March 2015 Ethnic Fest From the Principal.............................2 PTCO..............................................4-5 After Prom....................................6-9 THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm CCHS IC BUILDING FOOD, FRIENDS, AND FUN! Counseling................................10-12 Post Grad.................................14-16 AP Exam/Testing Information...............................17-19 Each year the Creek Community comes together to celebrate the incredible diversity of our school. Sponsored by the Youth Advisory Board, Ethnic Fest provides the opportunity to learn about various cultures of the world through food, music, performances, and activities. Enjoy a night filled with good food, friends, and fun! Plus… an open mic featuring individual music, spoken word performances, and professional Slam Poet, Jovan Mays (Students must bring their ID for admission) PIN.............................................22-23 Activities/Athletics..................26-34 Calendar..........................................36 The Home Herald is published on-line monthly during the school year (September-May) Performers & Events 9300 E. Union Ave., Englewood, Colorado 80111. Print copies are available in the West Main Office. Editor: Tina Roark The deadline for newsletter submissions is the 15th of each month. Publisher: Penny Malloy Rocky Mountain Highland Dancers Bennett Irish Dancers Skean Dubh - Celtic Guitar Mudra Dance Studio Halle Hula Dance Team School Of Break Laya Dance Academy Diego Solis – Mariachi Guitar Student Bands Include: Rough Riders, FDA, Apple Cider Incident, Doniger & Company… And More!!! FROM THE WEST OFFICE Happy March Bruin Family! We are close to wrapping up the third quarter of the school year. So much has been accomplished and we have the most exciting quarter remaining, the 4th quarter. One of the focus areas for the month of March is state mandated testing. This year we will no longer administer the TCAP but instead the new CMAS/ PARCC test. A post card with all of the dates, times and grade level details was sent home in February to help families plan for the remainder of the year. On the post card you will see that 9th and 10th graders will test on March 9th and March 16th. The juniors will then test on the 10th and 17th of March. The testing will take a little over half of the day. Transportation will run at normal times at the start of the day and then be adjusted at the end of the school day to leave school at the end of testing. Food service will be provided for both breakfast and lunch. The CMAS/PARCC is an important state assessment that will provide you, your child, the school and the state with data as to how your student is growing and learning. I ask that your child give his or her best effort. Please feel free to call me or Assistant Principal Doug Aglietti with questions. In other news, it is that time of year again that we begin planning and registering for classes for the 20152016 school year. My advice to you when conversing with your child about this process is to be sure that your child is making decisions based on what is best for him/her. Too often I see unhappy and unhealthy kids who are trying to be something they may not be. I want every student to challenge themselves and learn as much as possible. The important piece to consider is that challenging oneself is unique for every individual. We always do our best to advise students on the appropriate next course and the overall course load. It is important that you partner with us to advise your child on what the appropriate course load is given all extracurricular activities and family expectations. The more we work together the more likely we are to have balanced and healthy teenagers. Do not hesitate to call or email if you want my additional insight on this process. Finally, we have a series of celebrations that I want to highlight in my message this month. I recently represented Cherry Creek High School at the district school board meeting. All of the principals of the schools that received the Governor’s John Irwin School of Excellence award were invited to be recognized in front of the school board. The award is given to schools that have outstanding academic perfor mance as based on the ACT, TCAP and graduation rate. We recently received our graduation rate data for the class of 2014. One of our school goals is connected to increasing the overall graduation rate and to see growth by all ethnic groups. I am happy to report that we have seen steady progress over the last five years in the area of graduation rate. Our overall rate is 92.7% and we have seen growth over the last five years for all ethnic groups with our Black students showing the greatest improvement from 68% to 96.7%. At the same time our ACT scores continue to rise. I am very proud of the students and staff for making this honor possible. Thank you to the parents for your contributions and for sharing your children with us. I also want to congratulate two groups who recently represented Cherry Creek High at the national level in impressive fashion. The Bruin Poms and Cheers recently competed at nationals in Disneyworld and finished in the top 20 in the nation. Congratulations to our athletes and coaches! I have included below behavior reminders for our seniors as we approach the end of their careers (48 school days as of March 1st) and cases of “senioritis” become more serious. I wish everyone in the “Bruin Family” a happy and healthy spring. GO CREEK! Best wishes, Ryan T. Silva Principal As the end of the school year and the spring weather approaches, there traditionally tend to be more temptations to use illegal substances, specifically ALCOHOL and MARIJUANA. I ask you to make good decisions for yourself and support your friends in doing the same. Parents, please help in these efforts by asking questions of your children. You should know where they are going and who they will be with. And of course, you need to know if there will be alcohol at the event. There are too many people, including you and me, who care about the kids not to ask that they think twice about their decisions. The sunny Colorado days have arrived. I am not naïve to think that the beautiful weather does not make it difficult to attend class. Nevertheless, ATTENDANCE is vital to fully experience the educational opportunities available to you. Please keep in mind that the school and teachers maintain high standards and the expectation is that each day is utilized to teach valuable material. Although it is not common, we have had students learn from their college that their acceptance to the institution has been reversed due to a drop in grades and/or a lack of attendance. Senior pranks may seem like a fun idea, but too often people are hurt and property is damaged. The pranks will not be tolerated and I encourage students to use their efforts in a more positive manner that will help them leave a greater legacy after they have left. All of the above information is important because poor decisions over the last months of school can lead to a loss of the privilege to participate in the graduation ceremony. 2015 CCSD SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS ALL SEAC MEETINGS ARE AT THE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER 4700 S. YOSEMITE STREET GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 9:30AM – 11:30AM Coffee with the Directors precedes each meeting From 8:30 to 9:15 am Thursday, March 12, 2015 Transition to Kindergarten Thursday, April 9, 2015 Community Resources (All presentations are tentative and subject to change.) PASS Partnership for Academically Successful Students Meeting Dates for 2014/2015 All meetings are held in the Community Rooms from 6:30-8:00 pm March 17, 2015 April 21, 2015 May 19, 2015 For more information, please contact Marcus McDavid 720-554-2255 CCHS Accountability The Cherry Creek High School Accountability Committee meets one Tuesday evening per month from 5-6:30 pm in the West Main Office Conference Room. We review how CCHS is meeting its accountability goals for excellence and equity, for college and post-secondary success, for a safe and caring environment, and for partnering with students, parents and community members in the education process. Each meeting generally includes a guest speaker on a special topic of interest, a report from Principal Ryan Silva, an update on Creek’s UIP (Unified Improvement Plan), and a brief report from the District Accountability Committee representative. The 2015 schedule of SAC (School Accountability Committee) meetings: March 17th Mr. Silva, Staffing & Budget April 21st Craig Witgrove, Post Grad May 19th Guy Bellville, State of the Budget Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Paula Romero Schmitt and Patty Galloway CCHS Accountability Committee Co-Chairs Paula: (303) 669-6995 or Patty: (303) 328-1443 or Brown Bag with the Principal! Want to know what’s going on at Creek? Join Principal Ryan Silva for a monthly meeting at 11:30 a.m. in the West Main Office conference room. It’s informal, informational, and a great way to stay involved! March 18, 2015 April 15, 2015 May 13, 2015 PTCO (Parent/Teacher/Community Organization) We hope your student’s year at CCHS has been filled with success so far and that they are enjoying all Creek has to offer! There is a lot more to come as we head into spring with many performances in Fine Arts, spring sports beginning, clubs, co-curricular events, and students participating in local, state and national competitions. We congratulate all the students, devoted teachers, administrators, staff and parents who support and encourage every level of success. We truly appreciate all that you do to keep your students involved in academics, activities and athletics. It takes the hard work of many people to make Cherry Creek High School the exceptional school and community that it is. Thank you! Anita Turner-Corwin PTCO Co-president Stephanie Kallet PTCO Co-president Congratulations to Christine Tesmer who has been selected as this year’s Exceptional Volunteer at CCHS! Christine has been an amazing volunteer during her four years as part of the Creek community. She has been a co-chair for the Future Bruins Day event for the past 3 years, helping to present CCHS in the best light as families come to tour and learn more about our school. She has welcomed students back every August by volunteering on the first day of school at check-in, and every May she arrives at school very early and is a valuable member of the After Prom clean-up committee! Christine is a great asset to CCHS and has been an involved parent in each of the Cherry Creek schools her daughter has attended. Christine will be honored, along with all the Exceptional Volunteers from other CCSD schools, at a reception and dinner on April 23rd. SAVE THE DATES! Remaining PTCO Meetings for the year: March 12th at 9:15 a.m.(Comm. Rooms) April 9th at 9:15 a.m. (Comm. Rooms) May 14th at 9:15 a.m. (FA Lobby) Dedicated to our Senior Parents! Celebrating Volunteers! At our February 5th meeting we celebrated the many volunteers who help PTCO and Creek with hours of their time and great energy in all that they do! To all the volunteers who were unable to attend, please know you are greatly appreciated! Special thanks to Karen Petroff and Rene’ Malden who made our Volunteer Appreciation coffee such a special event! Our entertainment for the morning was provided by students Jack Muntean and Marlena McClelland who gave us a preview of their Wish Week Talent Show performances. They were amazing! We really appreciate them taking time to share their gifts with us! Thank you to Katie Wilkins and Bonnie Arnold for working diligently to fill our PTCO slate for the 2015-2016 school year and to all of you who have said “yes” when they called! On January 31st CCHS hosted a Diversity Conference with 1000 attendees. We had wonderful parent volunteers who took time on a Saturday to help at the event. Thanks goes to Monica Dodd, Linda Doniger, Jennifer Garcia, Robin Haugland, Jill Schmidt and Sonya Hatangadi for supporting the students and for helping to make it a successful day! PTCO MEETING RECAP ~ December 11, 2014 Minutes: The meeting was called to order at 9:15 AM by Stephanie. Catherine moved to approve the November minutes, seconded by Lisa, and unanimously approved. Bylaws: Three new positions have been added to the Bylaws for this year. Paula moved to approve the Bylaws as amended, seconded by Barb, and approved unanimously. Announcements: Anita and Stephanie presented the Friends of PTCO website and made an announcement that it has been launched. Creek’s giving is distributed across many different areas, so it is important to spread the word about the option to donate through this website. Principal Ryan Silva, “Teachers of the Year”: Mr. Silva introduced the two Creek Teachers of the Year. Denise Lantz has been a Creek teacher since 2002. She is with AVID. The AVID program helps kids achieve their full potential at Creek. Denise is the cheerleader for these students. She is much respected at Creek and instrumental in keeping the AVID students connected academically and through all facets of their lives. Mr. Silva mentioned that one of the best letters he ever received was in Spanish from a non-English speaking parent raving about the AVID program and Denise. She is retiring this year. Mr. Adam Cave is in his seventh year at Creek. He is one of the choir directors and a teacher in the piano lab. Girls 21 have been invited to the CMEA conference at the Broadmoor this school year. Adam was instrumental in receiving this invitation and has been a very inspirational teacher at Creek. He is also the choral director for the musical. He came to Creek from Longmont High School. Creek is proud to have 7 All-State jazz students and 52 All-State choir students among its musicians. Both of the teachers commented on how they were incredibly honored by the nomination, especially at a school full of talented professionals and very high standards. Presentation by student Sirey Zhang, Wealth of Health: Sirey Zhang gave an overview of Wealth of Health, a new CCHS club that works with Project Cure to gather still-functioning medical machines to send to other countries around the world. Project Cure relies on 3rd party non-profits for funding and this is where Wealth of Health is instrumental. Sirey got the idea for this club by visiting Western Kenya and meeting with a study group of doctors from around the world. Wealth of Health has raised $35,700 so far this year and already sent a container with half a million dollars in medical equipment to Western Kenya. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact After Prom: Paula Romero-Schmidt and Catherine Cooper said that for a very long time After Prom has been held on campus. This year will be different because it is moving off-site. Creek will “Own the Zone” at the Lonetree Brunswick Zone for After Prom game night on May 16th, midnight-4:00 am. Cosmic bowling, casino tables, laser tag, an arcade, billiards, and a buffet will all be included in the fun. After Prom is free to students and a big part of the PTCO budget. Meistersingers Choir performance: Sarah Harrison introduced the Meistersingers. They performed four pieces. They will be traveling to Chicago in March of this year. Principal Ryan Silva, “State of Creek”: Principal Silva said that the Math Team made it to second place at the National Math Competition. Next year this time finals week will be next week and wrap up before winter break. Enjoy the two weeks off with your children. The UIP state law sets equity and an excellence goal for all schools. Mr. Silva has completed this goal-setting with an equity goal of 90 percent or higher graduation rate. He mentioned that we hit this goal for all students except for an 82% Hispanic rate. While a 100% graduation rate sounds good, it is not an appropriate equity goal because some students need to attend more than four years due to illness or other factors. Creek currently has a 92% graduation rate. The excellence goal is the percent of students meeting all four of the College Readiness Benchmarks established by ACT. The goal is to have 65% of the students meet all four bench marks which would be well above the state average of 21%. These goals are posted on the Colorado Department of Education website. Over 900 people attend Creek to College Day. Social media activity has picked up. Please be an active part of helping to monitor this as things happen pretty fast. Yic Yak is the latest anonymous site that crossed the line with a threat against the school. The police were able to get involved and help. Mr. Silva mentioned that the two biggest pieces of freshman orientation this year were the consequences of online bullying and shoplifting. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 am. THANK YOU CCHS AFTER PROM SPONSORS FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS! CREEK SPONSORS ($250+) Cooper Carrington Robert & Sabrina Congel BRUIN SPONSORS ($150+) Alec & David Camhi, Emily & Kathryn Fish, Rachel Valls BLUE SPONSOR ($75+) Matthew Lunde, Susannah La Bonde, Coleton & Nicholas Edwards, Cameron Oberfeld, Jorden Benedict, Benton Jones, Avery & Ryan Paxton, Megan Schmitt RED SPONSOR ($50+) Lars & Trond Berg, Alaina Bolton, John & Mark Cremer, Allison & Lauren Cunningham, Cara & Cristina Del Rosso, Addisyn & Mya Dodd, Kaitlyn & Ryan Duane, Abigail & Matthew Fisher, Leeann & Samuel Harris, Lauren Hitt, Lindsay Jackson, Emma & William Maloney, Allison & Jessica Murphy, Elizabeth & Hannah Peterson, Anne & Katherine Raymond, Bennett & Emma Reilly, Cassandra Spath, Maud & Tess Yancey We still need your help! Donate Today! We still need to raise $6,000 to meet our goal! If you have questions, please contact Karen Petroff at 720-939-5195. To make a donation, simply go to: Or send a check to: Cherry Creek High School After Prom Attn: PTCO Treasurer 9300 E Union Avenue Greenwood Village, CO 80111 OWN THE ZONE GAME NIGHT AT BRUNSWICK ZONE The planning has started, but we need your help! Help us reach our goal of $7,000! What is After Prom? An event held at Brunswick Zone following Prom (12 – 4 a.m., May 16, 2015) It is designed to provide our kids with a safe, fun-filled evening complete with food, entertainment, bowling, laser tag, arcade, casino and much, much more. It is open to all Juniors and Seniors, whether or not they attend Prom (last year over 1200 students attended!) What it is NOT…a PTCO Fundraiser. Every dollar is put back into the event! Parents – Please consider becoming an After Prom sponsor! All sponsors will be mentioned in the Home Herald and on signage at CCHS and at After Prom! _____Creek Sponsor – Donation of $250 or more _____Bruin Sponsor – Donation of $150 or more _____Blue Sponsor – Donation of $75 or more _____Red Sponsor – Donation of $50 or more Online Donations - Or, make checks payable to “Cherry Creek High School PTCO,” put “After Prom” in the memo line. Drop off or mail it to: Cherry Creek High School After Prom Attn: PTCO Treasurer 9300 E Union Avenue Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Name______________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number__________________________________Email________________________ If you own a business or know someone who would like to make a financial donation to After Prom, please contact Karen Petroff ( or 720-939-5195) to discuss various sponsorship levels. (FEIN#84-1246409) THANK YOU!! The planning has started, but we need your help! Help us reach our goal of $7,000! What is After Prom? An event held at Brunswick Zone directly following Prom (12 – 4 a.m., May 16, 2015) It is designed to provide our kids with a safe, fun-filled evening complete with food, entertainment, bowling, laser tag, arcade, casino and much, much more! It is open to all Juniors and Seniors and their dates, whether or not they attend Prom (last year over 1,400 students attended!) Business Sponsorship Opportunities! All sponsors will be mentioned in the Home Herald and on signage at CCHS and at After Prom! See Sponsorship Benefits for more information. _____”Own the Zone” Sponsor – Donation of $1,000 or more _____”Strikes and Spares” Bowling Sponsor – Donation of $750 or more _____”Fireside Sweets” Desserts Sponsor – Donation of $500 or more _____”Aces High” Casino Sponsor – Donation of $250 or more _____”Glow in the Dark” Laser Tag Sponsor – Donation of $250 or more _____”Nine Ball” Billiards Sponsor – Donation of $150 or more Online Donations - Or, make checks payable to “Cherry Creek High School PTCO,” put “After Prom” in the memo line. Drop off or mail it to: Cherry Creek High School After Prom Attn: PTCO Treasurer 9300 E Union Avenue Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Name______________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number__________________________________Email________________________ If you own a business or know someone who would like to make a financial donation to CCHS After Prom, please contact Karen Petroff ( or 720-939-5195) to discuss various sponsorship levels. (FEIN #84-1246409) THANK YOU!! OWN THE ZONE - GAME NIGHT AT BRUNSWICK ZONE CCHS AFTER PROM 2015 SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS OWN THE ZONE STRIKES & SPARES $1,000 $750 ACES HIGH NINE BALL FIRESIDE CASINO OR SWEETS BILLIARDS LASER TAG $500 $250 Prominent Logo Placement on All Signs and Marketing at CCHS and After Prom X Prominent Logo/Link Placement on CCHS PTCO After Prom Website According to Sponsorship Level X X Giveaway Item Inclusion X X X Prominent Signage in Room According to Sponsorship Level X X X Mention in Cherry Creek High School Newsletter 3x 12,000+ Impressions X X X Logo/Link Included in Event E-blasts 3x 12,000+ X X X CCHS Facebook & Twitter Thank You Post 1,000+ Likes X X X X Logo on Thank You Sign at After Prom X X X X Impressions $150 X Cherry Creek High School After Prom is FREE for all Juniors and Seniors at Cherry Creek and their dates, whether or not they attend Prom, and is planned and chaperoned by CCHS parents. This event is intended to be a safe environment for students to celebrate the end of the year. It is a casual event with food, games and entertainment for all students. 9300 E. Union Avenue, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 | Contact: Karen Petroff | Phone: 720-939-5195 | Email: || FEIN 84-1246409 COUNSELING CONNECTION We are featuring this article, which originally appeared in last year’s Home Herald, because it is still a very important and pertinent topic. Suicide: Risk Factor and Implications The Cherry Creek School District has not been immune to the rise in suicidal behaviors seen across the country. We wanted to take this time to help you understand the risks and what we all can do to help Creek students stay safe. The Centers for Disease Control report the following statistics: For youth between the ages of 10 and 24, suicide is the third leading cause of death. Approximately 4600 lives are lost each year. The top three methods used in suicides of young people include firearm (45%), suffocation (40%), and poisoning (8%). More young people survive suicide attempts than actually die. Each year, approximately 157,000 youth between the ages of 10 and 24 receive medical care for self-inflicted injuries at Emergency Departments across the U.S. Boys are more likely than girls to die from suicide. Of the reported suicides in the 10 to 24 age group, 81% of the deaths were males and 19% were females. Girls, however, are more likely to report attempting suicide than boys. Some of the risk factors for exhibiting suicide behavior: * Loss of a significant other * Depression and other mental health issues * Problems at school * Family and personal stress * Substance abuse * Questions regarding sexual orientation * Previous suicide of a peer or family member * Access to weapons or other means of harming self Students who are having suicidal thoughts may exhibit a variety of symptoms including, but not limited to: * Significant changes in behavior such as a change in appearance, changes in grades, withdrawing from friends, changes in sleeping/eating habits. * Appears sad or hopeless * Reckless behavior * Self-inflicted injuries * Giving away prized possessions * Saying good bye to friends and family * Making out a will * Making suicidal threats- either direct, “I want to die” or indirect, “Things would be better if I wasn’t here.” It is important to remember the signs and risk factors listed are generalities. Not all students who contemplate or die by suicide will exhibit these kinds of symptoms AND not all students who exhibit these behaviors are suicidal. COUNSELING CONNECTION WHAT CAN I DO TO KEEP MY CHILD SAFE? ASK. Talking about suicide does not make a student suicidal. Asking if someone is having suicidal thoughts gives him/her permission to talk about it. Asking sends the message that you are concerned and want to help. TAKE SIGNS SERIOUSLY. Studies have found that more than 75% of people who die by suicide showed some of the warning signs in the weeks or months prior to their death. GET HELP. If you have concerns that your child is suicidal, seek immediate help from a mental health practitioner. Suicidal students need to be evaluated by an expert in assessing risk and developing treatment plans. Parents can contact school psychologists, social workers, or counselors for a listing of resources. Parents may also want to consult with their insurance company to obtain a list of mental health providers covered by their policy. When you call to make an appointment, tell the person on the phone that your child is suicidal and needs to be seen as soon as possible. You can also access emergency services at your nearest hospital. LIMIT ACCESS TO WEAPONS, PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS, MEDICATIONS AND OTHER MEANS. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHILD ALONE. It is important that parents surround themselves with a team of supportive friends or family members who can step in and help as needed. REASSURE YOUR CHILD THAT LIFE CAN GET BETTER. Many suicidal people have lost all hope that life can improve. They may have difficulty problem solving even simple issues. Remind your child that no matter how bad things are, the problem can be worked out. Offer your help. LISTEN. Avoid making statements such as “I know what it’s like” or “I understand.” Instead, make statements such as “Help me understand what life is like for you right now.” REPORT. If bullying or cyberbullying is playing a role in your student’s feelings of hopelessness, reports need to be made to your student’s Dean so the school can intervene. Facebook recently rolled out a hub dedicated to helping adolescents and families address cyberbullying issues. The Deans can also help you determine if law enforcement should be involved. KNOW AND BE READY TO USE EMERGENCY RESOURCES: Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) Yellow Ribbon Hopeline Network 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) Local Police 911 For more information about depression and suicide: American Foundation of Suicide Prevention American Association of Suicidology National Mental Health Association COUNSELING CONNECTION At CCHS we have a number of interventions and efforts aimed at helping our students feel safe and cared for. The district CARE LINE at 720-554-CARE (2373) is available 24/7 for making anonymous reports regarding students of concern. The SPOT club was formed a few years ago and holds activities through the year to raise awareness and offer ideas to help students feel better. The mental health team visits with all of the Creek 101 classes and uses the SOS video provided by the district as a discussion point to help our freshmen understand warning signs and what to do when they are worried about a friend. The Health classes reinforce this message in their curriculum on depression as well as bullying. Red Ribbon week, held in November, focuses on personal choices and wellness. If you have any questions or concerns that we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s counselor at (720) 554-2250 or 2260. Susan Swisher Counseling Department Coordinator References CCSD/ October, 2007 BEAR NECESSITIES CCHS School Store We’re located at IC 713 Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Phone: 720.554.2029 SCHOOL IDs REQUIRED for admission! Middle School Students WITH id are welcome if accompanied by a parent/guardian Ethnic Fest 2015 Join us in the IC Building on Thursday, March 5! 5:00 – 8:00 Cherry Creek A Night of Food, Friends, and Fun! PERFORMERS Rocky Mountain Highland Dancers Bennett Irish Dancers Skean Dubh - Celtic Guitar Mudra Dance Studio Halle Hula Dance Team School Of Break Laya Dance Academy Diego Solis – Mariachi Guitar … And More!!! Student Bands Include: Rough Riders, FDA, Apple Cider Incident, Doniger & Company Plus…an open mic featuring individual music, spoken word performances, and professional Slam Poet, Jovan Mays March 2015 Craig Wittgrove, Post Grad Coordinator SENIORS Spring is approaching and it will be an exciting time in your life! Most of you have completed your applica- tions, some of you may have already received your admission decisions, others may be waiting to hear back from colleges on April 1st, and others may be starting to contemplate where you want to be next year! Wherever you are in the process, remember that the Post Graduate Center and your counselor are great resources as you embark on a thrilling decision in your life! Seniors, if you need some help finishing your college applications or finding scholarships, come see us! If you are applying for financial aid, we recommend that families have filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by now, or that they do as soon as possible. FAFSA forms are available online at Remember to apply for a PIN number before filing your FAFSA, which you can do online at Also check with your colleges to see if they requires the CSS Profile as an additional financial form. The Profile can be found online at If you are applying for scholarships, deadlines are quickly approaching. Remember to access our scholarship listing on Naviance. In order to participate and march in the May CCHS graduation ceremony, you must have completed all 22 of your required graduation credits. Seniors who have not completed all requirements will not be allowed to participate in the May ceremony. Remember that the college you will attend requires your final transcript after graduation—so do not slack off! Your colleges admitted you based on your academic performance through 6 th or 7th semester, but they expect you to continue that performance until the end of your senior year. Colleges have been known to rescind admission to students based on final grades. Do not put yourself in this stressful position! Spring Break is an excellent time to visit your college choices one last time before you make a final decision. Senior Day 2 0 1 5 Post Grad Seniors - On Thursday, April 23rd, the Post Graduate Center is hosting “Senior Day in Post Grad”! Join us during your off period just to check in, let us know what you are thinking in terms of life after Cherry Creek, munch on ice cream, and utilize the following services: Begin Senior Checkout by completing the Graduation Survey on Naviance, which will make your final check-out go much faster! Report admission and scholarship decisions. Place your pin on our college map to indicate where you will be attending, and sign the Post Grad windows with your name and college choice. See the Senior Slide Show. Complete our CCHS Scholarship Form, which helps us report how much scholarship monies have been offered to your senior class. Stop by and say hello and fill us in on your final college choice, we are here to help and would love to see you! Evening with the College Deans Fine Arts Theater Wednesday April 22 6:30 pm Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior Students and Parents! Don’t miss this great opportunity to get the inside scoop on the college admission process from Deans of Admissions from the University of Chicago, Case Western Reserve University, and the University of Maryland, College Park. Receive tips from the admissions side of the desk in this panel discussion from some of the top minds in college admissions! Juniors We kicked off the college search process at the beginning of December with the Junior Post Grad/Pre-Reg Assembly, junior conferences, Junior Parent Night, our annual “Creek to College” Program and nationally renowned speaker Peter VanBusKirk! We hope that you were able to attend many of these great events and you are excited about moving towards the next stage of your life. If you have not yet done so, please schedule your Junior Conference with your counselor. This meeting is invaluable for ensuring that you meet all graduation requirements, register for the correct courses, and are off to a good start in your post-graduation planning. Parents are highly encouraged to attend if possible! Teacher Recommendation Letters: If you plan to apply to colleges that require recommendation letters, we highly encourage you to approach one teacher who you feel could write a strong letter on your behalf. Some teachers receive requests for letters from over 50 students, and often spend an average of 45 to 60 minutes on each letter. Do them a favor and ask them well in advance! And be sure to say “Thank you!” Teacher Recommendation Forms are available on your Naviance homepage. Complete the form, print it out, and hand it to your recommender AFTER they have agreed to write your letter ACT and SAT Testing Dates As you prepare to take these tests this spring, we encourage you to think carefully about the best time for you to take them, as they may coincide with AP exams, DECA Nationals, or final exams. Colorado ACT - Tuesday, April 28, 2015 All colleges, including the NCAA Eligibility Center and the military academies, accept your score on this test. The State ACT does not include the optional writing test. If your colleges of interest require the optional writing section, you will need to take the ACT on a national test date and request that optional writing test. Talk with your counselor if you have questions. . Juniors, remember to take advantage of the four free score reports you can send to colleges when you complete your registration for the ACT and/or SAT! Mark your calendars for the Annual Denver College Fair on Sunday, March 15, 2015! This fair will be held at DU in the Ritchie Center from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Over 250 colleges will be present. This is a great opportunity for juniors, as well as freshmen and sophomores, to begin talking with admission representatives from colleges of interest. It is free, but you must sign up online @ Creek 201 kicks off in April and students will attend two mandatory lunchtime small group sessions with their counselor with a focus on interest and career exploration. They will complete a career interest inventory on Naviance and save careers to a list that could lead to possible majors and colleges in the future. Thank you for your attention in completing your Creek 201 tasks. FRESHMEN Freshmen should focus on a strong finish to their 2 nd semester. Grades in rigorous classes are the most important thing at this point. Students should take self-scheduling seriously as they consider their schedule for sophomore year. Students who have questions about self-scheduling should see one of our On-Call Counselors during 4th, 5th, or 6th period in the counseling office. Have a wonderful and refreshing Spring Break! Craig Wittgrove, Counselor/Post Grad Coordinator CCHS SCHOLARSHIP REPORTING FORM STUDENT’S NAME: Last First MI Seniors: We would like to congratulate you on any scholarships you have received. Please report your scholarship information to Post Grad by Friday, May 8th. Student names and the scholarships received will be published in the Senior edition of the Union Street Journal. Please make copies of this form as you need. (Please do not include financial aid grants.) Individual award amounts will not be published. However, a total scholarship amount for all scholarships awarded to the Class of 2015 will be announced at Graduation. NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP: WHO GAVE THE SCHOLARSHIP: (Name of college/university, agency, or organization) *TOTAL ONE TIME AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________ OR *TOTAL FOUR YEAR AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________ NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP: WHO GAVE THE SCHOLARSHIP: (Name of college/university, agency, or organization) *TOTAL ONE TIME AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________ OR *TOTAL FOUR YEAR AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________ NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP: WHO GAVE THE SCHOLARSHIP: (Name of college/university, agency, or organization) *TOTAL ONE TIME AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________ OR *TOTAL FOUR YEAR AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________ NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP: WHO GAVE THE SCHOLARSHIP: (Name of college/university, agency, or organization) *TOTAL ONE TIME AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________ OR *TOTAL FOUR YEAR AWARD AMOUNT: $ _______________ 2014-2015 AP EXAM INFORMATION & ONLINE REGISTRATION Cherry Creek High School students can register online for AP exams beginning December 1, 2014. To avoid late fees, students must register and pay for exams before February 13, 2015, 3:00 p.m. Each exam costs $95. Exams will not be ordered until full payment has been received. To register for AP exams: Go to the CCHS website and select the AP Exam link located in the Student quick link on the left side of the page. Complete the online registration form. Pay for exam one of two ways: Pay in person: Bring copy of the registration form and payment (check or cash) to Mr. McDavid’s office (West 425). Please make checks payable to Cherry Creek High School. Pay online: Go to the CCHS website and select the AP Payment link located in the Student quick link on the left side of the page. Submit your registration forms and payment by February 13, 2015, 3:00 p.m. Any registration forms and payments received after February 13th , 3 p.m., will be assessed a late fee as outlined below. After February 13, 2015 (3:01 p.m.) $20 per exam After February 27, 2015 (3:01 p.m.) $30 per exam After March 6, 2015 (3:01 p.m.) $40 per exam After March 13, 2015 (3:01 p.m.) $60 per exam Registrations not paid for by 3:00 p.m. on March 23, 2015 will be cancelled and exams will not be ordered. Refunds will be issued until March 27, 2015 for the cost of the exam(s) minus $15/ exam to cover administrative costs. When applicable, alternate exams cost $140. (Permission required from CCHS and College Board before alternate exams are ordered) Financial Aid Financial aid is granted for students academically qualified to take one or more AP examinations and who have clear financial need. The criterion for financial aid is students’ qualification for free and reduced lunch. While taking multiple exams does not qualify a student for financial aid, parents, Mr. McDavid, and the Bookkeeping Office may work together to create a payment plan. All payments associated with a payment plan must be submitted by March 27, 2015. 2015 Exam Dates and Schedule AP testing takes place between Monday, May 4 and Friday, May 15, 2015. Alternate (makeup) testing will occur between Wednesday, May 20 and Friday, May 22, 2015. Please refer to the schedule on the backside. 2014-2015 AP EXAM INFORMATION & ONLINE REGISTRATION 2015 AP Exam Calendar Morning exams require that the students arrive no later than 7:00 a.m. Afternoon exams require that the students arrive no later than 11:30 a.m. Mid-Afternoon exams require that students arrive no later than 2:00 p.m. Week 1 Morning 8:00 a.m. Afternoon 12:00 p.m. Monday, May 4 Chemistry Environmental Science Psychology Tuesday, May 5 Calculus AB Calculus BC AP Chinese Language and Culture Wednesday, May 6 English Literature and Composition Thursday, May 7 Computer Science A Spanish Language and Culture Art History Friday, May 8 German Language and Culture United States History European History Studio Art — last day for CCHS to submit digital portfolios and to gather 2-D Design and Drawing students for physical portfolio assembly. Students should have forwarded their completed digital portfolios to their teachers well before this date. Week 2 Morning Afternoon Mid-Afternoon Monday, May 11 Biology Music Theory Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Tuesday, May 12 United States Government and Politics French Language and Culture Spanish Literature and Culture Wednesday, May 13 English Language and Composition Statistics Thursday, May 14 Comparative Government and Macroeconomics Politics World History Friday, May 15 Microeconomics Human Geography Latin Please contact our office if you have any questions or need further information. Call 720-554-2255 or stop by West 425 CCHS Spring 2015 Testing Schedule CMAS: Performance Based Assessment - 9th, 10th and 11th graders Monday, March 9 - 9th & 10th grade only—7:10 am to 1:10 pm Tuesday, March 10 - 11th grade only—7:10 am to 1:10 pm Monday, March 16th - 9th & 10th grade only—7:10 am to 11:45 am Tuesday, March 17th - 11th grade only—7:10 to 11:45 am Students dismissed after testing—12:40 March 9 & 10; 11:10 March 16 & 17 Normal bus pick-up times in the morning; buses depart from CCHS immediately after testing. CMAS: End of Year Assessment - 9th, 10th and 11th graders Wed, April 29; 9th & 10th graders test —7:10 am to 10:25 am All students: Periods 5 - 8, 11:20 am - 2:51 pm Thurs., April 30; 10th and 11th graders test — 7:10 am to 10:50 am All students: Periods 1 - 4, 11:20 am - 2:51 pm Friday, May 1st; 9th & 11th graders test at 7:10 am to 10:55 am All students: Periods 5 - 8, 11:20 am - 2:51 pm Buses run at the normal pick-up time in the morning and again four hours later. Lunch available (approx. 10:30-11:15 daily); School dismissal at 2:51 pm. Contact: Doug Aglietti, Assistant Principal, 720-554-2308 Accommodations for students with IEP’s or 504’s will be applied to all CMAS exams State ACT - Juniors only Tuesday, April 28, 7:10 - 10:55 am Lunch: 10:55 - 11:20 am Buses run at the normal pick-up time in the morningand again four hours later. All students: Periods 1 - 4, 11:20 am - 2:51 pm Contact: Marcus McDavid, Assistant Principal, 720-554-2255 Advanced Placement Exams - Register on CCHS website by 3/20/15 May 4 through 15 All students attend regular classes unless taking an exam Contact: Marcus McDavid, Assistant Principal, 720-554-2255 March 2015 S M T W T F May 2015 April 2015 S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CMAS:PBA State ACT CMAS: EOY AP Exams Make-Up Days: CMAS:PBA makeup: 3/18/15 , 3/19/15 ACT make-up: 5/12/15 CMAS:EOY make-up: 5/4/15, 5/5/15 CHERRY CREEK COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE NETWORK DAY AT THE CAPITOL FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015 Members of the Cherry Creek Community Legislative Network Invite parents, teachers, administrators, and community members to participate in our annual Day At The Capitol. 8:30 a.m. Bus leaves ESC parking lot (SE corner of Yosemite St. & Union Ave.) for the capitol building. Riding the bus is optional, but strongly encouraged as parking is limited. 9:00 a.m. Meet in old Supreme Court Chamber, 2nd floor of the Capitol, for a guest speaker. 11:30a.m. Legislators will join us for lunch to answer questions. Lunch will be served at the First Baptist Church of Denver, 1373 Grant Street (across the street from Capitol). 1:00 p.m. Bus departs First Baptist Chapel for the return trip to ESC parking lot. DAY AT THE CAPITOL RSVP FORM PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND MAIL IT WITH YOUR $12 PAYMENT BY MARCH 13 CCSD/CHERRY CREEK LEGISLATIVE NETWORK ATTN: SUSAN MARKER 4700 S. YOSEMITE STREET GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 TH NAME_________________________________________ PHONE________________________EMAIL___________________________ NO. OF REGISTRATIONS__________AMOUNT ENCLOSED @ $12/PERSON__________ PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CCCLN (CHERRY CREEK COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE NETWORK) FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Jo Metoyer Moore ( Need Fundraising Ideas? Join Us for Cherry Creek Schools Parents’ Council Vendors Expo Learn first-hand about fun, innovative and proven activities and fundraising projects. Dozens of vendors will be on hand to explain how they can help your organization meet its fundraising goals. No admission fee. Open to the public. Mark your calendar! Wednesday, March 4, 2015 – 9 am to 1 pm Cherry Creek Schools Instructional Support Facility 5416 South Riviera Way, Centennial, CO 80015 (next to Thunder Ridge Middle School) Sponsored by For more information visit or email Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Why Do Kids Act That Way? Parent Coaching to Replace Strife with Peace in Your Home Being a parent is a wonderful, yet sometimes daunting task. Join PIN to hear developmental psychologist Nancy Buck tackle the challenges facing families today using the science of choice theory psychology. Buck will explain the factors that motivate all behavior (including yours!) and will explain new, highly-effective strategies to make family life more peaceful. Parents of kids of all ages will learn about: The “instruction manual” all children are born with The inherent conflict between parent and child, and how to cope A new model of ages and stages and how to parent effectively through it all Strategies to make parenting more joyful Nancy Buck, Ph.D., is a parenting coach and expert in children’s motivation and behavior. She is also a registered nurse, author and national key-note speaker. Buck founded Peaceful Parenting Inc® to teach parents the skills necessary to navigate the push-pull relationship between themselves and their children. Parents, school administrators and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend PIN’s free presentations. No need to RSVP—just come! Presentations are FREE and are held the first Tuesday of each month at: Student Achievement Resource Center (SARC) 14188 E. Briarwood Avenue, Centennial (South of Arapahoe Rd., between Potomac and Jordan Roads) Visit for Podcasts and Meeting Highlights MARK YOUR CALENDARS April. 7th Deal with it! Coping and caring for your child with mental health issues May 5th Annual Brunch (held offsite): Kids are Worth It! with Barbara Coloroso • STRESS IN KIDS: HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH? Anxiety looks different in children than in adults. While it’s easy for parents to get frustrated when children ignore them or refuse to do what they ask, what they may not realize is that these behaviors can be the result of underlying anxiety. Parents can help their kids manage stress by opening the lines of communication and trying different strategies that build on their child’s strengths. At PIN’s February presentation, parents turned out in record numbers to hear author Lauren Kerstein talk about anxiety in children. “The stress that comes with being a kid is not going to change,” said Kerstein. “We need to give our children strategies to deal with it.” Lauren Kerstein, LCSW, P.C., at PIN When Stress Crosses the Line “Anxiety is a powerful emotion that happens when the demands made on us seem greater than our ability to accomplish them,” explained Kerstein. “It involves the perception of a threat that’s linked to a past trauma,” she said. Stress has a range of triggers, including academic and social pressures, expectations, movies and media, and change of almost any kind. School Resource Officers answer questions Out-of-proportion distress Quick temper Repeated “what if” concerns High motor activity While anxiety is a normal part of child development and serves an important purpose in life—by keeping us safe and helping us achieve goals, for example—there are signs that your child may need extra support. These include: Sleep disruption Perfectionist tendencies Unnecessary apologizing Negative thought patterns Overly responsible behavior Headaches, stomachaches Avoidance/refusal Learning challenges Make a Game Plan Kerstein explained that to help a child with anxiety, parents need to recognize the fear, identify the trigger, and choose a strategy to deal with it. “In a calm moment, talk with your child about the symptoms of stress and try to identify the specific threat behind the fear,” she advised. “Teach your child how to advocate for themselves.” Parents can model these concepts by talking with their kids about their own stressors and how they’re handling them. Other strategies Kerstein recommends involve eating healthy, finding ways to help your child relax, starting a gratitude journal at night, and using creative ways to draw your kids out about what they’re thinking. “Anxiety robs us of our strength, but parents can help kids get that strength back,” said Kerstein. “The key is to find strategies that work for your child,” she said. “That means trial and error, which may not be easy, but will be well worth the effort in the end.” Find out more at child anxiety at or Join PIN on Tuesday 3/3 to learn key strategies for creating a peace in your home life. PIN needs volunteers! Email to find out how you can get involved. Listen to the presentation by podcast: By Bobbie Turner, PIN Publicity ACADEMIC SUPPORT CENTER Need a place to study & get help with Homework? That’s why we’re here! Come to IC 715 during your Lunch Hour!!! PERIOD Period 4 IC 715 Mr. Weisberg Period 5 IC 715 Mr. Weisberg MONDAY TUESDAY Susan Russell (English) Sue Shaw (Business/Math) Kim Kort (English) Carl Bailey (Science) Gina Guy (Spanish) Mark Goldsberry (Health) WEDNESDAY Gussie Wyndham (Social Studies) Stephany Shadwell (English) THURSDAY FRIDAY Jim Padavik (Math) Holly Lane (P.E.) Mike Barrett (Science) Vicki Temple (SAS) Rae Lyn Platt (Science) Kristy Forsythe (SAS) Stefan Kern (Math/Science) Ted Jones (Spanish) Kelly Lownsberry (Science) Debbie Hughes (English) Jason Foster (English) David Rowe (English) Susan Mosby (Spanish) Brian Daly (Science) Nancy Patrick (SAS) Nancy Eads (SAS) Dave Valdez (Soc.Studies) Heather Creech (SAS) Period 6 Nancy Stout (SAS) Beth Adolphi (Business/Math) Sarah Ramsey (English) Krista Keogh (Science) IC 715 Rene Dupont (English) Dave Benson (Soc. Studies) Kathy McInerney (English) Tom Doherty (Dean/Soc. Studies) Mr. Betti Tim Swanson (English) DeeDee Hicks (Science) Brian Casey (Spanish) Mike Goodman (Business) Annemarie Dempsey (SAS) Lisa Geissler (SAS) Susan Swisher (Counseling) Shelly Johnson (Counseling) Cherry Creek Schools Special Education Advisory Committee 2014-2015 Golden Hear t Awards Each year the Cherry Creek Special Education Advisory Committee sponsors the Golden Heart Awards. This prestigious award is given to 15 people who have "opened their hearts" to touch the life of a Cherry Creek School District student with special needs. This includes, but is not limited to bus drivers, teachers, cafeteria workers, paraprofessionals, specials teachers (media, art, P.E., music), those in support positions, students, and community employers. Each person who receives this award has gone "above and beyond" to support Cherry Creek Special Education students. Golden Heart recipients will be honored at a dinner in May. Please consider nominating a special person for his or her work with our students with special needs. Nominations may be made through the following website and must be received no later than 10:00 pm on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Debbie Van Scoyk at ACTIVITIES Hello Parents! Cherry Creek High School had yet another very successful Wish Week this year, with our students raising $17,000 with several events throughout the week of February 2-6. One of our most successful events was the Mr. Creek Pageant, which was held in conjunction with DECA, to raise funds for Make-A-Wish and the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Our winner, Mr. Jack Muntean, won over the crowd with his amazing rendition of “Green Eggs and Ham.” We also tried a couple of community events this year with the showing of Warren Miller’s latest film, No Turning Back, and a Frozen sing along featuring a visit by Princess Elsa herself! On Friday, the week wrapped up with a visit from our Wish Kid Adam, and his family, at the pep assembly. With the community’s help, we were able to grant Adam’s wish of seeing a Manchester United game, as well as two other wishes. Thank you again for your support. We also have several great events coming up, including our annual Ethnic Fest on March 5th and our Musical Cinderella March 11-14. Tickets go on sale for the musical on March 2nd, so be sure to stop by our box office to purchase tickets. It is a kid friendly event, so bring the entire family! This time of year is also busy with graduation planning. Parents of Seniors, be on the lookout for an email with all of the senior information included. This should be out by the second week of March. If you do not see it in your inbox, hard copies will be available at the school. The most important dates for you to be aware of are: Prom- Saturday May 16th at Infinity Park Senior Celebration and Graduation Rehearsal- Tuesday May 19th Graduation- Wednesday May 20th at 8:00 a.m. I look forward to seeing you and your students at our exciting Spring events! As always, please call my office if you have any questions about activities at Creek! Krista Keogh Activities Director ATHLETICS The ground is covered in snow. This must mean it is time for spring sports to start. As the teams of spring are practicing in the gyms and other rental spaces, the teams of winter are wrapping up or entering the playoffs. The women’s swim and dive team closed their season out on a high note. The team won the league title again this year and then placed fourth at the state tournament. Winning the league championship is a great way to christen our new pool. Wrestling just finished up a great year finishing 7th at state and qualifying four individuals for state competition. Matt Finesilver led the way as he won the state championship as a junior. Josh Finesilver finished third in the state, AJ Curtis finished fifth and Terrell Wooley also competed at the state tournament. What a great job by these four individuals as well as the entire team and coaching staff. The poms team competed in Florida at the National Championships and were the only team in Colorado to qualify for the finals in two categories: poms and jazz. They placed 16th in poms and 17th in jazz. Great job by the team and interim coaches Sarah LaGrange and Meghan Babcock.! Not to be outdone , the cheers team who also had a great showing at nationals as they made the semi-finals and just missed making the finals. The team received no deductions for their routine which was just fantastic. The Lady Bruins’ basketball team has earned a number two seed in the state tournament and a first round bye. The team has had arguably the most successful winter season of any team at Creek. They won the Centennial League with a record of 13-1 and are looking to make some noise in the state playoffs. They will host Chaparral in the second round. Great job ladies! The men’s basketball team also qualified for the state playoffs with a 16-7 overall record and a 4th place finish in the Centennial League. The men have played a strong schedule throughout the season and hope that will pay off in the playoffs. Finally ice hockey has had some great wins this season as they embark on the playoffs. The team received a five seed after losing the three way tiebreaker and enters the playoffs at 15-4 with wins over the number two seed in the other division. The athletic department will also be unveiling a new website in the next few weeks. The new site will be user friendly and full of information and capabilities. Men’s lacrosse and women’s soccer will be using these sites this spring. As always we also wish to thank our sponsors for supporting Cherry Creek athletics. They include Platinum member 5280 Oral Surgery and Dental Implants and Silver members Best Western Plus DTC, Jackson’s Hole, Which Wich Sandwiches, Eastbay, and Blue Sky Promotions. Jason Wilkins Athletics Director Creek Choir Cinderella the musical is almost here! March 11-14th, at 7:00 pm. in the Fine Arts Theater; Matinee on the 14th at 2:00 pm. Choirs on Tour! It’s great to see our choirs go out and represent Creek in far-away places. Bon Voyage Choirs, and safe travels! Troubadours went to California back in January. The Meistersingers are heading to Chicago March 18-22 and Girls’ 21 are going to Budapest, Hungary and Salzburg, Austria from March 25-April 1. We wish all of these groups safe travels. Upcoming Creek Choir performances: Tuesday, March 24 Mid-Winter Choir Concert – 6:30 pm: Union Street Jazz Choir, Choralaires, Girls’ 21 8:00 pm: Statesmen, A Cappella, Troubadours, Meistersingers Spring Choir Concert – Tuesday, May 5, 7:00 pm: Statesmen, Choralaires, A Cappella Wednesday, May 6, 7:00 pm: Union Street Jazz Choir, Troubadours, Girls’ 21, Meistersingers Cinderella tickets go on sale March 2nd on the CCHS web site and at the box office in Fine Arts from 10 am-1 pm with the exception of March 9 and 10. On those days the box office will be open from 12:30 pm- 2 pm. On The Band Beat The award-winning Cherry Creek High School Marching Band will hold an information meeting for current and prospective members and their parents at 7 pm on Wednesday, April 29 in the Fine Arts Theater. Join us (and invite incoming eighth-graders and their families) to find out about the exciting things in store for the 2015 season, including CCHS football games, the Littleton Western Welcome Week Parade and competitions, including the Colorado Marching Band State Championships! "Being in marching band gives students the opportunity to improve their musicianship, develop their leadership skills, help generate school spirit, and simply have fun with their friends," said Band Director Tim Libby. "It's also an extracurricular activity that is a plus on student resumes and college applications because it demonstrates that students are wellrounded and have the skills to successfully handle multiple activities." Do you know a veteran’s family in need of educational assistance? The Folds of Honor charity helps raise educational scholarships for spouses and children of military veterans. Join the Folds of Honor Parker Patriots on July 19th-20th, 2015 in Parker, Colorado for a charity event to benefit such families with tuition assistance. Silent auction dinner held at Tailgate Tavern and golf event at The Club at Pradera in Parker, Colorado. All proceeds benefit veteran families and assists furthering their education. Opportunities are still available for sponsorship. We’re always looking for golfers, but hurry as spots are filling fast in our 144 person field. For more info visit Contact Tim Swanson if you have questions. Ph: 720.227.5806 or Email: National History Day Competition The following students were the strong writers for this year’s competition. The theme for 2015 was Leadership and Legacy in History. These seven students wrote strong research papers on their chosen topics . The students have an opportunity to compete at the Regional History Day competition later this month with High Schools in the Metro Denver region. Tate Eppard Mclaine Graham Eliza Radochonski Devon Shomo Andy Beyene Danielle Yedidya Lauren Baukus The Road to Terror Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela: A Leader to Remember Mahatma Gandhi W.E.B. Du Bois Queen Elizabeth Confucius Creek Adventure Climbing Team has completed their regular season and competed in the regional finals for the league. Rachel Cohen placed third for the girls division, while Connor Jodszuweit and Trent Martin placed 3rd and 4th respectively in the region for the boys division. With a few of their top climbers out due to injuries, they have a challenging road ahead, but are working hard to prepare for the state finals! State finals will be held at City Rock in Colorado Springs on February 21st and 22nd. For more information, see the Adventure website at The first ice trip of the season was definitely an adventure! With the weather being so warm, the ice conditions were less than ideal, which led to a great surprise at the flow when there were two other groups climbing upon arrival.So participants ended up doing their first ever ice climb on a short multi-pitch climb up to a second flow, where we had the ice all to ourselves! Students were able to really practice their crampon skills with the nice long hike that the second ice flow allowed us to have. It ended up being a beautiful sunny day toward the afternoon with everyone excited to be outside, meeting new friends, and climbing some very wet ice! Students and staff headed to Ouray Colorado the week end of February 6 to experience all that the world class ice climbing location has to offer. Keep an eye out for pictures from that adventure! For upcoming events, please see the Creek Adventure website at and enjoy the adventure! Creek Adventure We want to invite the entire Creek Community to help support Cherry Creek Girls Lacrosse by treating their families to lunch, and/or dinner at the following establishments (dates and times listed below). Each one of these restaurants has dedicated an entire day and night, over the next four months to help benefit the Cherry Creek Girls Lacrosse Program. The following is the schedule and percentage of donations for the fundraisers. All you have to do is to MAKE SURE YOU TELL THEM THAT YOU ARE THERE TO SUPPORT CHERRY CREEK GIRLS’ LACROSSE!! It’s a great opportunity to enjoy a meal out, and contribute to the success of Cherry Creek Girls Lacrosse. Thank you for supporting our program! Friday, March 6th --El Senor Sol-- ALL DAY- 11AM - 9PM --- 25% donation 5117 S Yosemite St, Greenwood Vlg, CO 80111 Thursday, March 19th -- L’il Riccis New York Pizza-- ALL DAY- 11AM - 9PM - 20% donation 5322 DTC Blvd, Greenwood Vlg, CO 80111 Tuesday, April 7th-- Qdoba Mexican Grill - ALL DAY - 10:30AM - 10PM 4955 S. Ulster Street, Denver, CO 80237 Thursday, April 23 -- Larkburger --ALL DAY - 10:45AM - 9PM -15% donation 8000 E Belleview Ave, Denver, CO 80111 (make additional copies as needed) _________________________________________________ _____________________________ ________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ (IF ONY 1, LEAVE BLANK) __________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________________ ________ _________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________________ _________________ Make checks payable to ‘CHERRY CREEK SCHOOLS.’ _____________ ** You may choose more than one session for those camps which have more than one advertised if you think your first choice may become full (i.e. under ‘SESSION’, put ‘1st choice, 2nd choice,’ BUT IF YOU DO THIS, YOU MUST ENCLOSED A SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE so you know which session student is assigned. NO Summer Sports Camp office (VISA, MASTERCARD OR DISCOVER ONLY) Please enclose selfaddressed stamped envelope. 42% of adults (age 18+) in 2012 gave themselves a grade of C, D, or F on their knowledge of personal finance. ** Top 3 Majors at Colorado Universities * University of Colorado 1. Business/Marketing: 15% 2. Social Sciences: 15% 3. Biology: 11% Colorado State University 1. Business/Marketing: 14% 2. Family and Consumer Sciences: 9% 3. Biology: 8% Metropolitan State College 1. Business/Marketing: 21% 2. Interdisciplinary Studies: 10% 3. English: 8% Business Department Classes Offered at CCHS: Accounting 1 & 2 Advanced Business Technology Business Law 1 & 2 Personal Finance Child Development Computer Applications Contemporary Relationships Fashion/Interiors/Culinary Design Foods & Nutrition Interior Design 1: Residential Interior Design 2: Commercial Introduction to Business Marketing 1 & 2 Yearbook Along with these classes, the CCHS Business Department offers the following co-curricular clubs: An Association of Marketing Students Largest club at CCHS (240 members with 30 elected leadership positions) One of the most highly-recognized programs in the US Community service and social event emphasis (over 25 events last year) Competitions involving areas such as management, entrepreneurship, and promotion in Beaver Creek, Colorado Springs, Glenwood Springs, and at Nationals each year Thousands of students across the nation are joining Future Business Leaders of America! FBLA is the premier organization for students preparing for careers in business and the largest student business organization in the world with a quarter of a million members. FBLA prepares students for "real-world" professional experiences. Members gain the competitive edge for college and career success. FCCLA is the ultimate leadership experience, focusing on aspects such as character development and career preparation. FCCLA has a national membership of nearly 220,000 young men and women. FCCLA has nine national programs which focus on current issues such as the recent financial downturn, school violence, childhood obesity, and the shortage of skilled workers. In their competitions, students learn cooperative action and leadership skills through projects they present at the district, state, and national levels. For more information please call/email: Mike Goodman 720-554-2448 * From: ** 2012 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey - FLS2012FINALREPORT0402late.pdf ***Junior Achievement/Allstate Foundation, Percentage of Teens Who Think They Will Be Financially Dependent on Parents Until Age 25-27 More Than Doubles, New Survey Finds, March 27, 2013, The majority of teens (76%) still report the best time to learn about money management is in kindergarten through high school, but only 29% reported programs currently in place. *** CCHS Business Department CCHS Business Department College Credit Classes You can receive COLLEGE CREDIT that is transferable to Colorado Universities and other universities at no tuition cost to you! (Transferability of the credit is up to the accepting institution) For more info please contact Mike Goodman at 720-554-2448 or Take Marketing 1 then Marketing 2 and receive CCHS credits and receive 3 college credits at Arapahoe Community College* Take Business Law 1 and Business Law 2 and receive CCHS credits and receive 3 college credits from Arapahoe Community College.* Take Accounting 1 then Accounting 2 and receive CCHS credits and receive 4 college credits from Arapahoe Community College.* Take Computer Applications and receive CCHS credits and receive 3 college credits from Arapahoe Community College.* Take Personal Finance and receive CCHS credits and receive 3 college credits from Arapahoe Community College.* No tuition costs if you apply for College Opportunity Fund! *Must earn a C or better “Career Technical Education is the ‘gold standard’ for 21st Century Learning and Success. As we develop an economy increasingly rooted in ‘gold-collar’ careers, Career Technical Education engages students in the meaning of learning and starts them - very practically - on their individual pathways to success.” Gully Stanford - Director of Partnerships; College In Colorado The Business Department at Cherry Creek High School also offers three different college scholarships, including: Dave Kinsey Memorial Scholarship awarded to the Outstanding Senior Business Student Three DECA scholarships awarded to Top 3 outstanding DECA students Business Department scholarship awarded by Arapahoe Credit Union Must be enrolled in Business Department classes to apply for above scholarships NOTIFICATION OF NONDISCRIMINATION The Cherry Creek School District No. 5 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. The Cherry Creek School District No. 5 Career and Technical Education Department does not discriminate in enrollment or access to any of the programs available. The lack of English language skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the district’s activities and programs. The Cherry Creek School District also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices. This notice is provided as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator: Ms. Kathryn Vining, District Compliance Officer, Educational Services Center, 4700 S. Yosemite St. Greenwood Village, CO 80111, or directly to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, Federal Office Building, North 1244 Speer Blvd., Suite #310, Denver, CO 80204. SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS & DRIVERS EDUCATION Parent Resources There are two great resources for parents and you are welcome to attend their monthly meetings. PARENTS’ COUNCIL: Generally meets on the 2nd Monday of the month, 9-11 am at the Student Achievement Resource Center (SARC). These meetings bring together parents, teachers, administrators and School Board members in an effort to increase knowledge of the CCSD and exchange ideas that affect our schools. CCSD offers several sports camps in the summer. The schedule of camps and registration information is available at: In addition, Drivers’ Education classes are offered throughout the year. Information is available at: PARENT INFORMATION NETWORK (PIN): Meetings are generally held the 1st Tuesday of every month, 9:15-11:15 am, at the SARC building and serve to educate our community on current social and parenting issues. Calendar March 2 Academic Awards; 7-9 pm, FA Theatre 3 PIN mtg.; SARC, 9:15 am 5 Ethnic Fest, IC Bld, 5-8 pm 9-10 PARCC Testing (grades 9-11) 9 Parent Council mtg., SARC, 8:45 am Board of Ed mtg., 7 pm 11 CCSD Foundation Gala. 5:30 pm 12 PTCO mtg., 9:15 am, Library Community Room SEAC mtg., ESC, 9:30-11:30 am 11-14 Spring Musical, Cinderella, FA Theatre, 7 pm 14SAT 15 Denver College Fair, Univ. of Denver, 1-3:30 pm 16-17 PARCC Testing (grades 9-11) 17 Accountability mtg., West main conf. rm., 5-6:30 pm PASS mtg., Library Community Rm; 6:30-8 pm 18 Collaboration Day, School starts at 8:10 am Principal’s Brown Bag, West Conf. rm.,11:30-12:30 pm Teacher of the Year Tea, 4 pm College 201; Sophomore Parent Night, Shillinglaw, 6:30 pm 19 French Honor Society Induction, Library, 5:30 pm Jazz Band Concert, FA Theatre, 7 pm 20-21 Speech/Debate State Tournament 24 National DECA Parent Mtg., 6 pm, West Cafe’ Choir Concert, 6:30 pm (Union Street Jazz, Choralaires, and Girls’ 21) 8 pm (A Capella, Troubadours, Meistersingers) 25 Band Concert (Symphonic, Wind and Concert), 7 pm 26 District Accountability mtg., 7 pm Orchestra Concert, FA Theatre, 7 pm 28 First Robotics competition 30-April 3 SPRING BREAK April 1-3 7 8 9 Spring Break PIN mtg.; SARC, 9:15 am District Accountability Meeting, 7 pm PTCO mtg.; Community Rooms, 9:15 am SEAC mtg.; 9:30 am Senior Orchestra Recital, Fine Arts Theater, 7 pm April...continured 13 15 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29-30 Parents’ Council, SARC, 9:15 am Board of Education mtg.; 7 pm Collaboration day, classes start at 8:10 am Principals Brown Bag, 11:30-12:30 pm ACT Test Accountabillity mtg. 5 pm PASS mtg.; 6:30 pm Night with the Deans of College Admissions, 6:30 pm Senior Day West Area District Art Show, 5 pm Spring Plan, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, 7 pm National DECA Conference (thru 4/29) Spring Play, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, 7 pm Spring Play, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, 2 and 7 pm; Fine Arts Theater State ACT Test; All Juniors, 8 am PARCC Testing 2 4-8 5 6 7 11-15 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 SAT Test AP Exams PIN mtg.; 9:15 am Spring Choir Concert, 7 pm, Fine Arts Theater (Statesmen, choralaires, A Cappella) District Accountability mtg.; 7 pm Spring Choir Concert, 7 pm, Fine Arts Theater (Union St. Jazz, Troubadours, Girls’ 21, Meistersingers) Jazz Band Concert, 7 pm AP Tests Parents’ Council, 9:15 am, SARC Band Concert, 7 pm, Fine Arts Theater Board of Education mtg.; 7 pm Senior Art Show Principals Brown Bag, 11:30 am, West Conf. rm. Teacher of the year Banquet, 5 pm PTCO mtg., 9:15 am, Fine Arts Lobby Accountability mtg., West main conf. rm., 5-6:30 pm PASS mtg., Library Community Rm; 6:30-8 pm GRADUATION DAY! 8 am. No school. Choir Concert (A Cappellooza, A Cappella, Choralaires, Statesmen), 7 pm, Fine Arts Theater 1 Last Day of School May June
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