Chicago, Illinois Announcement Bulletin: May, 2015

Test your knowledge in the Bible. ‘Who Asked God’…
→1. …to bless him and enlarge his territory?
A) Job B) Jabez C) Solomon D) David
→2) …not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if righteous men could be
found there?
A) Moses B) Lot C) Abraham D) Isaac
→3) …to make the sun stand still?
A) Joshua B) Moses C) Caleb D) Samson
→4) …to “Speak; for they servant heareth?”
A) David B) Samuel C) Elijah D) Enoch
→5) …”Am I my brother’s keeper?”
A) Adam B) Eve C) Cain D) Abel
→6) …”Shall I go and smite these Philistines?”
A) Saul B) David C) Samson D) Caleb
→7) …to take his life, and said “It is better for me to die than to live”
A) Job B) Jonah C) Judas D) Jeremiah
→8) …”why is it that thou hast sent me?”
A) Joshua B) Aaron C) Moses D) Elijah
→9) ..”hast thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn,
by slaying her son?”
A) Elijah B) Elisha C) Joel D) David.
→10) …”Who am I, that I should go to Pharoah?”
A) Joseph B) Moses C) Isaac D) Abraham
Answers below.
Words: Short but so succinct
The Ten Commandments: 179.
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: 286.
The Declaration of Independence: 1,300.
The Lord’s Prayer: 66.
And then there is…the U.S. Govt. regulations on the sale of cabbage:
26,911 words.
And finally: The average person will walk the equivalent of four times
around the earth during his or her lifetime…About 11% of the land surface
is used for crops…People don’t sneeze when they sleep…Flamingos get
their distinctive colors from the food they eat
Chicago, Illinois
Announcement Bulletin: June, 2015
Mr. Bret Diggins
Mr. Bob E. Fahey
June 13
Mr. Bob B Fahey
June 20
Mr. Kirk Talbott
Mr. Bob E. Fahey
June 27
Mr. William Hewitt
Mr. Brian Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. David Roenspies
49 Years
Mr. & Mrs. John (Cindy) Rizzo
30 Years
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Chochola
42 Years
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kerr
36 Years
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Stenhouse
8 Years
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Long
55 Years
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Arenas
25 Years
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ulrey
40 Years
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kalnas
20 Years
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Morris
24 Years
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie (Betty) Perry
53 Years
Answers: 1-B (1 Chron. 4:10) 2-C (Gen 18:20-24) 3-A (Joshua 10: 12-13) 4-B (1 Sam.
3:10) 5-C (Gen 4:9) 6-B (1 Sam. 23:1-2) 7-B (Jonah 4:3) 8-C (Ex. 5:22) 9-A (1 Kings
17:17-20) 10-B (Ex. 3:11)
Mr. Ethan May (Split)
Congratulations to you all!
Local News
►June Hall Schedule◄
All services will be at 1:30pm at the Hinsdale Community Hall (HCH)
except for June 27th. Services will start at 2:30pm at the HCH.
(Our first service in July, the 4th, will be at an offsite location)
► Sunset times for June 2015: Sabbath Days ◄
Fri, June
Fri, June
Fri, June
Fri, June
8:21 PM
8:25 PM
8:28 PM
8:30 PM
Sat, June
Sat, June
Sat, June
Sun, June
8:22 PM
8:26 PM
8:29 PM
8:30 PM,%20Illinois;87.6;41.9;6;1&month=6&year=2015&time_type=0)
Mr. Bob Fahey, Pastor:
Mr. Bill Bradford:
630-739-4746 630-730-8762
►It’s Tea time…
We will be having a Tea after services on Sabbath, June 27, to honor Bob
and Evelyn Fahey. Mr. Fahey was ordained an elder 50 years ago (June 18,
1965) and Bob and Evelyn have been married for 50 years (July 3, 1965).
Additionally, Mr. Fahey has been pastoring the Hinsdale congregation for
25 years.
We have a list of the various items we would like for the food table. Please
see Barb Hewitt to sign up if you are going to bring something for the tea.
Thank you all for your time and effort!
The choir will be on the summer break and resume its 20th season on
August 8th in preparations for the Fall Holy Days.
No date has been set for our summer picnic yet. We are researching for a
facility that is more centrally located for us, if possible, than the DuPage
River Park in Naperville.
►Volunteer Group: Greeters/Ushers/Sound/Food
Team Lead:
Mr. Jim Gillespie
Door Greeter:
Mr. Dave Stilphen
Mr. Tony Jackson, Mr. Tony Matesi
Food Table:
Mrs. Tony Jackson, Mr. Eric Hewitt, Ms. Laura
De la Torre
Mr. Kurt Hewitt
Mr. Omar Lopez
►BT Airing Schedule
Below is this month’s Beyond Today airing schedule. View the programs
online at
6/5-11 Kingdoms at War: Powers of the Unseen World.
Mr. Darris McNeely
6/12-18 Is the Rapture Real? / Mr. Gary Petty
6/19-25 Seven Prophetic Signs Before Jesus Returns.
Mr. Darris McNeely
6/26-7/2 The Rich Man and Lazarus. / Mr. Steve Myers
►Teen Speech Club – The Chicago teens will combine with the
Milwaukee teens in Milwaukee on June 13th for the Speech Club.
Father’s day is June 21th this year. Here are some fun facts/trivia regarding
this day and our fathers:
►Youth Education - There will be no session this month. Youth
Education will resume next month.
Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it gets you
nowhere………………………………………………………..……..Glenn Turner
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of
Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many: not on your
past misfortunes, of which all men have some……………………Charles Dickens
→Tie is the most traditional and famous Father’s Day gift throughout the
→Greeting cards are the #1 purchase of Father’s day with over 110 million
sent throughout the world.
→It’s the 4th most popular card sending holiday in the world.
→The two top-selling categories are “Dad from Daughter” and “Dad from
→In 1972, President Richard Nixon signed into law a permanent U.S.
Father’s Day to be observed on the third Sunday in June. and