Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards guards, peons & hamaals:: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 CGMSC/Admin/2015 NOT TRANSFERABLE Ref. No: CGMSC/Admin /2015-16/01, /20 Dated: 19/03/2015 CHHATTISGARH MEDICAL SERVICES CORPORATION LTD. (A Government of Chhattisgarh Undertaking) CIN--U85110CT2010SGC022089 3rd Floor Govind Sarang Vyavsaik Parisar, New Rajendra nagar, Raipur - 492001 Phone: 0771-2220015, 0771 4280012/ 5 / 6 Website:, www.cgmsc. email: SHORT TENDER DOCUMENT FOR: OUTSOURCING OF SECURITY GUARDS, PEONS & HAMAALS Name of Bidder : Address : Signature of Bidder : LAST DATE FOR RECEIPTS OF TENDER: 06/04/2015 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 CHHATTISGARH MEDICAL SERVICES CORPORATION LTD. (A Government of Chhattisgarh Undertaking) CIN-U85110CT2010SGC022089 3rd Floor Govind Sarang Vyavsaik Parisar, New Rajendra nagar, Raipur - 492001 Phone: 0771-2220015, 4280012/ 5 / 6 Website:, email: TENDER DOCUMENT FOR OUTSOURCING OF SECURITY GUARDS, PEONS & HAMAALS TO CHHATTISGARH MEDICAL SERVICES CORPORATION LIMITED FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016. TENDER REFERENCE : CGMSC/Admin /2015-16/03 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT TO DOWNLOAD OF TENDER DOCUMENT 11:00 AM; 19/03/2015 Last date and time for the receipt of Tender: 03:00 PM; 06/04/2015 Date of opening of technical bid & Price bid : 04:00 PM; 06/04/2015 PLACE OF OPENING OF TENDER & CHHATTISGARH MEDICAL SERVICES ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION CORPORATION LTD. 3rd Floor Govind Sarang Vyavsaik Parisar, New Rajendra nagar, Raipur - 492001 Tender Processing Fees Rs 1000.00 (Non Refundable) by DD in favour of MD, CGMSC Ltd. Payable at Raipur, CG EMD(Earnest Money Deposit) Rs. 50000.00 by DD in favour of MD, CGMSC Ltd. Payable at Raipur, CG 2 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 SCHEDULE - 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER 1. Sealed offers are invited from the interested parties for engagement of security guards, peons & hamaals to Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd. 2. Offer Must be submitted in sealed covers/envelope addressed to the "Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd, Third Floor, GovindSarag Vyavasayik Parisar, New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur, C.G." with the purpose, due date of opening and the name of the tender super scribed on the cover/envelops. The tender should be dropped in the tender box placed in the O/o Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd. Third Floor, Govind Sanrang Vyavasayik Parisar, New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur, C.G. for the particular tender No. CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 dated 19/03/2015. In case, the tender is sent through post/courier, it will be responsibility of the bidder to drop/get dropped the tender in the tender box. Receipt of tender shall not be given in any case. The tender should be dropped before or up to 3.00 pm on due date of submission. Tender box shall be sealed at 3.00 pm and in no case Bidders shall be allowed to be dropped after 3.00 pm. 3. Only one offer from one firm of contractors will be accepted, if more than one offer is found, Company will have right to reject any or all his offer (S) without assigning any reason and EMD may be forfeited. 4. Bidders are required to furnish an Earned Money amounting to Rs. 50,000.00 (Fifty thousand) only in the form of Demand draft drawn in favour of Managing Director Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd., Raipur issued by any scheduled bank. No interest shall be paid on the Earnest Money. 5. a) The Bidders shall be submitted in the office of Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd. Third Floor, Govind Sarang Vyavsayik Parisar. New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur, C.G. on or before 06/04/2015 up to 3.00 pm only and will be opened on the same day at 4:00 pm Hrs. Tender offers received without proper Earnest Money will not be considered. b) In the first envelope the required Earnest Money Deposit in proper form should be enclosed and it must be super scribed clearly as Tender name and No. EMD with amount, due date of opening and name of firm with address, telephone/mobile numbers for contact and addressed to “Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd. Third Floor, Govind Sarang Vyavsayik Parisar. New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur, C.G.” c) The second envelope should be super scribed as “Technical & Commercial Bid” Tender name and No., due date of opening and name of firm with address, telephone/mobile numbers for contact and addressed to “Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd. Third Floor, Govind Sarang Vyavsayik Parisar. New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur, C.G.” This envelop must contain all the documents in original issued from this office duly signed by the firm on each page except Annexure-I i.e. price bid. If the firm wishes to enclose any other supporting documents the same must be duly signed /attested on each page and should be in envelop number-2 only. 3 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 d) The third envelope should super scribed as “Price Bid” Tender name and No. due date of opening and name of firm with address, telephone/mobile numbers for contact and addressed to “Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd. Third Floor, Govind Sarang Vyavsayik Parisar. New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur, C.G.” This envelope must contain only the price bid issued from this office attached with the tender documents in original duly sealed and signed by the firm. e) All the three envelops shall be kept in a 4th envelope super scribed as “Tender Ref No: CGMSC/ Admin/2015-16/01, i.e. due date of opening of tender and name of firm with address, telephone/mobile numbers for contact and addressed to “Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd. Third Floor, Govind Sarang Vyavsayik Parisar. New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur, C.G.” 6. First of all, envelop of Earnest Money will be opened and verified. If this is found in order, then only second part of the tender i.e. technical & commercial bid of tender will be opened and finally the price bid of the bidder, who has successfully crossed two stages of opening, will be opened (subject to conditions). If found necessary the price bid may be opened later on for which new date/time will be intimated separately. 7. The Earnest Money will be refunded to un-successful Bidders within the reasonable time. The Earnest Money deposited by the successful tender may be adjusted in the Security Deposit for the fulfillment of the contract, but shall be forfeited, if the contractor fails to execute the contract after intimation of the acceptance of his tender. 8. This forfeiture shall be without prejudice to the right of the Company to recover further damages, if any, from the tender. 9. Within 7 days of intimation given of the acceptance of the tender, the successful Bidders shall be required to deposit an amount equivalent to 10% (Ten percent) of the contract value towards security deposit for the contract period is ONE YEAR, in the forms as specified in clause 4 above. The contractor wishes to adjust E.M.D. deposited by him in the S.D. the same will be allowed. In such case the bidder has to deposit difference of 10% of contract value and E.M.D. deposited. The work will commence exactly as per guidelines within 30 days from the date of receipt of the letter of acceptance or any other date intimated by officer in charge of the work. In case of delay in execution of contract, penalty@2% (two percent) per week or part there- of subject to maximum of 10% will be imposed on the value of work contract. 10. Bidder must fill up complete tender form and should submit in original duly signed all pages by the competent person of the firm. The document should be free from over writing. Any tender not bearing the signature in all the pages and documents accompanying the tender may be liable for rejection. 11. The Bidder shall furnish latest income tax clearance certificate or return filed with the competent authority along with the tender, documents. Alternatively, the bidder shall give valid reasons for his inability to furnish such certificate with documentary proof. The Company reserves the right to reject any tender if the income tax clearance certificate or the reasons for the Bidders inability to furnish such certificate is not furnished. 4 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 12. Bidder which do not fulfill all or any of the above conditions or incomplete in any respect or giving false information are liable to be rejected at any stage of the tender process and EMD will be forfeited. 13. The submission of tender by the Bidders implies that he has read and accepted the instructions, the conditions of the contract etc. and has made himself aware of the scope of the work to be done and local conditions and other factors bearing on the execution of the work. 14. After acceptance of rates the company will not pay any extra charges for any reasons whatsoever even in case the contractor later on to have misjudged the conditions of the contract. 15. Rates shall be quoted both in words & figures in the price schedule enclosed. Rate quoted shall remain firm throughout the contract period. In case of deviation of rates in figures and words. Rates beneficial to Company. 16. It shall not be obligatory for the Company or its officer to accept the lowest tender. The authority for the acceptance of the tender will rest with the Company, which does not bind itself to assign any reason for declining to consider any particular tender or Bidders. 17. The tender offer should be valid positively, for acceptance for a period of four months from the date of opening: otherwise liable for rejection. 18. Further information required (if any) can be have from the O/o "Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd, Third Floor, Govind Sarang Vyavasayik Parisar, New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur, C.G." 19. All matters arising out of any way connected with this contract shall be deemed to have arisen in Raipur and only the Court in Raipur shall be the jurisdiction to determine the same. 20. The tender received after the due date and time shall not be accepted /opened. Company will not be responsible for postal or courier service delay. 21. The company reserves the right to accept/reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof. 22. This condition of tender shall from part of the contract and any breach of the terms of this notice shall be deemed to be a breach of the contract. Managing Director C.G.M.S.C. LTD, RAIPUR 5 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 SCHEDULE-II SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. Eligibility for the Bidders (a) They should comply with and follow the provision of Chhattisgarh Rajya Niji Suraksha Abhikaran (Viniyaman) Niyam 2008. They should have valid license issued by C.G. Home Department for providing Security Services at Chhattisgarh U/s 9 of the Chhattisgarh Rajya Niji Suraksha Abhikaran (Viniyaman) Niyam 2008. (b) The Bidder should have valid labour license for providing security services issued by Labour Department, Govt. of C.G. (c) The firm should have minimum annual turnover of Rs. 20 lakhs for last three years i.e. 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. (d) The bidder should registered with EPF office The documentary evidence in support of (a),(b),(c) & (d) above shall be submitted along with the tender. 2. Equipments: (a) Necessary equipments like lathi, whistle, torch, photo identity card duly signed by In charge officer etc. and normal consumables will be arranged by bidder. (b) The Agency will be provide complete uniform and name tag as approved by officer-in-charge to all the security guards. 3. Qualification for Guards & Peons: (a) Only male adult guards below 45 years age having minimum educational qualification VIIIth pass & physical fitness standard as per Police Department Govt. of Chhattisgarh will have to be engaged for the above work in as specified in clause 6.28. (b) Both male & female peons below 45 years age but not less than 18 year having educational qualification VIIIth pass. (c) Only male adult Hamaal below 35 years of age but not less than 18 years having minimum educational qualification VIIIth pass and physical fitness standard should be as per District Medical Board of Chhattisgarh. 4. Maintenance of records: (a) Daily/Shift wise attendance of the Guards, Peons & Hamaal engaged is to be taken and maintained by contractor, which can be checked at any time by the Officer. In charge on duty. The daily attendance is required to be certified by the Officer In charge. 6 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 (b) The Officer In charge and contractor or his authorized person (Supervisor) at any time during the contract can do the inspection of work and records, jointly. (c) The monthly payment to the guards, peons & Hamaal for the above work is to be made by the Contractor in presence of the Officer In charge or his authorized representative on fixed date and time positively and photocopy of the same is to be submitted to the Officer in charge regularly along with the bill. (d) The Guards, Peons & Hamaal engaged by contractor can be changed only with the written permission of the Officer in charge. 5. Duties of the Guards, Peons & Hamaal: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) It will be the duty of the guards to prevent entry of unauthorized/unwanted person in the premises. The work shall be carried out as per direction of Officer in charge. The security guards will work in shifts in head office as per requirement. The present shift Hours are under:06 AM to 02PM- 8 Hours”A SHIFT” 02PM to 10 PM- 8 Hours”B SHIFT” 10PM to 10 AM- 8 Hours”C SHIFT” The security guards will work in shifts warehouse as per requirement. The present shift Hours are under:06 AM to 02PM- 8 Hours”A SHIFT” 02PM to 10 PM- 8 Hours”B SHIFT” 10PM to 10 AM- 8 Hours”C SHIFT” It will be the duty of the peons and Hamaal to obey every order of the staff of the CGMSC office. The peons and Hamaal will work 6 days in a week from 10.00 am to 6 pm except holidays and as per requirement in holidays. 6. SCOPE OF WORKS: 6.1 Head Office is spread over the large area if there is any occurrence of cable cut/theft then it will be difficult to resume the normal condition. Therefore, it needs very close /sensible vigil to take care round the clock about each part of company. 6.2 The scope of services to be provided by Security Agency shall include, but not limited to the following : 6.3 Providing security coverage to protect the property to Head Office of CGMSC Ltd. against theft, burglary, damages by unwanted elements, unauthorized removal of documents and property etc. from the premises/company. 6.4 Providing safety coverage to protect the office premises/complex and their contents from damage by fire or water and prevent waste of material. 6.5 Providing assistance to concerning officer in case of strikes, riots and labourunrest. 6.6 Managing security posts identified by concern Officer, round the clock for performing watch and ward duties and such other duties as allocated by Managing Director, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd. Raipur, C.G. 6.7 Assisting and actively participating in removal of unauthorized occupants/ encroachments from the premises of CGMSC Ltd. 6.8 Maintaining liaison with civil and Police authorities of the Area/District where security coverage is being given. 7 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 6.9 Ensuring entry of the employees of Officer of concerning head office etc. into the premises under all conditions including hindrances’s, dharnas, strike and gherao etc. by and individual or group of persons. 6.10 Providing guards/escort as and when required. 6.11 Controlling/regulating the movement of employees and visitors in the office premises, and township whenever applicable. 6.12 To take charge of keys for locking and unlocking of office premises whenever required. 6.13 Checking all incoming and outgoing goods and vehicles and maintaining their record registration no. of vehicles (other than company’s and Employees) and their time of entry and exit should be noted. 6.14 Ensuring compliance of safety regulations including smoking restrictions and to assist as directed by head office in prevention of accidents. 6.15 Ensuring that all fire fighting equipments are in the designated locations and in usable conditions. 6.16 Recording all occurrences concerning the security in the log book for the information of CGMSC Ltd. 6.17 Any other duty as may be assigned form time to time and as need arises. 6.18 Security of the personnel property and assets, movable and immovable of CGMSC Ltd. 6.19 Locking of all office rooms/ chambers, cabins and switching off the light, fans, power points air conditioners, motors etc. as required. 6.20 Intensive patrolling in the areas specified by officer-in-charge from time to time with a view to complete assigned tasks. 6.21 Attending to telephone calls and transferring calls when office is closed. 6.22 Performance of any other task/ duty allotted by concerning officering the interest of the security of its premises and property and submission of reports to CGMSC Ltd, of any issue which may be against the interest of CGGMSC Ltd. 6.23 The contractor will be providing round the clock security services at all duty points as instructed by our officer-in-charge. 6.24 The contractor will follow all labour Regulation Acts including applicability of minimum wages, provident Fund etc. as declared by respective Collector of the district from time to time. 6.25 Responsible officer of the contractor will be available at company who will have sufficient financial and Administrative powers to tackle the day to day problems. Contractor will nominate within one week, one responsible person under his contract to handle such things. 6.26 Managing Director, CGMSC Ltd. Raipur has the right to terminate the contract location-wise in case of unsatisfactory performance in a particular location. 6.27 If the contractor commits default in complying with any terms and conditions. Managing Director, CGMSC Ltd. Raipur shall be at liberty to terminate the contract and shall be entitle to recover any damage, loss caused to it because of the Acts or omissions of the contractor. 6.28 Location/Place wise requirement: Sr. No. 1 2 Particular Peons Hamaal Security Guards No. of Person 6 4 3 Peons 1 Hamaal 2 Security Guards 3 8 Work Place Address CGMSC Head 3rd Floor Goving Office Raipur Sarang Parisar New Rajendra Nagar Raipur C.G. CGMSC Drug Gangotri Campus, warehouse Raipur Baloda Bazar Road, Vill-Dondekhurd, Raipur (C.G.) Pin 493111 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 Peons 1 Hamaal 2 Security Guards 3 Peons 1 Hamaal Security Guards 2 3 5 Peons Hamaal Security Guards 1 2 3 CGMSC Drug warehouse Kanker 6 Peons Hamaal Security Guards 1 2 3 CGMSC warehouse Jagdalpur Peons 1 CGMSC Drug warehouse Bilaspur Hamaal 2 Security Guards 3 Peons 1 Hamaal Security Guards 2 3 Peons Hamaal 1 2 Security Guards 3 10 Peons Hamaal Security Guards 1 2 3 11 Peons 1 CGMSC Drug warehouse Ambikapur Engg. Division Durg 12 Peons 1 Engg. Division Ambikapur 13 Peons 1 Engg. Division Jagdalpur 3 4 7 8 9 9 CGMSC Drug warehouse Rajnandgaon CGMSC Drug warehouse Durg Drug CGMSC Drug warehouse Raigarh CGMSC Drug warehouse Janjgir Vill. Reevagahan, N.H. Road, Near ABIS Plant, Rajnandgaon(C.G.) Pin: 491441 Khetan Industries, Behind Aparna Carbon factory, Jeora Sirsa, Bhatgaon Road, Durg C/o Smt. Kiran Devi Bhagat Gadpichwadi Road, Kanker 494334 C/O Smt. Samta Jain W/O Shri Niraj Jain Opposit Sargipal Depo Distt. -Bastar , Jagdalpur C.G. Pin Code-494001 Bilaspur-Mungeli Main Road, Beside Jain International School, Sakri, Dist Bilaspur Pin: 495001 Near Agrasen ITI, Gadumaria Road, Orrisa Road Raigarh(C.G.) Pin-496001 C/o Hari Modi Hasdev Rise Mil, Kera Road, Pendri, Janjgir (C.G.), Pin Code - 495668 Vill. Latori, Distt.- Surajpur PIN Code - 497001 D-307,II floor,Housing Board Colony Raipur Naka,Durg(CG) 491001 H.No. -407 Ward No. 13 Nawapara, Near Gramin Bank, Ambikapur(C.G.) LIG-16, Bodhghat Colony, Beside Housing Board Office, Jagdalpur(C.G.) Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 14 Peons 1 Total Engg. Bilaspur Division C/o Akshay Mehta First Floor Gaytri Mandir Road Vidya Upnagar Bilaspur (C.G.) 71 Note : As per requirement, any time the quantity indicated above may increase or decrease by giving one week notice but the quoted rate shall remain firm. The same will be binding on the contractor and will not have any claim for the quantity altered. 7. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT : The work order/ contract can be terminated at any time by either side on giving 30 days notice in advance without assigning any reason whatsoever. In such cases, either party will not be responsible for any loss/ compensation/ profit of the contractor. 8. PAYMENT : The payment shall be made within a reasonable time for the work actually executed by the contractor through monthly Bills. The contractor should submit bills in quadruplicate along with proof of depositing EPF, ESI and paid wages slip i.e. A” Roll, duly certified by the Officer In Charge or his authorized person to the Officer In Charge for further necessary action and release of payment. No interest on overdue payment shall be made to the contractor under any circumstances. The payment to security guards shall be made through Bank/ Cheque only. The proof of which shall be submitted to O.I.C. along with Bill. 9. COMPENSATION TOWARDS ANY ACCIDENT : The firm will have to take all the precautions to avoid any miss-happenings/ accident with guards. All the security guards will have to be insured as per Govt. rule. In case if any accident occurs all the liabilities on account of any accident occurring during the execution of work will be borne by the contractor and compensation shall have to be paid to their employee or their successor by the firm as per Govt. rules. 10. LOSS AND DAMAGE : The contractor shall be fully responsible for watch & ward of the Company’s Property, At the place of duty in the designated area if any loss of damage occurs to Company’s property during the Security Service hour the same shall be made of good at contractors cost (full cost of material plus 24% supervision charges) and in addition the fine of Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred) per occasion shall be imposed. Or Recovery will be made from running bill. 11. INCOME TAX : Income Tax at source as per Govt. rule will be deducted from the gross amount of each bill for which TDS may be issued once in a financial year from accounts department on request as per rule. The present rate is 2%. 10 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 12. (A) SERVICE TAX : Tender shall submit documentary evidence for Registration regarding Service Tax with appropriated authority. Service tax will be deducted under reverse charge mechanism as per the prevailing law. Hence service tax of 14% should be shown separately in bill. (B) OTHER TAXES/ DUTIES : Any other taxes or duties imposed by the Central/ State Govt. or local body from time to time during currency of the contract shall be borne by the contractor. 13. RULE AND REGULATIONS: All Labour Laws and Regulations i.e. payment of minimum wages, valid labour license, EPF, E.S. Insurance, Service tax etc. shall be strictly followed by the Contractor. In case of violation of law the contract may be terminated and disciplinary and legal action will be initiated which may include forfeiture of security deposit. The firm shall ensure payment for the duties executed by his Guard on National Holidays as per rules. 14. JURISDICTION:Any dispute or difference, arising under out of or in connection with this order shall be subjects to exclusive jurisdiction of competent court of Raipur (CG) only. 15. PENALTY: Duties of all security guards and Peons will be assigned by the security in charge. In case of absence of the guards/Peons the payment on pro-rate basis of wages actually due for absence period will be deducted from current/ fore coming bills/ SD for which the contractor shall be responsible. In case Trans. Company suffers any loss due to absence of guard, action as per clause (10) Loss and damage will be taken by the Company. If any Guard/peon are changed without prior permission of CGMSC than flat penalty of Rs. 2000 will be imposed from actual due. 16. MISCELLANEOUS: Any changes due to change in policy announced by the State/ Central Govt. will be applicable and binding to the contractor for which no separate charges will be payable. 17. AGREEMENT: On award of contract, the contractor has to enter into an agreement with Company for a period of one year on a non judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 300.00 (Three Hundred) only. The duty of the stamp paper is to be borne by the contractor. The period of contract may be increased or decreased with mutual concern of both parties for which any claim from the contractor there will not be entertained. -------------------XXX------------------- 11 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 ANNEXURE – I PRICE – BID TENDER REFERENCE NO. CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 DATE OF OPENING 06/04/15 AT 4.00 Hrs. Name of work: - Engagement of Private Security Guards, Peons, Hamaal for Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Ltd. New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur located in State office of Chhattisgarh. Sl. No. 01. Payment Head Rate per month (in Rs.) 02. Daily wages including variable DA prevailing EPF @................% EPF @................% 03. E.S. Insurance @................% 04. Bonus @................% 05. Leave wages @................% 06. 07. Administrative & supervision charge @................% Rounded off monthly min. wages (Base Rate) (i.e. add 1 to 6) 08. 09. Contractor Profit Sub Total 10 Service Tax @14% of (9) 11 Total Cost In words: Note :1. The Rates quoted in Percentage will not be considered. 2. Rates quoted by the bidder should fulfill Minimum wage criteria (As per minimum wage Act 1948). 3. The Contractors must quote his profit in Rs. (Some profit shall be quote essentially). 4. In case of discrepancy between rate in figures and in words the rate in words will prevail. 5. It is inclusive of all the duties & taxes. (i.e. Service tax, EPF & ESIC etc.) 6. There will be no increase in the rates during the contract period. 7. Any cost apart from the contracted cost will be bearable by the contracted agency itself & not CGMSC Ltd. 8. The numbers are only indicative as per present requirement, which may increase/decrease from time to time. 9. CGMSC will deduct service tax on reverse charge basis out of 14% and TDS as per rules. 12 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 SIGNATURE NAME OF PERSON SIGNING DOCUMENT NAME OF FIRM/ CONTRACTOR ADDRESS OFFICE ADDRESS WITH PHONE/ FAX HEAD OFFICE WITH PHONE/ FAX NAME OF CONTACT PERSON and MOBILE NO. -------------------XXX------------------- 13 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 CHECK LIST FOR BIDDER To qualify for opening of tender, minimum requirement from bidder are follows:• The Bidder or his representative preferably must have experience of Indian Military, Police Service of any State or Central Industrial Security Service. YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • The Bidder must have presently engaged minimum 25 security gaurds in Central Govt. sector, organization, Govt. Private Banks, Private Limited, Public Limited. State Govt. YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • The Bidder must have the valid arms & ammunition licensed since last 3 years. YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • Minimum experience in this field should not be less than three years YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • The Bidder should have a clean record free from any legal complication YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • The Bidder should having registered with labour office as per rules and regulation of State Govt. YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • Bidder must have valid registration regarding Services Tax with appropriate Authority. YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • Bidder should submit at least last three years Income Tax/P.F./Labour court “No dues certificate” YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • Whether persons deployed for security are trained for security at least 3 month training. YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • Whether Bidder have training centre YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • Whether Bidder get their employees trained from other recognized Training centre YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) • Whether deployed guards are minimum VIII th pass YES/NO Whether the condition is fulfilled (tick the appropriate) SINGNATURE NAME OF PERSON SIGNING DOCUMENT 14 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 UNDERTAKING I/We ………………………………………………… Proprietor/Partner of (Name of firm)………………………………………………….. Hereby undertake that in case lowest rate is quoted by the lowest bidder on the basis of lottery. In such case I/We will not lodge any claim on any behalf in respect of this contract. Signature of Bidder Name (In Full) Status in the firm Seal of the firm Place : Date : 15 Short Tender for Outsourcing of security guards, peons & hamaals: CGMSC/Admin/2015-16/01 ANNEXURE-II FORM OF AGREEMENT The Managing Director, CGMSC Ltd. Raipur, on behalf of the CGMSC Ltd. agreed to award the contract of ……………………………………………………………………………… as per clause of notice inviting tender bearing the number ……………………………………………………….. ……………. I/We (here enter full name and address of the contractor) ………………………………………….. am/are executing this agreement on ……………………….and hereby confirm that I/We have thoroughly examined and number …………………… invited by the Managing Director, CGMSC Ltd. Raipur for appointment of contractor for conditions of contract, terms and conditions for providing security Arrangements and its appendices and annexure and agree to abide by them. I/We willingly undertake the said work consequent on the approval of the tender given to me/us by the department at the rates specified in annexure here to which forms a part of this agreement and as per terms and conditions of the tender. I/We assure the said department that I/We will undertake the said work to be the best of my/our ability at all stages, during the tender of the contract. This agreement will remain in force up to twelve month after the award of the work order. Witness. 1. 2. Signature of Contractor Witness. 1. 2. Managing Director, CGMSC Ltd. Raipur 16
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