Ro oyston 754 Low L VO OC Tac c Coatt Royston n 754 Low VOC Tac Coat is a solvent bas sed, high perfo ormance elasto omeric adhesivve. Royston’s ccarefully balancced solvent ble end allows fo or minimized drying time, alon ng with easy ap pplication by ro oller, brush, airlless spray or a asphalt distributtor. USES Applicattion Ro oyston 754 Low w VOC Tac Co oat is designed d to be used as s a bond coat be etween the sub bstrate and the Rosphalt 50 0 wa aterproof overla ay. PHY YSICAL PROPE ERTIES Colo or Black Location ns Th his adhesive can c also be us sed as a highlly effective tac c co oat for bare concrete whe en Rosphalt is s the desired d ovverlay. The ela astomeric base e of Royston 754 Low VOC C Ta ac Coat enhanc ces the adhesion of Rosphaltt to concrete. Perccent Solids, by w weight 47.. 3 Com mposition S Synthetic rubber and resin base ed com mpound in organ nic solvent syste em Visco osity, sec Zahn n #3 21 ± 5 Weig ght, lbs/gal 7.7 73 Cove erage, gal/sq.yd d. SURFA ACE PREPARA ATION The surrface should be b free of all dust, dirt, oil, grease or otherr contamiinants. The surface s must be completely y dry prior to o applicattion. MIXING G Royston n 754 Low VOC C Tac Coat sho ould be stirred to t a uniform consiste ency prior to us se. APPLIC CATION Royston n 754 Low VOC C Tac Coat ca an be applied by b brush, rollerr or airlesss spray. The airless a spray eq quipment is the e same as used d with solvent containin ng paints and should produc ce a 2000 psi maximu um pressure. When used with w Rosphalt on concrete, spread with a conve entional asphalt distributor at a 0.1 to 0.15 5 gallons per square yarrd in normal spray pattern. 0.10 - 0.15 PACK KAGING 5 Gall on Pails 55 Ga allon Drums STOR RAGE Materiials must be kept in a dry area at temperatures betwe een C - 35°C) in th 50°F a and 95°F (10°C he original uno opened contain ners during g all phases of delivery, storag ge and handling. CAUT TION Directt contact with skin should be e avoided as it can cause skin s irritatio on. Protectivve clothing, goggles an nd gloves are recom mmended. In ca ase of direct ccontact with the skin, wash with w soap and water. In case of accidental contactt with eyes, flush immed diately with w water and see ek medical atttention. Liquid d is flamm mable, keep awa ay from open flame. To avoid solvent entra apment, a 20-4 40 minute amb bient (40-60°F)) dry perio od is recomme ended prior to th he placement of o the overlay. Construction Products Conttact Chase C Global Operations Cen nter niversity Avenue 295 Un Westwo ood, MA 02090 USA T Toll Free (US onlyy): 800-323-4182 T Tel: 781-332-070 00 F Fax: 781-332-070 01 E Email: Warrantyy & Limitation of Se eller’s Liability The inform mation contained herrein is provided for product p selection only, and is not to be considered as a sppecification or perforrmance data. Chase e Construction Produ ucts (a division of Chase Corporation n) warrants the product for a period of on ne (1) year from the date of initial shipme ent to the initial purcchaser, that the produ ucts meet the param meters listed on the a applicable Technical Data Sheet. Cha ase makes no warra anty of any kind, ex xpressed or implied, including that of merchantability, other than that products conform to Chase’ss current quality control standards at tim me of manufacturre. If breach of warra anty is established, th he buyer’s exclusive remedy shall be repa ayment of purchase pprice of the non-confforming product to re eplace the non-conforming product. The buyer b expressly w waives any claim to additional damages, including without lim mitation, incidental orr consequential dam ages. Specific condiitions of sale and Ch hase’s limited warran nty are set out in detail in Chase Corrporation Terms and Conditions of Sale. 18611 Page 1 of o 1
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