AFTER SCHOOL THEATRE CLASSES REGISTRATION FORM For our last session of the school year, students will be putting on a short play while learning the basics of acting, singing and musical theatre dance. Focus will also be put on audition technique. Parents are invited to a special performance on the last day of class! LA COSTA HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY Fridays, 12:50 - 1:50 pm April 24 - June 12 $98 / 8 weeks Grades 1 - 5 (15% of tuition goes to the Encinitas Union School District.) All Character Kids classes are taught by local professional actors. Focus is put on developing imagination, social skills and a positive self-image through the performing arts. Enroll online today at Complete the form below and mail with payment to: Character Kids, PO Box 565, San Marcos, CA 92079 Any questions or concerns should be addressed to Character Kids at (760) 290-3989. Distribution of this flyer does not imply endorsement by the Encinitas Union School District, it’s schools or staff, and is distributed in compliance with federal and state law. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA COSTA HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY Please do not turn into school office. Send payments directly to: Character Kids * PO Box 565 * San Marcos, CA 92079 Student Name ________________________________________________________________ Grade _______ Teacher: ________________________________ Parent Name __________________________ Parent Phone ______________________ Parent Email (required) _____________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ Zip_____________________ My child will: be picked up go to child care Name/phone of person picking up ___________________________________________________ Alternate / Emergency phone _____________________________ Allergies____________________________________________________________________ I give permission for my child to participate in Character Kids classes. I also give permission to the designated adult supervisor in charge to secure emergency medical treatment for the minor named above. By signing this form I hereby state that I release all Character Kids staff and representatives from any liability as a result of any injury sustained in or around a Character Kids class venue. I grant permission for any and all photographs and/or visual recordings taken at Character Kids to be used by Character Kids for advertising in, but not limited to, newspapers, brochures and the Character Kids website. I understand that no personal information will be associated with any photographs without my consent and that no compensation is offered. I have read and understand the above statements and the Character Kids Policies & Notices letter on the website. Signed__________________________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________ Secure your spot today by enrolling online at! S4
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