EuroCG 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 16–18, 2015 Computing the Smallest Color-Spanning Equaliteral Triangle Javad Hasheminejad∗ Payam Khanteimouri Abstract Let P be a set of n colored points with k colors in the plane. A region is color-spanning if it contains at least one point from each color. In this paper, we study the problem of computing the smallest colorspanning equilateral triangle whose one side is parallel to x-axis. We first show that the number of the minimal color-spanning equilateral triangles is O(n) in the worst case. Then, we present an efficient algorithm running in O(n log n) time to solve the problem. Finally, we show that our algorithm can be used to compute a 2-approximation of the smallest perimeter color-spanning convex hull which is the first subquadratic time algorithm with approximation factor 2. 1 Introduction Background. In many practical problems in computational geometry, the input points are imprecise. An imprecise point can be defined by a region where the exact location of the point can be anywhere inside the region [7]. In a case that an imprecise point is modeled with a discrete range such as a point set, each imprecise point can be represented by a set of points which determines all possible locations of that point. Therefore, by assigning a distinct color to each imprecise point, a set of k imprecise points can be modeled by n points with k colors, where n is the number of possible locations for all imprecise points. In this point of view, the problem is to choose exactly k points with different colors in such a way that a geometric structure e.g. convex hull, diameter, bounding box, etc. gets minimized or maximized —see [5] and references therein. Furthermore, we have similar models in other areas such as facility location, statistical clustering, pattern recognition and generalized range searching [1, 3, 8]. Related works. Suppose we are given a set of n points with k colors in the plane. A region is said to be color-spanning if it contains at least one point from each color. Abellanas et al. [1] presented an algorithm to compute the smallest color-spanning axisparallel rectangle in O(n(n − k) log2 k) time. The problem of computing the smallest color-spanning circle can be solved in O(nk log n) time using the up∗ Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran 32 ∗ Ali Mohades ∗ per envelope of Voronoi surfaces [4]. In addition, Khanteimouri et al. [6] presented an O(n log2 n) time algorithm to compute the smallest color-spanning axis-parallel square. Moreover, For the problem of computing the smallest perimeter color-spanning convex hull, Ju et al. [5] showed the NP-hardness of the problem, and they proposed a π-approximation algorithm running in O(n2 +nk log k) time. They also pro√ posed a 2-approximation algorithm for the problem running in the same time of computing the smallest color-spanning rectangle. Our Results. In this paper, we study the problem of computing the smallest color-spanning equilateral triangle whose one side is parallel to x-axis (SCST, for short). Beside the applications of this problem in location planning, the perimeter of the SCST approximates the perimeter of the smallest color-spanning convex hull. In Section 2, we first show that there are O(n) minimal color-spanning triangles in the worst case. Then, we present an O(n log n) time algorithm to compute the SCST. Next in Section 3, we show that the perimeter of the SCST gives a 2-approximation for the perimeter of the smallest color-spanning convex hull which significantly improves the first result presented in [5]. In fact, no subquadratic time algorithm with approximation factor 2 was known before. Finally, we conclude in Section 4. 2 Computing the Smallest Color-Spanning Equilateral Triangle In this section, we focus on the problem of computing the smallest color-spanning equilateral triangle whose base is parallel to the x-axis. We start by some preliminaries and definitions. 2.1 Preliminaries and Definitions Let S = {s1 , · · · , sn } be a set of points in the plane. • For a point si ∈ S, wedge of si is the portion of the plane√restricted between two half-lines with slopes ± 3 starting from si towards increasing y-coordinates—see Figure 1-(a). We denote the wedge of si by W(si ). • We say si dominates sj if and only if W(si ) ⊆ W(sj ). A point si is maximal if it is not dominated by any other point in S. This is an extended abstract of a presentation given at EuroCG 2015. It has been made public for the benefit of the community and should be considered a preprint rather than a formally reviewed paper. Thus, this work is expected to appear in a conference with formal proceedings and/or in a journal. 31st European Workshop on Computational Geometry, 2015 • For a set of m functions F = {f1 , · · · , fm } we define LF as the lower envelope of F. Precisely, LF (x) = minf ∈F f (x). Similarly, UF = maxf ∈F f (x) denotes the upper envelope of F. Figure 3: Two types of a minimal color-spanning equilateral triangle. (a) (b) Figure 1: (a) The wedge of point si . (b) si dominates point sj . Now, let P = P1 ∪ P2 · · · ∪ Pk be the given set of n points with k colors in the plane where Pi is the set of points with color i. • We define Li as the lower envelope of color i which is the lower envelope of boundaries of W(p) for all p ∈ Pi . • Li consists of mountains and valleys. In fact, a valley is a point in Pi that does not dominate any other point of Pi and a mountain is a local maximum point which appears between two consecutive valleys. In addition, we define two additional mountains at −∞ and +∞ for each Li —see Figure 2 for more illustration. We first show a new view of a color-spanning triangle whose base lies on some horizontal line l. Let Pl ⊆ P be the subset of points above l and L = {L1 , · · · , Lk } be the set of lower envelopes of all colors for the points in Pl . Moreover, let R be the region above the upper envelope UL . We present the following lemma. Lemma 1 An equilateral triangle T whose base lies on line l is color-spanning if and only if its apex belongs to R. Proof. Let p0 be some point in Pl . Clearly, triangle T with base on l contains p0 if and only if its apex belongs to W(p0 ). Since the region above Li is the union of all wedges of points with color i, the triangle T with apex located at a point above Li contains at least one i-colored point. From the fact that R is the intersection of regions above Li for all i, we conclude that T is color-spanning if its apex belongs to R. The converse implication can be proved in a similar way. Now, suppose we sweep the points with line l. When the sweep line l crosses a new point p ∈ P with color i, the insertion of p changes the structure Li —see Figure 4. Thus, the upper envelope may also be changed. To see the relation between minimal color-spanning triangles and the upper envelope of described structures, we present the following lemma. Additional Mountains Mountain Valley eliminated part Figure 2: The mountains and valleys on Li . • A minimal color-spanning object contains at least one point from each color and any sub-region of it does not contain all colors. We can assume without loss of generality that a minimal colorspanning equilateral triangle with the base parallel to x-axis (minimal CST, for short) is defined with two or three points with unique colors on its edges, as illustrated in Figure 3. 2.2 Algorithm We now present our algorithm to compute the SCST. The sketch of our algorithm is as follows. We sweep the points with a horizontal line l from top to bottom and we test all minimal CSTs when an insertion occurs. Figure 4: The apex of a minimal CST is placed on a valley point of UL . 33 EuroCG 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 16–18, 2015 Lemma 2 A triangle T with apex q is a minimal CST if and only if q appears for the first time as a valley point on some UL during the plane sweep. Proof. Consider the event that l encounters the point p with color i and q appears as a valley point on UL for the first time. Let T be the triangle defined by the apex q with base on l. As q belongs to UL , triangle T is color-spanning according to Lemma 1. To conclude that T is minimal, we first show that p is the unique point with color i included in T . Since q appeared for the first time, therefore q belongs to W(p) and T contains p on its bottom edge. Besides, since q appeared for the first time, it must be a point below the structure Li before the insertion of point p. Thus, T could not contain any point of color i just before the time l reaches p. On the other hand, each valley point of UL can be either a valley of some Lj or an intersection point of Lj and Lt for some colors j and t—see Figure 4. These cases determine the two types of minimal CSTs which are illustrated in Figure 3. We can simply prove the converse implication in a similar way, but we omit the details due to the space constraint. Therefore, we can state that the number of minimal CSTs is equal to the number of distinct valleys that are created on UL during the plane sweep process. Although there is a configuration of points P in which the lower envelops Li intersect each other in Ω(nk) points, we show that only O(n) distinct valley points can appear on UL . Let appi be the number of mountains that appear for the first time on UL when l reaches point pi . Similarly, let deli be the number of deleted mountains. We first present the following lemma. Lemma 3 The number of newly appeared valleys is at most deli + appi when l crosses point pi . Proof. We can partition the set of newly appeared mountains into m components of consecutive mountains of UL , as illustrated in Figure 5. Each component should be placed under at least one deleted mountain. It is easy to see that the number of newly appeared valleys that are located among these components is at most appi + m—see Figure 5. In addition, there could be some deleted mountains such that there is not any newly appeared mountain below them. The number of this type of deleted mountains is at most deli − m. We can simply show that the number of newly appeared valleys of this type is at most deli − m. Therefore, since a deleted mountain never reappears we conclude the lemma. From the fact that each point pi creates exactly two new mountains on Li the total number of created 34 Two components Figure 5: Squares and filled circles indicate respectively the newly appeared and the deleted mountains. mountains during the sweep process is 2n. Moreover, each mountain can appear on UL and is deleted once. Thus, we conclude the following lemma according to Lomma 3. Lemma 4 There are O(n) minimal CSTs in the worst case. Brodal et al. [2] presented a data structure to maintain the planar maximal points with O(log n) worst case time per insertion or deletion. They define that a point p = (px , py ) dominates another point q = (qx , qy ) if inequalities px ≥ qx and py ≥ qy hold. Moreover, they showed their data structure allows reporting the maximal points that dominate a given query point q in O(log n + r) time, where r is the number of reported points. It is easy to see that we can adopt the definition of maximal points used in this paper with the one defined in [2]. Furthermore, to maintain the upper envelope UL it suffices to maintain the maximal points of mountains instead of the original points. A valley on UL can be obtained by two consecutive maximal mountain points. We exploit the data structure presented in [2] to perform the insertion and deletion of mountains. Moreover, we use a maximal reporting query to obtain the newly appeared valleys. In the following we explain the details. Consider the event that l passes point p with color i. First, we intersect the boundary of W(p) with Li . Let s and t be the intersected points such that sx ≤ tx (s or t may be equal to −∞ and +∞ respectively). Moreover, let Q = {q1 , · · · , qm } be the sorted list of points that appear on Li from s to t. First, we do the insertions of mountains s and t. Now, to perform the deletion of point qi and report the newly appeared valleys we do as follows. As the first case, suppose qi is not a point of UL . In this case, we only perform a deletion of qi and no new valley gets reported. In the other case, qi is a maximal mountain point. To report the new valleys that appear by deletion of qi , we first compute the query point qi0 by finding the two adjacent mountains of qi on UL —see Figure 6. Then, we perform a deletion of qi from the data structure and perform a maximal reporting with query point qi0 to compute the newly appeared valleys. Therefore, we present the following theorem. 31st European Workshop on Computational Geometry, 2015 (after update) the perimeter of T 0 —consider the equilateral triangle with vertices placed at the middle points of T 0 edges. Therefore, inequalities P (CH ∗ ) ≥ 21 P (T 0 ) ≥ 12 P (T ) also hold and we conclude that the SCST computes a 2-approximation of SCSCH. 4 Figure 6: Updating the upper envelope UL and reporting the newly appeared valleys. Theorem 5 For a given set of n points with k colors in the plane, the problem of computing the SCST can be solved in O(n log n) time. In this paper, we presented a novel idea to solve the problem of computing the SCST. We first proved that there are O(n) minimal CSTs. Then, we proposed an O(n log n) time algorithm to compute the SCST which exploits the data structure presented in [2]. Finally, we showed that a 2-approximation of the SCSCH can be computed in O(n log n) time by finding the SCST which significantly improves one of the earlier results. References [1] Abellanas, M., Hurtado, F., Icking, C., Klein, R., Langetepe, E., Ma, L., Palop, B., Sacrist´an, V.: Smallest Color-Spanning Objects. Proc. European Symp. Algorithms (ESA-2001), LNCS 2161, (2001) 278–289. Proof. We can compute s and t by performing a binary search in the sorted list of Li in O(log n) time. Since there are totally 2n mountains, all insertions and deletions take O(n log n) time. On the other hand, the data structure presented in [2] allows us to compute each query point qi0 in O(log n) time. Since we perform O(n) queries in such a way that each minimal CST gets reported only once, we conclude from Lemma 4 that the query takes O(n log n) time in total. Therefore, the running time of the algorithm is O(n log n). 3 Conclusion [2] Brodal, G. S., Tsakalidis, K.: Dynamic Planar Range Maxima Queries. In Automata, Languages and Programming. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2011) 256–267. [3] Gupta, P., Janardan, R., Smid, M. H. M.: Further Results on Generalized Intersection Searching Problems: Counting, Reporting, and Dynamization. J. Algorithms. 19 2 (1995) 282–317. Approximating the Smallest Perimeter ColorSpanning Convex Hull [4] Huttenlocher, D. P., Kedem, K., Sharir, M.: The Upper Envelope of Voronoi Surfaces and Its Applications. Discrete Computational Geometry. 9 (1993) 267–291. In this section, we show that the SCST gives a constant factor approximation for the smallest perimeter color-spanning convex hull (SCSCH, for short). The problem of computing the SCSCH is to choose one point from each color in such a way the perimeter of convex hull of the selected points gets minimum. We present the following theorem. [5] Ju, W., Fan, C., Luo, J., Zhu, B., Daescu, O.: On Some Geometric Problems of Color-Spanning Sets. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 26 2 (2013) 266–283. [6] Khanteimouri, P., Mohades, A., Abam, M. A., Kazemi, M. R.: Computing the Smallest ColorSpanning Axis-Parallel Square. In Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2013), LNCS - 8283, (2013) 634–643. Theorem 6 There is a 2-approximation algorithm for computing the SCSCH running in O(n log n) time. Proof. Let T be the SCST computed by the algorithm described in previous section. Moreover, let CH ∗ be the SCSCH. Since T is color-spanning there is a convex hull CH inscribed in T . Therefore, inequalities P (CH ∗ ) ≤ P (CH) ≤ P (T ) hold, where P (.) denotes the perimeter function. On the other hand, let T 0 be the smallest equilateral triangle which contains CH ∗ . For the points included in T 0 , we can show by primitive calculations that the perimeter of any convex hull that touches the edges of T 0 is at least half of [7] L¨ offler, M.: Data Imprecision in Computational Geometry. Ph.D. Thesis. Utrecht University. (2009). [8] Matouˇsek, J.: On Enclosing k Points by a Circle. Inf. Process. Lett.. 53 4 (1995) 217–221. 35
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