Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2519–2527 Combustion Institute Homogeneous ignition of CH4/air and H2O and CO2-diluted CH4/O2 mixtures over Pt; an experimental and numerical investigation at pressures up to 16 bar Michael Reinke, John Mantzaras*, Rolf Schaeren, Rolf Bombach, Andreas Inauen, Sabine Schenker Paul Scherrer Institute, Combustion Research, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Abstract The homogeneous ignition of CH4/air, CH4/O2/H2O/N2, and CH4/O2/CO2/N2 mixtures over platinum was investigated experimentally and numerically at pressures 4 bar 6 p 6 16 bar, temperatures 1120 K 6 T 6 1420 K, and fuel-to-oxygen equivalence ratios 0.30 6 u 6 0.40. Experiments have been performed in an optically accessible catalytic channel-flow reactor and included planar laser induced fluorescence (LIF) of the OH radical for the determination of homogeneous (gas-phase) ignition and one-dimensional Raman measurements of major species concentrations across the reactor boundary layer for the assessment of the heterogeneous (catalytic) processes preceding homogeneous ignition. Numerical predictions were carried out with a 2D elliptic CFD code that included elementary heterogeneous and homogeneous chemical reaction schemes and detailed transport. The employed heterogeneous reaction scheme accurately captured the catalytic methane conversion upstream of the gaseous combustion zone. Two well-known gas-phase reaction mechanisms were tested for their capacity to reproduce measured homogeneous ignition characteristics. There were substantial differences in the performance of the two schemes, which were ascribed to their ability to correctly capture the p–T–u parameter range of the self-inhibited ignition behavior of methane. Comparisons between measured and predicted homogeneous ignition distances have led to the validation of a gaseous reaction scheme at 6 bar 6 p 6 16 bar, a pressure range of particular interest to gas-turbine catalytically stabilized combustion (CST) applications. The presence of heterogeneously produced water chemically promoted the onset of homogeneous ignition. Experiments and predictions with CH4/O2/H2O/N2 mixtures containing 57% per volume H2O have shown that the validated gaseous scheme was able to capture the chemical impact of water in the induction zone. Experiments with CO2 addition (30% per volume) were in good agreement with the numerical simulations and have indicated that CO2 had only a minor chemical impact on homogeneous ignition. 2004 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: High-pressure homogeneous ignition of CH4/air over Pt; Effect of H2O and CO2 on ignition; LIF and Raman 1. Introduction * Corresponding author. Fax: +41 56 310 21 99. E-mail address: (J. Mantzaras). The application of catalytically stabilized combustion (CST) to large-scale gas turbines has been actively pursued over the last years [1] as a means 1540-7489/$ - see front matter 2004 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2004.08.054 2520 M. Reinke et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2519–2527 to mitigate NOx emissions with direct combustion strategies rather than with indirect exhaust-gas aftertreatment techniques. The knowledge of the heterogeneous (catalytic) and of the low-temperature homogeneous (gas-phase) kinetics of methane is key to the development of advanced numerical CST models [2,3]. Validation of the heterogeneous reaction scheme of Deutschmann et al. [3] for the complete oxidation of CH4 over Pt at pressures up to 16 bar was recently reported in Reinke et al. [4]: the catalytic reactivity was assessed with in situ Raman measurements of major species concentrations over a channel-flow boundary layer. The onset of homogeneous ignition is detrimental to the catalyst integrity and, therefore, the availability of validated gaseous reaction schemes is crucial in CST reactor design; such schemes can also be used to fine-tune analytical CST homogeneous ignition criteria [5,6], so as to provide a fast—albeit more restrictive—alternative to detailed computations. To this direction, gaseous reaction schemes in CST have been validated only at low-to-moderate pressures. Reinke et al. [7] have shown, encompassing earlier atmospheric-pressure studies [8], the applicability of the gaseous scheme of Warnatz and Maas [9] in CST of CH4/air over Pt at pressures up to 6 bar, a range of interest to microreactors. The present study undertakes a combined experimental and numerical investigation of CH4/air CST over Pt, with the main objective of providing validated homogeneous reaction schemes at gas-turbine-relevant conditions. Particular objectives were to assess the CST applicability of gaseous schemes in the presence of large H2O or CO2 dilution (an issue of interest in gasturbines with exhaust gas recycle [10]), and to study the hetero/homogeneous chemistry coupling at high pressures. Experiments were performed in an optically accessible catalytic laminar channel-flow reactor at pressures 4 6 p 6 16 bar. The onset of homogeneous ignition was assessed with planar laser induced fluorescence (LIF) of the OH radical, and the catalytic processes preceding homogeneous ignition were investigated with one-dimensional Raman measurements of major species concentrations. The numerical predictions included an elliptic two-dimensional CFD code with elementary heterogeneous and homogeneous chemical reaction schemes and detailed transport. 2. Experimental 2.1. High-pressure test-rig The test-rig (Fig. 1) consisted of a rectangular reactor, that formed a liner inside a high-pressure cylindrical vessel [7]. The reactor comprised of Fig. 1. Schematic of the test-rig and the LIF/Raman set-up. two horizontal Si[SiC] ceramic plates (300-mm long (x), 110-mm wide (z), 9-mm thick, and positioned 7-mm (y) apart) and two 3-mm thick vertical quartz windows [11]. The inner Si[SiC] surfaces were coated via plasma vapor deposition with a 1.5 lm thick non-porous Al2O3 layer, followed by a 2.2 lm thick Pt layer. Measurements of the total and active catalyst areas with BET (Kr-physisorption) and CO-chemisorption, respectively, verified the absence of a porous surface structure. The surface temperature along the x–y symmetry plane was measured by S-type thermocouples (12 for each plate) embedded 0.9 mm beneath the catalyst, through holes eroded from the outer Si[SiC] surfaces. The plate temperatures were controlled by two resistive heaters positioned above the ceramic plates. Air was preheated and mixed with CH4 in two sequential static mixers. The CH4/air premixture was driven into the reactor through a 50-mm long inert rectangular honeycomb section that provided uniform inlet velocity. A thermocouple positioned at the downstream end of the honeycomb measured the reactor inlet temperature. Optical accessibility from both reactor sides was maintained by two 350-mmlong and 35-mm-thick quartz windows on the high-pressure tank (see Fig. 1). Two additional quartz windows, one located at the rear flange of the high-pressure tank and the other (not shown in Fig. 1) at the exhaust section of the reactor, provided a counterflow streamwise optical access for the LIF experiments. In the tests with H2O dilution, superheated steam was supplied by an AWTEC-DLR steam generator. In both H2O- and CO2-dilution tests, the oxidizer was pure oxygen; nitrogen was separately added as a balance. M. Reinke et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2519–2527 2.2. Laser diagnostics The LIF/Raman set-up is depicted in Fig. 1. The 532-nm radiation of a frequency-doubled pulsed Nd:YAG laser (Quantel YG781C20) was directed to the Raman- or to the LIF-set-up by a traversable mirror. As the experimental conditions were steady, simultaneous acquisition of Raman and LIF was not necessary. For the OH-LIF, the 532-nm radiation pumped a tunable dye laser (Quantel TDL50); its frequency-doubled radiation (285 nm) had a pulse energy of 0.5 mJ, low enough to avoid saturation of the A (v = 1) ‹ X (v0 = 0) transition. The 285 nm beam was transformed into a laser sheet (by a cylindrical lens telescope and a 1-mm slit mask) that propagated counterflow, along the x–y symmetry plane (Fig. 1). The fluorescence of both (1–1) and (0–0) transitions at 308 and 314 nm, respectively, was collected at 90 (through the reactor and tank side-windows) with an intensified CCD camera (LaVision FlameStar 2F, 576 · 384 pixels). A 120 · 7 mm2 section of the combustor was imaged on a 576 · 34 pixel CCD-area. The camera was traversed axially to map the 300 mm reactor extent; at each measuring location, 400 images were averaged. The LIF was calibrated with absorption measurements performed with the laser beam crossing the reactor laterally through both side windows, as in [7]. Compared to previous homogeneous ignition studies [7,8] that employed only OH-LIF, the Raman measurements have eliminated uncertainties with regard to the heterogeneous pathway: the high surface temperatures could, potentially, lead to a partial catalyst deactivation, and hence to a near-wall fuel excess that could, in turn, promote homogeneous ignition and complicate the assessment of the gaseous reactivity. In the Raman tests, the 532-nm beam was focused through the tank and reactor side-windows into a vertical line (0.3 mm thick) by an f = 150 mm cylindrical lens. The focal line spanned the 7-mm channel separation and was offset laterally (z = 15 mm) to increase the collection angle and minimize thermal beam steering, as in [11]. Two f = 300 mm lenses collected the scattered light at a 50 angle with respect to the sending optical path and focused it to the entrance slit of a 25-cm imaging spectrograph (Chromex-250i) equipped with an intensified CCD camera identical to that of the LIF-set-up. The 576- and 374-pixel-long CCD dimensions corresponded to wavelength and transverse distance, respectively; in the latter dimension, 250 pixels resolved the 7-mm gap. The effective Raman cross-sections, which included transmission efficiencies, were evaluated by recording the signals of pure CH4, air, and completely burned gases of known composition. Spectroscopic data for the CH4 and H2O Raman cross-sections were taken from Steiner [12]. Ra- 2521 man data were acquired at different positions by traversing axially an optical table that supported the sending and collecting optics (Fig. 1). The 250-pixel-long 7-mm distance was binned to 63 pixels, providing a resolution of 0.11 mm. Raman data points closer than 0.6 mm to both walls were discarded due to low signal-to-noise ratio. 3. Numerical Simulations were carried out with an elliptic, 2D CFD code [2,11]. The elementary heterogeneous scheme of Deutschmann et al. [3] (24 reactions, 11 surface, and 9 gaseous species) was used; the surface site density was 2.7 · 109 mol/ cm2, simulating polycrystalline platinum [2,3]. For gaseous chemistry, the C1/H/O schemes of Warnatz et al. [13], further denoted as Warnatz (81 reversible reactions, 27 irreversible reactions, and 25 species, with appropriate pressure dependencies for 3 reactions), and GRI-3.0 [14] (131 reversible reactions, 6 irreversible reactions, and 26 species) were employed. The scheme of Warnatz [13] should not be confused with the earlier C1/H/O scheme of Warnatz and Maas [10] (48 reversible reactions, 10 irreversible reactions, and 18 species) that has been validated over the range 1 6 p 6 6 bar previously [7,8]. Gas-phase and surface reaction rates were evaluated with CHEMKIN [15] and Surface-CHEMKIN [16], respectively. Gaseous and surface thermodynamic data were taken from CHEMKIN [17] and Warnatz et al. [18], respectively. Mixture-average diffusion including thermal diffusion [19] was considered in the species transport. An orthogonal staggered grid of 420 · 120 points (in x and y, respectively, over the 300 · 7 mm2 domain) was sufficient to produce a grid independent solution. The inlet conditions were uniform profiles for the temperature, the axial velocity, and the species mass fractions. Fitted curves through the individual thermocouple measurements provided the bottom- and top-wall temperature profiles, which were used as energy boundary conditions at y = 0 and 7 mm, respectively. No-slip was applied for the velocity at the walls and zero-Neumann conditions for all scalars at the outlet. 4. Results and discussion The experimental laminar-flow conditions are presented in Table 1. Cases 1–6 pertain to CH4/ air, whereas Cases 7 and 8 to CH4/O2 mixtures with CO2/N2 and H2O/N2 dilution, respectively. Comparisons between measured and predicted OH maps are illustrated in Fig. 2 for the CH4/ air cases. The flames of Fig. 2 exhibited a slight-to-moderate asymmetry due to temperature 2522 M. Reinke et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2519–2527 Table 1 Experimental conditionsa Case p (bar) u TIN (K) UIN (m/s) ReIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 6 8 10 14 16 10 14 0.3 0.36 0.36 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 548 567 587 572 581 643 602 558 0.4 0.43 0.38 0.3 0.26 0.45 0.35 0.39 473 717 797 824 962 1606 1038 1477 a Pressure, equivalence ratio, inlet temperature, velocity, and Reynolds number. Cases 1–6 are CH4/air mixtures. In Case 7 the inert is 30.2% CO2 and 39.9% N2 and in Case 8 the inert is 57.1% H2O and 14.0% N2 (per volume). differences between the two channel walls. Typical wall-temperature profiles are depicted in Figs. 3A and B. The onset of homogeneous ignition, shown with the green arrows in Fig. 2, was defined by intersection with the wall of a line fitted through the stronger flame tail (the one pertaining to the hotter wall). This definition was consistent with the rise in OH concentration (see the computed streamwise profiles of the y-averaged OH mole fraction in Figs. 3A and B). The lower-pressure flames (Cases 1 and 2) had the highest OH levels and their peak values relaxed rapidly in the post-flame zones. The higher-pressure flames had lower peak OH levels which, however, were maintained farther downstream (see Fig. 2 and Figs. 3A and B). Prior to the evaluation of the gaseous schemes, an assessment of the catalytic processes preceding homogeneous ignition was undertaken. Comparisons between Raman-measured and predicted (Deutschmann/Warnatz schemes) transverse profiles of the CH4 and H2O mole fractions are shown in Fig. 4; for clarity, 28 of the 63 transverse points are presented. The first two positions x = 15.5 and 43.5 mm of Case 2 (Figs. 4A and B) were far upstream of the homogeneous ignition location (xig). Consequently, the computations in Figs. 4A and B were totally unaffected by the inclusion of gaseous chemistry (Warnatz, GRI3.0, or no gaseous scheme), and solely reflected the contribution of the catalytic pathway. The very good agreement between measurements and predictions in Figs. 4A and B demonstrated that the scheme of Deutschmann accurately captured the underlying upstream heterogeneous processes. These processes were, in turn, crucial for determining the amount of fuel available for followup homogeneous combustion. In Case 2, for example, at the point of homogeneous ignition 73% of CH4 was already converted (Fig. 3A), whereas in Case 6 the corresponding conversion was 49% (Fig. 3B). The measured and predicted profiles of Case 6 at x = 15.5 mm (Fig. 4D) were, likewise, dictated exclusively by the catalytic pathway and were in good agreement with each other. The above comparisons showed that the scheme of Deutschmann realistically reproduced the catalytic CH4 consumption over the entire pressure range. The near-wall CH4 concentrations are very low in Figs. 4A, B, and D, indicating an operation close to the mass-transport-limit; for this reason, the species transverse profiles exhibited a far-less pronounced asymmetry compared to the OH maps of Fig. 2. In Figs. 4C, E, and F, the gaseous pathway had a non-negligible impact as will be discussed next. It is finally clarified that in our earlier heterogeneous reactivity studies [4] (wherein the scheme of Deutschmann was validated) the wall temperatures were sufficiently low as to assure a kinetically controlled CH4 conversion. The homogeneous ignition characteristics are discussed next. The Deutschmann/Warnatz schemes captured the measured flame shapes and the OH levels over the pressure range 6 6 p 6 16 bar (Fig. 2(2–6)) very well and underpredicted only to a small degree (by 4% to 14%) the measured xig. At p = 4 bar (Fig. 2(1)), however, there was an appreciable underprediction of xig. Additional simulations (using the Deutschmann/Warnatz schemes) of earlier [7,8] low-pressure flames illustrated that the xig-underpredictions were even more pronounced at 1 6 p < 4 bar. The aforementioned studies had established the validity of the homogeneous scheme of Warnatz and Maas [9] over the range 1 6 p 6 6 bar; at p > 6 bar, however, this scheme significantly overpredicted xig. Since the present study focuses on the pressure range 6 6 p 6 16 bar, the differences between the Warnatz and Maas [9] and Warnatz [13] schemes will not be elaborated; it suffices to say that the CH4 consumption in the former scheme followed only the route CH4fiCH3fiCH2O whereas in the latter scheme both CH4 fi CH3 fi CH3O fi CH2O and CH4 fi CH3 fi CH2O routes were present. Computations indicated that the downstream species profiles of Figs. 4C, E, and F were affected, to a lesser-or-greater degree, by gaseous chemistry. The position x = 93.5 mm of Fig. 4F, for example, was far downstream of xig, and this was manifested by the absence of CH4 in extended zones near both walls. GRI-3.0 significantly underpredicted the measured homogeneous ignition distances (by 56% in Case 2c and 74% in Case 6c of Fig. 2); such underpredictions were also typical of any intermediate pressure. To understand the origin of the differences between the two gaseous schemes, a systematic study of ignition characteristics was undertaken. The SENKIN code [20] was used to compute ignition delay times of fuel-lean CH4/ air mixtures, at a fixed pressure and temperature. The fixed temperature mimicked the presence of the heterogeneous pathway that supplied heat to M. Reinke et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2519–2527 2523 Fig. 2. LIF-measured (1a–6a) and numerically predicted OH color-maps. The predictions 1b–6b refer to the Deutschmann/Warnatz schemes, while 2c and 6c refer to the Deutschmann/GRI-3.0 schemes. The indicated OH levels (ppm vol.) pertain to both the measurements and the Deutschmann/Warnatz predictions. The arrows define the onset of homogeneous ignition. Fig. 7. LIF-measured (a) and numerically predicted with the Deutschmann/Warnatz schemes (b) OH concentrations (ppm vol.) for Cases 7 and 8. the gas. Predicted ignition delay times sig (defined as the times of 50% CH4 conversion) versus u are provided in Fig. 5. It is known [21] that CH4 selfinhibits its ignition: sig [CH4]a, the exponent a being a positive number (a 0.33). This inhibition, however, has been established at u P 0.45 and T P 1300 K [21], which range outside the CST domain. At 4 bar and T > 900 K, GRI-3.0 always displayed a self-inhibition (as manifested by the positive slope in the plots of Fig. 5A) down to u = 0.05, thus resulting in rapid acceleration of the gaseous reactivity at ultra-lean mixtures. Only at sufficiently low temperatures (T = 900 K) and very low equivalence ratios (u < 0.20), this trend was reversed. On the other hand, the scheme of Warnatz (Fig. 5A) displayed self-inhibition only at higher temperatures (T P 1300 K) and at u greater than a minimum value that decreased with increasing temperature. At T = 1400 K, the two schemes were in good agreement, except for 2524 M. Reinke et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2519–2527 Fig. 5. Predicted ignition delay times versus equivalence ratio: Warnatz (solid lines) and GRI-3.0 (dashed lines). Fig. 3. Upper-wall (solid gray lines) and lower-wall (dashed gray lines) streamwise temperature profiles fitted through the thermocouple measurements (upper: circles; lower: triangles). Computed (Deutschmann/Warnatz schemes) species streamwise profiles (averaged over y): CH4 (solid line), OH (dotted-dashed), and H2O (dotted). The arrows define the onset of homogeneous ignition. Fig. 6. Ratios of predicted ignition delay times versus temperature: Warnatz to GRI-3.0. Fig. 4. Measured (symbols) and predicted (lines) species transverse profiles: CH4 (solid lines, squares), H2O (dashed-lines, triangles). The axial positions are: (A,D) x = 15.5 mm, (B,E) x = 43.5 mm, and (C,F) x = 93.5 mm. u 6 0.2. At p = 16 bar (Fig. 5B), both schemes exhibited the same trends as at p = 4 bar, with the difference being that the shift towards self-inhibition occurred at higher temperatures. The ratio of the Warnatz-to-GRI-3.0 ignition delay times is illustrated in Fig. 6. At sufficiently high temperatures (1400 K 6 T 6 1550 K at p = 4 bar and 1500 K 6 T 6 1550 K at p = 16 bar), the ratio was lower than 1.25 for all u, indicating a good agreement between the two schemes. Over the CST operational window 1000 K 6 T 6 1300 K and 0.05 6 u 6 0.4, however, the two schemes had substantial differences (ratios up to 4.5 and 3.7 for u = 0.05). It is noted that u as low as 0.05 are relevant in CST due to the significant catalytic fuel conversion preceding homogeneous ignition (see Fig. 3). The performance of the scheme of Warnatz was, therefore, attributed to its capacity to correctly capture the p–T–u range of self-inhibited CH4 ignition. Computations with the validated scheme of Warnatz indicated that homogeneous ignition was possible in commercial honeycomb reactors: for example, a flame was established in a Pt-coated catalytic channel with a length of 300 mm, a diameter of 1.2 mm, a wall temperature of 1400 K, p = 16 bar, UIN = 15 m/s, TIN = 750 K, and u = 0.40. Heterogeneously produced major species such as H2O and CO2 affected the ignition characteristics. The levels of H2O in the CH4/air experiments were relatively low, for example, 4.8% and 2.7% at M. Reinke et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2519–2527 xig for Cases 2 and 6, respectively (Fig. 3); the CO2 levels were lower (about 55% of the corresponding H2O levels). To investigate the effect of catalytic product formation, additional experiments with large H2O and CO2 dilution were performed. Comparisons between measured and predicted (Deutschmann/Warnatz schemes) OH maps are illustrated in Fig. 7 for CH4/O2 mixtures with CO2/N2 dilution and H2O/N2 dilution. The H2O addition was 57.1% per volume in Case 8; at xig, the H2O levels had risen to 66% (Fig. 3C). The chemical effect of H2O was numerically investigated by replacing the incoming water in Case 8 with a fictitious species H2O*, which did not participate in any reaction but had the same thermodynamic and transport properties as H2O (including the same third body efficiency). The computed xig in Case 8 shifted 50 mm (20 mm when the third body efficiency of H2O* was replaced by that of N2) downstream, clearly showing that H2O promoted kinetically to a significant degree the gaseous combustion; this result was consistent with earlier atmospheric-pressure studies [2]. The thermal effect of H2O addition was even more important than the chemical one; replacing the incoming H2O with N2 shifted the ignition location 70 mm upstream due to the substantially lower heat capacity of the N2; the net effect of H2O addition was an inhibition of homogeneous ignition. The very good agreement between the measured and predicted homogeneous ignition distances (Figs. 7(8a,8b)) has shown that the scheme of Warnatz correctly captured the chemical promotion of homogeneous ignition due to H2O addition. In Case7 with CO2 dilution (30.2% per vol.) there was, again, a good agreement between measurements and predictions (Figs. 7(7a,7b)). A similar analysis showed that the chemical impact of CO2 was particularly small (it shifted xig upstream by only 4 mm). Chemical effects for CO2 have been reported only for equivalence ratios outside the CST interest, u > 0.6 [22]. The comparisons of Fig. 7 also had an important practical impact: exhaust gas dilutions (up to 60% and 30% per vol. H2O and CO2, respectively), are currently investigated for gas-turbines operating with nitrogen-free CH4/O2 mixtures [10]. Finally, the hetero/homogenous radical coupling was assessed. Figure 8 provides a sensitivity analysis (SA) of the heterogeneous pathway on homogeneous ignition for the CH4/air cases. The pre-exponentials of all heterogeneous reactions were multiplied/divided by a factor of 10, and the xig were computed anew; the five most important reactions affecting homogeneous ignition are shown in Fig. 8 (gray bars: division, black bars: multiplication). Irrespective of pressure, the most significant reactions were the CH4 and O2 adsorption/desorption. The effect of radical adsorption/ desorption reactions was particularly small, with only those of OH having a discernible impact. As long as both the OH adsorption and desorp- 2525 Fig. 8. Sensitivity analysis: five most significant catalytic reactions affecting homogeneous ignition: (1) CH4 + 2Pt(s) fi CH3(s) + H(s), (2) O2 + 2Pt(s) fi 2O(s), (3) OH + Pt(s) fi OH(s), (4) 2O(s) fi O2 + 2Pt(s), and (5) OH(s) fi OH + Pt(s). tion reactions were included in the heterogeneous scheme, even large changes in their kinetic rates had a minor impact on xig. 5. Conclusions The homogeneous ignition of CH4/air, CH4/O2/ H2O/N2, and CH4/O2/CO2/N2 mixtures over Pt was investigated experimentally and numerically at pressures up to 16 bar, providing a first direct validation for homogeneous reaction schemes at gasturbine-relevant CST conditions. The scheme of Warnatz provided very good agreement to the measured homogeneous ignition distances (xig) whereas GRI-3.0 underpredicted xig significantly. It was shown that crucial in the performance of the schemes was their ability to capture the self-inhibition ignition characteristics of CH4 over the low temperature and equivalence ratios pertinent to CST. The addition of H2O promoted chemically homogeneous ignition whereas the addition of CO2 had a minor chemical impact. Acknowledgments Support was provided by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE) and Alstom Power of Switzerland. References [1] R. Carroni, V. Schmidt, T. Griffin, Catal. Today 75 (2002) 287–295. [2] U. Dogwiler, P. Benz, J. Mantzaras, Combust. Flame 116 (1999) 243–258. [3] O. Deutschmann, L.I. Maier, U. Riedel, A.H. Stroemman, R.W. Dibble, Catal. Today 59 (2000) 141–150. [4] M. Reinke, J. Mantzaras, R. Schaeren, R. Bombach, A. Inauen, S. Schenker, Combust. Flame 136 (2004) 217–240. [5] J. Mantzaras, P. Benz, Combust. Flame 119 (1999) 455–472. 2526 M. Reinke et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2519–2527 [6] J. Mantzaras, C. Appel, Combust. 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The surface reaction between carbon and carbon dioxide, C (s) + CO2 (s) fi 2CO (s), has been reported only for partial oxidation (fuelrich operation) of methane on Pt [1]. Under the very lean conditions of this study (/ 6 0.40), this reaction plays no role. Reference [1] P. Aghalayam, Y.K. Park, N. Fernandes, V. Papavassiliou, A.B. Mhadeshwar, D.G. Vlachos, J. Catalysis 213 (2003) 23–38. d J.-Y. Chen, University of California Berkeley, USA. Is C2 chemistry becoming important at high pressure especially the ignition delay? Reply. The relevant C2 chemistry is important, particularly for GRI3.0. In the scheme of Warnatz, five reactions involving recombination of C1-radicals to C2 species were considered as an integral part of the C1 mechanism: CH3 + CH3 fi C2H6 (R1), CH2 + CH3 fi C2H4 + H (R2), CH2 (s) + CH3 fi C2H4 + H (R3), CH3 + CH3 fi C2H4 + H2 (R4), and CH4 + CH fi C2H4 + H (R5). The resulting scheme (108 reactions, 25 species) reproduced within 10% (over the entire range 900 K 6 T 6 1400 K, 4 bar 6 p 6 16 bar, 0.05 6 / 6 0.5) the ignition delay times (constant p and T calculations) computed with the full C2 scheme of Warnatz (164 reactions, 33 species). However, exclusion of the five reactions (R1)–(R5) resulted in ignition delay times shorter (in comparison to the full C2 scheme) by 20% at 1100 K and by 80% at 1400 K (p = 4 bar). The last differences reduced only slightly at p = 16 bar. The most important reaction in the group (R1)–(R5) was the methyl radical recombination in R1. The scheme of GRI3.0 had a stronger sensitivity to C2 chemistry. Twelve reactions involving recombination of C1 radicals to C2 species were now considered as an integral part of the C1 mechanism (137 reactions and 26 species). This scheme over-predicted the ignition delay times calculated with the full C3 GRI3.0 mechanism (219 reactions 34 species) by less than 10% at T 6 1100 K and by less than 20% at 1100 K < T 6 1400 K (p = 4 bar, 0.05 6 / 6 0.5). The over-predictions were reduced slightly at p = 16 bar. Complete removal of the 12 C1-to-C2 reactions, however, resulted in a very large under-prediction of the ignition delay times (compared to the full C3 mechanism) over the range M. Reinke et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2519–2527 900 K 6 T 6 1200 K: up to 460% for / = 0.5 and 200% for / = 0.05 (p = 4 bar). At 16 bar, the corresponding under predictions were 350% and 160%. 2527 agreement to the measured homogeneous ignition distances while GRI-3.0 still ignites much earlier. d d Jerry Lee, Sandia National Laboratories, USA. Regarding the gaseous/surface kinetics pathways leading to the oxidation of CH4, are the presented results basically controlled by transport? If so, how does this picture change the range of flow rates (i.e., ReynoldÕs number relevant to this combustor)? If transport effects control the oxidation of methane then the presented results would be specific to this particular combustion system. Scaling it up to burners used in ‘‘real’’ applications or burners of different geometry may require separate experiments/simulations. Reply. Transport is always important in catalytic reactors, simply because the gas phase/surface interfacial boundary conditions express a diffusion reaction balance. The extent of the heterogeneous and homogeneous pathway contributions will always bear the influence of transport in any realistic combustion system. To remove transport limitations, the delineation of the regimes of significance for the homogeneous reaction pathway was computed in an ideal Surface Perfectly Stirred Reactor (SPSR). As far as ‘‘real burners’’ is concerned, this issue is addressed in the results section: additional computations are presented for reactor geometries and spatial velocities typical to those of gas turbines. d Serguei Nester, GTI, USA. Could you provide more details on elementary chemical mechanisms of ignition for H2O versus CO2? Reply. As stated in the paper, the dilution with H2O or CO2 does not alter the performance of the tested mechanisms: the scheme of Warnatz provides very good Hai Wang, University of Southern California, USA. You showed quite large discrepancies between predictions by the GRI-Mech (3.0) and experiments. In addition, the Warnatz model appears to predict closely the experimental data. Compared with the Warnatz model, what reaction(s) or reaction set(s) in the GRI-Mech are responsible for the observed discrepancies? Reply. In the mechanism of Warnatz, the main route for CH3 consumption is the formation of CH2O via CH3 + O2 = CH2O + OH (R1); the route to CH3O (primarily via CH3 + HO2 = CH3O + OH (R2) and to a smaller degree via CH3 + O2 = CH3O + O) is less important. On the other hand, GRI3.0 exhibits a different trend: the main route is CH3O formation (again via R2) and the route to CH2O (R1) is much less important. Interestingly, the older version GRI2.11 provided the same important pathways as GRI-3.0, although with a strong increase in the relative importance of (R1). The result was improved ignition delay time predictions for GRI2.11, which were between those of Warnatz and GRI-3.0. It is noted that the reaction rate coefficient in R2 was k = AT b exp(E RT) with b = E = 0 and A (cm mol s) 1.8 · 1013 in Warnatz, 2.0 · 1013 in GRI2.11 and 3.78 · 1013 in GRI3.0. An additional factor contributing to the discrepancies between Warnatz and GRI3.0 was the H/O subset: interchanging the H/O reactions of GRI3.0 to those of Warnatz improved the homogeneous ignition distance predictions (or ignition delay times) by 20%. The controlling reaction was the exothermic radical recombination HO2 + OH = H2O + O2: the rate coefficient of this reaction was about two times larger in the scheme of Warnatz compared to GRI3.0. This resulted in higher HO2 levels for GRI3.0 that, in turn, accelerated R2. Detailed analysis for the origin of the discrepancies is currently in progress.
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