I A' ii „.,,,,.^iy SCHENECTADY G A Z E T T E . T H U R S D A Y MORNING, MAY 11, 19,22. The Big Store of Smiling FIVH Service' PAY LESS WOMEN'S HIGH-GRADE FELT SLIPPERS Just received 108 pairs. In French blue, ecru and dark rose. Fine padded elk soles, ribbon and. porn_pom trimmed. Sizes 3 to"6y 2 . Your choice at this low May Sale (IM A A price, pair. — t a i l ' s Main Floor. PAGE $3.49 PORCH DRESSES AT $1.99 Uenuine"A"moskeag Gingham Porch Dresses irLajwealth of youthful styles. All the wanted spring and summer checks in. new colorings. Sizes to,46. Exceptional value at this May Sale price, each. . -• —Carl-s l>ar*j;tin liasemcnt. —EOR- $1.99 DOUBLE GOLD BOND STAMPS DOUBLE Gold Bond STAMPS and Special New Values Bring Added Interest to CARL'S MAY SALE Today! You can save money and be sure o* finality in every lot of merchandise offered—Dry Goods, Home Furnishings and Apparel of the most wanted kinds in great variety! ALL DAY Ready Today! The 3rd 'Sale Within a Sale' Here's An Absolutely'Unequalled Offering of m e Prizes In. Carl's Radio Set 500 WOOL ARMY BLANKETS7 Building Contest to Be Awarded And An Additional Saving of Double Gold Bond Stamps Today Beside the Special Low Prices! By The following Discontinued Pattern''Sale Judges: MR. L . : S. MR. P . R . F O R T I N MR. W V L . B R O O K S &«_ —assisted in case of no choice in any of the seven contests, by the Governors of the Schenectady Radio Association. . E N T R I E S A R E P O U R I N G . I N . You can build a'set in one of classes that may win a valuable reward. . C O M E IN AND SIGN TRY BLANK TODAY ! BEEBE "^ONEIDA COMMUNITY RELIANCE PLATE i Beard of COME E A R L Y Guaranteed for 25 Year* The Beautiful Exeter 3 3 i % to 50% OFF the seven AN E N - . •"". All standard equipment priced at its very lowest. —Carl's Main The opportunity to buy tableware of known valufcffl the very.low prices quoted for this sale will be of vital injerest injerest to to every home. l"l, M Low Prices, To Sell: at CARL'S Note—An excellent opportunity for re: Ing houses to replenish their table service at ave T h em: Beacon's have a new, non-skid safety tread. They are bigger, stronger and better tires than those which made such a wonderful reputation within the past year. •. T H E R E ' S A BEACON T I R E ' O F E X T R A V A L U E IN E V E R Y S I Z E ! "y Teaspoons Table Spoons Dinner Forks .". Dessert Forks Dinner Knives Dessert Knives Dessert Spoons... Sugar Spoons Butter Knife , Butter Spreaders Individual Salad Forks Bab}' Spoon., Berry Spoon Coji Meat Fork -Gravy Ladle.. For Pleasure Car—Truck or S p e e d ' W a g o n . Tire-. $12.95 $18.40 . $22.99 $24.17 $24.70 $27.93 Only Three 33x4' > 34x4' ? 35x4' > 33x5 35x5 37x5 . .$28.77 . .$29.56 . .$30.88 . .$36.46 . .$36.99 . .$37.45 Daj/s More! T o buy at these special low sale prices. .—Carl's Main Floor, rear. w ; STYLE — QUALITY—LOWEST PRICES! P R I C E D F O R T H E MAY S A L E — BID T O D A Y FOR T H E $200 RANGE TO BE SOLD TO H I G H E S T BIDDER! It Costs You Nothing To Bid ,y ' You Bid As Often A s You Wish" ' You ' Bid As Low As You Wish Bidding Forms Are At Stamp Desk Drop Bids In Sealed Box Last Day For Bids—May 31st. You are entitled to one bid with each. stamp check .redeemed. —Carl's Main Floor, rear. " Many Charming Neiv FROCKS! $14:75, $19.95, $24.95-—Materials of decidedly different weave: new spiral spun silks, new crepes and other fashionable fabrics in a marvelous MOTHERS'DAY assemblage of colorings. Beautifully made. With Loop" Panels Contrasting Faced Panels IS NEXT SUNDAY! Flying Belt Streamers Graceful Side Drapes Fancy Slit Sleeves \) m Fancy Beaded Girdles, etc. WOMEN W H O APPRECIATE STYLE, EXQUISITE F A B R I C S AND E X P E R T T A I L Q R I N G W I L L P U R C H A S E Sample Wraps, Coats and Capes $39.50> $45.00, $49.00, $59.00 l« i Victor UNION MOUNTEBANKS TO . GIVE ARNOLD BENNETTS O'THE GREAT ADVENTURE" ""The <;rrnt Adventure*" will l>e i>re.<ifntf<I ai Ihc -Van Curler oimra hon«s Snlunlnj n"c>it. M;iy IX This Is A play in fmir acta, writteir by ArnoM nciusc-tt. Victrolas B O S T O N BAGS—Solid top leatha n and black. Regular $4.50 s. Special for the May Sale at. $2.45 at -Cad'n Main Floor, rear. Buy Beds and Bedding Now At a Saving _ Far Greater Than Is Usually Possible Carl's May Sale of the well-known Hasselbarth Beds and Bedding is the best opportunity you have ever had to buy high grade products at such low prices. COME IN and let the factory representativ.e demonstrate their superior features. For beauty, comfort and durability they are unsurpassed. • • THE DOUBLE STAMPS TODAY ARE AN AEDITIONAL V/ORTH-WHILE SAVING! IRON BEDS! Noiseless, non-sagging and guaranteed. $11.00 Springs are saleUP Others at. priced « SMO JgJJQ Roll Edge Mattresses ! Silk F l o s s . . :$18 [ C o t t o n . . ..$8.75 Fluffed Felt.$11 Horsehair ...$27 1 and 1-16-inch cor continuous :D: P O S T IRON BEDS, with five fillers, any $ finish 2-inch continuous • POST IRON B E D S with heavy iron fillers, any <J»Q C f l finish ij)i/.Ju MANY O T H E R S T Y L E S O F BEDS AT VERY REASO N A B L E P R I C E S DURING T H E MAY S A L E ! •—Carl's Third Floor. s..e. M O en TO £ 4 7 > 5 0 Prices. $22,50 -Carl's T h i n 1 .Flo Only <0 Gold Bond Stamps 'iclor to Fill a Page Records familiarise the" young women of (his PHI BETA KAPPA WILL j "'KrSHtar.t' in style., wise 'ti I.uiuhtor. ' city with '.lie work being done by this witty in* its • •••mnxnts on life, this play • • MEET-IN UNION COLLEGE organization. Newmembers "will l>.\ holds the mirror up to maternity .and i'.dmillcd to this branch during the ; reveals ritany of i»r sharn Idolatries as • i next two w ceks.. i preposterous." Tli'- Seheneetarty obapter of the! The program Includes addresses hy ' The Schenectady nice.tl''£ of the Vpper l:ik*Mi i i i c t . I i t y . The main < haracler is a shy aMisl of The play has Wen clesrrihed as "A u:r^:ii fame who is mistaken as his own | .liininr' lladassah. will rticct in Hi- Mrs. Nathan Sahr. . president of the Hudson ns/.ocialion of Phi Heta Kappa t'omoly "t masfidlne l»ashfulness. an valet. In tlnv c'olirse of (.vents the true ; sreen ro.tn. lintel Mohawk, tenight at Miiior lladassah and Samuel ("apian. will i'e- held Saturday. May -"• at S experiment In l<5ve. a stutly of. a fouil Valet dies, leaving the.artist nnMenti- i s o'clock. AdMlwlon is by Invitallwij Vnltcd S'ates commissioner of Albany. o'clork -.it the home "f lYesident C. A. A regular $1.00 package of FRIDAY AND Vocal s..|.^« i.y the Misses Dorothy llar- Kli'hniond of I'ni.-n college. D r - J o t t n woinan whf-se object was- matrimony." licil. The l>rincti)E In".of a nialrimonia"; j inly. The purpose of the meeting Is ,to Sheridan Zelie will deliver an address Genuine Yeast Vitamine Tablel rts it M.d IJiub M'ndelwitz. (iecomSA3EURBA-YIt Tias lifen characterljtexl as fotiows: agency adds loathe Interest of the unfanicd, liy Miss Alice. Noonan at the niid the Literature of the nsual occurrences of th?s drainatj^ailon. . on "Amlel with every package of • To prove to youpiano, will tie given • Guest tickets are obtain' T h e rireat Aftyt'nUire" ' s ^ a piay luncheon iswill i,|f0the secretary. Morton C, Stewnner be served. Mbs DorothyA Netsular. 111 i )\b!e from Nuxatcd Iron Tablets what they will do which is usually lislefl, as one cif the a r t of I'nlrui collegft. (barge o f , t h e meeting. . more rtifflerfffm'"ierrf ftlflt*? for arrt.ife<rr.« All I'hi Heta Kappa iiTeti are' eliglhle to pivo. Its ililV-nlty lies in the two | xv.Klt lATIU.It JOHN'S MKDICIXK! Tliroiigli t h ^ efforts a^nd Interest of Don't take Vitamir.es unless yViu want to units of Junior Hadassah. IS* "or- to membership in this association. Mem- IMPORTANT NOTICE: main characters, the shy artist vin<l (he '• phans in Palestine wore financially bership can lie obtained by coTreSpond- Crease your weight, Vltamtr.e Tables (one o f ' t h e most remarkable .seient woman he.marries. The play. In a.M'i-i ' H <he strain-of winter adopted last year! 'Tliev art- placed in ence with Mr. Stewart. This association ltWoverios.o' •rt-ce'nl y e a r s ) , are 'simply wonderful for' w-ornen \V"hd aifeVraw at'rt angular In appearance and men .who are thin and emaciated and every* tion to a lnn« mn on the staare.,rras been tired a ltd run down private homes or permittee! to remain should hjM b. ,„ Mp increase, weight and put on flesh screened. w a J ; , v ^m^hH,K with their wid vwed Jnothersj. Clothing. IS separate from the. t nion college ehav- . ^ Into 1 - . -. „ I" parts are all pliyed by. t'nion whipped w Thee 17 1 schoid.ti.Mvks. hlirllcal care and trsde- ter of the society. - . Where II Is simply desired to gain greater strength, energy and cixniffti colles?e students. Sin. c late winter re- i *e mivuary 90 tj • training are provided, special s.liools ^ ^ 1,,,,-onse the firmness of your flesh and tissues, we recommend .that j hearsals have been held in Silliman hall t i v i t > 1>*> ' being "maintained In .lerusahMP. fJafed. take Nt;\ate>l Iron only. .Hy "helping t,o create millions of new red blood e under Cr arh John Holland, During the ; d r u g g , i n _ g Damascus, and Tiberias.wh 5 fuiscles. Nuvateil Iron greatly helps weak, nervous and run-down people of jiihl week festivities tftrcc short rdays j " >'"." n twc» weeks' .time. . ' } , . were presented-by the Moimteba'nks a t j " ^ " 1 ' ^ ?* tvil! at once for your free Jl.fto package of ("ienulne Yeast Vitamine Tab! the same llieater. \r.C , , '.. MARRIAGE LICENSES t-">g. theFw ith bottle of Nuxated. Iron. • I food element? With : | v— ' . L.f Ka t h e r % "OAK TO D A X l i . * Jjohrr's Medi' Mohn Kspusta. SOS Ke^tev avenue. «_nd Tn* <»AN f r e s h n v l a ^ c i e t s.x-icsy of'Cine \ \ ; h i c b "Adelaide D<ijnlk. «<"•! Itattle street.. mci irnfvMi tVdlego will holdftii informal n i b - ! h e l p s you • n* .' ^mil Krenuier. 4< YVillett street, an<J scriptIwtidsnet tom<vrro\v night In the i drive but impwrtygj, and to rebuild ne«$2.10 value for 79c . . Maxgarcl tJcrstung, 438 Huleu street. K. of C. hall. «. |fle«h and health. N o ' d r u g s . juul i<i n tlram.ili/,ati<Mi i»f Jfiis imvelt "I Juried Alive." At the time *>f its puUHrctUiP In ^'i3 the play was well rereived In lmth I«r>tttfon «n«l New York. T h e nrlion I* based ,on a r:i«o of mis- JUNIOR HADASSAH WILL MEET IN MOHAWK HOTEL YEEDER & YELVERTON Fourth Great Week End Special Tired Body Cells Green Tea Drinkers TRY A P A C K E T O F - STRAND—SATURDAY Petit Freckle Bariy Natural Leaf G r e e n T e a . It's s t r e n g t h F l a v o u r a n d E c o n o m y In u s e Will p r o v e a revelation, * / * <?• Jn Sealed Packets Only — At All Grocers. i- V . ••. • ' ' . . ' ; , - . - - r> > HPBn ran Two for the Price, of One - v . ' . : • ; - ; ' . . n. Untitled Document ' .- '. • | -f § | 1 They are sincerely approved by their users, they are fully guaranteed by their makers. They serve twentyfour hours every day. Formerly sold up to $69.00. Exceedingly smart .new models, including the long tailleur, the finger-tip style and the jaunty bo,\ coat effect. Some have hand embroidery, others cable stitching and -novelty seams. Snug fitting sleeves and stylish long lapels. All-wool tricot ines. Poiret twill, etc. —Carl's-Second Floor! lost sntKfnclor.v. S II inprotection against uiolh*. Itntrs are vert moilrrnlc. 41 24-inch ! B L A C K ENAMELED S U I T CASES — Brass lock and catches. Beautiful cretonne lining with shirred pocket. A very sightly case priced low d*Q O C They are made in three favorite styles, mahogany finished wood ends', with either box of extension springs— for single or double size beds. S-U-I-T-'S of the Better Kind I $39.50, $45.00, $49,00 < art's 18-inch B L A C K , W A L R U S GRAIN BAGS -^- Heavy leather lining with double pocket and catches. Solid brass lock and catches. <£?C! A C May Sale price vD.^D (i As a Household Article of Beauty, utility and comfort a Hasselbarth Day and Night' Bed leaves nothing, desired. Priced Low For The May Sale at Mire* nbsnlntc fire nfi'l llicft. Phone Hl;>. 2^Trf!r#HEAVY F I B R E SUIT CASES — Solid leather straps all around: heavy reinforced corners: solid brass lock and catches. Shirtfold and solid leather straps inside. *|)«3 o ^ i t / Hasselbarth Day and Night Beds At May Sale Price M A D E T O S E L L AT S50.00 to $85.00 The season's smartest models fashioned of wool velour and other rich, soft coatings. Very dressy models with rich embroidery, fringe, tassels, yokes, silk stitchings and wide sleeves. In all the new spring shades. Silk lined. —.•it .$25.00 $8,75 11 DON'T FORGET HER ON THAT DAY! Send her a plant .or a flower. Our roses will not go'up in price. Order now at $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 peT "dozen'. {•"lower Department— W A R D R O B E T R U N K S — From steamer to full sii:e. Belber, Seward and other well-known makes. Sturdy, strong trunks, beautifully . finished. Specially priced forNjie May Sale a"t 18-inch- G E N U I N E COWHIDE BAGS—* n l i g n t a ncJ dark tan. Solid brass lock and catches. ' Leathel lined, double pockets... May Sale price. >9 Designed for Your Maytime Wardrobe—-Every of—i-mp-ortance £arefully Provided For!.——.., m $4.45 Sale Prico $1.13 Per Set 3.C0 to 3.C0 M .' 2.S5 H * 3.75 « 3.68 . M 2,85.54 Each .54. 2.S5 / Per Set 3.52 .50 Each ./:> tt 2.25 1.51 « 1.25 .84 M 1.34 2.00 -Carl s.l'.us laseineiu. omen's and Misses' Apparel! DO NO WAIT— [\ 18-inch G E N U I N E LEATHER BAGS--Black walrus grain. Solid brass lock and catches, Karatol lined: one pocket with catch. Special at irants ano boardjreat savin s' Regular ' Price $2.25 »,- 4.-50' 4.50 4\25 .,,. 5.00 4.90 ,... 4.25 .' .80 SO , 4.25 5.25 r JUST A R R I V E D AND ATTRACTIVELY A N D TODAY THERE'S.AN ADDED SAVING OF DOUBLE STAMPS! H ONEIDA C O M M U N I T Y Reliance Plate is made bv the makers of C O M M U N I T Y PLATE. The simplicity, dignity and grace of the Georgian Period, are embodied in the Exeter, 2 colonial pattern of irresistible charm. '' etter Cord Tire® Are Made FOR 500 W O N ' T ; LAST LONG AT T H I S P R I C E ! § •' —Carl's Main Klo.or, rear. !~= Railroad Rates Are Cheaper Now! — 55 Is Carl's Good Luggage !— m= We Have The Radio Parts You Will Want! Bi€ These are reclaimed Blankets but are as good as new and are wonderful values. Khaki color wool army Blankets. S i z e about 60x84. Worth up to $7 each. May Sale price. . . Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com f, ,'•'
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