W. F. West High School Parent Bulletin 342 SW 16th Street • Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 807-7235 • (360) 807-7235 (FAX) www.chehalisschools.org/wfw @WFWestHS Bob Walters, Principal Wendla Balmer, Assistant Principal Tom Elder, Assistant Principal Jeff Johnson, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal Go BE ! S T A ARC Addams Family e h T April-May 2015 This May, W.F. West Theatre and Music come together once again to combine the talents of our students to present the “ghoulishly-spirited” musical – The Addams Family. Gomez, Morticia, Fester, Grandma, Wednesday, Pugsley and Lurch have gathered in the family graveyard to celebrate life and death in a yearly ritual to connect with their past and ensure their future. But this year, a secret is revealed – Wednesday has found love, but she makes Gomez promise not to tell Morticia about the engagement yet. Being in love has changed Wednesday. She refuses to torture her brother and instead sings about all things bright and beautiful. Wednesday begs her family to act as “normal” as possible when Lucas and his parents come for dinner. Pugsley, worried that he has lost his sister forever, plots to break up the happy couple. During dinner, Wednesday is about to announce her engagement, but Gomez reminds her that before anything else, it is time for the traditional Addams family game – full disclosure – during which everyone reveals something they have never told anyone. Wednesday blurts out the news that she is getting married! Not having received her family’s blessing, Wednesday is furious. Gomez realizes the thing he was most resistant to – his baby girl’s growing up – is inevitable. He sees that she is a young woman in love, and that makes him happy, and a tiny bit sad. Wednesday offers Lucas one test to prove his love for her. He is afraid of death, but even more afraid of losing her forever. He chooses the possibility of death over the unthinkable – living without her for the rest of his life. Morticia, unable to live with Gomez keeping secrets form her, packs a bag and is ready to leave. Gomez professes his unending love for her, as he first did one night many years before, with the promise to laugh, cry and dance for all eternity, and Morticia cannot resist. As the curtain closes, we all come to learn that the unknown may be frightening, but if we move toward the darkness, we will find love. The Addams Family performs in the W.F. West Theatre at W.F. West High School on: Thursday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 8th at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 9th at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 14th at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 15th at 7:30 p.m. Seats ($8.00) will be on sale in the high school A.S.B. office beginning April 1st and, if not sold out, at the door before each performance. For any additional information please call 807-7235. Thank you for your continued support of the W.F. West Theatre and Music programs. Brian Adams, Director of Theatre Principal’s Message April 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians: Spring has arrived and as always at the high school this is a busy time of year. It is a time of testing and academic performance assessment, important measures of our work during the year and over the years of K-12 education. This year we will begin testing our sophomores and juniors using the Smarter Balanced Assessment. This test is one of two being funded by the United States Department of Education to assess student progress with new Common Core Standards, and is the test selected by Washington State for this purpose. Sophomores and juniors will be testing in Language Arts, and juniors will also test in mathematics. For more information on Smarter Balanced assessment, visit SmarterBalanced.org. The schedule for W. F. West testing is included in this parent newsletter. Attendance is very important to the assessment process. Many of our juniors are taking SAT and ACT tests in preparation for college entrance. SAT Prep sessions have begun at W. F. West and interested students should contact the counseling center for information. Students in Advanced Placement courses are preparing for the rigorous College Board exams that take place in May. These standardized exams provide this group of students a measure of their readiness for college level work in comparison with other students in the nation, as well as the international community. This spring well over 100 students will be taking AP exams at W. F. West in World History, United States History, English, and Calculus. We are certainly proud of this group of scholars, and we look forwarding to recognizing them for their dedication to academics during a spring assembly. Students pursuing challenging college preparatory opportunities at our school also have the opportunity to take SAT subject area tests in the spring. Information about these tests and Advanced Placement exams can be found at collegeboard.org. Students in AP World History and AP United States History often want to take these subject area tests shortly after they’ve taken the May AP exams. SAT Subject area tests are available in Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, United States and World History, French and Spanish. Registration is online at the College Board website, collegeboard.org. All students should access this website to find college entrance requirements for two and four year colleges in our state, and throughout the nation. Ms. Wendla Balmer, Assistant Principal is our W. F. West test coordinator and may be able to provide support to you and your student as needed with testing information. For our seniors graduation is just around the corner and we look forward to the celebration and recognition that accompanies that milestone event. It’s a great time of year for seniors and families, and for all students to focus on “finishing strong”, especially after the benefits of a spring break. Attendance and class participation are important; there are two and a half important months of education before us. We appreciate our student body and the way they keep up the positive attitudes and motivation necessary for learning. We see evidence of this in our classrooms and during the Core/Flex period each day where students work with teachers to improve academic achievement. As the weather warms up it is also important to remember to maintain an academic environment by dressing for success. School is a work place, and appropriate attire allows the focus to be on academics as it should be. Last week we held our High School Orientation Night for 8th graders, soon to be incoming freshmen. That event reminds me of what a great community we have behind our students and our schools. There are so many individuals and groups working together in the best interests of our young people. Vital and sustaining community partnerships are in place. The upcoming scholarships and awards night for graduates is an amazing example of the generosity and long-term commitment to our students. Parents and guardians are essential partners in public education. We appreciate what you do individually and collectively as well to make W. F. West High School a great place to be. Happy spring! Bob Counseling Center News SATs The LAST CHANCE this school year to take the SAT is on June 6th. For more information and registration please go to: www.Collegeboard.com. NAVIANCE Freshman and Juniors If you are a parent of a Freshman or Junior and haven’t heard of Naviance yet, please ask your son or daughter to show you their Naviance page. Naviance is a wonderful tool to use for career and college searches. You can review your personal assessments that help lead you to the careers that best fit you and then lead you to the colleges/training you will need for that specific career. Remember you can log on at home and use this anytime. College Visitations Parents of juniors are advised that college campus visits are highly recommended. Summer is a good time to visit college campuses. It is a great way to spend quality time with your kids as well as a great opportunity to help them make difficult decisions regarding their college selection. Schedules Schedules will not be finalized until registration in August. You will receive your 2015-2016 schedules at that time! Schedule Changes and Requests for 2015-2016 All students will be expected to remain in the classes they registered for. We will only be able to honor schedule changes due to academic misplacement. Senior Information May and June are very busy months with many senior events. Please keep your eyes and ears open! Watch for newsletters and mailings as well as listen to the morning bulletin announcements for important upcoming dates and times. Scholarships Please remember to tell Mrs. Goble if you have received any scholarships. This is important information as scholarships are announced at Scholarship Night and Graduation. April/May Scholarships 2014 Chehalis Education Association- For Seniors and College students from W.F. West that are wishing to pursue a field in Education. Priority given to children and grandchildren of CEA members. Applications are due to counseling center by April 17. Jennifer Affeldt Memorial Scholarship - For Seniors pursuing a course of study in Social Work; Midwifery/Obstetrics; Aiding and/ or teaching children. Deadline to counseling center is April 17. Student View Scholarship – Application available at www.student-view.com. Application due April 22. Lewis County Sheriff’s Office Assoc./Cardinal Scholarship - Financial Need based. Deadline to be postmarked by April 22. Lewis County Sheriff’s Office Assoc./Stephen Gallagher - Must be purusing career in Criminal Justice. Deadline to be postmarked by April 22. Ellen Anderson DeMoise Scholarship – For students with financial need, scholastic achievement, extracurricular activities, and community service. Applications due April 24. The Centralia-Chehalis Chamber of Commerce (Rob Fuller Scholarship) – Must be a child of a chamber member. All types of education/training will be considered. Application will be online at www.chamberway. com at the end of March. Applications due April 24. Chehalis Basin Fisheries Scholarship – For students with a minimum 3.0 GPA pursuing natural resource fields in college. Applications due April 28. Dollars For Scholars (Boistfort) – For students that have attended the Boistfort school or presently live in the Boistfort school District. Applications due by April 30. Brian Cox Memorial Scholarship- For W.F. West athletes who have lettered in at least 1 varsity sport and have a GPA of 2.5 or better. Applications due by April 30 in the counseling center. Counseling Center News Washington State PTA - For seniors who will be attending 2/4 year colleges in the fall. For more info, go to www. wastatepta.org/Programs/ scholarship/index.html Due April 30 (this is not a postmark date, it is a receive date). RB Engineering Scholarship – For students that plan on entering field of engineering. Must have at least 2.8 GPA. Applications due May 1. McDonalds – You must be a graduate of W. F. West, and a resident of Chehalis for a minimum of 2 years. Out of district students are not eligible. Return applications to Mrs. Goble in the Counseling Center by May 1. Laura Boomer Scholarship – This scholarship is given to a deserving student from W. F. West. This scholarship is based on academic performance, citizenship and need. Application is returned to Mrs. Goble in Counseling Center. Deadline May 1. Edward D Neumann Scholarship- Student must be in the Honors Program, cannot be a relative of the Neumann family and must have attended W. F. West for at least three years. Application is returned to Mrs. Goble in Counseling Center. Deadline May 1. Shelley Fuller Scholarship – For female student who has earned a varsity letter with a 2.5 GPA. Return applications to Mrs. Goble in Counseling Center by May 1. Chehalis Dollars For Scholars/ Chehalis Foundation Scholarships – For students that plan to go to post-secondary education. Applications due May 1 to Mrs. Goble. FFA Scholarship – For students that have been FFA members for at least two years. Applications due to Mrs. Goble by May 1. Chehalis Rotary Scholarship – For students interested in going to college for a vocational career. There are two scholarships available. Applications due to Mrs. Goble in the Counseling Center by May 1. Hillel Foundation - For Jewish students attending the University of Washington. Application must be postmarked by May 1. Pacific Mobile - Open to all WFW students planning to further their education. Due to counseling center by May 1. SW Mineralogical Society - For students planning to major in fields of geology, earth science, environmental science, forestry, archaeology, agronomy, hydrology, engineering, physics, chemistry or science education. Application postmarked by May 1. Chehalis Music Boosters - For students who have demonstrated outstanding contribution and achievement to music programs and are planning to continue in college music programs or activities. Deadline to turn into counseling center is May 1. Lewis County Concerts Music For students from Lewis County to continue their musical education. View and download scholarship aplication online at www.lewiscountyconcerts.com (click scholarship link). Mail directly to organization - due May 1. Pacific NW Tool Club - For students who plan to continue their education in a program (cont’d.) representing trades that use traditional tools and equipment. Examples include, but are not limited to: wood worker, dental lab technician, electrician, mechanic, metal fabrication, culinary arts. See link for additional eligibility requirements. Must be postmarked by May 1. http://www. tooltimer.com/PNTCScholar. htm Chehalis Athletic Booster Club - For students who have been varsity athletes at WFW with at least a 2.5 GPA. Parents must also be booster club members for the current year. Return applications to counseling center by May 15. Rod Rinta Memorial Scholarship - For seniors who have earned a letter in a varsity sport and have a 2.5 GPA or higher. Applications due to counseling center by May 15. I-5 Toyota - For seniors who have made a significant contribution to their school and/or community and who are pursuing post secondary education/ training. Return application to counseling center by May 18. B. Davis Scholarship - All juniors or seniors. Deadline May 25th. http://www.studentawardsearch.com/scholarships. htm Twin Cities Sertoma - Deadline is May 31, awaiting updated application information. Abbott and Fenner Business www.abbottandfenner.com/ scholarships.htm Deadline is June 15. Big Sun 2015 - For high school senior student athletes attending a post secondary institute. Go to athletic awards@ bigsunathletics.com Deadline is June 19. Bits ‘n Pieces Spring Youth Fair Time is Here! The 33rd annual Spring Youth Fair is an excellent example of working partnerships between schools and the communities. The first Youth Fair began as a way to showcase student accomplishments to the community in a broader scope than that available in school-based open houses. Several teachers at W. F. West joined forces to present a “large open house” for W. F. West students, but also invited other local schools to participate at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds. The first Youth Fair was an immediate success, and the Youth Fair has continued to grow steadily. Student participation is varied: art projects to home economics projects, rabbit raising to llama raising, hobbies to computers, science to agriculture. If a student is involved, the Spring Youth Fair provides a chance to share that involvement with the community. Almost all of the adult participation in the Spring Youth Fair is voluntary, from the Department Superintendents to the judges of the exhibits. Students from many parts of the state are exhibitors, and the local community has been extremely generous with donations of products, trophies, ribbons, and personnel. This year’s Spring Youth Fair is scheduled for May 1 - 3. Good weather is hoped for, but nothing can dampen the spirits of so many who work so hard to make every Youth Fair a success. Many of the adult leaders of Youth Fair have been involved since the beginning, and several changes are now taking place. First, new, younger leadership is becoming involved, so the future of the fair can be assured. Secondly, funding is becoming a major issue. The funding for the fair comes from the State Department of Agriculture and entry fees/tickets sales. The fair expenses are well run since most of the work is done by volunteers, but the fair could use some help. If you or a group you belong to would like to help with funding, you can send a donation to Janelle Williams at W. F. West High school. Any amount would help; a larger donation (make check payable to Spring Youth Fair) would ensure that the fair will continue for many years to come. If you have questions about funding, contact Mrs. Williams at jwilliams@ chehalisschools.org or 360-807-7235 extension 5110. See you there! Great Year for Forensics! The W. F. West Forensics team - speech and debate - has had a very successful year. At state tournament, Zac Saari, senior, was awarded the Lois Gorne Performing Arts Award and a $1000 scholarship. In May, two team members, Hanna Schneider and Delani Buchanan, will be competing in a national tournament of champions to be held in Lincoln, Nebraska. During this summer, many team members will be attending various debate and speech camps. The Forensics Team is generously sponsored by 1982 W. F. West graduate Jim Lintott. Zac Saari and Lois Gorne 2015 Forensics Team! Bits ‘n Pieces Annuals Will Be Available Senior Yearbook Pictures 2015-2016 2015 yearbooks go on sale again on April 13th. The price goes up to $55 and copies are limited. Make sure you get your yearbook by bringing a check for $55 make out to W. F. West High School and taking it to the ASB office. The yearbook is all color again this year. Don’t miss it! Juniors, it’s not too early to start thinking about your senior photos for next year. Here are some guidelines for you to keep in mind when you talk to your photographer about the photos you will use in the yearbook. Jostens Graduation Orders Graduation materials will be distributed on Tuesday, April 21 during advisory and both lunches. Seniors should receive bills, soon. Any senior who does not pick up his/her order on that date should contact Mrs. Williams. The orders stay here and need to be paid for when they are picked up. Seniors who have not ordered need to pick up a late-order form from the office, Counseling Center or Mrs. Williams. Extra announcements, tassels, and stoles will be available from Mrs. Williams after the delivery date. If your student finds a problem with his/her order, contact Mrs. Williams. • Head size should be 1.5” from your chin to the top of your head. Please, no full-body photos or photos with other people. • Digital submissions are preferred. Save photos in a .jpg or .tif format with a resolution (image size) of 300 dpi. Make sure the file contains the student’s name. • Wallet-size or larger senior photos are accepted, but no reprints on regular paper. Please write the student’s name on a piece of masking tape and put it on the back of the photo. Writing on the back of the photo will show through. • Girls, no poses in tank tops with narrow straps or excessive cleavage. No obscene or gang-related photos can be used. The yearbook staff, the advisor and the administration will make the final determination regarding the appropriateness of a photo. • If you don’t plan to have a senior photo or it will not be completed by September 26th, please let Mrs. Fink know, and one of the annual photographers will take your photo. Starting May 1, the office will accept reservations for reserved seating. The number of seats is very limited and is available only to those family members and friends who cannot sit in the bleachers. General seating in the bleachers cannot be reserved. Prom 2015 When: May 2 9:00 p.m. - Midnight Where: Washington Hotel Downtown Chehalis Theme: Royal Ball Cost:$20/single $40/couple Remember, you can have whatever you want in your personal pictures, but we would like a more uniform look in the yearbook. If you want your photo returned, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. The deadline for all senior photos to be turned in to the yearbook is September 26th! Senior pages are our first deadline, so don’t put it off. Get your photo to Mrs. Fink in the library by that date. Equestrian Team Competition The W. F. West Equestrian Team competes in the Washington State High School Equestrian Team (WAHSET) program. The state is divided up into six districts. We compete in District 6 and against five other schools. Our team has 15 members. They will compete at a three-day meet at Elma, April 23 - 26. The team competes in every equine discipline from barrel racing to jumping, dressage to roping, mounted drill team and just about everything in between. When competing, each athlete contributes to the team’s overall standing in the district, as well as the member’s individual standing toward qualifying for State berth. Returning from our first district meet, our team is leading in our division with two district meets remaining. The Head Coach is Adam Kasper; Assistant Coach is Tracy Mason, Performance Coach is Jennifer Luce, Gaming Coach is Morgan Flatt, Drill Coach is Misty Dipo, and Advisor is DeeDe Young. Madi Floyd, Katelyn Buckman, Julia Johnson, Alyssa Ely, Madi Baker, Jessica Steward, Shaylee Dipo, Justin Reiker, Cheyenne Deal, Justine Hunt, Sheila Hines, Kylie Samuelson, Kyndra Haller, Kristen Dipo, Not pictured Brook Mason. Robotics Competition Team SWAG 4060 FIRST Robotics Competition Team SWAG 4060 is in the middle of an amazing fourth season! Through the hard work and dedication of its students, the team has created a great robot which SWAG hopes will once again propel the team to the FRC World Championship in St. Louis! This season, the team received a new Leapfrog Xeed 3D printer. This wireless printer is one of the best 3D printers around. It offers professional, high quality printing. We are incredibly grateful to the Chehalis Foundation for donating this incredibly advanced piece of technology, which is valued at nearly $10,000. We are excited to use this 3D printer to create parts and prototypes of our robot. Two weeks ago, SWAG competed at a District competition in Mount Vernon. With hard work and a good robot, SWAG 4060 received third place! We made a few adjustments to the robot and our coding during the competition. We hope that, with these small adjustments, the team will be even more successful at our competition in Auburn, March 26-28. The team is very grateful for the continued support of the community. With the amazing support of parents, sponsors, and mentors, Team SWAG has reached great success. Bits ‘n Pieces Raku Raku is a “reduction” glazing process that brings a kiln up to 1800 degrees very quickly, then the pieces are taken out of the kiln by a person with long tongs wearing fire protective gear and quickly put into metal trash cans filled with newspaper, wood chips, or other combustible materials. The hot pot ignites the newspaper etc., and a lid is quickly put on the can to deprive it of oxygen (this is the reduction part), and after a few minutes the piece is put into a tub of water to “seal the glaze.” Different metallic lustre glazes are usually the result. The advanced pottery students will be doing a raku firing at Fletcher Gober Pottery 1946 S. Market Blvd., Chehalis 748-3165, on Friday, April 24th, 8:00 a.m. until done • Families are encouraged to attend–this is an awesome experience! • Beginning students (and their families) are also encouraged to walk up at lunch. If beginners go onto advanced pottery they too will create a raku-fired piece (Fletcher Gober does also offer private classes for those not continuing on to advanced pottery). Music Notes W. F. West High School at Regional Music Festival Regional Music Festivals Our WFW Musical Ensembles recently performed at our regional festivals with other schools from around the area and did a great job of presenting high quality musical performances across the board. The String Orchestra, Chamber Choir Concert Choir, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble each received Superior ratings at their respective festivals. Congratulations to all of the great music making that is occurring throughout our building and district. Highly Capable Program Chehalis School District Highly Capable Program The Washington State Legislature passed a law (WAC 392-170) that requires all school districts to identify and serve their “most highly capable” students and provide a continuum of services to those students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Definition of Highly Capable Student A student who has been assessed to have superior intellectual ability as demonstrated by one or more of the multiple criteria specified in WAC 392-170-040. These students exhibit high capability in intellectual and/or creative areas, possess an unusual leadership capacity, or excel in specific academic fields, thereby requiring services beyond the basic programs provided by schools. Nomination Nominations for all potential Highly Capable students in grades K-12 will be accepted during May 1 - May 21. Nomination forms are available in each school office or downloadable from the Chehalis School District Web site www.chehalisschools. org. All completed nomination forms must be returned to the school office before the end of the day on May 21. Class of 2015 ----- Senior Week Activities Seniors: Congratulations on your many accomplishments!!! You will need to be aware of the following information: Sun., May 31 Baccalaureate, 3:00 pm, at Bethel Church. Please wear appropriate clothes. (No caps and gowns) Senior Extravaganza at W. F. West following Baccalaureate (pictures) Mon., June 1 Regular School Day Tues., June 2 Regular classes - Periods 1, 2 & 3 Finals - Periods 4, 5, & 6 Wed., June 3 Finals - Periods 1, 2 & 3 Senior Video Show - 12:45 pm — seniors only Senior Assembly - 1:45 pm (parents welcome) Thur., June 4 Commencement Practice: 8:00 - 8:30 am in the Gym — MANDATORY! Senior Picnic Seniors Scholarship and Awards Evening - 7:00 pm in the Commons Graduation Flowers All students in the graduation ceremony will dress alike. The only ornamentation allowed will be class stoles and honor cords. Students may not wear or carry flowers! If your student receives flowers, the flowers will be left in the dressing area, and it may be difficult to retrieve them in the after-graduation confusion. Fri., June 5 Senior Breakfast — 7:30 am Commencement practice - 8:15-10:45 am - MANDATORY! Diploma presentation pictures - 10:45 - Cost is $20 (be sure to bring your cap and gown for these pictures) Sat., June 6 Commencement - 6:00 pm in the Gym — Seniors meet in the Tech Center at 5:00 pm Reception in the Commons following commencement Special things to remember: All fees and fines must be paid in the ASB, or your diploma will be withheld. Diplomas will be available to pick up in the counseling center the week of June 22 - 26. The counseling center will be open from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Only seniors who have the necessary credits to graduate or have permission from Mr. Walters are eligible to participate in Senior Week. All seniors are expected to behave in a courteous and proper fashion as usual. Proper dress is required. Please check with Mrs. Williams or Mr. Walters if you have any questions. All rules and regulations for attendance at this school apply through the graduation ceremony. Please make every effort to positively maintain your, and the school’s reputation. Any drinking of alcoholic beverages or use of illegal drugs will result in suspension from all activities, school, and Commencement. Reserved seats for graduation: Relatives that are handicapped, infirm, or incapable of sitting in the bleachers should contact Mrs. Vasilauskas or Mrs. Williams regarding reserving seats on the gym floor. These seats are limited, so be sure to call early. Out of consideration for the families of all graduating seniors, please do not have a few family members arrive early to reserve bleacher seating areas. Bleacher seating is available on a first come - first served basis. Remember that since other students and teachers will be in class the days of June 8-11, we would appreciate seniors not returning to the campus during this time, If you need to come back for business purposes, please check in through the office. Senior Skip Day does not exist, and should such an event occur, all involved will be treated as truants and Senior Week Activities will be eliminated for those students. Participation in senior week activities, including graduation, is not a right but a privilege. Please treat it as such. * Special reminder to all family and friends attending graduation: This ceremony is a very special time for our seniors, their families, and our community. We realize that this is a time for personal celebration, but we ask that your celebrating not take away from the enjoyment of this dignified and special occasion. We ask that you wait until after the ceremony to “celebrate.” Thank you for your cooperation in making this one of the best graduation ceremonies in Lewis County. Students of the Month CTE Department Adora Hazelrigg The CTE student of the month is Adora Hazelrigg. Adora works hard on all of her assignments and uses her time wisely in class. The effort she has shown has currently earned her an “A” in her Natural Resources class. More importantly than that, however, are her interactions with her peers. Adora has an extremely generous heart and does her best to help those around her succeed. The special care she takes to include others and to make them feel valued is more important than we often give credit for. We all should look for opportunities to help others the way Adora does. Art Department Haley Armagost Haley Armagost is the Art Department’s student of the month. Haley has taken beginning pottery, advanced pottery and has been a peer tutor for pottery. Her work ethic is amazing–she has never wasted a moment in class, whether it’s working on her own projects or graciously helping students who need or want help. Her projects are always creative and incredibly well made. She is an excellent art student and is more than a pleasure to have in class. English Department Shea McCarthy The English Department student of the month is Shea McCarthy. Shea is a helpful and willing participant in the classroom, who is always respectful and ready to help others. Shea readily participates in class discussion, volunteers to read out loud, answers questions, and turns in high quality work. He is a quiet leader and role model to his peers. It is evident that Shea strives to do well academically, and I applaud his enthusiasm and ambition. He loves to read, is a creative writer, and goes above and beyond in his assignments. As a teacher, Shea is the kind of kid I love to have in class! CTE Department Cody Miller The Career and Technical Education/ Industrial Technology Department recognizes Cody Miller as our student of the month. Cody is developing advanced welding skills in the Welding class by completing fabrication projects, serving as a Peer Tutor, and setting a powerful example through his positive attitude. He has been enrolled in several welding classes and other coursework in the Career & Technical Education area. Cody is a superior role model in cooperation, skill development, leadership, and is an exceptional peer tutor in the welding class. He demonstrates strong leadership qualities in assignment completion and makes a significant contribution in helping other students. Cody exercises good use of time in finishing his own assignments and is highly dependable. Keep up the superior work and congratulations Cody. Social Studies Aurora Biggers Aurora is a leader in the social studies classroom and a role model for others. She works well with others and comes to class prepared. Aurora demonstrates effective thinking in class discussions, in group problem solving activities and in writing. Aurora is able to take a position on a historical question or issue and back it up with evidence and insight. Math Department Emma Moon and Jacob Ford As students of the month for March of 2015, Mr. Corrigan would like to recognize Emma Moon and Jacob Ford for their outstanding work in Geometry. Both of them always turn in high quality work and continually put forth their best effort in all they do. In addition, they are both outstanding citizens in the classroom. Traffic Safety Traffic Safety, class will begin on April 14th and last for eight weeks. We can accept up to 30 students. Cost is $360, and must be paid in advance to assure a spot in the class. Spring Yearbook Sales 2014 yearbooks go on sale again on April 13th. The price goes up to $55 and copies are limited. Make sure you get your yearbook by bringing a check for $55 make out to W. F. West High School and taking it to the ASB office. The yearbook is all color again, this year. Don’t miss it! Senior Immunization Information Parents, your senior’s health record and immunization information will be handed back to them in June. Please encourage them to put it in a safe place. They will need the information when applying to a four-year college. We do not keep a copy of their immunizations after graduation. Sports News The Senior Athletic Awards Banquet will be June 2nd, at 6:30 p.m. All senior athletes and their parents are invited to attend. Invitations will be mailed out in May. Want to receive the latest Chehalis School District news? Join our Key Communicators! Sign up by sending an email to: keycommunicators@chehalisschools. org. Thursday May 7th 3:30-6:30 PM PLANTS AVAILABLE: Friday May 8th 3:30-6:30 PM Mixed Hanging Baskets Fuschia Baskets Ivy Geraniums Zonal Geraniums Vegetable starts Bacopa Petunias Allysum Gerbera Daisies Color Bowls Verbenia & Various Other Plants Saturday May 9th 9:00 AM-6:00 PM ALSO AVAILABLE: Pottery & Glass 6’ & 8’ Picnic Tables A Greenhouse You Can Also Custom Order A Variety Of Products! * Greenhouses, Sheds, Dog Houses and Other Custom Wood Products * Simple Metal Projects Metal Art Proceeds go to the Career and Technical Education Department as well as student leadership organizations such as FFA & FBLA * Vinyl Sign Samples Will Be On Display And Can Be Custom Ordered * Engraved Frames, Bookmarks, Wooden Signs, Plant Stakes * Engraved Wood Projects Athletic Events Baseball April 1st . . . . . . . @ Tumwater - 4:30 3rd . . . . . . . . . . w/B Hills - 4:30 8th . . . Var @ Ellensburg - 2:00 Var @ Ephrata - 4:00 14th . . . . . . @ Centralia - 4:30 15th . . . . . . w/Centralia - 4:30 17th . . . . . . . . . . w/Kelso - 4:30 21st . . . . . . @ Tumwater - 4:30 24th . . . @ Ft Vancouver - 4:30 25th . . . . . . . @ Olympia - 4:30 28th . . . . . . . . . @ B Hills- 4:30 29th . . . . . . . . . w/B Hills - 4:30 May 1st . . . . . . . . . . .w/Prairie - 4:30 4th . . . . . . . . . @ Centralia - 4:30 6th . . . . @ Columbia River - 4:00 TBA/Districts/Regionals/State Fastpitch April 2nd . . . . . . . . w/Tumwater - 4:30 10th . . . . . . . . . . @ Capital - 4:00 14th . . . . . . Var w/B Hills - 4:30 16th . . . . . . . . @ Centralia - 4:30 20th . . . . . . . @ Kelso - 4/4:30 22nd . . . w/Ft Vancouver- 4:30 24th . . . . . @ Tumwater - 4:30 28th . . . . . . Vr @ B Hills - 4:30 30th . . . . . . w/Centralia - 4:30 May 4th . . . w/Columbia River - 4:30 6th . . . . . . . @ Prairie - 4/4:30 8th . . . . . . w/Tumwater - 4:30 12th . . . . . Var w/B Hills - 4:30 14th . . . . . . . @ Centralia- 4:30 TBA/Districts/Regionals/State Track April 1 . . . . . . . . @ Centralia- 4:30 3rd @ Cotton Invite in Portland - TBA 15th . . . . . @ Black Hills - 3:45 18th . . . . . @ Pasco Invite - 9:30 24th . . Activator’s Classic - 4:00 25th . Activator’s Classic - 12:00 st May 1st . . . . . @ Washougal Invite - 3:30 6th . . . . . . . . . . . @ Tumwater - 4:00 8th . . . . . . . . @ Shaner Invite - 3:30 9th . . @ Frosh Invit Centralia - 9:30 15th . . . . . 2A EVCO Sub Dist - TBA 22nd . . . . . 2A Dist IV Champ. - TBA 28, 29, 30 . . . . . . . WIAA 2A State Champ - Mt. Tahoma HS - 12:00 Boys’ Soccer April 2nd . . . . . . . . . @ Kelso - 4/6:00 4th . . w/White Salmon - 12/2:00 10th . . . . . . . . @ B Hills - 5/7:00 14th . . . . . @ Tumwater - 5/7:00 16th . . . . . . . . w/B Hills - 5/7:00 21st . . . . . . w/Centralia - 5/7:00 23rd . . . . . . . . @ Prairie - 4/7:00 28th . w/Columbia River - 5/7:00 30th . . . . . w/Tumwater - 5/7:00 May 5th . . . . . . @ Centralia - 5/7:00 Districts/State - TBA Tennis April 1st . . . . . . . w/Tumwater - 3:30 2nd . . . . . . . w/Centralia - 3:30 15th . . . . . . . . @ B Hills - 3:30 17th . . . . . @ Tumwater - 3:30 22nd . . . . . . @ Centralia - 3:30 24th . . . . . . . . . w/B Hills - 3:30 29th . . . . . w/Tumwater - 3:30 May 1st . . . . . . . . w/Centralia - 3:30 6th . . . . . . . . . @ B Hills - 3:30 16th . . . . . @ Black Hills - 3:30 Sub-Dist, Dist, State - TBA Girls’ Golf April 15th . . . . . w/Montesano - 3:30 16th . . . . . . w/Centralia - 3:30 22nd . . . . . @ Tumwater - 3:30 23rd . . . . . . . . . w/B Hills - 3:30 29th . . . . . . @ Centralia - 3:30 30th . . . . . w/Tumwater - 3:30 May 6th . . . . . . @ Black Hills - 3:30 Evergreen/Dist/State - TBA May 25th Dates to Remember April April 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eggstravaganza 6th - 10th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Break 13th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UW Choral Festival 15th Bio-Tech Day at Centralia H.S. 16th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASVAB Test 17th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early Release - 12:40 21st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jostens Graduation Delivery 23rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advisory 28th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACT Testing May 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early Release - 12:40 1st - 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Youth Fair 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prom 4th - 15th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smarter Balance Testing 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AP Calculus Test 7th,8th, 9th, 14th & 15th . . . . . . . . . . . . . Addams Family 10th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mothers’ Day 11th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Top Ten Banquet Top 25 Luncheon 14th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AP World History Exam Top 2 Luncheon 21st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Academic Grammies 22nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No School 25th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorial Day - No School 26th - 28th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Math EOC 26th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Choral Concert 28th . . . . End-of-the-Year Concert & Awards Ceremony 31st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baccalaureate Senior Extravaganza Global History and Culture Club Parents, students, children and community are invited to the Global History and Culture Club spring presentation on Australia. Matthew Durham and Chas McElroy will share their travels “Down Under” as part of an international honor band. The event will begin with a short play with an Australian theme. Matt and Chas will present their travel experience. Club members will provide a brief background on Australian Dream art. Audience members will decorate a personal pair of Australia “clap sticks” with dream art symbols. Then Matt and Chas will lead us all in a few fun Australian folk songs. The event will be held at W. F. West in room 118, April 28th, from 3:00 - 4:30, and there will be sixty seats available. A family pass is available for $5.00 (up to five family members). Student tickets are $2.00 each and will be pre-sold. Students on the lunch program or with financial need will be provided with a ticket while seats last. Please contact Sue Ardington at sardington@chehalisschools.org for ticket information. W. F. West High School 342 SW 16th St. Chehalis, WA 98532 Habla Espanol? El distrito escolar de Chehalis ofrece servicios de traducción al Espanol a nuestros padres y familias. Por favor comuniquese con Maria Schneider al 360-8077225, o al correo electrónico a mschneider@chehalisschools.org I-5 Toyota Scholarship I-5 Toyota will award scholarship(s) to graduating seniors who have made a significant contribution to their high school and/or their community and has a desire to pursue post secondary education/training. ELIGIBILITY: 1. Recipients must graduate with their class in June. 2. Recipients must have made positive academic progress while attending high school. 3. The recipients must provide a written outline for their post secondary education/training plans and how this scholarship will assist them in being successful with their plans. 4. Heavier consideration will be given to applicants that have either participated in or volunteered to help with the I-5 Toyota Back-to-School Dash sponsored by I-5 Toyota; the proceeds of this event fund this scholarship. Senior Graduation Fund As we approach the end of another year, Seniors are excited about all the end of the year events. Unfortunately, some of our seniors struggle financially with those events. We would like to set up a small fund to pay for caps and gowns for seniors who need the help. Although there are many other “graduation materials”, this fund would only buy the cap and gown set which is required for graduation. The cost is about $50 for each set. If you can help, send a check to W. F. West. Designate the donation as Senior Graduation Fund. Any amount would help. If the donations this year exceed the need, the money will be used next year. Thank you if you can help. Address your envelope to: W. F. West ASB Attn: Danelle Teshera 342 SW 16th St Chehalis, WA 98532 th 0 1 y a M
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