Document 101082

Post Office Box 22561 Kansas City, Missouri 64113
Meeting 2 Tuesday of each month at First Lutheran Church 6400 State Line Rd.
Mission Hills, KS 66208 Social Hour 9 AM Meeting & Program begins at 10 AM
Minutes of the meetings & the Treasurer’s Report are always posted on the bulletin board at the regular monthly meetings. Reminder – if on the day of
our regularly scheduled meeting, KC public schools are closed due to inclement weather, our guild meeting is automatically cancelled…
OFFICERS: Board President – Joan Pickens First Vice-President-Program Chair – Marlene Moore Second Vice President-Workshop Chair –
Nancy Wakefield Corresponding Secretary – Elaine Lenz Recording Secretary – Sandy David Treasurer - Carol Crouse Membership/ Public
Relations – Karen Tanyi
Member-At-Large – Donna Bogue
Past President – Sarah Rathjen
Ways & Means Chair – Pam Coleman
Information for the newsletter should be directed to the respective board members or chair people. Newsletter Editor & Publisher – Marilyn Moss
Webmaster – Pat Jerez
President’s Message
As much as I like going to quilt shows, I did not make it to the Sunflower Piecemakers show in Lansing,
Kansas. I heard it was unique. Some really special quilts of all sizes.
Our Opportunity Quilt was displayed throughout the May meeting. Clara Diaz and her quilting bee did
such beautiful work and the magical long-arm quilting done by Debbie Smith of Peculiar, Missouri,
combined to make our quilt both elegant and desirable. See Grace Lighthizer for more opportunity tickets
if you need them.
Our May program was presented by Debbie Maddy. Her trunk show of “No Diamonds, No Y Seams, Old
Quilts, New Methods” featured no bias-edged pieces and absolutely no diamonds. What was unusual for
me was that she presented most of her quilts in three different sizes and a variety of colors.
In June 2013 we will be celebrating our Quilters Guild of Greater Kansas City Anniversary by serving
dessert and beverages.
The nominating committee has posted the proposed slate of officers for 2013/2014. A special thank you to
Elsa Moneymaker, Kathy Keene, Nancy Greenhalgh, Jeanne Musgrave, and Marilyn Moss for their hard
work. Nancy Wakefield and Carol Crouse have completed two-year tenure on the QGGKC Board. Both
ladies have provided a wealth of experience and advice to our guild. We want to thank them for their hard
Spring/summer is here. See you at the June meeting.
Marlene’s Program Notes
The June 11 program features Cindy Blackberg from Maryville, TN. The program is “Sneaky Tips and Tricks of the
Pros.” Cindy features and encourages hand piecing. She sells the printed stamps for various patterns like the
Mariner’s Compass and others. Her program is a PowerPoint presentation. The workshop on the 12th if an all-day
workshop featuring hand piecing and embroidery. She comes from the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee.
The July program will be Carolyn Searls from Bella Vista, AR, presenting "30's Quilts Keep Turning Up." Enjoy.
Marlene Moore
Tomorrow's Heirloom Quilts 2013
September 27 10am-6pm and September 28 9am-5pm
Calling all quilts with old and new Kansas City Star blocks! A sign-up sheet is on the back table. We need your quilt to
make a special display at our show and hope the KC Star will do a special article on our show! Information we need is
your name, the name of your quilt, the name of the block (if you know when it was printed indicate that), dimensions, and
a picture of your quilt if possible.
That is what I said last month. So far Kathy Gregory, Grace Lighthizer, Nancy Wakefield, Rosie Grinstead and Ann
Bingham have come forward with quilts made with Kansas City Star blocks! Kathy has two quilts: Baskets and Pots de
Aleur. Grace has a Doves in the Window. Nancy Wakefield will be letting me know what she has. Rosie Grinstead has a
sampler quilt with several blocks. Ann Bingham has a Broken Star quilt. I have a small quilt with Palm Leaf blocks. Carol
Kuse has 2 binders with old KC Star patterns and she has volunteered to research Rosie's quilt for pattern names – thanks
Regarding Facebook – I am taking pictures of Show and Tell to be displayed on Facebook. It would be really helpful if
those showing and telling would sign the paper on the table at the front so I can say something intelligent along with the
I am taking a short break to concentrate on my daughter's wedding. I'll be back to business by mid-June. I'm sure my brain
will be fried until about then!
Just a reminder that the committee is meeting after the July meeting for a short meeting.
See you soon,
Sarah Rathjen
2013 At a Glance
The workshop by Cindy Blackberg on June 12 is full. We will
see all of you who signed up at 9:30 a.m. at the church.
Pat Speth will be teaching a workshop on Combination Units
on Wednesday, August 14th. In this workshop you will have the
opportunity to make your pick of seven different quilts. You will
need to either buy or have access to a Pat Speth book. Six of the
quilts are from her books, and the seventh is a free download
from her website, Come see the pictures of
the quilts at the sign- up table. This is a great way to use up those
5-inch or 6-inch squares. Registration fee is $30.
Remember that you need to pay for your workshop when you sign
up. If you have questions, contact Nancy Wakefield at
June 11 - Cindy Blackberg – Sneaky Tips and Tricks
July – Caroline Searls
August 13 – Pat Speth
September 10 – Brenda Weed
October 8 – Hallye Bone
November 12 - Guild Schoolhouse
December 10 – Donna Bogue
Customarily our guild charges guests for programs of
nationally known speakers.
It was decided to charge
guests $5.00 for these program speakers. However, if the
guest also takes an available workshop by the speaker, no
$5.00 charge to guests will be made. Upcoming program
speakers that will incur this fee are:
June, 2013, Cindy Blackberg
August, 2013, Pat Speth
Quilt Show Consignment Boutique
As we did at the previous quilt show, the Guild will sponsor a consignment booth at the show. Guild members may
designate any items related to quilting to be sold in the booth. All consignment items need to be registered and marked
with a selling price. Details of registration will be available at the next Guild meeting.
To qualify to consign items to sell you must do 2 of the following: 1) Donate a miniature quilt to the show; 2) Work on a
committee; 3) Volunteer to work at the show at least 3 hours.
All consignment items will be charged a 25% sales fee that goes to the Guild. All monies due to the Guild member (75%
of the sales price) will be paid in cash at the Guild meeting following the quilt show.
Please contact Donna Bogue if you have questions.
Here’s an easy way to make a Pinwheel pattern that Annalou
Streiff, our Activities/Fun Chair showed us at our May guild
Small quilts . . . . Small quilts . . .
. . . Small quilts
It’s time to start making small quilts to
donate for sale at the quilt show in
September. These will be sold with the
proceeds going to charity. As per
tradition, small quilts will be turned in at
the September meeting to be displayed
and voted on by the Guild members. We
recognize the top ten quilts with ribbons!!
Requirements: No larger than 40 inches on
each side. They should have three layers
and be quilted. We have no theme
requirements – the sky’s the limit! Please
take time to participate in this activity!!
Becky Ball
President, Joan Pickens
1st Vice President, Marlene Moore
2nd Vice President, Mary Lou Strahm
Recording Secretary, Sandy David
Corresponding Secretary, Elaine Lenz
Treasurer, Jeanne Musgrave
Member at Large, Donna Bogue
Past President, Sarah Rathjen
Committee: Elsa Moneymaker, Kathy Keene,
Nancy Greenhalgh, Jeanne Musgrave, Marilyn
Published Blocks For Boutique
Thank you to all the ladies that have given me blocks so far. I would like to have more of the #1 blocks. In this day of “modern” quilts I think it
would sell well.
Sarah’s President’s Block, pattern is on web site. Solid background with Jewel tones using just two fabrics, background and image fabric.
Nine Patch (3 squares across, 3 down) keep the scrappy, assorted bright fabrics suitable for a child’s quilt. Squares should be cut at 2.5”
Half Square Triangle Units, Scrappy Floral. Please use medium to large prints, no white please. Each unit is made from a dark and light
floral. Cut 6.5” squares, lay a light floral right sides together with a dark floral, draw a line on the wrong side of the light fabric corner to
corner. This line is your cutting line, after you sew a line of stitching ¼” on both sides of the drawn line. Cut on drawn line and press open.
Patriotic 12.5” unfinished blocks, any kind of a star, light color beige to tan, reds and blues.
Other Items for Boutique
Variety is nice, so please make what you love to make. Some of the items that sold well last time were: Any item related to Cats, Scrap bags,
Tote Bags, Pin cushions, Unfinished and finished quilts, fabric, and Cooler Scarves.
Pam Coleman, 816-858-2253
WOW! Can you believe that another year has passed and it is time to renew your membership?
I will be on vacation in June but Donna Bogue has graciously offered to take your membership form and payment.
Membership cards will be filled out and placed on a table near the library at the JULY meeting.
Dues will remain at $30.00 for all members for the coming year. Your dues can be paid at the next meeting, mailed to
the Guild P.O. Box, or to my home. Checks should be payable to the Quilt Guild of Greater Kansas City (or QGGKC).
Of course, cash will also be accepted.
The membership form is included in the newsletter. In order to save on ever-increasing costs, we are encouraging
everyone having computer access to include their e-mail address. Please print out the form, complete it and turn it in
with your membership dues.
Dues can also be paid at the July or August meetings. Remember, if your dues are not received by the end of the
August meeting you may not be included in the Membership Directory.
We have a lot of great programs and activities coming up next year so be sure to pay your dues so you won’t miss out!
Karen Tanyi
Membership Chair
Quilters Guild of Greater Kansas City
Proposed Budget
July 2013 through June 2014
Membership Dues
Guest Speaker Fees
Name Tags
Charity Quilts - Balance Forward
Ways and Means
Opportunity Quilt
Quilt Show Income
Directory Advertising
Retreat - Balance Forward
Reserve Fund
Total Income
Net Income
Legal/State Fees
Miscellaneous Printing
Rent & Parking
Library Books
Programs & Workshops
Opportunity Quilt Expenses
Quilt Show Expenses
Retreat Expenses
Operating Expenses - Hospitality
Total Expense
Quilters Guild of Greater Kansas City - Registration Form for Quilt Show
Tomorrow's Heirloom Quilts - September 27 – 28, 2013
Abdallah Shrine Temple Overland Park, KS
Use a separate form for each quilt – return forms to Judy Woodburn or Mary Irons
Entry Deadline: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 ( August meeting date)
Each quilt entered must have a 4” hanging sleeve attached
Member must work two shifts (4 hours ) for each quilt entered in the show
Quilts entered are to be checked in Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013 between 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Members must sign a release form and list all quilts entered on the form
Prioritize quilts being entered in case there is not space for all entries
Name of Guild Member____________________________________________________________
Phone number_______________________ E-Mail Address_______________________________
Name of Quilt________________________________________Owner______________________
Quilt Maker______________________________Quilter__________________________________
Quilt dimensions: Length ________Width________ Perimeter (L+W) x 2____________________
Identifying Colors:_________________________________________Year made_______________
Quilt Category (check only one)
_________Hand Quilted Wall Quilt
___________Machine Quilted Wall Quilt
Wall quilts must have a perimeter smaller than 300 inches
___________Hand Quilted Bed Quilt
____________Machine Quilted Bed Quilt
Bed quilts are twin size and larger, defined as having a perimeter of 300 inches or larger
___________Kansas City Star Quilt
These will be displayed as a separate exhibit and will not be included in the viewers' choice awards.
Quilt Story and History
(Include such things as pattern source, inspiration, workshops, struggles, new skills mastered, etc., also
techniques used - paper piecing, applique, specialty rulers.)
Quilters Guild of Greater Kansas City - Release Form for Quilt Show
Tomorrow's Heirloom Quilts - September 27 – 28, 2013
Abdallah Shrine Temple Overland Park, KS
Name of Quilt Entry (in order of priority)
Quilt Show Agreement
I, the undersigned, owner of the quilt or quilts to be exhibited at the Abdallah Shrine Temple as
part of the Quilters Guild of Greater Kansas City Quilt Show, September 27 th and 28th, release
Abdallah Shrine Temple from liability or damage or theft of said quilt(s), while on the premises
of Abdallah Shrine Temple. I understand the Quilters Guild of Greater Kansas City will
provide exhibit personnel during all show hours, and the items in the show place will be locked
and secured after hours. I understand that all reasonable precautions will be taken to protect
all quilts from damage; however, I do understand that in the event such precautions fail,
Abdallah Shrine Temple is not covered for such liability, and the aforementioned quilt(s) is
covered by my individual homeowners insurance or other appropriate insurance policy.
Date__________________ Signature_______________________________________
Please print name clearly__________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________________________________
(Attach a separate registration form for each entry)
Quilters Guild of Greater Kansas City
Membership Application and Renewal Form
□ New □ Renewal
Paid by □ Cash □ Check
□ Directory
Please include this form with annual dues of $30. The Guild’s fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. Dues are
prorated to $15.00 after January 1. Please send to Membership Chair, QGGKC, P.O. Box 22561, Kansas City,
Missouri 64113. Membership cards are distributed at the Guild meetings.
Please give information as you wish it to appear in the Guild Directory.
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________ State __________ Zip Code __________
Home Phone _________________________________ Work Phone ____________________
Cell Phone _____________________________ Occupation ___________________________
E-mail ______________________________________ Birthdate ______________________
I wish to receive the Guild monthly newsletter by:
□ E-Mail
□ Regular Mail
Please tell us how you would like to be involved with Guild activities. Please check all that apply.
□ Courtesy
□ Education
□ Finance
□ Gift Quilts
□ Library
□ Membership
□ Newsletter
□ Nominating
□ Programs/Workshops
□ Property
□ Publicity
□ Quilt Basting
□ Annual Retreat
□ Telephone
□ Ways and Means
□ Welcome
□ White Glove Hostess
□ Publicity
□ Small Quilts
□ Opportunity Quilt
□ Quilting Demonstrations
□ Boutique
□ Design Guild Quilts/
Quilt Show
Special Activities
□ Quilt on Opportunity or other Guild Quilts
□ Make Sale Items for Ways and Means
□ Education Projects/Challenges
□ Teach a Workshop
□ Assist with Ticket Sales
□ Block of the Month
Please tell us of your special skills, talents, etc., that you would be willing to share with the Guild
Guild meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at the First Lutheran Church, 6400 State Line Road, Mission Hills, Kansas 66208. Social
hour begins at 9:00 a.m.; program and meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. and ends at noon. Inclement weather may lead to meeting cancellations. If schools
in the Kansas City area are closed due to weather conditions, guild meetings are cancelled.
PO BOX 22561
June 11, 2013