Whatcom Weavers Guild Newsletter W eavi ng in W hat com si nce 1971 May Newsletter Here we are, closing in on the end of our 2013-2014 Guild year, and what a year it has been. Led so creatively by our President, Sheri Ward, our wonderful Board has made it a very full and innovative year, with programs and workshops the like of which many of us have not seen before. Congratulations to the outgoing Board for a great year, and welcome to our new Board. But still much happening - our first retreat for many years set for May 23-25 - read Jenni Jimmerson’s update on page 4. The Annual Stash Sale at the May 14 Guild meeting - bring along your items for sale, or cash to buy - it’s always a riot, and many fine items get taken to new homes. And the Wool Show in August 11-16 - stay tuned. On a personal note, I would like to thank Maggie Weyers for her great efforts over the years as our Webmistress (yes, that’s what we called her years ago!). Maggie filled this role when I first joined the Guild in 2004 and is finally stepping down from the job. That’s a long time to volunteer for the Guild, and her efforts have been much appreciated. Enjoy that wonderful weaving and quilting time in Arizona, Maggie. It’s been great working with you. And attagirl! to Sheri Ward for stepping into the role. I look forward to working with you. Our family is in the throes of moving home, so Sheri is taking over sending out a short newsletter next month. I’ll be back doing my job for the mid-summer newsletter, which will come out late July/early August. Happy summer to everyone. Pat Fisher, Guild Newsletter Coordinator. pat.fisher@comcast.net. Guild Board 2013-2014 Programs for 2014 President: Sheri Ward / sheriward@clearwire.net Past President: Karen Perry / karendanperry@yahoo.com Vice President & Programs: Marilyn Olsen / Marilyn.Olsen@comcast.net Secretary: JP MacConnell / jan.macconnell@comcast.net Treasurer: Cathy Thompson / clcthomp2@gmail.com Workshops: Patricia Knight / zadacreations@gmail.com Librarian: Megan Kinman / megkdolphin@yahoo.com Membership: Toni Wade / tprwade@yahoo.com Education: Barbara Snow / snowdyer@comcast.net, Karen Perry / karendanperry@yahoo.com Hospitality: Donna Hunter / gndhunter@telcomplus.net, Cathy Taggett circleoftrees@wildblue.net, Crystal Trunkey / crysannthemum@aol.com. Member-at-Large/ANWG Rep: Jenni Jimmerson /jennijnotary@hotmail.com Newsletter Publisher: Pat Fisher / pat.fisher@comcast.net Wool Show: Niki Kuklenski Fibers & Beyond Chair: Kathy Green, kmgreen196@msn.com Web Site: Sheri Ward / sheriward@clearwire.net Page 1 of 8 Meetings held at St James Church (lower level) 910, 14th St., Bellingham. Second Wednesday of each month, September to June 6.30pm Social time 7.00pm Meeting start time 9.00pm Adjournment May 14 - Stash Sale June 11 - Show and Tell from Guild Retreat July 26 - Dye Day at Cathy Thompson’s Studio Guild mailing address: PO Box 403, Bellingham, WA 98227. Website: www.whatcomweaversguild.org https://www.facebook.com/ Whatcom Weavers Guild Weaving in Whatcom s ince 1971 President’s Message by Sheri Ward, Guild President We have some wonderful events coming up soon! The stash sale at the May guild meeting, our guild retreat to the North Cascades Institute May 23-25, the June meeting where we’ll feature some our projects from the retreat, and then a July 26 meeting, a dye day at Cathy Thompson’s studio. The July meeting will be our first occasion to enjoy a day-long guild meeting, with hands-on activities. It should be great! Look for details for these events elsewhere in the newsletter. Looking ahead a bit, we have been awarded the grant from ANWG (the Association of Northwest Weavers Guilds) for a mini-conference in September 2015. We’ll be holding it at the Jansen Art Center in Lynden, in cooperation with the Peace Arch Weavers and Spinners Guild. Be sure to save the dates: Sept. 9-12, 2015! At the May guild meeting, we will elect a slate of officers for the guild’s 2014-15 program year. These officers will serve from June to June, starting at the June board, which is a joint meeting of incoming and outgoing officers. The slate is: • President: Marilyn Olsen • Past President: Sheri Ward • Vice President & Programs: Kathy Hutchinson • Secretary: JP MacConnell • Treasurer: Rosalie Nast, with Cathy Thompson as back-up • Workshops: Patricia Knight • Librarian: Jane Coombs • Membership: Marcia Ford • Education: Barbara Snow & Karen Perry • Hospitality: Carolyn Oltman • Member-at-Large/ANWG rep: Jenni Jimmerson • Newsletter Publisher: Pat Fisher • Wool Show: Niki Kuklenski • Fibers & Beyond Chair: Kathy Green • Web Site: Sheri Ward We appreciate the folks who have stepped forward and offered to serve on the guild board, as well as current and out-going board members. As always, we are open to nominations from the floor. Many thanks to Kathy Sano for her work on the nominating committee. We have a few corrections to the guild directory distributed in early April, and a corrected version will be sent out via email in early May. There are still some hard-copy booklet versions of the directory; we are asking for 25 cents each to offset paper and ink costs. Board meetings are usually the Thursday one week after our general meeting, at noon, at my home. There will not be a board meeting in May, and the next meeting is on June 19. My home is located at 809 11th St., almost straight down the hill from St. James Church. Members are always welcome to attend. Page 2 of 8 Whatcom Weavers Guild Weaving in Whatcom s ince 1971 Program for upcoming meetings by Marilyn Olsen The Guild year continues on with our wrap-up programs before the Summer break. May: Back also by popular demand is our annual stash sale. For those of you who are new to the guild, the sale provides an opportunity for members to turn yarn, roving, spinning wheels, books and a wide variety of other items into cash, which, of course, can then be used to buy a new stash! Our meeting will start, as usual, at 7:00, so if you have items to display, please bring them to the church by 6:30. Also, be sure to check out information in this newsletter about the guild retreat to be held May 23-25 at beautiful North Cascades Institute. June: Our June program will highlight the ‘show and tell’ items created by our very creative members at the retreat workshops. July: Cathy Thompson has once again invited us for a dye day at her home studio. Date to be announced later. Thanks, Marilyn Daytime Weavers, by Sondra Rose Daytime Weavers will meet Wednesday May 28th at the Roeder Home, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm. Bring show and tell, lunch, something to work on, questions, answers, ideas, etc etc. See you then! Sondra Rose, 360 676-6078. sondrose@earthlink.net Calling all committee chairs for Fibers and Beyond. We will have a meeting at 6:15 on the day of the June weaving meeting. Just come to the church early and we can meet. Not too much to do, just want to touch bases with everyone and make sure we are on track. Thanks, Kathy Green kmgreen196@msn.com Fibers and Beyond News, by Kathy Green Page 3 of 8 Whatcom Weavers Guild Weaving in Whatcom s ince 1971 2014 Annual Retreat Our retreat for May 23, 24, 25 located on the shores of Diablo Lake at the North Cascades Institute off Hwy 20 is coming together. We now have 17 attendees with their deposits. We do have a couple of extra spaces available. Of course let me know if you plan on a day trip, so we can make sure they have enough food for your needed meal. Reminder; Day visitors will be able to participate in any of the workshops as long as there is enough space and or materials, so if planning on coming, please contact that particular workshop leader for your space. (see below) ***At this time we do need your final payment by May 14, at the Guild meeting or mailed in to our P. O. Box prior to the meeting. Our firm cost per night of a Double room $137.00; Triple $117.00; Quad $115.00. Reminder: this includes 3 meals a day and good food!!! FRIDAY: 11am suggested arrival time for attendees 12 Noon Lunch 1-4 pm Robyn’s afternoon workshop 3 pm Move-in 6 pm Dinner and Safety presentation by NCI (National Cascades Institute) SATURDAY: 8-9 am Breakfast 9 am to Noon, Robyn’s morning workshop 12 Noon Lunch 1-2:30ish pm NCI naturalist walk with informed Lichen Dyer 3-5 pm, Beads by Jenni (limited to five); Twined Baskets by Cathy Thompson, running concurrently 6 pm Dinner and relaxing SUNDAY: 8-9 am Breakfast 9 am to Noon, Dyeing by Toni Wade and Femo buttons by Marilyn Olsen, running concurrently 12 Noon Lunch 2-5 pm, Felted Bowls by Donna Hunter 6 pm Dinner and relaxing MONDAY: 8-9 am Breakfast Check out by 10 am Please feel free to contact Jenni Jimmerson with ANY questions Phone: 360-220-0350 email: jennijnotary@hotmail.com Page 4 of 8 Whatcom Weavers Guild Weaving in Whatcom s ince 1971 Page 5 of 8 Whatcom Weavers Guild Weaving in Whatcom s ince 1971 SMALL LOOMS CLINIC Whatcom Weavers Guild and Allied Arts of Whatcom County are hosting a series of “Small Looms Clinics”, through June 2014. Members and the public are invited to bring a small loom and weave, or just come to observe, learn and have fun. Bring your inkle, rigid-heddle, table loom, portable floor loom, frame loom, card weaving, kumihimo… This is an opportunity for WWG outreach, as well as a time to weave, and enjoy time with other weavers. Spinners welcome too. Clinics are scheduled for the 4th Saturday of the month, 12-4, through June. Allied Arts is located downtown at 1418 Cornwall, between Magnolia and Champion, near NW Handspun Yarn, Dakota Art, plus numerous cafes and coffee shops. Parking is FREE downtown on the weekends. Allied Arts is open 12-5 on Saturday. They have a variety of yarns for purchase, at their “Arts Thrift Store.” Yarn donations as well as sales are encouraged. For more information, contact Carol Berry, handwoveninbellingham@gmail.com Note from Gloria Lebowitz In light of our conversation at March's Day Weavers, I thought I'd send you the following information. 1) a 2 day workshop about carding/blending/garneting using the blending board, followed by spinning ... at the Estes Park Wool Market. Here's the link to the event. Click on workshops for details ... http:// www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/TownofEstesPark/CBON/1251609816602 Workshops on Thurs/Fri, free open vendors on the next 2 days 2) MAWS Conference is, coincidentally, at the same time ... http://mawsonline.org/Conferences.html Their schedule of workshops is not yet online. I don't have the e-mails of all in the group. I've been to both events before, more often to the Estes Park market. I remember it as a really nice conference since animal judging goes on during the weekend. Jansen Art Center - Lynden Check the website for the Jansen Art Center in Lynden for upcoming weaving, spinning, basketry, felting and knitting classes - www.jansenartcenter.org. Use this link to find the current catalog of fiber arts classes - http://our.jansenartcenter.org/artistic-disciplines/fiber-arts. Some classes are being taught by WWG members Donna Hunter, Jenni Jimmerson and Teresa VanHaalen. Page 6 of 8 Whatcom Weavers Guild Weaving in Whatcom s ince 1971 Classifieds Macomber Loom For Sale: Macomber Weaving Loom 8 harness floor loom w/extras, $800 obo. Contact: Patricia Knight 360-927-4497 or heytricia@gmail.com Harrisville Loom for Sale: Harrisville 8 harness 36” loom with bench and accessories (warping board, sectional warp beam, 3 shuttles, threading hooks, bobbins). $850 or best offer. Diana Stewart. (360) 384 8064 Bench Carder for Sale: Bench Carder by Fricke Enterprises. This chain driven carder is in full working order. Perfect for creating bats from your own harvested or purchased wool or other fibers. Original operating instructions included. $375. Contact Gail Harker (gail@gailcreatiestudies.com) or call: (360) 466-0110. Page 7 of 8 Whatcom Weavers Guild Weaving in Whatcom s ince 1971 Classifieds Barber skirt for sale Paws Awhile, the “eclectic gift shop” of the Whatcom Humane Society, has a Barber skirt on offer. The donor of the skirt is hoping that someone who appreciates the provenance of Barber skirts will come in and purchase it for $50. The skirt is being held in the back of the shop, so you need to ask to see it. The skirt is in reasonably good shape, but is in need of a few minor repairs – a seam repair at the waistband and a fix of some snagged weft threads near the waist opening. Paws Awhile is open 11 am to 5 pm every day, and is located at 1200 10th St, #105, in Fairhaven, across from the Village Green. All proceeds directly benefit the animals at the Whatcom Humane Society. Happy clicking! Interesting websites and links • • • • • • • • • • Blazing Shuttles (Warp source). http://www.blazingshuttles.com Craftsy (crafts and sewing online classes). www.craftsy.com Handweaving.net (zillions of drafts!). http://www.handweaving.net/Home.aspx Syne Mitchell’s WeaveZine. http://weavezine.com/ Complex Weavers. http://www.complex-weavers.org/ Weave Tech. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WeaveTech/ HGA (Handweavers Guild of America). http://www.weavespindye.org/ Webs (Yarns for weaving and knitting). www.yarn.com Halcyon Yarns (supplies and yarns). www.halcyonyarn.com Ravelry (knitting and crochet community). www.ravelry.com Do you have a favorite you would like to share with your fellow members? Send it to me—Pat Fisher, Newsletter. Contact: pat.fisher@comcast.net Upcoming Calendar Dates To Remember May 14 May 23-25 June 11 July 26 August 11-16 October 10/11 May Guild meeting Guild retreat June Guild meeting July Guild meeting (daytime) Wool Show (at Lynden NW Fair) Annual Fibers & Beyond Show Page 8 of 8
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