THE . MORNING OKEGONIAN, THURSDAY. 3IARCII .20, 1919. 'scimitar. No discussion of the conn-- J try's past, present or future could leave . out these factors, what a horror Tur- LEAGUE PLAN WILL BE key has been to all the nations that have come Into contact with her! Like d a thread running through rope, so the thought of Turkey, its KEPT IN PEACETREATY AMERICA FOR HELP aoppressions, its massacres. Its deporta-- EmM V 6 v Timac i tions, ran through our conversation. One must be a Greek, a Serbian, a Syrian, an Armenian, to see Turkey in its true light. During the war, eald Mr. Veniselos, Last Remnants of Opposition Control of Constantinople Ad 300,000 Greeks have been exterminated by Turkey. Four hundred and fifty Are Shattered. thousand have been expelled by the vocated by Delegate. Ottoman government and forced to take refuge in Greece: other hundreds of thousands, he added, have been deported from the coast regions of Asia Minor into the interior, where most ot BRITISH ADHESION CERTAIN' CONFIDENCE IS EXPRESSED them have perished. Is it any wonder that, after quoting President Wilson's declaration, "The other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be assured an Western Asia Minor, With Predom undoubted security of life and an ab President Wilson and Premiers solutely unmolested opportunity of au Lloyd George, and Clemenccau inating Greet Population, tonomous development." Mr. veniselos of necessity mere declares that "the Hold Important Conference. Is Desired. reinstating these people In their homes i and on theiia now confiscated real estate presupposes unavoidably the abolition of Turkish sovereignty"? PARIS. March 19. (By the AssociBT WILLIAM T. ELLIS. I What the Greeks Want. The American delegaand Copyr?sit. 1919, by the New York Herald The Greece that is is not the Greece ated Press.) Reserved.) Company. Ail Rishta tion, accept to is plans said, limit a was. Rome For centuries after ited of amendments to the FAKId. March 19. Modern Greece's that had been submerged by the leaguenumber of nations covenant Secretary greatest man. a maker and unmaker of and Athens THEODORE of of tide cities Greek barbarism the State Lansing will preside over the kings, a patriot who has carried his Asia Minor preserved civilization and of or nameeting delegates of neutral people with him because he has dared in The western portion of tions Thursday to hear their views on defy them, a statesman ranking high Christianity. expected that the the situation. is Aegean It Minor, Asia islands, with the "THE WINNING GIRL" in International councils. Premier E. K. despite all oppressions, still remains league of nations commission will then Veniselos Is one of the outstanding predominantly Greek, having more than reassemble and perfect the amendments She was an easy-goin- g girl until HE was in figures of the peace conference. Since 1.500,000 inhabitants who are Hellenic sort of that the completed covenant will and 1 am proceeding to Greece and Turkey. in race and tongue and national then be attached to the peace treaty. danger. Then she became a veritable tigress. I sought first to get tbe views of this The situation in Galicia was conpattern new Beautiful man, who has succeeded in imposing supreme by sidered council the its at to me. As Mr. Veniselos outlined it bis will upon a volatile nation. the Greek population of the world is session this afternoon and it was deeffects in a wide range Klieutheros K. Veniselos the himself grouped as follows: In Greece Itself cided to request the Poles and the spells his name with an "s," and not more than 4.000.000. in Asia Minor more Ukrainians to cease hostilities under of colors that will apComedy Jliot A Two-Pa- rt with a "Z") does not look the part of 1.500,000, in Thrace and the vicin- - certain conditions; a statesman. The hard lines about the than strongly. to you peal ty Constantinople 750.000. of North in Statement Is Issued. eyes and mouth, the cultivated impasSouth America almost 500.000. AlAn official statement announcing sivity, the stolid air of sophistication and Exceptional quality at together, counting the Greeks scattered plans to halt fighting in Poland, isand ponderous pomposity which most over the globe, 8.000.000. are there about sued this evening, follows: "Matcsmen' acauire along with the people Now wants back her "Tbe supreme allied council met this frock coat, are all absent from this who areGreece the Balkans and in Turkey. afternoon between 3 and 7 o'clock. skin is She has inclaims alert and bubbling Greek. Hiseyes to Albania; An exchange of views took place in southern are but most especially she would as fresh as a child's. His unite regard to the military in Galicia. The dancing, and belie his white hair and with governnent on the terms of an inall. the Athens the council tvard. He is 14 years old, and as nim- Greek islands and the western part of junction agreed to be addressed to the two ble as a man of 30. facing Minor, each other in front of outside of a line drawn armies When, during our hour's talk. It be- Asia No better time to select your spring from Constantinople. Mr. ljenibcrpf requesting them to suspend came necessary to look up a book or downward Veniselos contends that these make hostilities Vat .once on certain condia map. he was nimbly after it himself, and summer supply than now. New homogeneous one people, kept tions. who have with vivacious birdlike motions. ' He1 their language, their civilization "The council then dealt with the and in Silk, Linon, Madras, Crepe patterns learned to speak Knglish since western frontier of Poland and heard talked with him in Athens eight years their national aspirations for ages. the report of the commission on Polish Fancy ji co. but not so well as he speaks Mixtures. and Desire Vasalsaons. Deliverance was presented by its tlmagine an r'renrh and Herman. There is a group of Greeks who affairs, which M. Jules Cambon. American official glibly quoting au- would erect a separate Hellenic nation chairman, "The next meeting will be held on thorities in three languages besides his in Asia Minor and the islands without Friday, March 21, at 3 P. M." A modest, own genial gentleman. 'subjection to Athens. All classes of bubbling over with the wine of life, Greeks, however, are a unit in desiring Americans 1'ln Point. to deliverance from the Turks. There is The commission on international lali this leader of a nation, come people a cause plead of to legislation held probably its last the J'arls bor no Greek party known in that meeting conscious of 3000 years of bistory, and favors a continuance of theParis today when it reached an Ottoman of ll0 years of oppression. The empire. The Asia Minor Greeks some agreement on all points at issue. America I Treated. times claim to be the better Hellenic American contention that each country prob labor should internal settle its Frankly, there is a winsomeness about stock, and they say that a separate invoking the power ff this man that is unusual. He is consid country would escape the problems lems without of nations prevailed. crate, soft spoken and free from arro and politics of Athens. Of racial soli- theTheleague following official communlca gance or consciousness of the high darity, however, there is no question. MEN'S WEAR the meeting of the com place he has made for himself in mod Like a scholar come suddenly upon tion regarding lcgisla on labor international mittee em history. When conversation has a pearl of knowledge. Mr. Veniselos tion today was issued: Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison reached the point of Constantinople, would sparkle with animation as he "The 2Sth and 29th .meetings of the which city was for 1000 years the capi uncovered a telling point in atlas or on international lanor ieg tal of the old Greek empire, and is to In reference book. Thus, he attaches committee Islation took place today under the day the seat of the Greek patriarch, great weight to an extract from a Ger- presidency Mr. Gompers. The specia of beand Is included in Greece's claims man book, "Hellenism in Asia Minor," to rind a so fore the conference. I mentioned the written in the first year of the war by lution for the appointed difficulties which have undercurrent of talk that the city Dr. Karl Dietrich. He read it aloud arisen in regard to the application of Admission is by invi- grading a piece of road just east of 8:30 o'clock. should be internationalized, with Amer to. me as proof of the Greek contenlabor conventions by certain federa at can be obtained McCleary that was left unimproved only. These lea responsible for its oversight. The tion, and I quote it here: tation a suggesting report a presented states apologize upon the building of ty McCleary cut who gray eye sparkled, and Mr. V'eniselos "The Asia Minor peninsula shows a solution, which was adopted by the from delegates of the different auxildeclared, with animation, "We should great geographical contrast, which ex- commission. This stretch is the worst one be iaries. The dance is for overseas men off. favor that. We trust America abso- plains the part it played in history as a tween Aberdeen and sound cities. attheir friends. to The final reading of the British and lutely. Our rights would be safe un hyphen between the Asiatic and the draft Despite reports which have been circonvention for the establishment culated, S. Shirek, chairman of the free der American control. n Soldiers' Council Appeal. Makes organization in civilizations. permanent for of a give servPassing to the general proposition "The central part of the large and ternational labor legislation was com bed committee of the united auxiliaries, GOTHENBURG, Sweden, March 19- .that America must assume territorial moderately declared yesterday that his organizaas leveled country, surroundconvention draft the and pleted council," to soldiers' according a 'The plans carry out their responsibilities, he said: "It would be ed from the north, south and east by amended was adopted by the commis- tion is ready to ice, crowds presumptuous for me to suggest it, but high mountains, is formed of homo- sion for submission to the peace con for takln? over the Atkinson school. Uhrlstlania dispatch, has issued a procsays he has the promise of the lamation to those liable to military since you have introduced the subject, geneous and partly dry wide plateaus, ference. and exhorting to service demand 1 may say that It is Inevitable that your them the school We which will turn the we could into sections by a few ranges. The commission then continued the school board auxiliaries nation should bear a part of the bur- divided rather than per- - right to determine their own military recom- - over to the the contrary, the western portion. discussion of labor clauses to be Dy disposition and to place military auDeas tor dens of administration." His face grew On to made be charge anv it treaty of Constantinople, shows a ended for inclusion in the grave as he continued: "You cannot from south of any other organisation. "We are far thority in the hands of the soldiers. varied formation. Ranges peace. The proclamation also calls for the escape destiny. It is impossible that remarkably from disorganized," said Mr. Shirck area, every forIn direction, varied of of the bourgeoisie should America should have come to this place mation and shape, are divided by deep yesterday. "We have the united sup- disarmament able will they defend themselves from the red yet leadership, be unquestioned and of which extend from east to west HOOD SEES RECORD YIELD port of all the auxiliaries." guards. unwilling to accept her share of re- valleys, from the central .plateaus to the multi you service. sponsibility." Olympic Highway Contract The instant readiness of Greece to re- form coast, which gives their outlet Favorable Weather Conditions Boost Beef on Strike. Packers important rivers. linquish her most glorious ambition, if to rather AREtmEEN. Wash.. March 19. (Spe only America be entrusted with ConValley Fruit Crop. RIO JANEIRO, March 19. The emCons try Is Described. Clal.) a contract for improvement of stantinople, was one more evidence of mc ployes of the beef packing plant of "Those valleys have on the geo the Olvmnic highway Just east& oiDuify HOOD RTVER, Or, March 19. (Spe- Cleary & Co. at Santa Ana have gone the depth of the confidence which the graphical formation of western Asia Armour to Tuttle been let has Inited Slates has inspired in the hearts Minor a greater influence than that of cial.) Prospects for a heavy yield of of Montesano. The Job will cost $17,- - on strike. Operations at the plant are fruit, both apples and straw 3S3. The work to be done lnciunes at a standstill. of the little nations. What made the the interior ranges, because they pro- high-clapresent instance impressive was the vide it with rich and useful land and berries, were never better than at the fact that here stood the official repre easy means of communication. present time. sentative of the glory that was compact form of the country Fruitspurs, by which the grower is Greece" the nation, heir to 3000 years and"This variety of the coast line, season's to estimate roughly the of history, which has shaped a world's whichtheisuseful consequence of it. as well able a appear, are civilization; and the one to which all as of the general slope brought on by yield even before blossoms busy growers are Fruit in abundance. the ages have done honor, so that its the last geological periods, show commaterials for use at present hauling AC D ancient heroes are familiar names to mon STOMACH Glass of Hot Water many spray Asia western between features every schoolboy reaching out a hand Minor and Greece proper, to the extent within the next week, when be in operation. of supplication to the strong young that we may consider both as one geo- machines will For the past two years the yield of giant of the west, with less than ISO Before Breakfast entity the Aegeide. strawberries in the Hood River valley years of history behind it. New Amer graphical We follow nature's plan as "To contrast between central this been cut short as the result or late has closely tea Is the accepted helper and leader possible as sei each and SOURS THE FOOD By Zimbalist Efrem and western Asia Minor in shape and frosts. With plants still in the dor Lark.... of the old world. tooth in a socket the whole Splendid Habit a Nome formation corresponds an equally im mant state and the ground water-soakeby being framework anchored the By Amelita Galli Curci Twe Shadows Present. portant contrast between their respect indications point to a large two or more teeth remaining In Two ghostly figures of the past shared ive climates and vegetation. In the berry crop this year. With increased 74573 fSalut, Demeur (Faust) the mouth. Giovanni Martinelli the spacious Parisian drawing room center, surrounded by high ranges, pre acreage and prospects for a heavy yield 74490 f When Tou Bv . Says Excess of Hydrochloric Young Were I and Open sluice of the system each Tou can use these teeth with as with us the golden age of ancient vails the lack of rainfall and the cold on the older tracts, the total tonnage I. Maggie. By Evan Williams Greece and the black semblance of winter of the steppes. On the contrary, this season may exceed that of last much comfort as you could those morning and wash away the Acid Is Cause of Turkey, with drawn and dripping the open western position ie provided by 50 per cent. nature gave you in the beginning SIISCEL.L.AXEOTJS. poisonous, stagnant matter. and they will not cause you any by the sea breeze with ample rainfall, The total tonnage of the valley for pain or- inconvenience. fAmerican Fantasie Part 1 With so that the warm summer alone is dry 1918 exceeded 1,100,000 boxes. By Victor Herbert's Orchestra 550031 Therefore the essential feature of the application of fertilizer almost uni That bad teeth always cause z... American Fantasie .fart esThose of us who are accustomed to western Asia Minor is the most genu- versally practiced now, authorfty states that n A By Victor Herbert's Orchestra .diseases enough progress has ine Mediterranean climate and vegeta timates of the 1919 crop place the total feel dull and heavy when we arise; stomach trouble and indigestion are beeu Waltz. made in research in the Missouri x 1,500,000-bocold, a mark. stuffy from headache, over great one yield the splitting tion. Thus natural barrier By Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra nearly always due to acidity ewcid foremost laboratories of the ' divides Asia Minor on one side a se foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, stomach and not, as most folks believe, Kiss Me Again (Waltz) country to show that neglect of By Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra cluded plateau of a practically Asiatic -- reaching lame back, can, instead, both look and from a lack of digestive juices. entails fa lie the teeth Bluin'-thBlues (Kox Trot) feel as fresh as a daisy always by states that an excess of hydrochloric nature: on the other an Aegean coun- DANCE PLANS COMPLETED consequences. are The teeth By Original Dixieland Jazz Band 1S483 from washing poisons toxins and try with all the features of Greece the among important digestion facstomach most acid in the retards the o . . Sensation Kaer proper and reciprocal relations both in the body with phosphated hot water and starts food fermentation, then our tors in Keeping the health ot the By Original Dixieland Jazz Band Reeach morning. history and in nature with the sea and United Auxiliaries to Entertain body. frarbage Every thing tbe 'body sour in a can, formmeals like We Meet Again Till We should drink, before breakfast, a ing uric acrid fluids and gases which overseas with Greece. Therefore we needs for the fooa goes in by ..By Charles Hart, Lewis James 185181 turned Soldiers at Ball. glass of real hot water with a way of the mouth; It Is ground a toy balloon. like meet in the center the Asiatic civilizastomach inflate the Have a smile... tsy sterling ino of limestone phosphate in it We then get that heavy, lumpy feeling tion, and the Greek civilization on the Plans for the complimentary dance The Pickaninny's Paradise.. and chewed by the Ueth and kid- in stomach, liver, soldiers, the flush reception By returned from Sterling in for past to we coast Trio both in western eructate sour food, chest, and. and any the these, machine the that like r your Baby w itn e neys and ten yards of bowels the pre- belch gas, or have heartburn, flatupresent times." sailors and marines to be given by the 1S512 works without a rest, day after waste, a Dixie Melody bile sour indigestible day's vious Tbe answer of water-brasWe went over the Bulgarian ques united auxiliaries reception committee day, need to be kept in perfect or nausea. lence, By Vernon Dalhart It will be held and poisonous toxins: thus cleansing, tion, the Albanian claims of Greece, have been completed. most fat people la condition. He tells us to lay aside all digestive Mother, Here s Tour Boy... sweetening and purifying the entire aids get from any pharinstead, the religious situation for religion, or in the Moose hall. Fourth and Taylor and By Shan that com tan t dieting ii bard. Lewis and James Tou can have an examination alimentary tract before putting more macy four ounces of Jad Salts and take ecclesiasticlBm, plays a major part in streets, tomorrow night, commencing 1S517 non Four. exercise M tireyour teeth free of any charge stomacn. of food the into fi continual glass tablespoonful a in ot water be coun politics a of Mediterranean wait, tbe Hone the Watch. and lit some, exbanative tike a, too. or obligation by calling at our The action of limestone phosphate fore breakfast while it is effervescing. tle Girl. ....By Charles Hart tries and Thrace, Constantinople and empty is It might be harmful to fores office. stomach an on water hot 8 tbe and to any furthermore, continue interesting this for of islands. More than weight down. Tbat was wonderfully invigorating. It cleans and one week. While relief follows the first the allusions to the great days of old gases, Morrison, 23136 Second Corner fermentations, sour 8 the idea. Toout all the dose, it is important to neutralize the or the tragic times from which Greece Entir e Corner. waste and acidity and gives one a splen acidity, remove the day la Marmola Prescription mass, emerging was the optimistic, vi A quarter appetite breakrast. for did Tablets all these diftcsltiet are persocsuity alive brantly the liver, stimulate the kidneys start and human a ,,iiai, LOOK FOR THE cost will phosphate a pksssat, harm J limestone nil pound of promote 147-1a free flow ot pure Sixth, Bet. Alder and Morrison. thus of Mr. Veniselos himself. o miuw. lk Iraa little tablet alter each avral BIG UMO.V SIGN verv little at the drug store, dui is sui- - and digestive juices; Record Fianoa Vicirolas and at bedtisie caoaea fat ts anyone is who bothered ficient to make Jad Salts is inexpensive and is made Thie voders sietbsd la Cheney Phonographs. with biliousness, constipation, stomach earsttesa. eetaila ss diettns from the acid of grapes and lemon MOTOR SERVICE IS ASSURED or rheumatism a real en- juice, asd Naa laa added trouble B sr esercte. cbeapneaa. combined with lithia and sodium A large ef thusiast on the subject of internal san phosphate. This harmless salts is used sC aftfa Maliaia rre-csae of l Pcndlcton-fmatllAdv. la to itation. Resume 0 arriDTos Tabaa Car by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent results. Adv. k aold br drs B About March GREECE LOOK TO' the Whole Yes blood-staine- Show Is -- 31 Fuii"' Knitted Ties -- SHIRLEY MASON ROBERTS Here They Are Just in ' $ 00 "LIONS AND LADIES" Shirts for Spring n.-i- $2 to $10 ft We Thank You and at tha same time beg to to those were unable receive prompt tention. We aim to were more but the care for. than have increased our sales force to give and be better prompt Helleno-Europea- It ss Victor Records DENTISTS Red Seals UNION :45SS-!Th- d, 1 - m well-know- . e One-bte- Jlfot? Rock-a-By- h, - fa a G.FJohnsonPiakoCo. ''A gas-maki- 49 vas-fta- h. abas-rat- er B 8 S D B 8 I aaa Bias.. Daamt. Haw Skatvas kaav Sale faa aaa taa fat. sat aaa ra raa. caraa ar faar wiWa Imt ar aaj SPECIALS SI. swts at Tic. Or, If preferable, caa to aotaised by eredina pnee di rart ta the Mar. il. C . W Oar-- As. T aaa art B For Quality NEWTON'S PENDLETON, Or., March U. (Spe cial.) Assurance that the motor serv R. & N. railroad beice on the O.-- tween Pendleton and Umatilla, via Echo. Stanfield and Hermlston, will be established about March 11, was con tained In a telegram to the commercial association here today from William McMurray. general passenger agent. Motor service was discontinued about a year ago, and since that time residents of the west end of the county transacting business at the county seat have been limited to three hours here or forced to remain over night. Restoration of the motor will be ap preciated by the city and residents of the west end of the county. CHEHALIS. Wash... March 19. (Spe cial.) Four Centrallans, H. Boomer, August Cas, Joe Lucas and Bruce Richards, were held to the federal court at Seattle by United n esiuyer oi ine-halstates (.ooimisBiuiicr for alleged violation of the fedregarding importation of eral statute liquor into the state. A fifth man did not appear because of illness, but will be arraigned later. GUM well-kno- Ask Your Dealer Beasoaci siaowood and tnsld wood, green stamps, for cash. Holman Cutl 185a. aVdr. Co, Mala Ui. j i siT Eyes Contented thing which only Four Held on Liquor Charge. ls CHEWING t lriiiivr j : one There is makes eyes content ''normal vision." You cannot expect your eyes to work in contentment when it is necessary to squint or strain to distinguish an object. You are demanding something which is constantly overtaxing the delicate nerves and muscles-Mor- e than twenty years' research and experience enables me to offer you the best service in determining Just what your eyes need and furnishing Perfect Fitting Glasses DR. WHEAT 207 MORGAN BLDG. Washington at Broadway Roast Pork Roast Beef 15 15 551111555113 BETTER STARTING SATURDAY Home-Mad- e Sausage .15 15 Beef Stew... Corned Beef and Cabbage ...15 THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute. the substiDr. Edwards Olive Tablet are a mfld but sure tute for calomel laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the result of Dr. Edwards determination not to treat liver and bowel comolaints with calomel. His efforts to banish it brought out these tablets. little These pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? olive-colore- d Waffles or Hot Cakes Chili Con Carne. 15 ...5$ Liberty Sandwich.. 5 WOOD'S LUNCH QUICK SIXTH AND STARK I".- -' Calomel sometimes plays .havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. "dullness" and that Most headache lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy and "heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded brain and bow they "perk up" the spirits. 10c and 25c a box. Ail druggisti. "They Are Sure What They Are Recommended For CADOMEXE TABLETS ARB Mr. W. A. Kitiberger writes: "I wish to state that I am using your Cadomene Tablets, and I am on the third tube at this time. I must say that they are sure what they are recommended for: and you can use my name as one to testify." Cadomene Tablets, the favorite prescription of a great physician, are recommended to nervous, worn-ou- t, tired people with stomach trouble and impoverished blood. These tablets are tonlo to the various vital organs and soon, restore health and strength. Sold by druggists everywhere in sealed' tubes. Adv.
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