June - The Chemeketans

Pre-Outing Meeting
7 PM Monday June 8, Chemekeden!
3rd Wednesdays, May and June
6:30 to 8:30 May 20 and June 17
Anderson Room A, Salem Public Library
Let's hear from you!
Details inside
Trip Participation
It is your responsibility to determine from the description of
distance, altitude, terrain, trail and possible weather conditions
whether you, your children and your guests can fully
participate. The leader may refuse to take anyone not properly
equipped or who is judged incapable of making the specific
trip. All valuables should be left at home or carried with you—
not left in a vehicle at the trailhead. Dogs/pets are not
Mileage Reimbursement for Drivers
To reimburse drivers for vehicle operation costs, the suggested
donation is $0.09 per mile per person to the driver.
Hike Coordinators
June: Wayne Wallace 503-566-5750
Midweek: Don Gallagher 503-371-7689
Evening: Elizabeth Seibert 503-315-8785
Dawdlers: Carol Soderberg 503-363-8435
Guests (non-members)
A guest under 18 years of age must provide a signed
the trip leader if he/she is not accompanied by a parent or legal
Membership and Bulletins
The best way for prospective members to request club
information and guest bulletins is to complete the online
on our website www.chemeketans.org under “Membership” or
“Contact Us.” You may mail a request to: Chemeketans,
Membership Secretary, PO Box 864, Salem OR 97308, or
email chememb@chemeketans.org and use an unambiguous
subject line and include a snail mail address and phone
number. If you mail in names of prospective members on signup sheets, instead of directing people to the website, it is very
helpful to include email addresses.
Trip Essentials
Participants should wear appropriate foot gear and clothing (no
jeans), carry lunch, water, rain gear, warm sweater/jacket, and
the following essentials:
Extra food/clothing/water
Flashlight and extra battery
Lighter/matches in waterproof container
Solar blanket and/or ground insulation in winter
Insect repellent
First aid
Pocket knife
Toilet paper
Small shovel
New and Renewing Member Dues: Adults $20 and Juniors
(under 18) $3. The membership year starts January 1 .
Bulletin Editors
Joanne DeMay 971-237-9775 joannedemay08@gmail.com
Bill Geibel 503-873-0270 banjobill1@gmail.com
Mike Berger 503-400-7645 ayenova@comcast.net
Trip Ratings
DAWDLERS: Pace slow, group makes frequent stops for
viewing, photography, etc.
EASY: Max 5 miles round trip, elevation gain less than 1000
MEDIUM: 6-10 miles round trip, 1000-2000 feet elevation gain.
HARD: Long, strenuous and difficult.
Cover Editor: Allan King
This issue was edited by Joanne DeMay
The July issue will be edited by Mike Berger
The August issue will be edited by Bill Geibel
Trip Meeting Points
RAS = Rite Aid South, south Commercial, behind bus stop
CCC = WEEKENDS ONLY-Green parking lot off Cooley Dr on
Lancaster side
RLC = Redeemer Lutheran Church 4665 Lancaster Dr, corner
of Hayesville Dr, never on Sunday
SKM = Big K lot, 2470 Mission St, Mission St side, just west of
RPR = Roth’s Portland Rd, 4746 Portland Rd NE, park in
northwest corner along Portland Rd
PAR = State Motor Pool Park and Ride lot on Airport Rd
DEN = 360-1/2 State St
FMN = Fred Meyer North, west side of lot (River Road side)
SAF = Safeway West Salem, use Capital Manor exit from 22.
Park along Edgewater, southwest corner
MBI = Minto Brown Island Park, 1 parking lot on right as you
enter island
June 2015!
To submit an Activity or We Were There report: use the
online forms on the www.chemeketans.org website. If you do
not have internet access, ask a friend or the hiking coordinator
to do this for you. You may also call, email or snail-mail your
write-ups directly to the editors. Do not send forms to the PO
The Chemekeden is located at 360-1/2 State St in Salem.
Members may schedule the facility with the Chemekeden
Committee Chair.
The Chemeketan Trip Leader Guide is available at
Thunderbird Lodge: to reserve the Chemeketan cabin on
Whitewater Rd, call or email Kim Hyatt: pkhyatt@msn.com,
June 1 Mon
June 1 Mon
June 3 Wed
June 3 Wed
June 4 Thu
June 4 Thu
June 6 Sat
June 6 Sat
June 7 Sun
June 7 Sun
June 7 Sun
June 8 Mon
June 8 Mon
June 8 Mon
June 9 Tue
June 10 Wed
June 10 Wed
June 10 Wed
June 11 Thu
June 11 Thu
June 11 Thu
June 12-15 Fri-Mon
June 13 Sat
June 13 Sat
June 13 Sat
June 13 Sat
June 14 Sun
June 14 Sun
June 15 Mon
June 15 Mon
June 17 Wed
June 17 Wed
June 17 Wed
June 18 Thu
June 18 Thu
June 19-21 Fri-Sun
June 20 Sat
June 20 Sat
June 20 Sat
June 21 Sun
June 21 Sun
June 22 Mon
June 22 Mon
June 23 Tue
June 24 Wed
June 24 Wed
June 24 Wed
June 25 Thu
June 25 Thu
June 25 Thu
June 26-28 Fri-Sun
June 26-28 Fri-Sun
June 26 Fri
June 27 Sat
June 27 Sat
June 27 Sat
June 28 Sun
June 28 Sun
June 28 Sun
June 29 Mon
June 29 Mon
June 30 Tue
June 2015!
Activity & Location
Willamette River Hike
Janet Templar
Koffee Klatch at the Beanery
Bill Anning
Willamette Mission State Park Hike
Franca Hernandez
Audubon Reserve Restoration
Lee Slattum
Center 50+ Lunch
Lee Slattum
Croisan Scenic Trail ‘Plus’ Evening Hike
Neil Peterson
National Trails Day Trail Maintenance
Michael Gurley
Minto Brown Park Hike
Laura DeVries
Little North Fork Hike
Margaret Saxe
Three-Fingered Jack Climb
Vincent Dunn
Cascadia State Park Petroglyphs Hike
Ken Ash
Banks-Vernonia Rails-to-Trails Dawdler Hike Paula Hyatt
Koffee Klatch at the Beanery
Bill Anning
Pre-Outing Meeting at the Den
George Adkins, Ken Ash
Balch Creek Dawdler Hike
Carol Soderberg
Audubon Reserve Restoration
Lee Slattum
Capitol & Creeks Evening Around Salem Walk Sylvia Dawson & David Jackson
Silver Star Mountain Hike
Betsy Belshaw
Pizza Night at Padington’s
Don Gallagher
Minto Brown Park Hike
Pat Simila
Center 50+ Lunch
Lee Slattum
Owyhee River Backpack
Rod Graves
Elowah and McCord Creek Falls Hike
Matt Rieke
Tire Mountain Hike
Roz Shirack
Minto Brown Park Hike
Laura DeVries
Burnt Lake Hike
Betsy Belshaw
Red Butte Hike
Bill Wylie
Stahlman Point Hike
Sylvia Dawson & David Jackson
Neahkahnie Mountain Hike
Neil Peterson
Koffee Klatch at the Beanery
Bill Anning
Audubon Reserve Restoration
Lee Slattum
Buck Mountain Loop Hike
Barb Schram
South Salem to Minto Evening Hike
Bill Wylie
Center 50+ Lunch
Lee Slattum
Harry’s Ridge Mt. St. Helens Hike
Don Gallagher
Lemah Mountain, Chikamin Peak Climb
Bill Saur
Minto Brown Park Hike
Laura DeVries
St. Johns and Forest Park Hike
Carol Soderberg
Hagg Lake Hike
Patricia Winkler
Cone Peak Hike
Diane Clayton
Cape Kiwanda Hike
Wayne Wallace
Drift Creek Falls Dawdler Hike
Paula Hyatt
Koffee Klatch at the Beanery
Bill Anning
Iron Mountain Hike
George Struble
Audubon Reserve Restoration
Lee Slattum
Browder Ridge Hike
Vivienne Torgeson
Central Salem Public Art Evening Walk
Elizabeth Seibert
Hoyt Arboretum and Rose Garden Dawdler Hike Carol Soderberg
Tamolitch Pool Hike
Diane Clayton
Center 50+ Lunch
Lee Slattum
Prairie Creek Redwoods Backpack
Bill Sullivan
Beginner Backpack
Rick Cooper
Pamelia Lake & Milk Creek Hike
Phyllis Benanti
Minto Brown Park Hike
Laura DeVries
Dimple Hill Hike
Beverly Hassell
Browder Ridge Hike
Jean Gabriel
Keizer Rapids Hike
Janet Templar
Tire Mountain Hike
Matt Rieke
Iron Mountain/Cone Peak
John Savage
Willamette Greenways Dawdler Hike
Beverly Hassell
Koffee Klatch at the Beanery
Bill Anning
Drift Creek Bridge/Cascade Head Hike
Neil Peterson
July 6-12
July 14-20
July 17-19
Strawberry Mountain Traverse Backpack
Seven Devils Loop Backpack
Loowit Trail Backpack
Mike Gabe
Rick Cooper
Michael Gurley
The June Council Meeting will be Wednesday, June 3, 6 p.m. at the Ike Box, 299 Cottage St. NE, corner of
Cottage and Chemeketa.
We want to give club members an opportunity to voice their
opinions regarding our club budget. To accomplish this, I
have scheduled two evening meetings in Anderson Room A
at the Salem Public Library for the third Wednesdays of
May and June. Meetings will run from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
May 20 and Jun 17.
Experienced backpackers: interested in 200 miles on the
PCT from Tuolumne Meadows to Donner Pass? Dave
Carter has a permit starting August 21. Call him for more
details. 503-393-3649.
If you are not able to participate in these meetings you can
still share your support/concerns with individual members of
our Executive Council by phone, email or in person at one of
our monthly Executive Council meetings.
You can find:
Chemeketan bulletins from June 2010 to the present at
Chemeketan council meeting minutes on the website under
Who We Are/Club Business.
Backpack schedule on the website, in the March bulletin, or
contact Rick Cooper.
Climbing program and schedule on the website.
Annual Outing registration and information on the website
and in the Roster & Prospectus.
Steve Dougherty
President Chemeketan Executive Council
Note to dawdlers and new hikers from dawdler hike
leader Paula Hyatt: I often repeat well-known and well-liked
hikes that I lead year after year. I wonder, however, when I
schedule a less well-known place why I sometimes don’t get
any takers. Afraid to try something new? Wrong day? Doesn’t
sound interesting? Don’t like variety? Please let me know.
Budget Meetings Open to All Members
It was reported in the January Annual Meeting that our
expenses for 2014 were about $26,000. Our 700 members
pay $20 each for dues. 700 x $20 = $14,000.
Put simply, our expenses last year exceeded our dues
income by about $12,000 and our expenses in 2015 will also
exceed our dues income. Our Executive Council is preparing
to make some major spending adjustments this year so that
our spending in 2016 is in line with our dues income.
Discount Vendors
The stores listed below will honor your Chemeketan
membership sticker with a discount.
Salem Summit Co., 246 State St., Salem, 503-378-0300,
Salem Sports Authority, Lancaster Mall, Salem, 15% on first
Monday of each month at outdoors register.
Oregon Mountain Community, 2975 NE Sandy Blvd.,
Portland, 503-227-1038, 10%.
The Mountain Shop, 1510 NE 37 , Portland, 503-288-6768,
10%, climb leaders 15%, class participants in session 15%,
30% on rentals. No discounts on service work or sale items.
Next Adventure, 426 SE Grand, Portland, 503-233-0706,
US Outdoor Store, 219 SW Broadway, Portland, 503-2235937, 10%.
Peak Sports, 207 NW 2 , Corvallis, 541-754-6444, 10%.
Redpoint Climber’s Supply,, 8283 11 St., Terrebonne, 800923-6207, 10%.
We plan to make up the difference by:
1) ending the lease for the Den ($4000)
2) ending our printed bulletin ($5,700)
3) having the Climbing and Outing committees pay for their
own special insurance needs ($2,500)
4) having the Outing committee pay the full price for the
outing storage rental. ($850)
The numbers listed above in parenthesis are the approximate
savings. Accomplishing these will bring our expenses in line
with our dues income. When considering expenses,
remember that $1 of dues is roughly $700 in dues income.
There are additional ways that we can reduce our spending.
In this digital age, we could do our ballots, membership
renewals and prospectus through the website. Selling our
rustic and under used club cabin would also save some
money. We intend to investigate these opportunities during
the next year.
June 2015!
A Chemeketan member may place one small noncommercial ad per year--for example, offering outdoor
equipment for sale--in the Chemeketan bulletin, free of
charge. These ads will be placed in the bulletin subject to
space availability. They must be sent via email directly to the
editors and must be received by the first of the month
preceding the month in which they are to be published.
the month that precedes the month you want the item
Bulletin Submission
Activity leaders, thank you for submitting online Where and
When and We Were There reports and photos by the first of
Refer to the General Information on page 2 for trip ratings, meeting locations and other important information. Trips leave
promptly at the time stated so be there a few minutes ahead of time. RT = round trip. The use of an asterisk* on climbrelated activities indicates that the activity is available to first-year climbers.
between 11:30 and 1:00. The cost is $5.00 if you are 50 or
Monday, June 1, 10:00 a.m., KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE
better, $6.50 if you are younger. Drop in for some good food,
conversation, and a chance to do some networking.
Come and visit some of the parks that maybe you don't see
too often. We will be starting at the north end of Salem and
immigrating to Keizer. From there we will follow the river and
explore four parks along the way, ending at Keizer Rapids.
We will take various trails and see "the rapids". Bring your
lunch, water etc., and comfortable shoes. Moderate pace.
RATED: DAWDLERS, HIKE dist 5 miles.
Thursday, June 4, 6:00 p.m., REVERSE CROISAN
We will start at the Dogwood Trail and proceed to a very
steep but short wooded trail to Belcrest Cemetery, then
through the cemetery to Browning Ave. and on to the upper
Croisan Trail, then city streets to the upper end of the main
Croisan Scenic Trail and back down the trail to our start
point. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, HIKE dist 3 miles, Elev. 200 feet.
Wednesday, June 3, AUDUBON RESERVE
LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325
Like many of you, I am both a Chemeketan and a Salem
Audubon member. I have volunteered to lead a restoration
program at the Audubon Nature Reserve, located in West
Salem on Eola Drive, behind Safeway on Edgewater. We
work every Wednesday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 on a
variety of projects: removing invasive plants and replacing
them with natives, picking up litter, maintaining manmade
nesting cavities in snags, constructing and keeping up trails,
mowing grass, and developing wildflower plots. At 11:00, we
quit and head to McDonald's on Wallace Road to drink coffee
and have a good visit. Into our fifth year, we have
accomplished much with our collaborative effort.
Saturday, June 6, 9:00 a.m., MINTO BROWN PARK WALK
LAURA DEVRIES 503-363-4641
Join us as we walk 3-4 miles every Saturday morning at
Minto Brown Park. Meet at the last parking lot. Moderate
RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 4 miles.
Saturday, June 6, PAR, 8:00 a.m., NATIONAL TRAILS
MICHAEL GURLEY 609-410-3764
National Trails Day is the time for Chemeketans to "give
back" to the trails that we use and love so much. The exact
location is still to be determined, but it will be somewhere in
the Detroit Ranger District of the Willamette National Forest.
Please contact the event leader to indicate your interest. The
number, skill, and endurance of the crew will help to
determine what we can commit to this year. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM-HARD, Driving dist RT 132 miles, dist
6 miles, Elev. 500 feet.
Wednesday, June 3, 9:00 a.m., WILLAMETTE MISSION
Please refer to roster for my telephone number and/or email.
This hike through the historic Willamette Mission State Park
is an easy 2.7-mile loop that we'll do twice just because we
can. History galore on this spot: 1834 Jason Lee's Methodist
Mission site before an historic flood convinced him to move
to Salem (that's another story). Wheatland Ferry is the oldest
ferry landing in Oregon. We'll see old hazelnut groves, walnut
orchards, and, according to Sullivan, the tallest black
cottonwood tree in the nation. Bring water and snacks; also
good walking and rain gear in case it rains. Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY, Driving dist RT 34 miles, HIKE dist 5.4 miles.
See website for more information.
Sunday, June 7, 8:30 a.m., CASCADIA STATE PARK
PRE-REG W/LDR: KEN ASH 503-884-3160
We will visit the closest known petroglyph site and admire the
ancient art of early Americans. This hike is about three miles
round trip, level and easy but usually has muddy spots. It will
be followed by a second hike to the spectacular Soda Creek
Falls which starts at the same parking lot. The Falls trail is
1.5 miles, steep in places and may also have muddy spots.
Contact leader by phone or at mrkenash@comcast.net.
Thursday, June 4, CENTER 50+ LUNCH
LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325
Into our sixth year, our Chemeketan and guest lunches
continue at the City of Salem's newest Senior Center, the
Center 50+, at 2615 Portland Road NE. Lunch is served
June 2015!
Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY-MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 110 miles, HIKE
dist 5 miles, Elev. 600 feet.
LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325
See write-up for June 3.
This is a lovely hike along the river and through a partially old
growth forest. The trail is rugged and steep in some areas
and crosses several bridges. We will hike to Shady Cove
where we'll have lunch and then return the same way we
came. Poles and boots are recommended and like always,
bring your ten essentials, water, lunch and a happy
attitude. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 90 miles, HIKE dist
9 miles, Elev. 900 feet.
We will try again for this hike in hopes that the new directions
to the trailhead are accurate. This will be an exploratory trip
in case the new directions are as bad as the old ones. The
extra two miles round trip to the Indian Pits will be optional if
a substitute leader is willing, because this leader doesn't
think they are worth the trouble and would rather look at the
flowers which she hopes will be in abundance and the view
which is wonderful. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 235 miles, HIKE dist
6.4 miles, Elev. 1900 feet.
Monday, June 8, 10:00 a.m., KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE
Thursday, June 11, CENTER 50+ LUNCH
LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325
See write-up for June 4.
The whole trail is 21 miles, but we will just do one section of
it, about 4 miles between Baconia Road and the village of
Buxton. Choices are to go under the big trestle or across it,
now that it has a good surface and railings on both sides.
Yes, the trestle is high off the ground! Trail is an easy grade
and should be in good shape. Bring lunch of course and plan
for a long day. Slow pace.
RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 140 miles, HIKE dist
4 miles.
Thursday, June 11, MBI, 9:30 a.m., MINTO BROWN PARK
PAT SIMILA 503-581-5369
Meet at Parking Lot 1, then proceed past the slough to an
area of the park along the Willamette River unfamiliar to most
hikers. We will eat lunch at a picnic table in view of the river,
near an osprey nest. With luck we may see some activity at
the nest. We will return along the river to our cars. Some
areas could be muddy. Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 5 miles.
Monday, June 8, DEN, 7:00 p.m., PRE-OUTING MEETING
An opportunity for outing participants to ask questions and
make carpool arrangements. More detailed information,
camp guides and trail guides will be available at this
Thursday, June 11, 6:00 p.m., PIZZA NIGHT
DON GALLAGHER 503-371-7689
Join us at 6 p.m. at Padington's Pizza Parlor, 410 Pine St.
NE, for the best pizza in the mid-Willamette Valley.
Friday-Monday, June 12-June 15, OWYHEE RIVER
PRE-REG W/LDR: ROD GRAVES 541-401-0368
We will drive to Three Forks on the Owyhee River and
backpack two miles to camp by the prettiest hot spring for
two nights. On day three we hike back to Three Forks, drop
backpacks and hike down river to check out an Indian cave
then back to Three Forks to camp Sunday night. Drive home
Monday. Will be some river wading. Trails are game trails,
non-maintained. Leader visited area twice in 2014. Moderate
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 800 miles, BACKPACK
dist 10 miles, Elev. 200 feet.
Tuesday, June 9, 8:00 a.m., BALCH CREEK DAWDLER
This hike follows a route described in Laura Foster’s book
“Portland Hill Walks.” During the hike I’ll read aloud some of
her descriptions of the history and highlights of this part of
the city. We’ll get an early start because we’ll wait to eat
lunch after the hike at Pacific Pie Company on NW 23rd. First
we’ll climb the steep streets of the Willamette Heights
neighborhood to the Wildwood Trail. Then we’ll take the
Lower Macleay Trail and walk along beautiful Balch Creek.
Bring money for lunch, water and sunscreen. Slow pace.
RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 90 miles, HIKE dist
4.5 miles, Elev. 800 feet.
Saturday, June 13, BURNT LAKE HIKE
Enjoy the cascade of Lost Creek Falls, burnt out snags that
you can stand in and a well-graded trail in good condition.
The trail around the lake gives you a view of Mt. Hood, but
the shore is brushy and campsites are not plentiful if you ever
plan to camp here. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 200 miles, HIKE dist
6.8 miles, Elev. 1500 feet.
Wednesday, June 10, 6:00 p.m., CAPITOL & CREEKS
Come join us as we enjoy an evening spring walk around
Salem. We will meander through historic neighborhoods in
the downtown area. We will see a close up of the Capitol mall
park, other small hidden parks, creeks and historical
buildings. Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 5 miles.
Wednesday, June 10, AUDUBON RESERVE
June 2015!
Saturday, June 13, SKM, 8:00 a.m., ELOWAH AND
MATT RIEKE 541-928-2767
This short hike takes us into the narrow valleys in the
Columbia Gorge. We start at Yeon State Park and hike
mostly south. McChord Creek Falls is a double falls with a
rock outcropping rising up in the middle to split the creek.
Elowah Falls is a "plunge" falls as it goes over the rock
outcropping and plunges into a hole below (an old collapsed
lava tube). It has plenty of space behind the falls like many
others. We will have great views of the river and north into
Washington. Plenty to see in a short hike. Slow pace.
RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 150 miles, HIKE dist
4 miles, Elev. 500 feet.
We will start at Oswald Park or the trailhead on Hwy 101
depending on group preference. The hike will include a short
walk to a coast overlook viewpoint. With good weather the
southerly coast view overlooking Manzanita is
beautiful. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 208 miles, HIKE dist
8 miles, Elev. 1200 feet.
Wednesday, June 17, AUDUBON RESERVE
LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325
See write-up for June 3.
Saturday, June 13, 9:00 a.m., MINTO BROWN PARK
LAURA DEVRIES 503-363-4641
See June 6 write-up. Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 4 miles.
Wednesday, June 17, 8:00 a.m., BUCK MOUNTAIN LOOP
This loop begins and ends at Howard Creek horse camp
within Silver Falls State Park. After a short distance on the
Howard Creek Trail we will ascend the Buck Mountain Loop
Trail. This back-country hike is quiet and gets low use. There
are no water crossings but be prepared for some mud. The
leader frequently enjoys wildlife sightings on this loop.
Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 52 miles, HIKE dist 8
miles, Elev. 650 feet.
Saturday, June 13, TIRE MOUNTAIN HIKE
This is a fairly easy hike with a big payoff in mountain views
and wildflower meadows, which should be in peak bloom.
The trail passes through old growth forest before gradually
climbing across a series of open wildflower meadows with
great views of Diamond Peak and other peaks of the
southern Cascades. The summit is a brushy field without
views, so we may opt to back track to a pretty meadow for
lunch. Leader is familiar with trail, but has not scouted it this
year. Much of the trail is in the open and could be hot even in
June. Bring lots of water.
Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 210 miles, HIKE dist
7.6 miles, Elev. 800 feet.
Wednesday, June 17, 6:00 p.m., SOUTH SALEM TO
BILL WYLIE 503-378-0315
Meeting place is the first block of Missouri Street by St.
Barbara's Cemetery off Liberty behind Roth's Vista Market.
Parking is available on both sides. We will hike over the
South Salem hills down around Minto Brown Park and back
by the same route. Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 5 miles, Elev. 400 feet.
Sunday, June 14, 8:00 a.m., RED BUTTE HIKE
PRE-REG W/LDR: BILL WYLIE 503-378-0315
The trail starts at Big Meadow in the Santiam Pass and
proceeds through old growth forest, B&B burn area and
alpine forest to this red cinder cone. Great view of
surrounding peaks from our destination at the top. We return
by the same route. Moderate pace.
RATED: HARD, Driving dist RT 152 miles, HIKE dist
11.8 miles, Elev. 1800 feet.
Thursday, June 18, CENTER 50+ LUNCH
LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325
See write-up for June 4.
Thursday, June 18, HARRY'S RIDGE MT. ST. HELENS
Weather permitting and starting at the Johnston Ridge
Observatory in the Mt. St. Helens National Monument we will
hike the Boundary Trail with changing but spectacular views
of the mountain, the pumice plain and dome. We will then
take Harry’s Ridge Trail to the viewpoint overlooking Spirit
Lake and hopefully (snow depth permitting) the summit of the
ridge for more incredible views including of Mt. Adams and
Mt. Hood. We then return to the observatory to view the
excellent video which simulates the 1980 eruption. Before
signing up you should know that an approximate150-yard
portion does feature a narrowing trail with significant
exposure. This trip makes for a long day with an early
departure and late return to Salem but is well worth the trip.
Contact leader at dongall39@comcast.net for information
and signup. Trip is limited to 12. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 325 miles, HIKE dist
7.5 miles, Elev. 1500 feet.
Sunday, June 14, 7:30 a.m., STAHLMAN POINT HIKE
This is a great five-mile hike through a beautiful forested area
just east of Detroit. The trail is very well maintained. Parts of
the trail are steep with scenic drop-offs but the trail is wide,
short and sweet. The top of the point overlooks the reservoir
and the towns of Detroit and Idanha, The views of Mt.
Jefferson to the southeast are exquisite! Once back at the
cars we hope to venture down the road a few miles and
discover the elusive footbridge which was used in earlier
times for fire fighting. This bridge and short trail have been
reinvaded within the past few years. Wear hiking attire, bring
hiking poles, cameras, lunch and money for a snack
afterwards. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 110 miles, HIKE dist
5 miles, Elev. 1300 feet.
Monday, June 15, 10:00 a.m., KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE
Friday-Sunday, June 19-June 21, LEMAH MOUNTAIN, S.
Monday, June 15, 7:30 a.m., NEAHKAHNIE MOUNTAIN
June 2015!
See the website for more information.
RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 130 miles, HIKE dist
3 miles, Elev. 280 feet.
Saturday, June 20, 8:15 a.m., HAGG LAKE HIKE
This is a hike around the perimeter of the lake. There is a
variety of flora including orchids, violets, and irises. It will be
an exploratory walk since leader has not yet explored
it. Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY-MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 140 miles, HIKE
dist 6 miles, Elev. 100 feet.
Tuesday, June 23, 8:00 a.m., IRON MOUNTAIN HIKE
We will make the loop that includes the shoulder of Cone
Peak. This hike is known for its wildflowers, and there should
be plenty at this time of year. The climb up Iron Mountain
itself is steep, even with the switchbacks, but we will have
gorgeous views at the top. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 175 miles, HIKE dist
8 miles, Elev. 1900 feet.
Saturday, June 20, 9:00 a.m., MINTO BROWN PARK
LAURA DEVRIES 503-363-4641
See June 6 write-up. Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 4 miles.
Wednesday, June 24, AUDUBON RESERVE
LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325
See write-up for June 3.
Saturday, June 20, 8:00 a.m., ST. JOHNS AND FOREST
This hike starts off at Cathedral Park. We’ll enjoy great views
of the Willamette while we make the !-mile trip across the
St. Johns Bridge. Then we’ll enter Forest Park. It’s a very
natural setting, serene and lush. We’ll climb the Ridge Trail to
the Wildwood Trail and take that to the Hardesty Trial for a
steep climb to its junction with Springville Rd. where we’ll
have lunch. Then we’ll head down Springville Rd. and check
out the tiny neighborhood of Linnton on our way out of the
park. We’ll cross back over the bridge and stop at Burgerville
to reward our efforts with milkshakes, etc. on our way back to
our cars. Bring your lunch and money for a post hike
snack. Slow pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 100 miles, HIKE dist
6.5 miles, Elev. 1100 feet.
Wednesday, June 24, SKM, 8:00 a.m., BROWDER RIDGE
The lower portion of the Browder Ridge trail is fairly steep
and the upper portion is open to sun exposure. We should
see wildflowers along the way, and if it’s a clear day we'll
have panoramic views of the Cascade peaks. Please call to
pre-register and carpool to meet the leader. Moderate pace.
RATED: HARD, Driving dist RT 200 miles, HIKE dist
8.4 miles, Elev. 2100 feet.
Wednesday, June 24, 6:00 p.m., CENTRAL SALEM
We'll meet on the north steps of the Capitol (Court Street
side). Our walk will focus on outdoor public art in Central
Salem. There's no need to pre-register, but please call or
email if you have questions: jseibert@willamette.edu.
Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 5 miles, Elev. 25 feet.
Sunday, June 21, CAPE KIWANDA HIKE
Hike over the dunes and along the beach at Cape
Kiwanda. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 120 miles, HIKE dist
5 miles, Elev. 300 feet.
Thursday, June 25, CENTER 50+ LUNCH
LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325
See write-up for June 4.
Sunday, June 21, CONE PEAK HIKE
This well-graded trail to alpine meadows, a field of
wildflowers, and a view of Iron Mountain is one of the most
popular hikes for wildflowers if timed correctly. Wear boots
and bring ten essentials. Pace will be slow with lots of stops.
Pre-register by June 19 by phone or email:
dianeclayton2@gmail.com. Slow pace.
RATED: EASY, Driving dist RT 88 miles, HIKE dist 5.2 miles,
Elev. 1050 feet.
Thursday, June 25, 8:00 a.m., HOYT ARBORETUM AND
We’ll park near the Rose Garden and take the Wildwood Trail
to the Hoyt Arboretum and wander around those trails. Then
we’ll take another portion of the Wildwood Trail back to our
starting point and continue east to explore that side of the
park on our way to lunch at Zupan’s Market on Burnside.
After lunch we’ll head back into the park and take our time
enjoying the Rose Garden at the end of our day. Bring
money for lunch and parking. Slow pace.
RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 90 miles, HIKE dist
6 miles, Elev. 600 feet.
Monday, June 22, 10:00 a.m., KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE
Over toward the coast, just west of Rose Lodge, a forest road
leads to spectacular Drift Creek Falls. While downhill on the
way in, the gradual trail is still comfortable coming out. After
the suspension bridge, those who wish may go down to the
base of the falls. Fee or appropriate parking pass required at
the trailhead. Bring lunch and a cheery attitude. Following the
hike, we may go to visit the North Bank Fish Hatchery if you
are interested. Slow pace.
June 2015!
Thursday, June 25, TAMOLITCH POOL HIKE
Travel along the McKenzie River through old growth forest
and old lava flow to visit a beautiful turquoise blue pool. We
will have lunch on a cliff overlooking the pool. Wear boots
and bring ten essentials. Pace will be slow with several stops
along the way. Pre-register with leader by June 23, by phone
or email, dianeclayton2@gmail.com. Slow pace.
RATED: EASY, Driving dist RT 180 miles, HIKE dist
4.2 miles, Elev. 200 feet.
Saturday, June 27, DIMPLE HILL HIKE
Dimple Hill is in the McDonald Forest north of Corvallis. The
hike will combine gravel roads and trails with a potential view
at the top. Lunch at Market of Choice in Corvallis after the
hike. Bring water, snack and money for lunch. Moderate
RATED: EASY-MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 60 miles, HIKE dist
5.5 miles, Elev. 500 feet.
Friday-Sunday, June 26-June 28, BEGINNER BACKPACK
This backpack is designed for those of you new to
backpacking and for those of you who have backpacked, but
not recently, and want to see if you really are interested in
taking it up again. We will backpack a loop in the Bull of the
Woods Wilderness just east of Salem. The hike distance is
14 miles with about 3,100 feet of elevation gain. On Friday,
after driving to the trailhead at Elk Lake, we will hike to the
site of the Battle Creek Shelter (4.1 miles, +90 feet). On
Saturday, we will hike to Twin Lakes (4.6 miles, 1,840 feet).
We may also do a short day hike in the vicinity of Twin
Lakes. On Sunday, we return to Elk Lake (5.3 miles, +1,160
feet). In route, we have the option of climbing Battle Axe (1.8
miles, +840 feet). With luck, the weather will be good, but all
backpackers are expected to be prepared for cold, wet
weather. Please contact leader at cooperrm50@gmail.com to
sign up or for further information. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 116 miles, BACKPACK
dist 14 miles, Elev. 3100 feet.
Saturday, June 27, 9:00 a.m., MINTO BROWN PARK HIKE
LAURA DEVRIES 503-363-4641
See June 6 write-up. Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 4 miles.
Sunday, June 28, 7:30 a.m., IRON MOUNTAIN/CONE
Starting at the Iron Mountain trailhead, we will hike through a
conifer forest to the Cone Peak trailhead and then hike past
Cone Peak and up Iron Mountain. Wildflowers should be
near their peak bloom. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 165 miles, HIKE dist
7.5 miles, Elev. 1500 feet.
PHYLLIS BENANTI 503-585-1162
It's easy to see why this is such a popular spot. The Special
Use Permit will limit our group to 8. We begin along a
splashing Pamelia Creek surrounded by Douglas fir and, if
we're lucky, the pink rhododendrons will be in bloom. We'll
spend some time at the lake then continue up to Milk Creek
to see a breathtaking view of Mt. Jefferson. Bring a lunch.
Wear boots. I plan to scout the trail ahead of time. Moderate
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 135 miles, HIKE dist
6.6 miles, Elev. 1170 feet.
Come and join me for a trip around Keizer's newest park. It is
an extensive piece of land that follows the Willamette River.
We will take various trails and see "the rapids". After that we
have the option of some neighborhood walking where we can
explore some other parks. Bring a snack, water and
comfortable shoes. Moderate pace.
RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 5 miles.
Sunday, June 28, SKM, 8:00 a.m., TIRE MOUNTAIN HIKE
MATT RIEKE 541-928-2767
Tire Mountain, one of the Old Cascade peaks, is north of
Oakridge about 35 miles southeast of Eugene. Bill Sullivan
says the mountain got its name when a vehicle lost a tire
crossing a creek on the old military wagon road. There is
considerable open space on this trail where many different
wildflowers grow, and I hope that they are in full bloom. We
will start from the east side and hike to the top and back.
There are many views of other mountains and lakes. Slow
RATED: EASY-MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 230 miles, HIKE
dist 7.6 miles, Elev. 800 feet.
Friday-Sunday, June 26-June 28, PRAIRIE CREEK
BILL SULLIVAN 541-683-6837
Join author Bill Sullivan on an exploratory trip as he updates
his “100 Hikes” book for the Coast. For this 17th annual
Chemeketan-Obsidian joint backpack we'll hike 4 miles
through Northern California’s redwood and Sitka spruce
forests (and along a remote beach) to the Butler Creek
backpacking campsite in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park
(27 miles south of Crescent City). We’ll camp two nights near
the beach, and on Saturday we’ll hike a 7-mile loop with
daypacks to Fern Canyon. Sunday we'll return by the
Ossagon Trail (requiring a 3-mile car shuttle). We should be
back at the cars by early afternoon on Sunday, so those who
have to work on Monday can fit the trip into a three-day
weekend. Maximum group size: 12. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 600 miles, BACKPACK
dist 13 miles, Elev. 1600 feet.
Monday, June 29, 10:00 a.m., KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE
Monday, June 29, 9:00 a.m., WILLAMETTE GREENWAYS
We'll hike two sections of the Willamette Greenway, one at
Darrow Rocks and the other in the Spring Valley area. The
trails provide wooded areas and views of the Willamette
River. Boots are suggested because of some uneven and
wet spots. Bring water and a snack. Please call 503-2696514 to register. Slow pace.
RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 30 miles, HIKE dist
3.5 miles, Elev. 100 feet.
Saturday, June 27, BROWDER RIDGE HIKE
We will hike up a ridge through beautiful forest with
wildflower meadows towards the top. If the sky is clear, we'll
have fantastic views of the Cascade peaks. Pre-register by
phone, not by email. See roster for phone number. Moderate
RATED: HARD, Driving dist RT 200 miles, HIKE dist
8.4 miles, Elev. 2100 feet.
June 2015!
Tuesday, June 30, 8:15 a.m., DRIFT CREEK
We will hike Cascade Head (4.2-mile round trip), then drive
to Drift Creek Bridge trailhead and hike to the cable
suspension bridge (3-mile round trip). Southerly views from
Cascade Head are spectacular, and the suspension bridge
and adjacent waterfall are fun. Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 140 miles, HIKE dist
7.2 miles, Elev. 1540 feet.
Monday-Sunday, July 6-July 12, 8:00 a.m.,
PRE-REG W/LDR: MIKE GABE 503-873-7408
We will hike across the Strawberry Mountains south of John
Day following the route suggested in Doug Lorain's book. We
will be on the trail for five days with two additional days to
drive and set up a car shuttle. Option for a four-day hike/sixday trip, depending on the group. This is a classic backpack
in a spectacular area along the spine of the Strawberries with
abundant flowers, and unusually common wildlife. The leader
has not hiked this area before. Moderate pace.
RATED: HARD, Driving dist RT 700 miles, BACKPACK dist
51 miles, Elev. 11700 feet.
or snow. We will be five days on the trail with an additional
travel day at each end. We will camp at the Seven Devils
Campground (at the trailhead) when not on the trail. Please
contact leader at cooperrm50@gmail.com to sign up or for
further information.
Moderate pace.
RATED: MEDIUM-HARD, Driving dist RT 1044 miles,
BACKPACK dist 42 miles, Elev. 9690 feet.
Friday-Sunday, July 17-July 19, LOOWIT TRAIL
MICHAEL GURLEY 609-410-3764
If you think you know a mountain by getting to its summit,
think again. You can climb Mt. St. Helens from the south and
look into the crater and the lava dome, but hiking the Loowit
Trail will give you a new appreciation for the mountain, the
landscape that was changed in May 1980, and how it has
evolved since the eruption and devastation. This hike
involves 34 miles and something over 6000 vertical feet of
elevation change, and takes you completely around the
mountain. This promises to be a difficult, but rewarding trip.
Group size will be limited to a maximum of 8. If you would
like to be put on the wait list, please email me. For more
details, visit: http://www.wta.org/gohiking/hikes/loowit. Moderate pace.
RATED: HARD, Driving dist RT 240 miles, BACKPACK dist
34 miles, Elev. 6000 feet.
Tuesday-Monday, July 14-July 20, SEVEN DEVILS LOOP
We will hike the Seven Devils Loop described by Lorain in
'Backpacking Idaho'. The Seven Devils lie just east of the
Snake River and northeast of the Wallowas. These
mountains are composed of highly eroded basalt creating a
landscape of wildly contorted cliffs, crags and glacial cirques.
This is an alpine adventure known for its wildflowers and
scenery. We will follow Lorain's itinerary with some
modification. We will begin our trip from the Windy Saddle
Trailhead, spending our first night at Dog Lake. We will
continue around the loop in a clockwise direction staying at
Baldy Lake, Bernard Lakes, and Sheep Lake. This trip is
rated moderately hard. Total backpacking distance is 42
miles with 9,690 feet of elevation gain. Moderate pace. The
weather is likely to be good, but be prepared for cold nights –
all camps are over 7,000 feet -- and for the possibility of rain
lovely hike. Corriene Thompson, Mary Lippi, Ken Ash,
Rosanna Wilson and leader, Betsy Belshaw.
Beazell Memorial Forest, April 8
Starting at the white farmhouse we hiked up the Plunkett
Creek Loop to the South Meadow where we braked for lunch.
The showers were negligible until we returned to the
trailhead when it began to pour. The wildflowers are just
starting to show and today’s camaraderie was as refreshing
as spring. Seems like many of us hadn't seen each other
perhaps since last hiking season or longer. Enjoying Beazell
Memorial Forest were Barb Schram, Vera Langer, Mary
Coleman, Robbie Earon, Kathy Moreland, Bev Hassell,
Rosamund Irwin, Eileen Harder, Sharon Wright, Marcia
Hoak, Doris deLespinasse, Robert Custer, Ralph Nafziger
and leader Phyllis Benanti.
Silver Falls, April 12
Two Chemeketans, Diane Clayton, leader, and Mary Jo
Lundsten enjoyed a nice spring day with good weather and
lots of flowers including trillium. There were lots of other
hikers of all ages also enjoying the beauty of Silver Falls. At
the north parking lot someone had vandalized the pay station
and taken the money, causing quite a loss of revenue to the
park. After hiking the loop from North Falls to Winter Falls
and the Rim Trail to the parking lot, we drove to the lodge for
lunch to pay the entrance fee and to report the vandalism.
We happened to meet three other Chemeketans at the lodge,
including two long-time members, Paula and Kim Hyatt.
Sweet Creek Falls, April 8
We were lucky to see the pink fawn lily this year, as well as
many of the usual wildflowers. The pink is larger than the
white or yellow, and it was a treat to see it again. The falls
were full of water, and the cascade was beautiful. We
managed to beat the rain except for a sprinkle, and had a
June 2015!
Bush Park-Deepwood Evening Walk, April 15
A beautiful spring evening drew four participants to their first
Chemeketan activity. We made loops through the Deepwood
grounds and Bush Park, stopping to look at many flowers
and bushes. Guests Sandy Anello, James Anello (our flower
expert), Jim Schomaker, Sherry Hall, and Silvia (illegible last
name) joined members Ralph Hall and Elizabeth Seibert,
leader (substituting for John Savage, who was under the
weather). James and Jim are both volunteers in Bush Park.
Thanks James and Jim.
PCT to Pacific Crest Falls for our final turn-around. We hiked
about 9 miles in all. In the past we have seen a different
variety of wildflowers on this lower trail, but they must not
have been blooming yet this year. Hikers were John Savage,
Barb Schram, guest Robert Leak, and leader Roz Shirack.
Gwyn Creek Loop Trail, April 18
It was a glorious day at the coast. The trees along the trail
were magnificent, and the wind whipped the ocean into a
beautiful sight. Spring flowers along the way added to the
enjoyment of Corriene Thompson (thank you for driving),
Gary Steffy, Rosamund Irwin, Joanna Picchi, Tom Fry, Mary
Elliott, Blanka Truneckova and leader Betsy Belshaw.
Wahkeena Falls to Multnomah Falls Loop, April 29
We started at the Wahkeena Falls picnic area (between
Bridal Veil and Multnomah Falls) and hiked up along a series
of chutes and drops that make up Wahkeena Falls. More
climbing brought us to a crossing at Fairy Falls then a side
trip off the main trail to lovely Wahkeena Springs. Back on
the main trail we headed east and up a little more, enjoying
wildflowers and ferns and several views down to the
Columbia. The trail levels at the Devil’s Rest Trail junction
then crosses over into the Multnomah Creek drainage. We
descended past several major waterfalls, reached the
amazing perch at the top of Multnomah Falls, then
descended all the paved switchbacks to the lodge and a halfmile trail back to our cars. Our hardy group included, Eileen
Harder, Steve Braden, Ralph Nafziger, Phyllis Benanti, Ken
Ash, Carol Doolittle, Karen Craven, Marcia Hoak, Mady
Kimmich, Ted Young, Georgienne Young , and Janet Adkins,
Silver Falls State Park: Waterfalls Loop, April 18
It seems to be true that the waterfall loop is so popular that
nobody does it anymore! The three of us -- and several
hundred other smart folk -- enjoyed an outrageously
gorgeous day there. We hiked the Canyon Trail from the
North Falls parking lot, had lunch at the lodge, and hiked the
Rim Trail back to our car. Among the wildflowers were dainty
calypso orchids. Guest (former member) Carmen Gonzalez;
members Pam Wojcik and George Struble, leader.
McKenzie River Trail, April 21
I had planned to start at Clear Lake Lodge, then do the loop
viewing Sahalie and Koosah falls from both sides of the river.
But since we had nine people we could do a one-way hike,
so we did. We started at Sahalie Falls, hiked past Koosah
Falls and the Carmen Reservoir, then the quiet stretch to
Tamolich Pool and on down to the little parking lot just north
of Trailbridge Reservoir. Everybody enjoyed the waterfalls; I
am always delighted by the incredulous reaction of people as
they see Tamolich Pool for the first time. Despite the
prediction of possible showers, we had a gorgeous day, and
admired the wildflowers, especially the trilliums and calypso
orchids. Filling her second qualifying hike: Kathy Moreland.
Members Mary Coleman, Verland Kelly, Eileen Marder, Lois
Sannes, Garry Steffy, Corriene Thompson, Jill Wilson, and
George Struble, leader.
West Salem Hills/Schools Evening Walk, April 30
On a beautiful evening twelve of us gathered at Orchard
Heights Park and walked up through the upper park and out
through the old Lindbeck Orchard to a new street, Linwood,
that connects Orchard Heights to the Harritt Elementary
neighborhood. We then walked up and up through manicured
neighborhoods to Chapman Hill Elementary, continuing up
and around West High School via its ball fields and little
hilltop park. We proceeded down Orchard Heights and
around the old Bob Straub Home, the new Straub Middle
School, and Kalapuya Elementary. From Straub’s hilltop we
had somewhat hazy views of the mountains to the north and
east. We ended the walk with pizza and more at Adkins.
Enjoying the evening were Elizabeth Seibert, Beverly
Hassell, Roz Shirack, Susan DeLaune, Michael DeLaune,
Robert Roner, Georgienne Young, Ted Young, Phyllis
Benanti, Ann Hanus, Dave Hanus (soon-to-be-member),
George Adkins, and Janet Adkins, leader.
Marys Peak , April 25
We had a cool, partially cloudy day. The trail was clear of any
windfalls and dry. After the Tie Trail junction we started
getting hail which turned into snow. The summit parking lot
was in a cloud and very cold. At that point we decided to
return to the Tie Trail junction and had a pleasant descent to
Connors Camp and returned to our cars by the 2005 road.
We enjoyed refreshments at the New Morning Bakery.
Participants were Dan Hilburn, Lon Johnson, Patricia
Winkler, Randy Selig, Ian Johnson and leader Bill Wylie.
Herman Creek, April 26
We had a pleasant day with sun breaks to explore the
forested canyon of Herman Creek in the Columbia Gorge.
This is the same trailhead used to access Gorton Creek Trail
to Indian Point and the Nick Eaton Ridge Trail. The Herman
Creek Trail follows Herman Creek through mixed forest
several hundred feet above the creek. The forest was
beautiful and full of mosses, lichens, and wildflowers. We
saw about 50 kinds of wildflowers. There were several open
areas that provided views of the canyon and a sunny, drier
micro-habitat for oaks and sun-loving wildflowers. We hiked
about 2.5 miles up this trail (which continues on to Wahtum
Lake) and turned around to return to the junction with the
lower Herman Creek Bridge Trail. We hiked down that trail to
the 75-foot long bridge, had lunch, then continued on the
June 2015!