[ A Govt. of India Enterprise ] CHEAI TELEPHOES O/o The Asst. General Manager ( C&A ) orth East , 2nd Floor Old Telephone House, SC Bose Road, Flower Bazaar Exchange Complex, Chennai –600 001. AGM ( NE ) / TMX-CANT / A-6/ Tender/ 15 –16 / 1 Dt at CNI-1 the 1 .5.15 TEDER OTICE Sealed limited Tenders are invited on behalf of BSNL, Chennai Telephones to run a purely vegetarian refreshment/meals Canteen at Flower Bazaar Exchange Complex. The Tender Form along with the Terms and Conditions can be obtained from Sr.Accounts Officer ( Cash ) North Business Area, 2nd Floor, old Telephone House, Chennai-1 on all the working days between 11:00 hours and 15:00 hours from 5. 5 .15 to 16 .5 .15 on payment of Rs.105/- including 5% Tax ( VAT ) by cash. Or Intending bidders may download the copy of the tender documents along with the relevant specifications from Chennai Telephones website www.chennai.bsnl.co.in and in case the bid is downloaded, while submitting the tender bid, the bidder has to enclose a crossed Demand Draft towards the cost of the tender document for Rs.105/- ( Rs. One Hundred and Five only , Rs.100/- + Rs 5/- VAT ) drawn on any scheduled bank in favour of BSNL, Chennai Telephones payable at Chennai. The tender should be submitted in two covers; One superscribing Technical Bid and the other superscribing Financial Bid and both the covers are in turn, be put in another cover and this should be superscribed “Tender for TMX Canteen Services at Flower Bazar, Chennai ” . All the three covers are to be sealed. Technical Bid and Financial Bid will be opened separately. No indication of the Prices shall be made in the Technical Bid. The Tender form, complete in all respects along with a Demand Draft for Rs.3, 000/- as EMD favouring BSNL, Chennai Telephones to be put in the Technical 1 bid cover, addressed to The Asst. General Manager ( C&A ) North East, 2nd Floor, Old Telephone House, Flower Bazaar Exchange Complex, NSC Bose Road, Chennai-600 001 should be dropped in the Tender Box kept in the office of the Asst. General Manager ( C&A ) NE on or before 15:00 Hrs. of 16 .5 .15. Tender form without proper sealing, copy of IT returns, EPF, ESIC code, Experience Certificate and the EMD will be summarily rejected. The Tenders will be opened on the same day 16. 5 .15 at 15:30 hours in the presence of the available Tenderers or their authorized agents with the authority letter in the chamber of the Asst. General Manager ( C&A ) North East, 2nd Floor, Old Telephone House, Flower Bazaar Exchange Complex, NSC Bose Road, Chennai-1 . If the opening day of the tender has been suddenly declared as a holiday tenders will be opened on the next working day. Asst. General Manager ( C&A ) NE, BSNL ,Chennai Telephones, CHENNAI – 600 001. To 2 [ A Govt. of India Enterprise ] CHENNAI TELEPHONES CHEAI-600 001, TEDER PROFORMA –TECHICAL BID FOR RUIG TMX CATEE SUB ; Tender form for running the refreshment / meals Canteen at Flower Bazaar Exchange Complex. REF: AGM (NE)/TMX-CANT/ A-6/ Tender/ 15 –16 / 1 Dt at Chennai-1 1. Name of Person(s) / Organisation 2. Address : : 3. Telephone No. : 4. Qualification (Academic / Technical) 5. a) Experience in the catering field b) Experience certificate : the 1.5.15 : : Tenderer should submit experience certificate for any two years during previous five years from any Central / State PSUs including any Private firms. 6. a) EMD Particulars ( Amount ) : DD No. Date: Bank: Branch: : cash receipt in case of purchase from AO (Cash) North Business Area, Chennai-1 in case of down b) Details of application form Loaded from website DD No. Bank: 7. Whether enclosed last two IT returns. : 8.Particulars of ESIC code and EPF code : Branch: Place: Signature: Date: ame: Seal : 3 Date: [ A Govt. of India Enterprise ] CHENNAI TELEPHONES CHEAI-600 001, TEDER PROFORMA –FIACIAL BID FOR RUIG TMX CATEE SUB ; Tender form for running the refreshment / meals Canteen at Flower Bazaar Exchange Complex. REF: AGM (NE)/TMX-CANT/ A-6/ Tender/ 15 –16 / 1 Dt at CNI-1 the 1 .5.15 1. Name of Person(s) / Organisation 2. Address : : 3. Telephone No. : 4.License fee quoted per month ( in words ) : Place: Date: Signature: ame: Seal : 4 [ A Govt. of India Enterprise ] CHENNAI TELEPHONES TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR RUNNING TMX CANTEEN 1. The Franchisee License to run a vegetarian canteen at Telephone House, Flower Bazaar Exchange Complex, is for a period of one year from the date of taking over and extendable for another year at the discretion of the BSNL Administration at the same rates and Terms and conditions. For the purpose of the Tender, BSNL Administration would mean D.G.M. ( NWO ) NE or any other D.G.M. for the time being in-charge of the canteen. Bid Forms (Two Bid Format). The tender should be submitted in two covers; One superscribing Technical Bid and the other superscribing Financial Bid and both the covers are in turn, be put in another cover and this should be superscripted “Tender for TMX Canteen Services at Flower Bazar, Chennai ”. All the three covers are to be sealed. Technical Bid and Financial Bid will be opened separately. No indication of the Prices shall be made in the Technical Bid. Tender will be opened in the presence of Bidders present on the due date of opening at 15.30 Hrs. . Technical Bids of the Tenders received will be opened on that day and the Sealed Financial Bids will be kept in BSNL custody. The Time, Date and Venue of the opening of FINANCIAL BIDS will be intimated only to those Bidders, whose Technical Bid is accepted after evaluation of details and documents furnished. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Incomplete Tender or Tender in which both Technical Bid and Financial Bid are found in the same envelope is liable to be rejected. All Columns should be furnished with relevant details and no column should be left blank. Financial Bid of the selected bidders whose technical bid is accepted only will be opened. The list of Documents to be submitted along with Technical bid are as follows • EPF and ESI Registration certificate. • Tenderer should submit experience certificate for any two years during the last 5 years from any Central / State PSUs including any Private firm. • Last two years IT return DD for the EMD of Rs.3000/- ( Rs.Three Thousand only ) favouring BSNL, Chennai Telephones. • Financial Bid Cover should contain the License Fee quoted information 2. The successful Tenderer (herein after referred as Licensee) shall enter into an agreement with the BSNL Administration within seven days from the date of approval of the issue of Work order. Other wise, the EMD shall be forfeited. The License fee shall be paid quarterly in advance to the BSNL Administration. At the time of entering into an Agreement, the Licensee shall deposit the License fee quoted in 5 the Tender for the first quarter. 3. The Licensee shall not employ child labour / pregnant woman or persons prohibited under any statute under force. 4.The Licensee shall provide at his expense to his employees such uniforms as prescribed by BSNL. 5.The persons employed by the Licensee shall appear clothed in clean uniform, wear metal badges showing their names. 6. Adequate number of Staff are to be employed in the Canteen. The persons employed by the Licensee shall be subjected to periodical medical examinations by the doctors engaged for the purpose by BSNL to ensure that they are free from contagious diseases. The Licensee shall bear the cost of such medical examinations. 7. The Licensee shall observe, perform, and comply with all the provisions of Payment of minimum Wages Act, Workmen Compensation Act, ,ESIC,EPF and all other relevant statutes for the time being in force and any rules and regulations made there under with regard to payment of wages etc, to all persons employed by the Licensee under this agreement and shall indemnify the BSNL Administration from and against any claim made under any statutes by or on behalf of any persons employed by Licensee in case of any breach or non-performance by the Licensee. 8. The Licensee shall prepare and sell only vegetarian items in the canteen Signature of the Tenderer 6 9.The Licensee shall prepare and supply the following items and the prevailing rates of the items are mentioned here under on all days except Sundays & Holidays. S.N o. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 Name of the Item quantity 100 ml Prevailing rate Rs Ps 5.00 Supply -Time of availability 08:00 to 18:00 Coffee / Tea / Milk Remarks Idlys with sambar&Chutney Medu Vadai / MasalVadai 2nos-80gms 6.00 08.00 to 09.30 On all days 40 gms 5.00 08.00 to 09.30 On all days Rice Pongal with chutney Poori with Potato Masal Rava Uppuma with chutney Sada Dosai with sambar / Chutney 150 gms 8.00 08.00 to 09.30. On all days 2 Nos 8.00 15.30 to 17.00 Mon &Thurs 150 gms 8.00 15.30 to 17.00 Tues & Fri 1 no 10.00 15.30 to 17.00 Wed & Sat Mixed Rice with Pappad or pickles 1.Pulyodharai 2. Sambar Rice 3.Coconut Rice 4.Tomoto Rice 5.Curd Rice 6. Lemon Rice Limited Meals 250 gms 10.00 12.30 to 14.00 On all days 100 gms 400 gms 25.00 Rice –1 cup 12.00 to 14.00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From Monday to Friday Sambar, Rasam Butter Milk, Poriyal, Kuttu / Avial, Pickles, Pappad –1, Payasam/ Sweet [Every Friday] Note : The Tenderer may quote the rate of the above items S.No.1 to 9 & also special items at S.No.10 in the next page not more than the prevailing rates Signature of the Tenderer 7 10. SPECIAL ITEMS 1. Masal Dosai ( 150 gms. ) / Chola poori / parotta with kuruma— 15.00 2. Fried Rice (250 gms. ) / Vegetable Briyani ( 250 gms. )------ 15.00 3. Keerai vadai / curd vadai ---------------------------- 6.00 4. Potato Bonda (2 ) / Mysore bonda (2.) / Bajji (2 )-- 8.00 5. Vegetable Samosa (1 nos. )----- 5.00 6. Chappathy with kuruma ( 2 nos. ) ( daily compulsory) 10.00 7. Butter milk / Lemon juice ( 200 ml )-- 4.00 8. Sundal/Pattani/Verkadalai – (50gms) -- 5.00 Note : The Tenderer may quote the rate of the above items not more than the prevailing rates for all serials 1 to 10 as above items ( page 7 & 8) Selection of Special items is at the discretion of the Licensee but at least one of the special items should be supplied everyday without fail. Also buttermilk / Lemon juice is compulsory during summer ie from April to June 10. One Tiffin item either from the general or special items should be supplied during the period 12:30 to 14:00 hrs. 11. The Licensee shall use only “agmark” food items for the preparation of all food items. 12. The rates fixed above will prevail unless otherwise warranted by an unexpected escalation / reduction of cost of ingredients / gas used for preparation of items. The revision of rates can be considered only on the basis of recommendations of the Canteen Managing Committee . The decision of DGM (NWO ) NE on the recommendation of the committee is final and binding on both the parties. 13.The Licensee shall be responsible for the cleanliness of the Canteen premises and safety & security of the persons employed. The Licensee shall comply with all necessary statutory obligations regarding running of the canteen and shall be liable for all legal consequences. 14.The Licensee shall extend all co - operation to the BSNL Administration in monitoring the quality and quantity of the items supplied. 15.The Licensee shall utilise the premises only for preparations of items permitted to be sold in the premises and shall not use the premises for preparing items to be sold outside the premises. 16. Any dispute regarding the terms and conditions of this agreement shall be referred to a sole arbitrator appointed by the General Manager ( NWO) North, BSNL, Chennai Telephones and award passed by the sole arbitrator shall be binding on both the parties. Signature of the tenderer 8 17.Energy consumption charges on account of electrical appliances in the canteen ie Tube lights, fans, refrigerator, grinder, mixer, and hot water drum for drinking water will only be borne by BSNL. 18.The committee nominated by BSNL will make surprise inspections of the canteen premises without prior notice and the BSNL reserves the right to cancel the License at any moment on the following grounds. A quality check committee formed among the members of the CMC which will periodically inspect and test the quality of the items supplied and cleanliness of the premises monthly once and submit a report to CMC . If the quality of the items were found below the standards the contractor will be instructed to improve the quality and take corrective measure. For this purpose the contractor has to supply the samples at free of cost to the quality check committee. 1. Violation by the Licensee of any of the Terms and Conditions. 2. Deficiency in service. 3. Based on the report by the monitoring committee appointed by BSNL. 19.The Licensee shall comply with all the provisions of the Act on running catering units. 20.The Licensee shall not assign or sublet or transfer the benefit of the License hereby granted on the said Licensee or say part of the interest therein to any person or persons whatsoever. 21.The Licensee shall restrict to the accommodation provided by the BSNL Administration for the purpose of running the canteen and not to encroach on any other accommodation. 22.The Licensee shall bear the cost of chemical analysis of edibles sold should such examination be considered necessary by the BSNL Administration. 23.The Licensee shall pay any TAX imposed by Union Govt. / State Govt., Corporations or any other governing bodies of the State or the Center having authority to do so, 24.If any damage is done to the BSNL Administration or other property of BSNL by the Licensee or his / her employees or any other persons for whose actions the Licensee is responsible, the cost of making good the same shall be borne by the Licensee. Signature of the tenderer 9 25.The infrastructure facilities viz., space, furniture, utensils, electricity, water and LPG connections & empty cylinders as per IOC norms will be provided by the BSNL Administration on "As is where is" basis without any charge . At present IOC provides 19 Kg cylinders under commercial category and the cost of the commercial LPG cylinders are to be borne by the Licensee only . 26. Any other additional requirements and the maintenance in respect of the furniture and utensils and the cost of LPG cylinders will have to be borne by the Licensee. 27. The utensils & vessels supplied by the BSNL to the contractor should be maintained properly. Any repairs of any items shall be borne by the franchisee only (and cost of minor repairs of these items will be borne by the contractor) The Licensee shall return all the items intact provided by the BSNL Administration on termination of the License. 28. The Tenderer should pay an amount of Rs.3000 / = ( Rupees three thousand only ) in the form of Demand Draft favouring BSNL CHENNAI TELEPHONES towards EMD and should be enclosed along with the application. Any application with out EMD will be rejected. 29.The BSNL Administration reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Tenders without assigning any reasons. 30.The last two years IT return should be enclosed along with the Tender application. The application without the IT return will be rejected. 31.The Licensee shall pay Cash to Accounts Officer ( Cash ), North Business Area BSNL, Chennai Telephones, Chennai-1 or Demand Draft in favour of BSNL, Chennai Telephones or furnish a Bank Guarantee of an amount equivalent to three times of the monthly License Fee highest quoted for the duration of the License from any Nationalized Bank payable to BSNL , Chennai Telephones as a Security Deposit towards the building, furniture, fixtures and equipment provided to him /her under this agreement and towards regular payment of monthly license fee and other legal liabilities. NSIC holders participated if any are not exempted to pay the Security Deposit amount since they tend to quit the contract abruptly without prior notice as specified in the Tender clause. Signature of the tenderer 10 32. The EMD of the successful Tenderer will be added with the Security deposit to be made vide para 31 above.The same will not carry any interest for the period of retention. 33. If the Licensee or BSNL Administration desires to withdraw the services of the franchisee, they can do so only after issuing three-month calendar notice. 34. BSNL may forfeit the Security Deposit along with the EMD of the License if he/she fails to give the three month’s notice before terminating the license as specified at clause 33 above and also for any violation. 35. The selected bidder has to supply items as per the weekly schedule prescribed by Canteen Management Committee and the supply schedule be strictly adhere to. 36. In case of any legal proceedings arising out of the contract in the court of law, the jurisdiction will be within the city of Chennai only. 37. Penalty Clause: The Security Deposit will be forfeited by the Tenderer in case of any violation or fails to comply the terms and conditions as stated below: • Quality of service • Quantity of food supplied • Any non performing of Service. In addition the firm will be blacklisted. 38. EMD/SD will be refunded after peaceful handing over of utensils, spaces, furniture and other amenities subject to certified by the competent authority. Signature of the tenderer : Place : Name Date : Address : Witnesses : Witnesses 1. Signature : Name : 1. Signature Name Address Address 2. Signature : Name : 2. Signature: Name Address Address 11
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