A humanized mouse model for translational assessment of targeted immune checkpoint blockade 1 1 1 2 1 Gilson S. Baia , David Vasquez-Dunddel , Daniel Ciznadija , David Sidransky , Amanda Katz , and Keren Paz 1 1 2 Champions Oncology, USA. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA. Introduction Results Results The blockade of immune checkpoints is a promising therapeutic avenue for cancer therapy, with durable objective 2. Tumor engraftment and growth in humanized mice and immune activation 4. Anti-tumor responses engaged in ImmunoGrafts after a -CTLA4 treatment responses observed in patients with a variety of solid tumors. Despite these successes, current animal models do not human immune system), are combined in a single platform. We now describe our results employing the ImmunoGraft to assess the effectiveness of immunotherapy on tumor growth and immune activation. Methods 4000 Humanized (n = 9) 3000 2000 1000 0 0 10 20 30 Day n.s 40 20 Before treatment 50 huCD8+ cytotoxic T cells Autologous CD34+ HSCs After 5 treatments (at 21 days) At sacrifice (28-53 days) PBMCs Spleen Flow cytometry on reconstituted animals Marrow Removal of tumor Vehicle a -CTLA4 a -CTLA4 NSCLC PDX models grow equally well in humanized (immunografted) and non-humanized animals (A) a -CTLA4 treatment of NSCLC ImmunoGrafts results in an increase in circulating human CD3+ T cells (B, **p<0.05, Student’s t-test) huCD19+ B cells Implant tumor fragments * Tumor growth inhibition * Activated huCD4+/CD69+ T cells a -CTLA4 antibodies enhance infiltration of human CD3+ and CD8+ T cells and CD68+ macrophages into NSCLC tumors (C, D) 3. Anti-CTLA4 treatment induces regression of ALK+ NSCLC ImmunoGrafts *Proliferating huCD4+/CD71+ T cells Screen against a -CTLA4 antibodies (immunotherapy) IMMUNOGRAFT a -CTLA4 dosing 1. Human immune cell profile in reconstituted immunodeficient mice Whole blood (n = 18) % of live cells 60 20 peripheral blood 80 100 n=4 40 huCD45+ (naive NOG) 25 Crizotinib 20 Vehicle a -CTLA4 + Crizotinib D Activated huCD4+ Th1 cells 20 15 10 n.s 5 12 2.0 Human Ki-67 Crizotinib a -CTLA4 + Crizotinib Regulatory huCD4+ Th1 cells n.s n.s Crizotinib a -CTLA4 + Crizotinib 9 6 3 0 Crizotinib a -CTLA4 + Crizotinib Vehicle Levels of proliferating and activated human T cells (CD4+ and CD8+) in ImmunoGrafts are highest following treatment with a CTLA4 antibodies (A-C, **p<0.05, Mann-Whitney) Levels of human CD25+ regulatory T cells are unchanged after any treatment (D) Vehicle 1.5 Conclusions 1.0 Crizotinib Human immune components were successfully reconstituted and activated in immunodeficient animals (humanization) a -CTLA4 0.5 a -CTLA4/Crizotinib PDX models successfully engrafted and grew in humanized mice (the ImmunoGraft model) a -CTLA4 antibody treatment induced human immune cell activation, anti-tumor responses, and substantial tumor regression 10 20 30 40 Days post treatment initiation bone marrow mCD45+ Vehicle 0 20 huCD45+ 40 0 spleen 0 Fractional tumor volume (relative to Day 0) Results 0 n.s 0 Vehicle ImmunoGraft spleen * Tumor-infiltrating huCD8+ T cells % of huCD45+ cells 40 60 4 Crizotinib dosing 2.5 B. n.s 60 0 * huCD4+/CD25+ regulatory T cells A. 8 huCD68+ macrophages C Vehicle 12 Vehicle Reconstitute with CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) 10-12 weeks 16 0 % huCD4/CD69+ (% of huCD3+) Commercial CD34+ HSCs a -CTLA4 whole blood ImmunoGraft tumor site ? Impaired B,T, and NK cells huCD3+ T cells 40 D ? NOG mice (truncated IL-2Rg ) huCD45+ leukocytes Vehicle 60 80 Proliferating huCD4+ Th1 cells huCD3+ T cells 80 0 NSCLC from patients or banked tumor fragments Chemical myeloablation ( immune suppression) 100 20 % huCD4/CD71+ (% of huCD3+) Champions TumorGraft (patient-derived xenograft, PDX) and humanized mice (immunodeficient mice reconstituted with a Tumor volume (mm3) systems. To overcome this challenge, we developed the ImmunoGraft, whereby two innovative technologies, the Vehicle (n = 9) a -CTLA4 (n = 9) B huCD8+ cytotoxic T cells % huCD4/CD25+ (% of huCD3+) Non-humanized (n = 9) C A % huCD8+ (% of huCD3+) 5000 B huCD3+ (% of huCD45+) reliably identify immune targets with the greatest clinical potential due in part to differences between human and murine A ImmunoGraft tumor site Treatment of NSCLC ImmunoGrafts with a -CTLA4 antibodies induces definitive regression of tumor implants (left panel) huCD3+ (T cells) huCD19+ (B cells) huCD56+ (NK cells) a -CTLA4 treatment leads to increased proliferation of human cells within the spleen of immunografted animals (right panel) Acknowledgments We thank Taconic for supplying immunodeficient NOG animals reconstituted with human CD34+ cells for this work and for important guidance during these experiments.
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