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Thematic session – River Basin Management
River basin management planning along WFD
principles : lessons learnt from
French-Chinese cooperation on the Hai River basin
Alby Schmitt, Deputy Water Director, French Ministry of
Ecology and Sustainable Development
2015 China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCE, Copenhagen May 12th, 2015
River Basin Management /
Hai River Basin project
• Agreement signed in 2009 between Chinese Ministry of Water Resources
(MWR) and French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDDE),
• Partners at every institutional level :
– Chinese partners : Hai River Water Resources Conservancy Commission,
Hebei Province Water Bureau, Tianjin Municipality Water Bureau,
– French partners : Seine-Normandy Water Agency, SIAAP (in charge of
wastewater for Geater Paris Area), Seine Great Lakes, International Office for
• Main objectives :
– Develop and apply IWRM tools and strategies tested in France and Europe
through the WFD within the Zhou River Pilot Basin,
– Control of N and P pollution in the Yuqiao reservoir (providing 80% of Tianjin
drinking water).
2015 China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCE, Copenhagen May 12th, 2015
River Basin Management /
Hai River Basin project
Haihe River Basin
Inner Mongolia
Zhou River Basin
Yuqiao Reservoir
2015 China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCE, Copenhagen May 12th, 2015
River Basin Management /
Hai River Basin project
Objectives :
Governance and planning mechanisms for IWRM / Test on Zhou sub-basin
1. Elaboration of diagnosis and River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) on the
Zhou river sub-basin,
2. Elaboration of a Programme of Measures (PoMs),
3. Setting up a coordination group for Zhou river basin management :
involving stakeholders at every level from local to national scale,
4. Joint analysis of results and dissemination of good practices.
Technical expertise and exchanges :
1. Diffuse pollution and eutrophication control,
2. Assessment of ecological and chemical status of water bodies,
3. Ecological restoration,
4. Monitoring systems. 2015 China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCE, Copenhagen May 12
th, 2015
River Basin Management /
Hai River Basin project
Lessons learnt so far:
Coordinated management between administrations (agriculture, industries, etc.): takes
time to overcome challenges (compartmentalization) but quick uptake and tremendous
progress once demonstrated the interest for concrete technical issues (e.g.
comprehensive monitoring and diagnosis of the water resources),
Monitoring and diagnosis of the water resources: good technical capacities which
require methodologies (e.g. mass balances) and strategy (monitoring networks at basin
and sub-basin levels) to deliver,
RBMP at basin level: a clear and well operationalized concept in the Hai and Zhou river
basins which requires adaptation to take into account artificialization such as inter-basin
transfers, channels or reservoir-dams (management of an often wider surface area than
that of the « natural » river basin),
Environmental objectives (good ecological status, eflow): interest for the benefits
expected from these objectives (e.g. treatment capacity of ecosystem services),
translated into actions (e.g. experimentation of ecological engineering techniques), also
need translation into RBMP objectives.
2015 China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCE, Copenhagen May 12th, 2015
River Basin Management /
Hai River Basin project
Sino-European common challenges:
Financing basin management in a context of strong budget constraints (use of economic
tools and principles: incentive water pricing, cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis,
cost-recovery and the polluter/user pays principles),
Institutional reform for the integration and coordination of inter-dependent policies
(water, energy and agriculture of course, but also industry, transport, land-use, urban and
development planning),
Regulatory reform for the control of diffusion pollution at the source: focus on diffuse
agricultural pollution,
Quantitative management: controlling demand (abstraction permit, incentive water
pricing) and developing offer (water reuse) without compromising ecological flow,
Development of water monitoring networks,
2015 China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCE, Copenhagen May 12th, 2015
River Basin Management /
Strategic Focus Area « Water management
and Ecological security »
4. Strategic Focus Area « Water management and Ecological
security »:
The Sino-French project as a component of the SFA “Water management and
Ecological security”.
Member States involved in the SFA and coordinating organisations :
– France : River Basin Management – International Office for Water,
– Portugal : River Basin Management – University of Evora,
– Finland : Water Quality – University of Turku
– UK : Integrated Catchment Management focused on
diffuse pollutions – Atkins.
Close cooperation with MS and Chinese partners for:
– Communication on projects within the SFA,
– Creating business opportunities,
– Dissemination of good practices.
2015 China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCE, Copenhagen May 12th, 2015
Thank you - 谢 谢
2015 China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) HIGH-LEVEL CONFERENCE, Copenhagen May 12th, 2015