th Exhibitor Prospectus International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites Tues., January 26, 2016 Exhibit dates: Wed., January 27, 2016 | 5 – 8 p.m. | 5 – 7:30 p.m. January 24 – 29, 2016 | Hilton Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean Center | Daytona Beach, Florida, USA Partial List of Past Exhibitors AACCM INNOVNANO - Advanced Materials S.A. ABCR GmbH & Co. KG Keith Company ACT-RX Technology Corp. Kennametal Sintec Alfred University Linseis Inc. ANF Technology Ltd. Maney Publishing Exhibit Application Exhibit Dates: January 26 - 27, 2016 Contact Information ApplicAtion must bE complEtED in full by thE Exhibitor payment schedule Exhibit space is filling up fast. To reserve your booth, contact Mona Thiel today! A $500 non-refundable deposit is due with the submission of this contract. final payment is due october 31, 2015. 614-794-5834 | 614-794-5822 rental rate* 10 ft wide x 10 ft deep — $2,095.00 ANOR Precision Ceramic Industrial Co. Ltd. McDanel Advanced Ceramic Technologies *ACerS Corporate Members may deduct $200 from the rental rate. Anter Corp. MEL Chemicals booth selection AVS, Inc. Microtrac Baikowski International Corp. MTI Corp 2nd Choice ______________________________ Buhler Inc. Munich Int’l Trade Fairs (Ceramitec) 3rd Choice _______________________________ Carbolite, Inc. Nabertherm CASC - Imperial College London Netzsch Instruments N.A. LLC Centorr Vacuum Industries Netzsch Premier Technologies LLC Ceramic Institute Clausthal New Lenox Machine Co. Inc. CM Furnaces, Inc. Nippon Yttrium Co., Ltd. (NYC) Croda Coatings & Polymers NIST 1st Choice _______________________________ Poster Boards 125 123 121 117 115 226 224 222 220 216 214 227 225 326 324 223 221 322 320 111 212 210 Food Station 107 105 103 101 206 204 202 200 207 205 203 201 306 304 302 300 Daiichi Jitsugyo (America) Inc. Oxy-Gon Industries, Inc. Deltech Inc. Powder Processing & Technology Dorst America PremaTech Advanced Ceramics Dow Corning Corp. PSC, Inc 327 325 323 321 317 315 313 311 307 305 303 301 Dunhua Zhengxing Abrasives Co., Ltd. Quantachrome Instruments 426 424 422 420 416 414 412 410 406 404 402 400 Dynamic Dispersions LLC R.D. Webb Co. Eirich Machines Inc. Resodyn Acoustic Mixers, Inc. ENrG Incorporated Robocasting Enterprises ESL ElectroScience Sonoscan Inc. Evans Analytical Group Starfire Systems, Inc. Swindell Dressler International Gasbarre Products (PTX-Pentronix) TA Instruments GE Aviation TEAM by Sacmi—Laeis GmbH GQ Gateway, Inc. TEAM by Sacmi—Riedhammer H.C. Starck Inc. TevTech Haiku Tech, Inc. Thermal Wave Imaging Harper International Thermaltek, Inc. Harrop Industries UCM Advanced Ceramics GmbH HED International Union Process Heraeus Materials Technology Vision Research Hockmeyer Equipment Corp. Wiley IBU-tec Advanced Materials AG Zircar Ceramics, Inc. Poster Boards competitors: Please list all companies that you DO NOT WANT to be located near. ACerS will make every effort to comply with this request. En t r an c E 127 _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ rental includes: • Draped 8-ft-high back wall and 3-ft-high side rails. • Show floor is carpeted. • 6-ft skirted table with 2 sides chairs, wastebasket/ liner. • One (1) standard electrical outlet (500-watt). • ID sign with company name and booth number. • One Full-Conference Admission for one company representative. • Admission to Exhibit for up to three company representatives to staff the booth. • Complimentary admission to the Exposition Only for your customers and prospects. • Complimentary listing in Online Expo Directory that will appear on from May 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016. • Complimentary listing in “ICACC Expo Feature” which will be published in the Jan/Feb 2015 issue of the American Ceramic Society Bulletin. • An electronic list of all attendees (names and addresses only) will be available upon request by March 1, 2016. contact Should you have any questions please contact: Mona Thiel Phone: 614-794-5834 Fax: 614-794-5822 The American Ceramic Society 600 N. Cleveland Avenue, Ste 210 Westerville, Ohio 43082 Exhibitor company name (AS It ShOulD APPEAr ON All PErtINENt ExhIbItOr lIStINgS – If “the” is the first word of the Company name, we will alphabetize by the second word of the Company name). plEAsE print clEArly! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Web site: ________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ __________________________________________________ contact person for all correspondence and service manual Name: ___________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________ Facsimile: ________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ mailing/shipping information (if different from above — no po box) Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Sales and Marketing Manager: ______________________ Exhibitor Authorized signature Date payment information: Check enclosed for $________________ (check payable to the American Ceramic Society in u.S. dollars drawn on a u.S. bank) Please mail payment to: Charen hill The American Ceramic Society 600 N. Cleveland Avenue, Ste 210 Westerville, Ohio 43082 Or fax payment at: (614) 794-5822 for use by Exposition management only this contract is accepted and assigned booth number _________ , size __________ , at a cost of $ _________________. Deposit of $ ______________ is hereby acknowledged. ________________________________________________ Accepted by: Date Exhibitor Prospectus Exhibit at the premier advanced ceramics show in the world • Listing in “ICACC Expo Feature” published in the January/February ICACC’16 Show issue of ACerS Bulletin. • Networking activities held on the show floor draw customers to you! – Poster Sessions take place on the show floor on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. – Beverage areas are set up in Expo Hall to increase traffic flow. – Complimentary Receptions held Tuesday and Wednesday nights. • Pre-registrant mailing list available three weeks prior to ICACC’16 • Free Expo-Only passes to send to your customers and prospects. Exhibit Days and Hours Exhibition & Poster Session Hours: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Wednesday, January 27, 2016 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Exhibitor Move-In and Registration: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. Exhibitor Move-Out: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 7:30 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. Exhibitors receive Reserve your booth space today • Meet and mingle with over 1,100 attendees. Nearly 90% of participants visit the expo Tuesday and Wednesday. Exhibitor Prospectus • Network with topic leaders from the global marketplace. ICACC draws 50% of its attendees from over 40 countries outside the US. If your organization is increasing its international exposure, then this is THE event for you. January 24 – 29, 2016 Hilton Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean Center Daytona Beach, Florida, USA • Interact with researchers and industry professionals from varied sectors: 40% from industry, 20% from government/military, and 40% from academia. Advanced Ceramics and Composites ICACC’16 by the numbers Showcase your organization at the premier international advanced ceramics and composites expo. Connect with decision makers and influencers in the government lab, industry, and research & development fields. ICACC’16 is your destination to collaborate with business partners, cultivate prospects, and explore new business opportunities. th Meet decision makers from the advanced ceramics R&D community International Conference and Exposition on 600 N. Cleveland Avenue, Suite 210 Westerville, Ohio 43082 USA th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites January 24–29, 2016 Hilton Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean Center Daytona Beach, Florida, USA Organized by The American Ceramic Society and ACerS Engineering Ceramics Division
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