Newsletter Number 07 - Cheltenham Primary School

Newsletter Number 07
23rd March 2015
Dear Parents, Students and Friends of
Cheltenham Primary School
Last week I attended the Year 6 & 6 camp at
Coonawarra [situated near Bairnsdale].
Cheltenham Primary School is one of the few
schools that have a comprehensive camping
program, commencing with our school
sleepovers for Year 1 & 2, followed by yearly
camps in years 3, 4, 5 & 6. Each camp
provides graded variables of site and
challenging activities that foster and build
upon social and personal growth.
Coonawarra is a personal favourite of many
children with its picturesque valley, mountain
views and scrubby bushland.
This site
provides perfect conditions for the many
activities that were on offer; horse riding,
night bush walking, canoeing or making rafts
on the magnificent lake and then soaring over
it on the flying fox, team initiatives, high rope
course, giant swing and archery. We also
enjoyed a spectacular day trip to Buchan
Caves. In addition, the opportunity for selfconducted activities of cricket, basketball,
swimming, games and table tennis or just
being able to chill out in a quiet nook, catered
for everyone.
I observed with pleasure, the way the children
conducted themselves throughout the week.
While the activities kept them engaged, the
other aspects of camp including managing
personal belongings and keeping cabins neat
and tidy or doing kitchen duty and showing
respect for others was highly valuable.
It was certainly a highly organised, jam
packed camp! Credit and thanks to Steven
Hogan who facilitated all aspects of the camp
superbly and the Year 5 & 6 teaching team; all
of who gave additional time and paid so much
attention to detail to ensure the camp was
highly successful. Thank you also to Andrea
Kinsey who managed First Aid; a high level
pastoral care role, which she undertook with
aplomb! Our parents on camp were: David
Auslender, Matthew Diver, Nicole Melldrum,
Bec Rumbelow and Louise Waata – Thank
you for giving up your time and for fully
participating in the camp.
Overall, Camp Coonawarra will be most
memorable for all who attended. While
writing this article on Sunday afternoon, my
body is still recovering, with a few bruises,
sore muscles and aching bones!
An outstanding effort with 42 of our families
attending the school working bee on Sunday.
It was so pleasing to see so many enthusiastic
helpers take on the many tasks that were
planned by the Buildings & Grounds
committee of School Council. Thank you to
David Senior and Lionel Brett for
coordinating the bee and to all members of
the leadership team who joined me, to provide
support with their attendance.
And so concludes Term 1, 2015! A short but
busy nine weeks on which I shall reflect over
the holiday break as highly productive and
I wish all our families and school community
a safe and restful break and look forward to
the commencement of Term 2 on Monday 13
Kind regards
Margaret McIntosh
Important dates for your diary:
MARCH 2015
Friday, 27th
Friday, 27th
Good Friday Appeal
- Fluoro Colour Day
Last Day Term 1
APRIL 2015
Monday, 13th
Tuesday, 14th
Monday, 27th
Thursday, 30th
Confidence is the You Can Do It foundation
for this term. It means knowing that you will
be successful and believing in yourself. It
means not being afraid to make mistakes or
to try something new. It means looking and
sounding confident. These students have
won YCDI awards this week!
First day Term 2
School Photo Day
Junior School
MAY 2015
Friday, 1st
Tuesday, 5th
Saturday, 9th
Junior School
House Cross Country
Working Bee
Term 1 - 29th January to 27th March
Term 2 - 13th April to 26th June
Term 3 - 13th July to 18th September
Term 4 - 5th October to 18th December
Are proud sponsors of our YCDI Program
Please support them with your custom
YCDI Students of the
Will J and Sarah A together
with Mrs McIntosh and Peter
Cutting from Rotary Club.
Lincoln M
Isaac D
Evie P
Maddy M
Noah A
Indianna K
Cameron H
Jack C
Olivia B
Ludi R
Tyler W
Evie A
On Thursday the 12th of March students in
years three to six participated in the annual
House Swimming Carnival. Students were
involved in a range of activities including
traditional strokes of freestyle, backstroke,
breaststroke and butterfly and novelty events
such as the wade, the noodle and the
kickboard races.
The results of the championship races for the
12 year old boys and girls were Lachie B and
Sophie C, for the 11 year old boys and girls
were Luke D and Poppy L, and for the 9/10
year old boys and girls were Matthew B and
Sienna S. Well done to all students who
competed in these events.
The overall winners were in 4th place was
Yellow House (Wilden), in 3rd place was Red
House (Cullen), in 2nd place was Blue House
(Courtney), and congratulations to Green
House (Le Page) for winning the day.
It was a fantastic day and all students
achieved fantastic results and supported each
other to do their best. Congratulations to all
students who participated and a big thank
you to all staff and parent helpers who made
the day run smoothly and fun for the kids!
Hayden McLennan
Physical Education Teacher
2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC)
The Challenge runs from now until the 9th
students. Registration forms have been sent
out to all students and copies of this form is
available at the end of this newsletter. I am
currently experiencing a delay in gaining
access to the PRC website. If you don’t
receive your child’s log-in details by the
end of this term, keep a record of the
books read, including title and author. The
Challenge Book List is available from the
2015 PRC website which also has a wealth
of information, competitions and videos to
nts/prc/Pages/students.aspx ).
Students in Prep to Year 2: 30 books in total
(20 or more from Challenge list)
Years 3 to 6: 15 books in total (10 or more
from the Challenge list)
Any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me at
Happy Holiday Reading!
Miranda Brett
PRC Co-ordinator
On Friday 13th of March the Year 6’s
ventured to Mentone Grammar Playing
Fields, Keysborough to participate in the
Lightning Premiership Interschool Sports
Gala Day.
All students did a wonderful job at playing
with and supporting their team to the best of
their abilities. We achieved excellent results
and represented Cheltenham Primary School
with the prestigious reputation we have
established within the sporting community.
The boys and girls competed in volleystars,
cricket, tee ball and hot shots tennis. Thank
you to Mr McLennan, Mr Hogan, Mr
Harrington and Mrs Carlisle for coaching.
Overall there were great skills displayed
when setting, digging, spiking, serving,
hitting, catching, bowling, fielding, running
and cheering.
Our boys’ cricket team
finished first and will compete in the
Division Competition later in the year. The
boys’ volleystars team came a very close
second and the girls’ tee ball finished second.
Well done to everyone for all their efforts on
the day.
Mrs Andi Carlisle
Year 6 Teacher and Sports Co-Ordinator