! ! ! FINAL BULLETIN The 7th International Workshop on Charm Physics (CHARM 2015) will be held on campus of Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan on May 18-22, 2015. Workshop's website is http://charm2015.wayne.edu/. The primary goal of the seventh workshop in the CHARM series is to discuss contemporary and future aspects of charm physics. Topics to be covered at this conference include spectroscopy, heavy flavors in media, production and decays of charmed mesons and baryons, physics of charmonium states, D-mixing and CP-violation, advances in theoretical tools, future experimental facilities, and other related topics. More details on the past workshops in this series are available at our web page: http://charm2015.wayne.edu/ ! ! Registration ! On-site registration will be available at McGregor Memorial Hall (site of the conference) on Monday, May 18 starting at 8 am. On-line conference registration is available at http://charm2015.wayne.edu/registration.php until 15 May 2015. ! ! Scientific Program ! The program will consist of plenary and parallel talks covering recent theoretical and experimental advances in the field. Full conference program can be obtained from https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceTimeTable.py?confId=8909#all.detailed. Please check to see if your talk is properly scheduled. Please contact the organizers immediately if you spot any issues. ! Slides (pdf files) for the talks should be uploaded to Indico at least 6 hours before your talk. To do so, click on your talk title in the Indico schedule, log in and upload your talk. Please contact Student Scientific Secretaries fro you session if you need help. ! ! Accommodations ! Participants of CHARM 2015 have a wide variety of options for accommodations. Out of the three main recommended options (on-campus WSU Yousif B. Ghafari Hall, Inn on Ferry Street, and the Hotel St. Regis), only Hotel St. Regis is still available. Note that the on-campus option had to be pre-paid by May 1st. If you indicated that you would like to stay on-campus during the conference, but have not completed your registration (i.e. paid your registration fee and accommodations), this option is no longer available. Please contact the organizers for other options. Please also see http:// charm2015.wayne.edu/hotels.php. ! ! Travel ! Wayne State University is located in the cultural center of Detroit (MI). There are direct flights to Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) from all major American and Canadian cities, as well as from several European and Asian cities. The airport is located about 20 miles from the University. We recommend taking a taxi from the airport to WSU/local hotels or renting a car. WSU is easily accessible from all major freeways that pass through Detroit. Please see http://charm2015.wayne.edu/travel.php. We recommend renting a car you plan to move around during the workshop or travel before or after the meeting. ! Please note that Woodward Avenue is being resurfaced and new tram tracks are being laid. Please experience caution around work areas and allow for additional time if you drive around Wayne State campus. ! ! Social Events ! Breakfast: Continental breakfast will be served every day at 8 am (set up at 7:45 am) in the lobby of McGregor Memorial Hall. ! Reception: The opening reception will be held at the Wayne State University McGregor Memorial Conference Center on Monday, May 18, 2015 at 6:00 pm with cocktails and appetizers. ! Excursion: The conference excursion will be a private tour at the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) museum on Wednesday, May 20. Please note that DIA is currently hosting an exhibition "Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit.” Please contact the organizers if you would like our assistance in getting tickets to this exhibition. ! ! Banquet: The conference banquet will take place on the evening of Thursday, May 21st at the Detroit Historical Museum. Menu will include locally-themed dishes. ! For more information about social events, please see http://charm2015.wayne.edu/ social-events.php. Please contact the organizers if you would like some additional info about other events in the city (such as Detroit Symphony Orchestra schedule or Detroit Tigers game times). ! ! Proceedings ! We plan to publish online proceedings, details will be provided later. ! ! Contact Information ! Please contact Alexey Petrov (apetrov@wayne.edu) or Janice (eo3514@wayne.edu) if you have any questions/issues. ! The venue map is attached to this Bulletin. Lebiecki New Center Area West Grand Boulevard Fisher Building N Amsterdam Burroughs Next Energy One Ford Place 5900 Second Ave. Alumni House P Ferry P Community Arts Auditorium University Services Bldg. Chemistry Building Life Science Brush Science Hall Welcome Center Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History Parking Structure 3 Michigan Science Center Simons P Thompson Home Mackenzie P Forest P Parking Structure 8 WDET P Wayne State University P Elliman P Canfield 77 W. Canfield Scott Shiffman Library Med. Ed. Commons Hall Hudson/Weber Cancer Bldg. TechTown Contact 313-577-2424 for WSU general campus information or 313-577-9973 for assistance with accessibility at WSU Parsons Max M. Fisher Music Center 101 E. Alexandrine Alexandrine 3750 Woodward The Children’s Center Selden to Renaissance Center WSU Medical Campus/ Detroit Medical Center Willis P Mack Parking Structure 7 Eliot Bonstelle Theatre Temple Karmanos Cancer Institute Harper University Hospital Rehab Institute Applebaum Pharmacy and Health Sciences Building University Health Center wayne.edu Cultural Center Kresge Eye Institute Garfield P General Parking Parking Lots Hutzel Hospital Forest Non-WSU Brush Park Mott Center Detroit VA Medical Center Studio One Apts. University Tower Prentis Hancock Parking Structure 4 60 W. Hancock Lande Detroit Receiving Hospital Third 110 E. Warren Brush Cass P Hilberry Theatre St. Antoine Marwil Bookstore Old Main John R P Hancock Theatre District St. Antoine Brush Rackham Warren Second Bioengineering Building Physics Building Farnsworth 5057 Woodward WSU Bookstore Warren P John R Cass Putnam Parking Structure 6 Science and Engineering Library Biological Sciences Engineering Development Center P Detroit Institute of Arts Woodward Ave. General Lectures Engineering Detroit Public Library Prentis DeRoy Auditorium Ludington Mall Kirby Reuther Library Rands Linsell House P Kirby State Hall Gullen Mall Undergraduate Library Atchison Hall Knapp Ferry The Inn on Ferry Detroit Historical Museum Purdy Fountain Court Williams Mall Ghafari Hall Freer House 5435 Woodward 5425 Woodward Jacob House Library Recreation and Fitness Center Chatsworth Apts. DeRoy Apts. Anthony Wayne Drive St. Andrew ’s P Beecher House Mortuary Science Reuther Mall Kresge Skillman P Woodward Ave. McGregor Education Student Center P Parking Structure 2 Palmer Cohn Building Law Classroom Music Faculty/Administration Building John R Second Law Library Academic/ Administrative Building Gilmour Mall The Towers Manoogian ay (I-94) Ford Freew Custodial/Grounds Building Art Foundry Cass Third Shapero Hall Art Manufacturing Engineering P Computing Services Center C& IT P P Law School Kirby Engineering Technology P Parking Structure 1 P Parking Structure 5 P P ) y (I-94 reewa Ford F P P P Antoinette Antoinette John C. Lodge Freeway (M-10) John C. Lodge Service Drive Adams Field Trumbull Stadium Auxiliary 5959 Woodward 5957 Woodward 100 Antoinette Palmer Trumbull Harper Children’s Hospital of Michigan Chrysler Freeway ( I-75) Lodge Freeway (M-10) York P P Ghafari Hall (dorm) P 6001 Cass Ford Freeway (I-94) Matthaei Physical Education Center P WSU Police Department Chrysl er Freeway ( I-75) TechTown Research and Technology Park Conference venue IBio TechOne
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