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies – Fraunhofer Institute Center, Dresden, Germany; http://www.ikts.fraunhofer.de/en/ Events/cicmt_2015.html 20–24 42nd Int’l Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films – San Diego, Calif.; www2.avs.org/conferences/icmctf 28–30 Ceramics Expo 2015 – I-X Center, Cleveland, Ohio; www. ceramicsexpousa.com May 2015 4–6 Clay 2015: Structural Clay Products Division Meeting in conjunction with National Brick Research Center – Denver, Colo.; www.ceramics.org 11–14 Microstrucutral Characterization of Aerospace Materials and Coatings – Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, Calif.; www.asminternational. org/web/ims-2015/home 17 ACerS Art, Archaeology, and Conservation Science Division Workshop, “What’s New in Ancient Glass Research” – Hyatt Regency Miami, Miami, Fla.; www.ceramics.org/gomd-dgg Congress Center, Vienna, Austria; www.unitecr2015.org 19–25 The XIV Int’l Conference on June 2015 the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids– 14–19 CMCEE: 11th Int’l Symposium on Niagara Falls, N.Y.; PNCS-XIV.com Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications – Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; www.ceramics.org 21–25 ECerS 2015: 14th Int’l Conference of the European Ceramic Society – Toledo, Spain; www. ecers2015.org 30–July 3 5th European PEFC & H2 Forum 2015 – Culture and Convention Centre, Lucerne, Switzerland; www. EFCF.com July 2015 7–10 ICCCI2015: 5th Int’l HighQuality Advanced Materials Conference – Fujiyoshida City, Japan; http:// ceramics.ynu.ac.jp/iccci2015/index.html 20–22 Cements Division Annual Meeting – Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kan.; www.ceramics.org October 2015 4–8 MS&T15, combined with ACerS 117th Annual Meeting – Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio; www.matscitech.org 20–23 CERAMITEC 2015 – Messe Munich, Munich, Germany; www. ceramitec.de November 2015 2–5 76th GPC: 76th Conference on Glass Problems – Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio; www.glassproblemsconference.org May 2016 18–22 WBC2016: 10th World Biomaterials Congress– Montreal, Canada; www.wbc2016.org 26–31 SOFC-XIV: 14th Int’l Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells – Glasgow, Scotland; www.electrochem.org/meetings/satellite/glasgow/ August 2015 23–26 COM 2015: 54th Annual Dates in RED denote new entry in this issue. Conference of Metallurgists – Toronto, Ontario, Canada; www.metsoc.org Entries in BLUE denote ACerS events. 30–September 4 PACRIM 11: 11th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology – JeJu Island, Korea; www.ceramics.org American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org denotes meetings that ACerS cosponsors, endorses, or otherwise cooperates in organizing. 51 Career Opportunities The German Aerospace Centre (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., DLR) is the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. DLR has approximately 7800 employees and its extensive research and development work in aeronautics, space, energy, transport and security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. DLR´s research portfolio ranges from fundamental research to the development of innovative applications and products of tomorrow. RWTH Aachen and DLR invite applications for the position of Full professor (W2) “Ceramic Composite Materials for Aeronautics and Space Applications” classified advertising QUALITY EXECUTIVE SEARCH, INC. R e c r u i t i n g a n d S e a rc h C o n s u l t a n t s Specializing in Ceramics JOE DRAPCHO 24549 Detroit Rd. • Westlake, Ohio 44145 (440) 899-5070 • Cell (440) 773-5937 www.qualityexec.com E-mail: qesinfo@qualityexec.com Business Services for the faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering at the RWTH Aachen and Head of the Research Department “Structural and Functional Ceramics“ consulting/engineering services DELKI C´ & ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL CERAMIC CONSULTANTS for the DLR-Institute for Materials Research at the DLR-site in Cologne. The successful applicant will be appointed as a University Professor at the RWTH Aachen and at the same time granted leave in order to head the DLR Research Department. RWTH Aachen and DLR intend to intensify their collaboration with respect to research and teaching in the area of fibre reinforced ceramics and increase the common usage of resources. Hence, we are looking for a personality with excellent scientific qualifications in the area of structural ceramics with a specific focus on ceramic matrix composites capable to represent this topic in the teaching curriculum of the RWTH Aachen. Lectures in the amount of two hours per week and excellent teaching and didactic qualifications are expected. The application documents must therefore include a list of successfully taught courses. Habilitation or equivalent scientific experience in the area of structural ceramics, especially ceramic composite materials, is expected. At the DLR-Institute for Materials Research the successful applicant assumes responsibility for the scientific direction, organization, economic success and the personnel of the department “Structural and Functional Ceramics”. Together with more than 15 scientists and technicians he/she further develops the research focus of the department in line with the strategy of the DLR and the institute. The scientific topics include material development and synthesis, characterization of materials, simulation of component and damage behaviour and the development of processes to manufacture prototype components for rig tests. Apart from technical and scientific skills applicants are expected to have a formal education and proven track record in leadership and management of scientific and technical employees. In addition to its scientific excellence the institute is striving to intensify the transfer of the research results into industrial products. The successful candidate is therefore expected to have a proven track record of successfully acquiring and executing collaborations with partners from industry and academia and to have access to an extensive network of partners relevant for our research topics. Ideally he/she has industrial working experience in Germany as well as abroad. Please send your application to: Prof. Dr. Heinz Voggenreiter, Institut für WerkstoffForschung, Linder Höhe, 51147 Köln, Germany. Deadline for applications: April 17, 2015. The RWTH Aachen and the DLR particularly welcome and encourage applications from women, disabled persons and ethnic minority groups, recognizing they are underrepresented across RWTH Aachen and the DLR. The principles of fair and open competition apply and appointments will be made on merit. 52 • Worldwide Services • • Energy Saving Ceramic Coatings & Fiber Modules • ´ Feriz Delkic Ceramic Engineer P.O. Box 1726, Ponte Vedra, FL 32004 Phone: (904) 285-0200 Fax: (904) 273-1616 custom finishing/machining Custom Machined Insulation Approved By: __ Alumina & Zirconia Fiber Insulation •LabFurnaceRelineKits •Custom Setters and Trays Corrections N •Crystal Growth Stations •FuelCellsandReformers Approved as •Heat Exchangers Please FAX back •Applications up to 2200°C Fax # 614-891-8 Call (845) 651-3040 Web: www.zircarzirconia.com Email: sales@zircarzirconia.com www.ceramics.org/ ceramictechtoday www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 Machining of Advanced Ceramics Since 1959 31 Years of Precision Ceramic Machining • Custom forming of technical ceramics • Protype, short-run and high-volume production quantities • Multiple C.N.C. Capabilities ITAR Registered Celebrating 3 Generations of Service 617-628-3831 jannese@bomas.com mannese@bomas.com www.bomas.com Somerville, MA 02143 BOMAS MACHINE SPECIALTIES, INC. Ph: 714-538-2524 | Fx: 714-538-2589 Email: sales@advancedceramictech.com www.advancedceramictech.com AdvAnced cerAmic Technology custom/toll processing services Inspiring Innovation TOLL FIRING SERVICES • Sintering, calcining, heat treating to 1700°C • Bulk materials and shapes • R&D, pilot production • One-time or ongoing EQUIPMENT • Atmosphere electric batch kilns to 27 cu. ft. • Gas batch kilns to 57 cu. ft. Columbus, Ohio 614-231-3621 www.harropusa.com sales@harropusa.com Developers of specialty glasses & custom ceramics Technical Ceramics German Quality & Innovation for over 100 years ● Engineered & Machined Ceramic Components ● Offering Oxide & Non Oxide Ceramic Materials North American Sales Representation by: SEM • COM COMPANY, INC. SPECIALTY & ELECTRONIC GLASS MANUFACTURING We provide the following services: 4255 Research Parkway, Clarence, NY 14031 USA Tel : (716) 800-7141 ● Fax : (716) 759-6602 ● Email: sales@calixceramics.com ● Website: www.rauschert.com 3M.com/specialtyglass n GLASS MELTING n GLASS FABRICATION n COMPOSITION DEVELOPMENT n CONSULTING Call or write for further information P.O. BOX 8428 TOLEDO, OHIO 43623 Ph: 419/537-8813 Fax: 419/537-7054 e-mail: sem-com@sem-com.com web site: www.sem-com.com Your best source for: Multi-Hole Drilling—Ideal for gas discharge plates used in plasma etching and related applications. Whether it’s ten holes or thousands of holes, we machine them perfectly and precisely. Deep-Hole Drilling—Ideal for optical fiber preforms and similar applications. We can drill high-quality, pre-polished, long, deep holes in most technical ceramics and glass materials. Machine Sales—Acquire your own drilling capabilities when you invest in Sonic-Mill® sinker or rotary ultrasonic drilling equipment, custom suited to your manufacturing applications. Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 505.839.3535 www.sonicmill.com solving the science of glass™ since 1977 • Standard, Custom, Proprietary Glass and Glass-Ceramic compositions melted • Available in frit, powder (wet/dry milling), rod or will develop a process to custom form • Research & Development • Electric and Gas Melting up to 1650ºC • Fused Silica crucibles and Refractory lined tanks • Pounds to Tons 305 Marlborough Street • Oldsmar, Florida 34677 Phone (813) 855-5779 • Fax (813) 855-1584 e-mail: info@sgiglass.com Web: www.sgiglass.com American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org Your Source for Powder Processing We • • • specialize in: Spray Drying Wet and Dry Milling Calcining and Sintering Typical Applications: • Catalysts • Electronics • Ceramics • Fuel Cells For more information please, contact us at 219-462-4141 ext. 244 or sales@pptechnology.com 5103 Evans Avenue | Valparaiso, IN 46383 www.pptechnology.com 53 classified advertising laboratory/testing services Innovative Thermal Processing Solutions for Advanced Materials - Research Facilities - Engineering Studies - Pilot Scale Systems THE BEST USED CERAMIC MACHINERY Advanced ceramic testing BROKERS/LIQUIDATORS Superior quality and performance in: nThermal Analysis nCalorimetry nDetermination of thermophysical properties nContract Testing Services A Professional Organization Buying or Selling one machine or entire factories Connected & Experienced globally NETZSCH Instruments North America, LLC 129 Middlesex Turnpike Burlington, MA 01803 Email: nib-sales@netzsch.com Ph: 781-272-5353 www.netzsch.com • Glass defect analysis w/ source identification • Furnace refractory failure and autopsies NIB-Anz2_1211.indd • Raw material contaminant identification • Glass technology support regarding defects • Training seminars - on site on your equipment • Consulting for equipment purchases of microscopes, c ameras & sample prep equipment maintenance/repair services 1 07.12.11 09:57 C E N T O R R Vacuum Industries ISO 17025 and AS 9100 Accredited Thermal Analysis Materials Testing n n n n n Dilatometry Firing Facilities Custom Testing Glass Testing DTA/TGA n n n n Thermal Gradient ASTM Testing Refractories Creep Clay testing Ceramics & Glass - Refractories & Slag Metals & Alloys XRF -ICP -GFAA - CI&F - C&S OES, SEM, CVAA, TGA Visit: westpenntesting.com | 724-334-4140 liquidations/used equipment BUYING & SELLING 3470 E. Fifth Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43219-1797 (614) 231-3621 Fax: (614) 235-3699 E-mail: sales@harropusa.com GELLER MICROANALYTICAL LABORATORY, INC. Analytical Services & NIST Traceable Magnification Standards SEM/X-ray, Electron Mircoprobe, Surface Analysis (Auger), Metallography, Particle Size Counting, and Optical Microscopy for Ceramics and Composite Materials Specializing in quantitative analysis of boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. in micrometer sized areas. Elemental mapping,diffusion studies, failure analysis, reverse engineering and phase area determinations. ISO 9001 & 17025 Certified Put our years of experience to work on your specimens! 426 Boston St. Topsfield, MA 01983 Tel: 978-887-7000 Fax: 978-887-6671 www.gellermicro.com Email: sales@gellermicro.com 54 • Compacting Presses • Isostatic Presses • Piston Extruders • Mixers & Blenders • Jar Mills • Pebble Mills • Lab Equipment Contact us TODAY! Tel: +1 (810) 225-9494 (USA) sales@mohrcorp.com www.Mohrcorp.com • Crushers & Pulverizers • Attritors • Spray Dryers • Screeners • Media Mills • Kilns & Furnaces • Stokes Press Parts Huge Inventory in our Detroit Michigan warehouse Contact Tom Suhy 248-858-8380 sales@detroitprocessmachinery.com www.detroitprocessmachinery.com AFTERMARKET SERVICES Spare Parts and Field Service Installation Vacuum Leak Testing and Repair Preventative Maintenance Used and Rebuilt Furnaces 55 Northeastern Blvd, Nashua, NH 03062 Ph: 603-595-7233 Fax: 603-595-9220 sales@centorr.com www.centorr.com/cb Alan Fostier - afostier@centorr.com Dan Demers - ddemers@centorr.com CUSTOM HIGH-TEMPERATURE VACUUM FURNACES Get Results! Advertise in the Bulletin Contact Mona Thiel Ph: 614-794-5834 E-mail: mthiel@ceramics.org www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 MArch 2015 adindex Find us in ceramicSOURCE 2015 Buyer’s Guide ‡ AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY bulletin Display advertiser AdValue Technology‡ www.advaluetech.com Alteo www.alteo-alumina.com 19 Inside Front Cover American Ceramic Society, The www.ceramics.org American Elements‡ www.americanelements.com Deltech Inc. www.deltechfurnaces.com 3, 16, 22, 24, 39, 55 Outside back cover 23 Gasbarre Products (PTX Pentronix) www.gasbarre.com 17 Harper International Corp. www.harperintl.com 11 Harrop Industries Inc.‡ www.harropusa.com 7 Imerys Refractory Minerals www.imerys-refractoryminerals.com9 I Squared R Element Co. Inc.‡ www.isquaredelement.com Laeis GmbH www.laeis.eu 21 25 MS&T15 www.matscitech.org Inside Back Cover Netzsch Instruments North America LLC‡ www.netzsch.com 15 TA Instruments‡ www.tainstruments.com 17 Unitecr 2015 www.unitecr2015.org 33 Verder Scientific (Carbolite)‡ www.verder-scientific.com 5 Classified & Business Services advertiser Advanced Ceramic Technology www.advancedceramictech.com 53 Bomas Machine Specialties Inc. www.bomas.com 53 Centorr/Vacuum Industries Inc.‡ www.centorr.com/cb 54 Ceradyne, a 3M Company‡ www.3m.com/ceradyne 53 Delkic & Associates 904-285-0200 52 Detroit Process Machinery www.detroitprocessmachinery.com54 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft and Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) www.dlr.de/ft/ 52 Geller Microanalytical Laboratory Inc. www.gellermicro.com 54 Harper International Corp.‡ www.harperintl.com 54 Harrop Industries Inc.‡ www.harropusa.com 53, 54 JTF Microscopy Services Inc. www.jtfmicroscopy.com 54 Mohr Corp.‡ www.mohrcorp.com 54 Netzsch Instruments North America, LLC‡ www.netzsch.com 54 PPT - Powder Processing & Technology, LLC www.pptechnology.com 53 Quality Executive Search Inc.‡ www.qualityexec.com 52 Rauschert Technical Ceramics Inc.www.rauschert.com 53 Sem-Com Company www.sem-com.com 53 Sonic Mill www.sonicmill.com 53 Specialty Glass Inc. www.sgiglass.com 53 West Penn Testing Group www.westpenntesting.com 54 Zircar Zirconia Inc. www.zircarzirconia.com Advertising Sales Mona Thiel, National Sales Director mthiel@ceramics.org ph: 614-794-5834 fx: 614-891-8960 Europe Richard Rozelaar media@alaincharles.com ph: 44-(0)-20-7834-7676 fx: 44-(0)-20-7973-0076 American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 | www.ceramics.org 52 Call for Contributing Editors for aCErs-nist PhasE Equilibria diagrams Program Professors, researchers, retirees, Post-docs, and graduate students ... The General Editors of the reference series Phase Equilibria Diagrams are in need of individuals from the ceramics community to critically evaluate published articles containing phase equilibria diagrams. Additional contributing editors are needed to edit new phase diagrams and write short commentaries to accompany each phase diagram being added to the reference series. Especially needed are persons knowledgeable in foreign languages including German, French, Russian, Azerbaijani, Chinese, and Japanese. rECognition: The Contributing Editor’s initials will accompany each commentary written for the publication. In addition, your name and affiliation also will be included on the Title Pages under Contributing Editors. qualifiCations: General understanding of the Gibbs phase rule and experimental procedures for determination of phase equilibria diagrams, and/or knowledge of theoretical methods to calculate phase diagrams. ComPEnsation PEr artiClE: $80 for commentary & first diagram, plus $20 each second & third diagrams, plus $10 for each additional diagram for dEtails PlEasE ContaCt: Mrs. Kimberly Hill National Institute of Standards and Technology 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8520 Building 223, Room A107 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8524, USA 301-975-6009 phase2@nist.gov Advertising Assistant Marianna Bracht mbracht@ceramics.org ph: 614-794-5826 fx: 614-794-5842 55 deciphering the discipline Having an internship in the ceramics industry allowed me to see firsthand the importance, as well as the complexity, of the relationship between technology and policy—and it showed me that I wanted to learn more. This past summer, I had the opportunity to do just that as an intern with the United States House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology in Washington, D.C. I have been interested in politics for much of my life, so an internship in the nation’s capital was a dream come true. The University of Virginia’s Policy Internship Program of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, which matches engineering students with policy internships, gave me the resources and encouragement to pursue this longtime goal by matching me with the House Science Committee. The committee has jurisdiction over nondefense federal scientific R&D, which includes agencies such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and National Science Foundation (NSF). Science Committee hearings serve as a forum for policy makers and scientists to discuss relevant issues. Science and policy have a close relationship, so the involved parties must communicate and work together to develop outcomes that are appealing to both sectors. On average, the committee held two hearings per week relating to programs or issues in its jurisdiction. Throughout the summer I attended hearings and bill markups and worked on research projects to help committee members and staff prepare for the hearings. Sitting in on 56 Guest columnist International Space Station. Committee congressional hearings and being a part of the process was a thrilling experience, and I learned more than I ever could have imagined. Funding is often the hot topic at committee hearings, but there are other fundamental issues at stake as well. Conversations often center on the role of the government (especially federal funds) in research, whether funds should support basic or applied research, and who should be able to benefit from the results. Similarly, there often is debate about the transparency of research that is federally funded or majorly affects the public. Conversations focused on this issue dur- Elise Poerschke poses with Bill Nye the Science Guy. ing H.R. 4012, the Secret members were eager to ask questions, Science Reform Act of 2014 that passed through the committee in June. and some shared their excitement by asking constituents to submit questions. The bill requires that all scientific and technical information used by the EPA Both events served as a reminder of the importance of scientific exploration to support rules and regulations be by underscoring its ability to unite, publically available online. If signed inspire, and spark curiosity of people into law, this bill will have major from across party lines. Although not implications for EPA policymakers immune to partisanship, science and and scientists. engineering can bring people together Aside from research projects and and remind them of the wonder of committee events, I attended other briefings and lectures over the summer. scientific discovery. The Planetary Society held an event, featuring NASA chief scientist Ellen Elise Poerschke is a senior underStofan and Bill Nye the Science Guy, about the future of exploring Europa. In graduate at the University of Virginia. response to questions about the purpose She is involved with research in Elizabeth Opila’s high-temperature and potential gain from missions like materials lab group in the Materials the one to Europa, Nye said, “We don’t Science and Engineering Department. know. That’s why we’re looking!” Outside of school and research, A few weeks later, the Science Poerschke enjoys teaching adaptive Committee held a live downlink skiing. n with two astronauts currently on the Credit: Elise Poerschke For science’s sake: My selfie with Bill Nye Elise Poerschke www.ceramics.org | American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 2 matscitech.org Greater Columbus Convention Center | Columbus, Ohio USA October 4 – 8, 2015 Technical Meeting and Exposition call for papers Abstracts due March 31, 2015 The technical program covers: • Biomaterials • Iron and Steel • Ceramic and Glass Materials • Materials – Environment Interactions • Electronic and Magnetic Materials • Materials Performance • Energy Issues • Nanomaterials • Fundamentals and Characterization • Processing and Product Manufacturing Organized by: Sponsored by: bismuth telluride lutetium granules metamaterials strontium doped lanthanum III-IV nitride materials organo-metallics thin film regenerative medicine dysprosium pellets electrochemistry solid crystal growth nanoribbons cerium polishing powder yttrium atomic layer deposition scandium-aluminum iridium crucibles vanadium He battery lithium gallium arsenide high purity silic nanodispersions aerospace ultra-light alloys H Li Be green technology B C N O F Ne Al Si P S Cl Ar Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr refractory metals surface functionalized nanoparticles ite Na Mg K cathode Rb nuclear conesCs semiconductors palladium shot Ca Sc Ti V Sr Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te Ta Tl Pb Bi Uut Fl Uup Y Ba La Hf Fr lump Ra Ac Rf gallium Ce spintronics Pr Th Pa super alloys W Mn Fe Co Ni Re Os Db Sg Bh Hs Ir Pt Au Hg Mt Ds Rg Cn europium phosphors photovoltaics dielectrics Cr quantum dots Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho U Np Pu Am Cm Bk nanofabrics Cf rare earth metals I Xe Po At Rn Lv Uus Uuo tantal cermet anode iron liquids neodymium foil ionic Er Tm Yb Lu solar energy Es Fm Md No Lr nano gels LED lighting nickel foam tungsten carbide rod platinum ink laser crystals titanium robotic parts carbon nanotubes gold nanoparticles optoelectron CIGS stable isotopes Now Invent. TM optoelectronics es mischmetal anti-ballistic ceramics biosynthetics germanium windows macromolecules sputtering targets metalloids te zirconium fuel cell materials superconductors 99.999% ruthenium spheres gadolinium wire rhodium sponge AMERICAN E L EMEN T S Nd:YAG ultra high purity mater erbium doped fiber optics advanced polymers buckey balls shape memory alloys alternative energy electrochemistry nanomedicine tellurium THE MATERIALS SCIENCE COMPANY ® single crystal silicon hafnium tubing osmium catalog: americanelements.com ©2001-2014.AmericanElementsisaU.S. RegisteredTrademark. diamond micropowder gadolinium wire advanced polymers neodymium foil single crystal silicon macromolecules
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