Reconfigurable thermo-optic polymer switch based true-time-delay network utilizing imprinting and inkjet printing Zeyu Pana, Harish Subbaramanb,*, Cheng Zhangc, Ashwin Pandayc, Qiaochu Lic, Xingyu Zhanga, Yi Zoua, Xiaochuan Xub, L. Jay Guoc, Ray T. Chena,b,* a Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 10100 Burnet Rd, PRC/MER 160, Austin, TX 78758, USA b Omega Optics, Inc., 8500 Shoal Creek Blvd, Building 4, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78757, USA c Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, 1301 Beal Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA ABSTRACT Previously, we introduced a novel and an etch-free solution based procedure utilizing a combination of imprinting and inkjet printing for developing polymer photonic devices to overcome the limitations of conventional polymer photonic device fabrication techniques, such as RIE or direct pattern writing. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of developing very large-area photonic systems on both rigid and flexible substrates. Specifically, a complete reconfigurable 4-bit true-time-delay module, comprising of an array of five interconnected TO switches and polymer delay lines, with a dimension of 25 mm × 18 mm is developed. Because of the roll-to-roll (R2R) compatibility of the employed solution processing techniques, photonic system development over large areas at high-throughput on rigid or flexible substrates is possible, which will lead to tremendous cost savings. Moreover, these devices can be integrated with other printed photonic and electronic components, such as light sources, modulators, antennas, etc., on the same substrate, thus enabling integrated systems that can be conformably integrated on any platform. Keywords: Polymer, waveguide, thermo-optic, switch, imprinting, inkjet printing, true time delay, phased array antenna 1. INTRODUCTION Integrated optical switches are important building blocks in optical links and systems [1-5]. Among various optical switches, polymer-based thermo-optic (TO) switches have been found very attractive, owing to the advantages of 1) high thermo-optic coefficient (-1~3 x10-4 K-1) [6-8], 2) high transparency in the telecommunication wavelength windows, and 3) fabrication feasibility over large areas on PCBs and other kinds of substrates. With these special features, TO polymer switches have enabled widespread applications in several areas, such as communication and radar, add/drop multiplexing, bypass switching in the event of a network failure or network jam, packet switching, etc. [6-20]. However, until now, the most common methods for polymer optical device fabrication includes either using Reactiveion Etching (RIE) to define the pattern into a resist, and transferring the pattern to the optical polymer via plasma etching [21, 22], or directly writing the pattern in a low-loss UV/Ebeam curable polymer using lithography [18, 20]. Although these methods are straightforward, they are not a cost-effective way due to complicated fabrication process and low throughput. Previously, we introduced a novel and an etch-less solution processing technique utilizing a combination of imprinting and ink-jet printing for developing photonic devices [16, 19, 23]. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of developing very large-area photonic systems. Specifically, a complete 4-bit true-time-delay reconfigurable module with a dimension of 25 mm × 18 mm, comprising of an array of five interconnected TO switches and polymer delay lines [9-11, 24-27], is developed. Thanks to the roll-to-roll (R2R) compatibility of the employed solution processing techniques, photonic system development over large areas on either rigid or flexible substrates, and at high-throughput, is possible which will lead to tremendous cost savings. Moreover, these devices can be integrated with other printed photonic and electronic components, such as light sources, modulators, antennas on the same substrate, thus achieving an integrated system that can be conformably integrated on any platform. Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications VIII, edited by Laurence P. Sadwick, Tianxin Yang, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9362, 936214 © 2015 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/15/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2080115 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9362 936214-1 Downloaded From: on 03/20/2015 Terms of Use: 2. POLYM MER BASED D THERMO O-OPTIC SW WITCH A siingle TO polym mer switch is first f introducedd in this sectioon, followed byy the developm ment of the enttire TTD module in section 3. A scchematic of a single 2x2 TO T switch is shown s in Figuure 1. In this design, d a singgle mode waveguide comprising of 3.5 3 µm thick UV15DC80LV U V (n=1.501 @ 1.55 µm) bottoom cladding; 3 µm thick UF FC-170A (n=1.496 @ 1.55 µm) top cladding; c and 2.3 2 µm thick (00.5 µm rib heigght, 1.8 µm slabb) and 8.5 µm wide SU8 (n=1.575 @ 1.55 µm) corre layer, is con nsidered. An 8 µm µ wide and 500 5 µm long goold heating eleectrode is used to heat the polymer in the center off the junction. Ch. A 25 t[bar port) sp 4° half; branch ani T horn\ lµm wide heating electrode ontact pads - f i wide ;;( Gold 40µm center width ;Junction iength: 4110 µm ?guides I Iriput pori Figure 1. Schematic of a single 2×2 TO polymer p switch [19]. Dependingg on whether a voltage v is applieed across the heaating electrode to heat the junction region, lighht exits from the bar port (no appplied voltage) annd cross port (witth applied voltagge). Norrmally, when th here is no heatt applied at thee junction regiion, light from the input portt will exit from m the bar port. By heaating the junctiion region in the switch, thee refractive inndex of the polymer underneeath is reducedd, which creates a totaal-internal-refleection (TIR) coondition, thus directing the liight to output from the crosss port. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show thhe simulation reesults performeed by the beam m propagating method m (Beam mPROP from RSoft R Suite) in the OFF state (no volttage across the electrode) andd the ON state (voltage acrosss the electrode) of the TO sw witch, respectively. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9362 936214-2 Downloaded From: on 03/20/2015 Terms of Use: 150 (a) -150 1 1 2000 2500 3500 4000 3500 4000 x (un) (b) Figure 2.. Light propagattion through thee switch in the (a) OFF and (b) ON states of the switch. Heaating in the juncction causes a local decrease in the refractive index, thus leadding to total-inteernal-reflection (TIR) condition in the center off the horn struccture. We fabricated a siingle switch deevice in order to t characterize its performancce. First, a flexxible mold conttaining a single TO sw witch core pattern is replicateed from a silicon hard mold. The core wavveguide patternn is then defineed in the UV15DC80L LV bottom claadding layer, using UV impriinting techniquue. The SEM cross-section c o printed layers in the of polymer wavveguide [19] is i shown in Fiigure 3(a). Ann atomic forcee microscope (AFM) ( image of the imprinnted core pattern of thee waveguide in n UV15DC80L LV bottom claadding layer is shown in Figuure 3(b). The measured m rougghness is 1.45 nm, which is comparaable to our preevious results [16]. The corre layer trench is filled by innkjet-printing the SU8 material. Inkkjet printing off SU8 automatiically produces a flat surfacee profile on topp, which can be b used for subbsequent material prinnting. The top UFC-170A U claadding layer is then coated onn top of the corre layer. Finallly, gold metal heater is deposited onn the top cladding layer usingg photolithograaphy, ebeam evaporation, e annd lift-off [21, 22]. Alignmennt marks are utilized too aid in the heaater placement. A microscopee image of a fuully fabricated TO switch is shown s in Figure 4. (b) x (µm) Figure 3.. (a) SEM crosss-section view of o printed layerss in the polymeer waveguide [119]. (b) An AFM M measured botttom cladding of the polymer waveguide. w Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9362 936214-3 Downloaded From: on 03/20/2015 Terms of Use: Figure 4. A microscope im mage of a fully fabricated f TO Sw witch. Nexxt, the static an nd dynamic chharacteristics of o the fabricateed TO polymerr switch are measured. m Lighht from a 1550 nm tunnable laser sou urce (Santec ECL-200) E is cooupled into andd out of the device d using leensed fibers (O OzOptics TSMJ-3U-15550-9/125-0.25 5-7-2.5-14-2). The normalizeed output optiical power from the bar porrt versus the electrical e power consuumed by the heeater is plottedd in Figure 5(aa). The switch consumes aboout 160 mW of o the electricaal power. Next, the dyynamic characteristics are tessted. A 100 Hzz square wave signal generaated by a functtion generator (Agilent 33120A) is applied a across the heating ellectrode, and the t output optiical response from f the bar port p is obtainedd from a digital oscilloscope (HP 16 660ES), as shoown in Figure 5(b). The risee and fall timees for the switcch are measurred to be 0.49 ms and 0.35 ms, respeectively. (a) (b) Figure 5. (a) The normalized output optical power of barr port shows thee TO switch withh a power consuumption of 160 mW. m (b) Opticcal response with h square wave function f applied across the heatiing electrode at 100 Hz frequenncy (CH1 repressents the applieed voltage and CH2 C represents bar b port). Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9362 936214-4 Downloaded From: on 03/20/2015 Terms of Use: 3. LARGE AR REA FABRIC CATION FO OR THE REC CONFIGURA ABLE TTD NETWORK N K Upoon characterizin ng the perform mance of a singgle switch, we developed d a laarge-area 4-bit TO-switch bassed TTD module. A scchematic of succh module is shown in Figurre 6. It consistss of five 2×2 TO T polymer sw witches, intercoonnected via judicioussly chosen leng gths of polymeer waveguide delay d lines. Thhe minimum leength delay steep (ΔL) determ mines the minimum achhievable time delay step (Δττ) according to Δτ = neff· (ΔL//c), where neff is the effectivee index of the mode in the waveguidde and c is the speed of light in vacuum. Att the first switcch (n=1), the opptical signal iss delivered to either e the reference waaveguide (leng gth L) or the delay d line (lenngth L+ΔL), depending on the t chosen ON N or OFF statee of TO polymer swittch. Then, the second switchh (n=2) coupless the optical signal into two more m waveguiddes with lengthhs L and L+2·ΔL. This sequence is continued untiil the last switcch delivers thee optical signaal to two wavegguides with leengths L, or a 4-bit delayy network). Thhe last switch (n=5) ( of the 4-bit delay TTD D line is used too control and delay linne, L+23 ΔL (fo the optical signal to couplle into the outpput waveguidee. Table 1 listss the delay coonfiguration for a 4-bit TTD module capable of prroviding up to ±60° steeringg angle for an X-band X Phasedd Array Antennna (PAA). It shhould be noted that this upper limit in i the steering g angle is not limited by ourr technology, but by the characterization setup availablle in our laboratory foor conducting antenna a patternn measurementss. n=1 L+0 L /wr +eguide ay Lines N *.' 1 &L t Waveguide I n=5 Figure 6. Schematic of a reconfigurable 4-bit TTD unit comprising of 2×2 2 TO polymeer switches and polymer wavegguide delay linees. Table 1. Delay D configurattion for each eleement in a 4-bit X-Band X PAA. Steering Angle A (deg) Modu ule #1 Module #2 # M Module #3 Modulee #4 6 ° 60 0 5⋅ΔL 10⋅ΔL 15⋅ΔL L 433.85 ° 0 4⋅ΔL 8⋅ΔL 12⋅ΔL L 31.31 ° 0 3⋅ΔL 6⋅ΔL 9⋅ΔL L 200.27 ° 0 2⋅ΔL 4⋅ΔL 6⋅ΔL L 9..97 ° 0 1⋅ΔL 2⋅ΔL 3⋅ΔL L 0° 0 0 0 0 -9.97 ° 3⋅Δ ΔL 2⋅ΔL 1⋅ΔL 0 -200.27 ° 6⋅Δ ΔL 4⋅ΔL 2⋅ΔL 0 -311.31 ° 9⋅Δ ΔL 6⋅ΔL 3⋅ΔL 0 -43.85 ° 12 ⋅Δ L 8 ⋅Δ L 4 ⋅Δ L 0 - 660 ° 15 ⋅Δ L 10 ⋅Δ L 5 ⋅Δ L 0 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9362 936214-5 Downloaded From: on 03/20/2015 Terms of Use: An essential e consideeration in fabricaating such a 4-biit TTD device iss to ensure the waveguides w are defect-free d over the entire device area, which w is a non-ttrivial challengee. Hard mold im mprinting gives satisfactory s resuults for small-areea devices, but lacks the capability to provide p uniform imprinting over a large area, witth de-molding coonstituting the greatest g challenge [28, 29]. In coomparison, soft mold givees better uniform mity over a large area and an eassier de-molding process. p Howeveer, a suitable maaterial system neeeds to be selected in ordder to provide a reliable mold that t can repeateddly be utilized. In this work, PD DMS (mixed att a 10:1 ratio wiith curing agent) was choosen as the imprrinting soft moldd material. First,, the 4-inch Si mold m is fabricated using conventtional RIE methood, and is then thoroughly cleaned and coated c with a suurfactant to loweer its surface eneergy. Then, PDM MS is used to duuplicate the TTD D patterns from a 4-inchh Si mold. A piccture of a succeessfully developeed large-area PD DMS flexible mold m is shown inn Figure 7(a). The T mold showed no deffects when inspeected under a miicroscope over thhe entire area. Next, N the PDMS mold is used to imprint the pattern in the UV15DC80LV V bottom cladd ding layer. Figuure 7(b-d) show ws the microscope image of a TO polymer switch, curved polymer waveguide, annd alignment marks m on the UV U imprinted UV15DC80LV U r respectively, whhich demonstrattes a defect-freee surface achieved from m such a large-a area imprintingg process. The core layer, top cladding, and electrodes e are fabricated fa using the same process as desscribed in sectio on 2. A picture of the fully fabrricated 4-bit TT TD module is shhown in Figure 7(e). We are currently c characterizinng the performaance of the TTD D module, whiich will be sharred in a future publication. Figure 7. (a) The picture of a large-area PDMS P flexible mold m fabricated from f a 4-inch sillicon wafer. Thee microscope im mages mer switch, (c) cuurved polymer waveguides, w andd (d) the alignment marks provee the of (b) thee horn structure of a TO polym defect-freee imprinting pro ocess over a largge area (4-inch sample). (e) Pictuure of the fully fabricated f full 4--bit TTD lines. 4. CONCLUSIO ON A sccheme to utilizze an etch-freee and roll-to-rooll compatible fabrication prrocess for fabriicating very laarge-area polymer photonic systems is i demonstrateed in this work.. Utilizing a coombination of PDMS P imprintiing and inkjet printing, p mer switch is fiirst developed and characterrized. The TO switch providdes over 35 dB B extinction raatio, and a TO polym consumes 1660 mW of elecctrical power. A defect-free large area PDM MS mold contaaining a 4-bit TTD T module pattern p is successfully replicated from m a silicon maaster mold. Utiilizing large-arrea imprinting (using the larrge-area flexiblle mold) T baseed TTD moduule capable of providing suffficient time delay d for and inkjet printing processes, a 4-bit TO-switch achieving ±60° steering an ngle in an X-band PAA systeem is successfuully fabricatedd. This R2R com mpatible proceess holds great promise for scalable and low-cost manufacturingg of true-time-delay feed nettworks for phaased array anteennas on rigid as well as on flexible substrates. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9362 936214-6 Downloaded From: on 03/20/2015 Terms of Use: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) for supporting this work under the Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) program (Grant No. FA9550-14-C-0001), monitored by Dr. Gernot Pomrenke. REFERENCES [1] Capmany, J., and Novak, D., “Microwave photonics combines two worlds,” Nature Photonics 1(6), 319-330 (2007). [2] Shun, Y., Mukherjee, B., and Dixit, S., “Advances in photonic packet switching: an overview,” IEEE Communications Magazine 38(2), 84-94 (2000). 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