New England Chapter of AAPM 2015 Officers and Board Members President President-Elect Treasurer Secretary Officer-at-Large Representative Board Member Immediate Past President Ross Berbeco, PhD Carla Bradford, PhD John Lewis, PhD Gregory Sharp, PhD Jennifer Pursley, PhD Paul Imbergamo, MS David Gierga, PhD Corporate Membership IT Committee Nomination Committee Meeting Coordination. Committee CAMPEP Coordinator Gene Cardarelli, PhD Jacek Kukluk, PhD Joseph Killoran, PhD Martin Fraser, MS Robert Cormack, PhD Dear Colleagues and NEAAPM members: Snow-mageddon has finally subsided and the long thaw has begun. We have two exciting events this Spring which you will not want to miss. First, Carla Bradford (NEAAPM President-Elect) will host the 2015 Peter Neurath Young Investigators Symposium on April 24 in the Jimmy Fund Auditorium of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. CAMPEP has approved 3.5 credits for the meeting. There is a packed agenda with 25 (!) excellent abstracts presented by the up and coming stars of our organization. Registration is free for this event. Come support our young investigators and be sure to stick around for the reception afterwards at The Squealing Pig! I would also like to invite everyone to attend our Annual Summer Meeting, which is scheduled for Friday, May 29th at Old Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge, MA. NEAAPM President-Elect Carla Bradford has put together an outstanding program for this all-day event. CAMPEP approval is currently in progress. There will be discounted lodging for anyone wishing to stay over (, please just mention that you are part of the NEAAPM event. There will also be discounted admission to the village on Saturday – did someone say butter churning contest? I encourage you to consider registering early via our website, with discounted registration available until May 22nd ( I look forward to seeing you all this Spring! Sincerely, Ross Berbeco President NEAAPM Agenda 1:00pm – 1:05 Remembering Peter Neurath New England Chapter of AAPM Charles Neurath 1:00 – 1:30 NEAAPM Peter Neurath Young Investigators Symposium Date: Time: Location: Nonequilibrium Nanoscale Ionizing Energy Deposition and Conversion Phenomena in Medical Physics Friday, April 24 1:00 - 5:00 PM Jimmy Fund Auditorium Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 35 Binney St., Boston, MA 02115 The Peter Neurath Young Investigators Symposium was created in memory of Dr. Peter Neurath, who was Director of Medical Physics at the Tufts-New England Medical Center from 1968 to 1977. Its purpose is to encourage younger members of the medical physics community to present their research to their colleagues in the AAPM. “Young” means anyone starting out in medical physics including trainees, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows or physicists recently entered into the field. A winner of the Symposium will be chosen by a panel of three judges based on the following criteria: clarity, quality and rigor of work, significance, innovation, timeliness, and interest to the medical physics community. The NEAAPM YIS is an opportunity for professionals in medical physics to keep up to date on subjects relevant to the field and interact with colleagues from around the New England area. The meeting is intended for physicists, dosimetrists, therapists and others with an interest in medical physics. It is sponsored by the New England chapter of the AAPM. Keynote Presentation: Erno Sajo, PhD Professor and Director of Medical Physics Department of Physics and Applied Physics University of Massachusetts Lowell Piotr Zygmanski, PhD Assistant Professor Harvard Medical School BWH / DFCI 1:30 – 3:00 Young Investigator Talks: Session 1 3:00 – 3:05 Special Election for NEAAPM Treasurer 3:00 – 3:30 Coffee Break 3:30 – 5:00 Young Investigator Talks: Session 2 5:00 Speaker Reception at: The Squealing Pig (134 Smith St.) CAMPEP approval has been secured for 3.5 MPCECs for this program. 1 Jimmy Fund Auditorium Dana‐Farber Cancer Institute 35 Binney Street, Boston, MA 02115 Driving instructions: Public transportation:‐transit Young Investigator Talks (Session 1): Young Investigator Talks (Session 2): 1:30 Thomas Ruggieri (MGH) Improved QA and workflow for proton treatment hardware fabrication 1:37 Davide Brivio (BWH) Monte Carlo evaluation of Kilovoltage radiosurger the AuNPs for Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD) 1:44 Brian Ruiz (Alliance Oncology) A Novel Expansion Method for MRI Based Target Delineation in Prostate Radiotherapy 1:51 Patrick Grossmann (DFCI/BWH) Identification of Molecular Phenotypes by Integrating Radiomics and Genomics 1:58 Xuhua Ren (MGH) Automated segmentation with post-registration atlas selection based on mutual information 2:05 Weixing Cai (MGH/BWH) 4DCBCT-Based Dose Assessment for SBRT Lung Cancer Treatment 2:12 Marios Myronakis (BWH) 4DCT Motion Modeling to Predict Motion during Successive Days of Treatment 2:19 Ramin Abolfath (Yale) Towards First Principle Modeling of Biological Responses of Ionizing Radiation 2:26 Thibaud Coroller (BWH/DFCI) CT-based Volumetric Features are Associated with Somatic Mutations in Lung Cancer 2:33 Alexandre Detappe (BWH/DFCI) AGuIX nanoparticles: Advanced Platform for Image-Guided Radiation Therapy 2:40 Roland Schnuerer (MGH) In-vivo Beam Range Verification in Proton Therapy with Scanning Beams 2:47 Susu Yan (MGH) Are proton gantries needed? An analysis of 4332 patient proton gantry treatment plans from the past 10 years. 2:54 Hanjoon Cho (URI) Evaluation of Planned Dose Distributions by Monte Carol (0.5%) and Ray Tracing Algorithm for the Spinal Tumors with CyberKnife 3:30 Bram Gorissen (MGH) Robustness versus Plan Quality for Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy 3:37 Melissa Spencer (UML) Cell Survivor: A conceptual model of radiation biophysics using a game engine 3:44 Yuting Lin (MGH) Irradiation of Human Cell Lines using Carbon Ions: Real Time Dosimetry using Gaf-chromic Film 3:51 Inna Gertsenshteyn (BU/MGH) Comparing Optimized Mutual Information and Gradient Magnitude Metrics for Deformable Image Registration 3:58 Mohammed Jermoumi (UML) Dose escalation to biological tumor volumes of prostate cancer patients using gold nanoparticles 4:05 Linxi Shi (UMass Worcester) Dedicated cone-beam breast CT with laterally-shifted detector: Feasibility for clinical translation 4:12 Salam Dhou (BWH) Dedicated cone-beam breast CT with laterally-shifted detector: Feasibility for clinical translation 4:19 Teun Minkels (MGH) Using stylized models to investigate the potential benefit of inhomogeneous fractionation schemes in proton therapy 4:26 Suman Shrestha (UMass Worcester) Photon-counting Hexagonal Pixel Array CdTe Detector: Performance characteristics for high-resolution region-of-interest fluoroscopy 4:33 Garron Deshazer (URI) Microwave ablation zone variance: Identifying which parameters should be detected and incorporated in patient specific planning 4:40 Yao Hao (UML) New potential for employing radiotherapy biomaterials loaded with antiCTLA-4 antibody to induce abscopal effect 4:47 Madan Mainali (UMass Boston/DFCI) Potential of using cerium oxide nanoparticles (CONP) for protecting healthy tissue during Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) 3:01 Coffee Break 5:00 Speaker Reception (The Squealing Pig, 134 Smith St.) 2 Improved QA and workflow for proton treatment hardware fabrication Monte Carlo evaluation of Kilovoltage radiosurgery with AuNPs for Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Thomas Ruggieri, B. Sc, Alan Schinazi, M. Sc, Hanne Kooy, Ph.D. D. Brivio, P. Zygmanski, E. Sajo, G Makrigiorgos, W. Ngwa Purpose: The original MGH system required a manual management of requests for patient hardware and often caused delays in patient treatments. The new system, instead, provides an automated pathway for requests and a means of verification that the manufactured parts match the treatment plan. Traceability of the requests adds necessary security that ensures that the correct parts are made and delivered to the treatment room. The machine-shop interface is fully automated and web based retrieve programs for the CNC machines. The new system identifies existing hardware and mates with the new devices when needed, preventing duplication of existing devices. Purpose: To evaluate the benefit of gold nanoparticles (AuNP) in radiosurgery of Age related Macular Degeneration (AMD) using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. AMD disease causes vision loss due to a leaky vasculature of the endothelial cells. Radiosurgical therapy aims to destroy this vasculature while minimizing the delivered dose to healthy tissues of the eye. AuNP known to enhance local dose have been targeted to the macular choroidal endothelial cells to increase the therapeutic efficacy. Methods: A postgresql database was designed that records each request and includes complete information about each request. In order to ensure that the correct versions of the requested hardware are used, a crypto-hash of each fabrication data file is made this allows us to detect if the data file is tampered with. Our application detects the new records in the database and automatically starts an instance of SolidWorks which automatically generates 3-D models of the requested hardware and indicates the status on a web based GUI. This GUI is accessed by the treatment planners to access a 3-D image of the model which can be zoomed and rotated. When the model is constructed, the machinist can use the web UI to add pins to the hardware if needed and request the tool path. The tool path is automatically generated using GibbsCam; our application is able to control GibbsCam without human intervention. The web GUI was written using and the manager application that performs all of the automated tasks was written in c#. Results and Conclusions: The system has been used to manufacture more than 13,000 sets of hardware over the last four years. Many improvements have been realized and tracking down errors is much easier. The time from request to treatment can be under 1 hour for many cases. Control documentation has also helped identify many instances where the treatment planning documentation had been generated erroneously, due to manual processes in the treatment planning process. The introduction of 3-D models has allowed the use of more sophisticated tool path algorithms which reduced the time to manufacture a set of hardware by a factor of 3 or more and a reduction in tooling costs by more than 90%. This has allowed us to increase our production in the machine shop and at the same time, reduce the number of full time employees from two to one and use less equipment, three CNC milling machines down to two. Methods: Dose enhancement ratio (DER) in macula endothelial cells due to a thin layer of AuNP has been calculated by a MC radiation transport simulation. AuNP layer (10-100nm) has been placed on the bottom of the macula at 2.4cm depth in a water parallelepiped 3x3x6cm3. This layer has been modeled considering various concentrations of AuNP ranging from 5.5-200mg per gram of endothelial cell (volume 10x10x2um3). The x-ray source is 100kVp 4mm diameter beam tilted 0°-30° with respect to the lens. Results: DER in endothelial cell for AuNP concentration of 31mg/g (shown experimentally feasible) and 10-100nm sizes is about 1.8. Tilting 4mm-beam does not reduce the enhancement but allows to avoid the surrounding tissues. Dose distribution in the AuNP vicinity has a significant increase within 30um, peaked at AuNP interface. DER inside and outside of the irradiation 4mm-field are the same while the actual delivered dose is more than one order of magnitude lower outside the field. Compared to 100kVp, usage of filtered spectra with enhanced flux in the region 20keV-40keV shows further increase of DER by about 20%. Dose to the neighboring organs such as retina/optic nerve are reduced accordingly. Conclusion: The results of this MC simulation provide further confirmation of the potential to enhance DER with AuNP from previous analytical calculations. This study provides impetus to improve treatment effectiveness of AMD disease with radiotherapy. 3 A Novel Expansion Method for MRI Based Target Delineation in Prostate Radiotherapy Identification of Molecular Phenotypes by Integrating Radiomics and Genomics Brian Ruiz Patrick Grossmann, M.Sc., Olya Grove, Ph.D., Nehme El-Hachem M.Sc., Emmanuel Rios-Velazquez Ph.D., Chintan Parmar1, M.Sc., Ralph T.H. Leijenaar M.Sc., Benjamin Haibe-Kains Ph.D., Philippe Lambin M.D, Ph.D., Robert J. Gillies Ph.D., Hugo J.W.L. Aerts Ph.D. Purpose: To compare a novel bladder/rectum carveout expansion method on MRI delineated prostate to standard CT and expansion based methods for maintaining prostate coverage while providing superior bladder and rectal sparing. Methods: Ten prostate cases were planned to include four trials: MRI vs CT delineated prostate/proximal seminal vesicles, and each image modality compared to both standard expansions(8mm 3D expansion and 5mm posterior, i.e. ~8mm) and carve out method expansions (5mm 3D expansion, 4mm posterior for GTV–CTV excluding expansion into bladder/rectum followed by additional 5mm 3D expansion to PTV, i.e. ~1cm). All trials were planned to total dose 7920 cGy via IMRT. Evaluation and comparison was made using the following criteria: QUANTEC constraints for bladder/rectum including analysis of low dose regions, changes in PTV volume, total control points, and maximum hot spot. Results: ~8mm MRI expansion consistently produced the most optimal plan with lowest total control points and best bladder/rectum sparing. However, this scheme had the smallest prostate (average 22.9% reduction) and subsequent PTV volume, consistent with prior literature. ~1cm MRI had an average PTV volume comparable to ~8mm CT at 3.79% difference. Bladder QUANTEC constraints were on average less for the ~1cm MRI as compared to the ~8mm CT and observed as statistically significant with 2.64% reduction in V65. Rectal constraints appeared to follow the same trend. Case-by-case analysis showed variation in rectal V30 with MRI delineated prostate being most favorable regardless of expansion type. ~1cm MRI and ~8mm CT had comparable plan quality. Conclusion: ~8mm MRI had the smallest PTV leading to margins that may be too tight. Bladder/rectum carveout expansion method on MRI delineated prostate was found to be superior to standard CT based methods in terms of bladder and rectal sparing while maintaining prostate coverage. Continued investigation is warranted for further validation. Purpose: To uncover the mechanistic connections between radiomic features, molecular pathways, and clinical outcomes, to develop radiomic based predictors of pathway activation states in individual patients, and to assess whether combining radiomic with clinical and genomic data improves prognostication. Methods: We analyzed two independent lung cancer cohorts totaling 351 patients, for whom diagnostic computed tomography (CT) scans, geneexpression profiles, and clinical outcomes were available. The tumor phenotype was characterized based on 636 radiomic features describing tumor intensity, texture, shape and size. We performed an integrative analysis by developing and independently validating association modules of coherently expressed radiomic features and molecular pathways. These modules were statistically tested for significant associations to overall survival (OS), TNM stage, and pathologic histology. Results: We identified thirteen radiomic-pathway association modules (p < 0.05), the most prominent of which were associated with the immune system, p53 pathway, and other pathways involved in cell cycle regulation. Eleven modules were significantly associated with clinical outcomes (p < 0.05). Strong predictive power for pathway activation states in individual patients was observed using radiomics; the strongest per module predictions ranged from an intra-tumor heterogeneity feature predicting RNA III polymerase transcription (AUC 0.62, p = 0.03), to a tumor intensity dispersion feature -6 predicting pyruvate metabolism and citric acid TCA cycle (AUC 0.72,p<10 ). Stepwise combinations of radiomic data with clinical outcomes and gene expression profiles resulted in consistent increases of prognostic power to predict OS (concordance index max = 0.73, p < 10-9). Conclusion: This study demonstrates that radiomic approaches permit a non-invasive assessment of molecular and clinical characteristics of tumors, and therefore have the unprecedented potential to cost-effectively advance clinical decision-making using routinely acquired, standard-of-care imaging data. We show that prognostic value complementary to clinical and genomic information can be obtained by radiomic strategies. 4 Automated segmentation with post-registration atlas selection based on mutual information 4DCBCT-based dose assessment for SBRT lung cancer treatment Xuhua Ren, Gregory C Sharp, and Hao Gao Weixing Cai Purpose: The delineation of targets and organs-at-risk is a critical step during image-guided radiation therapy, for which manual contouring is the gold standard. However, it is often time-consuming and may suffer from intra- and inter- rater variability. The purpose of this work is to investigate the automated segmentation. Purpose: To develop a 4DCBCT-based dose assessment method for calculating actual delivered dose for patients with significant respiratory motion during the course of SBRT or anatomical changes between treatment days. Methods: The automatic segmentation here is based on mutual information (MI), with the atlas from Public Domain Database for Computational Anatomy (PDDCA) with manually drawn contours. Using dice coefficient (DC) as the quantitative measure of segmentation accuracy, we perform leave-one-out cross-validations for all PDDCA images sequentially, during which other images are registered to each chosen image and DC is computed between registered contour and ground truth. Meanwhile, six strategies, including MI, are selected to measure the image similarity, with MI to be the best. Then given a target image to be segmented and an atlas, automatic segmentation consists of: (a) the affine registration step for image positioning; (b) the active demons registration method to register the atlas to the target image; (c) the computation of MI values between the deformed atlas and the target image; (d) the weighted image fusion of three deformed atlas images with highest MI values to form the segmented contour. Results: MI was found to be the best among six studied strategies in the sense that it had the highest positive correlation between similarity measure (e.g., MI values) and DC. For automated segmentation, the weighted image fusion of three deformed atlas images with highest MI values provided the highest DC among four proposed strategies. Conclusion: MI has the highest correlation with DC, and therefore is an appropriate choice for post-registration atlas selection in atlas-based segmentation. Methods: To address the limitation of 4DCT-based dose assessment, we propose to calculate the delivered dose using time varying (‘fluoroscopic’) 3D patient images generated from a 4DCBCT-based motion model. The method includes four steps: (1) before each treatment, 4DCBCT data is acquired with the patient in treatment position, based on which a patient-specific motion model is created using a principal components analysis (PCA) algorithm. (2) During treatment, 2D time-varying kV projection images are continuously acquired, from which time-varying ‘fluoroscopic’ 3D images of the patient are reconstructed using the motion model. (3) Lateral truncation artifacts are corrected using planning 4DCT images. (4) the 3D dose distribution is computed for each timepoint in the set of 3D fluoroscopic images, from which the total effective 3D delivered dose is calculated by accumulating deformed dose distributions. This approach is validated using six modified XCAT phantoms with lung tumors and different respiratory motions derived from patient data. The estimated doses are compared to that calculated using ground-truth XCAT phantoms. Results: For each XCAT phantom, the delivered tumor dose values generally follow the same trend as that of the ground truth and at most timepoints the difference is less than 5%. For the overall delivered dose, the normalized error of calculated 3D dose distribution is generally less than 3% and the tumor D95 error is less than 1.5%. Conclusions: XCAT phantom studies indicate the potential of the proposed method to accurately estimate 3D tumor dose distributions for SBRT lung treatment based on 4DCBCT imaging and motion modeling. Further research is necessary to investigate its performance for clinical patients data. 5 4DCT motion modeling to predict motion during successive days of treatment Towards First Principle Modeling of Biological Responses of Ionizing Radiation Marios Myronakis, Weixing Cai, Salam Dhou, Fulya Cifter, John Lewis Ramin Abolfath, Yale School of Medicine Purpose: To quantify the accuracy of motion modeling during simulation, using external-surrogate measurements to enhance prediction of motion during successive days of treatment. Purpose: To develop a novel computational approach to enable researchers to study the real-time DNA damage-repair pathway in-silico and the radiobiological effectiveness of photon beams, charged particles, and heavy ions. Method and Materials: 4DCT images were generated by combining the XCAT phantom with measured internal and external motion from patients that underwent lung cancer with conventional radiotherapy treatment (Hokkaido dataset). Each phantom included a tumor of 20 mm. Breathing and tumor motion were implemented according to the corresponding Hokkaido data for each patient. Three-dimensional (3D) tumor trajectories extracted from the XCAT phantom and the respective measured external surrogate motion from several days of lung cancer treatment were utilized to evaluate the ability of our motion modeling techniques to predict the dose and duty cycle of gating or tracking treatments. Measured data and simulated tumor motion from the first day were used to construct the motion models and calculate the duty cycle and residual tumor for successive days of treatment. Methods: First principle modeling of biological responses of ionizing radiation based on the computational integration of Monte Carlo track structure of the energy deposition in sub-atomic scale with the molecular dynamics of biomolecules, proteins, DNA and nano-structures. Results: Preliminary calculations of duty cycle and residual tumor motion were performed on measured data for four patients at 25% and 50% gating window and two days of treatment. The range of duty cycle values was 22.08% to 25.00% and 44.17% to 50.00% for 25% and 50% gating window respectively. Inter-fraction change was between -6.6% and 4.7% for both gating windows. The residual tumor motion ranged from 6.06 to 11.40 mm at 25% and from 3.40 to 8.34 mm at 50% window. Inter-fraction change of residual tumor motion varied widely and found between -5.7% to 75.3% with the highest value obtained at 50% window. Results: For illustration of the methodology, the predicted population of DSBs along the proton track with the highest occurrence frequency in the Bragg peak and a quantitative comparison demonstrating the agreement between theoretical predictions and more recently reported experimental data based on counting will be discussed. Conclusion: The measurements of the relative biological effectiveness of the proton beam have revealed the dependence of the DSB induction on the beam energy, LET, depth and dose. The present computational model exhibits consistent agreement with the experimental data. Conclusion: Motion modeling during simulation may be used to predict the dose and duty cycles of gating and tracking treatments. 6 CT-based volumetric features are associated with somatic mutations in lung cancer AGuIX nanoparticles: Advanced platform for image-guided radiation therapy T.P. Coroller, P. Grossmann, Y. Hou, S.W. Lee, R.H. Mak, H.J.W.L Aerts Alexandre Detappe, Sijumon Kunjachan, Olivier Tillement, Ross Berbeco Purposes: Subsets of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are driven by mutations in key oncogenes, with unique biology including susceptibility to targeted treatment. Additionally, those mutations could lead to phenotypic differences of the primary tumor that can be assess with quantitative imaging. In this study, we investigated whether somatic mutation are associated with, and hence can be predicted by CT tumor volume-based features of NSCLC patients. Methods: We included 117 NSCLC patients with treatment-planning CT scans in our analysis and clinical genotyping for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) oncogenes. We extracted four volumetric features describing volume and diameters (x/y axis and 3D) of the primary tumor. Volumetric differences between mutant and wild-type tumors were assessed using Wilcoxon test. Predictive value of the volumetric features for mutation status was assessed using the area under the curve (AUC). Results: Genotype distribution included 14 (12%) EGFR mutant, 35 (30%) KRAS mutant, and 68 (58%) wild-type tumors. All volumetric features for EGFR mutant were significantly (p-value <0.05) lower than for KRAS mutant and Wild-Type. No volumetric features were significantly different between KRAS and Wild-Type. The median (Q1-Q3) for volume was 10.2(6.1-29.6), 39.3(14.389.7) and 49(10.7-119) for EGFR, KRAS and Wild-Type respectively. All volumetric features were also significant predictive features for EGFR mutation with median (range) AUC of 0.69(0.67-0.70) and all p-value<0.05. However, the AUC was only 0.51(0.50-0.51) for KRAS mutation. Purpose: AGuIX are advanced gadolinium-based nanoformulation developed for combined MR imaging and radiation therapy. We explored the potential of these hybrid nanoparticle to investigate its radiation dose enhancement ability during radiation with the aid of noninvasive MR imaging. Methods: We performed in vitro cell uptake and radiosensitization studies of a pancreatic cancer cell line in a low energy (220kVp) beam, a standard clinical 6MV beam (STD) and a flattening filter free clinical 6MV beam (FFF). After injection of 40mM of nanoparticles, a biodistribution study was performed in vivo on mice with subcutaneous xenograft pancreatic tumors. In vivo radiation therapy studies were performed at the time point of maximum tumor uptake. Results: The concentration of AGuIX nanoparticles in Panc-1 pancreatic cancer cells, determined in vitro by MRI and ICPMS, peaks after 30 minutes with 0.3% of the initial concentration (5mg/mL). Clonogenic assays show a significant effect (p<0.05) when the AGuIX are coupled with MV photon irradiation (DEF20%=1.31). Similar AGuIX tumor uptake is found in vivo by both MRI and ICPMS 30 minutes after intravenous injection of 40mg/mL of AGuIX. For long term survival studies, the choice of the radiation dose is determined with 5 control groups (3mice/group) irradiated with 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20Gy. Afterwards, 4 groups (8mice/group) are used to evaluate the effect of the nanoparticles. A Logrank test is performed as a statistical test to evaluate the effect of the nanoparticles. Conclusion: The combination of the MRI contrast and radiosensitization properties of gadolinium nanoparticles reveals a strong potential for usage with MRI-guided radiation therapy. Conclusions: EGFR mutant primary tumors were significantly smaller (for all volumetric features) than KRAS or Wild-Type. Moreover, all volumetric features were significantly predictive for EGFR. KRAS and Wild-type could not be discriminated only based on volumetric features. A larger set of imaging features (e.g. Radiomics) would help find more predictive biomarkers for tumor mutation status 7 In-vivo beam range verification in proton therapy with scanning beams Are proton gantries needed? An analysis of 4332 patient proton gantry treatment plans from the past 10 years. Roland Schnuerer, Nicolas Depauw, Tarek Halabi, El Hassane Bentefour, Benjamin Clasie, Thomas Bortfeld and Hsiao-Ming Lu Susu Yan, Hsiao-Ming Lu, Jay Flanz, Nicolas Depauw, Judith Adams, Bram L. Gorissen, Yi Wang, Juliane Daartz, Thomas Bortfeld Purpose: Uncertainties in treatment planning or patient anatomy limit the use of the well-defined range of the Bragg-peak as the most outstanding characteristic in proton therapy. In-vivo beam range verification offers the feasibility to overcome these uncertainties and improve proton treatment. Energy resolved point dose measurements are explored for range verification in scanning systems. Purpose: To ascertain the necessity of a proton gantry, as compared to the feasibility of using horizontal fixed proton beam-line for treatment with advanced technology. Methods: The unique behavior of dose per depth of the irradiated volume against the energy of the used set of proton beams allows extracting the waterequivalent path length (WEPL) for range verification. Computed energy resolved dose functions by using Monte Carlo serve as a calibration field and as the source for performing numerical dose distribution simulations. The WEPL is determined by pattern matching of the energy resolved dose function using a least square fit against a library of energy resolved dose functions of the pre-established calibration field. Validating this method and determining the accuracy of the WEPL values by investigating crucial characteristics of the beam field (number of energy layers, energy spacing) in terms of uncertainties are the aims of the examined simulation. Approaches to reduce the applied dose of the field are also presented. Results: The performed dose distribution simulations proved the method of energy resolved dose measurement and show the capability to determine the WEPL precisely with sub-millimeter accuracy with a ‘scout’ field with e.g. 4 energy layers and a spacing of 2.5 mm between the layers. Increasing the spot spacing up to 1.75 cm reveals the potential to reduce the applied dose by still having a sufficient uniform energy layer. Conclusion: Energy resolved dosimetry indicates a clinical potential for in-vivo range verification for proton scanning treatment. Simulations demonstrated that the accuracy of the retrieved WEPL meets clinical requirements. Further, the method has to be verified in water and for tissue heterogeneities (range mixing). Methods: To calculate the percentage of patients that can be treated with a horizontal fixed beam-line instead of a gantry, we analyze the distributions of beam orientations of our proton gantry patients treated over the past 10 years. We identify three horizontal fixed beam geometries (FIXED, BEND and MOVE) with the patient in lying and/or sitting positions. The FIXED geometry includes only table/chair rotations and translations. In BEND, the beam can be bent up/down for up to 20 degrees. MOVE allows for patient head/body angle adjustment. Based on the analysis, we select 8 patients whose plan involves beams which are still challenging to achieve with a horizontal fixed beam. These beams are removed in the pencil beam scanning (PBS) plan optimized for the fixed beam-line (PBS-fix). We generate non-coplanar PBS-gantry plans for comparison, and perform a robustness analysis. Results: The percentage of patients with head-and-neck/brain tumors that can be treated with horizontal fixed beam is 44% in FIXED, 70% in 20-degrees BEND, and 100% in 90-degrees MOVE. For torso regions, 99% of patients can be treated in 20-degree BEND. The target coverage is more homogeneous with PBS-fix plans compared to the clinical scattering treatment plans. The PBS-fix plans reduce the mean dose to organs-at-risk by a factor of 1.1-28.5. PBS-gantry plans are as good as PBS-fix plans, sometimes marginally better. Conclusions: The majority of the beam orientations can be realized with a horizontal fixed beam-line. Challenging non-coplanar beams can be eliminated with PBS delivery. Clinical implementation of the proposed fixed beam-line requires use of robotic patient positioning, further developments in immobilization, and image guidance. However, our results suggest that fixed beam-lines can be as effective as gantries. 8 Evaluation of Planned Dose Distributions by Monte Carlo (0.5%) and Ray Tracing Algorithm for the Spinal Tumors with CyberKnife Robustness versus plan quality for intensity-modulated proton therapy Hanjoon Cho, James Brindle PhD, and Jaroslaw Hepel MD Bram L. Gorissen, Nicolas Depauw, Jan Unkelbach Purpose: To analyze and evaluate dose distribution between Ray Tracing (RT) and Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms of 0.5% uncertainty on spinal cord, gross target volume (GTV) and planning target volume (PTV) for the treatment of spinal tumors. Purpose: Range and set-up uncertainties in intensity-modulated proton therapy cannot be addressed with margins. Instead, several robust optimization (RO) models have been developed that explicitly take uncertainty into account. RO optimizes the worst case at the cost of the treatment outcome in more likely scenarios. The goal is to provide insight in the trade-off between robustness and plan quality and the behavior of different trade-off methods. Methods and Materials: Twenty four spinal tumor patients were treated with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) by CyberKnife in 2013 and 2014. The MC algorithm with 0.5% of uncertainty is used to recalculate the dose distribution for the treatment plan of the patients using the same beams, beam directions, and monitor units (MUs). Results: The maximal doses are uniformly larger for MC plans than RT calculations except one case. Maximal irradiated doses on spinal cord calculated by MC algorithm are larger than calculations by RT algorithm except 3 cases for the volume of <0.25 cc and 4 cases for the volume of <1.2cc out of 23 cases. The difference is 0.93 Gy on average and 3.1 Gy in maximum for the volume of <0.25cc, and 0.62 Gy on average and 2.1 Gy in maximum for the volume of <1.2cc. The MC calculated dose covering 100% of the PTV or GTV is greater than the RT calculation in dose volume histogram (DVH) from the ratio of D100 calculated by MC and RT for both PTV and GTV. However there are not much dose difference covering 90 % of the PTV and GTV between calculations by MC and RT. There are almost no conformity change between the calculations by MC and RT. Conclusions: The MC recalculated dose distributions on spinal cord are larger than the original RT calculations for the spinal tumor treatments. Based on the greater accuracy of MC-based treatment planning, we might save the dose on spinal cord when treating tumors in spinal region. We might at least benefit from saving the irradiation dose on spinal cord by considering this study when RT algorithm is used because of restrictions of time of treatment planning calculation by the MC algorithm Methods: We present four methods to trade-off robustness with plan quality that can be applied to any of the worst case methods found in literature. Each trade-off is a mixture between worst case, expected value, and nonrobust planning, which effectively corresponds to assigning different importance weights to error scenarios. Each method is tested on several worst case methods for a sarcoma case, a paraspinal case and a benchmark case from literature. Results: Each trade-off method yields a unique dose distribution in the border region between target volume and adjacent normal tissues, corresponding to a specific trade-off between robustness and nominal plan quality. The fully robust solutions perform badly when the realized errors are smaller than the maximum projected errors. Compared to fully robust solutions, significant improvements are possible for non-extreme scenarios while only slightly deteriorating plan quality at an extreme scenario. It is further observed that trade-off methods cannot be mimicked by putting different weights on objectives for the tumor and the normal tissue. Conclusion: The method to trade-off robustness with plan quality should be chosen carefully, as each method has a different impact on plan quality. Two of the methods can directly be implemented in any framework for multicriteria optimization, hopefully leading to their quick dissemination. 9 Cell Survivor: A conceptual model of radiation biophysics using a game engine Irradiation of Human Cell Lines using Carbon Ions: Real Time Dosimetry using Gaf-chromic Film Melissa Spencer, Erno Sajo Yuting Lin, Chiara La Tessa, Adam Rusek and Kathryn D. Held Purpose: Certain types of radiation biology experiments are modeled within a game engine, enhancing a player's intuitive understanding and ability to model complex radiobiological processes. The player of the game acts as the cell's enzymatic repair process. The simulation is based on published data and a combination of real-time and pre-computed radiation interactions and energy deposition processes by deterministic and Monte Carlo kernels. Methods: A complex simulation incorporates time-dependent dose rate effects, cell cycle and enzymatic processes, and LET of the radiation. Single and double strand breaks (SSB and DSB) occur in cells as they are damaged by radiation. The player repairs SSBs as quickly as possible, and decides to repair DSBs using either non-homologous end joining or homologous repair, depending on the situation. Environmental conditions (oxygen, radioprotectors, sensitizers, etc.) can modify cell behavior and radiation susceptibility. Rest times demonstrate the purpose of dose fractionation. Results: A playable prototype has been completed and well known experiments have been replicated from first principles. The player also gains an intuitive understanding of the damage done to cells by different types of radiation and under different conditions, including the mediating effects of chemicals and can investigate new situations involving combinations of these effects. Data collected during play can be averaged together as a distributed Monte Carlo simulation. Shoulders appear on survival curves collected in this way, and reappear after rest times. Conclusion: Cell Survivor! shows promise as both an educational tool and a research tool. Levels can be created specifically to teach laypeople about the risks of certain kinds of radiation, for instance dental x-rays as compared to CT scans. Altering the numerous parameters involved in the model allows investigation of how conceptual assumptions lead to observed outcomes. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate and quantify several factors affecting biological effects of carbon ions such as cell type, dose, energy and position where the cells are irradiated along the pristine Bragg curve. Methods: Experiments to quantify clonogenic cell survival in three human lung cancer cell lines and a fibroblast cell line were performed at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory, BNL, Upton, USA. A system of water or media-filled T25 flasks lined up along the beam axis was designed so that the cell-containing surfaces of the flasks were placed at specific depths along the Bragg curve. Gaf-chromic films were placed between the flasks to monitor the dose distribution in the sample as soon as the irradiation was finished. Additional studies were conducted at four selected depths along the Bragg curve to obtain full cell survival dose response curves for the four cell lines. Results: The percent depth dose of the beams was determined using an ionization chamber and showed that the physical Bragg peak is at 22.5 cm water depth. However, the clonogenic cell survival data indicated that the maximum cell killing occurred at 21.5 cm. Gaf-chromic films revealed some inhomogeneity in the dose distribution on the flasks near the peak, presumably due to lack of scattering from the sides of the flasks, which might account for the differences. Depending on the cell line and radiation dose, the maximum cell killing (i.e., the greatest RBE) is at the 21.5 (the peak) or 24 cm (distal fall off) depth. Conclusion: There is a difference in biological effect along the Bragg curve of a carbon ion beam, indicating an elevated RBE at or beyond the end of the range. Gaf-chromic films are proven to be effective in monitoring the 2D irradiation pattern to the flasks. 10 Comparing Optimized Mutual Information and Gradient Magnitude Metrics for Deformable Image Registration Dose escalation to biological tumor volumes of prostate cancer patients using gold nanoparticles Inna Gertsenshteyn, Neelam Tyagi, Reza Farjam, Aditya Apte, Gregory C. Sharp M Jermoumi, E Sajo, H Korideck, W Ngwa Purpose: Deformable image registration between CT and MRI remains a challenge due to variability in contrast, homogeneity, and field of view. This study aims to determine whether an optimized Mutual Information (MI) or optimized Gradient Magnitude (GM) metric provides favorable results in the head and neck region. Methods: Head and neck CT and MR images were acquired for 10 patients as part of an MRI simulation study with a dual echo mDixon (in phase) T1 fast field echo sequence. Each pair of scans is registered with MRI as the reference image using the GM and MI metrics. GM was optimized by non-linear contrast enhancement, while MI was optimized by controlling histogram parameters. Results are observed visually, and quantitatively measured by comparing Dice coefficient and Hausdorff distance of manually contoured bone structures. Results: Using the optimized GM metric, the average Dice coefficient is 0.61 ± 0.10; the average Hausdorff distance is 2.62 ± 1.2 mm. Using the optimized MI metric, the average Dice coefficient is 0.58 ± 0.12; the average Hausdorff distance is 2.9 ± 1.2 mm. Conclusions: While both metrics performed similarly, the GM metric has a higher Dice coefficient than the MI metric, and its Hausdorff distance is marginally lower. This suggests image registration with the optimized Gradient Magnitude metric may be preferred. Purpose: Studies have shown that radiation boosting could help reduce prostate cancer (PCa) recurrence. Biological tumor volumes (BTV) are a high priority for such radiation boosting. The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential of radiation boosting of real patient BTVs using gold nanoparticles (GNP) released from gold-loaded brachytherapy spacers (GBS) during brachytherapy. Method: The BTVs of 12 patients having prostate adenocarcinoma identified with positron emission tomography (PET) and CT scanner using C-11 labeled tracer [11C]acetate were investigated. The initial GNP concentration and time to achieve a dose enhancement effect (DEF) of 2 was simulated using the freely downloadable software RAID APP. The investigations were carried out for low dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy sources (BTS) described in AAPM Task Group report 43: Cs-131, I-125, and Pd-103. In first case, we used 7 mg/g and 18 mg/g of GNP initial concentrations to estimate the time needed for released GNP to achieve a DEF of 2 for the different BTS, and compare with clinically relevant treatment times. In second case, we calculated the initial concentration of GNPs needed to achieve a DEF of 2 during the time the BTS would typically deliver 50%, 70% and 90% of the total dose. Results: For an initial concentration of 18 mg/g, when using Cs-131, and Pd103, a DEF of 2 could only be achieved for BTV of 3.3 cm3 and 1 cm3 respectively. Meanwhile a DEF of 2 could be achieved for all 12 BTVs when using I-125. To achieve a DEF of 2 for all patients using Cs-131 and Pd-103, much higher initial concentrations would have to be used than have been typically employed in pre-clinical studies. Conclusion: The I-125 is the most viable BTS that can be employed with GBS to guide dose painting treatment planning for localized PCa. 11 3D fluoroscopic image generation from patient-specific 4DCBCT-based motion models derived from physical phantom and clinical patient images Dedicated cone-beam breast CT with laterally-shifted detector: Feasibility for clinical translation Linxi Shi, Srinivasan Vedantham,Souleymane Konate and Andrew Karellas Purpose: To determine the feasibility of laterally-shifted detector geometry for high-resolution dedicated cone-beam breast CT (CBBCT) in terms of artifacts, mean glandular dose (MGD) and x-ray scatter. Methods: High-resolution, low-noise and high frame-rate detector with minimal dead-space at chest-wall could be of benefit for CBBCT. However, the field-ofview (FOV) for available detectors is smaller than that used in FDA approved system. Hence, we investigated the feasibility of laterally-shifted detector geometry for CBBCT. Full-fan ( 2 f 24 ) clinical projection datasets acquired with 40x30cm detector were truncated along the fan-beam direction to f f ( f {0.25,1.5, 2.7} ) to emulate the smaller FOV detector. Ramp-filtered FDK was used to reconstruct the full-fan and the truncated projection datasets after applying three weighting schemes. Monte Carlo simulations (GEANT4) were used to record the energy deposited in the breast and the position-dependent primary and scatter x-ray photon fluence incident on the detector and hence the scatter-to-primary ratio (SPR). Semi-ellipsoidal breasts (10/14/18-cm diameter) with varying fibroglandular weight fraction ( were modeled. Mono-energy photons were simulated and weighted for 2 spectra (49kVp, 1.4-mm Al HVL; 60kVp, 3.76-mm Al HVL). fg Results: Compared to CBBCT with full-fan, the artifacts from truncated fan at f 1.5 were subtle. For matched technique factors between full-fan and truncated fan, Monte Carlo derived MGD indicated 30% ( f 1.5 ) and 21% ( f 2.7 ) reduction with truncated fan. 60kVp reduced SPR by 21-25% compared to 49kVp. Peak SPR for CBBCT (60kVp) with truncated fan ( f 2.7 ) were 0.09/0.25/0.73 for 10/14/18-cm diameter breasts. The locations of the peak scatter were laterally-shifted by 14/38/70-pixels for 10/14/18-cm diameter breasts and were not statistically different from the corresponding theoretically estimated shifts (p=0.47, 2-tailed paired-ratio ttest). Conclusion: CBBCT with laterally-shifted detector geometry is feasible and can reduce mean glandular dose and SPR. If residual scatter needs correction, the location corresponding to scatter-peak can be analytically computed. ) Salam Dhou, Weixing Cai, Martina Hurwitz, Christopher Williams, Joerg Rottmann, Pankaj Mishra, Marios Myronakis, Fulya Cifter, Ross Berbeco, Dan Ionascu, and John Lewis Purpose: Respiratory-correlated cone-beam CT (4DCBCT) images acquired immediately prior to treatment have the potential to represent patient motion patterns and anatomy during treatment, including both intra- and inter-fractional changes. We develop a method to generate patient-specific motion models based on 4DCBCT images acquired with existing clinical equipment and used to generate time varying volumetric images (3D fluoroscopic images) representing motion during treatment delivery. Methods: Motion models are derived by deformably registering each 4DCBCT phase to a reference phase, and performing principal component analysis (PCA) on the resulting displacement vector fields. 3D fluoroscopic images are estimated by optimizing the resulting PCA coefficients iteratively through comparison of the cone-beam projections simulating kV treatment imaging and digitally reconstructed radiographs generated from the motion model. Patient and physical phantom datasets are used to evaluate the method in terms of tumor localization error compared to manually defined ground truth positions. Results: 4DCBCT-based motion models were derived and used to generate 3D fluoroscopic images at treatment time. For the patient datasets, the average tumor localization error and the 95th percentile were 1.57 and 3.13 respectively in subsets of four patient datasets. For the physical phantom datasets, the average tumor localization error and the 95th percentile were 1.14 and 2.78 respectively in two datasets. 4DCBCT motion models are shown to perform well in the context of generating 3D fluoroscopic images due to their ability to reproduce anatomical changes at treatment time. Conclusion: This study showed the feasibility of deriving 4DCBCT-based motion models and using them to generate 3D fluoroscopic images at treatment time in real clinical settings. 4DCBCT-based motion models were found to account for the 3D non-rigid motion of the patient anatomy during treatment and have the potential to localize tumor and other patient anatomical structures at treatment time even when inter-fractional changes occur. 12 Using stylized models to investigate the potential benefit of inhomogeneous fractionation schemes in proton therapy T. Minkels, J. Unkelbach Purpose: In current practice, radiation fields and fractionation schemes for intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) are optimized independently. Simultaneously optimizing the beam intensities and the fractionation scheme can result in non-uniform spatiotemporal dose delivery, i.e. delivering distinct dose distributions in different fractions. This may improve the therapeutic ratio if similar doses are delivered to healthy tissues while delivering high singlefraction doses to parts of the tumor. In this work, simplified models are being used to find the potential gain of inhomogeneous fractional doses (IFD) and its dependence on model parameters. Methods: The beam intensities of multiple pristine Bragg peaks for two fractions were simultaneously optimized with respect to the biologically equivalent dose (BED). Objective functions and constraints were chosen such that the mean BED is minimized in healthy tissues, while delivering a prescribed BED to tumor voxels. The optimization was performed for three models: using a single beam, two opposing beams resembling prostate treatments, and two perpendicular beams that resemble spinal metastasis treatments. Results: In all models studied, inhomogeneous fractionation has the potential to decrease the mean BED in healthy voxels, compared to uniform fractionation, while delivering the same prescribed BED to tumor voxels. While hypofractionation is the optimal solution for tumors with a low / -ratio and uniform fractionation is optimal for tumors with high / -ratio, IFD treatments are optimal in between. The amount of reduction in mean BED in healthy voxels for IFD depends on the dose per fraction, the position of the healthy voxels with respect to the tumor and the beam geometry. Conclusion: It has been shown that, for suitable geometries, IFD can improve the therapeutic ratio. Also the parameters for which IFD is the optimal treatment have been investigated and the reduction in mean BED in healthy tissue has been expressed in terms of these parameters. Photon-counting Hexagonal Pixel Array CdTe Detector: Performance characteristics for high-resolution region-ofinterest fluoroscopy Suman Shrestha, Srinivasan Vedantham and Andrew Karellas Purpose: To determine the objective performance characteristics of a hexagonal pixel array photon-counting CdTe detector under fluoroscopic conditions. Methods: A 650・m thick CdTe Schottky photon-counting detector capable of concurrently acquiring up to 3 energy-windowed images was operated in a single energy-window mode to include 10 KeV photons. The detector had hexagonal pixels with apothem of 30・m resulting in pixel spacing of 60・m and 51.96・m along the two orthogonal directions. The detector was characterized under IEC-RQA5 conditions. Images of a tungsten edge test device were acquired. The edge-spread function (ESF) and the finely sampled line spread function accounted for hexagonal sampling, from which the presampling modulation transfer function (MTF) was determined. The 2-D noise power spectra (NPS) were determined at fluoroscopic exposure rates (0.77-7.7 ・R/frame) from parallelogram regions-of-interest (ROIs) to provide equispaced sampling. The detective quantum efficiency (DQE) was determined along the apothem direction after correcting for image lag and multiple counts. Resolution-preserving resampling techniques from hexagonal to square pixels were investigated to provide distortion-free display of acquired images. Results: At 10 cycles/mm, the modulation factor was 0.49. The 2-D NPS did not show off-axis noise source and the structural noise component was near zero over all spatial frequencies. The DQE did not exhibit exposure rate dependence and reached a maximum of approximately 0.85 at midfrequencies (4-5 cycles/mm). For resampling to Cartesian grid, evaluation of the aperture functions indicated that the 53・m square pixel best matched the hexagonal pixel (less than 2% deviation at all frequencies). After resampling to 53・m square pixels using Delaunay triangulation based linear interpolation, the presampling MTF at Nyquist frequency (9.43-cycles/mm) was 0.45. Conclusion: Hexagonal pixel array photon-counting CdTe detector provides high spatial resolution and high DQE at fluoroscopic exposure rates. This could allow for artifact-free subtraction angiography and basis material decomposition at substantially reduced radiation dose. 13 Microwave ablation zone variance: Identifying which parameters should be detected and incorporated in patient specific planning New potential for employing radiotherapy biomaterials loaded with anti-CTLA-4 antibody to induce abscopal effect Garron Deshazer, Punit Prakash, Mark Hagmann, Derek Merck PhD, Damian Dupuy M.D. Yao Hao, Gizem Cifter, Yucel Altundal, Neeharika Sinha, Michele Moreau, Erno Sajo, Mike Makrigiorgos, Wilfred Ngwa Purpose: Image-guided percutaneous ablation is an, effective, inexpensive, and accessible treatment for liver, lung, and kidney cancers. However, its relatively high recurrence rate makes it more palliative. We hypothesize that higher rates are due in part to inadequate margin estimation, resulting from over-simplified geometric planning. Better predictive planning is needed, however, this requires numerical model accounting for the physical characteristics of heterogeneous tissues around the target. Literature suggests that pathologies such as cirrhosis and malignant tissue have varying thermal and electrical properties when compared to normal tissue. The objective of this study is to employ a simulation based approach to determine the impact of heterogeneous tissue physical properties on treatment outcome. Purpose: Studies show that stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) of a primary tumor in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) could result in an immune-mediated regression of metastasis outside the radiation field, a phenomenon known as abscopal effect. However toxicities due to repeated systematic administration of ICI have been shown to be a major obstacle in clinical trials. Towards overcoming these toxicity limitations, we investigate a potential new approach whereby the ICI are administered via sustained in-situ release from radiotherapy (RT) biomaterials (e.g. fiducials) coated with a polymer Methods: An electromagnetic-thermal finite-element model of the BSD Medical ST antenna was created. The antenna placed inside the center of a tumor that was immersed within liver tissue. The variance of ablation zone sizes with tissue physical properties was evaluated by assigning varying tissue dielectric and thermal properties to the tumor, consistent with data reported in the literature. 10-30 % variations in tissue effective electrical conductivity, and varying perfusion levels for tumor, normal, and cirrhotic liver (3-18 kg/m3/s) were considered. The CEM43 > 240min threshold was used to estimate ablation zone extents. Results: When considering 10-30% differences in electrical conductivity and relative permittivity between malignant and normal tissue there was less than 4mm and 1mm variations in ablation zone extents observed. Perfusion variations showed the largest difference when compared to homogeneous simulation (~ 4.5mm -1.0cm). Conclusion: The results suggest that dielectric inhomogeneities have limited impact on predicted ablation zone extents. However, variances in tumor and normal liver tissue blood perfusion, within the range of clinically measured values reported in the literature, significantly affects predicted ablation zon Methods: New design RT biomaterials were prepared by coating commercially available spacers/fiducials with a biocompatible polymer (PLGA) film containing fluorescent nanoparticles of size needed to load the ICI. The release of the nanoparticles was investigated in-vitro. Meanwhile, an experimentally determined in-vivo nanoparticle diffusion coefficient was employed in analytic calculations based on Fick’s second law to estimate the time for achieving the concentrations of ICI in the tumor draining lymph node (TDLN) that are needed to engender the abscopal effect during SBRT. The ICI investigated here was anti-CTLA-4 antibody (ipilimumab) at approved FDA concentrations. Results: Our in-vitro study results showed that RT biomaterials could be designed to achieve burst release of nanoparticles within one day. Meanwhile, our calculations indicate that for a 2 to 4 cm tumor it would take 4 to 22 days, respectively, following burst release, for the required concentration of ICI nanoparticles to accumulate in the TDLN during SBRT. Conclusions: Current investigations combining RT and immunotherapy involve repeated intravenous administration of ICI leading to significant systemic toxicities. Our preliminary results highlight a potential new approach for sustained in-situ release of the ICI from new design RT biomaterials. These results provide impetus for more studies to leverage the powerful abscopal effect, while minimizing systemic toxicities through the new approach. 14 Potential of using cerium oxide nanoparticles (CONP) for protecting healthy tissue during Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) Madan Mainali, Wilfred Ngwa, Gizem Cifter, Jonathan Celli Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the feasibility of using targeted cerium oxide nanoparticles (CONP) during APBI to protect healthy cells. Methods: In one approach, CONP are assumed to be incorporated in a micrometer-thick polymer film on the surface of routinely used mammosite balloon applicators for sustained in-situ release of the CONP. In case two, CONPs are administered directly into the lumpectomy cavity. The concentration of H2O2 produced by ionizing radiation was estimated from previously published work using short range linear extrapolation. The assessment of CONPs concentration required to absorb corresponding H2O2 to protect healthy tissue was calculated. Fick’s Second law of diffusion was employed to determine the initial concentration of CONP needed to achieve the minimum concentration for radioprotection at distance 1 cm and 2 cm from the lumpectomy cavity during APBI. The study was carried out for different nanoparticle sizes. Results: The initial concentration of CONPs required to get desired radioprotection concentration at 1 cm and 2 cm after 7 days was found to be 0.4089 mg per Kg and 59.7605 g per Kg respectively for 2 nm size nanoparticles. Using concentrations of 5 mg per kg of CONP that have been shown to be used to confer radioprotection (for about 7.97 Gy) in experiments it was observed that 4.5631, 8.5286, 10.9247, 22.0408, 43.6796 and 65.5618 number of days are required to achieve radioprotection at 1 cm for CONP of sizes 2 nm, 3.8 nm, 5 nm, 10 nm, 20 nm, 30 nm, respectively. Conclusion: Our preliminary results show that smaller size (2 nm and 3.8 nm) CONP would be suitable as radio protectant during APBI because they took a reasonable number of days, i.e. less than 10 days to reach tissues of 1 cm or 2 cm thickness. 15 NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM greatly acknowledges support from our corporate sponsors: GOLD MEMBER SPONSORS Elekta Oncology Systems PTW New York Corporation S SIIL LV VE ER RM ME EM MB BE ER RS SP PO ON NS SO OR RS S IBA Dosimetry America, Inc. Philips Healthcare RaySearch Laboratories MEMBER SPONSERS Accuray Atlantic Nuclear, Inc. Bard Medical Division Brainlab C-RAD CIRS CIVCO IsoRay Medical K&S Associates Kobold Medical LAP Laser Landauer MiM NELCO Oncology Systems Limited Qfix Radcal RaySafe Radiological Imaging Technology ScandiDos Standard Imaging Sun Nuclear Corp. Varian Medical Systems NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM GOLD SPONSOR NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM GOLD SPONSOR NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM SILVER SPONSORS NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM SILVER SPONSORS NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM MEMBER SPONSORS NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter NEAAPM Newsletter
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