Chemistry 143 Problem Set #4 Due May 15, 2015 Problem 1. From the T1 spectra below of ethyl diazoacetate in CHCl3 using d2 times from 0.1875 to 96 seconds, determine the T1 of each proton in the molecule. Problem 2. For this selective population transfer experiment on 40% ethyl formate in CDCl3, the 13C satellites of the –CHO peak were identified in the 300 MHz 1H NMR spectrum. A normal one-scan 13C NMR spectrum acquired without BB 1H decoupling is shown (Spectrum 1). Immediately after irradiation of the downfield satellite of the –CHO for 5 seconds to achieve presaturation of this peak, a one-scan 13C NMR spectrum was acquired affording Spectrum 2. The same experiment performed by instead presaturating the upfield satellite gave Spectrum 3. a) Draw the energy level diagram presented in class for the 13C-1H spin system and label the population excesses and deficiencies for each of the four levels. Show how presaturation of one of the 13C satellites in the 1H NMR spectrum changes the populations in this diagram. (Hint: Presaturation achieves equalization of the populations across the transition corresponding to the irradiated peak.) Under the optimum choice of molecule and conditions, what intensities of the two signals in the 13C spectrum represent the maximum degree of polarization transfer possible for this experiment. (Assume the original intensities are +2, +2.) b) Describe briefly the characteristics of the sample that would enable the above experiment. Problem 3 For the unknown C6H10O are shown the 1H NMR (200 MHz) spectrum (a) and at 50 MHz, the 13C NMR (50 MHz) spectrum and INEPT spectrum (shown in the upfield region (b) and downfield region (c)). a) For each of the 5 carbon signals, use the INEPT spectrum to determine if it is a Cq, CH, CH2 or CH3 group. (Recall that you are able to distinguish CH and CH2 using the line separations and anticipated JCH values). (b) Given that the integrations of the 1H spectrum are 1:2:2:2:3, what is the structure of this unknown? ! " ! " -3 +2 CH3: !! !" "" +9 +8 0 -7 -8 +15 !!! !!" !"" """ 121 -4 !!! !!" !"" """ CH2: +4 !! !" "" 11 +5 !! !" "" CH: INEPT with phase cycling ! " SPI expt. Normal 13 C !!! !!" !"" """ Problem 4. Shown at right are the expected intensities for CH, CH2, and CH3 groups that would be produced by the SPI and INEPT experiments under ideal conditions. As the INEPT experiment is generally acquired with phase cycling, it can be seen that the contribution to the multiplets from the natural 13 C magnetization is removed in this manner. For the CH group, we derived in class that the SPI experiment would produce one line with intensity of -2ΔH+2ΔC and the other line with intensity of +2ΔH+2ΔC. If we set ΔH=2 and ΔC=0.5 we get the intensities shown. The SPI intensities for the CH2 and CH3 groups can be generated by considering the net polarization transfer from the protons participating for each line in the multiplet: +13 +12 +12 133 1 -11 -9 -12 -12 intensity = (probability of state)*(net polarization transfer from H’s + natural 13C polarization) An excerpt from “NMR and Chemistry,” 2nd edition by J. W. Akitt describes the SPI experiment performed on acetone. In the proton spectrum of acetone (not shown), one methyl satellite signal corresponding to CH313C(O)CH3 is inverted with a selective π pulse and the carbonyl carbon is observed in the 13C NMR without broadband decoupling. Show how the calculated intensities can be derived. Selective population inversion Pulse techniques allow us to change spin populations drastically and controllably simply by subjecting the nuclei to an inverting 180° pulse. The resulting return to equilibrium is accompanied by significant, and in some cases, very large, changes in intensity of the lines due to coupled transitions, magnified if the magnetogyric ratio of the inverted spin is greater than that for the observed spin. The method is particularly useful for assisting in the observation of quaternary carbon atoms with long relaxation times, since the effective relaxation time in such an experiment is that of the inverted proton and this is usually much shorter than that for carbon. An example is given at right for the carbonyl carbon of acetone. The proton spectrum of acetone contains two sets of 13C satellites, one pair widely spaced and due to coupling to the directly bonded 13C in the methyl groups, and one with a much smaller coupling constant due to the two-bond coupling between the methyl protons and the carbonyl 13C. The carbonyl 13C resonance is therefore split into a septet with intensities 1:6:15:20:15:6:1 by this coupling. If we invert the proton spins corresponding to one of the inner 13C satellites by irradiating this with a long, selective 180° pulse and follow this immediately with a pulse at the 13 C frequency to generate a 13C FID, we find that the carbonyl carbon intensities have been greatly perturbed and now have the intensities +25:+102:+135:+20:-105:-90:-23, which is a useful gain in intensity. Problem 5. The normal 119Sn NMR spectrum of EtSn(OAc)3 displays nine lines due to the coupling of the 119Sn nucleus (I=1/2) to all five protons of the ethyl group. The use of the INEPT pulse sequence allows a significant enhancement of the signal to be obtained. Unfortunately, the J coupling constants of 119Sn to the methyl (3JSn-H = 242 Hz) and methylene (2JSn-H = 118 Hz) are not the same so a single chosen value of τ cannot suffice for all hydrogens of the ethyl group. Give the expected multiplet intensities for the normal 119Sn NMR spectrum of EtSn(OAc)3. Indicate which peaks would be too close to resolve (closer than 10 Hz). Now, considering the spectra at right, two 119Sn INEPT experiments were performed with the τ values of 0.0021 sec and 0.0050 seconds. Of the two spectra shown at right (a and b) which spectrum corresponds to which τ value? Show how the 1H net magnetization vectors of a proton on the methyl group and a proton on the methylene group would evolve during the τ - 180°Sn/180°H - τ part of each INEPT experiment. For each, what degree of polarization transfer is expected ? MHSn! CH2: #= 0.0021 s H x' y' y' x' x' #= 0.0021 s x' #= 0.0050 s x' #= 0.0050 s 180° H x' y' y' y' 180° MHSn" Sn x' x' x' #= 0.0050 s x' #= 0.0050 s 180° H x' y' y' y' y' 180° MHSn" x' y' Sn x' y' CH3: y' 180° x' MHSn! #= 0.0021 s H x' y' MHSn" CH2: x' 180° y' MHSn! y' Sn x' CH3: y' 180° MHSn" MHSn! #= 0.0021 s 180° Sn x' x' x' Problem 6. To aid in the identification of an unknown compound containing only five carbons, an INEPT spectrum (spectrum b) was taken with the standard setting of τ = 0.002 sec. Comparison of spectrum b against the 13C NMR acquired with 1H BB decoupling (spectrum a) showed strong enhancement of four of the five carbons. a) Assign the # of attached hydrogens and the JCH value to each of the four enhanced carbons. b) When the INEPT experiment on this molecule is performed with t = 0.001 sec, spectrum c is obtained. Explain (1) why the peak near 70 ppm shows a strong enhancement for this setting of τ, and (2) why it didn’t show up in spectrum b. Assign the # of attached hydrogens and the JCH value for this signal in the table. # of Attached Hydrogens JCH (Hz) 80.9 ppm 70.6 ppm see below 66.1 ppm 28.8 ppm 22.1 ppm c) Using the 1H NMR (CDCl3, 300 MHz) below along with the INEPT results, determine the structure of this unknown (molecular formula C5H8O) and assign the 13C carbon chemical shifts. Problem 6. C 5 H8 O (a) 13C NMR (b) INEPT τ = 2ms (b) INEPT τ = 1ms CDCl3 (75 MHz)
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