Jeannette Tulis and Carla Stout Handicrafts: What Charlotte Said and What You Can Do About It Friday afternoon 1:45-4:30 Charlotte’s Own Words Again, we know that the human hand is a wonderful and exquisite instrument to be used in a hundred movements exacting delicacy, direction and force; every such movement is a cause of joy as it leads to the pleasure of execution and the triumph of success. We begin to understand this and make some efforts to train the young in the deft handling of tools and the practice of handicrafts. Some day, perhaps, we shall see apprenticeship to trades revived, and good and beautiful work enforced. In so far, we are laying ourselves out to secure that each shall “live his life”; and that, not at his neighbour’s expense; because, so wonderful is the economy of the world that when a man really lives his life he benefits his neighbour as well as himself; we all thrive in the well-being of each. — Vol 6 p. 328 Workshop handicraft lesson planned will be a felt bookmark with simple embroidery stitching. There will also be lessons in finger crocheting and finger knitting, time permitting. All supplies provided. Children welcome! Browse a display of favorite books and samples of children’s handicrafts covering a variety of ages. Resources: Websites for Craft supplies and books on crafts: very comprehensive search for children assortment of all-natural dolls and toys, books, craft kits (click on handicrafts) (search Waldorf inspired crafts) (short tutorial videos on all embroidery stitches) Favorite Blogs Favorite Books ! The Nature Corner: Celebrating the Year’s Cycle with A Seasonal Tableau, by M. v Leeuwen and J. Moeskops ! Feltcraft: Making Dolls, Gifts and Toys, by Petra Berger ! All Year Round, by Anne Druitt, Christine Fynes-Clinton and Marije Rowling ! Felt Wee Folks: Enchanting Projects, by Sally Malvor ! The Children’s Year, by Anne Druitt, Christine Fynes-Clinton and Marije Rowling ! First Book of Knitting, by Bonnie Gosse and Jill Allerton ! Knitting for Children, by Bonnie Gosse and Jill Allerton (more advanced) ! Keepers at Home: The Stepping Stones Handbook, by Susan Zakula ! Super-Cute Felt by Laura Howard ! Fa La La La Felt: 45 Handmade Holiday Decorations by Amanda Carestio ! Kids Crochet: Projects for Kids of All Ages by Kelli Ronci and Lena Corwin ! Kids Knitting: Projects for Kids of All Ages by Melanie D. Falick Suggested list of handicrafts. Just for fun, here is a list of handicrafts which are mentioned in the writings of Charlotte Mason and or in the Parents’ Review - !"#$%&"#$'()&*$+'#,-&.//,+'),"01,#',2%&//345+'6&&$7"#8345+' %&&9'%34$345+'%"/9,02"9345+'4,,$),6	+'7)"*'2&$,)345+'%#"//:6	+'4,00345+'#";;3"'6	+')34&),.2'713-' 7"#8345+'7"#0&4'6	+'/7#"-'%&&9/+'71"3#'7"4345+'94300345+'%,40'3#&4'6	+'-"-,#';&)$345+'2,4$345'7)&01,/ Here is a list of handicrafts that may be more accessible. The * means a craft which may also be suitable for boys; however none should be summarily excluded! Macrame* Knitting Crochet Rug hooking* Embroidery Basket weaving* Paper cutting* Doll making Spool knitting Applique Smocking Tatting Needlepoint Wire sculpting* Chicken scratch (a type of cross stitch on gingham) Candlewicking (a series of French knots in a pattern) Wood burning* (try Leatherwork* (try Origami* Corking or spool knitting Plastic canvas needlework* Cross stitch Felt projects* Clay sculpting* Bead work Carving-soap or wood* Quilting/patchwork* Weaving- paper, yarn etc.* Braiding/knotting floss e.g. friendship bracelets Lanyards* Wax modeling* Woodworking* Printmaking* (such as linoleum block cutting) There are many resources for these handicrafts. I would suggest a search at your local library or just do a web search for any one of these for free instructions and patterns. You can also visit hobby or craft stores. Website for fingerkniting with instructions: !!!"#$%%&'()$%("*+#,-&.(/0&1%')21&-"3-#4 51+-3')4(6%%'(-&+14&(4-+47+4$4('$)*34+148+64-69'40+)4:&7'+4-6-+)&$;(40+)4#$184+04-3'('4*)$0-("4<3')'4$)'4 !+17')06;4:&7'+(40+)40&1%')421&--&1%4$1740&1%')4*)+*3'-&1%"44 =$:'$->4?$;7+)04&1(.&)'74)'(+6)*'(4#'1-&+1'74$9+:'4+0-'14'(.+6('4$4('*6;$)4!+);7:&'!@496-4+00')43&%34 A6$;&-84*)$0-(4+04;+:';841$-6)$;4#$-')&$;("44 © Copyright, 2012 by Jeannette Tulis. All Rights Reserved.
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