CHARLTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWS ______ MARCH 2015 ________________________________________________________________________ COME TO THE MOVEABLE FEAST SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 Time: 6:00 PM Place: Maple Ave Schoolhouse, Charlton Sign-up: Call Alice Clotty-399-4153 or Mari Fettke 882-9502 by April 13. Cost: $20.00/person On Saturday, April 18th, come to the Charlton Historical Society’s Moveable Feast. This is a fun and delicious way to spend time with your Charlton friends and neighbors. Hors d’oeuvres will be served starting at 6:00 at our Maple Avenue Schoolhouse. Small groups will be assigned to members’ homes for the main meal. Then at about 7:00, we’ll head out to various local homes for: • Chicken Française prepared by Marcella’s • Roasted Potatoes prepared by Marcella’s • Salad • Bread • Beverage/wine At 9:00 we will rendezvous at the Fettle’s home on Eastern Avenue for scrumptious desserts. New Volunteer Hosts would be welcomed. We need more volunteer host homes….No need to cook and bake because this is done for you. All you need to do when you host a dinner at your home is: • Set the table • Make and Toss a Salad • Provide and Serve a Beverage/Wine • Clean Up Best of all, you don’t have to pay $20.00 per person. Food will be delivered to your home. (For special diet, call Alice Crotty (399-4153) 1 MAY AND JUNE PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES STORIES OF LIFE & LOVE IN CHARLTON COUNTRY DATE: Wednesday 6, 2015 TIME: 7:00 PM PLACE: Maple Ave. Schoolhouse, Charlton PRESENTER: TERI GAY, historian and writer PROGRAM: Teri will discuss her latest book and memoir, The Wife Who Came with Work Boots, as well as other stories of life and love in Charlton. MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONY DATE: Monday 25, 2015 PLACE: TBA TIME: 2:00 PM FOUNDERS’ DAY WEEKEND SATURDAY, JUNE 6 AND SUNDAY, JUNE 7 2015 5K Walk and Run – Saturday Art Show – Both Days? Museum Opened – Both days Parade – Sunday Farmers’ Market – Sunday (Chairperson is needed.) Ice Cream Social sponsored by the Saratoga County Dairy Princess Committee-Sunday FOUNDERS’ DAY 2015 THEME IS CHARLTON VOLUNTEERS Volunteer, Howie Eskin, designed the Founders’ Day Button. The button will be on sale for $1.00 with the proceeds going to the Charlton Historical Society. 2015 Founders' Day Button The Charlton Historical Society Volunteers of the Year will be Bill and Elizabeth Herkenham. For many years, they have generously supported and chaired The Founders’ Day 5K Race. The Herkenhams will be our parade Grand Marshalls on June 7. The success of our town organizations and activities depend on our citizen volunteers. We are requesting that town organization give us names of their volunteers. We will be honoring them in a museum display. 2 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Founder’s Day Weekend and summer museum hours will soon be here and volunteers are needed. Plan to give some time to make the following successful: • • • • • • • • The 5K Race on the morning of Saturday, June 6st will be our largest event to raise much-needed funds. To help, contact Marty Wilson at 399-0167 or at To help in the museum on Saturday, June 6 for the 8:30 to 11AM, 11 AM to 1: 30 PM and the 1:30 to 4 PM shifts, contact Susan York at 399-3797 or at To help on Saturday evening, June 6 at Party in the Park in the Elmer Smith Park by selling buttons. Contact Susan York at 399-3797 or at On Founder’s Day Sunday, June 8 by hosting in the museum or selling in the 12 AM to 3:30 PM time period. Contact Susan York at 399-3797 or at In addition, we will be working in the museum and schoolhouse during May to clean and get ready for Founder’s Day. Contact Susan York at 399-3797 or at To help with the parade, contact John Hussey at 557-2410 or at To enter the Art Show, contact Liz Lis at 842-0720 or To enter or help with the Farmer’s Market on Founder’s Day Sunday, contact Eileen Stone at 399-9585 or MEMBERSHIP NEWS Welcome to New Members The Charlton Historical Society would like to welcome our latest new members. Maria and Rickey Walker have just moved to West Charlton from Middletown, Delaware, and have recently joined our Historical Society with a very generous donation, for which we thank them. We look forward to meeting the Walkers at the Moveable Feast, for which they were quick to sign up. Even though Maria has just moved here, she has generously offered to make a dessert for the Moveable Feast, a Williamsburg recipe for a pumpkin cake with bourbon, pecan, cream cheese frosting. Sounds good to me! The Walkers are originally from New York State. Rickey is from Plattsburg and Maria grew up in Troy. They seem to be very interested in history, based upon the beautiful note cards that Maria has sent, depicting early American kitchen scenes. We are saddened by news of the deaths of longtime Charlton Historical Society members, Orville Curtiss and Ralph Rudolph. 3 Chuck Latham’s Charlton History—Facts and Legends (Early 1800’s) [REPUBLICAN YOUNG MEN] AT A MEETING OF THE republican young men of the town of Charlton, held at Zephen Weeks, in said town, in pursuance to a meeting held the 16th of March. MANFIELD BARLOW, Chr’mn, Wm Anderson, Sect’ry, resolved that Wm Anderson, J.L. Boyd, I Wilse, H. Betteys, and J. Maxwell, be a committee to draft resolutions, and an address. [We omit the Resolutions, only because they have been deferred till the election has passed, which circumstance has rendered them not so immediately interesting as otherwise they would have been.] ADDRESS By Henry Betteys. FELLOW CITIZENS, Never in an age witnessed so many revolutions as the present—the Emperor of France by adding one conquest to another has subjugated the nations of continental Europe— Broke down the boundaries of ancient kingdoms and held nothing sacred to impeded his course— He abolished the monarchy to become a Monarch—He proclaims himself the advocate of neutral rights, but destroys neutrals. The King of Great Britain, on the other hand, by adding one violation of national law to another has driven our merchantmen from the Ocean, and established a system of commercial restrictions as destructive as it is unjust; Each of these nations burning with keen resentment against the other have wantonly infringed on our rights insulted our nation and destroyed our property. The ocean, the highway of nations has been converted into a scene of robbery and bloodshed, and the British and French Courts of Admiralty have legalized rapine and plunder. America has suffered most from Great Britain, because her means of annoying us have been the greatest. Fellow citizens need I recapitulate our sufferings to rouse a manly spirit in the youthful breast—need I call your attention to the impressment of our seamen, the capture and condemnation of our property, the murder of our citizens within our own waters, the infamous conditions of which Great Britain would consent to treat with us—she says we must relinquish our carrying trade—must authorize the British Navy to execute the laws of this country, must give up tyrannical power, all our naturalized citizens, and our free born citizens have been compelled by the most cruel treatment, to enlist on board of his Majesty’s ships, after having been impressed from American vessels. Need I call your attention to the infamous course pursued by Francis James Jackson, in his diplomatic correspondence with our Secretary of State, in which he impeached the veracity; of our government, and added wanton insult to a long catalogue of injuries previously sustained from his royal master! Still there are among us professed Americans, who adhere to his Majesty’s government and calumniate our own. Men who are tremblingly alive to the interests of George the third, but careless of the honor and prosperity of the United States—Men who have had the unblushing effrontery to nominate and recommend to your suffrates. Jonas Platt for instance—His precepts and example are truly republican. My friends let us be vigilant—Our political enemies are constantly on the alert— Every story which falsehood can invent, is adopted for our deception. Pamphlets, handbills and newspapers, pregnant with grossest misrepresentations, are distributed among us. Let us read and examine for ourselves, and at the ensuing election, we will convince the minions of George the 3rd, that however large the British Party may be in America, the British party in Charlton is very small. 4 CHS NEWSLETTERS VIA EMAIL In order to save some cost for the Charlton Historical Society, we are attempting to build a list of members who are happy to receive the newsletter via Email and skip the printed copies that need to be mailed (except November’s which will go to everyone via mail). Some members with Email have chosen to receive printed newsletters, which we will gladly mail. Some members paid their dues but did not make a selection, so I will continue to mail copies unless I receive an Email that indicates that Email-only is fine. Some members have overlooked their dues, so I will mail newsletters with the dues reminder to them. If you receive the newsletter via Email-only and decide that you want printed copies to be mailed, just let me know that too. Sue at Officers and Trustees President Alice Crotty Vice-‐President John Hussey Founders Day/Building and Grounds Secretary Nancy Bellamy Cor. Sec. Stacey Fenton Treasurer Susan York Curator Open Trustee Ken Crotty-‐ Web Site /Buildings and Grounds Trustee Chuck Latham Genealogy Buff Trustee Carolyn Setzer Trustee Marv Schorr Trust Fund 399-‐4153 557-‐2410 399-‐8508 882-‐6009 399-‐3797 399-‐4153 384-‐0130 882-‐9740 399-‐4161 Please call any member of the Board of Directors with questions and comments. 5 CHARLON HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2009 Maple Avenue Charlton, NY 12019
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