CHEROKEE TRAIL HIGH SCHOOL 25901 EAST ARAPAHOE ROAD AURORA, COLORADO 80016 720.886.1900 / FAX 720.886.1989 COUGAR TRACKS Vol. 12 Issue 8 APril 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Where we’re going, into APril... CTHS Administration 1 CTHS Directory 2 Dates & Times 3 Student & Staff Successes 4-7 Activities 8-9 Athletics 10-12 Seniors 13-15 Testing 16-19 School News 20-30 Technology 31-33 CTHS Counseling 34 PTCO35 Calendar of Events 36 * ACT on April 28th with a delayed start for grades 9, 10, and 12. See page 15 for schedule and more information. * CMAS testing April 29, 30, and May 1st. See page 16 for more information. * Semester two finals are right around the corner. Please see page 17 for a schedule and tips on how to prepare. * AP/IB testing schedule is on page 18. Please call 720.886.2040 if you have questions. 2015-2016 Student Check-In Dates Please mark your calendars for your student(s) check-in. August 5, 2015 Sophomores: 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Seniors: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Changes for immunization requirements for 2015-2016 school year August 6, 2015 Freshmen: 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Juniors: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. First day of school for all grades: August 13, 2015 See page 27 for more information CTHS Mission Statement - Our actions will ignite the genius and nurture the goodness within us all. 1 Directory CTHS administration Kim Rauh Principal Andy Dewett Assistant Principal Rob McLelland Assistant Principal Mark Wahlstrom Assistant Principal Julian Jones Assistant to the Principal AP & IB Coordinator Steve Carpenter Athletic Director Important Phone Numbers CTHS IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS (720)886-XXXX ATHLETICS1920 ACTIVITIES1940 ATTENDANCE Alpha A-Led 2263 Alpha Lee-Z 2262 BOOKKEEPING1934 COUNSELING1980 POST GRAD1981 DEANSAlpha A-Led 2202 Alpha Lee-Z 2024 MAIN OFFICE1909 SECURITY1990 TRANSPORTATION7400 SCHOOL CLOSURE HOTLINE 720-554-4701 Christine Jones Activities Director Denise Johnson Alpha A-Led Joe Sarro Alpha A-Led Melinda Kenny Alpha Lee-Z Loren Turner Alpha Lee-Z Counseling Counseling Coordinator Joi Green Post-Grad Counselor Jill Horan 2 A-Cas Cat-F G-Hou How-Lov Laura Miller Sameen DeBard Jill Horan Craig Enlund Low-Oj Ok-Sca Sce-Vill Vim-Z Shondra Carpenter Kedar Witte Tom Hacker Joi Green Dates and Times CTHS 2014-2015 Bell Schedule REGULAR DAY BlockTime 1A & 1B 7:10 - 8:49 2A & 2B 8:56 - 10:35 3A & 3B 10:42 - 11:19 11:19 - 12:58 OR 10:42 - 11:44 11:44 - 12:21 12:21 - 12:58 OR 10:42 - 12:21 12:21 - 12:58 4A & 4B 1:05 - 2:44 99 minute class 99 minute class 37 minute lunch 99 minute class 62 minute class 37 minute lunch 37 minute class 99 minute class 37 minute lunch 99 minute class COLLABORATIVE DAY (Wednesdays) BlockTime 1A & 1B 7:46 - 9:16 2A & 2B 9:23 - 10:53 3A & 3B 11:00 - 11:37 11:37 - 1:07 OR 11:00 - 11:53 11:53 - 12:30 12:30 - 1:07 OR 11:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 1:07 4A & 4B 1:14 - 2:44 90 minute class 90 minute class 37 minute lunch 90 minute class 53 minute class 37 minute lunch 37 minute class 90 minute class 37 minute lunch 90 minute class Cougar Collaborative Time (CCT) CTHS will be holding collaborative teacher meetings on Wednesday mornings 7:00 a.m. — 7:40 a.m. Students are welcome to be at school but will remain in the cafeteria, commons, gym, or media center. Classes begin at 7:46 a.m. The purpose of CCT is to allow teachers to focus on the student achievement expectations of both Cherokee Trail and the Cherry Creek School District. We want to continue offering the best academic environment possible. Classes will begin at 7:46 a.m. each Wednesday EXCEPT on the following date: April 29 (PARCC Testing) ATTENDANCE OFFICE located in the Main Office Due to increasing enrollment, attendance lines are not answered directly; therefore, please leave a voice mail with your student’s name, SPELLING LAST NAME, your name & phone number, and reason for absence. If you must speak with attendance, please leave a request for a return phone call on the voice mail: Absences: Last Name A - Led: 720-886-2263 Last Name Lee -Z: 720-886-2262 Early Dismissal Last Name A - Led: 720-886-1915 Last Name Lee - Z: 720-886-1912 APPOINTMENTS/EARLY DISMISSALS— We prefer that students bring a note from their parent/guardian to ATTENDANCE IN THE MAIN OFFICE BEFORE SCHOOL with time and reason for early dismissal as well as phone number where the parent/guardian can be reached. The note MUST BE SIGNED by the parent/guardian. Parent/guardians may also call the appropriate attendance number (above) the night before or at least one hour prior to dismissal time to arrange for their student to meet them out front. If possible, please ask your student to pick up his/her early dismissal pass in the Main Office/Attendance. Thank you! 3 Student and Staff Success Celebration with the superintendent On March 24th, CT had three people recognized at the Celebration with the Superintendent, Dr. Harry Bull, Jr.: Janice Cobb, CT Office Manager, and English teachers Molly Robbins and Tina Barber. Each honoree received a personal invitation to attend the celebration and be recognized in front of their peers for their excellent contribution to our school. Thank you for all you do. Congratulations! High School Writing Assessment achievements CT would like to congratulate five juniors who earned advanced score on the High School Writing Assessment by two separate graders. In addition to meeting all the requirements of the task, their essays demonstrated mastery of the prompt in a way that showed critical thinking and a mature understanding of the subject. The essays were organized in a logical cohesive way with a strong voice and clarity of their ideas. There was something special about these papers that made the graders think about the topic in a new way. Congratulations to McKenzie Atkin, Gianna Ciaglia, Dylan Oh, Omer Siddiqui, and Shannon Robinson. These individuals will be recognized in front of our faculty and staff on April 15th. The HSWA is an 11th grade assessment of writing. It aids in identification of English placement for high school students and evaluation of writing programs, identifies students needing remedial work, profiles a picture of student writing performance, and provides teachers with information about their scoring relative to the district scoring. The HSWA was administered in January, 2015. CT Students perform at foundation gala The Cherokee Trail trio, Cantabile, was selected to perform at the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation Gala on March 11th. The trio is made up of sophomore Amelia Powell (flute), junior Jiae Choi (cello), and sophomore Kalei Lasit (violin). Cantabile’s perform during the cocktail hour earned rave reviews – congratulations! 4 Student and Staff Success Teachers of the year tea reception Cherokee Trail continues to honor our Teachers of the Year, Julie Scheffel and Neil Guy. On March 18, 2015, Julie and Neil were introduced to the community at a tea reception held at Grandview High School. Principal Kim Rauh had an opportunity to introduce CT’s winners to the winners and guests from all schools on hand. As the first school to present, Mrs. Rauh used the opportunity to share the accomplishments and accolades of our school winners and set the bar high for the other honorees. The next ceremony for our winners is a banquet on Wednesday, May 13, 2015. With a 5:00 p.m. reception and 6:00 p.m. dinner, the evening is sure to be successful celebration of our teachers who deserve the recognition. Tickets are on sale until April 28th, so please call Mary Jo Brown at 720.886.2050 or email at mbrown88@ to reserve your tickets. Please keep in mind that seating is limited so purchase your reservations early. Congratulations to Megan Webb – Colorado American History Teacher of the Year Ms. Webb teaches IB 20th Century, Concurrent Enrollment US History, and AP US History. 5 Student and Staff Success Outstanding Youth Leader of the Year Senior Juleon Duran was awarded the Outstanding Boy Scout Leader in Cherry Creek School District. To receive this award, district leaders weigh the accomplishments and overall leadership of all the scouts. The scout who distinguishes himself above and beyond all scouts in the district is awarded the Outstanding Youth Leader of the year.Congratulations, Juleon. CT is proud to have a strong leader like you! Student Scholarships Cherokee Trial has many students who are awarded scholarships each year. Here is just a sampling of the accomplishments of the senior class thus far: ** Prudential Spirit of Community Bronze Medal: Breanna Wheeler ** Comcast Leaders and Achievers: Breanna Wheeler ** Boettcher Scholarship: Caroline Kvietok and Sidharth Tyagi ** Prudential Volunteer Certificate: Kathryn Knabenshue ** National Merit Finalists: Scholarships depending upon the school’s allocation for National Merit status: John Barnhill Raymond Lu Sidharth Tyagi ** Presidential Scholar Candidate: Raymond Lu ** Academy Appointment: Yun Sung (Naval Academy) ** Daniels Scholar: Peyton Deal Park Scholarship Caroline Kvietok Michigan State Elia Pales 6 ** George E. Hailey, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. scholarship Jeremiah Hodges If your student would like to be recognized for his/her scholarship, please stop by the Main Office or email: Activities In March, CT presented the musical, The Addams Family, and the Major Works Concert both of which were outstanding performances and enjoyed by all who attended. Congratulations to CT TSA (Technology Student Association), led by Paul Clinton, Jared Merrill, and Ben Nuebel, for finishing 3rd in the state competition. CT placed 1st in the following events: *Castle Ballistics: Allan MacDougall III, Anthony Desisto, Kyle Knibbe *CNC Production: Archik Raje, Zach Goldsmith *Dragster Design: Henry Kvietok *Extemporaneous Speech: Seth Wilburn *Integrated Autonomous Vehicle: Colton Curtis, Job Saunders, Travis Terreault *SciVis: Brett Yoder, Henry Kvietok, Michael Whittaker *Transportation Modeling: Zach Goldsmith We had many other 2nd and 3rd place events as well. Additionally, Michael Whittaker was elected to be the State TSA Secretary. Great job, TSA! Red Cross Club sponsored our annual blood drive supporting Bonfils Blood center and it was a tremendous success this year! There were fortyone units of blood collected resulting in the 2nd largest collection ever for CT. Forty-one units of blood translates into saving over 320 lives. Thank you to all who took the time to donate in support of this very worthy cause. The Addams Family performance is being considered for the “Bobby G’s” which is the high school version of the Tony Awards. The performance was attended by representatives from the Denver Center for the Performing Arts who will, if appropriate, nominate CT for various awards including best actor/actress, best ensemble chorus, best musical, etc. The nominations will be announced in April and the awards ceremony is a “red carpet” type affair held at the Buell Theatre. In Visual Arts, Evan Olea earned national recognition for his Scholastics submission. Evan has been invited to a ceremony at Carnegie Hall and his work will be displayed in New York City. Congratulations to Evan and his teacher, Michael Chimento. In addition, the art department is pleased to announce that two of our students’ artwork was selected to be displayed at the Denver Art Museum. Special recognition to Lev Goldberg for a graphic design piece and Lauren McBeth for a patriotic photo collage. These items were on display at the Denver Art Museum through April 2. Other productions and events in March included the Ensemble Showcase Concert, the NHS Prom Fashion Show, and the CTHS Talent Show. CT has many talented and outstanding students and staff who are truly committed and work tirelessly to ensure quality performances in all areas! Congratulations to all! 7 Activities Reasons to Celebrate By Tavishi Chopra-Communications Director Hey Cougars! So at the time of the last article, we had raised over $23,000 for Wish Week. But we still weren’t done! After gathering money from the restaurant nights, feeder schools, the boys’ volleyball game at Grandview, and Swish for a Wish, our grand total is $31,001.05!!!! What a record breaking Wish Week we had, Cougars! Thank you so much for all of your participation! It’s time to take all this positive energy and gear it towards the next event: Prom Week. Prom Week will be held from April 20 to April 25. Our third annual Mr. CT, King of the Stars, will be on April 20. Mr. CT is a competition open to juniors and seniors. It is to see who embodies CT spirit the best. In other words, who bleeds burgundy and navy? Come to the auditorium at 7 pm on April 20 to find out! The week will end with Prom on April 25 at Sports Authority Field. The theme and spirit days will be revealed on April 10, so be sure to check out the posters around the school. In the meantime, here is what you can do: • • • • • • Get a dress! Rent a tux Make the hair and nails appointment Make some dinner reservations Reserve a limo Be sure to buy prom tickets in the commons from April 20 to April 25 during all lunches. DECA Corner * CT DECA is selling King Soopers gift cards. Each card costs $5, and they are RELOADABLE, with the proceeds benefitting CT DECA. They can be used at ANY King Sooper’s. See the customer service desk or a cashier to reload your card! * A short reminder that DECA Lettering is due April 11. Don’t forget to fill out a form and see if you are eligible. Our Senior Awards/Lettering Dinner will follow in late April. 8 Athletics Winter sports has now wrapped up their regular and post-season play. Congratulations to all of the athletes who participated and competed! On a special note, Boys Basketball Coach Morgan Gregory was named Centennial League Boys Basketball Coach of the year! Congratulations to David Thornton as All-Centennial League First Team; Ronnie Barfield and Jaizec Lottie, All-Centennial League Second Team; and Izaiah Lottie, AllCentennial League Honorable Mention. This years girls basketball has achieved new heights. Congratuations to Juniors Anastacia Johnson and Kenzie McLelland who made first team All Centennial League. Anastacia Johnson broke a school record with 11 steals vs Mullen this year. Junior Jaleesa Avery made second team All Centennial League. CT is proud of you! CT’s co-op hockey team, comprised of CT players Sean DeKramer and Austin Strauss, endured an epic six overtime contest in the semifinals March 5th, which ended in a sudden victory goal. The game was just over 76 minutes and is the longest game in state history. The team needed only half as many overtimes to win the state ice hockey championship. The state championship victory, the first state championship for the team since 1979, was a 3-2 victory in the 3rd overtime against Monarch. “We thought if we got it to overtime we would win. It’s as simple as that,” Hockey Coach Mielnicki said. “We knew there were ebbs and flows. But we stayed disciplined, the kids were resilient, and in the end it was rewarded.” Congratulations State Champs! Congratulations to the Wrestling All League Honor recipients! First Team included Danny Constant, Seth Bogulski, Ezequiel Silva, and Jayden Jackson. Second Team awards went to Lizando Hernandez, Michael Thelen, Sok Ku Mun-Williams and Oreva Koka. Ezequiel Silva was named Centennial League “Newcomer” of the Year! Way to go wrestlers. The spring sports season kicked off its practices and regular seasons starting on March 5, though many inches of snow across the state impacted scheduled games and tournaments early in the season. Five hundred thirty-four students registered for spring sports, ensuring CT will have teams comprised of quality team members and will be competitive throughout the season. Good luck to all! Dance Composition Auditions Who: Dancers who have successfully completed Dance 1 and Dance 2 AND would like to be in Dance Composition for the 2015-2016 school year When: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3-4:00 pm Where: Dance Room Details: Please wear appropriate attire and dance shoes Questions: Please contact Mrs. Brown at 9 Athletics CTHS Summer Running Camps Dates: Monday June 15th to Friday August 7th *High school camp (incoming freshman through seniors and advanced youth) - $65 Monday-Friday 7:30am-9:30am *Youth Camp (athletes from 4th-8th grade training to compete in track/cross country) - $30 Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:00am-9am Starting this summer the CTXC program is excited to offer a conditioning camp for high school athletes and youth runners. The high school athletes will train and set a base for the competitive fall cross country season while learning many of the aspects needed to be successful in distance running. Younger runners will be exposed to the same fundamentals as the high school athletes but in a lighter load and less intense setting. Youth athletes attending the camp should have the intention of competing in cross country and/or distance track running. This is an excellent way to make new friends while also having a lot of fun in a healthy setting. Our program welcomes all runners of all abilities and backgrounds. We have a great history and reputation, come see why! All athletes will need a watch, water bottle, weather appropriate clothes, quality pair of running shoes, and a good attitude. We take care of the rest! If you have any questions or would like further information please email: Girls- Josh Tate Boys- Chris Faust To sign up visit: CTHS POMS 2015-2016 Tryouts April 14-17, 2015 CTHS Dance Room Tryout Packets and Athletic Packets are in the CTHS Athletics Office. Questions? Contact Mia Brown at CTHS Cheer 2015-2016 Tryouts Mandatory Pre-Tryout Meetings, 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Lecture Center: *New to Cheer: April 7th *Returning to Cheer: April 8th *Make-Up date: April 9th Deadline for tryout paperwork is April 21st at 5:00 p.m. No Exceptions! Tryouts: April 27th - May 1st Questions? Contact Coach Scott at 10 Athletics 2015 Tennis Summer League (JTT-Junior Team Tennis) for Boys and Girls ages 11-18 • Players compete in the USTA Junior Team Tennis (JTT) league • JTT has Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels in U14 and U18 age groups for both girls and boys. Players should be able to serve, rally and keep score to play JTT • Players are grouped into mini-teams of based on gender, age, level • JTT program is flexible: play as much as you can based on your family’s summer schedule • JTT is excellent preparation for high school tennis or movement from JV to Varsity • JTT season runs June 9th--July 27th, (no practice week of July 4th) • Practices are on Tuesday and Thursday mornings throughout the summer (2 hours each) • Match dates are on Mondays: 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27 • Program run by Vista Peak coach Simon Morwood and CT coach Paul Whipple (see below) with college students/players as assistants • Total cost is $250* for JTT registration, court usage, practices, match play, t-shirt • $50 deposit due by May 28th to hold a spot. Please make check out to “Paul Whipple” and either drop off check at CT library or mail to 16245 E Crestline PL, Aurora 80015. Or bring it to the meeting on the 28th. Rest of payment due at first practice—June 9th • Parent/player meeting on Thursday, May 28th at 6pm in Cherokee Trail Lecture Center • For more information, contact: Paul at (303.437.5912) Simon (303.522.9393) *$250 cost may go up or down based on 2015 Cherry Creek School district tennis court use charges. 11 Seniors Class of 2015, Mark your calendars 12 Seniors Want to about your child and their picture and your sentiments on the wall for to see? Watch your email. You will be emailed the template that looks like this. • Open it • Change the pictures • Insert your sentiments • Save it • email it back to: DEADLINE DEADLINE is: APRIL 2015 April 3, 15, 2015 PTCO reserves the right to refuse to display distasteful pictures and/or content. Pictures will be displayed at After Prom. 13 Seniors Class of 2015 SENIOR DAY Celebration DATE: Thursday, May 14, 2015 LOCATION: Elitch Gardens COST: $20.00 ~ Cash Only TIME: 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. PROVIDED: Transportation, admission and patio party Cash payment and permission slip (Elitch trip only) is due to the Activities Office no later than Friday, April 24, 2015. Students must ride the CTHS bus and are not allowed to provide their own transportation. Buses leave Elitch Gardens at approximately 4 p.m. and will return to CT around 5 p.m. but the return time is not guaranteed due to traffic. NEW! PATIO PARTY Join us for a pizza party on the patio near CT’s lower parking lot. TIME: 5 p.m. — 7 p.m. COST: FREE (If attending Elitch trip) COST: $5.00 ~ Cash Only (If NOT attending Elitch trip) 14 Testing ACT for Juniors ACT Testing Tips On Tuesday, April 28th, CTHS faculty and staff will administer the Colorado state mandated ACT exam to all 11th grade students. CCSD has provided schools with the opportunity to start late in order to provide the best possible testing environment for our juniors. CTHS will be open for junior test takers only between 7:00 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. Freshmen, sophomores, and seniors will come to school after 10:50 a.m. First period classes will beging at 11:25 a.m. Modified late start for all students, grades 9, 10, and12: Buses for grades 9, 10, and 12 will arrive at the normal pickup place, but add four hours to normal pick-up time. At 11:25 a.m. on April 28th, all CTHS students will resume a modified class schedule: 1A 11:25-12:09 Passing12:09-12:16 2A 12:16-1:00 Passing1:00-1:07 3A 1:07-1:52 Passing1:52-1:59 4A 1:59-2:44 General Tips - Work on the easy/quick answers first – focus on accuracy, not speed. - Use the process of elimination. Eliminate the wrong choices first (rather than picking right answers). - You should answer every question. - If guessing, stick with the same letter; i.e. AAAA or BBBB. - The day before the test, take the day off from studying; relax. - Get plenty of sleep the two nights before the test. - Eat a healthy breakfast the day of the test; avoid sugar. English Section - This section has 75 questions and you have 45 minutes to complete. - This section includes structure, grammar, punctuation, and rhetoric skills. Math - This section has 60 questions and you have 60 minutes to complete. - Subjects covered are Algebra 1 & 2, Arithmetic, Geometry and Trigonometry. - BRING AN APPROVED CALCULATOR ( 4 function, scientific and graphing) and make sure you know the correct way to use your calculator. Reading - This section has 40 questions and you have 35 minutes to complete. - Skim passages for the main idea and then go straight to the questions. Make sure to pace yourself on this section. Science (Technical Reading) - This section has 40 questions and you have 35 minutes to complete. - You need a basic understanding of the Scientific Method. 15 Testing CMAS/PARCC Cherokee Trail will be conducting end of year (EOY) state mandated CMAS testing for grades 9-11, Wednesday April 29 through Friday, May 1. The schedule for the exams is as follows. If you have any questions regarding CMAS testing, please contact Chris Carlucci at 720.886.2055. Wednesday, April 29 Thursday, April 30 Friday, May 1 Grade 9: ELA Testing 7:10-10:20 Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. B Day Grade 9: No Testing A.M. Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. A Day Grade 9: Math Testing 7:10-10:50 Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. B Day Grade 10: ELA Testing 7:10-10:20 Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. B Day Grade 10: Math Testing 7:10-10:50 Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. A Day Grade 10: No Testing A.M. Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. B Day Grade 11: No Testing A.M. Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. B Day Grade 12: No Testing A.M. Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. B Day Grade 11: ELA Testing 7:10-10:20 Grade 11: Math Testing 7:10-10:50 Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. B Day A Day Grade 12: No Testing A.M. Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. A Day Grade 12: No Testing A.M. Classes begin at 11:25 a.m. B Day Transportation: Buses will run in the morning at usual times to pick-up students who are scheduled to test. All other students should plan for bus pick-up during a second run later in the morning. Buses will be at CTHS stops 4 hours after the normal pick-up time (ex: for students who are not testing, if the bus normally comes at 6:30 a.m., it will pick-up at the bus stop at 10:30 a.m.). 16 Semester 2 Finals Cherokee Trail High School Second Semester Final Exam Schedule Thursday, May 28, 2015 Period 4B Final 7:10-8:49 Break 8:49-8:59 Period 3B Final 8:59-10:38 Break 10:38-10:53 Period 2B Final 10:53-12:32 Buses Depart 12:40 99 minute exam 10 minute break 99 minute exam 15 minute break 99 minute exam no lunch served Friday, May 29, 2015 Period 1B Final 7:10-8:49 Break 8:49-8:59 Period 4A Final 8:59-10:38 Break 10:38-10:53 Period 3A Final 10:53-12:32 Buses Depart 12:40 99 minute exam 10 minute break 99 minute exam 15 minute break 99 minute exam no lunch served Monday, June 1, 2015 Period 2A Final 7:10-8:49 Break 8:49-9:04 Period 1A Final 9:04-10:43 Buses Depart 10:55 99 minute exam 15 minute break 99 minute exam no lunch served Tuesday, June 2, 2015 Exam Make Up (By appointment only) no school for students Final exams can be a stressful time but it doesn’t have to be. Remember that everything your student has been learning so far this semester is great preparation for final exams. It is not too Trail High School early Cherokee to start preparing! As final exams approach in May, following Memorial Day weekend, Second Semester Final Exam Schedule students should be focused on doing the best job that they can. Final exams are 20% of the final course grade in the class, so doing well is very important. Once Thursday, May 28, 2015final exams are taken, final grades will post to permanent transcript. Period 4B Final the 7:10-8:49 99 minute exam Break 8:49-8:59 10 minute break 10:55 no lunch served Here are some tips on how to be best Period 3B Final 8:59-10:38 99 minute exam prepared for final exams: Break 10:38-10:53 15 minute break 1. Don’t procrastinate! Procrastination Period 2B Final 10:53-12:32 99 minute exam causes unnecessary stress. Plan ahead. Depart 12:40 a placenothat lunchisserved 2. Buses Find a place to studyquiet, comfortable and free of distractions (no cell phones, TV, computers, game systems). 3. Friday, Study a partner or form a study May with 29, 2015 groupthis can be resource for you but Period 1B Final a great 7:10-8:49 99 minute exam remember to stay focused. Break 8:49-8:59 10 minute break 4. Period Get4Aenough restdon’t pull an nighter! Final 8:59-10:38 99allminute exam Students who stay up all night or rely on coffee Break 10:38-10:53 15 minute break to stay awake often lose concentration and focus Period Final exam. 10:53-12:32 99 minute exam during the 3A actual Depart 12:40 no lunch 5. Buses Keep things in perspectivetake finalserved exams seriously, but also take breaks during your study and prep time for them. Get a snack and get refocused. Monday, June 1, 2015 6. Period Get2Ahelp teachers in99advance. Finalfrom your 7:10-8:49 minute exam 7. Break Complete all study guidesmany 8:49-9:04 15 minute break questions will likely show up on the exam. Period 1A Final 9:04-10:43 99 minute exam Buses Depart On the day of the exam: • Arrive early Tuesday, June 2, 2015 • Be awake Exam Up breakfast no school for students • EatMake a small (ByBe appointment only)have extra pens and pencils • prepared and your calculator • Wear comfortable clothes • Try to relax • Review your notes • Do your best- remember that you have studied hard and are prepared. Have confidence in yourself. 17 Testing Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate Testing Schedule MAY 2015 Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate Testing schedule may 2015 May 4th Morning IB English Paper 1 AP Chemistry May 5th Morning AP Calculus AB & BC May 6th Morning AP English Literature May 7th Morning IB Psychology Paper 2 AP Spanish Language May 8th Morning IB Physics Papers 1&2 AP US History May 4th Afternoon AP Psychology May 5th Afternoon IB English Paper 2 May 6th Afternoon IB Psychology Paper 1 AP Physics 1 May 7th Afternoon NO TESTS May 8th Afternoon NO TESTS May 11th Morning AP Biology AP Music Theory May 13th Morning IB Spanish B Paper 2 AP English Language May 14th Morning IB History Paper 1 AP World History May 11th Afternoon IB Physics Paper 3 May 12th Morning IB Math SL Paper 1 IB Math Studies Paper 1 AP Government May 12th Afternoon IB Spanish B Paper 1 May 14th Afternoon IB Chem Papers 1&2 IB D Tech Papers 1&2 May 18th Morning IB History Paper 3 May 19th Morning IB French B Paper 2 May 13th Afternoon IB Math SL Paper 2 IB Math Studies Paper 2 AP Statistics May 20th Morning May 15th Morning IB Chem Paper 3 IB D Tech Paper 3 AP Human Geography May 21st Morning IB Business Paper 2 May 22nd Morning May 18th Afternoon IB French B Paper 1 May 19th Afternoon May 20th Afternoon IB Business Paper 1 May 21st Afternoon GRADUATION @4:00 PM May 22nd Afternoon May 25th Morning NO TESTS May 15th Afternoon IB History Paper 2 Morning Exams: Students should arrive at 7:30 am to their assigned room with a photo ID. Afternoon Exams: Students shouldMay arrive at 11:30 am to their May 26th Morning 27th Morning Mayassigned 28th Morningroom with a photo May 29thID. Morning Exam locations will be published at aNOlater NO TESTS NO TESTS TESTSdate. NO TESTS May 25th Afternoon NO TESTS May 26th Afternoon NO TESTS th th May 27 Afternoon May 28 Afternoon other testing programs NO TESTS NO TESTS May 29th Afternoon NO TESTS Cherokee Trail High School is not a test center for the 2014-2015 school year. The SAT Reasoning and SAT Subject Tests cannot be taken on the same date. Register online at (link available on Naviance*) - CTHS code is 060086 Morning Exams: Students should arrive at 7:30 am to their assigned room with a photo id. State ACT April 28, 2015 - Students doshould not need register. is room required forid.all 11th grade students. Afternoon Exams: Students arrive atto 11:30 am to theirThis assigned with a photo ACT Test Dates Exam locations will be published at a later date. Registration Deadline Late Deadline April 18, 2015 June 13, 2015 March 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 March 14-27, 2015 May 9-22, 2015 Register online at (link available in Naviance*) - CTHS code is 060086 SAT Test Date Registration Deadline Late Deadline May 2, 2015 April 6, 2015 April 21, 2015 18 School News IB Senior Recognition Ceremony Friday, May 8th at 1:15 p.m. in the CTHS Auditorium. All IB seniors and their families are welcome. Mandatory Extended Essay Informational Meeting for IB juniors. Parents are welcome. Tuesday, April 14th at 6:00 p.m. in the CTHS Lower Lecture Center Extended Essay & Extended Essay Camp: This is an important meeting that will explain how to select a subject/topic, how to access resources, the role of the advisor, and how to work toward deadlines. The EE is a mandatory component for the IB Diploma. Attendance is mandatory as this information will not be disseminated in classes. Next IB Boosters meeting Thursday, April 16th from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the Upper Lecture Center. Topic of discussion: Future planning and proctor training IB Boosters offers families an opportunity to learn what’s happening at the school and make a difference in their child’s educational experience. There are many opportunities to get involved. If you have questions, please contact our president: Lani McBeth at We welcome your ideas and energy. See you there! Join us in becoming a Proctor for our upcoming IB exams. No experience necessary. Please sign up by going to: CTHS’ website- Academics- AP/IB testing or 19 SCHOOL NEWS School News 20 School News Spirit Week for Prom: Monday April 20th Formal Day Tuesday April 21st Day Criss Cross Day—Backwards and Inside out Wednesday April 22ndWorkout Wednesday Thursday April 23rd Colorado Flag Day Friday April 24th We are CT Day—Bring on the Neon SeniorsNeon Yellow Juniors Neon Pink SophomoresNeon Green Freshmen Neon Blue 12 11 10 9 Please keep in mind the dress code at CTHS. It applies during spirit weeks to all! For more information on the dress code, please see the CTHS Student Handbook. 21 School News 22 School News Cherokee Trail High School 25901 E. Arapahoe Rd. Aurora, CO 80016 Activities Office 720.886.1940 Fax 720.886.1987 Last Name of CTHS Student For office use only FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED \\BY WEDNESDAY, April 15, 2015 AT 2:45 PM – NO LATE FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED! 2015 Prom Guest Registration Information Limit One Guest per Cherokee Trail High School (CTHS) Student If you plan to bring an out of school guest to the Prom, that guest MUST BE REGISTERED by April 15th, 2015 at 2:45 p.m. in the Activities Office. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this deadline. For the safety of all student participants, Cherokee Trail High School Administration has the right to verify the information provided on the contract, may conduct a criminal records check and has the right to refuse admittance of any guest to the dance. No middle school students and no guest 21 or over will be allowed to attend the Prom. CTHS students must adhere to the eligibility requirement to attend and bring a guest to the dance. In addition, Cherry Creek School District has a drug-free, alcohol-free, tobacco-free policy. All guests are expected to adhere to this policy. Use this contract to complete the registration process. Cherokee Trail High School Guest Registration Contract 2015 Prom – Saturday, April 25, 2015 I agree to supply completely and truthfully the information below. I understand that Cherokee Trail High School Administration has the right to verify this information. I understand that Cherokee Trail High School Administration may conduct a criminal records check and I also understand that Cherokee Trail High School has the right to refuse admittance of my guest to the Prom. The following rules apply: 1. I must return this completed contract by 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 to the CTHS Deans OR Activities Office with a copy of my guest’s ID. A list of all approved guests will be posted outside of Activities and at the ticket sales table by Monday, April 20th. It is the responsibility of the CTHS student to verify that his/her guest’s name is listed. 2. All guests must be under the age of 21, and may not be middle school students. The guest is the responsibility of the CTHS student. If the guest is asked to leave, the CTHS student will also be asked to leave. No refunds will be given for students asked to leave the dance. 3. All students and their guests, regardless of age, will be held accountable to CCSD rules regarding alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. 4. When purchasing tickets, the CTHS student must purchase his/her ticket and the guest ticket at the same time. Guests are not eligible for the Activities Fee discount. 5. The parent signature below indicates knowledge of the Prom guest and the expectations outlined in this contract. 6. All CTHS students must bring a current CTHS ID and all guests must bring a current photo ID to the dance. CTHS STUDENT complete this section: HIGH SCHOOL GUEST complete this section: NON-HIGH SCHOOL GUEST complete this section: CTHS Student Full Name (Printed clearly) Guest Student Full Name (Printed clearly) Guest Full Name (Printed clearly) CTHS Student Signature Guest Signature Guest Signature CTHS Student’s Parent Signature Guest’s Parent’s Signature & Phone Number Guest Date of Birth CTHS Student’s Parent Phone Number Guest’s Home School Name/School ID College or Place of Employment CTHS Student’s Dean/Admin Name Guest’s School Dean/Admin Name & Phone # Emergency Contact – Name (Printed) & Relationship CTHS Student’s Dean/Admin Signature Guest’s School Dean/Admin Signature Emergency Contact- Phone Number Driver’s License # and State **Eligibility Requirement: In keeping with the CTHS vision to prepare our graduates for college, work and life, students will be held to CHSAA eligibility standards for all school dances. Students with 2 or more F grades as of April 16th at 8:00 a.m. will be unable to participate in the Prom. In addition, students with excessive unexcused absences and/or major behavior concerns may be unable to participate in that event. It is our desire to see all student involved and enjoying the high school experience, and we believe that our students can and will meet our expectations that they are strong students FIRST.** Please return completed form to the CTHS Deans OR Activities Office by 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15th Form Updated 2/24/15 km 23 School News After Prom ~At the Beach! Cherokee Trail PTCO is proud to once again host After Prom. This year’s theme is “At the Beach”. After Prom will take place April 25, 2015 from 11:30 p.m. - 2:30 a.m. at the Parker Field House. Students do not have to attend Prom to attend After Prom. Underclassmen may attend as a guest of upperclassman. Students wishing to bring a guest from a school other than Cherokee Trail must submit a guest registration form by April 15th at 2:45 p.m. (one guest registration form is valid for both Prom and After Prom guests). Cost: $10 or $8 with activity paw on ID card. Tickets will be sold during all lunches April 21st-24th in the lower commons. Bring cash! Any student planning to attend After Prom must submit a waiver with parent signature (available in Activities and on the schools website or when tickets are purchased). This year we have all the favorites: Bungee Run, Velcro Wall, and many more. Students won’t go hungry because there will be lots of food! If you’d like to help with a donation, contact Ellie Reimer at Suggested donations are listed below: Cash Donations to purchase Subs and Sandwiches Food: Drinks: Brownies- 25 dozen Cookies- 25 dozen Soda (Pepsi, Coke, Sprite) - 20 cases of 12/24 Packs Cupcakes- 20 dozen Water- 10 cases Small bags of Chips- 20 dozen If you would like us to do the shopping for you, simply drop off your check at the main office. Checks can be made out to “CT PTCO”. In the memo of your check, please note “After Prom”. All food items can be dropped off in the Activities conference room April 23th-24th between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Parents – if you want to join the fun, please contact: Ellie Reimer 720-474-2822 or 24 School News CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT CHEROKEE TRAIL HIGH SCHOOL PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE/ RELEASE, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK, ASSUMPTION OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND INDEMNITY I/We, the undersigned Parents/Guardians of (herein Child), hereby give our consent and permission for our child to participate in and attend the 2015 CTHS After Prom (including inflatables and henna tattoos) which shall occur on April 25-26, 2015. I/we understand that during my child’s participation in the CTHS After Prom; he/she may be exposed to risk or possible injury. I/we understand that I/we assume the risk for any injuries or damages resulting from my child’s participation in this activity. I/we have accepted responsibility to verify with my physician that my child has no physical or psychological problems that would prohibit his/her participation in the activity, and agree to advise my child to comply with the instructions and directions of the School District, agents, volunteers and/or employees as participants in this activity. I/we, in return for my child’s opportunity to participate in the CTHS After Prom do hereby exempt and release Cherry Creek School District, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands or actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury that my child or I/we might sustain while my child is participating in the activity, whether or not such damage, loss or injury results from the acts or omissions of Cherry Creek School District, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers or agents. I/we understand that if I/we do not sign this Release, then my child will not be permitted to participate in the CTHS After Prom. I/we hereby represent that I am/we are 18 years of age or older, and that I am/we are the parent(s) guardian(s) of the Participant. I/we further acknowledge that no representations or promises by Cherry Creek School District representatives have been made to induce me to sign this Release. I/we further agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Cherry Creek School District, from any claim, cause of action or demand, of any sort or nature, which may at any time be filed or asserted by the Participants participation in the CTHS After Prom which indemnification shall include any costs and attorneys’ fees that may be incurred as a result of any claims, causes of action or demands. This release is valid and effective whether the damage, loss or injury is a result of any act or omission on the part of Cherry Creek School District or its agents, volunteers, or employees. I understand that I voluntarily give up my right to sue the above-mentioned parties. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS WAIVER AND RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS A RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY AND A WAIVER OF ANY RIGHT THAT I MAY HAVE ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND/OR MY CHILD/WARD TO BRING LEGAL ACTION OR ASSERT CLAIM FOR INJURY OR LOSS OF ANY KIND AGAINST CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT. IF ANY ATTEMPT FOR CLAIM IS MADE, I UNDERSTAND I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DEFENSE COSTS INCURRED. I HAVE HAD SUFFICIENT OPPORTUNITY TO READ THE ABOVE, BEEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO ASK QUESTIONS, CONSIDER ITS EFFECTS, UNDERSTAND THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. _____________________________________________________ Child/Participant _____________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian _______________________________ Date 25 School News Visual Arts News CTHS International Baccalaureate Visual Arts Examination Show! The IB Visual Arts students had the opportunity to display the work that they created. At the Open House on March 18th, students had the opportunity to practice for the presentation component of their testing by talking about their art and their creative process with attendees of the Open House. What those who teach can do Three of your own art teachers will have their own work on display from March 4th- April 15th. A reception will be on April 16th from 4:30-6:30 at the Art Institute of Colorado, in Denver. Please come and join us. AP Drawing, AP 2-D & 3-D This show will run from April 8-17th, with our open house on April 15th from 5:30-6:30. Please come and join us! Spring Art Show Opening CTHS Library This show will be running from April 20th - May1st with our open house on Wednesday, April 29th from 5:30-6:30 in the CTHS Library. Other Happenings -In April, the National Art Honor Society will be have its induction for select members. - Michael Chimento’s will be displayed his work in the Santa Fe Art District on the first Friday of April, at the Denver School of Photography. 26 School News What: Method to Madness Presents: The Final Improv Show of the Year! When: April 17th at 7:00 p.m. Where: CTHS Auditorium Tickets are Free, Laughs Guaranteed What: Cherokee Trail High School Dance Presents: POP! Dance Showcase When: Friday, May 1, 2015 at 5:00 & 7:00 p.m. Where: CTHS Auditorium Admission is free! Immunization Requirements Changes to the State of Colorado Immunizations requirements for the 2015-2016 school year may affect your student. Beginning July, 2015, Colorado will require that all students receive two doses of the Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine or provide documented history of Chickenpox disease in order to attend school. If your student does not already have two doses of this vaccine, please contact your health care provider and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. When your student receives the immunization, please send a copy of the updated record to the Cherokee Trail High School clinic. You can send the record to the clinic fax number 720.886.2258 or email it to the school nurse, Tracy Altschuler. The updated immunization record must be received by the start of the 2015-2016 school year. More information regarding this change can be found at school-immunizations. Please contact our school nurse with any questions or concerns you may have. Tracy Altschuler, RN, BSN (720) 886-1996 27 School News Cherry Creek School District 5th Annual Poetry Slam Cherry Creek High School, Fine Arts Theater Friday, April 10, 7:00 $3 Students/ $5 Adults For Registartion, Rules, and More Info Visit WWW.CCSDSLAM.WEEBLY.COM 28 School News BOOKKEEPING The Bookkeeping Office has posted all outstanding fines to Power School. Please check your student’s Power School for any outstanding balances. For your convenience, payments can be made with a credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover) or by calling the Bookkeeping Office at 720886-1934. SENIORS must pay all fees and fines to participate in the graduation ceremony. Graduation tickets will not be distributed until the account balance has been cleared. Thank you. Pay It Forward to Our Teachers Pay it forward to the teachers who give us their time and talents each and every day. In order for teachers to grow, it is important they continue to learn throughout their career. CT wants to encourage and support these efforts by acknowledging the extra time above and beyond the school day that our teachers spend in developing their professional toolboxes. Often, a little goes a long way; a cup of Starbucks coffee, a gift card for dinner out, some goodies for their classroom that were unexpected. These are just a few of the small tokens we would like to provide our teaching staff for going above and beyond. There are no grants out there for this, and our school funds need to be targeted for the students, so we ask your help providing just that small token of appreciation and acknowledgment for all they do for our children. To donate please visit Using Common Sense Have you ever wondered whether or not all the time your children are spending on-line, watching TV, texting their friends, and playing video games is good for them? We have! That’s why we are making a commitment at our school to teach students how to be good digital citizens. We’ll explore topics like cyberbullying, on-line privacy, and creative rights and responsibilities. With strong digital citizenship skills, your children will be able to take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities of technology and learn how to handle the more challenging issues that they may experience. The curriculum and resources we use were developed by Common Sense Media, a national nonprofit organization. CT encourages you to check out the free parent resources on Common Sense Media’s website ( so that you can stay up-to-date on all things digital. We are looking forward to the year ahead and helping your children learn how to be safe, smart, and responsible digital citizens. We rate, educate, and advocate for kids, families, and schools. 29 School News Join us in the Cent Media er. Hom e not m work clu b wide eet on sc will tes hoo final ting days lexam n days or ! Helpful School Apps for Students and Parents There are many useful apps for students and parents available on both Android and Apple devices. Download these Apps onto your smart devices to make access even easier: Cherokee Trail High School It is easy to install. You won’t need any usernames or passwords. Powerschool for Students District ID: LKLF You will need your username and password 30 School Lunch by Nutrislice Search for: School Lunch by Nutrislice School lunch menus and more information about each food, including a photo, description, and ingredients list. Powerschool for Parents District ID: LKLF You will need your username and password Schoology Search for Cherokee Trail High School You can then log in with your username and password Technology cyber tip Ask your teens how they decide which photos of themselves to share. A perfectly curated online identity looks effortless. But in reality, people are intentional about what they share, and quite a bit of thought and effort goes into portraying a certain image. Invite your teens to think about a difficult day or day they felt unattractive — did they share it online? Why or why not? Can they recall a time when a friend shared a less-than-perfect photo? Consider opening up about your own process about what you post or don’t post. What motivates all of us to share, or not to share, certain snapshots of our lives online? www.commonsense. org/educators Name Cory Donofrio What Do You Teach? Biology Honors IB Biology How Long Have You Been Teaching? 2 years How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom? Google docs has allowed me to share class data with the students and have them work collaboratively on a single document. The chromebooks have allowed me to get technology in the hands of the students and improve students' ability to gather, interpret, and evaluate information. I recently started incorporating kahoot as a review tool, and the kids really seem to get into it! How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful? It has helped me to engage students and give them experiences that would be hard to replicate without this technology. Technology helps us give students real world skills they will use the rest of their lives. What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why? Having Chromebooks that are so easily accessible has been great! I can seamlessly tie in online activities and give the students an opportunity to research current information right in the classroom. What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why? I would like to increase our supply of Vernier probeware so that students have the tools necessary to get practice collecting data for experiments. What Do You Love Most About Teaching? Showing students that science is cool! 31 Technology CREATE Expo 2015 Cherokee Trail’s second annual CREATE Expo was a huge success thanks to our sponsors and student and staff volunteers. Our elementary feeder schools showed up ready to compete! There were so many amazing competitors that it was really hard for the judges to pick the winners. Egg drop competitions, roller coaster designs, tower constructions, T-shirt designs, and land yachts are just a few of the events that students participated in. Everyone involved is looking forward to next year’s competition! 32 Technology 33 CTHS Counseling Preparing for the Summer As we enter the fourth quarter, families may be wondering what academic or enrichment opportunities are available this summer. If your student struggled with academic core classes this year, you may want to strongly consider registering him/her for the district summer school program. The Cherry Creek School District Summer School Office will open in April and will have updated information on their website about courses and registration. See your student’s individual counselor for more information. Counselors will be available in the office until June 2nd. Benefits of summer school: • Repeat a course in which he/she earned a grade of “D” or “F.” Retaking a course can reinforce learning, as well as improve the overall GPA. • Get ahead on graduation requirements that might be difficult to fit into your schedule during the school year. Courses offered via CCSD online summer school include American Government, Personal Fitness, and Health. • Summer school sessions are taught in a shorter time frame and the focus is one class at a time (maximum of two classes can be taken over the summer). • When students repeat a course, it helps them get back on track for graduation. 34 Enrichment Programs: It is always a great thing for your student to stay busy over the summer! A great way to stay engaged in learning and to explore interests is to apply for summer enrichment programs. Now is the best time to apply for those types of programs. The Counseling Department has tried to add those opportunities to Naviance for easier access. Log into Naviance and select the Colleges Tab at the top of the page. About half way down the page, look under College Research and select “Enrichment Programs.” Another great resource is: Employment and Volunteer: Looking for a summer job or volunteer experience? Check out these websites: PTCO Become informed about mental health and wellness to support and heal our community's strongest asset, our youth. Student Achievement Resource Center (SARC) 14188 Briarwood Avenue, Centennial, CO 80112 Tuesday, April 7, 2015 9:15am to 11:15am Learn important facts about the basic biology of mental disorders and statistics Learn important facts about the adolescent brain and body Learn to identify unhealthy adolescent behavior Learn what steps to take concerning behavioral issues Connect with experts in mental health wellness and behavioral health specialists Speakers & Subjects A Parent’s Personal Story by Gina Moore – President of National Alliance on Mental illness Arapahoe & Douglas Counties Mental Disorders: Facts, Statistics & Biology by Amy Gensler, MD – Board Certified Pediatrician with Parker Pediatrics & Adolescents Substance Abuse Disorder and Your Child by Mark Sanders, MS, LPC, CAC III – Clinical Supervisor of Child & Family Services at Arapahoe/Douglas Mental Health Network Identifying Unhealthy Adolescent Behavior by Jocelyn Hilling, MA, NCC, LPC – Executive Director and Counselor with At Peace Therapy Centers, LLC Moderated by Valerie Purser, Executive Director of the South Metro Health Alliance 35 Calendar of Events April Apr 2-4 All State Band Apr 6 Return from Spring Break Apr 7 Celebration with the Superintendent Apr 7-10 AP Pre-Reg, Lecture Center Apr 8 Last day that CTHS will accept checks from seniors Apr 8 7 am or 6:30 pm (Choose one), Mandatory Senior-Parent Meeting, Auditorium Apr 9 7 pm Theatre 3 Show: Connecting the Dots Apr 10 7 pm Thespian Show Apr 13 6:30 pm, PTCO General Meeting, Library Apr 14 6 pm, Accountability, Main Office Conference Room Apr 14-15 7 am, CHSAA Large Group Festival, Auditorium Apr 15 5:30 pm, AP Art Open House Apr 15 2:45 pm, Prom/After Prom Guest Registrations Due, Activities Office Apr 15 6 pm, PASS, Main Office Confer ence Room Apr 16 7 pm NHS Pin and Stole Ceremony, Auditorium Apr 17 CU Invitational Orchestra Festival Apr 17 7 pm, Improv Show Apr 20 7 pm, Mr. CT, Auditorium Apr 23 Exceptional Volunteer Awards Event Apr 23-25 CO West Invitational Music Festival Apr 24-29 DECA Nationals, Orlando, FL Apr 24 Prom Assembly Apr 24 7 pm Theatre 3 Show: Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind Apr 25 7-11 pm, Prom, Sports Authority Field Apr 25 11:30 pm, After Prom, Parker Field House Apr 27-May 5 3 pm, Cheer Tryouts, Main Gym Apr 28 7 pm, Senior Dance Showcase Apr 28 7:10 am, ACT Test for 11th Grade School starts at 11:25 am for 9,10,12 Apr 28 8:30 am, Graduation Speech Try 36 outs (Final Call Backs), Auditorium Apr 28 6:30 pm, Aurora Scholars Ceremony, Gym Apr 29-May 1 PARCC Testing - Schedule TBD Apr 29 5 pm, CTHS Spring Art Show Open House, Library Apr 29 6:30 pm, Senior Awards Night, Auditorium Apr 30 Senior Locker Clean Out May May 1 5 & 7 pm, Spring Dance Showcase May 1-22 AP/IB Exams May 4 DECA Senior Celebration May 5 7 pm, Senior Band Farewell Concert May 6-10 3 pm, 2015-2016 POM Tryouts, Dance Room May 7 7 pm, Senior Orchestra Farewell Concert May 7-9 Girls Tennis State May 8-13 Senior Finals May 8 Yearbook Distribution Party May 8 IB Recognition Ceremony, Auditorium, By Invitation Only May 11 6 pm, PTCO Board Meeting, MO Conference Room May 12 7 pm, Choir Follies, Auditorium May 13 Band Banquet May 13 6 pm, Teacher of the Year Award Dinner (location TBD per District) May 14-16 State Track and Field May 14 7:10 am, Senior Slide Show, Auditorium May 14 7:20 am, Senior Exit Assembly, Main Gym May 14 8:30 am, Senior Celebration, Elitches May 14 5 pm, Senior BBQ, CTHS Patio (free w/Elitches ticket, $5 otherwise) May 15 5 pm, Drama/Choir Awards Banquet, By Invitation Only May 15 7 am, Senior Check Out May 15-16 Boys Swimming State May 16 Boys Lacrosse State
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